# Sleeplessmind Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2/3/4 The scheme spreads some love to variables, comments and all the things you'll need to code in HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, Ruby, etc... ![Nice Screenshot Baby](https://raw.github.com/godbout/sleeplessmind-color-scheme/readme/screenshots/sleeplessmind.png "Do you like it?") # Color Scheme, not UI Theme This is a Color Scheme, not a UI Theme, so it doesn't change the tabs or the sidebar. But it mixes pretty well with the [Soda Dark UI Theme](http://buymeasoda.github.com/soda-theme/) if you need that. # Who did I steal that from The scheme is almost entirely based on [Clouds Midnight](http://fredhq.com/projects/clouds/) from Fred LeBlanc. But my comments and highlights are better, his suck.