options: parameters: author: jacob catch_exceptions: 'True' category: '[GRC Hier Blocks]' cmake_opt: '' comment: '' copyright: '' description: '' gen_cmake: 'On' gen_linking: dynamic generate_options: qt_gui hier_block_src_path: '.:' id: take_skip_to_pdu_example max_nouts: '0' output_language: python placement: (0,0) qt_qss_theme: '' realtime_scheduling: '' run: 'True' run_command: '{python} -u {filename}' run_options: prompt sizing_mode: fixed thread_safe_setters: '' title: Take Skip To PDU Reference states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [8, 8] rotation: 0 state: enabled blocks: - name: samp_rate id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '3200000' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [184, 12] rotation: 0 state: enabled - name: note id: note parameters: alias: '' comment: 'This flowgraph shows how the take/skip to PDU block can be used to sample a streaming input and ship it off via network for analysis or further processing. The ZMQ SUB Source and QT Time Sink can be in a separate process or on a separate networked system altogether.' note: README states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [336, 20.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: qt_time id: qtgui_time_sink_x parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' alpha1: '1.0' alpha10: '1.0' alpha2: '1.0' alpha3: '1.0' alpha4: '1.0' alpha5: '1.0' alpha6: '1.0' alpha7: '1.0' alpha8: '1.0' alpha9: '1.0' autoscale: 'False' axislabels: 'True' color1: blue color10: dark blue color2: red color3: green color4: black color5: cyan color6: magenta color7: yellow color8: dark red color9: dark green comment: '' ctrlpanel: 'False' entags: 'True' grid: 'False' gui_hint: '' label1: Signal 1 label10: Signal 10 label2: Signal 2 label3: Signal 3 label4: Signal 4 label5: Signal 5 label6: Signal 6 label7: Signal 7 label8: Signal 8 label9: Signal 9 legend: 'True' marker1: '-1' marker10: '-1' marker2: '-1' marker3: '-1' marker4: '-1' marker5: '-1' marker6: '-1' marker7: '-1' marker8: '-1' marker9: '-1' name: '""' nconnections: '1' size: '1024' srate: samp_rate stemplot: 'False' style1: '1' style10: '1' style2: '1' style3: '1' style4: '1' style5: '1' style6: '1' style7: '1' style8: '1' style9: '1' tr_chan: '0' tr_delay: '0' tr_level: '0.0' tr_mode: qtgui.TRIG_MODE_FREE tr_slope: qtgui.TRIG_SLOPE_POS tr_tag: '""' type: msg_complex update_time: '0.10' width1: '1' width10: '1' width2: '1' width3: '1' width4: '1' width5: '1' width6: '1' width7: '1' width8: '1' width9: '1' ylabel: Amplitude ymax: '1' ymin: '-1' yunit: '""' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [520, 444.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: sig_src id: analog_sig_source_x parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' amp: '1' comment: '' freq: samp_rate / (123.456) maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' offset: '0' phase: '0' samp_rate: samp_rate type: complex waveform: analog.GR_COS_WAVE states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [64, 212.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: take_skip_to_pdu id: pdu_take_skip_to_pdu parameters: affinity: '' alias: '' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' skip: '40960' take: '1024' type: complex states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [328, 244.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: zmq_pub id: zeromq_pub_msg_sink parameters: address: tcp:// affinity: '' alias: '' bind: 'True' comment: '' timeout: '100' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [584, 244.0] rotation: 0 state: true - name: zmq_sub id: zeromq_sub_msg_source parameters: address: tcp:// affinity: '' alias: '' bind: 'False' comment: '' maxoutbuf: '0' minoutbuf: '0' timeout: '100' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [192, 444.0] rotation: 0 state: true connections: - [sig_src, '0', take_skip_to_pdu, '0'] - [take_skip_to_pdu, pdus, zmq_pub, in] - [zmq_sub, out, qt_time, in] metadata: file_format: 1