var PLUGIN_INFO = LinkSnail LinkSnail Get link on the page currently open for Variety format (Markdown, org-mode, etc..) 現在開いているページへのリンクを、様々な形式 (Markdown や org-mode など)で取得します 0.3.0 gongoZ MAHALO License MAHALO ライセンス main 1.8.5 || key.setGlobalKey(['C-c', 't'], function (ev, arg) { ext.exec('linksnail', arg, ev); }, 'LinkSnail', true); ||< ]]> || key.setGlobalKey(['C-c', 't'], function (ev, arg) { ext.exec('linksnail', arg, ev); }, 'LinkSnail', true); ||< ]]> ; var pOptions = plugins.setupOptions("linksnail", { "formats": { preset: { "Markdown": "[{text}]({uri})", "Org-mode": "[[{uri}][{text}]]", "Textile": "\"{text}\":{uri}", "reStructuredText": "`{text}` <{uri}>", "HTML": "{text}", "Plain": "{text} / {uri}", "URI": "{uri}" }, description: M({ en: "Link formats object. `format` is either String or Function. If it's String it's the format template, where \"{text}\" and \"{uri}\" are replaced when linksnail is activated. If it's Function, it's called with three arguments (`text`, `uri`, `window`), and it should return the formatted link.", jp: "リンクフォーマットオブジェクト。`format`はStringもしくはFunctionです。Stringの場合、これはフォーマットテンプレート文字列となります。linksnail起動時にテンプレート内の\"{text}\"と\"{uri}\"が置換されます。Functionの場合、3つの引数(`text`, `uri`, `window`)で呼び出されます。この関数はフォーマットしたリンク文字列を返す必要があります。" }), type: "object ({format_name: format, ... })." } }, PLUGIN_INFO); var linksnail = (function() { function getFormatCollection() { return Object.keys(pOptions["formats"]).map(function(format_name) { var general_format = pOptions["formats"][format_name]; var desc = _.isFunction(general_format) ? "" : general_format; return [format_name, desc]; }); }; function copyLink(link){ const CLIPBOARD = Components.classes[ ';1' ].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper); CLIPBOARD.copyString(link); }; function windowText(win) { return win.document.title; }; function windowURI(win) { return win.location.href; }; function getFormatter(format_name) { var general_format = pOptions["formats"][format_name]; if(_.isFunction(general_format)) { return function(win) { return general_format(windowText(win), windowURI(win), win); }; }else { return function(win) { var link = ""; link = general_format.replace(/\{uri\}/g, windowURI(win)); link = link.replace(/\{text\}/g, windowText(win)); return link; }; } }; function formatSelector(next) { prompt.selector({ message : "Select format", collection : getFormatCollection(), header : ["name", "syntax"], callback : next, }); }; var self = { copyThisPage : function() { formatSelector(function(index, collection){ var formatter = getFormatter(collection[index][0]); copyLink(formatter(content)); }); }, copyAllPage : function() { formatSelector(function(index, collection){ var formatter = getFormatter(collection[index][0]); var a = Array.from(gBrowser.mTabContainer.childNodes).map(function(tab) { var browser = tab.linkedBrowser; var win = browser.contentWindow; return formatter(win); }); copyLink(a.join("\n")); }) }, }; return self; })(); plugins.withProvides(function (provide) { provide("linksnail", function() { linksnail.copyThisPage(); }, "LinkSnail"); provide("linksnail-copy-all", function() { linksnail.copyAllPage(); }, "LinkSnail Copy all tabs"); }, PLUGIN_INFO);