## sublime-laravelgenerator A Sublime Text plugin that allows you to make use of the [Laravel 4 Generators](https://github.com/JeffreyWay/Laravel-4-Generators) by [Jeffrey Way](https://github.com/JeffreyWay) directly within Sublime Text. ## Installation * Install the [Laravel 4 generator commands](https://github.com/JeffreyWay/Laravel-4-Generators) through Composer. * Install the ST plugin through Package Control: *Sublime Laravel Generator* * If you are on Windows or php executable is not in PATH, please specify the path to it in `laravelgenerator.sublime-settings`. To do so, copy `laravelgenerator.sublime-settings` from this plugin to `/Users/` and make the edits to that file. ## Usage * Open a Laravel Project * Open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) * Execute any of the available Generate commands * See here for a basic workflow [video](http://tutsplus.s3.amazonaws.com/tutspremium/courses_$folder$/WhatsNewInLaravel4/Laravel-Generators-and-Sublime-Text-Workflow.mp4) *Note*: `artisan` needs to be in the project root. ## Customization The plugin is quite extensible. Interested users can extend the plugin for more artisan commands by adding the appropriate entries in `Default.sublime-commands`. ## Credits * [Jeffrey Way](https://github.com/JeffreyWay): for the idea and testing this plugin throughout the development. *** *This is a work in progress. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to report any issues you come across*