package GLPI::Agent::Tools::Win32; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'Exporter'; use utf8; use threads; use threads 'exit' => 'threads_only'; use threads::shared; use Thread::Semaphore; use UNIVERSAL::require(); use MIME::Base64; use Encode; use File::Temp; use constant KEY_WOW64_64 => 0x100; use constant KEY_WOW64_32 => 0x200; use constant KEY_READ => 0x20019; ################################################################################ #### Needed to support this module under other platforms than MSWin32 ########## #### Needed to support WinRM RemoteInventory task ############################## ################################################################################ BEGIN { use English qw(-no_match_vars); if ($OSNAME ne 'MSWin32') { $INC{'Win32/'} = "-"; $INC{'Win32/'} = "-"; } } our $Registry; ################################################################################ use Cwd; use English qw(-no_match_vars); use File::Temp qw(:seekable tempfile); use File::Basename qw(basename); use Win32::Job; use Win32::TieRegistry ( Delimiter => '/', ArrayValues => 0, ); use GLPI::Agent::Tools; use GLPI::Agent::Tools::Expiration; use GLPI::Agent::Tools::Win32::NetAdapter; use GLPI::Agent::Version; my $localCodepage; our @EXPORT = qw( is64bit encodeFromRegistry KEY_WOW64_64 KEY_WOW64_32 getInterfaces getRegistryValue getRegistryKey getWMIObjects getLocalCodepage runCommand runPowerShell FileTimeToSystemTime getCurrentService getAgentMemorySize FreeAgentMem getFormatedWMIDateTime loadUserHive cleanupPrivileges ); my $_is64bits = undef; sub is64bit { # Cache is64bit() result in a private module variable to avoid a lot of wmi # calls and as this value won't change during the service/task lifetime return $_is64bits if defined($_is64bits); return $_is64bits = any { $_->{AddressWidth} eq 64 } getWMIObjects( class => 'Win32_Processor', properties => [ qw/AddressWidth/ ] ); } sub getLocalCodepage { if (!$localCodepage) { $localCodepage = "cp" . getRegistryValue( path => 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Nls/CodePage/ACP' ); } return $localCodepage; } sub encodeFromRegistry { my ($string) = @_; ## no critic (ExplicitReturnUndef) return undef unless $string; return $string if Encode::is_utf8($string); # Don't re-encode while using winrm return $string if $GLPI::Agent::Tools::remote; return decode(getLocalCodepage(), $string); } sub getWMIObjects { my $remote = $GLPI::Agent::Tools::remote; return $remote->getWMIObjects(@_) if $remote; my $win32_ole_dependent_api = { array => 1, funct => '_getWMIObjects', args => \@_ }; return _call_win32_ole_dependent_api($win32_ole_dependent_api); } sub _getWMIObjects { my (%params) = ( moniker => 'winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(security)}!//./', @_ ); GLPI::Agent::Logger->require(); my $logthat = ""; my $logger = $params{logger} || GLPI::Agent::Logger->new(); my $expiration = getExpirationTime(); my $WMIService = Win32::OLE->GetObject($params{moniker}); # Support alternate moniker if provided and main failed to open if (!defined($WMIService) && $params{altmoniker}) { $WMIService = Win32::OLE->GetObject($params{altmoniker}); } return unless (defined($WMIService)); my $Instances; if ($params{query}) { $logthat = "$params{query} WMI query"; $logger->debug2("Doing $logthat") if $logger; $Instances = $WMIService->ExecQuery($params{query}); } else { $logthat = "$params{class} class WMI objects"; $logger->debug2("Looking for $logthat") if $logger; $Instances = $WMIService->InstancesOf($params{class}); } return unless $Instances; my @objects; foreach my $instance ( in $Instances ) { my $object; if (time >= $expiration) { $logger->info("Timeout reached on $logthat") if $logger; last; } # Handle Win32::OLE object method, see _getLoggedUsers() method in # GLPI::Agent::Task::Inventory::Win32::Users as example to # use or enhance this feature if ($params{method}) { my @invokes = ( $params{method} ); my %results = (); # Prepare Invoke params for known requested types foreach my $name (@{$params{params}}) { my ($type, $default) = @{$params{$name}} or next; my $variant; if ($type eq 'string') { Win32::OLE::Variant->use(qw/VT_BYREF VT_BSTR/); eval { $variant = VT_BYREF()|VT_BSTR(); }; } eval { $results{$name} = Win32::OLE::Variant::Variant($variant, $default); }; push @invokes, $results{$name}; } # Invoke the method saving the result so we can also bind it eval { $results{$params{method}} = $instance->Invoke(@invokes); }; # Bind results to object to return foreach my $name (keys(%{$params{binds}})) { next unless (defined($results{$name})); my $bind = $params{binds}->{$name}; eval { $object->{$bind} = $results{$name}->Get(); }; if (defined $object->{$bind} && !ref($object->{$bind})) { utf8::upgrade($object->{$bind}); } } } foreach my $property (@{$params{properties}}) { if (defined $instance->{$property} && !ref($instance->{$property})) { # string value $object->{$property} = $instance->{$property}; # despite CP_UTF8 usage, Win32::OLE downgrades string to native # encoding, if possible, ie all characters have code <= 0x00FF: # utf8::upgrade($object->{$property}); } elsif (defined $instance->{$property}) { # list value $object->{$property} = $instance->{$property}; } else { $object->{$property} = undef; } } push @objects, $object; } return @objects; } sub getRegistryValue { my (%params) = @_; if (!$params{path}) { $params{logger}->error( "No registry value path provided" ) if $params{logger}; return; } my $remote = $GLPI::Agent::Tools::remote; return $remote->getRemoteRegistryValue(%params) if $remote; my ($root, $keyName, $valueName); if ($params{path} =~ m{^(HKEY_\w+.*)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)} ) { $root = $1; $keyName = $2; $valueName = $3; } else { $params{logger}->error( "Failed to parse '$params{path}'. Does it start with HKEY_?" ) if $params{logger}; return; } # Handle differently paths including /**/ pattern if ($root =~ m/\/\*\*(?:\/.*|)$/ || $keyName eq '**') { return _getRegistryDynamic( logger => $params{logger}, path => "$root/$keyName", valueName => $valueName, withtype => $params{withtype} ); } my $key = _getRegistryKey( logger => $params{logger}, root => $root, keyName => $keyName ); return unless (defined($key)); if ($valueName eq '*') { my %ret; foreach (grep { m|^/| } keys %$key) { s{^/}{}; $ret{$_} = $params{withtype} ? [$key->GetValue($_)] : $key->{"/$_"} ; } return \%ret; } else { return $params{withtype} ? [$key->GetValue($valueName)] : $key->{"/$valueName"} ; } } sub _getRegistryValueFromWMI { my (%params) = @_; my $value = $params{value} or return; my $registry = _getWMIRegistry() or return; my ($hKey, $subKey) = $params{key} =~ m{^(HKEY_[^/]+)/(.+)$}; return unless $hKey && $subKey; # subkey path must be win32 conform $subKey =~ s|/|\\|g; Win32::OLE->use('in'); Win32API::Registry->require(); Win32::OLE::Variant->require(); Win32::OLE::Variant->use(qw/VT_BYREF VT_ARRAY VT_VARIANT/); # Using a hashref here is just a convenient way for debugging and keep # computed values between evals my $ret = { path => $subKey }; eval { # Get expected hKey valeur from registry constants $ret->{hKey} = Win32API::Registry::regConstant($hKey); # Uses registry enumeration to list values and their type my $type = VT_BYREF()|VT_ARRAY()|VT_VARIANT(); my $vars = Win32::OLE::Variant->new($type,[1,1]); my $types = Win32::OLE::Variant->new($type,[1,1]); $ret->{err} = $registry->EnumValues($ret->{hKey}, $subKey, $vars, $types); # Find expected value in the list and keep its type but skip when # no values are found to avoid crashing if ($vars->Dim()){ my @types = in( $types->Copy->Value() ); foreach my $var ( in( $vars->Copy->Value() ) ) { my $type = shift @types; next unless $var && $var eq $value; $ret->{value} = $var; $ret->{type} = $type; last; } } }; return unless $ret->{err} == 0 && $ret->{value}; return _getRegistryKeyValueFromWMI(%{$ret}); } sub getRegistryKey { my (%params) = @_; my $logger = $params{logger}; if (!$params{path}) { $logger->error("No registry key path provided") if $logger; return; } my ($root, $keyName); if ($params{path} =~ m{^(HKEY_\w+.*)/([^/]+)} ) { $root = $1; $keyName = $2; } else { $logger->error("Failed to parse '$params{path}'. Does it start with HKEY_?") if $logger; return; } my $remote = $GLPI::Agent::Tools::remote; return $remote->getRemoteRegistryKey(%params) if $remote; return _getRegistryKey( logger => $logger, root => $root, keyName => $keyName ); } sub _getRegistryRoot { my (%params) = @_; return unless $Registry; ## no critic (ProhibitBitwise) my $rootKey = is64bit() ? $Registry->Open($params{root}, { Access=> KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64 } ) : $Registry->Open($params{root}, { Access=> KEY_READ } ) ; if (!$rootKey) { $params{logger}->error( "Can't open $params{root} key: $EXTENDED_OS_ERROR" ) if $params{logger}; return; } return $rootKey; } sub _getRegistryKey { my (%params) = @_; my $rootKey = _getRegistryRoot(%params) or return; my $key = $rootKey->Open($params{keyName}); return $key; } sub loadUserHive { my (%params) = @_; return unless $params{sid} && $params{file} && has_file($params{file}); my $remote = $GLPI::Agent::Tools::remote; return $remote->loadRemoteUserHive(%params) if $remote; my $rootKey = _getRegistryRoot(root => 'HKEY_USERS') or return; # Don't load if still found return if $rootKey->Open($params{sid}); # Get required privilege Win32API::Registry::AllowPriv(Win32API::Registry::SE_RESTORE_NAME(), 1) or return; return $rootKey->Load( $params{file}, $params{sid}, { Access => KEY_READ } ); } sub cleanupPrivileges { # When doing remote inventories, we better need to unload loaded hives my $remote = $GLPI::Agent::Tools::remote; return $remote->unloadRemoteLoadedUserHives() if $remote; # Unset required privilege for Users hive loading Win32API::Registry::AllowPriv(Win32API::Registry::SE_RESTORE_NAME(), 0); } sub _getRegistryDynamic { my (%params) = @_; my %ret; my $valueName = $params{valueName}; my @rootparts = split(/\/+\*\*\/+/, $params{path}.'/', 2); my $first = shift(@rootparts); my $second = shift(@rootparts) || ''; $first .= '/'; $second = '/'.$second; $second =~ s|/*$||; my $rootSub = _getRegistryRoot( root => $first, logger => $params{logger} ); return unless defined($rootSub); foreach my $sub ($rootSub->SubKeyNames) { if ($second =~ m/\/+\*\*(?:\/.*|)/) { my $subret = _getRegistryDynamic( logger => $params{logger}, path => $first.$sub.$second, valueName => $valueName, withtype => $params{withtype} ); next unless defined($subret); my ($subkey) = $second =~ /^([^*]+)\*\*(?:\/.*|)$/; foreach my $subretkey (keys %$subret) { $ret{$sub.$subkey.$subretkey} = $subret->{$subretkey}; } } else { my $key = _getRegistryRoot( root => $first.$sub.$second, logger => $params{logger} ); next unless defined($key); if ($valueName eq '*') { foreach (grep { m|^/| } keys %$key) { s{^/}{}; $ret{$sub.$second."/".$_} = $params{withtype} ? [$key->GetValue($_)] : $key->{"/$_"} ; } } elsif (exists($key->{"/$valueName"})) { $ret{$sub.$second."/".$valueName} = $params{withtype} ? [$key->GetValue($valueName)] : $key->{"/$valueName"} ; } } } return \%ret; } sub runCommand { my (%params) = ( timeout => 3600 * 2, @_ ); my $job = Win32::Job->new(); my $buff = File::Temp->new(); my $winCwd = Cwd::getcwd(); $winCwd =~ s{/}{\\}g; my $provider = lc($GLPI::Agent::Version::PROVIDER); my $template = $ENV{TEMP}."\\".$provider."XXXXXXXXXXX"; my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile( $template, SUFFIX => '.bat'); print $fh "cd \"".$winCwd."\"\r\n"; print $fh $params{command}."\r\n"; print $fh "exit %ERRORLEVEL%\r\n"; close $fh; my $args = { stdout => $buff, stderr => $buff, no_window => 1 }; $job->spawn( "$ENV{SYSTEMROOT}\\system32\\cmd.exe", "start /wait cmd /c $filename", $args ); $job->run($params{timeout}); unlink($filename); $buff->seek(0, SEEK_SET); my $exitcode; my ($status) = $job->status(); foreach my $pid (%$status) { $exitcode = $status->{$pid}{exitcode}; last; } return ($exitcode, $buff); } sub runPowerShell { my (%params) = @_; my $script = delete $params{script} or return; my ($fh, $psOption); if ($GLPI::Agent::Tools::remote) { $psOption = "-encodedCommand " . encode_base64(encode("UTF16-LE", $script), ""); } else { # Keeps File::Temp object in %params so temporary file is removed while leaving $fh = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => 'get-appxpackage-XXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.ps1' ); print $fh $script; close( $fh); my $file = $fh->filename; return unless $file && -f $file; $psOption = "-File $file"; } return map { decode("UTF-8", $_) } getAllLines( command => "powershell -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted $psOption", %params ); } sub getInterfaces { my (%params) = @_; my @configurations; foreach my $object (getWMIObjects( class => 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration', properties => [ qw/ Index InterfaceIndex Description IPEnabled DHCPServer MACAddress MTU DefaultIPGateway DNSServerSearchOrder IPAddress IPSubnet DNSDomain / ] )) { my $configuration = { DESCRIPTION => $object->{Description}, STATUS => $object->{IPEnabled} =~ /^1|true$/i ? "Up" : "Down", IPDHCP => $object->{DHCPServer}, MACADDR => $object->{MACAddress}, MTU => $object->{MTU}, DNSDomain => $object->{DNSDomain} }; if (my $gw = $object->{DefaultIPGateway}) { if (ref($gw) eq 'ARRAY') { $configuration->{IPGATEWAY} = $gw->[0]; } elsif (!ref($gw)) { $configuration->{IPGATEWAY} = $gw; } } if (my $dns = $object->{DNSServerSearchOrder}) { if (ref($dns) eq 'ARRAY') { $configuration->{dns} = $dns->[0]; } elsif (!ref($dns)) { $configuration->{dns} = $dns; } } if ($object->{IPAddress} && ref($object->{IPAddress}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $address (@{$object->{IPAddress}}) { my $prefix = shift @{$object->{IPSubnet}}; push @{$configuration->{addresses}}, [ $address, $prefix ]; } } # XP compatibility my $indexKey = defined($object->{InterfaceIndex}) ? 'InterfaceIndex' : 'Index'; $configurations[$object->{$indexKey}] = $configuration; } # For Win8 or Above my @networkAdapter = getWMIObjects( moniker => 'winmgmts://./root/StandardCimv2', class => 'MSFT_NetAdapter', properties => [ qw/InterfaceIndex PnPDeviceID Speed HardwareInterface InterfaceGuid InterfaceDescription InterfaceType/ ] ); if (!@networkAdapter) { # Legacy for Win<8 @networkAdapter = getWMIObjects( class => 'Win32_NetworkAdapter', properties => [ qw/Index InterfaceIndex PNPDeviceID Speed PhysicalAdapter GUID/ ] ); } my @interfaces; foreach my $wmiNetAdapter (@networkAdapter) { my $netAdapter = GLPI::Agent::Tools::Win32::NetAdapter->new( WMI => $wmiNetAdapter, configurations => \@configurations ) or next; push @interfaces, $netAdapter->getInterfaces(); } # Also try to include connected vpn connection my @vpnConnections = getWMIObjects( moniker => 'winmgmts://./Root/Microsoft/Windows/RemoteAccess/Client', class => 'PS_VpnConnection', properties => [ qw/Guid ConnectionStatus Name/ ] ); foreach my $vpnConnection (@vpnConnections) { next unless $vpnConnection && $vpnConnection->{Name} && $vpnConnection->{ConnectionStatus} && $vpnConnection->{ConnectionStatus} eq "Connected"; my $vpn = { DESCRIPTION => $vpnConnection->{Name}, TYPE => "ethernet", VIRTUALDEV => 1, STATUS => "up" }; if ($vpnConnection->{Guid}) { my $interface = getRegistryKey( path => 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/Tcpip/Parameters/Interfaces/'.$vpnConnection->{Guid}, # Important for remote inventory optimization required => [ qw/DhcpIPAddress DhcpSubnetMask/ ], ); if ($interface) { $vpn->{IPADDRESS} = $interface->{DhcpIPAddress} if $interface->{DhcpIPAddress}; $vpn->{IPMASK} = $interface->{DhcpSubnetMask} if $interface->{DhcpSubnetMask}; } } push @interfaces, $vpn; } return @interfaces; } sub FileTimeToSystemTime { # Inspired by Win32::FileTime module my $time = shift; return unless defined($time); my $SystemTime = pack( 'SSSSSSSS', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); # Load Win32::API as late as possible Win32::API->require() or return; my @times; eval { my $FileTimeToSystemTime = Win32::API->new( 'kernel32', 'FileTimeToSystemTime', [ 'P', 'P' ], 'I' ); $FileTimeToSystemTime->Call( $time, $SystemTime ); @times = unpack( 'SSSSSSSS', $SystemTime ); }; return @times; } sub _getCurrentProcessId { # Load Win32::API as late as possible Win32::API->require() or return; # Get current thread handle my $thread; eval { my $apiGetCurrentThread = Win32::API->new( 'kernel32', 'GetCurrentThread', [], 'I' ); $thread = $apiGetCurrentThread->Call(); }; return unless (defined($thread)); # Get system ProcessId for current thread my $thread_pid; eval { my $apiGetProcessIdOfThread = Win32::API->new( 'kernel32', 'GetProcessIdOfThread', [ 'I' ], 'I' ); $thread_pid = $apiGetProcessIdOfThread->Call($thread); }; return $thread_pid; } sub getCurrentService { # Load Win32::API as late as possible Win32::API->require() or return; # Get current ProcessId my $pid = _getCurrentProcessId(); return unless (defined($pid)); my ($current) = getWMIObjects( query => 'SELECT * FROM Win32_Service where ProcessId = '.$pid, properties => [ qw/Name DisplayName/ ] ); return $current; } sub getAgentMemorySize { # Load Win32::API as late as possible Win32::API->require() or return; # Get current thread ProcessId my $thread_pid = _getCurrentProcessId(); return -1 unless (defined($thread_pid)); # Get Process Handle my $ph; eval { my $apiOpenProcess = Win32::API->new( 'kernel32', 'OpenProcess', [ 'I', 'I', 'I' ], 'I' ); $ph = $apiOpenProcess->Call(0x400, 0, $thread_pid); }; return -1 unless (defined($ph)); my ($size, $pages) = ( -1, 0 ); eval { # memory usage is bundled up in ProcessMemoryCounters structure # populated by GetProcessMemoryInfo() win32 call Win32::API::Struct->typedef('PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS', qw( DWORD cb; DWORD PageFaultCount; SIZE_T PeakWorkingSetSize; SIZE_T WorkingSetSize; SIZE_T QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T PagefileUsage; SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage; )); # initialize PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS structure my $mem_counters = Win32::API::Struct->new( 'PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS' ); foreach my $key (qw/cb PageFaultCount PeakWorkingSetSize WorkingSetSize QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage QuotaPagedPoolUsage QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage PagefileUsage PeakPagefileUsage/) { $mem_counters->{$key} = 0; } my $cb = $mem_counters->sizeof(); # Request GetProcessMemoryInfo API and call it to find current process memory my $apiGetProcessMemoryInfo = Win32::API->new( 'psapi', 'BOOL GetProcessMemoryInfo( HANDLE hProc, LPPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS ppsmemCounters, DWORD cb )' ); if ($apiGetProcessMemoryInfo->Call($ph, $mem_counters, $cb)) { # Uses WorkingSetSize and PagefileUsage $size = $mem_counters->{WorkingSetSize}; $pages = $mem_counters->{PagefileUsage}; } }; # Don't forget to close Process Handle eval { my $apiCloseHandle = Win32::API->new( 'kernel32', 'CloseHandle', 'I', 'I' ); $ph = $apiCloseHandle->Call($ph); }; return $size, $pages; } sub FreeAgentMem { # Load Win32::API as late as possible Win32::API->require() or return; eval { # Get current process handle my $apiGetCurrentProcess = Win32::API->new( 'kernel32', 'HANDLE GetCurrentProcess()' ); my $proc = $apiGetCurrentProcess->Call(); # Call SetProcessWorkingSetSize with magic parameters for freeing our memory my $apiSetProcessWorkingSetSize = Win32::API->new( 'kernel32', 'SetProcessWorkingSetSize', [ 'I', 'I', 'I' ], 'I' ); $apiSetProcessWorkingSetSize->Call( $proc, -1, -1 ); }; } my $worker ; my $worker_semaphore; my $worker_lasterror = []; my @win32_ole_calls : shared; sub start_Win32_OLE_Worker { unless (defined($worker)) { # Handle thread KILL signal $SIG{KILL} = sub { threads->exit(); }; # Request a semaphore on which worker blocks immediatly Thread::Semaphore->require(); $worker_semaphore = Thread::Semaphore->new(0); # Start a worker thread $worker = threads->create( \&_win32_ole_worker ); } return $worker; } sub setupWorkerLogger { my (%params) = @_; # Just create a new Logger object in worker to update default module configuration return defined(GLPI::Agent::Logger->new(%params)) unless (defined($worker)); return _call_win32_ole_dependent_api({ funct => 'setupWorkerLogger', args => [ %params ] }); } sub getLastError { return @{$worker_lasterror} unless (defined($worker)); return _call_win32_ole_dependent_api({ funct => 'getLastError', array => 1, args => [] }); } my %known_ole_errors = ( scalar(0x80041003) => "Access denied as the current or specified user name and password were not valid or authorized to make the connection.", scalar(0x8004100E) => "Invalid namespace", scalar(0x80041064) => "User credentials cannot be used for local connections", scalar(0x80070005) => "Access denied", scalar(0x800706BA) => "The RPC server is unavailable", ); sub _keepOleLastError { my $lasterror = Win32::OLE->LastError(); if ($lasterror) { my $error = 0x80000000 | ($lasterror & 0x7fffffff); # Don't report not accurate and not failure error if ($error != 0x80004005 && $error != 0x80020003) { $worker_lasterror = [ $error, $known_ole_errors{$error} ]; my $logger = GLPI::Agent::Logger->new(); $logger->debug("Win32::OLE ERROR: ".($known_ole_errors{$error}||$lasterror)); } } else { $worker_lasterror = []; } } sub _win32_ole_worker { # Load Win32::OLE as late as possible in a dedicated worker Win32::OLE->require() or return; # We re-initialize Win32::OLE to later support Events Win32::OLE->Uninitialize(); Win32::OLE->Initialize(Win32::OLE::COINIT_OLEINITIALIZE()); Win32::OLE::Variant->require() or return; Win32::OLE->Option(CP => Win32::OLE::CP_UTF8()); while (1) { # Always block until semaphore is made available by main thread $worker_semaphore->down(); my ($call, $result); { lock(@win32_ole_calls); $call = shift @win32_ole_calls if (@win32_ole_calls); } if (defined($call)) { lock($call); # Handle call expiration setExpirationTime(%$call); # Found requested private function and call it as expected my $funct; eval { no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict) $funct = \&{$call->{'funct'}}; }; if (exists($call->{'array'}) && $call->{'array'}) { my @results = &{$funct}(@{$call->{'args'}}); $result = \@results; } else { $result = &{$funct}(@{$call->{'args'}}); } # Keep Win32::OLE error for later reporting _keepOleLastError() unless $funct == \&getLastError; # Share back the result $call->{'result'} = shared_clone($result); # Reset expiration setExpirationTime(); # Signal main thread result is available cond_signal($call); } } } sub _call_win32_ole_dependent_api { my ($call) = @_ or return; # Reset timeout as shared between threads my $now = time; my $expiration = getExpirationTime() || $now + 180; # Reduce expiration time by 10% of the remaining time to leave a chance to # the caller to compute any result. By default, the reducing should be 2 seconds. $expiration -= int(($expiration - $now) * 0.01) + 1; # Be sure expiration is kept in the future by 10 seconds $expiration = $now + 10 unless $expiration > $now; $call->{expiration} = $expiration; if (defined($worker)) { # Share the expect call my $call = shared_clone($call); my $result; if (defined($call)) { # Be sure the worker block $worker_semaphore->down_nb(); # Lock list calls before releasing semaphore so worker waits # on it until we start cond_timedwait for signal on $call lock(@win32_ole_calls); push @win32_ole_calls, $call; # Release semaphore so the worker can continue its job $worker_semaphore->up(); # Now, wait for worker result, leaving a 1 second grace delay to # give worker a chance to handle the timeout by itself $expiration ++ ; while (!exists($call->{'result'})) { last if (!cond_timedwait($call, $expiration, @win32_ole_calls)); } # Be sure to always block worker on semaphore from now $worker_semaphore->down_nb(); if (exists($call->{'result'})) { $result = $call->{'result'}; } elsif (time < $expiration) { # Worker is failing: get back to mono-thread and pray $worker->detach() if (defined($worker) && !$worker->is_detached()); $worker = undef; return _call_win32_ole_dependent_api(@_); } } return (exists($call->{'array'}) && $call->{'array'}) ? @{$result || []} : $result ; } else { # Load Win32::OLE as late as possible Win32::OLE->require() or return; Win32::OLE::Variant->require() or return; Win32::OLE->Option(CP => Win32::OLE::CP_UTF8()); # Handle call expiration setExpirationTime(%$call); # We come here from worker or if we failed to start worker my $funct; eval { no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict) $funct = \&{$call->{'funct'}}; }; if (exists($call->{'array'}) && $call->{'array'}) { my @results = &{$funct}(@{$call->{'args'}}); # Keep Win32::OLE error for later reporting _keepOleLastError() unless $funct == \&getLastError; # Reset expiration setExpirationTime(); return @results; } else { my $result = &{$funct}(@{$call->{'args'}}); # Keep Win32::OLE error for later reporting _keepOleLastError() unless $funct == \&getLastError; # Reset expiration setExpirationTime(); return $result; } } } sub newPoller { return Thread::Semaphore->new(0); } sub setPoller { my ($poller) = @_; $poller->up(); } sub getPoller { my ($poller) = @_; return $poller->down_nb(); } sub getFormatedWMIDateTime { my ($datetime) = @_; return $datetime if $datetime && $datetime =~ m|^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$|; return unless $datetime && $datetime =~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})\.\d{6}.(\d{3})$/; # Timezone in $7 is ignored return getFormatedDate($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); } END { # Just detach worker $worker->detach() if (defined($worker) && !$worker->is_detached()); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME GLPI::Agent::Tools::Win32 - Windows generic functions =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides some Windows-specific generic functions. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 is64bit() Returns true if the OS is 64bit or false. =head2 getLocalCodepage() Returns the local codepage. =head2 getWMIObjects(%params) Returns the list of objects from given WMI class or from a query, with given properties, properly encoded. =over =item moniker a WMI moniker (default: winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(security)}!//./) =item altmoniker another WMI moniker to use if first failed (none by default) =item class a WMI class, not used if query parameter is also given =item properties a list of WMI properties =item query a WMI request to execute, if specified, class parameter is not used =item method an object method to call, in that case, you will also need the following parameters: =item params a list ref to the parameters to use fro the method. This list contains string as key to other parameters defining the call. The key names should not match any exiting parameter definition. Each parameter definition must be a list of the type and default value. =item binds a hash ref to the properties to bind to the returned object =back =head2 encodeFromRegistry($string) Ensure given registry content is properly encoded to utf-8. =head2 getRegistryValue(%params) Returns a value from the registry. =over =item path a string in hive/key/value format E.g: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/ProductName =item logger =back =head2 getRegistryKey(%params) Returns a key from the registry. If key name is '*', all the keys of the path are returned as a hash reference. =over =item path a string in hive/key format E.g: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion =item logger =back =head2 runCommand(%params) Returns a command in a Win32 Process =over =item command the command to run =item timeout a time in second, default is 3600*2 =back Return an array =over =item exitcode the error code, 293 means a timeout occurred =item fd a file descriptor on the output =back =head2 getInterfaces() Returns the list of network interfaces. =head2 FileTimeToSystemTime() Returns an array of a converted FILETIME datetime value with following order: ( year, month, wday, day, hour, minute, second, msecond ) =head2 start_Win32_OLE_Worker() Under win32, just start a worker thread handling Win32::OLE dependent APIs like is64bit() & getWMIObjects(). This is sometime needed to avoid perl crashes.