#gems/i18n/lib/i18n.rb module I18n DICTS = {} LOCALES = {} TRANSLATE_MARK = 't ' LOCALE_FILE = 'lang.txt' class << self def current_locale @current_locale ||= calculate_current_locale end def current_locale=(locale) @current_locale = locale File.open(LOCALE_FILE, 'w') { |f| f.puts locale.to_s } reload! end def t(path) path.gsub(/['"]/, '').split('.').inject DICTS.fetch(current_locale) do |dict, key| key = dict.is_a?(Array) && key.to_i.to_s == key ? key.to_i - 1 : key.to_sym dict[key] || raise(I18n::Errors::KeyNotFound, path) end end def add(symbol, name = nil, dict = {}) if name LOCALES[symbol] = name elsif !LOCALES[symbol] raise ArgumentError end DICTS[symbol] ||= {} DICTS[symbol].merge! dict end def add_to_locale(locale, dict) raise ArgumentError, "Local #{symbole} was not found" unless DICTS.has_key? locale add locale, nil, dict end def on_reload(&block) @on_reload ||= [] @on_reload << block end private def reload! (@on_reload || []).each(&:call) end def calculate_current_locale locale_from_file || :ru end def locale_from_file File.open(LOCALE_FILE, 'r') { |f| f.read.strip.to_sym } rescue nil end end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/errors.rb module I18n::Errors class KeyNotFound < StandardError end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/ru.rb #encoding=utf-8 I18n.add :ru, 'Русский', { basic: { currency_unit: 'Зт.', elements: [''] + %w(Физический Aбсорб Огонь Лед Молния Вода Земля Воздух Святость Тьма), weapon_types: [''] + %w(Топор Когти Копье Меч Катана Лук Кинжал Молот Посох Огнестрельное Жезл), skill_types: [''] + %w(Навык Магия Пассивное), armor_types: [''] + %w(Обычная Магическая Легкая Тяжелая Большая Маленькая).map { |p| "#{p} броня" }, basic_status: %w(уровня Ур HP HP MP MP TP TP), parameters: [ 'Макс HP', 'Макс MP', 'Атака', 'Защита', 'Маг. атака', 'Маг. защита', 'Ловкость', 'Удача' ], equip_types: %w(Оружие Щит Голова Тело Аксессуар), commands: [ 'Бой', 'Сбежать', 'Атака', 'Защита', 'Вещи', 'Навыки', 'Снаряжение', 'Статус', 'Построение', 'Сохранить', 'Выйти', '', 'Оружие', 'Броня', 'Ключевые', 'Одеть', 'Лучшее', 'Снять все', 'Новая игра', 'Загрузить', 'Выйти', 'Меню', 'Вернуться', '' ], # Shop Screen shop_buy: "Купить", shop_sell: "Продать", shop_cancel: "Отмена", possession: "Имущество", # Status Screen exp_total: "Опыт", exp_next: "До следующего %s", # Save/Load Screen save_message: "Сохранить в файл", load_message: "Загрузить", file: "Файл", # Display when there are multiple members party_name: "Группа %s", # Basic Battle Messages emerge: "Появляется %s!", preemptive: "%s получает преимущество!", surprise: "%s удивлен!", escape_start: "%s пытается сбежать!", escape_failure: "Побег не удался!", # Battle Ending Messages victory: "%s Побеждает!", defeat: "%s был побежден.", obtain_exp: "Получено %s EXP!", obtain_gold: "Найдено %s\\G!", obtain_item: "Найден %s!", level_up: "%s теперь %s %s!", obtain_skill: "Изучено умение \"%s!\"", # Use Item use_item: "%s использует %s!", # Critical Hit critical_to_enemy: "Критический удар!!", critical_to_actor: "Критический удар!!", # Results for Actions on Actors actor_damage: "%s получает %s урона!", actor_recovery: "%s востановаливает %s %s!", actor_gain: "%s получает %s %s!", actor_loss: "%s теряет %s %s!", actor_drain: "%s вытягивает %s %s!", actor_no_damage: "%s не получает!", actor_no_hit: "Промах! %s не получает урона!", # Results for Actions on Enemies enemy_damage: "%s получает %s урона!", enemy_recovery: "%s востанавливает %s %s!", enemy_gain: "%s полуает %s %s!", enemy_loss:"%s теряет %s %s!", enemy_drain: "Вытягивает %s %s из %s!", enemy_no_damage: "%s не получает урона!", enemy_no_hit: "Промах! %s не получает урона!", # Evasion/Reflection evasion: "%s уклоняется от атаки!", magic_evasion: "%s резистирует магию!", magic_reflection: "%s отражает магию!", counter_attack: "%s контераттакован!", substitute: "%s защищен %s!", # Buff/Debuff buff_add: "%s's %s повышается!", debuff_add: "%s's %s понижается!", buff_remove: "%s's %s возвращается к норме.", # Skill or Item Had No Effect action_failure: "Нет эффекта на %s!", # Error Message player_pos_error: "Начальная точка игрока не установлена.", event_overflow: "Обычный эвент превысил лимит.", language: 'Язык' } } #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/en.rb I18n.add :en, 'English', { basic: { currency_unit: 'G', elements: [''] + %w(Physical Absorb Fire Ice Light Water Earth Air Holy Dark), weapon_types: [''] + %w(Axe Claws Spear Sword Katana Bow Dagger Hammer Staff Gun Rod), skill_types: [''] + %w(Skill Spell Passive), armor_types: [''] + %w(Common Magic Light Heavy Big Tiny).map { |p| "#{p} armor" }, basic_status: %w(level lvl HP HP MP MP TP TP), parameters: [ 'Max HP', 'Max MP', 'Attack', 'Defence', 'M. attack', 'M. defence', 'Agility', 'Luck' ], equip_types: %w(Weapon Shield Head Body Accessory), commands: [ 'Fight', 'Escape', 'Attack', 'Guard', 'Items', 'Skills', 'Equipment', 'Status', 'Formation', 'Save', 'Quit', '', 'Weapon', 'Armor', 'Key', 'Equip', 'Optimize', 'Clear', 'New Game', 'Load', 'Quit', 'Menu', 'Back', '' ], # Shop Screen shop_buy: "Buy", shop_sell: "Sell", shop_cancel: "Cancel", possession: "Possession", # Status Screen exp_total: "EXP", exp_next: "To next %s", # Save/Load Screen save_message: "Save to file", load_message: "Load", file: "File", # Display when there are multiple members party_name: "%s's Party", # Basic Battle Messages emerge: "%s emerges!", preemptive: "%s is preemptive!", surprise: "%s is surprised!", escape_start: "%s is trying to escape!", escape_failure: "Escape failed!", # Battle Ending Messages victory: "%s wins!", defeat: "%s was defeated.", obtain_exp: "Gained %s EXP!", obtain_gold: "Gained %s\\G!", obtain_item: "%s is gained!", level_up: "%s is %s %s now!", obtain_skill: " \"%s!\" skill was learnt", # Use Item use_item: "%s uses %s!", # Critical Hit critical_to_enemy: "Critical hit!!", critical_to_actor: "Critical hit!!", # Results for Actions on Actors actor_damage: "%s got %s damage!", actor_recovery: "%s recovers %s %s!", actor_gain: "%s gains %s %s!", actor_loss: "%s losses %s %s!", actor_drain: "%s drains %s %s!", actor_no_damage: "%s got no damage!", actor_no_hit: "Miss! %s got no damage!", # Results for Actions on Enemies enemy_damage: "%s got %s damage!", enemy_recovery: "%s recover %s %s!", enemy_gain: "%s gains %s %s!", enemy_loss:"%s losses %s %s!", enemy_drain: "Drains %s %s из %s!", enemy_no_damage: "%s got no damage!", enemy_no_hit: "Miss! %s got no damage!", # Evasion/Reflection evasion: "%s evaded attack!", magic_evasion: "%s resists spell!", magic_reflection: "%s reflect spell!", counter_attack: "%s is counter attacked!", substitute: "%s is covered by %s!", # Buff/Debuff buff_add: "%s's %s is rising!", debuff_add: "%s's %s falling!", buff_remove: "%s's %s backs to normal", # Skill or Item Had No Effect action_failure: "No effect on %s!", # Error Message player_pos_error: "Player's start point is not setted.", event_overflow: "Common event overflowed limit.", language: 'Language' } } #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/database_translator.rb module I18n::DatabaseTranslator def self.watch(klass, *method_names) klass.class_exec(method_names) do |names| names.flatten.each do |method_name| original_method_name = "original_#{method_name}_for_translator" alias_method original_method_name, method_name define_method method_name do result = send original_method_name if result.start_with?(I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK) t result.sub(I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK, '').strip else result end end end end end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/window.rb class I18n::Window < Window_Selectable def initialize(x, y) width = 160 height = line_height * item_max + 24 super x, y, width, height draw_all_items close end def close super hide end def open super activate select current_index show end def selected_locale locales[@index] end private def locales I18n::LOCALES.keys end def names I18n::LOCALES.values end def current_index locales.index I18n.current_locale end def draw_item(index) change_color normal_color draw_text item_rect_for_text(index), names[index] end def item_max locales.size end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch.rb module I18n::Patch end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/object_patch.rb class Object def t(*args, &block) I18n.t(*args, &block) end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/string_patch.rb class String def underscore chars.first.downcase + chars.to_a[1..-1].inject('') do |res, char| prefix = char.upcase == char ? '_' : '' res + prefix + char.downcase end end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/rpg_system_patch.rb class RPG::System def elements t 'basic.elements' end def skill_types t 'basic.skill_types' end def armor_types t 'basic.armor_types' end def weapon_types t 'basic.weapon_types' end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/rpg_system_terms_patch.rb class RPG::System::Terms def basic t "basic.basic_status" end def params t "basic.parameters" end def etypes t "basic.equip_types" end def commands t "basic.commands" end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/vocab_patch.rb module Vocab def self.set %w( ShopBuy ShopSell ShopCancel Possession ExpTotal ExpNext SaveMessage LoadMessage File PartyName Emerge Preemptive Surprise EscapeStart EscapeFailure Victory Defeat ObtainExp ObtainGold ObtainItem LevelUp ObtainSkill UseItem CriticalToEnemy CriticalToActor ActorDamage ActorRecovery ActorGain ActorLoss ActorDrain ActorNoDamage ActorNoHit EnemyDamage EnemyRecovery EnemyGain EnemyLoss EnemyDrain EnemyNoDamage EnemyNoHit Evasion MagicEvasion MagicReflection CounterAttack Substitute BuffAdd DebuffAdd BuffRemove ActionFailure PlayerPosError EventOverflow ).each do |const_name| const_set const_name, t("basic.#{const_name.underscore}") end end set I18n.on_reload(&method(:set).to_proc) # Currency Unit def self.currency_unit t 'basic.currency_unit' end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/watcher_patch.rb [ [RPG::Actor, %w(name nickname description)], [RPG::Class, %w(name)], [RPG::Skill, %w(name description message1)], [RPG::Enemy, %w(name)], [RPG::Item, %w(name description)], [RPG::Weapon, %w(name description)], [RPG::Armor, %w(name description)], [RPG::State, %w(name message1 message2 message3 message4)] ].each { |arr| I18n::DatabaseTranslator.watch(*arr) } #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/game_interpreter_patch.rb class Game_Interpreter def command_101 wait_for_message $game_message.face_name = @params[0] $game_message.face_index = @params[1] $game_message.background = @params[2] $game_message.position = @params[3] while next_event_code == 401 # Text data @index += 1 text = @list[@index].parameters[0] if text.start_with? I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK t(text.sub(I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK, '').strip).lines.each do |line| $game_message.add line.strip end else $game_message.add text end end case next_event_code when 102 # Show Choices @index += 1 default_index = @list[@index].parameters.last choices = @list[@index].parameters.first.map do |choice| if choice.start_with? I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK t choice.sub(I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK, '').strip.strip else choice end end setup_choices [choices, default_index] when 103 # Input Number @index += 1 setup_num_input(@list[@index].parameters) when 104 # Select Item @index += 1 setup_item_choice(@list[@index].parameters) end wait_for_message end def command_105 Fiber.yield while $game_message.visible $game_message.scroll_mode = true $game_message.scroll_speed = @params[0] $game_message.scroll_no_fast = @params[1] while next_event_code == 405 @index += 1 text = @list[@index].parameters[0] if text.start_with? I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK t(text.sub(I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK, '').strip).lines.each do |line| $game_message.add line.strip end else $game_message.add text end end wait_for_message end alias original_setup_choices_for_i18n setup_choices def setup_choices(params) params[0].map! do |choice| if choice.start_with? I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK t choice.sub(I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK, '').strip else choice end end original_setup_choices_for_i18n params end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/game_map_patch.rb class Game_Map alias original_display_name_for_i18n display_name def display_name text = original_display_name_for_i18n if text && text.start_with?(I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK) t text.sub(I18n::TRANSLATE_MARK, '').strip else text end end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/scene_title_patch.rb class Scene_Title alias original_create_command_window_for_i18n create_command_window def create_command_window original_create_command_window_for_i18n @command_window.set_handler :language, method(:command_language) create_language_window end private def create_language_window @language_window = I18n::Window.new @command_window.x, @command_window.y @language_window.set_handler :ok, method(:on_language_ok) @language_window.set_handler :cancel, method(:on_language_cancel) end def command_language close_command_window open_language_window end def on_language_ok I18n.current_locale = @language_window.selected_locale on_language_cancel end def on_language_cancel close_language_window open_command_window end def open_language_window @language_window.open update until @language_window.open? end def open_command_window @command_window.refresh @command_window.open update until @command_window.open? @command_window.activate end def close_language_window @language_window.close update until @language_window.close? end end #gems/i18n/lib/i18n/patch/window_title_command_patch.rb class Window_TitleCommand alias original_make_command_list_for_i18n make_command_list def make_command_list original_make_command_list_for_i18n @list[-1 ... -1] = { name: t('basic.language'), symbol: :language, enabled: true, ext: nil } end alias original_update_placement_for_i18n update_placement def update_placement original_update_placement_for_i18n self.y = (Graphics.height * 1.3 - height) / 2 end end