# Recipe for version 2.1.3 by Hisham Muhammad , on Wed Aug 23 18:04:32 BRT 2017 # Recipe (MakeRecipe) for Audacity by Hisham Muhammad , on Sun Jul 27 14:35:59 BRT 2014 compile_version=2.0 url="http://gobolinux.org/mirror_url/Audacity/2.1.3/audacity-minsrc-2.1.3.tar.xz" # we can't rely on upstream's URL because it takes you to an HTML page # which redirects, so it only works via a browser. In any case, here is # the original source for comparison: # https://www.fosshub.com/Audacity.html/audacity-minsrc-2.1.3.tar.xz # obtained from http://www.audacityteam.org/download/source/ file_size=8073388 file_md5=c8c8225739bc7eecec9fae68a0ced471 recipe_type=configure