/* * Copyright 2008 The Closure Compiler Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Externs file for OpenSocial gadget libraries. Legacy API based * on the `_IG_...` is not supported here. * Note this may not be comprehensive. * * @see http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/docs/reference/ * @see http://incubator.apache.org/shindig/shindig-1.1.x/shindig-features/jsdoc * @externs */ // Root namespace for gadget related functionality. var gadgets = {}; // Namespace providing operations for getting information about and modifying // the window the gadget is placed in. gadgets.window = {}; /** * @return {Object} Dimensions for the viewport. */ gadgets.window.getViewportDimensions = function() {}; /** * @param {string} title The new title for the gadget. */ gadgets.window.setTitle = function(title) {}; /** * Calculate inner content height is hard and different between * browsers rendering in Strict vs. Quirks mode. We use a combination of * three properties within document.body and document.documentElement: * - scrollHeight * - offsetHeight * - clientHeight * These values differ significantly between browsers and rendering modes. * But there are patterns. It just takes a lot of time and persistence * to figure out. * @return {number} Height of current window. */ gadgets.window.getHeight = function() {}; // Namespace providing operations for making remote procedure calls for // gadget-to-container, container-to-gadget and gadget-to-gadget communication. gadgets.rpc = {}; /** * Exported constant used by transports. * @type {string} */ gadgets.rpc.ACK; /** * @param {?string} targetId The id of the target gadget, null for container. * @param {string} serviceName The RPC service to call. * @param {!Function=} opt_callback Function called when the RPC * completes. * @param {...*} var_args Variable arguments that are passed to the RPC handler. */ gadgets.rpc.call = function(targetId, serviceName, opt_callback, var_args) {}; /** * Force RPC utilities to fallback to secure mechanisms for type=URL gadgets. */ gadgets.rpc.forceParentVerifiable = function() {}; /** * @return {string} The RPC relay mechanism. */ gadgets.rpc.getRelayChannel = function() {}; /** * @param {string} targetId The frame ID to get the relay for. * @return {string} The relay URL of the given gadget (or container). */ gadgets.rpc.getRelayUrl = function(targetId) {}; /** * Global init for RPC code. */ gadgets.rpc.init = function() {}; /** * Receives and processes an RPC request. (Not to be used directly.) * Only used by IFPC. * @param {Array} fragment An RPC request fragment encoded as * an array. The first 4 elements are target id, source id & call id, * total packet number, packet id. The last element stores the actual * JSON-encoded and URI escaped packet data. */ gadgets.rpc.receive = function(fragment) {}; /** * @param {string} serviceName The RPC service to register a handler for. * @param {!Function} handler Handler for an RPC call, return * value will be sent back to the caller. */ gadgets.rpc.register = function(serviceName, handler) {}; /** * @param {!Function} handler Handler for unknown RPC calls, * return value will be sent back to the caller. */ gadgets.rpc.registerDefault = function(handler) {}; /** * Helper method to retrieve the auth token for a given gadget. * @param {string} targetId Name of the target frame. * @return {string} The authentication token registered for this * target id. */ gadgets.rpc.getAuthToken = function(targetId) {}; /** * Helper method returning a canonicalized protocol://host[:port] for * a given input URL, provided as a string. Used to compute convenient * relay URLs and to determine whether a call is coming from the same * domain as its receiver (bypassing the try/catch capability detection * flow, thereby obviating Firebug and other tools reporting an exception). * @param {string} url Base URL to canonicalize. * @return {string} The canonicalized URL. */ gadgets.rpc.getOrigin = function(url) {}; /** * Helper method returning a canonicalized protocol://host[:port] for * the relay URL of a given target frame. * @param {string} id Name of the target frame. * @return {string} The canonicalized URL. */ gadgets.rpc.getTargetOrigin = function(id) {}; /** * Sets the auth token of a target frame. * @param {string} targetId Name of the target frame. * @param {string} token The authentication token to use for all calls to or * from this target id. */ gadgets.rpc.setAuthToken = function(targetId, token) {}; /** * Sets the relay URL of a target frame. * @param {string} targetId The id of the target gadget. * @param {string} url Full relay URL of the target frame. * @param {boolean=} opt_useLegacy True if this relay needs the legacy IFPC * wire format. */ gadgets.rpc.setRelayUrl = function(targetId, url, opt_useLegacy) {}; /** * Setups the gadgets.rpc library to communicate with the receiver. This method * replaces setAuthToken and setRelayUrl. * @param {string} targetId The id of the target gadget. * @param {string=} opt_receiverUrl Full relay URL of the target frame. * @param {boolean=} opt_authToken null The authentication token to use for all * calls to or from this target id. */ gadgets.rpc.setupReceiver = function(targetId, opt_receiverUrl, opt_authToken) {}; /** * Remove relay URL and auth token registration for a target frame. * * Note: Does not delete the iframe. * @param {string} receiverId The id of the target gadget. */ gadgets.rpc.removeReceiver = function(receiverId) {}; /** * @param {string} serviceName The RPC service to unregister the handler for. */ gadgets.rpc.unregister = function(serviceName) {}; /** * Unregisters the default service handler. Future unknown RPC * calls will fail silently. */ gadgets.rpc.unregisterDefault = function() {}; /** * Class providing access to user preferences, module dimensions, and messages. * @param {string=} opt_moduleId An optional module ID to get preferences for. * @constructor */ gadgets.Prefs = function(opt_moduleId) {}; /** * @param {string} key The user preference key. * @return {Array} The array value of the preference. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.getArray = function(key) {}; /** * @param {string} key The user preference key. * @return {boolean} The boolean value of the preference. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.getBool = function(key) {}; /** * @param {string} key The user preference key. * @return {number} The float value of the preference. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.getFloat = function(key) {}; /** * @param {string} key The user preference key. * @return {number} The int value of the preference. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.getInt = function(key) {}; /** * @param {string} key The user preference key. * @return {string} The string value of the preference. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.getString = function(key) {}; /** * @return {string} The country code. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.getCountry = function() {}; /** * @return {string} The language code. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.getLang = function() {}; /** * @return {number} The module's id. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.getModuleId = function() {}; /** * @param {string} key The message key. * @return {string} The unformatted message. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.getMsg = function(key) {}; /** * @param {string} key The preference key. * @param {string|number} value The preference value. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.set = function(key, value) {}; /** * @param {string} key The preference key. * @param {Array} array The preference array. */ gadgets.Prefs.prototype.setArray = function(key, array) {}; // Namespace for retrieving content from remote servers via the gadgets proxy. gadgets.io = {}; /** * Gets the proxy version of the passed-in URL. * * @param {string} url The URL to get the proxy URL for * @param {Object=} opt_params Optional Parameter Object. * The following properties are supported: * .REFRESH_INTERVAL The number of seconds that this * content should be cached. Defaults to 3600. * * @return {string} The proxied version of the URL */ gadgets.io.getProxyUrl = function(url, opt_params) {}; /** * @param {string} url The URL to request data from. * @param {Function} callback The callback function. * @param {Object=} opt_params Optional map of parameters sent on request, see * gadgets.io.RequestParameters. */ gadgets.io.makeRequest = function(url, callback, opt_params) {}; /** * Converts an input object into a URL-encoded data string. (key=value&...). * @param {Object} fields The post fields you wish to encode. * @return {string} The processed post data; this includes a trailing * ampersand (&). */ gadgets.io.encodeValues = function(fields) {}; /** * Enumeration of request parameters. * @enum {string} */ gadgets.io.RequestParameters = { AUTHORIZATION: '', CONTENT_TYPE: '', GET_SUMMARIES: '', HEADERS: '', METHOD: '', NUM_ENTRIES: '', OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN: '', OAUTH_REQUEST_TOKEN_SECRET: '', OAUTH_SERVICE_NAME: '', OAUTH_TOKEN_NAME: '', OAUTH_USE_TOKEN: '', POST_DATA: '', REFRESH_INTERVAL: '' }; /** * Enumeration of content types that can be specified in * {@link gadgets.io.RequestParameters.AUTHORIZATION} * @enum {string} */ gadgets.io.AuthorizationType = { NONE: '', OAUTH: '', SIGNED: '' }; /** * Enumeration of content types that can be specified in * {@link gadgets.io.RequestParameters.CONTENT_TYPE} * @enum {string} */ gadgets.io.ContentType = { DOM: '', FEED: '', JSON: '', TEXT: '' }; /** * Enumeration of content types that can be specified in * {@link gadgets.io.RequestParameters.METHOD} * @enum {string} */ gadgets.io.MethodType = { DELETE: '', GET: '', HEAD: '', POST: '', PUT: '' }; /** * This is the response object that is passed to the callback of * gadgets.io.makeRequest. It is never explicitly called "ResponseObject" in the * documentation, but the documentation does refer to an object that is passed * to the callback. This is that object. * @see http://wiki.opensocial.org/index.php?title=Gadgets.io_(v0.9)#gadgets.io.makeRequest */ gadgets.io.ResponseObject = {}; /**@type {Object}*/ gadgets.io.ResponseObject.data; /**@type {Array}*/ gadgets.io.ResponseObject.errors; /**@type {Object}*/ gadgets.io.ResponseObject.headers; /**@type {number}*/ gadgets.io.ResponseObject.rc; /**@type {string}*/ gadgets.io.ResponseObject.text; /**@type {string}*/ gadgets.io.ResponseObject.oauthApprovalUrl; /**@type {string}*/ gadgets.io.ResponseObject.oauthError; /**@type {string}*/ gadgets.io.ResponseObject.oauthErrorText; // Namespace for views gadgets.views = {}; /** * Returns the current view. * @return {gadgets.views.View} The current view. */ gadgets.views.getCurrentView = function() {}; /** * Get parameters passed into the view * @return {Object} Map string -> string of parameters passed in. */ gadgets.views.getParams = function() {}; /** * @return {Object} Map * A map of all the supported views. Keys each gadgets.view.View by its name. */ gadgets.views.getSupportedViews = function() {}; /** * @param {gadgets.views.View|string} view The view to navigate to. * @param {Object=} opt_params Map: Parameters to pass to the * gadget after it has been navigated to on the surface. * @param {string=} opt_ownerId The ID of the owner of the page to navigate to; * defaults to the current owner. */ gadgets.views.requestNavigateTo = function(view, opt_params, opt_ownerId) {}; /** * @constructor */ gadgets.views.View = function() {}; /** * @return {string} Returns the name of this view. */ gadgets.views.View.prototype.getName = function() {} /** * @return {boolean} True if the gadget is the only visible gadget; otherwise, * false. */ gadgets.views.View.prototype.isOnlyVisibleGadget = function() {}; // Namespace for utilities. gadgets.util = {}; /** * Escapes the input using HTML entities to make it safer. * @param {string} str The string to escape. * @return {string} The escaped string. */ gadgets.util.escapeString = function(str) {}; /** * Reverses escapeString * @param {string} str The string to unescape. * @return {string} The unescaped string. */ gadgets.util.unescapeString = function(str) {}; /** * Returns the parameters for a feature. * @param {string} feature The feature name. * @return {Object} Parameters for the feature or null. */ gadgets.util.getFeatureParameters = function(feature) {}; /** * Returns whether the specified feature is supported. * @param {string} feature The feature name. * @return {boolean} Whether the feature is supported. */ gadgets.util.hasFeature = function(feature) {}; /** * Registers a function to be called when the gadget loads. * @param {function()} fn The function to call. */ gadgets.util.registerOnLoadHandler = function(fn) {}; /** * Parses the current document's location and returns an object representing * the parameters in the query string. * @param {string=} opt_url Optional URL whose parameters to parse. * Defaults to window's current URL. * @return {Object} Parameters from the query string. */ gadgets.util.getUrlParameters = function(opt_url) {}; /** * Creates a closure that is suitable for passing as a callback. * Any number of arguments may be passed to the callback; * they will be received in the order they are passed in. * * @param {Object} scope The execution scope; may be null if there is no * need to associate a specific instance of an object with this * callback * @param {Function} callback The callback to invoke when this is run; * any arguments passed in will be passed after your initial arguments * @param {...*} var_args Initial arguments to be passed to the callback * @returns {Function} The closure. */ gadgets.util.makeClosure = function(scope, callback, var_args) {}; /** * Attach an event listener to given DOM element (Not a gadget standard) * * @param {Object} elem DOM element on which to attach event. * @param {string} eventName Event type to listen for. * @param {function()} callback Invoked when specified event occurs. * @param {boolean} useCapture If true, initiates capture. */ gadgets.util.attachBrowserEvent = function( elem, eventName, callback, useCapture) {}; //Namespace for JSON processing. gadgets.json = {}; /** * Convert a JSON object into a string. * @param {Object} json * @return {String} The JSON as a string */ gadgets.json.stringify = function(json) {}; /** * Convert a string into a JSON object. * Uses safe RegEx match before parsing. * @param {string} s The string * @return {Object} The JSON */ gadgets.json.parse = function(s) {}; //Namespace for config. gadgets.config = {}; /** * Registers a configurable component and its configuration parameters. * Multiple callbacks may be registered for a single component if needed. * * @param {string} component The name of the component to register. Should * be the same as the fully qualified name of the feature or * the name of a fully qualified JavaScript object reference * (e.g. "gadgets.io"). * @param {Object=} opt_validators Mapping of option name to validation * functions that take the form function(data) {return isValid(data);} * @param {Function=} opt_callback A function to be invoked when a * configuration is registered. If passed, this function will be invoked * immediately after a call to init has been made. Do not assume that * dependent libraries have been configured until after init is * complete. If you rely on this, it is better to defer calling * dependent libraries until you can be sure that configuration is * complete. Takes the form function(config), where config will be * all registered config data for all components. This allows your * component to read configuration from other components. * @param {boolean=} opt_callOnUpdate Whether the callback shall be call * on gadgets.config.update() as well. */ gadgets.config.register = function(component, opt_validators, opt_callback, opt_callOnUpdate) {}; /** * Retrieves configuration data on demand. * * @param {string=} opt_component The component to fetch. If not provided * all configuration will be returned. * @return {Object} The requested configuration, or an empty object if no * configuration has been registered for that component. */ gadgets.config.get = function(opt_component) {}; /** * Initializes the configuration. * * @param {Object} config The full set of configuration data. * @param {Boolean=} opt_noValidation True if you want to skip validation. */ gadgets.config.init = function(config, opt_noValidation) {}; /** * Creates an HTML or XHTML element. * @param {string} tagName The type of element to construct. * @return {Element} The newly constructed element. */ gadgets.util.createElement = function(tagName) {}; /** * Creates an HTML or XHTML iframe element with attributes. * @param {Object=} opt_attribs Optional set of attributes to attach. The * only working attributes are spelled the same way in XHTML attribute * naming (most strict, all-lower-case), HTML attribute naming (less strict, * case-insensitive), and JavaScript property naming (some properties named * incompatibly with XHTML/HTML). * @return {Element} The DOM node representing body. */ gadgets.util.createIframeElement = function(opt_attribs) {}; /** * Gets the HTML or XHTML body element. * @return {Element} The DOM node representing body. */ gadgets.util.getBodyElement = function() {};