package GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'GLPI::Agent::HTTP::Client'; use XML::TreePP; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Headers; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Envelope; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Attribute; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Namespace; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Header; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Identify; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::ResourceURI; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::To; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::ReplyTo; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Action; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::MessageID; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::MaxEnvelopeSize; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Locale; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::DataLocale; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::SessionId; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::OperationID; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::SequenceId; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::OperationTimeout; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Enumerate; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Pull; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Option; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::OptionSet; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Shell; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Signal; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Receive; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Code; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Filter; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::OptimizeEnumeration; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::MaxElements; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::SelectorSet; use GLPI::Agent::SOAP::WsMan::Selector; my $tpp; my $wsman_debug = $ENV{WSMAN_DEBUG} ? 1 : 0; sub new { my ($class, %params) = @_; my $config = $params{config} // {}; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( ca_cert_dir => $config->{ca_cert_dir} || $ENV{'CA_CERT_PATH'}, ca_cert_file => $config->{ca_cert_file} || $ENV{'CA_CERT_FILE'}, ssl_cert_file => $config->{ssl_cert_file} || $ENV{'SSL_CERT_FILE'}, %params, ); $self->{_url} = $params{url}; $self->{_winrm} = $params{winrm} // 0; $self->{_noauth} = $params{user} && $params{password} ? 0 : 1; bless $self, $class; $tpp = XML::TreePP->new() unless $tpp; # Don't send XML declaration, everything is in the Content-Type header $tpp->set( xml_decl => '' ); $tpp->set( first_out => [ 's:Header' ] ); return $self; } sub abort { my ( $self, $message ) = @_; $self->lasterror($message); $self->{logger}->debug($message) if $self->{logger}; return; } sub debug { my ( $self, $message ) = @_; if ($self->{logger}) { return $self->{logger}->debug_level() unless defined($message); $self->{logger}->debug($message); } } sub debug2 { my ( $self, $message ) = @_; $self->{logger}->debug2($message) if $self->{logger}; } sub _send { my ( $self, $envelope, $header ) = @_; my $xml = $tpp->write($envelope->get()); return $self->abort("Won't send wrong request") unless $xml; my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new( 'Content-Type' => 'application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8', 'Content-length' => length($xml // ''), %{$header}, ); my $request = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $self->url(), $headers, $xml ); print STDERR "===>\n", $request->as_string, "===>\n" if $wsman_debug; # Get response ignoring logging of error 500 as we would like to analyse it by ourself my $response = $self->request($request, undef, undef, undef, 500 => 1); $self->{_lastresponse} = $response; print STDERR "<====\n", $response->as_string, "<====\n" if $wsman_debug; if ( $response->is_success ) { my $tree = $tpp->parse($response->content); return $tree; } elsif ($response->header('Content-Type') && $response->header('Content-Type') =~ m{application/soap\+xml}) { # In case of failure (error 500) we can analyse the reason and log it my $tree = $tpp->parse($response->content); my $envelope = Envelope->new($tree); if ($envelope->header->action->is("fault")) { my $code = $envelope->body->fault->errorCode; return $self->abort("WMI resource not available") if $code && $code eq '2150858752'; $self->debug2("Raw client xml request: ".$xml); $self->debug2("Raw server xml answer: ".$response->content); my $text = $envelope->body->fault->reason->text; return $self->abort($text || $response->status_line); } } unless ( $response->is_success ) { my $status = $response->status_line; return $self->abort($status);; } } sub identify { my ($self) = @_; my $request = Envelope->new( Namespace->new(qw(s wsmid)), Header->new(), Body->new( Identify->new() ), ); my $response = $self->_send( $request, $self->{_winrm} && $self->{_noauth} ? { WSMANIDENTIFY => 'unauthenticated' } : {}, ); return unless $response; my $envelope = Envelope->new($response); my $body = $envelope->body; return $self->abort("Malformed identify response, no 'body' node found") unless (ref($body) eq 'Body'); my $identify = $body->get("IdentifyResponse"); return $self->abort("Malformed identify response, not valid") unless $identify->isvalid(); $self->debug2("Identify response: ".$identify->ProductVendor." - ".$identify->ProductVersion); return $identify; } sub enumerate { my ($self, %params) = @_; my @items; my $class = $params{query} ? '*' : $params{class}; my $url = $self->resource_url($class, $params{moniker}); my $messageid = MessageID->new(); my $sid = SessionId->new(); my $operationid = OperationID->new(); my $body; if ($params{query}) { $body = Body->new( Enumerate->new( OptimizeEnumeration->new(), MaxElements->new(32000), Filter->new($params{query}), ) ); } else { $body = Body->new( Enumerate->new() ); } my $action = Action->new("enumerate"); $self->debug2($params{query} ? "Requesting enumerate: $params{query}" : "Requesting enumerate URL: $url" ); my $request = Envelope->new( Namespace->new($params{selectorset} ? qw(s a w p) : qw(s a n w p b)), Header->new( To->new( $self->url ), ResourceURI->new( $url ), ReplyTo->anonymous, $action, $messageid, MaxEnvelopeSize->new(512000), Locale->new("en-US"), DataLocale->new("en-US"), $sid, $operationid, SequenceId->new(), OperationTimeout->new(60), ), $body, ); my $response; while ($request) { $response = $self->_send($request) or last; my $envelope = Envelope->new($response) or last; my $header = $envelope->header; unless (ref($header) eq 'Header') { $self->lasterror("Malformed enumerate response, no 'Header' node found"); last; } my $respaction = $header->action; unless (ref($respaction) eq 'Action') { $self->lasterror("Malformed enumerate response, no 'Action' found in Header"); last; } my $ispull = $respaction->is('pullresponse'); # check method action is valid unless ($ispull || $respaction->is('enumerateresponse')) { $self->lasterror("Not an enumerate response but ".$respaction->what); last; } my $related = $header->get('RelatesTo'); if (!$related || $related->string() ne $messageid->string()) { $self->lasterror("Got message not related to our enumeration request"); last; } my $thisopid = $header->get('OperationID'); unless ($thisopid && $thisopid->equals($operationid)) { $self->lasterror("Got message not related to our operation"); last; } my $respbody = $envelope->body; unless (ref($respbody) eq 'Body') { $self->lasterror("Malformed enumerate response, no 'Body' node found"); last; } my $enum = $respbody->enumeration($ispull); my @enumitems = $enum->items; if ($params{method}) { foreach my $item (@enumitems) { next unless ref($item) eq 'HASH'; my $class = $item->{CreationClassName} or next; my $selectorvalue = $item->{$params{selector}}; next unless defined($selectorvalue); my $result = $self->runmethod( class => $class, moniker => $params{moniker}, method => $params{method}, selectorset => [ "$params{selector}=$selectorvalue" ], params => $params{params}, binds => $params{binds}, ); push @items, $params{properties} ? _extract($result, $params{properties}) : $result; } } elsif ($params{properties}) { push @items, map { _extract($_, $params{properties}) } @enumitems; } else { push @items, @enumitems; } last if $enum->end_of_sequence; # Fix Envelope namespaces $request->reset_namespace("s,a,n,w,p"); # Update Action to Pull $action->set("pull"); # Update MessageID & OperationID $messageid->reset_uuid(); $operationid->reset_uuid(); # Reset Body to make Pull request with provided EnumerationContext $body->reset( Pull->new( $enum->context ) ); } # Send End to remote $self->end($operationid); return @items; } sub _extract { my ($item, $properties) = @_; return $item unless ref($item) eq 'HASH' && ref($properties) eq 'ARRAY'; my $hash = {}; foreach my $property (@{$properties}) { $hash->{$property} = $item->{$property}; } return $hash; } my %HIVEREF = ( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT => 0x80000000, HKEY_CURRENT_USER => 0x80000001, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => 0x80000002, HKEY_USERS => 0x80000003, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG => 0x80000005 ); sub runmethod { my ($self, %params) = @_; return $self->abort("Not method to set as action") unless $params{method}; my $url = $self->resource_url($params{class}, $params{moniker}); my $messageid = MessageID->new(); my $sid = SessionId->new(); my $operationid = OperationID->new(); my $ns = "rm"; my @selectorset; push @selectorset, SelectorSet->new( map { Selector->new($_) } @{$params{selectorset}} ) if $params{selectorset}; my @valueset; my $what; if ($params{path}) { my ($hKey, $keypath, $keyvalue); if ($params{method} =~ /^Enum/) { ($hKey, $keypath) = $params{path} =~ m{^(HKEY_[^/]+)/(.*)$}; $what = $params{method} =~ /^EnumValues/ ? "key values" : "key subkeys"; } else { ($hKey, $keypath, $keyvalue) = $params{path} =~ m{^(HKEY_[^/]+)/(.*)/([^/]+)$}; $what = "value"; } return $self->abort("Unsupported $params{path} registry path") unless $hKey && $keypath; $keypath =~ s|/|\\|g; my $hdefkey = $HIVEREF{uc($hKey)} or return $self->abort("Unsupported registry hive in $params{path} registry path"); # Prepare ValueSet and reset namespace as will be set in $method parent node push @valueset, Node->new( Namespace->new($ns => $url), __nodeclass__ => "hDefKey", $hdefkey, ), Node->new( Namespace->new($ns => $url), __nodeclass__ => "sSubKeyName", $keypath, ); push @valueset, Node->new( Namespace->new($ns => $url), __nodeclass__ => "sValueName", $keyvalue, ) if defined($keyvalue); map { $_->reset_namespace() } @valueset; } my $method = Node->new( Namespace->new($ns => $url), __nodeclass__ => "$params{method}_INPUT", @valueset, ); my $body = Body->new($method); my $action = Action->new($url."/".$params{method}); $self->debug2($what ? "Looking for $params{path} registry $what via winrm" : "Requesting $params{method} action on resource: $url" ) unless $params{nodebug}; my $request = Envelope->new( Namespace->new(qw(s a w p)), Header->new( To->new( $self->url ), ResourceURI->new( $url ), ReplyTo->anonymous, $action, $messageid, MaxEnvelopeSize->new(512000), Locale->new("en-US"), DataLocale->new("en-US"), $sid, $operationid, SequenceId->new(), OperationTimeout->new(60), @selectorset, ), $body, ); my $response = $self->_send($request) or return; my $envelope = Envelope->new($response) or return; my $header = $envelope->header; return $self->abort("Malformed run method response, no 'Header' node found") unless ref($header) eq 'Header'; my $respaction = $header->action; return $self->abort("Malformed run method response, no 'Action' found in Header") unless ref($respaction) eq 'Action'; return $self->abort("Not a run method response but ".$respaction->what) unless $respaction->what eq $url."/$params{method}Response"; my $related = $header->get('RelatesTo'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to our run method request") if (!$related || $related->string() ne $messageid->string()); my $thisopid = $header->get('OperationID'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to our run method operation") unless ($thisopid && $thisopid->equals($operationid)); my $respbody = $envelope->body; return $self->abort("Malformed run method response, no 'Body' node found") unless ref($respbody) eq 'Body'; # Return method result as a hash my $result; my $node = $respbody->get($params{method}.'_OUTPUT'); foreach my $key (@{$params{params}}) { my $value; my @nodes; my $keynode = $node->get($key); @nodes = $keynode->nodes() if $keynode; if (@nodes && $key eq 'uValue') { $value = join('', map { chr($_->string()) } @nodes); } elsif (@nodes && $key =~ /^sNames|Types$/) { $value = [ map { $_->string() } @nodes ]; } elsif ($keynode) { $value = $key =~ /^sNames|Types$/ ? [ $keynode->string ] : $keynode->string; } if ($params{binds} && $params{binds}->{$key}) { $key = $params{binds}->{$key}; } $result->{$key} = $value; } # Send End to remote $self->end($operationid); return $result; } sub shell { my ($self, $command) = @_; return unless $command; # limit log command size if too large like for powershell commands if ($self->debug()) { my $logcommand = $command; while (length($logcommand)>120 && $logcommand =~ /\w\s+\w/) { ($logcommand) = $logcommand =~ /^(.*\w)\s+\w+/; $logcommand .= " ..."; } $self->debug2("Requesting '$logcommand' run to ".$self->url); } my $messageid = MessageID->new(); my $sid = SessionId->new(); my $operationid = OperationID->new(); my $shell = Shell->new(); my $action = Action->new("create"); my $resource = ResourceURI->new(""); # WinRS option set my $optionset = OptionSet->new( Option->new( WINRS_NOPROFILE => "TRUE" ), Option->new( WINRS_CODEPAGE => "437" ), ); # Create a remote shell my $request = Envelope->new( Namespace->new(qw(s a w p)), Header->new( To->new( $self->url ), $resource, ReplyTo->anonymous, $action, $messageid, MaxEnvelopeSize->new(512000), Locale->new("en-US"), DataLocale->new("en-US"), $sid, $operationid, SequenceId->new(), OperationTimeout->new(60), $optionset, ), Body->new($shell), ); my $response = $self->_send($request) or return; my $envelope = Envelope->new($response) or return; my $header = $envelope->header; return $self->abort("Malformed create response, no 'Header' node found") unless ref($header) eq 'Header'; my $respaction = $header->action; return $self->abort("Malformed create response, no 'Action' found in Header") unless ref($respaction) eq 'Action'; return $self->abort("Not a create response but ".$respaction->what) unless $respaction->is('createresponse'); my $related = $header->get('RelatesTo'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to our shell create request") if (!$related || $related->string() ne $messageid->string()); my $thisopid = $header->get('OperationID'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to our shell create operation") unless ($thisopid && $thisopid->equals($operationid)); my $respbody = $envelope->body; return $self->abort("Malformed create response, no 'Body' node found") unless ref($respbody) eq 'Body'; my $created = $respbody->get('ResourceCreated'); return $self->abort("Malformed create response, no 'ResourceCreated' node found") unless ref($created) eq 'ResourceCreated'; my $reference = $created->get('ReferenceParameters'); return $self->abort("Malformed create response, no 'ReferenceParameters' returned") unless ref($reference) eq 'ReferenceParameters'; my $selectorset = $reference->get('SelectorSet'); return $self->abort("Malformed create response, no 'SelectorSet' returned") unless ref($selectorset) eq 'SelectorSet'; # Setup command shell $messageid = MessageID->new(); $operationid = OperationID->new(); $action = Action->new("command"); $optionset = OptionSet->new( Option->new( WINRS_CONSOLEMODE_STDIN => "TRUE" ), ); $request = Envelope->new( Namespace->new(qw(s a w p)), Header->new( To->new( $self->url ), $resource, ReplyTo->anonymous, $action, $messageid, MaxEnvelopeSize->new(512000), Locale->new("en-US"), DataLocale->new("en-US"), $sid, $operationid, SequenceId->new(), $selectorset, OperationTimeout->new(60), $optionset, ), Body->new( $shell->commandline($command), ), ); $response = $self->_send($request); return $self->abort("No command response") unless $response; $envelope = Envelope->new($response); return $self->abort("Malformed command response, no 'Envelope' node found") unless $envelope; $header = $envelope->header; return $self->abort("Malformed command response, no 'Header' node found") unless ref($header) eq 'Header'; $respaction = $header->action; return $self->abort("Malformed command response, no 'Action' found in Header") unless ref($respaction) eq 'Action'; return $self->abort("Not a command response but ".$respaction->what) unless $respaction->is('commandresponse'); $related = $header->get('RelatesTo'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to our shell command request") if (!$related || $related->string() ne $messageid->string()); $thisopid = $header->get('OperationID'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to our shell command operation") unless ($thisopid && $thisopid->equals($operationid)); $respbody = $envelope->body; return $self->abort("Malformed command response, no 'Body' node found") unless ref($respbody) eq 'Body'; my $respcmd = $respbody->get('CommandResponse'); return $self->abort("Malformed command response, no 'CommandResponse' node found") unless ref($respcmd) eq 'CommandResponse'; my $commandid = $respcmd->get('CommandId'); return $self->abort("Malformed command response, no 'CommandId' returned") unless ref($commandid) eq 'CommandId'; my $cid = $commandid->string(); return $self->abort("Malformed command response, no CommandId value found") unless $cid; # Read stream from remote shell my $buffer = $self->receive($sid, $resource, $selectorset, $cid); my $exitcode = delete $self->{_exitcode} // 255; # Send terminate signal to shell $self->signal($sid, $resource, $selectorset, $cid, 'terminate'); # Finally delete the shell resource $operationid = $self->delete($sid, $resource, $selectorset) or $self->error("Resource deletion failure"); # Send End to remote $self->end($operationid) if $operationid; return { stdout => \$buffer, exitcode => $exitcode, }; } sub receive { my ($self, $sid, $resource, $selectorset, $cid) = @_; my $stdout; while (1) { my $messageid = MessageID->new(); my $operationid = OperationID->new(); # Send Delete to remote my $request = Envelope->new( Namespace->new(qw(s a w p)), Header->new( To->new( $self->url ), $resource, ReplyTo->anonymous, Action->new("receive"), $messageid, MaxEnvelopeSize->new(512000), Locale->new("en-US"), DataLocale->new("en-US"), $sid, $operationid, SequenceId->new(), OperationTimeout->new(60), $selectorset, ), Body->new( Receive->new($cid) ), ); my $response = $self->_send($request) or last; my $envelope = Envelope->new($response) or last; my $header = $envelope->header; $self->abort("Malformed receive response, no 'Header' node found") and last unless ref($header) eq 'Header'; my $action = $header->action; $self->abort("Malformed receive response, no 'Action' found in Header") and last unless ref($action) eq 'Action'; $self->abort("Not a receive response but ".$action->what) and last unless $action->is('receiveresponse'); my $related = $header->get('RelatesTo'); $self->abort("Got message not related to receive request") and last if (!$related || $related->string() ne $messageid->string()); my $thisopid = $header->get('OperationID'); $self->abort("Got message not related to receive operation") and last unless ($thisopid && $thisopid->equals($operationid)); my $body = $envelope->body; $self->lasterror("Malformed receive response, no 'Body' node found") and last unless (ref($body) eq 'Body'); my $received = $body->get('ReceiveResponse'); $self->lasterror("Malformed receive response, no 'ReceiveResponse' node found") and last unless (ref($received) eq 'ReceiveResponse'); my $cmdstate = $received->get('CommandState'); $self->lasterror("Malformed receive response, no 'CommandState' node found") and last unless (ref($cmdstate) eq 'CommandState'); my $streams = $received->get('Stream'); $self->lasterror("Malformed receive response, no 'Stream' node found") and last unless (ref($streams) eq 'Stream'); # Handles Streams my $stderr = $streams->stderr($cid); $stdout .= $streams->stdout($cid); if (defined($stderr) && length($stderr)) { foreach my $line (split(/\n/m, $stderr)) { chomp $line; $self->debug2("Command stderr: $line"); } } my $exitcode = $cmdstate->exitcode(); if (defined($exitcode)) { $self->debug2("Command exited with code: $exitcode"); $self->debug2("Command stdout seems truncated") unless $streams->stdout_is_full($cid); $self->debug2("Command stderr seems truncated") unless $streams->stderr_is_full($cid); $self->{_exitcode} = $exitcode; } last if $cmdstate->done($cid); } return $stdout; } sub signal { my ($self, $sid, $resource, $selectorset, $cid, $signal) = @_; my $messageid = MessageID->new(); my $operationid = OperationID->new(); # Send Delete to remote my $request = Envelope->new( Namespace->new(qw(s a w p)), Header->new( To->new( $self->url ), $resource, ReplyTo->anonymous, Action->new("signal"), $messageid, MaxEnvelopeSize->new(512000), Locale->new("en-US"), DataLocale->new("en-US"), $sid, $operationid, SequenceId->new(), OperationTimeout->new(60), $selectorset, ), Body->new( Signal->new( Attribute->new( "xmlns:".Shell->xmlns => Shell->xsd ), Attribute->new( CommandId => $cid ), Code->signal($signal), ), ), ); my $response = $self->_send($request) or return; my $envelope = Envelope->new($response) or return; my $header = $envelope->header; return $self->abort("Malformed signal response, no 'Header' node found") unless ref($header) eq 'Header'; my $respaction = $header->action; return $self->abort("Malformed signal response, no 'Action' found in Header") unless ref($respaction) eq 'Action'; return $self->abort("Not a signal response but ".$respaction->what) unless $respaction->is('signalresponse'); my $related = $header->get('RelatesTo'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to signal request") if (!$related || $related->string() ne $messageid->string()); my $thisopid = $header->get('OperationID'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to signal operation") unless ($thisopid && $thisopid->equals($operationid)); } sub delete { my ($self, $sid, $resource, $selectorset) = @_; my $messageid = MessageID->new(); my $operationid = OperationID->new(); # Send Delete to remote my $request = Envelope->new( Namespace->new(qw(s a w p)), Header->new( To->new( $self->url ), $resource, ReplyTo->anonymous, Action->new("delete"), $messageid, MaxEnvelopeSize->new(512000), Locale->new("en-US"), DataLocale->new("en-US"), $sid, $operationid, SequenceId->new(), OperationTimeout->new(60), $selectorset, ), Body->new(), ); my $response = $self->_send($request) or return; my $envelope = Envelope->new($response) or return; my $header = $envelope->header; return $self->abort("Malformed delete response, no 'Header' node found") unless ref($header) eq 'Header'; my $respaction = $header->action; return $self->abort("Malformed delete response, no 'Action' found in Header") unless ref($respaction) eq 'Action'; return $self->abort("Not a delete response but ".$respaction->what) unless $respaction->is('deleteresponse'); my $related = $header->get('RelatesTo'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to delete request") if (!$related || $related->string() ne $messageid->string()); my $thisopid = $header->get('OperationID'); return $self->abort("Got message not related to delete operation") unless ($thisopid && $thisopid->equals($operationid)); return $operationid; } sub end { my ($self, $operationid) = @_; # Send End to remote my $request = Envelope->new( Namespace->new(qw(s a w p)), Header->new( To->anonymous, ResourceURI->new( "" ), Action->new("end"), MessageID->new(), $operationid, ), Body->new(), ); $self->_send($request); } sub lasterror { my ($self, $error) = @_; $self->{_lasterror} = $error if defined($error); return $self->{_lasterror} // ''; } sub url { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{_url}; } sub resource_url { my ($self, $class, $moniker) = @_; my $path = "cimv2"; if ($moniker) { $moniker =~ s/\\/\//g; ($path) = $moniker =~ m|root/(.*)$|i; return $self->abort("Wrong moniker for request: $moniker") unless $path; $path =~ s/\/*$//; } return "".lc("$path/$class"); } 1;