package provider // Implementation sign in with Apple for allow users to sign in to web services using their Apple ID. // For correct work this provider user must has Apple developer account and correct configure "sign in with Apple" at in // See more: // and import ( "context" "crypto" "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/sha1" "crypto/x509" "encoding/json" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // appleAuthURL is the base authentication URL for sign in with Apple ID and fetch request code for user validation request. appleAuthURL = "" // appleTokenURL is the endpoint for verifying tokens and get user unique ID and E-mail appleTokenURL = "" // #nosec // appleRequestContentType is the valid type which apple REST API accept only appleRequestContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" // UserAgent required to every request to Apple REST API defaultUserAgent = "" // AcceptJSONHeader is the content to accept from response AcceptJSONHeader = "application/json" ) // appleVerificationResponse is based on type appleVerificationResponse struct { // A token used to access allowed user data, but now not implemented public interface for it. AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` // Access token type, always equal the "bearer". TokenType string `json:"token_type"` // Access token expires time in seconds. Always equal 3600 seconds (1 hour) ExpiresIn int `json:"expires_in"` // The refresh token used to regenerate new access tokens. RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"` // Main JSON Web Token that contains the user’s identity information. IDToken string `json:"id_token"` // Used to capture any error returned in response. Always check error for empty Error string `json:"error"` } // AppleConfig is the main oauth2 required parameters for "Sign in with Apple" type AppleConfig struct { ClientID string // the identifier Services ID for your app created in Apple developer account. TeamID string // developer Team ID (10 characters), required for create JWT. It available, after signed in at developer account, by link: KeyID string // private key ID assigned to private key obtain in Apple developer account ResponseMode string // changes method of receiving data in callback. Default value "form_post" ( scopes []string // for this package allow only username scope and UID in token claims. Apple service API provide only "email" and "name" scope values ( privateKey interface{} // private key from Apple obtained in developer account (the keys section). Required for create the Client Secret ( publicKey crypto.PublicKey // need for validate sign of token clientSecret string // is the JWT client secret will create after first call and then used until expired jwkURL string // URL for fetch JWK Apple keys, need redefine for tests } // AppleHandler implements login via Apple ID type AppleHandler struct { Params // all of these fields specific to particular oauth2 provider name string // infoURL string not implemented at Apple side endpoint oauth2.Endpoint mapUser func(jwt.MapClaims) token.User // map info from InfoURL to User conf AppleConfig // main config for Apple auth provider PrivateKeyLoader PrivateKeyLoaderInterface // custom function interface for load private key } // PrivateKeyLoaderInterface interface for implement custom loader for Apple private key from user source type PrivateKeyLoaderInterface interface { LoadPrivateKey() ([]byte, error) } // LoadFromFileFunc is the type for use pre-defined private key loader function // Path field must be set with actual path to private key file type LoadFromFileFunc struct { Path string } // LoadApplePrivateKeyFromFile return instance for pre-defined loader function from local file func LoadApplePrivateKeyFromFile(path string) LoadFromFileFunc { return LoadFromFileFunc{ Path: path, } } // LoadPrivateKey implement pre-defined (built-in) PrivateKeyLoaderInterface interface method for load private key from local file func (lf LoadFromFileFunc) LoadPrivateKey() ([]byte, error) { if lf.Path == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty private key path not allowed") } keyFile, err := os.Open(lf.Path) if err != nil { return nil, err } keyValue, err := io.ReadAll(keyFile) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = keyFile.Close() return keyValue, err } // NewApple create new AppleProvider instance with a user parameters // Private key must be set, when instance create call, for create `client_secret` func NewApple(p Params, appleCfg AppleConfig, privateKeyLoader PrivateKeyLoaderInterface) (*AppleHandler, error) { if p.L == nil { p.L = logger.NoOp } var emptyParams []string // check required parameters filled if appleCfg.ClientID == "" { emptyParams = append(emptyParams, "ClientID") } if appleCfg.TeamID == "" { emptyParams = append(emptyParams, "TeamID") } if appleCfg.KeyID == "" { emptyParams = append(emptyParams, "KeyID") } if len(emptyParams) > 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("required params missed: %s", strings.Join(emptyParams, ", ")) } responseMode := "form_post" if appleCfg.ResponseMode != "" { responseMode = appleCfg.ResponseMode } ah := AppleHandler{ Params: p, name: "apple", // static name for an Apple provider conf: AppleConfig{ ClientID: appleCfg.ClientID, TeamID: appleCfg.TeamID, KeyID: appleCfg.KeyID, scopes: []string{"name"}, jwkURL: appleKeysURL, ResponseMode: responseMode, }, endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ AuthURL: appleAuthURL, TokenURL: appleTokenURL, }, mapUser: func(claims jwt.MapClaims) token.User { var usr token.User if uid, ok := claims["sub"]; ok { usr.ID = "apple_" + token.HashID(sha1.New(), uid.(string)) } return usr }, } if privateKeyLoader == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("private key loader undefined") } ah.PrivateKeyLoader = privateKeyLoader err := ah.initPrivateKey() return &ah, err } // initPrivateKey parse Apple private key and assign to AppleHandler func (ah *AppleHandler) initPrivateKey() error { sKey, err := ah.PrivateKeyLoader.LoadPrivateKey() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("problem with private key loading: %w", err) } block, _ := pem.Decode(sKey) if block == nil { return fmt.Errorf("empty block after decoding") } ah.conf.privateKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes) if err != nil { return err } publicKey, ok := ah.conf.privateKey.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("provided private key is not ECDSA") } ah.conf.publicKey = publicKey.Public() ah.conf.clientSecret, err = ah.createClientSecret() if err != nil { return err } return nil } // tokenKeyFunc use for verify JWT sign, it receives the parsed token and should return the key for validating. func (ah *AppleHandler) tokenKeyFunc(jwtToken *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { if jwtToken == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to call token keyFunc, because token is nil") } return ah.conf.publicKey, nil // extract public key from private key } // Name of the provider func (ah *AppleHandler) Name() string { return } // LoginHandler - GET */{provider-name}/login func (ah *AppleHandler) LoginHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ah.Logf("[DEBUG] login with %s", ah.Name()) // make state (random) and store in session state, err := randToken() if err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to make oauth2 state") return } cid, err := randToken() if err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to make claim's id") return } claims := token.Claims{ Handshake: &token.Handshake{ State: state, From: r.URL.Query().Get("from"), }, SessionOnly: r.URL.Query().Get("session") != "" && r.URL.Query().Get("session") != "0", StandardClaims: jwt.StandardClaims{ Id: cid, Audience: r.URL.Query().Get("site"), ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(30 * time.Minute).Unix(), NotBefore: time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Minute).Unix(), }, } if _, err = ah.JwtService.Set(w, claims); err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to set token") return } // return login url loginURL, err := ah.prepareLoginURL(state, r.URL.Path) if err != nil { errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("prepare login url for [%s] provider failed", ah.Logf("[ERROR] %s", errMsg) rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, errMsg) return } ah.Logf("[DEBUG] login url %s, claims=%+v", loginURL, claims) http.Redirect(w, r, loginURL, http.StatusFound) } // AuthHandler fills user info and redirects to "from" url. This is callback url redirected locally by browser // GET /callback func (ah AppleHandler) AuthHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // read response form data if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "read callback response from data failed") return } state := r.FormValue("state") // state value which sent with auth request code := r.FormValue("code") // client code for validation // response with user name filed return only one time at first login, next login field user doesn't exist // until user delete sign with Apple ID in account profile (security section) // example response: {"name":{"firstName":"Chan","lastName":"Lu"},"email":""} jUser := r.FormValue("user") // json string with user name oauthClaims, _, err := ah.JwtService.Get(r) if err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to get token") return } if oauthClaims.Handshake == nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusForbidden, nil, "invalid handshake token") return } retrievedState := oauthClaims.Handshake.State if retrievedState == "" || retrievedState != state { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusForbidden, nil, "unexpected state") return } var resp appleVerificationResponse err =, code, ah.makeRedirURL(r.URL.Path), &resp) if err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "exchange failed") return } ah.Logf("[DEBUG] response data %+v", resp) if resp.Error != "" { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, fmt.Sprintf("fetch IDtoken response error: %s", resp.Error)) return } // trying to fetch Apple public key (JWK) for verify token signature, it need for verify IDToken received from Apple keySet, err := fetchAppleJWK(r.Context(), ah.conf.jwkURL) if err != nil { ah.L.Logf("[ERROR] failed to fetch JWK from Apple key service: " + err.Error()) rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, fmt.Sprintf("failed to fetch JWK from Apple key service: %s", resp.Error)) return } // get token claims for extract uid (and email or name if they exist in scope) tokenClaims := jwt.MapClaims{} _, err = jwt.ParseWithClaims(resp.IDToken, tokenClaims, keySet.keyFunc) if err != nil { ah.L.Logf("[ERROR] failed to get claims: " + err.Error()) rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, fmt.Sprintf("failed to token validation, key is invalid: %s", resp.Error)) return } u := ah.mapUser(tokenClaims) u, err = setAvatar(ah.AvatarSaver, u, &http.Client{Timeout: 5 * time.Second}) if err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to save avatar to proxy") return } // try parse username if one exist at response or noname assign ah.parseUserData(&u, jUser) cid, err := randToken() if err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to make claim's id") return } claims := token.Claims{ User: &u, StandardClaims: jwt.StandardClaims{ Issuer: ah.Issuer, Id: cid, Audience: oauthClaims.Audience, }, SessionOnly: false, } if _, err = ah.JwtService.Set(w, claims); err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to set token") return } ah.Logf("[DEBUG] user info %+v", u) // redirect to back url if presented in login query params if oauthClaims.Handshake != nil && oauthClaims.Handshake.From != "" { http.Redirect(w, r, oauthClaims.Handshake.From, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return } rest.RenderJSON(w, &u) } // LogoutHandler - GET /logout func (ah AppleHandler) LogoutHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if _, _, err := ah.JwtService.Get(r); err != nil { rest.SendErrorJSON(w, r, ah.L, http.StatusForbidden, err, "logout not allowed") return } ah.JwtService.Reset(w) } // exchange sends the validation token request and gets access token and user claims // (e.g. func (ah *AppleHandler) exchange(ctx context.Context, code, redirectURI string, result *appleVerificationResponse) error { // check client_secret for valid and recreate new (client_secret JWT) if required if tkn, err := jwt.Parse(ah.conf.clientSecret, ah.tokenKeyFunc); err != nil || tkn == nil { ah.conf.clientSecret, err = ah.createClientSecret() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("client secret create failed: %w", err) } } data := url.Values{} data.Set("client_id", ah.conf.ClientID) data.Set("client_secret", ah.conf.clientSecret) // JWT signed with Apple private key data.Set("code", code) data.Set("redirect_uri", redirectURI) // redirect URL can't refer to localhost and must have trusted certificate and https protocol data.Set("grant_type", "authorization_code") client := http.Client{Timeout: time.Second * 5} req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "POST", ah.endpoint.TokenURL, strings.NewReader(data.Encode())) if err != nil { return err } req.Header.Add("content-type", appleRequestContentType) req.Header.Add("accept", AcceptJSONHeader) req.Header.Add("user-agent", defaultUserAgent) // apple requires a user agent res, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return err } // Trying to decode (unmarshal json) data of response err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(result) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unmarshalling data from apple service response failed: %w", err) } defer func() { if err = res.Body.Close(); err != nil { ah.L.Logf("[ERROR] close request body failed when get access token: %v", err) } }() // If above operation done successfully checking a response code and error descriptions, if one exist. // Apple service will response either 200 (OK) or 400 (any error). if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK || result.Error != "" { return fmt.Errorf("apple token service error: %s", result.Error) } return err } // createClientSecret use for create the JWT client secret required to make requests to the Apple validation server. // for more details go to link: func (ah *AppleHandler) createClientSecret() (string, error) { if ah.conf.privateKey == nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("private key can't be empty") } // Create a claims now := time.Now() exp := now.Add(time.Minute * 30).Unix() // default value claims := &jwt.StandardClaims{ Issuer: ah.conf.TeamID, IssuedAt: now.Unix(), ExpiresAt: exp, Audience: "", Subject: ah.conf.ClientID, } tkn := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodES256, claims) tkn.Header["alg"] = "ES256" tkn.Header["kid"] = ah.conf.KeyID return tkn.SignedString(ah.conf.privateKey) } func (ah *AppleHandler) parseUserData(user *token.User, jUser string) { type UserData struct { Name struct { FirstName string `json:"firstName"` LastName string `json:"lastName"` } `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` } var userData UserData // Catch error for log only. No need break flow if user name doesn't exist if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jUser), &userData); err != nil { ah.L.Logf("[DEBUG] failed to parse user data %s: %v", user, err) user.Name = "noname_" + user.ID[6:12] // paste noname if user name failed to parse return } user.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", userData.Name.FirstName, userData.Name.LastName) } func (ah *AppleHandler) prepareLoginURL(state, path string) (string, error) { scopesList := strings.Join(ah.conf.scopes, " ") if scopesList != "" && ah.conf.ResponseMode != "form_post" { return "", fmt.Errorf("response_mode must be form_post if scope is not empty") } authURL, err := url.Parse(ah.endpoint.AuthURL) if err != nil { return "", err } query := authURL.Query() query.Set("state", state) query.Set("response_type", "code") query.Set("response_mode", ah.conf.ResponseMode) query.Set("client_id", ah.conf.ClientID) query.Set("scope", scopesList) query.Set("redirect_uri", ah.makeRedirURL(path)) authURL.RawQuery = query.Encode() return authURL.String(), nil } func (ah AppleHandler) makeRedirURL(path string) string { elems := strings.Split(path, "/") newPath := strings.Join(elems[:len(elems)-1], "/") return strings.TrimRight(ah.URL, "/") + strings.TrimSuffix(newPath, "/") + urlCallbackSuffix }