# Recipe for version 1.72.0 by Lucas C. Villa Real , on Mon 24 Feb 2020 04:43:55 PM BRT compile_version=1.8.2 url="https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.72.0/source/boost_1_72_0.tar.bz2" file_size=106907358 file_md5=cb40943d2a2cb8ce08d42bc48b0f84f0 recipe_type=makefile # Sadly, Boost 1.45 no longer provides a configure script, so we need to # resort to a very procedural recipe using Boost's completely nonstandard # build system. do_configuration() { ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=$target } do_build() { ./b2 variant=release threading=multi stage } do_install() { $sudo_exec ./b2 install # Manually install docs $sudo_exec mkdir -p $target/doc $sudo_exec cp -R doc/html $target/doc # Install bjam for use by e.g. BGL-Python $sudo_exec cp b2 $target/bin }