# Recipe for version 4.10.0 by Lucas C. Villa Real , on Sat Mar 25 15:29:06 BRT 2017 # Recipe (MakeRecipe) for XFSProgs by ro.ko@mcnon.com, on Tue Oct 12 00:32:49 BRST 2004 compile_version=1.8.0 url="https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/fs/xfs/xfsprogs/xfsprogs-4.10.0.tar.xz" file_size=1091648 file_md5=ddbb04493addf014db07a7e2b96b2804 recipe_type=configure install_target="install install-dev" configure_options=( --exec-prefix=$goboSystem/Index --libdir=$target/lib --sbindir=$target/sbin --enable-shared=yes --enable-readline=yes --enable-lib64=no ) build_variables=( DEBUG=-DNDEBUG ) environment=( # XFSProgs and related use a custom m4 macro that uses only this # environment variable to locate the libtool binary if it is not # in a standard location. LIBTOOL="${goboExecutables}/libtool" )