#gems/awesome_print/lib/awesome_print.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # AwesomePrint might be loaded implicitly through ~/.irbrc or ~/.pryrc # so do nothing for subsequent requires. # unless defined?(AwesomePrint::Inspector) %w(array string method object class kernel).each do |file| end # # Load the following under normal circumstances as well as in Rails # console when required from ~/.irbrc or ~/.pryrc. # # # Load remaining extensions. # if defined?(ActiveSupport) ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do end end end #gems/awesome_print/lib/./awesome_print/core_ext/array.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The following makes it possible to invoke awesome_print while performing # operations on method arrays, ex: # # ap [].methods - Object.methods # ap ''.methods.grep(/!|\?/) # # If you could think of a better way please let me know :-) # class Array #:nodoc: [ :-, :& ].each do |operator| original_operator = instance_method(operator) define_method operator do |*args| arr = original_operator.bind(self).call(*args) if self.instance_variable_defined?('@__awesome_methods__') arr.instance_variable_set('@__awesome_methods__', self.instance_variable_get('@__awesome_methods__')) arr.sort! { |a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s } # Need the block since Ruby 1.8.x can't sort arrays of symbols. end arr end end # # Intercepting Array#grep needs a special treatment since grep accepts # an optional block. # alias :original_grep :grep def grep(pattern, &blk) # # The following looks rather insane and I've sent numerous hours trying # to figure it out. The problem is that if grep gets called with the # block, for example: # # [].methods.grep(/(.+?)_by/) { $1.to_sym } # # ...then simple: # # original_grep(pattern, &blk) # # doesn't set $1 within the grep block which causes nil.to_sym failure. # The workaround below has been tested with Ruby 1.8.7/Rails 2.3.8 and # Ruby 1.9.2/Rails 3.0.0. For more info see the following thread dating # back to 2003 when Ruby 1.8.0 was as fresh off the grill as Ruby 1.9.2 # is in 2010 :-) # # http://www.justskins.com/forums/bug-when-rerouting-string-52852.html # # BTW, if you figure out a better way of intercepting Array#grep please # let me know: twitter.com/mid -- or just say hi so I know you've read # the comment :-) # arr = unless blk original_grep(pattern) else original_grep(pattern) do |match| # # The binding can only be used with Ruby-defined methods, therefore # we must rescue potential "ArgumentError: Can't create Binding from # C level Proc" error. # # For example, the following raises ArgumentError since #succ method # is defined in C. # # [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ].grep(1..2, &:succ) # eval("%Q/#{match.to_s.gsub('/', '\/')}/ =~ #{pattern.inspect}", blk.binding) rescue ArgumentError yield match end end if self.instance_variable_defined?('@__awesome_methods__') arr.instance_variable_set('@__awesome_methods__', self.instance_variable_get('@__awesome_methods__')) arr.reject! { |item| !(item.is_a?(Symbol) || item.is_a?(String)) } # grep block might return crap. end arr end end #gems/awesome_print/lib/./awesome_print/core_ext/string.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class String # # ANSI color codes: # \e => escape # 30 => color base # 1 => bright # 0 => normal # # font. Note that beloved has been removed from HTML5. # %w(gray red green yellow blue purple cyan white).zip( %w(black darkred darkgreen brown navy darkmagenta darkcyan slategray)).each_with_index do |(color, shade), i| define_method color do |*html| html[0] ? %Q|#{self}| : "\e[1;#{30+i}m#{self}\e[0m" end define_method "#{color}ish" do |*html| html[0] ? %Q|#{self}| : "\e[0;#{30+i}m#{self}\e[0m" end end alias :black :grayish alias :pale :whiteish end #gems/awesome_print/lib/./awesome_print/core_ext/method.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Method#name was intorduced in Ruby 1.8.7 so we define it here as necessary. # unless nil.method(:class).respond_to?(:name) class Method def name inspect.split(/[#.>]/)[-1] end end class UnboundMethod def name inspect.split(/[#.>]/)[-1] end end end #gems/awesome_print/lib/./awesome_print/core_ext/object.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Object #:nodoc: # # Intercept methods below to inject @__awesome_print__ instance variable # so we know it is the *methods* array when formatting an array. # # Remaining instance '_methods' are handled in core_ext/class.rb. # %w(methods private_methods protected_methods public_methods singleton_methods).each do |name| original_method = instance_method(name) define_method name do |*args| methods = original_method.bind(self).call(*args) methods.instance_variable_set('@__awesome_methods__', self) methods end end end #gems/awesome_print/lib/./awesome_print/core_ext/class.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Class #:nodoc: # # Intercept methods below to inject @__awesome_print__ instance variable # so we know it is the *methods* array when formatting an array. # # Remaining public/private etc. '_methods' are handled in core_ext/object.rb. # %w(instance_methods private_instance_methods protected_instance_methods public_instance_methods).each do |name| original_method = instance_method(name) define_method name do |*args| methods = original_method.bind(self).call(*args) methods.instance_variable_set('@__awesome_methods__', self) methods end end end #gems/awesome_print/lib/./awesome_print/core_ext/kernel.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Kernel def ai(options = {}) ap = AwesomePrint::Inspector.new(options) awesome = ap.awesome self if options[:html] awesome = "
" awesome = awesome.html_safe if defined? ActiveSupport end awesome end alias :awesome_inspect :ai def ap(object, options = {}) puts object.ai(options) object unless AwesomePrint.console? end alias :awesome_print :ap module_function :ap end #gems/awesome_print/lib/./awesome_print/inspector.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module AwesomePrint class << self # Class accessors for custom defaults. attr_accessor :defaults, :force_colors # Class accessor to force colorized output (ex. forked subprocess where TERM # might be dumb). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def force_colors!(value = true) @force_colors = value end def console? !!(defined?(IRB) || defined?(Pry)) end def rails_console? console? && !!(defined?(Rails::Console) || ENV["RAILS_ENV"]) end def irb! return unless defined?(IRB) unless IRB.version.include?("DietRB") IRB::Irb.class_eval do def output_value ap @context.last_value end end else # MacRuby IRB.formatter = Class.new(IRB::Formatter) do def inspect_object(object) object.ai end end.new end end def pry! if defined?(Pry) Pry.print = proc { |output, value| output.puts value.ai } end end end class Inspector attr_accessor :options AP = :__awesome_print__ def initialize(options = {}) @options = { :indent => 4, # Indent using 4 spaces. :index => true, # Display array indices. :html => false, # Use ANSI color codes rather than HTML. :multiline => true, # Display in multiple lines. :plain => false, # Use colors. :raw => false, # Do not recursively format object instance variables. :sort_keys => false, # Do not sort hash keys. :limit => false, # Limit large output for arrays and hashes. Set to a boolean or integer. :color => { :args => :pale, :array => :white, :bigdecimal => :blue, :class => :yellow, :date => :greenish, :falseclass => :red, :fixnum => :blue, :float => :blue, :hash => :pale, :keyword => :cyan, :method => :purpleish, :nilclass => :red, :rational => :blue, :string => :yellowish, :struct => :pale, :symbol => :cyanish, :time => :greenish, :trueclass => :green, :variable => :cyanish } } # Merge custom defaults and let explicit options parameter override them. merge_custom_defaults! merge_options!(options) @formatter = AwesomePrint::Formatter.new(self) Thread.current[AP] ||= [] end # Dispatcher that detects data nesting and invokes object-aware formatter. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome(object) if Thread.current[AP].include?(object.object_id) nested(object) else begin Thread.current[AP] << object.object_id unnested(object) ensure Thread.current[AP].pop end end end # Return true if we are to colorize the output. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def colorize? AwesomePrint.force_colors ||= false AwesomePrint.force_colors || (STDOUT.tty? && ((ENV['TERM'] && ENV['TERM'] != 'dumb') || ENV['ANSICON'])) end private # Format nested data, for example: # arr = [1, 2]; arr << arr # => [1,2, [...]] # hash = { :a => 1 }; hash[:b] = hash # => { :a => 1, :b => {...} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def nested(object) case printable(object) when :array then @formatter.colorize("[...]", :array) when :hash then @formatter.colorize("{...}", :hash) when :struct then @formatter.colorize("{...}", :struct) else @formatter.colorize("...#{object.class}...", :class) end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def unnested(object) @formatter.format(object, printable(object)) end # Turn class name into symbol, ex: Hello::World => :hello_world. Classes that # inherit from Array, Hash, File, Dir, and Struct are treated as the base class. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def printable(object) case object when Array then :array when Hash then :hash when File then :file when Dir then :dir when Struct then :struct else object.class.to_s.gsub(/:+/, "_").downcase.to_sym end end # Update @options by first merging the :color hash and then the remaining keys. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def merge_options!(options = {}) @options[:color].merge!(options.delete(:color) || {}) @options.merge!(options) end # Load ~/.aprc file with custom defaults that override default options. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def merge_custom_defaults! dotfile = File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".aprc") load dotfile if File.readable?(dotfile) merge_options!(AwesomePrint.defaults) if AwesomePrint.defaults.is_a?(Hash) rescue => e $stderr.puts "Could not load #{dotfile}: #{e}" end end end #gems/awesome_print/lib/./awesome_print/formatter.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ autoload :CGI, "cgi" module AwesomePrint class Formatter CORE = [ :array, :bigdecimal, :class, :dir, :file, :hash, :method, :rational, :set, :struct, :unboundmethod ] DEFAULT_LIMIT_SIZE = 7 def initialize(inspector) @inspector = inspector @options = inspector.options @indentation = @options[:indent].abs end # Main entry point to format an object. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def format(object, type = nil) core_class = cast(object, type) awesome = if core_class != :self send(:"awesome_#{core_class}", object) # Core formatters. else awesome_self(object, type) # Catch all that falls back to object.inspect. end awesome end # Hook this when adding custom formatters. Check out lib/awesome_print/ext # directory for custom formatters that ship with awesome_print. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def cast(object, type) CORE.grep(type)[0] || :self end # Pick the color and apply it to the given string as necessary. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def colorize(str, type) str = CGI.escapeHTML(str) if @options[:html] if @options[:plain] || !@options[:color][type] || !@inspector.colorize? str # # Check if the string color method is defined by awesome_print and accepts # html parameter or it has been overriden by some gem such as colorize. # elsif str.method(@options[:color][type]).arity == -1 # Accepts html parameter. str.send(@options[:color][type], @options[:html]) else str = %Q|#{str}| if @options[:html] str.send(@options[:color][type]) end end private # Catch all method to format an arbitrary object. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_self(object, type) if @options[:raw] && object.instance_variables.any? awesome_object(object) elsif object.respond_to?(:to_hash) awesome_hash(object.to_hash) else colorize(object.inspect.to_s, type) end end # Format an array. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_array(a) return "[]" if a == [] if a.instance_variable_defined?('@__awesome_methods__') methods_array(a) elsif @options[:multiline] width = (a.size - 1).to_s.size data = a.inject([]) do |arr, item| index = indent index << colorize("[#{arr.size.to_s.rjust(width)}] ", :array) if @options[:index] indented do arr << (index << @inspector.awesome(item)) end end data = limited(data, width) if should_be_limited? "[\n" << data.join(",\n") << "\n#{outdent}]" else "[ " << a.map{ |item| @inspector.awesome(item) }.join(", ") << " ]" end end # Format a hash. If @options[:indent] if negative left align hash keys. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_hash(h) return "{}" if h == {} keys = @options[:sort_keys] ? h.keys.sort { |a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s } : h.keys data = keys.map do |key| plain_single_line do [ @inspector.awesome(key), h[key] ] end end width = data.map { |key, | key.size }.max || 0 width += @indentation if @options[:indent] > 0 data = data.map do |key, value| indented do align(key, width) << colorize(" => ", :hash) << @inspector.awesome(value) end end data = limited(data, width, :hash => true) if should_be_limited? if @options[:multiline] "{\n" << data.join(",\n") << "\n#{outdent}}" else "{ #{data.join(', ')} }" end end # Format an object. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_object(o) vars = o.instance_variables.map do |var| property = var.to_s[1..-1].to_sym # to_s because of some monkey patching done by Puppet. accessor = if o.respond_to?(:"#{property}=") o.respond_to?(property) ? :accessor : :writer else o.respond_to?(property) ? :reader : nil end if accessor [ "attr_#{accessor} :#{property}", var ] else [ var.to_s, var ] end end data = vars.sort.map do |declaration, var| key = left_aligned do align(declaration, declaration.size) end unless @options[:plain] if key =~ /(@\w+)/ key.sub!($1, colorize($1, :variable)) else key.sub!(/(attr_\w+)\s(\:\w+)/, "#{colorize('\\1', :keyword)} #{colorize('\\2', :method)}") end end indented do key << colorize(" = ", :hash) + @inspector.awesome(o.instance_variable_get(var)) end end if @options[:multiline] "#<#{awesome_instance(o)}\n#{data.join(%Q/,\n/)}\n#{outdent}>" else "#<#{awesome_instance(o)} #{data.join(', ')}>" end end # Format a set. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_set(s) awesome_array(s.to_a) end # Format a Struct. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_struct(s) # # The code is slightly uglier because of Ruby 1.8.6 quirks: # awesome_hash(Hash[s.members.zip(s.values)]) <-- ArgumentError: odd number of arguments for Hash) # awesome_hash(Hash[*s.members.zip(s.values).flatten]) <-- s.members returns strings, not symbols. # hash = {} s.each_pair { |key, value| hash[key] = value } awesome_hash(hash) end # Format Class object. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_class(c) if superclass = c.superclass # <-- Assign and test if nil. colorize("#{c.inspect} < #{superclass}", :class) else colorize(c.inspect, :class) end end # Format File object. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_file(f) ls = File.directory?(f) ? `ls -adlF #{f.path.shellescape}` : `ls -alF #{f.path.shellescape}` colorize(ls.empty? ? f.inspect : "#{f.inspect}\n#{ls.chop}", :file) end # Format Dir object. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_dir(d) ls = `ls -alF #{d.path.shellescape}` colorize(ls.empty? ? d.inspect : "#{d.inspect}\n#{ls.chop}", :dir) end # Format BigDecimal object. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_bigdecimal(n) colorize(n.to_s("F"), :bigdecimal) end # Format Rational object. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_rational(n) colorize(n.to_s, :rational) end # Format a method. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_method(m) name, args, owner = method_tuple(m) "#{colorize(owner, :class)}##{colorize(name, :method)}#{colorize(args, :args)}" end alias :awesome_unboundmethod :awesome_method # Format object instance. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def awesome_instance(o) "#{o.class}:0x%08x" % (o.__id__ * 2) end # Format object.methods array. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def methods_array(a) a.sort! { |x, y| x.to_s <=> y.to_s } # Can't simply a.sort! because of o.methods << [ :blah ] object = a.instance_variable_get('@__awesome_methods__') tuples = a.map do |name| if name.is_a?(Symbol) || name.is_a?(String) # Ignore garbage, ex. 42.methods << [ :blah ] tuple = if object.respond_to?(name, true) # Is this a regular method? the_method = object.method(name) rescue nil # Avoid potential ArgumentError if object#method is overridden. if the_method && the_method.respond_to?(:arity) # Is this original object#method? method_tuple(the_method) # Yes, we are good. end elsif object.respond_to?(:instance_method) # Is this an unbound method? method_tuple(object.instance_method(name)) rescue nil # Rescue to avoid NameError when the method is not end # available (ex. File.lchmod on Ubuntu 12). end tuple || [ name.to_s, '(?)', '?' ] # Return WTF default if all the above fails. end width = (tuples.size - 1).to_s.size name_width = tuples.map { |item| item[0].size }.max || 0 args_width = tuples.map { |item| item[1].size }.max || 0 data = tuples.inject([]) do |arr, item| index = indent index << "[#{arr.size.to_s.rjust(width)}]" if @options[:index] indented do arr << "#{index} #{colorize(item[0].rjust(name_width), :method)}#{colorize(item[1].ljust(args_width), :args)} #{colorize(item[2], :class)}" end end "[\n" << data.join("\n") << "\n#{outdent}]" end # Return [ name, arguments, owner ] tuple for a given method. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def method_tuple(method) if method.respond_to?(:parameters) # Ruby 1.9.2+ # See http://ruby.runpaint.org/methods#method-objects-parameters args = method.parameters.inject([]) do |arr, (type, name)| name ||= (type == :block ? 'block' : "arg#{arr.size + 1}") arr << case type when :req then name.to_s when :opt, :rest then "*#{name}" when :block then "&#{name}" else '?' end end else # See http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Method.html#M001902 args = (1..method.arity.abs).map { |i| "arg#{i}" } args[-1] = "*#{args[-1]}" if method.arity < 0 end # method.to_s formats to handle: # # # # # # #)#_username> # # # # # # # if method.to_s =~ /(Unbound)*Method: (.*)[#\.]/ unbound, klass = $1 && '(unbound)', $2 if klass && klass =~ /(\(\w+:\s.*?\))/ # Is this ActiveRecord-style class? klass.sub!($1, '') # Yes, strip the fields leaving class name only. end owner = "#{klass}#{unbound}".gsub('(', ' (') end [ method.name.to_s, "(#{args.join(', ')})", owner.to_s ] end # Format hash keys as plain strings regardless of underlying data type. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def plain_single_line plain, multiline = @options[:plain], @options[:multiline] @options[:plain], @options[:multiline] = true, false yield ensure @options[:plain], @options[:multiline] = plain, multiline end # Utility methods. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def align(value, width) if @options[:multiline] if @options[:indent] > 0 value.rjust(width) elsif @options[:indent] == 0 indent + value.ljust(width) else indent[0, @indentation + @options[:indent]] + value.ljust(width) end else value end end def indented @indentation += @options[:indent].abs yield ensure @indentation -= @options[:indent].abs end def left_aligned current, @options[:indent] = @options[:indent], 0 yield ensure @options[:indent] = current end def indent ' ' * @indentation end def outdent ' ' * (@indentation - @options[:indent].abs) end # To support limited output, for example: # # ap ('a'..'z').to_a, :limit => 3 # [ # [ 0] "a", # [ 1] .. [24], # [25] "z" # ] # # ap (1..100).to_a, :limit => true # Default limit is 7. # [ # [ 0] 1, # [ 1] 2, # [ 2] 3, # [ 3] .. [96], # [97] 98, # [98] 99, # [99] 100 # ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def should_be_limited? @options[:limit] == true or (@options[:limit].is_a?(Fixnum) and @options[:limit] > 0) end def get_limit_size @options[:limit] == true ? DEFAULT_LIMIT_SIZE : @options[:limit] end def limited(data, width, is_hash = false) limit = get_limit_size if data.length <= limit data else # Calculate how many elements to be displayed above and below the separator. head = limit / 2 tail = head - (limit - 1) % 2 # Add the proper elements to the temp array and format the separator. temp = data[0, head] + [ nil ] + data[-tail, tail] if is_hash temp[head] = "#{indent}#{data[head].strip} .. #{data[data.length - tail - 1].strip}" else temp[head] = "#{indent}[#{head.to_s.rjust(width)}] .. [#{data.length - tail - 1}]" end temp end end end end #gems/awesome_print/lib/./awesome_print/version.rb # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Michael Dvorkin # # Awesome Print is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module AwesomePrint def self.version "1.6.1" end end