Reqflow 1.6.0, 11 Mar 2019 - Option -type accepts only the following arguments: txt, odt, docx, xml, html, pdf - When file type detection is based on the filename extension: * the detection is case insensitive * the known extensions are those accepted by -type, and "htm" * text is the default (when the extension is unkown) Reqflow 1.5.3, 2 Oct 2018 - file extensions .ad, .adoc, .asc, .asciidoc, .md known as text documents Reqflow 1.5.2, 31 Oct 2017 - option -end-req for marking end of text of a requirement - fix detection of duplicate reqs with -prefix-req - docx: ignore 'fallback', to prevent duplicates Reqflow 1.5.1, 13 Feb 2017 - improve acquisition in HTML documents - fix analysis of second document when first document has -stop-after - option -prefix-req for prefixing acquired requirements Reqflow 1.5.0, 22 Nov 2016 - resolve environment variable in .req config file: syntax $x or ${x} - fix buffer overflow in testRegex - fix acquisition of requirements wrt stop condition (docx) Reqflow 1.4.2, 13 Jun 2015 - fix bug in capture of requirements from odt documents Reqflow 1.4.1, 8 Dec 2014 - fix missing escaping of some HTML parts (HTML output format only) Reqflow 1.4.0, 30 Oct 2014 - keep document order for the requirements. alphanumeric order is still possible with --sort in the .req file. Reqflow 1.3.4, 31 Jul 2014 - [Windows only] fix multiple additions of reqflow path to system path when installed several times Reqflow 1.3.3, 16 May 2014 - handle refs on same line as requirement - read config file from stdin if '-' - display all errors in the html report Reqflow 1.3.2 - Executable renamed from 'req' to 'reqflow' - Fix acquisition of docx with deleted or moved text (tracked changes, revision marks) Reqflow v1.3.0, 6 Apr 2014 direct opening of config file -type option in config file Windows installer Reqflow v1.2.1, 5 Mar 2014 Capture text of requirements: req review Name reqflow Req v1.2, 19 Feb 2014 Support for input documents HTML Support for input documents PDF on Windows HTML report: CSS styles improved Req v1.1 Support for input documents ODT Configuration file syntax: keywords "define", "document" Config Option -nocov