v3.4.6, 2 Apr 2021
	- fix "500 Internal Server Error" on creating project (smit serve with absolute path)
	- fix tagging with --url-rewrite-root

v3.4.5, 1 Jul 2020
    - build: can be compiled without zip support (libarchive)

v3.4.4, 16 Jul 2019
    - page issue: fix missing reverse associations

v3.4.3, 14 Jun 2019
    - fix message preview when behind a reverse proxy
    - get issue in JSON format

v3.4.2, 25 April 2017
    - search form: show labels instead of logical names of properties
    - page entries: fix contents of column "Modification"
    - zip-download: add missing embedded CSS styles
    - repository config: editDelay and sessionDuration
    - smit-push: fix error 400 when versions of client and server differ
    - smit-pull: option -a to pull also templates and 'public'

v3.4.0, 3 Jan 2017
    - add email & gpg key in page user
    - the trigger interface has changed and the trigger script
      (notifyNewEntry.py) must be updated
    - add zip download of an issue

v3.3.0, 20 Jun 2016
    - pre-filled template for textarea2 properties
    - HTML templates: server side includes (SM_INCLUDE)
    - HTML templates: modified CSS class names:
        'sm_zone_superadmin' -> 'sm_cap_superadmin'
        'sm_zone_non_superadmin' -> (removed)
    - HTML templates: modified generated links
        projects.html: link to "new project" moved into the template
        users.html: link to "new user" moved into the template

v3.2.2, 31 Mar 2016
    - use openssl random
    - list of issues: enable wildcards in projects names
    - projects: add columns for # issues and last modified
    - use a file lock to prevent 2 servers on same repo
    - enable copying other projet config
    - fix preview when amending an entry

v3.2.1, 6 Nov 2015
    - one-click filter-out of a group
    - new filterout logical combination (OR everywhere)
    - improved message preview: line breaks taken into account
    - page entries: list of latest entries
    - property names starting with underscore are reserved
    - update users' permissions after creating a new project
    - on creation of a new project, copy the config of another
    - session duration now 1.5 day
    - fix duplicate file upload
    - accelerated pulling: v3.2.0 not compatible with v3.0.1
    - reinforce reserved parts of projects names
    - fix script for migrating v2 to v3

The hard-coded version in smit v3.0.1 was: "v3.1.0".
In order to prevent confusion, the version after v3.0.1
is named "v3.2.0".

    - smit clone: clone permissions of user
    - smit clone/push/pull: some fixes
    - wildcards in search filters
    - page statistics
    - smit push --dry-run
    - fix delete user with client IE9

    - Suggested values for search filters (filters in/out)
      (filters with exact word matching)
    - Clone / Pull / Push


    - fix crash when missing content-type in POST request
    - html: fix elapsed time "0 year" when > 1 year
    - kerberos authentication (single sign-on)
    - LDAP authentication (single sign-on)

v2.3.0, 1 Apr 2015
    - keep old values of select, multiselect, selectUser until deliberately
      changed by the user
    - fix in-memory residual property after deleted entry
    - textarea2 in rich text
    - fix race condition in assignment of session ids

v2.2.0, 15 Jan 2015

    - support for root-URL rewriting (for using behind a reverse proxy)
    - fix trigger notification on creation of new issue
    - fix lost password (salt part) when modifying user's permissions
    - fix loading of tags (were no longer loaded)

v2.1.0, 20 Nov 2014

    - improve advanced search filtering with more usage-friendly AND/OR
    - fix smit ui session

v2.0.2, 10 Oct 2014

    - fix freezed login page (caused by cookie 'view')

v2.0.1, 30 Sept 2014

    - fix utf-8 characters in project config
    - fix smit-clone crash when authentication refused
    - html page projects: display projects stakeholder by roles

v2.0.0, 2 August 2014

    - smit clone and smit ui (read-only)
    - tags can be managed via the admin web interface
    - salted passwords
    - fix javascript injections
    - Windows installer


    - list of issues accross all projects
    - reject project config modification if a user property has a reserved name
    - cookies are now attached to Path=/
    - print preview removes hrefs
    - usage of autotools for the build process

v1.7.0, 28 May 2014

    New features:
    - associations between issues
    - keyword "me" in search text
    - search text also on authors of entries

    Bug fixes:
    - fix smit embedded files on Linux when executable taken from PATH

    Interface modifications:
    - navigation next/previous issue redesigned (class sm_issue_next/previous)
    - logical names of properties cannot have characters '-'
    - modify command line (user, project)
    - in html templates:
        class sm_logo renamed logo
        class sm_tag renamed tag
        class sm_clickable renamed clickable
        class sm_signin_name renamed signin_name
        class sm_signin_password renamed signin_password
        class sm_signin renamed signin
        class sm_signin_title renamed signin_title


    - files read access for all
    - navigation next/previous issue
    - trigger with JSON, run in background
    - advanced search takes criteria of current view


    - redirect to error 413 if upload too big
    - fix compilation issue on Windows (WEXITSTATUS)

v1.5.0, 11 Apr 2014

    - advanced search: filter-in/out select lists
    - advanced search: filters on part of value, case insensitive
    - fix storage of several tags in project config

v1.4.1, April 2014

    - hot reload of project configuration
    - trigger external program on new entry
    - tool smparser for parsing smit files
    - fix thread safety for project config access

    - fix lost config items when applying config (tags and numbering policy)
    - textarea properties
    - number of issues across several projects
    - display also upper case images (PNG, ...)


    - identifiers changed from base64 to hexa
    - generic tags


    - hide 'delete' and 'tag' when read-only
    - fix trivial boundary with more robust one
    - fix change of password by users
    - superadmin can modify/delete a view on any project
    - forbid renaming user to same name as existing user
    - forbid creating user that already exists
    - add print preview
    - fix extra </div> after message form

    - fix modification of project properties by admin non-superadmin


    - in page project config, arrows to reorder the properties
    - show/hide entries with no contents (only properties changes)
    - tag entries
    - preview of message before posting
    - option "--ssl-cert" for HTTPS and server-side certificate

v1.1.1, 5 Jan 2014

    - have embedded javascript
    - do not overwrite pre-existing entries or files
    - fix new property not taken when creating new project

v1.1.0, 25 Dec 2013