{ "masterVersionFile":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goldmaster23/ToggleWeapons/0.96a-RC9/toggleWeaponsFixed.version", "modName":"Toggle Weapon Group Fixed", # The ID of the thread where updates to this mod can be found (optional). # This is used to launch directly to the forum thread from in the game. # The ID is the set of digits at the end of the forum thread URL before the dot. # For example: fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=8181.0 has an ID of 8181 "modThreadId":13431, # The current patch number # Notation is major.minor.patch, trailing zeros are ignored # This means version 2.1.0 shows up as v2.1, version 4.0.0 as v4, etc # If you use major.minor notation you can just leave patch as 0 "modVersion": { "major":1, "minor":2, "patch":1 # Can be a number, character or string (1, 2, a, b, "-RC2", etc) }, }