# Recipe for version 3.8.3 by Nick Matteo , on Sun Mar 15 16:03:42 EDT 2009 # Recipe (MakeRecipe) for ATLAS by Lucas C. Villa Real, on Wed Dec 13 16:11:19 BRST 2006 compile_version=1.12.1 url="$httpSourceforge/math-atlas/atlas3.8.3.tar.bz2" file_size=2527756 file_md5=6c13be94a87178e7582111c08e9503bc dir='ATLAS' recipe_type=configure needs_build_directory=yes environment=( "tmpfile=`mktemp $goboTemp/compile.atlas.XXXX`" "sagfile=$goboObjects/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors" "sgfile=$goboObjects/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor" "sgfiles=$goboObjects/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor" ) configure_options=( "-Fa alg -fPIC" "-O 1" # operating system Linux "-Si cputhrchk 0" "-C ic `which gcc`" "-F ic \\\"$CFLAGS\\\"" ) with_fortran="-C if `which gfortran`" # According to INSTALL, CPU-Throttling must be disabled during build and install pre_build() { if test -e "$sgfile" && grep -q performance "$sagfile" then cat "$sgfile" > "$tmpfile" eval "echo performance > $sgfiles" fi } post_install() { if test -e "$sgfile" && test -f "$tmpfile" && grep -q performance "$sagfile" then eval "cat \"$tmpfile\" > $sgfiles" fi #If you have more than one CPU, and a different scaling governor on each, then a) oops, they're the same now; b) you're crazy rm -f "$goboTemp"/compile.atlas.* # Apparently, Compile evaluates environment four times before settling on final values } pre_install() { pushd lib make shared # make ptshared popd } pre_link() { cp bin/xatlas_{tee,waitfile} $target/bin cp lib/*.so $target/lib ln -s libcblas.a $target/lib/libblas.a }