package GLPI::Agent::Task::Inventory::Win32::AntiVirus; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'GLPI::Agent::Task::Inventory::Module'; use UNIVERSAL::require; use GLPI::Agent::Tools; use GLPI::Agent::Tools::Win32; use constant category => "antivirus"; sub isEnabled { return 1; } sub doInventory { my (%params) = @_; my $inventory = $params{inventory}; my $logger = $params{logger}; my $seen; my $found_enabled = 0; # Doesn't works on Win2003 Server # On Win7, we need to use SecurityCenter2 foreach my $instance (qw/SecurityCenter SecurityCenter2/) { my $moniker = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(security)}!//./root/$instance"; foreach my $object (getWMIObjects( moniker => $moniker, class => "AntiVirusProduct", properties => [ qw/ companyName displayName instanceGuid onAccessScanningEnabled productUptoDate versionNumber productState / ] )) { next unless $object; my $antivirus = { COMPANY => $object->{companyName}, NAME => $object->{displayName}, GUID => $object->{instanceGuid}, VERSION => $object->{versionNumber}, ENABLED => $object->{onAccessScanningEnabled}, UPTODATE => $object->{productUptoDate} }; if ($object->{productState}) { my $hex = dec2hex($object->{productState}); $logger->debug("Found $antivirus->{NAME} (state=$hex)") if $logger; # See my ($enabled, $uptodate) = $hex =~ /(.{2})(.{2})$/; if (defined($enabled) && defined($uptodate)) { $antivirus->{ENABLED} = $enabled =~ /^1.$/ ? 1 : 0; $antivirus->{UPTODATE} = $uptodate =~ /^00$/ ? 1 : 0; $found_enabled++ if $antivirus->{ENABLED}; } } else { $logger->debug("Found $antivirus->{NAME}") if $logger; } # Also support WMI access to Windows Defender if (!$antivirus->{VERSION} && $antivirus->{NAME} =~ /Windows Defender/i) { my $defender; # Don't try to access Windows Defender class if not enabled as # WMI call can fail after a too long time while another antivirus # is installed if ($antivirus->{ENABLED}) { ($defender) = getWMIObjects( moniker => 'winmgmts://./root/microsoft/windows/defender', class => "MSFT_MpComputerStatus", properties => [ qw/AMProductVersion AntivirusEnabled AntivirusSignatureVersion/ ] ); } if ($defender) { $antivirus->{VERSION} = $defender->{AMProductVersion} if $defender->{AMProductVersion}; $antivirus->{ENABLED} = 1 if defined($defender->{AntivirusEnabled}) && $defender->{AntivirusEnabled} =~ /^1|true$/; $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = $defender->{AntivirusSignatureVersion} if $defender->{AntivirusSignatureVersion}; } $found_enabled++ if $antivirus->{ENABLED}; $antivirus->{COMPANY} = "Microsoft Corporation"; # Finally try registry for base version if (!$antivirus->{BASE_VERSION}) { $defender = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'Microsoft/Windows Defender/Signature Updates', [ 'AVSignatureVersion' ] ); $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = $defender->{'/AVSignatureVersion'} if $defender && $defender->{'/AVSignatureVersion'}; } } # Finally try to get version from software installation in registry if (!$antivirus->{VERSION} || !$antivirus->{COMPANY}) { my $registry = _getAntivirusUninstall($antivirus->{NAME}); if ($registry) { unless ($antivirus->{VERSION}) { my $version = getRegistryKeyValue($registry, "DisplayVersion"); $antivirus->{VERSION} = $version if $version; } unless ($antivirus->{COMPANY}) { my $company = getRegistryKeyValue($registry, "Publisher"); $antivirus->{COMPANY} = $company if $company; } } } # avoid duplicates next if $seen->{$antivirus->{NAME}}->{$antivirus->{VERSION}||'_undef_'}++; # Check for other product datas for update if ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /McAfee/i) { _setMcAfeeInfos($antivirus); } elsif ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /Kaspersky/i) { _setKasperskyInfos($antivirus); } elsif ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /ESET/i) { _setESETInfos($antivirus); } elsif ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /Avira/i) { _setAviraInfos($antivirus); } elsif ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /Security Essentials/i) { _setMSEssentialsInfos($antivirus); } elsif ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /F-Secure/i) { _setFSecureInfos($antivirus); } elsif ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /Bitdefender/i) { _setBitdefenderInfos($antivirus,$logger); } elsif ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /Norton|Symantec/i) { _setNortonInfos($antivirus); } elsif ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /Trend Micro Security Agent/i) { _setTrendMicroSecurityAgentInfos($antivirus); } elsif ($antivirus->{NAME} =~ /Cortex XDR/i) { _setCortexInfos($antivirus, $logger, "C:\\Program Files\\Palo Alto Networks\\Traps\\cytool.exe"); } $inventory->addEntry( section => 'ANTIVIRUS', entry => $antivirus ); $logger->debug2("Added $antivirus->{NAME}".($antivirus->{VERSION}? " v$antivirus->{VERSION}":"")) if $logger; } } # Try to add AV support on Windows server where no active AV is detected via WMI unless ($found_enabled) { # AV must be set as a service my $services = getServices(logger => $logger); foreach my $support ({ # Cortex XDR support name => "Cortex XDR", service => "cyserver", command => "C:\\Program Files\\Palo Alto Networks\\Traps\\cytool.exe", func => \&_setCortexInfos, }) { my $antivirus; my $service = $services->{$support->{service}} or next; $antivirus->{NAME} = $support->{name} || $service->{NAME}; $antivirus->{ENABLED} = $service->{STATUS} =~ /running/i ? 1 : 0; if (my $cmd = $support->{command}) { &{$support->{func}}($antivirus, $logger, $cmd) if canRun($cmd); } # avoid duplicates next if $seen->{$antivirus->{NAME}}->{$antivirus->{VERSION}||'_undef_'}++; $inventory->addEntry( section => 'ANTIVIRUS', entry => $antivirus ); $logger->debug2("Added $antivirus->{NAME}".($antivirus->{VERSION}? " v$antivirus->{VERSION}":"")) if $logger; } } } sub _getAntivirusUninstall { my ($name) = @_; return unless $name; # Cleanup name from localized chars to keep a clean regex pattern my ($pattern) = $name =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9 ._-]+)/ or return; # Escape dot in pattern $pattern =~ s/\./\\./g; my $match = qr/^$pattern/i; return _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall', [ 'DisplayName', 'DisplayVersion', 'Publisher' ], sub { my ($registry) = @_; return first { $_->{"/DisplayName"} && $_->{"/DisplayName"} =~ $match; } grep { ref($_) } values(%{$registry}); } ); } sub _setMcAfeeInfos { my ($antivirus) = @_; my %properties = ( BASE_VERSION => [ qw(AVDatVersion AVDatVersionMinor) ], ); my $regvalues = [ map { @{$_} } values(%properties) ]; my $macafeeReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys('McAfee/AVEngine', $regvalues) or return; # major.minor versions properties foreach my $property (keys %properties) { my $keys = $properties{$property}; my $major = $macafeeReg->{'/' . $keys->[0]}; my $minor = $macafeeReg->{'/' . $keys->[1]}; $antivirus->{$property} = sprintf("%04d.%04d", hex2dec($major), hex2dec($minor)) if defined $major && defined $minor; } } sub _setKasperskyInfos { my ($antivirus) = @_; my $regvalues = [ qw(LastSuccessfulUpdate LicKeyType LicDaysTillExpiration) ]; my $kasperskyReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys('KasperskyLab/protected', $regvalues) or return; my $found = first { $_->{"Data/"} && $_->{"Data/"}->{"/LastSuccessfulUpdate"} } values(%{$kasperskyReg}); if ($found) { my $lastupdate = hex2dec($found->{"Data/"}->{"/LastSuccessfulUpdate"}); if ($lastupdate && $lastupdate != 0xFFFFFFFF) { my @date = localtime($lastupdate); # Format BASE_VERSION as YYYYMMDD $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = sprintf( "%04d%02d%02d",$date[5]+1900,$date[4]+1,$date[3]); } # Set expiration date only if we found a licence key type my $keytype = hex2dec($found->{"Data/"}->{"/LicKeyType"}); if ($keytype) { my $expiration = hex2dec($found->{"Data/"}->{"/LicDaysTillExpiration"}); if (defined($expiration)) { my @date = localtime(time+86400*$expiration); $antivirus->{EXPIRATION} = sprintf( "%02d/%02d/%04d",$date[3],$date[4]+1,$date[5]+1900); } } } } sub _setESETInfos { my ($antivirus) = @_; my $esetReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'ESET/ESET Security/CurrentVersion/Info', [ qw(ProductVersion ScannerVersion ProductName AppDataDir) ] ); return unless $esetReg; unless ($antivirus->{VERSION}) { $antivirus->{VERSION} = $esetReg->{"/ProductVersion"} if $esetReg->{"/ProductVersion"}; } $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = $esetReg->{"/ScannerVersion"} if $esetReg->{"/ScannerVersion"}; $antivirus->{NAME} = $esetReg->{"/ProductName"} if $esetReg->{"/ProductName"}; # Look at license file if ($esetReg->{"/AppDataDir"} && has_folder($esetReg->{"/AppDataDir"}.'/License')) { my $license = $esetReg->{"/AppDataDir"}.'/License/license.lf'; my @content = getAllLines( file => $license ); my $string = join('', map { getSanitizedString($_) } @content); # License.lf file seems to be a signed UTF-16 XML. As getSanitizedString() # calls should have transform UTF-16 as UTF-8, we should extract # wanted node and parse it as XML my ($xml) = $string =~ /()/; if ($xml) { my $expiration; eval { GLPI::Agent::XML->require(); my $tree = GLPI::Agent::XML->new(string => $xml)->dump_as_hash(); $expiration = $tree->{ESET}->{PRODUCT_LICENSE_FILE}->{LICENSE}->{ACTIVE_PRODUCT}->{-EXPIRATION_DATE}; }; # Extracted expiration is like: 2018-11-17T12:00:00Z if ($expiration && $expiration =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T/) { $antivirus->{EXPIRATION} = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d",$3,$2,$1); } } } } sub _setAviraInfos { my ($antivirus) = @_; my ($aviraInfos) = getWMIObjects( moniker => 'winmgmts://./root/CIMV2/Applications/Avira_AntiVir', class => "License_Info", properties => [ qw/License_Expiration/ ] ); if($aviraInfos && $aviraInfos->{License_Expiration}) { my ($expiration) = $aviraInfos->{License_Expiration} =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/; if ($expiration) { $expiration =~ s/\./\//g; $antivirus->{EXPIRATION} = $expiration; } } my $aviraReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'Avira/Antivirus', [ qw(VdfVersion) ] ); return unless $aviraReg; $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = $aviraReg->{"/VdfVersion"} if $aviraReg->{"/VdfVersion"}; } sub _setMSEssentialsInfos { my ($antivirus) = @_; my $mseReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'Microsoft/Microsoft Antimalware/Signature Updates', [ 'AVSignatureVersion' ] ); return unless $mseReg; $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = $mseReg->{"/AVSignatureVersion"} if $mseReg->{"/AVSignatureVersion"}; } sub _setFSecureInfos { my ($antivirus) = @_; my $fsecReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'F-Secure/Ultralight/Updates/aquarius', [ qw(file_set_visible_version) ] ); return unless $fsecReg; my $found = first { $_->{"/file_set_visible_version"} } values(%{$fsecReg}); $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = $found->{"/file_set_visible_version"} if $found->{"/file_set_visible_version"}; # Try to find license "expiry_date" from a specific json file $fsecReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'F-Secure/CCF/DLLHoster/100/Plugins/CosmosService', [ qw(DataPath) ] ); return unless $fsecReg; my $path = $fsecReg->{"/DataPath"}; return unless $path && has_folder($path); # This is the full path for the expected json file $path .= "\\safe.S-1-5-18.local.cosmos"; return unless has_file($path); my $infos = getAllLines(file => $path); return unless $infos; Cpanel::JSON::XS->require(); my @licenses; eval { $infos = Cpanel::JSON::XS::decode_json($infos); @licenses = @{$infos->{local}->{windows}->{secl}->{subscription}->{license_table}}; }; return unless @licenses; my $expiry_date; # In the case more than one license is found, assume we need the one with appid=2 foreach my $license (@licenses) { $expiry_date = $license->{expiry_date} if $license->{expiry_date}; last if $expiry_date && $license->{appid} && $license->{appid} == 2; } return unless $expiry_date; my @date = localtime($expiry_date); $antivirus->{EXPIRATION} = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d",$date[3],$date[4]+1,$date[5]+1900); } sub _setBitdefenderInfos { my ($antivirus) = @_; my $bitdefenderReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'BitDefender/About', [ qw(ProductName ProductVersion) ] ); return unless $bitdefenderReg; $antivirus->{VERSION} = $bitdefenderReg->{"/ProductVersion"} if $bitdefenderReg->{"/ProductVersion"}; $antivirus->{NAME} = $bitdefenderReg->{"/ProductName"} if $bitdefenderReg->{"/ProductName"}; my $path = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'BitDefender', [ 'Bitdefender Scan Server' ], sub { $_[0]->{"/Bitdefender Scan Server"} } ); if ($path && has_folder($path)) { my $handle = getDirectoryHandle( directory => $path ); if ($handle) { my ($major,$minor) = (0,0); while (my $entry = readdir($handle)) { next unless $entry =~ /Antivirus_(\d+)_(\d+)/; next unless (has_folder("$path/$entry/Plugins") && has_file("$path/$entry/Plugins/update.txt")); next if ($1 < $major || ($1 == $major && $2 < $minor)); ($major,$minor) = ($1, $2); my %update = map { /^([^:]+):\s*(.*)$/ } getAllLines(file => "$path/$entry/Plugins/update.txt"); $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = $update{"Signature number"} if $update{"Signature number"}; } } } my $surveydata = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'BitDefender/Install', [ 'SurveyDataInfo' ], sub { $_[0]->{"/SurveyDataInfo"} } ); if ($surveydata && Cpanel::JSON::XS->require()) { my $datas; eval { $datas = Cpanel::JSON::XS::decode_json($surveydata); }; if (defined($datas->{days_left})) { my @date = localtime(time+86400*$datas->{days_left}); $antivirus->{EXPIRATION} = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%04d",$date[3],$date[4]+1,$date[5]+1900); } } } sub _setNortonInfos { my ($antivirus) = @_; # ref: my $nortonReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'Norton/{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}', [ qw(PRODUCTVERSION) ] ); if ($nortonReg && $nortonReg->{PRODUCTVERSION}) { $antivirus->{VERSION} = $nortonReg->{PRODUCTVERSION}; } # Lookup for BASE_VERSION as CurDefs in definfo.dat insome places # See also my @datadirs = ( 'C:/ProgramData/Symantec/Symantec Endpoint Protection/CurrentVersion/Data', 'C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Symantec/Symantec Endpoint Protection/CurrentVersion/Data', ); $nortonReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'Norton/{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}/Common Client/PathExpansionMap', [ qw(DATADIR) ] ); if ($nortonReg && $nortonReg->{DATADIR}) { $nortonReg->{DATADIR} =~ s|\\|/|g; unshift @datadirs, $nortonReg->{DATADIR} if has_folder($nortonReg->{DATADIR}); } # Extract BASE_VERSION from the first found valid definfo.dat file foreach my $datadir (@datadirs) { my ($defdir) = grep { has_folder($datadir.'/'.$_) } qw(Definitions/SDSDefs Definitions/VirusDefs); next unless $defdir; my $definfo = $datadir . '/' . $defdir . "/definfo.dat"; next unless has_file($definfo); my ($curdefs) = grep { /^CurDefs=/ } getAllLines( file => $definfo ); if ($curdefs && $curdefs =~ /^CurDefs=(.*)$/) { $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = $1; last; } } } sub _setTrendMicroSecurityAgentInfos { my ($antivirus) = @_; my $SecurityAgentReg = _getSoftwareRegistryKeys( 'TrendMicro/PC-cillinNTCorp/CurrentVersion/Misc.', [ qw(InternalNonCrcPatternVer TmListen_Ver) ] ); if ($SecurityAgentReg) { $antivirus->{COMPANY} = "Trend Micro Inc."; $antivirus->{VERSION} = $SecurityAgentReg->{TmListen_Ver} if $SecurityAgentReg->{TmListen_Ver}; if ($SecurityAgentReg->{InternalNonCrcPatternVer}) { my $version = hex($SecurityAgentReg->{InternalNonCrcPatternVer}); my ($major, $minor, $rev) = ( $version/100000, $version%100000/100, $version%100 ); $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = sprintf("%d.%03d.%02d", $major, $minor, $rev) if $major; } } } sub _setCortexInfos { my ($antivirus, $logger, $command) = @_; $antivirus = { NAME => "Cortex XDRT Advanced Endpoint Protection", } unless $antivirus; $antivirus->{COMPANY} = "Palo Alto Networks"; my $version = getFirstMatch( command => "\"$command\" info", pattern => qr/^Cortex XDR .* ([0-9.]+)$/, logger => $logger ); $antivirus->{VERSION} = $version if $version; my $base_version = getFirstMatch( command => "\"$command\" info query", pattern => qr/^Content Version:\s+(\S+)$/i, logger => $logger ); $antivirus->{BASE_VERSION} = $base_version if $base_version; } sub _getSoftwareRegistryKeys { my ($base, $values, $callback) = @_; my $reg; if (is64bit()) { $reg = getRegistryKey( path => 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/'.$base, # Important for remote inventory optimization required => $values, ); if ($reg) { if ($callback) { my $filter = &{$callback}($reg); return $filter if $filter; } else { return $reg; } } } $reg = getRegistryKey( path => 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/'.$base, # Important for remote inventory optimization required => $values, ); return ($callback && $reg) ? &{$callback}($reg) : $reg; } 1;