package main import ( "context" "crypto/sha1" "fmt" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" goauth2 "" "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func main() { log.Setup(log.Debug, log.Msec, log.LevelBraces, log.CallerFile, log.CallerFunc) // setup default logger with go-pkgz/lgr // define auth options options := auth.Opts{ SecretReader: token.SecretFunc(func(_ string) (string, error) { // secret key for JWT, ignores aud return "secret", nil }), TokenDuration: time.Minute, // short token, refreshed automatically CookieDuration: time.Hour * 24, // cookie fine to keep for long time DisableXSRF: true, // don't disable XSRF in real-life applications! Issuer: "my-demo-service", // part of token, just informational URL: "http://localhost:8080", // base url of the protected service AvatarStore: avatar.NewLocalFS("/tmp/demo-auth-service"), // stores avatars locally AvatarResizeLimit: 200, // resizes avatars to 200x200 ClaimsUpd: token.ClaimsUpdFunc(func(claims token.Claims) token.Claims { // modify issued token if claims.User != nil && claims.User.Name == "dev_admin" { // set attributes for dev_admin claims.User.SetAdmin(true) claims.User.SetStrAttr("custom-key", "some value") } return claims }), Validator: token.ValidatorFunc(func(_ string, claims token.Claims) bool { // rejects some tokens if claims.User != nil { if strings.HasPrefix(claims.User.ID, "github_") { // allow all users with github auth return true } if strings.HasPrefix(claims.User.ID, "microsoft_") { // allow all users with ms auth return true } if strings.HasPrefix(claims.User.ID, "patreon_") { // allow all users with ms auth return true } if strings.HasPrefix(claims.User.Name, "dev_") { // non-guthub allow only dev_* names return true } return strings.HasPrefix(claims.User.Name, "custom123_") } return false }), Logger: log.Default(), // optional logger for auth library UseGravatar: true, // for verified provider use gravatar service } // create auth service service := auth.NewService(options) service.AddProvider("dev", "", "") // add dev provider service.AddProvider("github", os.Getenv("AEXMPL_GITHUB_CID"), os.Getenv("AEXMPL_GITHUB_CSEC")) // add github provider service.AddProvider("twitter", os.Getenv("AEXMPL_TWITTER_APIKEY"), os.Getenv("AEXMPL_TWITTER_APISEC")) service.AddProvider("microsoft", os.Getenv("AEXMPL_MS_APIKEY"), os.Getenv("AEXMPL_MS_APISEC")) service.AddProvider("patreon", os.Getenv("AEXMPL_PATREON_CID"), os.Getenv("AEXMPL_PATREON_CSEC")) // allow sign with apple id appleCfg := provider.AppleConfig{ ClientID: os.Getenv("AEXMPL_APPLE_CID"), TeamID: os.Getenv("AEXMPL_APPLE_TID"), KeyID: os.Getenv("AEXMPL_APPLE_KEYID"), // private key identifier } if err := service.AddAppleProvider(appleCfg, provider.LoadApplePrivateKeyFromFile(os.Getenv("AEXMPL_APPLE_PRIVKEY_PATH"))); err != nil { log.Printf("[ERROR] create AppleProvider failed: %v", err) } // allow anonymous user via custom (direct) provider service.AddDirectProvider("anonymous", anonymousAuthProvider()) // add verified provider service.AddVerifProvider("email", "To confirm use {{.Token}}\nor follow http://localhost:8080/auth/email/login?token={{.Token}}", provider.SenderFunc(func(address string, text string) error { // sender just prints token fmt.Printf("CONFIRMATION for %s\n%s\n", address, text) return nil }), ) if token := os.Getenv("TELEGRAM_TOKEN"); token != "" { // add telegram provider telegram := provider.TelegramHandler{ ProviderName: "telegram", ErrorMsg: "❌ Invalid auth request. Please try clicking link again.", SuccessMsg: "✅ You have successfully authenticated!", Telegram: provider.NewTelegramAPI(token, http.DefaultClient), L: log.Default(), TokenService: service.TokenService(), AvatarSaver: service.AvatarProxy(), } go func() { err := telegram.Run(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("[PANIC] failed to start telegram: %v", err) } }() service.AddCustomHandler(&telegram) } // run dev/test oauth2 server on :8084 go func() { devAuthServer, err := service.DevAuth() // peak dev oauth2 server if err != nil { log.Printf("[PANIC] failed to start dev oauth2 server, %v", err) } devAuthServer.Run(context.Background()) }() // Example: start custom oauth2 server, add to handlers srv := initGoauth2Srv() sopts := provider.CustomServerOpt{ URL: "", L: options.Logger, WithLoginPage: true, } // create custom provider and prepare params for handler prov := provider.NewCustomServer(srv, sopts) // Start server go prov.Run(context.Background()) service.AddCustomProvider("custom123", auth.Client{Cid: "cid", Csecret: "csecret"}, prov.HandlerOpt) // Example: add different oauth2 provider c := auth.Client{ Cid: os.Getenv("AEXMPL_BITBUCKET_CID"), Csecret: os.Getenv("AEXMPL_BITBUCKET_CSEC"), } service.AddCustomProvider("bitbucket", c, provider.CustomHandlerOpt{ Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ AuthURL: "", TokenURL: "", }, InfoURL: "", MapUserFn: func(data provider.UserData, _ []byte) token.User { userInfo := token.User{ ID: "bitbucket_" + token.HashID(sha1.New(), data.Value("username")), Name: data.Value("nickname"), } return userInfo }, Scopes: []string{"account"}, }) // retrieve auth middleware m := service.Middleware() // setup http server router := chi.NewRouter() // add some external middlewares from go-pkgz/rest router.Use(rest.AppInfo("auth-example", "umputun", "1.0.0"), rest.Ping) router.Use(logger.New(logger.Log(log.Default()), logger.WithBody, logger.Prefix("[INFO]")).Handler) // log all http requests router.Get("/open", openRouteHandler) // open page router.Group(func(r chi.Router) { r.Use(m.Auth) r.Use(m.UpdateUser(middleware.UserUpdFunc(func(user token.User) token.User { user.SetStrAttr("some_attribute", "attribute value") return user }))) r.Get("/private_data", protectedDataHandler) // protected api }) // static files under ~/web workDir, _ := os.Getwd() filesDir := filepath.Join(workDir, "frontend") fileServer(router, "/web", http.Dir(filesDir)) // setup auth routes authRoutes, avaRoutes := service.Handlers() router.Mount("/auth", authRoutes) // add auth handlers router.Mount("/avatar", avaRoutes) // add avatar handler if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router); err != nil { log.Printf("[PANIC] failed to start http server, %v", err) } } // anonymousAuthProvider allows auth-free login with any valid user name func anonymousAuthProvider() provider.CredCheckerFunc { log.Printf("[WARN] anonymous access enabled") var isValidAnonName = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z][\w ]+$`).MatchString return func(user, _ string) (ok bool, err error) { user = strings.TrimSpace(user) if len(user) < 3 { log.Printf("[WARN] name %q is too short, should be at least 3 characters", user) return false, nil } if !isValidAnonName(user) { log.Printf("[WARN] name %q should have letters, digits, underscores and spaces only", user) return false, nil } return true, nil } } // FileServer conveniently sets up a http.FileServer handler to serve static files from a http.FileSystem. // Borrowed from func fileServer(r chi.Router, path string, root http.FileSystem) { if strings.ContainsAny(path, "{}*") { panic("FileServer does not permit URL parameters.") } log.Printf("[INFO] serving static files from %v", root) fs := http.StripPrefix(path, http.FileServer(root)) if path != "/" && path[len(path)-1] != '/' { r.Get(path, http.RedirectHandler(path+"/", http.StatusMovedPermanently).ServeHTTP) path += "/" } path += "*" r.Get(path, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fs.ServeHTTP(w, r) }) } // GET /open returns a page available without authorization func openRouteHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) { _, _ = w.Write([]byte("this is an open route, no token needed\n")) } // GET /private_data returns json with user info and ts func protectedDataHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { userInfo, err := token.GetUserInfo(r) if err != nil { log.Printf("failed to get user info, %s", err) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) return } res := struct { TS time.Time `json:"ts"` Field1 string `json:"fld1"` Field2 int `json:"fld2"` User token.User `json:"userInfo"` }{ TS: time.Now(), Field1: "some private thing", Field2: 42, User: userInfo, } rest.RenderJSON(w, res) } // initialize go-oauth2/oauth2 server func initGoauth2Srv() *goauth2.Server { manager := manage.NewDefaultManager() manager.SetAuthorizeCodeTokenCfg(manage.DefaultAuthorizeCodeTokenCfg) // token store manager.MustTokenStorage(store.NewMemoryTokenStore()) // generate jwt access token manager.MapAccessGenerate(generates.NewJWTAccessGenerate("custom", []byte("00000000"), jwt.SigningMethodHS512)) // client memory store clientStore := store.NewClientStore() err := clientStore.Set("cid", &models.Client{ ID: "cid", Secret: "csecret", Domain: "http://localhost:8080", }) if err != nil { log.Printf("failed to set up a client store for go-oauth2/oauth2 server, %s", err) } manager.MapClientStorage(clientStore) srv := goauth2.NewServer(goauth2.NewConfig(), manager) srv.SetUserAuthorizationHandler(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (string, error) { if r.Form.Get("username") != "admin" || r.Form.Get("password") != "admin" { return "", fmt.Errorf("wrong creds. Use: admin admin") } return "custom123_admin", nil }) srv.SetInternalErrorHandler(func(err error) (re *errors.Response) { log.Printf("Internal Error: %s", err.Error()) return }) srv.SetResponseErrorHandler(func(re *errors.Response) { log.Printf("Response Error: %s", re.Error.Error()) }) return srv }