varToChange rand Math test single Tests the "single" block. sqrt ROOT 25 5 abs ABS -25 25 negate NEG -25 25 ln LN 1 0 log10 LOG10 100 2 exp EXP 2 7.38905609893065 power10 POW10 2 100 test arithmetic Tests the "arithmetic" block for all operations and checks parenthesis are properly generated for different orders. add ADD 1 2 3 subtract MINUS 1 2 -1 subtract order with add MINUS 1 ADD 0 2 -1 subtract order with subtract MINUS 1 MINUS 0 2 3 multiply MULTIPLY 4 2.5 10 multiply order MULTIPLY 4 ADD 0 2.5 10 divide DIVIDE 8.2 -5 -1.64 divide order DIVIDE 8.2 ADD 0 -5 -1.64 power POWER 10 4 10000 power order POWER 10 ADD 0 4 10000 test trig Tests the "trig" block. sin SIN 90 1 cos COS 180 -1 tan TAN 0 0 asin ASIN -1 -90 acos ACOS 1 0 atan ATAN 1 45 test constant Tests the "constant" blocks. const pi ROUNDDOWN MULTIPLY PI 1000 3141 const e ROUNDDOWN MULTIPLY E 1000 2718 const golden ROUNDDOWN MULTIPLY GOLDEN_RATIO 1000 1618 const sqrt 2 ROUNDDOWN MULTIPLY SQRT2 1000 1414 const sqrt 0.5 ROUNDDOWN MULTIPLY SQRT1_2 1000 707 TRUE const infinity LT 9999 INFINITY test number properties Tests the "number property" blocks. TRUE even EVEN 42 FALSE odd ODD 42.1 TRUE prime 5 PRIME 5 TRUE prime 5 + 2 (extra parentheses) PRIME ADD 5 2 FALSE prime 25 PRIME 25 FALSE prime negative PRIME -31.1 FALSE whole WHOLE PI TRUE positive POSITIVE INFINITY TRUE 5 + 2 is positive (extra parentheses) POSITIVE ADD 5 2 TRUE negative NEGATIVE -42 FALSE 3 + 2 is negative (extra parentheses) NEGATIVE ADD 3 2 TRUE divisible DIVISIBLE_BY 42 2 TRUE divisible by 0 DIVISIBLE_BY 42 0 test round Tests the "round" block. round ROUND 42.42 42 round up ROUNDUP -42.42 -42 round down ROUNDDOWN 42.42 42 test change Tests the "change" block. varToChange 100 varToChange 42 change varToChange 142 test operations on list Tests the "list operation" blocks. sum SUM 3 4 5 12 min MIN 3 4 5 3 max MAX 3 4 5 5 average AVERAGE 3 4 5 4 median MEDIAN 3 4 5 1 3.5 modes MODE 3 4 3 3 modes multiple MODE 3 4 3 1 4 3 4 standard dev STD_DEV 3 3 3 0 TRUE random GT FIRST 3 4 5 RANDOM 3 4 5 0 test mod Tests the "mod" block. mod 42 5 2 test constraint Tests the "constrain" block. constraint 100 0 42 42 test random integer Tests the "random integer" block. rand 5 10 TRUE randRange AND GTE rand 5 LTE rand 10 TRUE randInteger WHOLE rand test random fraction Tests the "random fraction" block. rand TRUE randFloat AND GTE rand 0 LTE rand 1 test atan2 Describe this function... atan2 -5 5 135 atan2 0 -12 -90