/* * Copyright 2010 The Closure Compiler Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Externs for the Google Maps v3 API. * @see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference * @externs */ /** * @const * @suppress {const,duplicate,strictMissingProperties} */ var google = {}; /** * @const * @suppress {const,duplicate,strictMissingProperties} */ google.maps = {}; /** * Loads a library * of the Maps JavaScript API, resolving with the direct members of that API * (without namespacing). (When loaded, libraries also add themselves to the * global google.maps namespace, though using the global namespace * is not generally recommended.) * @param {string} libraryName * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.importLibrary = function(libraryName) {}; /** * Google Maps JavaScript API version loaded by the browser. See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/versions * @const * @type {string} */ google.maps.version; /** * Animations that can be played on a marker. Use the {@link * google.maps.Marker.setAnimation} method on Marker or the {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.animation} option to play an animation. * * Access by calling `const {Animation} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("marker")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {number} */ google.maps.Animation = { /** * Marker bounces until animation is stopped by calling {@link * google.maps.Marker.setAnimation} with null. */ BOUNCE: 0, /** * Marker drops from the top of the map to its final location. Animation will * cease once the marker comes to rest and {@link * google.maps.Marker.getAnimation} will return null. This type * of animation is usually specified during creation of the marker. */ DROP: 1, }; /** * A layer showing bike lanes and paths. * * Access by calling `const {BicyclingLayer} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.BicyclingLayer = function() {}; /** * Returns the map on which this layer is displayed. * @return {google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.BicyclingLayer.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Renders the layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, * the layer will be removed. * @param {google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.BicyclingLayer.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Used for setting the map's camera options. * @record */ google.maps.CameraOptions = function() {}; /** * @type {!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|!google.maps.LatLng|undefined} */ google.maps.CameraOptions.prototype.center; /** * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.CameraOptions.prototype.heading; /** * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.CameraOptions.prototype.tilt; /** * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.CameraOptions.prototype.zoom; /** * Used for retrieving camera parameters, such as that of the GL camera used for * the {@link google.maps.WebGLOverlayView}. * @extends {google.maps.CameraOptions} * @record */ google.maps.CameraParams = function() {}; /** * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.CameraParams.prototype.center; /** * @type {number} */ google.maps.CameraParams.prototype.heading; /** * @type {number} */ google.maps.CameraParams.prototype.tilt; /** * @type {number} */ google.maps.CameraParams.prototype.zoom; /** * A circle on the Earth's surface; also known as a "spherical * cap". * * Access by calling `const {Circle} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {(google.maps.Circle|google.maps.CircleLiteral|google.maps.CircleOptions|null)=} * circleOrCircleOptions * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.Circle = function(circleOrCircleOptions) {}; /** * Gets the LatLngBounds of this Circle. * @return {?google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** * Returns the center of this circle. * @return {?google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.getCenter = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this circle can be dragged by the user. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.getDraggable = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this circle can be edited by the user. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.getEditable = function() {}; /** * Returns the map on which this circle is displayed. * @return {?google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Returns the radius of this circle (in meters). * @return {number} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.getRadius = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this circle is visible on the map. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.getVisible = function() {}; /** * Sets the center of this circle. * @param {google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null} center * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.setCenter = function(center) {}; /** * If set to true, the user can drag this circle over the map. * @param {boolean} draggable * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.setDraggable = function(draggable) {}; /** * If set to true, the user can edit this circle by dragging the * control points shown at the center and around the circumference of the * circle. * @param {boolean} editable * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.setEditable = function(editable) {}; /** * Renders the circle on the specified map. If map is set to null, * the circle will be removed. * @param {?google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * @param {?google.maps.CircleOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Sets the radius of this circle (in meters). * @param {number} radius * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.setRadius = function(radius) {}; /** * Hides this circle if set to false. * @param {boolean} visible * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Circle.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) {}; /** * Object literal which represents a circle. * @extends {google.maps.CircleOptions} * @record */ google.maps.CircleLiteral = function() {}; /** * The center of the Circle. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.CircleLiteral.prototype.center; /** * The radius in meters on the Earth's surface. * @type {number} */ google.maps.CircleLiteral.prototype.radius; /** * CircleOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a * Circle. * @record */ google.maps.CircleOptions = function() {}; /** * The center of the Circle. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.center; /** * Indicates whether this Circle handles mouse events. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.clickable; /** * If set to true, the user can drag this circle over the map. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.draggable; /** * If set to true, the user can edit this circle by dragging the * control points shown at the center and around the circumference of the * circle. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.editable; /** * The fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named * colors. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.fillColor; /** * The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.fillOpacity; /** * Map on which to display the Circle. * @type {!google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.map; /** * The radius in meters on the Earth's surface. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.radius; /** * The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named * colors. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.strokeColor; /** * The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.strokeOpacity; /** * The stroke position. * @default {@link google.maps.StrokePosition.CENTER} * @type {!google.maps.StrokePosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.strokePosition; /** * The stroke width in pixels. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.strokeWeight; /** * Whether this circle is visible on the map. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.visible; /** * The zIndex compared to other polys. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.CircleOptions.prototype.zIndex; /** * * Access by calling `const {CollisionBehavior} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("marker")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.CollisionBehavior = { /** * Display the marker only if it does not overlap with other markers. If two * markers of this type would overlap, the one with the higher zIndex is * shown. If they have the same zIndex, the one with the lower vertical screen * position is shown. */ OPTIONAL_AND_HIDES_LOWER_PRIORITY: 'OPTIONAL_AND_HIDES_LOWER_PRIORITY', /** * Always display the marker regardless of collision. This is the default * behavior. */ REQUIRED: 'REQUIRED', /** * Always display the marker regardless of collision, and hide any * OPTIONAL_AND_HIDES_LOWER_PRIORITY markers or labels that would overlap with * the marker. */ REQUIRED_AND_HIDES_OPTIONAL: 'REQUIRED_AND_HIDES_OPTIONAL', }; /** * Identifiers used to specify the placement of controls on the map. Controls * are positioned relative to other controls in the same layout position. * Controls that are added first are positioned closer to the edge of the map. * Usage of "logical values" (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_logical_properties_and_values) * is recommended in order to be able to automatically support both * left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) layout contexts.

Logical * values in LTR:
| ISBS      IEBS | *
|                | *
| ISBC      IEBC | *
|                | *
| ISBE      IEBE | *

* Logical values in RTL:
| IEBS      ISBS | *
|                | *
| IEBC      ISBC | *
|                | *
| IEBE      ISBE | *

Legacy * values:
| TL    TC    TR | *
| LT          RT | *
|                | *
| LC          RC | *
|                | *
| LB          RB | *
| BL    BC    BR | *

Elements in the top or bottom row flow * towards the middle of the row. Elements in the left or right column flow * towards the middle of the column. * * Access by calling `const {ControlPosition} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {number} */ google.maps.ControlPosition = { /** * Equivalent to BOTTOM_CENTER in both LTR and RTL. */ BLOCK_END_INLINE_CENTER: 0, /** * Equivalent to BOTTOM_RIGHT in LTR, or BOTTOM_LEFT in RTL. */ BLOCK_END_INLINE_END: 1, /** * Equivalent to BOTTOM_LEFT in LTR, or BOTTOM_RIGHT in RTL. */ BLOCK_END_INLINE_START: 2, /** * Equivalent to TOP_CENTER in both LTR and RTL. */ BLOCK_START_INLINE_CENTER: 3, /** * Equivalent to TOP_RIGHT in LTR, or TOP_LEFT in RTL. */ BLOCK_START_INLINE_END: 4, /** * Equivalent to TOP_LEFT in LTR, or TOP_RIGHT in RTL. */ BLOCK_START_INLINE_START: 5, /** * Elements are positioned in the center of the bottom row. Consider using * BLOCK_END_INLINE_CENTER instead. */ BOTTOM_CENTER: 6, /** * Elements are positioned in the bottom left and flow towards the middle. * Elements are positioned to the right of the Google logo. Consider using * BLOCK_END_INLINE_START instead. */ BOTTOM_LEFT: 7, /** * Elements are positioned in the bottom right and flow towards the middle. * Elements are positioned to the left of the copyrights. Consider using * BLOCK_END_INLINE_END instead. */ BOTTOM_RIGHT: 8, /** * Equivalent to RIGHT_CENTER in LTR, or LEFT_CENTER in RTL. */ INLINE_END_BLOCK_CENTER: 9, /** * Equivalent to RIGHT_BOTTOM in LTR, or LEFT_BOTTOM in RTL. */ INLINE_END_BLOCK_END: 10, /** * Equivalent to RIGHT_TOP in LTR, or LEFT_TOP in RTL. */ INLINE_END_BLOCK_START: 11, /** * Equivalent to LEFT_CENTER in LTR, or RIGHT_CENTER in RTL. */ INLINE_START_BLOCK_CENTER: 12, /** * Equivalent to LEFT_BOTTOM in LTR, or RIGHT_BOTTOM in RTL. */ INLINE_START_BLOCK_END: 13, /** * Equivalent to LEFT_TOP in LTR, or RIGHT_TOP in RTL. */ INLINE_START_BLOCK_START: 14, /** * Elements are positioned on the left, above bottom-left elements, and flow * upwards. Consider using INLINE_START_BLOCK_END instead. */ LEFT_BOTTOM: 15, /** * Elements are positioned in the center of the left side. Consider using * INLINE_START_BLOCK_CENTER instead. */ LEFT_CENTER: 16, /** * Elements are positioned on the left, below top-left elements, and flow * downwards. Consider using INLINE_START_BLOCK_START instead. */ LEFT_TOP: 17, /** * Elements are positioned on the right, above bottom-right elements, and flow * upwards. Consider using INLINE_END_BLOCK_END instead. */ RIGHT_BOTTOM: 18, /** * Elements are positioned in the center of the right side. Consider using * INLINE_END_BLOCK_CENTER instead. */ RIGHT_CENTER: 19, /** * Elements are positioned on the right, below top-right elements, and flow * downwards. Consider using INLINE_END_BLOCK_START instead. */ RIGHT_TOP: 20, /** * Elements are positioned in the center of the top row. Consider using * BLOCK_START_INLINE_CENTER instead. */ TOP_CENTER: 21, /** * Elements are positioned in the top left and flow towards the middle. * Consider using BLOCK_START_INLINE_START instead. */ TOP_LEFT: 22, /** * Elements are positioned in the top right and flow towards the middle. * Consider using BLOCK_START_INLINE_END instead. */ TOP_RIGHT: 23, }; /** * This interface provides convenience methods for generating matrices to use * for rendering WebGL scenes on top of the Google base map.

Note: A * reference to this object should not be held outside of the scope of * the encapsulating {@link google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.onDraw} call. * @record */ google.maps.CoordinateTransformer = function() {}; /** * @param {!google.maps.LatLngAltitude|!google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral} * latLngAltitude Latitude, longitude, and altitude. * @param {!Float32Array=} rotations An array that contains an Euler rotation * angle in degrees, in the XYZ convention. * @param {!Float32Array=} scale Array that contains an XYZ scalar array to * apply to the cardinal axis. * @return {!Float64Array} MVP matrix to use with WebGL. */ google.maps.CoordinateTransformer.prototype.fromLatLngAltitude = function( latLngAltitude, rotations, scale) {}; /** * @return {!google.maps.CameraParams} camera parameters */ google.maps.CoordinateTransformer.prototype.getCameraParams = function() {}; /** * @record */ google.maps.CoreLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.ControlPosition} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.ControlPosition; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.event} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.event; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.LatLng; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.LatLngAltitude} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.LatLngAltitude; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.LatLngBounds; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MapsNetworkError} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.MapsNetworkError; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MapsNetworkErrorEndpoint} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.MapsNetworkErrorEndpoint; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MapsRequestError} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.MapsRequestError; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MapsServerError} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.MapsServerError; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MVCArray} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.MVCArray; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MVCObject} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.MVCObject; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Point} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.Point; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Settings} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.Settings; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Size} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.Size; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.SymbolPath} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.SymbolPath; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.UnitSystem} */ google.maps.CoreLibrary.prototype.UnitSystem; /** * A layer for displaying geospatial data. Points, line-strings and polygons can * be displayed.

Every Map has a Data object by * default, so most of the time there is no need to construct one. For example: *

 var myMap = new google.maps.Map(...);
* myMap.data.addGeoJson(...);
The * Data object is a collection of Features. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {google.maps.Data.DataOptions=} options * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.Data = function(options) {}; /** * Adds a feature to the collection, and returns the added feature.

If the * feature has an ID, it will replace any existing feature in the collection * with the same ID. If no feature is given, a new feature will be created with * null geometry and no properties. If FeatureOptions are given, a * new feature will be created with the specified properties.

Note that the * IDs 1234 and '1234' are equivalent. Adding a * feature with ID 1234 will replace a feature with ID * '1234', and vice versa. * @param {(google.maps.Data.Feature|google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions)=} feature * @return {!google.maps.Data.Feature} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.add = function(feature) {}; /** * Adds GeoJSON features to the collection. Give this method a parsed JSON. The * imported features are returned. Throws an exception if the GeoJSON could not * be imported. * @param {!Object} geoJson * @param {google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions=} options * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.addGeoJson = function(geoJson, options) {}; /** * Checks whether the given feature is in the collection. * @param {!google.maps.Data.Feature} feature * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.contains = function(feature) {}; /** * Repeatedly invokes the given function, passing a feature in the collection to * the function on each invocation. The order of iteration through the features * is undefined. * @param {function(!google.maps.Data.Feature): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.forEach = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns the position of the drawing controls on the map. * @return {google.maps.ControlPosition} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.getControlPosition = function() {}; /** * Returns which drawing modes are available for the user to select, in the * order they are displayed. This does not include the null drawing * mode, which is added by default. Possible drawing modes are * "Point", "LineString" or "Polygon". * @return {Array} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.getControls = function() {}; /** * Returns the current drawing mode of the given Data layer. A drawing mode of * null means that the user can interact with the map as normal, * and clicks do not draw anything. Possible drawing modes are * null, "Point", "LineString" or * "Polygon". * @return {?string} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.getDrawingMode = function() {}; /** * Returns the feature with the given ID, if it exists in the collection. * Otherwise returns undefined.

Note that the IDs * 1234 and '1234' are equivalent. Either can be used * to look up the same feature. * @param {number|string} id * @return {!google.maps.Data.Feature|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.getFeatureById = function(id) {}; /** * Returns the map on which the features are displayed. * @return {google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Gets the style for all features in the collection. * @return {google.maps.Data.StylingFunction|google.maps.Data.StyleOptions} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.getStyle = function() {}; /** * Loads GeoJSON from a URL, and adds the features to the collection.

NOTE: * The GeoJSON is fetched using XHR, and may not work cross-domain. If you have * issues, we recommend you fetch the GeoJSON using your choice of AJAX library, * and then call addGeoJson(). * @param {string} url * @param {google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions=} options * @param {(function(!Array): void)=} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.loadGeoJson = function(url, options, callback) {}; /** * Changes the style of a feature. These changes are applied on top of the style * specified by setStyle(). Style properties set to * null revert to the value specified via setStyle(). * @param {!google.maps.Data.Feature} feature * @param {!google.maps.Data.StyleOptions} style * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.overrideStyle = function(feature, style) {}; /** * Removes a feature from the collection. * @param {!google.maps.Data.Feature} feature * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.remove = function(feature) {}; /** * Removes the effect of previous overrideStyle() calls. The style * of the given feature reverts to the style specified by * setStyle().

If no feature is given, all features have their * style reverted.

* @param {google.maps.Data.Feature=} feature * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.revertStyle = function(feature) {}; /** * Sets the position of the drawing controls on the map. * @param {google.maps.ControlPosition} controlPosition * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.setControlPosition = function(controlPosition) {}; /** * Sets which drawing modes are available for the user to select, in the order * they are displayed. This should not include the null drawing * mode, which is added by default. If null, drawing controls are * disabled and not displayed. Possible drawing modes are "Point", * "LineString" or "Polygon". * @param {Array} controls * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.setControls = function(controls) {}; /** * Sets the current drawing mode of the given Data layer. A drawing mode of * null means that the user can interact with the map as normal, * and clicks do not draw anything. Possible drawing modes are * null, "Point", "LineString" or * "Polygon". * @param {?string} drawingMode * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.setDrawingMode = function(drawingMode) {}; /** * Renders the features on the specified map. If map is set to * null, the features will be removed from the map. * @param {google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * Sets the style for all features in the collection. Styles specified on a * per-feature basis via overrideStyle() continue to apply.

Pass * either an object with the desired style options, or a function that computes * the style for each feature. The function will be called every time a * feature's properties are updated. * @param {google.maps.Data.StylingFunction|google.maps.Data.StyleOptions} style * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.setStyle = function(style) {}; /** * Exports the features in the collection to a GeoJSON object. * @param {function(!Object): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.prototype.toGeoJson = function(callback) {}; /** * The properties of a addfeature event. * @record */ google.maps.Data.AddFeatureEvent = function() {}; /** * The feature that was added to the FeatureCollection. * @type {!google.maps.Data.Feature} */ google.maps.Data.AddFeatureEvent.prototype.feature; /** * DataOptions object used to define the properties that a developer can set on * a Data object. * @record */ google.maps.Data.DataOptions = function() {}; /** * The position of the drawing controls on the map. * @default {@link google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT} * @type {!google.maps.ControlPosition|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.DataOptions.prototype.controlPosition; /** * Describes which drawing modes are available for the user to select, in the * order they are displayed. This should not include the null * drawing mode, which is added by default. If null, drawing * controls are disabled and not displayed. Possible drawing modes are * "Point", "LineString" or "Polygon". * @default null * @type {Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.DataOptions.prototype.controls; /** * The current drawing mode of the given Data layer. A drawing mode of * null means that the user can interact with the map as normal, * and clicks do not draw anything. Possible drawing modes are * null, "Point", "LineString" or * "Polygon". * @default null * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.DataOptions.prototype.drawingMode; /** * When drawing is enabled and a user draws a Geometry (a Point, Line String or * Polygon), this function is called with that Geometry and should return a * Feature that is to be added to the Data layer. If a featureFactory is not * supplied, a Feature with no id and no properties will be created from that * Geometry instead. Defaults to null. * @type {(function(!google.maps.Data.Geometry): * !google.maps.Data.Feature)|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.DataOptions.prototype.featureFactory; /** * Map on which to display the features in the collection. * @type {!google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.Data.DataOptions.prototype.map; /** * Style for all features in the collection. For more details, see the setStyle() method above. * @type {!google.maps.Data.StylingFunction|!google.maps.Data.StyleOptions|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.DataOptions.prototype.style; /** * A feature has a geometry, an id, and a set of properties. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions=} options * @constructor */ google.maps.Data.Feature = function(options) {}; /** * Repeatedly invokes the given function, passing a property value and name on * each invocation. The order of iteration through the properties is undefined. * @param {function(*, string): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.Feature.prototype.forEachProperty = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns the feature's geometry. * @return {google.maps.Data.Geometry} */ google.maps.Data.Feature.prototype.getGeometry = function() {}; /** * Returns the feature ID. * @return {number|string|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.Feature.prototype.getId = function() {}; /** * Returns the value of the requested property, or undefined if the * property does not exist. * @param {string} name * @return {*} */ google.maps.Data.Feature.prototype.getProperty = function(name) {}; /** * Removes the property with the given name. * @param {string} name * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.Feature.prototype.removeProperty = function(name) {}; /** * Sets the feature's geometry. * @param {google.maps.Data.Geometry|google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral} * newGeometry * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.Feature.prototype.setGeometry = function(newGeometry) {}; /** * Sets the value of the specified property. If newValue is * undefined this is equivalent to calling * removeProperty. * @param {string} name * @param {*} newValue * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.Feature.prototype.setProperty = function(name, newValue) {}; /** * Exports the feature to a GeoJSON object. * @param {function(!Object): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.Feature.prototype.toGeoJson = function(callback) {}; /** * Optional parameters for creating Data.Feature objects. * @record */ google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions = function() {}; /** * The feature geometry. If none is specified when a feature is constructed, the * feature's geometry will be null. If a LatLng * object or LatLngLiteral is given, this will be converted to a * Data.Point geometry. * @type {google.maps.Data.Geometry|google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions.prototype.geometry; /** * Feature ID is optional. If provided, it can be used to look up the feature in * a Data object using the getFeatureById() method. * Note that a feature's ID cannot be subsequently changed. * @type {number|string|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions.prototype.id; /** * The feature properties. This is an arbitrary mapping of property names to * values. * @type {Object|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.FeatureOptions.prototype.properties; /** * Optional parameters for importing GeoJSON. * @record */ google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions = function() {}; /** * The name of the Feature property to use as the feature ID. If not specified, * the GeoJSON Feature id will be used. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.GeoJsonOptions.prototype.idPropertyName; /** * A superclass for the various geometry objects. * @record */ google.maps.Data.Geometry = function() {}; /** * Repeatedly invokes the given function, passing a point from the geometry to * the function on each invocation. * @param {function(!google.maps.LatLng): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Data.Geometry.prototype.forEachLatLng = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns the type of the geometry object. Possibilities are * "Point", "MultiPoint", "LineString", * "MultiLineString", "LinearRing", * "Polygon", "MultiPolygon", or * "GeometryCollection". * @return {string} */ google.maps.Data.Geometry.prototype.getType = function() {}; /** * A GeometryCollection contains a number of geometry objects. Any * LatLng or LatLngLiteral objects are automatically * converted to Data.Point geometry objects. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!Array} * elements * @implements {google.maps.Data.Geometry} * @constructor */ google.maps.Data.GeometryCollection = function(elements) {}; /** * @param {function(!google.maps.LatLng): void} callback * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.Data.GeometryCollection.prototype.forEachLatLng = function( callback) {}; /** * Returns an array of the contained geometry objects. A new array is returned * each time getArray() is called. * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.Data.GeometryCollection.prototype.getArray = function() {}; /** * Returns the n-th contained geometry object. * @param {number} n * @return {!google.maps.Data.Geometry} */ google.maps.Data.GeometryCollection.prototype.getAt = function(n) {}; /** * Returns the number of contained geometry objects. * @return {number} */ google.maps.Data.GeometryCollection.prototype.getLength = function() {}; /** * Returns the string "GeometryCollection". * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Data.GeometryCollection.prototype.getType = function() {}; /** * A LineString geometry contains a number of LatLngs. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!Array} elements * @implements {google.maps.Data.Geometry} * @constructor */ google.maps.Data.LineString = function(elements) {}; /** * @param {function(!google.maps.LatLng): void} callback * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.Data.LineString.prototype.forEachLatLng = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns an array of the contained LatLngs. A new array is * returned each time getArray() is called. * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.Data.LineString.prototype.getArray = function() {}; /** * Returns the n-th contained LatLng. * @param {number} n * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.Data.LineString.prototype.getAt = function(n) {}; /** * Returns the number of contained LatLngs. * @return {number} */ google.maps.Data.LineString.prototype.getLength = function() {}; /** * Returns the string "LineString". * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Data.LineString.prototype.getType = function() {}; /** * A LinearRing geometry contains a number of LatLngs, representing * a closed LineString. There is no need to make the first LatLng * equal to the last LatLng. The LinearRing is closed implicitly. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!Array} elements * @implements {google.maps.Data.Geometry} * @constructor */ google.maps.Data.LinearRing = function(elements) {}; /** * @param {function(!google.maps.LatLng): void} callback * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.Data.LinearRing.prototype.forEachLatLng = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns an array of the contained LatLngs. A new array is * returned each time getArray() is called. * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.Data.LinearRing.prototype.getArray = function() {}; /** * Returns the n-th contained LatLng. * @param {number} n * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.Data.LinearRing.prototype.getAt = function(n) {}; /** * Returns the number of contained LatLngs. * @return {number} */ google.maps.Data.LinearRing.prototype.getLength = function() {}; /** * Returns the string "LinearRing". * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Data.LinearRing.prototype.getType = function() {}; /** * This object is passed to mouse event handlers on a Data object. * @extends {google.maps.MapMouseEvent} * @record */ google.maps.Data.MouseEvent = function() {}; /** * The feature which generated the mouse event. * @type {!google.maps.Data.Feature} */ google.maps.Data.MouseEvent.prototype.feature; /** * A MultiLineString geometry contains a number of LineStrings. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!Array>} * elements * @implements {google.maps.Data.Geometry} * @constructor */ google.maps.Data.MultiLineString = function(elements) {}; /** * @param {function(!google.maps.LatLng): void} callback * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.Data.MultiLineString.prototype.forEachLatLng = function( callback) {}; /** * Returns an array of the contained Data.LineStrings. A new array * is returned each time getArray() is called. * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.Data.MultiLineString.prototype.getArray = function() {}; /** * Returns the n-th contained Data.LineString. * @param {number} n * @return {!google.maps.Data.LineString} */ google.maps.Data.MultiLineString.prototype.getAt = function(n) {}; /** * Returns the number of contained Data.LineStrings. * @return {number} */ google.maps.Data.MultiLineString.prototype.getLength = function() {}; /** * Returns the string "MultiLineString". * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Data.MultiLineString.prototype.getType = function() {}; /** * A MultiPoint geometry contains a number of LatLngs. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!Array} elements * @implements {google.maps.Data.Geometry} * @constructor */ google.maps.Data.MultiPoint = function(elements) {}; /** * @param {function(!google.maps.LatLng): void} callback * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.Data.MultiPoint.prototype.forEachLatLng = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns an array of the contained LatLngs. A new array is * returned each time getArray() is called. * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.Data.MultiPoint.prototype.getArray = function() {}; /** * Returns the n-th contained LatLng. * @param {number} n * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.Data.MultiPoint.prototype.getAt = function(n) {}; /** * Returns the number of contained LatLngs. * @return {number} */ google.maps.Data.MultiPoint.prototype.getLength = function() {}; /** * Returns the string "MultiPoint". * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Data.MultiPoint.prototype.getType = function() {}; /** * A MultiPolygon geometry contains a number of Data.Polygons. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!Array>>} * elements * @implements {google.maps.Data.Geometry} * @constructor */ google.maps.Data.MultiPolygon = function(elements) {}; /** * @param {function(!google.maps.LatLng): void} callback * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.Data.MultiPolygon.prototype.forEachLatLng = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns an array of the contained Data.Polygons. A new array is * returned each time getArray() is called. * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.Data.MultiPolygon.prototype.getArray = function() {}; /** * Returns the n-th contained Data.Polygon. * @param {number} n * @return {!google.maps.Data.Polygon} */ google.maps.Data.MultiPolygon.prototype.getAt = function(n) {}; /** * Returns the number of contained Data.Polygons. * @return {number} */ google.maps.Data.MultiPolygon.prototype.getLength = function() {}; /** * Returns the string "MultiPolygon". * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Data.MultiPolygon.prototype.getType = function() {}; /** * A Point geometry contains a single LatLng. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} latLng * @implements {google.maps.Data.Geometry} * @constructor */ google.maps.Data.Point = function(latLng) {}; /** * @param {function(!google.maps.LatLng): void} callback * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.Data.Point.prototype.forEachLatLng = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns the contained LatLng. * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.Data.Point.prototype.get = function() {}; /** * Returns the string "Point". * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Data.Point.prototype.getType = function() {}; /** * A Polygon geometry contains a number of Data.LinearRings. The * first linear-ring must be the polygon exterior boundary and subsequent * linear-rings must be interior boundaries, also known as holes. See the sample * polygon with a hole. * * Access by calling `const {Data} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!Array>} * elements * @implements {google.maps.Data.Geometry} * @constructor */ google.maps.Data.Polygon = function(elements) {}; /** * @param {function(!google.maps.LatLng): void} callback * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.Data.Polygon.prototype.forEachLatLng = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns an array of the contained Data.LinearRings. A new array * is returned each time getArray() is called. * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.Data.Polygon.prototype.getArray = function() {}; /** * Returns the n-th contained Data.LinearRing. * @param {number} n * @return {!google.maps.Data.LinearRing} */ google.maps.Data.Polygon.prototype.getAt = function(n) {}; /** * Returns the number of contained Data.LinearRings. * @return {number} */ google.maps.Data.Polygon.prototype.getLength = function() {}; /** * Returns the string "Polygon". * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Data.Polygon.prototype.getType = function() {}; /** * The properties of a removefeature event. * @record */ google.maps.Data.RemoveFeatureEvent = function() {}; /** * The feature that was removed from the FeatureCollection. * @type {!google.maps.Data.Feature} */ google.maps.Data.RemoveFeatureEvent.prototype.feature; /** * The properties of a removeproperty event. * @record */ google.maps.Data.RemovePropertyEvent = function() {}; /** * The feature whose property was removed. * @type {!google.maps.Data.Feature} */ google.maps.Data.RemovePropertyEvent.prototype.feature; /** * The property name. * @type {string} */ google.maps.Data.RemovePropertyEvent.prototype.name; /** * The previous value. * @type {*} */ google.maps.Data.RemovePropertyEvent.prototype.oldValue; /** * The properties of a setgeometry event. * @record */ google.maps.Data.SetGeometryEvent = function() {}; /** * The feature whose geometry was set. * @type {!google.maps.Data.Feature} */ google.maps.Data.SetGeometryEvent.prototype.feature; /** * The new feature geometry. * @type {!google.maps.Data.Geometry|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.SetGeometryEvent.prototype.newGeometry; /** * The previous feature geometry. * @type {!google.maps.Data.Geometry|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.SetGeometryEvent.prototype.oldGeometry; /** * The properties of a setproperty event. * @record */ google.maps.Data.SetPropertyEvent = function() {}; /** * The feature whose property was set. * @type {!google.maps.Data.Feature} */ google.maps.Data.SetPropertyEvent.prototype.feature; /** * The property name. * @type {string} */ google.maps.Data.SetPropertyEvent.prototype.name; /** * The new value. * @type {*} */ google.maps.Data.SetPropertyEvent.prototype.newValue; /** * The previous value. Will be undefined if the property was added. * @type {*} */ google.maps.Data.SetPropertyEvent.prototype.oldValue; /** * These options specify the way a Feature should appear when displayed on a * map. * @record */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions = function() {}; /** * The animation to play when marker is added to a map. Only applies to point * geometries. * @type {!google.maps.Animation|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.animation; /** * If true, the marker receives mouse and touch events. * @default true * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.clickable; /** * Mouse cursor to show on hover. Only applies to point geometries. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.cursor; /** * If true, the object can be dragged across the map and the * underlying feature will have its geometry updated. * @default false * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.draggable; /** * If true, the object can be edited by dragging control points and * the underlying feature will have its geometry updated. Only applies to * LineString and Polygon geometries. * @default false * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.editable; /** * The fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named * colors. Only applies to polygon geometries. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.fillColor; /** * The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. Only applies to polygon geometries. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.fillOpacity; /** * Icon for the foreground. If a string is provided, it is treated as though it * were an Icon with the string as url. Only applies * to point geometries. * @type {string|!google.maps.Icon|!google.maps.Symbol|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.icon; /** * The icons to be rendered along a polyline. Only applies to line geometries. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.icons; /** * Adds a label to the marker. The label can either be a string, or a * MarkerLabel object. Only applies to point geometries. * @type {string|!google.maps.MarkerLabel|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.label; /** * The marker's opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. Only applies to point * geometries. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.opacity; /** * Defines the image map used for hit detection. Only applies to point * geometries. * @type {!google.maps.MarkerShape|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.shape; /** * The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named * colors. Only applies to line and polygon geometries. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.strokeColor; /** * The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. Only applies to line and polygon * geometries. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.strokeOpacity; /** * The stroke width in pixels. Only applies to line and polygon geometries. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.strokeWeight; /** * Rollover text. Only applies to point geometries. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.title; /** * Whether the feature is visible. * @default true * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.visible; /** * All features are displayed on the map in order of their zIndex, with higher * values displaying in front of features with lower values. Markers are always * displayed in front of line-strings and polygons. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Data.StyleOptions.prototype.zIndex; /** * @typedef {function(!google.maps.Data.Feature): * !google.maps.Data.StyleOptions} */ google.maps.Data.StylingFunction; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * An interface representing a feature from a Dataset. The * featureType of a DatasetFeature will always be * FeatureType.DATASET. * @extends {google.maps.Feature} * @record */ google.maps.DatasetFeature = function() {}; /** * Key-value mapping of the feature's attributes. * @type {!Object} */ google.maps.DatasetFeature.prototype.datasetAttributes; /** * Dataset id of the dataset that this feature belongs to. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DatasetFeature.prototype.datasetId; /** * A single geocoded waypoint. * @record */ google.maps.DirectionsGeocodedWaypoint = function() {}; /** * Whether the geocoder did not return an exact match for the original waypoint, * though it was able to match part of the requested address. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsGeocodedWaypoint.prototype.partial_match; /** * The place ID associated with the waypoint. Place IDs uniquely identify a * place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. Learn more about Place * IDs in the Places API developer guide. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsGeocodedWaypoint.prototype.place_id; /** * An array of strings denoting the type of the returned geocoded element. For a * list of possible strings, refer to the * Address Component Types section of the Developer's Guide. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsGeocodedWaypoint.prototype.types; /** * A single leg consisting of a set of steps in a DirectionsResult. Some fields in the leg * may not be returned for all requests. Note that though this result is * "JSON-like," it is not strictly JSON, as it directly and indirectly * includes LatLng objects. * @record */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg = function() {}; /** * An estimated arrival time for this leg. Only applicable for TRANSIT requests. * @type {!google.maps.Time|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.arrival_time; /** * An estimated departure time for this leg. Only applicable for TRANSIT * requests. * @type {!google.maps.Time|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.departure_time; /** * The total distance covered by this leg. This property may be undefined as the * distance may be unknown. * @type {!google.maps.Distance|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.distance; /** * The total duration of this leg. This property may be undefined * as the duration may be unknown. * @type {!google.maps.Duration|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.duration; /** * The total duration of this leg, taking into account the traffic conditions * indicated by the trafficModel property. This property may be * undefined as the duration may be unknown. * @type {!google.maps.Duration|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.duration_in_traffic; /** * The address of the destination of this leg. This content is meant to be read * as-is. Do not programmatically parse the formatted address. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.end_address; /** * The DirectionsService calculates directions between locations by * using the nearest transportation option (usually a road) at the start and end * locations. end_location indicates the actual geocoded * destination, which may be different than the end_location of the * last step if, for example, the road is not near the destination of this leg. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.end_location; /** * The address of the origin of this leg. This content is meant to be read * as-is. Do not programmatically parse the formatted address. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.start_address; /** * The DirectionsService calculates directions between locations by * using the nearest transportation option (usually a road) at the start and end * locations. start_location indicates the actual geocoded origin, * which may be different than the start_location of the first step * if, for example, the road is not near the origin of this leg. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.start_location; /** * An array of DirectionsSteps, each of which contains information * about the individual steps in this leg. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.steps; /** * An array of non-stopover waypoints along this leg, which were specified in * the original request.

Deprecated in alternative routes. * Version 3.27 will be the last version of the API that adds extra * via_waypoints in alternative routes.

When using the * Directions Service to implement draggable directions, it is recommended to * disable dragging of alternative routes. Only the main route should be * draggable. Users can drag the main route until it matches an alternative * route. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.via_waypoints; /** * Information about traffic speed along the leg. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated This array will always be empty. */ google.maps.DirectionsLeg.prototype.traffic_speed_entry; /** * An object containing a points property to describe the polyline * of a {@link google.maps.DirectionsStep}. * @record */ google.maps.DirectionsPolyline = function() {}; /** * An encoded * polyline. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsPolyline.prototype.points; /** * Renders directions obtained from the DirectionsService. * * Access by calling `const {DirectionsRenderer} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer = function(opts) {}; /** * Returns the renderer's current set of directions. * @return {google.maps.DirectionsResult} */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.prototype.getDirections = function() {}; /** * Returns the map on which the DirectionsResult is rendered. * @return {google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Returns the panel <div> in which the * DirectionsResult is rendered. * @return {?HTMLElement} */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.prototype.getPanel = function() {}; /** * Returns the current (zero-based) route index in use by this * DirectionsRenderer object. * @return {number} */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.prototype.getRouteIndex = function() {}; /** * Set the renderer to use the result from the DirectionsService. * Setting a valid set of directions in this manner will display the directions * on the renderer's designated map and panel. * @param {google.maps.DirectionsResult} directions * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.prototype.setDirections = function( directions) {}; /** * This method specifies the map on which directions will be rendered. Pass * null to remove the directions from the map. * @param {google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * Change the options settings of this DirectionsRenderer after * initialization. * @param {google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * This method renders the directions in a <div>. Pass * null to remove the content from the panel. * @param {?HTMLElement} panel * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.prototype.setPanel = function(panel) {}; /** * Set the (zero-based) index of the route in the DirectionsResult * object to render. By default, the first route in the array will be rendered. * @param {number} routeIndex * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRenderer.prototype.setRouteIndex = function( routeIndex) {}; /** * This object defines the properties that can be set on a * DirectionsRenderer object. * @record */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions = function() {}; /** * The directions to display on the map and/or in a <div> * panel, retrieved as a DirectionsResult object from * DirectionsService. * @type {google.maps.DirectionsResult|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.directions; /** * If true, allows the user to drag and modify the paths of routes * rendered by this DirectionsRenderer. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.draggable; /** * This property indicates whether the renderer should provide a user-selectable * list of routes shown in the directions panel. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.hideRouteList; /** * The InfoWindow in which to render text information when a marker * is clicked. Existing info window content will be overwritten and its position * moved. If no info window is specified, the DirectionsRenderer * will create and use its own info window. This property will be ignored if * suppressInfoWindows is set to true. * @type {google.maps.InfoWindow|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.infoWindow; /** * Map on which to display the directions. * @type {google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.map; /** * Options for the markers. All markers rendered by the * DirectionsRenderer will use these options. * @type {google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.markerOptions; /** * The <div> in which to display the directions steps. * @type {HTMLElement|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.panel; /** * Options for the polylines. All polylines rendered by the * DirectionsRenderer will use these options. * @type {google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.polylineOptions; /** * If this option is set to true or the map's center and zoom * were never set, the input map is centered and zoomed to the bounding box of * this set of directions. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.preserveViewport; /** * The index of the route within the DirectionsResult object. The * default value is 0. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.routeIndex; /** * Suppress the rendering of the BicyclingLayer when bicycling * directions are requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.suppressBicyclingLayer; /** * Suppress the rendering of info windows. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.suppressInfoWindows; /** * Suppress the rendering of markers. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.suppressMarkers; /** * Suppress the rendering of polylines. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRendererOptions.prototype.suppressPolylines; /** * A directions query to be sent to the DirectionsService. * @record */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest = function() {}; /** * If true, instructs the Directions service to avoid ferries where * possible. Optional. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.avoidFerries; /** * If true, instructs the Directions service to avoid highways * where possible. Optional. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.avoidHighways; /** * If true, instructs the Directions service to avoid toll roads * where possible. Optional. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.avoidTolls; /** * Location of destination. This can be specified as either a string to be * geocoded, or a LatLng, or a Place. Required. * @type {string|!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.Place|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.destination; /** * Settings that apply only to requests where travelMode is * DRIVING. This object will have no effect for other travel modes. * @type {!google.maps.DrivingOptions|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.drivingOptions; /** * A language identifier for the language in which results should be returned, * when possible. See the list of * supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.language; /** * If set to true, the DirectionsService will attempt * to re-order the supplied intermediate waypoints to minimize overall cost of * the route. If waypoints are optimized, inspect * DirectionsRoute.waypoint_order in the response to determine the * new ordering. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.optimizeWaypoints; /** * Location of origin. This can be specified as either a string to be geocoded, * or a LatLng, or a Place. Required. * @type {string|!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.Place|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.origin; /** * Whether or not route alternatives should be provided. Optional. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.provideRouteAlternatives; /** * Region code used as a bias for geocoding requests. The region code accepts a * ccTLD * ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are * identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the * United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its * ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The * United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"). * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.region; /** * Settings that apply only to requests where travelMode is * TRANSIT. This object will have no effect for other travel modes. * @type {!google.maps.TransitOptions|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.transitOptions; /** * Type of routing requested. Required. * @type {!google.maps.TravelMode} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.travelMode; /** * Preferred unit system to use when displaying distance. * @default The unit system used in the country of origin. * @type {!google.maps.UnitSystem|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.unitSystem; /** * Array of intermediate waypoints. Directions are calculated from the origin to * the destination by way of each waypoint in this array. See the * developer's guide for the maximum number of waypoints allowed. * Waypoints are not supported for transit directions. Optional. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRequest.prototype.waypoints; /** * The directions response retrieved from the directions server. You can render * these using a {@link google.maps.DirectionsRenderer} or parse this object and * render it yourself. You must display the warnings and copyrights as noted in * the Google Maps * Platform Terms of Service. Note that though this result is * "JSON-like," it is not strictly JSON, as it indirectly includes * LatLng objects. * @record */ google.maps.DirectionsResult = function() {}; /** * Contains an array of available travel modes. This field is returned when a * request specifies a travel mode and gets no results. The array contains the * available travel modes in the countries of the given set of waypoints. This * field is not returned if one or more of the waypoints are 'via * waypoints'. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsResult.prototype.available_travel_modes; /** * An array of DirectionsGeocodedWaypoints, each of which contains * information about the geocoding of origin, destination and waypoints. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsResult.prototype.geocoded_waypoints; /** * The DirectionsRequest that yielded this result. * @type {!google.maps.DirectionsRequest} */ google.maps.DirectionsResult.prototype.request; /** * An array of DirectionsRoutes, each of which contains information * about the legs and steps of which it is composed. There will only be one * route unless the DirectionsRequest was made with * provideRouteAlternatives set to true. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DirectionsResult.prototype.routes; /** * A single route containing a set of legs in a DirectionsResult. Note that though this * object is "JSON-like," it is not strictly JSON, as it directly and * indirectly includes LatLng objects. * @record */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute = function() {}; /** * The bounds for this route. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute.prototype.bounds; /** * Copyrights text to be displayed for this route. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute.prototype.copyrights; /** * The total fare for the whole transit trip. Only applicable to transit * requests. * @type {!google.maps.TransitFare|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute.prototype.fare; /** * An array of DirectionsLegs, each of which contains information * about the steps of which it is composed. There will be one leg for each * stopover waypoint or destination specified. So a route with no stopover * waypoints will contain one DirectionsLeg and a route with one * stopover waypoint will contain two. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute.prototype.legs; /** * An array of LatLngs representing the entire course of this * route. The path is simplified in order to make it suitable in contexts where * a small number of vertices is required (such as Static Maps API URLs). * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute.prototype.overview_path; /** * An encoded * polyline representation of the route in overview_path. This polyline is * an approximate (smoothed) path of the resulting directions. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute.prototype.overview_polyline; /** * Contains a short textual description for the route, suitable for naming and * disambiguating the route from alternatives. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute.prototype.summary; /** * Warnings to be displayed when showing these directions. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute.prototype.warnings; /** * If optimizeWaypoints was set to true, this field * will contain the re-ordered permutation of the input waypoints. For example, * if the input was:
  Origin: Los Angeles
*   Waypoints: Dallas, Bangor, Phoenix
  Destination: * New York
and the optimized output was ordered as follows:
*   Origin: Los Angeles
  Waypoints: Phoenix, Dallas, * Bangor
  Destination: New York
then this field will be an * Array containing the values [2, 0, 1]. Note that the numbering * of waypoints is zero-based.
If any of the input waypoints has * stopover set to false, this field will be empty, * since route optimization is not available for such queries. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DirectionsRoute.prototype.waypoint_order; /** * A service for computing directions between two or more places. * * Access by calling `const {DirectionsService} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.DirectionsService = function() {}; /** * Issue a directions search request. * @param {!google.maps.DirectionsRequest} request * @param {(function(?google.maps.DirectionsResult, * !google.maps.DirectionsStatus): void)=} callback * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.DirectionsService.prototype.route = function(request, callback) {}; /** * The status returned by the DirectionsService on the completion * of a call to route(). Specify these by value, or by using the * constant's name. For example, 'OK' or * google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK. * * Access by calling `const {DirectionsStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsStatus = { /** * The DirectionsRequest provided was invalid. */ INVALID_REQUEST: 'INVALID_REQUEST', /** * Too many DirectionsWaypoints were provided in the * DirectionsRequest. See the * developer's guide for the maximum number of waypoints allowed. */ MAX_WAYPOINTS_EXCEEDED: 'MAX_WAYPOINTS_EXCEEDED', /** * At least one of the origin, destination, or waypoints could not be * geocoded. */ NOT_FOUND: 'NOT_FOUND', /** * The response contains a valid DirectionsResult. */ OK: 'OK', /** * The webpage has gone over the requests limit in too short a period of time. */ OVER_QUERY_LIMIT: 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT', /** * The webpage is not allowed to use the directions service. */ REQUEST_DENIED: 'REQUEST_DENIED', /** * A directions request could not be processed due to a server error. The * request may succeed if you try again. */ UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR', /** * No route could be found between the origin and destination. */ ZERO_RESULTS: 'ZERO_RESULTS', }; /** * A single DirectionsStep in a DirectionsResult. Some * fields may be undefined. Note that though this object is * "JSON-like," it is not strictly JSON, as it directly includes * LatLng objects. * @record */ google.maps.DirectionsStep = function() {}; /** * The distance covered by this step. This property may be * undefined as the distance may be unknown. * @type {!google.maps.Distance|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.distance; /** * The typical time required to perform this step in seconds and in text form. * This property may be undefined as the duration may be unknown. * @type {!google.maps.Duration|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.duration; /** * An encoded * polyline representation of the step. This is an approximate (smoothed) * path of the step. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.encoded_lat_lngs; /** * The ending location of this step. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.end_location; /** * Instructions for this step. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.instructions; /** * Contains the action to take for the current step (turn-left, * merge, straight, etc.). Values are subject to * change, and new values may be introduced without prior notice. * @type {string} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.maneuver; /** * A sequence of LatLngs describing the course of this step. This * is an approximate (smoothed) path of the step. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.path; /** * The starting location of this step. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.start_location; /** * Sub-steps of this step. Specified for non-transit sections of transit routes. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.steps; /** * Transit-specific details about this step. This property will be undefined * unless the travel mode of this step is TRANSIT. * @type {!google.maps.TransitDetails|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.transit; /** * Details pertaining to this step if the travel mode is TRANSIT. * @type {!google.maps.TransitDetails|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.transit_details; /** * The mode of travel used in this step. * @type {!google.maps.TravelMode} */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.travel_mode; /** * The starting location of this step. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} * @deprecated Please use {@link google.maps.DirectionsStep.start_location}. */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.start_point; /** * The ending location of this step. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} * @deprecated Please use {@link google.maps.DirectionsStep.end_location}. */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.end_point; /** * A sequence of LatLngs describing the course of this step. This * is an approximate (smoothed) path of the step. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated Please use {@link google.maps.DirectionsStep.path}. */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.lat_lngs; /** * Contains an object with a single property, 'points', that holds an encoded * polyline representation of the step. This polyline is an approximate * (smoothed) path of the step. * @type {!google.maps.DirectionsPolyline|undefined} * @deprecated Please use {@link google.maps.DirectionsStep.encoded_lat_lngs}. */ google.maps.DirectionsStep.prototype.polyline; /** * @enum {string} * @deprecated Deprecated as of 2011. Use {@link google.maps.TravelMode} * instead. */ google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode = {}; /** * @enum {string} * @deprecated Deprecated as of 2011. Use {@link google.maps.UnitSystem} * instead. */ google.maps.DirectionsUnitSystem = {}; /** * A DirectionsWaypoint represents a location between origin and * destination through which the trip should be routed. * @record */ google.maps.DirectionsWaypoint = function() {}; /** * Waypoint location. Can be an address string, a LatLng, or a * Place. Optional. * @type {string|!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|!google.maps.Place|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsWaypoint.prototype.location; /** * If true, indicates that this waypoint is a stop between the * origin and destination. This has the effect of splitting the route into two * legs. If false, indicates that the route should be biased to go * through this waypoint, but not split into two legs. This is useful if you * want to create a route in response to the user dragging waypoints on a map. * @default true * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DirectionsWaypoint.prototype.stopover; /** * A representation of distance as a numeric value and a display string. * @record */ google.maps.Distance = function() {}; /** * A string representation of the distance value, using the * UnitSystem specified in the request. * @type {string} */ google.maps.Distance.prototype.text; /** * The distance in meters. * @type {number} */ google.maps.Distance.prototype.value; /** * The element-level status about a particular origin-destination pairing * returned by the DistanceMatrixService upon completion of a * distance matrix request. These values are specified as strings, for example, * 'OK'. * * Access by calling `const {DistanceMatrixElementStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixElementStatus = { /** * The origin and/or destination of this pairing could not be geocoded. */ NOT_FOUND: 'NOT_FOUND', /** * The response contains a valid result. */ OK: 'OK', /** * No route could be found between the origin and destination. */ ZERO_RESULTS: 'ZERO_RESULTS', }; /** * A distance matrix query sent by the DistanceMatrixService * containing arrays of origin and destination locations, and various options * for computing metrics. * @record */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest = function() {}; /** * If true, instructs the Distance Matrix service to avoid ferries * where possible. Optional. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.avoidFerries; /** * If true, instructs the Distance Matrix service to avoid highways * where possible. Optional. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.avoidHighways; /** * If true, instructs the Distance Matrix service to avoid toll * roads where possible. Optional. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.avoidTolls; /** * An array containing destination address strings, or LatLng, or * Place objects, to which to calculate distance and time. * Required. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.destinations; /** * Settings that apply only to requests where travelMode is * DRIVING. This object will have no effect for other travel modes. * @type {!google.maps.DrivingOptions|undefined} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.drivingOptions; /** * A language identifier for the language in which results should be returned, * when possible. See the list of * supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.language; /** * An array containing origin address strings, or LatLng, or * Place objects, from which to calculate distance and time. * Required. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.origins; /** * Region code used as a bias for geocoding requests. The region code accepts a * ccTLD * ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are * identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the * United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its * ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The * United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"). * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.region; /** * Settings that apply only to requests where travelMode is * TRANSIT. This object will have no effect for other travel modes. * @type {!google.maps.TransitOptions|undefined} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.transitOptions; /** * Type of routing requested. Required. * @type {!google.maps.TravelMode} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.travelMode; /** * Preferred unit system to use when displaying distance. Optional; defaults to * metric. * @type {!google.maps.UnitSystem|undefined} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest.prototype.unitSystem; /** * The response to a DistanceMatrixService request, consisting of * the formatted origin and destination addresses, and a sequence of * DistanceMatrixResponseRows, one for each corresponding origin * address. * @record */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponse = function() {}; /** * The formatted destination addresses. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponse.prototype.destinationAddresses; /** * The formatted origin addresses. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponse.prototype.originAddresses; /** * The rows of the matrix, corresponding to the origin addresses. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponse.prototype.rows; /** * A single element of a response to a DistanceMatrixService * request, which contains the duration and distance from one origin to one * destination. * @record */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponseElement = function() {}; /** * The distance for this origin-destination pairing. This property may be * undefined as the distance may be unknown. * @type {!google.maps.Distance} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponseElement.prototype.distance; /** * The duration for this origin-destination pairing. This property may be * undefined as the duration may be unknown. * @type {!google.maps.Duration} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponseElement.prototype.duration; /** * The duration for this origin-destination pairing, taking into account the * traffic conditions indicated by the trafficModel property. This * property may be undefined as the duration may be unknown. Only * available to Premium Plan customers when drivingOptions is * defined when making the request. * @type {!google.maps.Duration} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponseElement.prototype.duration_in_traffic; /** * The total fare for this origin-destination pairing. Only applicable to * transit requests. * @type {!google.maps.TransitFare} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponseElement.prototype.fare; /** * The status of this particular origin-destination pairing. * @type {!google.maps.DistanceMatrixElementStatus} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponseElement.prototype.status; /** * A row of the response to a DistanceMatrixService request, * consisting of a sequence of DistanceMatrixResponseElements, one * for each corresponding destination address. * @record */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponseRow = function() {}; /** * The row's elements, corresponding to the destination addresses. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponseRow.prototype.elements; /** * A service for computing distances between multiple origins and destinations. * * Access by calling `const {DistanceMatrixService} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixService = function() {}; /** * Issues a distance matrix request. * @param {!google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest} request * @param {(function(?google.maps.DistanceMatrixResponse, * !google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus): void)=} callback * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixService.prototype.getDistanceMatrix = function( request, callback) {}; /** * The top-level status about the request in general returned by the * DistanceMatrixService upon completion of a distance matrix * request. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For * example, 'OK' or * google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus.OK. * * Access by calling `const {DistanceMatrixStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus = { /** * The provided request was invalid. */ INVALID_REQUEST: 'INVALID_REQUEST', /** * The request contains more than 25 origins, or more than 25 destinations. */ MAX_DIMENSIONS_EXCEEDED: 'MAX_DIMENSIONS_EXCEEDED', /** * The product of origins and destinations exceeds the per-query limit. */ MAX_ELEMENTS_EXCEEDED: 'MAX_ELEMENTS_EXCEEDED', /** * The response contains a valid result. */ OK: 'OK', /** * Too many elements have been requested within the allowed time period. The * request should succeed if you try again after some time. */ OVER_QUERY_LIMIT: 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT', /** * The service denied use of the Distance Matrix service by your web page. */ REQUEST_DENIED: 'REQUEST_DENIED', /** * A Distance Matrix request could not be processed due to a server error. The * request may succeed if you try again. */ UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR', }; /** * @record */ google.maps.DrawingLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager} */ google.maps.DrawingLibrary.prototype.DrawingManager; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.drawing.OverlayType} */ google.maps.DrawingLibrary.prototype.OverlayType; /** * Configures the DirectionsRequest when the travel mode * is set to DRIVING. * @record */ google.maps.DrivingOptions = function() {}; /** * The desired departure time for the route, specified as a Date * object. The Date object measures time in milliseconds since 1 * January 1970. This must be specified for a DrivingOptions to be * valid. The departure time must be set to the current time or some time in the * future. It cannot be in the past. * @type {!Date} */ google.maps.DrivingOptions.prototype.departureTime; /** * The preferred assumption to use when predicting duration in traffic. The * default is BEST_GUESS. * @type {!google.maps.TrafficModel|undefined} */ google.maps.DrivingOptions.prototype.trafficModel; /** * A representation of duration as a numeric value and a display string. * @record */ google.maps.Duration = function() {}; /** * A string representation of the duration value. * @type {string} */ google.maps.Duration.prototype.text; /** * The duration in seconds. * @type {number} */ google.maps.Duration.prototype.value; /** * @record */ google.maps.ElevationLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.ElevationService} */ google.maps.ElevationLibrary.prototype.ElevationService; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.ElevationStatus} */ google.maps.ElevationLibrary.prototype.ElevationStatus; /** * The result of an ElevationService request, consisting of the set * of elevation coordinates and their elevation values. Note that a single * request may produce multiple ElevationResults. * @record */ google.maps.ElevationResult = function() {}; /** * The elevation of this point on Earth, in meters above sea level. * @type {number} */ google.maps.ElevationResult.prototype.elevation; /** * The location of this elevation result. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|null} */ google.maps.ElevationResult.prototype.location; /** * The distance, in meters, between sample points from which the elevation was * interpolated. This property will be missing if the resolution is not known. * Note that elevation data becomes more coarse (larger resolution * values) when multiple points are passed. To obtain the most accurate * elevation value for a point, it should be queried independently. * @type {number} */ google.maps.ElevationResult.prototype.resolution; /** * Defines a service class that talks directly to Google servers for requesting * elevation data. * * Access by calling `const {ElevationService} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("elevation")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.ElevationService = function() {}; /** * Makes an elevation request along a path, where the elevation data are * returned as distance-based samples along that path. * @param {!google.maps.PathElevationRequest} request * @param {(function(?Array, * !google.maps.ElevationStatus): void)=} callback * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.ElevationService.prototype.getElevationAlongPath = function( request, callback) {}; /** * Makes an elevation request for a list of discrete locations. * @param {!google.maps.LocationElevationRequest} request * @param {(function(?Array, * !google.maps.ElevationStatus): void)=} callback * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.ElevationService.prototype.getElevationForLocations = function( request, callback) {}; /** * The status returned by the ElevationService upon completion of * an elevation request. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's * name. For example, 'OK' or * google.maps.ElevationStatus.OK. * * Access by calling `const {ElevationStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("elevation")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.ElevationStatus = { /** * The request was invalid. */ INVALID_REQUEST: 'INVALID_REQUEST', /** * The request did not encounter any errors. */ OK: 'OK', /** * The webpage has gone over the requests limit in too short a period of time. */ OVER_QUERY_LIMIT: 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT', /** * The webpage is not allowed to use the elevation service. */ REQUEST_DENIED: 'REQUEST_DENIED', /** * The elevation request could not be successfully processed, yet the exact * reason for the failure is not known. */ UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR', }; /** * An event with an associated Error. * @record */ google.maps.ErrorEvent = function() {}; /** * The Error related to the event. * @type {!Error} */ google.maps.ErrorEvent.prototype.error; /** * An interface representing a vector map tile feature. These are inputs to the * FeatureStyleFunction. Do not save a reference to a particular * Feature object because the reference will not be stable. * @record */ google.maps.Feature = function() {}; /** * FeatureType of this Feature. * @type {!google.maps.FeatureType} */ google.maps.Feature.prototype.featureType; /** * An interface representing a map layer containing features of a * specific {@link google.maps.FeatureType} whose style can be overridden * client-side, or have events attached. * @record */ google.maps.FeatureLayer = function() {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * The Dataset ID for this FeatureLayer. Only present if the * featureType is FeatureType.DATASET. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.FeatureLayer.prototype.datasetId; /** * The FeatureType associated with this FeatureLayer. * @type {!google.maps.FeatureType} */ google.maps.FeatureLayer.prototype.featureType; /** * Whether this FeatureLayer is available, meaning whether * Data-driven styling is available for this map (there is a map ID using vector * tiles with this FeatureLayer enabled in the Google Cloud Console * map style.) If this is false (or becomes false), styling on this * FeatureLayer returns to default and events are not triggered. * @type {boolean} */ google.maps.FeatureLayer.prototype.isAvailable; /** * The style of Features in the FeatureLayer. The * style is applied when style is set. If your style function updates, you must * set the style property again. A FeatureStyleFunction must return * consistent results when it is applied over the map tiles, and should be * optimized for performance. Asynchronous functions are not supported. If you * use a FeatureStyleOptions, all features of that layer will be * styled with the same FeatureStyleOptions. Set the style to * null to remove the previously set style. If this * FeatureLayer is not available, setting style does nothing and * logs an error. * @type {google.maps.FeatureStyleOptions|google.maps.FeatureStyleFunction|null|undefined} */ google.maps.FeatureLayer.prototype.style; /** * Adds the given listener function to the given event name. Returns an * identifier for this listener that can be used with {@link * google.maps.event.removeListener}. * @param {string} eventName Observed event. * @param {!Function} handler Function to handle events. * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} Resulting event listener. */ google.maps.FeatureLayer.prototype.addListener = function( eventName, handler) {}; /** * This object is returned from a mouse event on a FeatureLayer. * @extends {google.maps.MapMouseEvent} * @record */ google.maps.FeatureMouseEvent = function() {}; /** * The Features at this mouse event. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.FeatureMouseEvent.prototype.features; /** * @typedef {function(!google.maps.FeatureStyleFunctionOptions): * (google.maps.FeatureStyleOptions|null|undefined)} */ google.maps.FeatureStyleFunction; /** * Options passed to a FeatureStyleFunction. * @record */ google.maps.FeatureStyleFunctionOptions = function() {}; /** * Feature passed into the FeatureStyleFunction for * styling. * @type {!google.maps.Feature} */ google.maps.FeatureStyleFunctionOptions.prototype.feature; /** * These options specify the way the style of a Feature should be * modified on a map. * @record */ google.maps.FeatureStyleOptions = function() {}; /** * Hex RGB string (like "#00FF00" for green). Only applies to polygon * geometries. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.FeatureStyleOptions.prototype.fillColor; /** * The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. Only applies to polygon geometries. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.FeatureStyleOptions.prototype.fillOpacity; /** * Hex RGB string (like "#00FF00" for green). * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.FeatureStyleOptions.prototype.strokeColor; /** * The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. Only applies to line and polygon * geometries. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.FeatureStyleOptions.prototype.strokeOpacity; /** * The stroke width in pixels. Only applies to line and polygon geometries. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.FeatureStyleOptions.prototype.strokeWeight; /** * Identifiers for feature types. * * Access by calling `const {FeatureType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.FeatureType = { /** * Indicates a first-order civil entity below the country level. */ ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_1: 'ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_1', /** * Indicates a second-order civil entity below the country level. */ ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2: 'ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2', /** * Indicates the national political entity. */ COUNTRY: 'COUNTRY', /** * Indicates a third-party dataset. */ DATASET: 'DATASET', /** * Indicates an incorporated city or town political entity. */ LOCALITY: 'LOCALITY', /** * Indicates a postal code as used to address postal mail within the country. * Includes zip codes. */ POSTAL_CODE: 'POSTAL_CODE', /** * Indicates a school district. */ SCHOOL_DISTRICT: 'SCHOOL_DISTRICT', }; /** * Options for the rendering of the fullscreen control. * @record */ google.maps.FullscreenControlOptions = function() {}; /** * Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. * @default {@link google.maps.ControlPosition.INLINE_END_BLOCK_START} * @type {google.maps.ControlPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.FullscreenControlOptions.prototype.position; /** * A service for converting between an address and a LatLng. * * Access by calling `const {Geocoder} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("geocoding")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.Geocoder = function() {}; /** * Geocode a request. * @param {!google.maps.GeocoderRequest} request * @param {((function((!Array|null), * !google.maps.GeocoderStatus): void)|null)=} callback * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.Geocoder.prototype.geocode = function(request, callback) {}; /** * A single address component within a GeocoderResult. A full * address may consist of multiple address components. * @record */ google.maps.GeocoderAddressComponent = function() {}; /** * The full text of the address component * @type {string} */ google.maps.GeocoderAddressComponent.prototype.long_name; /** * The abbreviated, short text of the given address component * @type {string} */ google.maps.GeocoderAddressComponent.prototype.short_name; /** * An array of strings denoting the type of this address component. A list of * valid types can be found here * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.GeocoderAddressComponent.prototype.types; /** * GeocoderComponentRestrictions represents a set of filters that * resolve to a specific area. For details on how this works, see * Geocoding Component Filtering. * @record */ google.maps.GeocoderComponentRestrictions = function() {}; /** * Matches all the administrative_area levels. Optional. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderComponentRestrictions.prototype.administrativeArea; /** * Matches a country name or a two letter ISO 3166-1 country code. Optional. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderComponentRestrictions.prototype.country; /** * Matches against both locality and sublocality * types. Optional. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderComponentRestrictions.prototype.locality; /** * Matches postal_code and postal_code_prefix. * Optional. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderComponentRestrictions.prototype.postalCode; /** * Matches the long or short name of a route. Optional. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderComponentRestrictions.prototype.route; /** * Geometry information about this GeocoderResult * @record */ google.maps.GeocoderGeometry = function() {}; /** * The precise bounds of this GeocoderResult, if applicable * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderGeometry.prototype.bounds; /** * The latitude/longitude coordinates of this result * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.GeocoderGeometry.prototype.location; /** * The type of location returned in location * @type {!google.maps.GeocoderLocationType} */ google.maps.GeocoderGeometry.prototype.location_type; /** * The bounds of the recommended viewport for displaying this * GeocoderResult * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.GeocoderGeometry.prototype.viewport; /** * Describes the type of location returned from a geocode. Specify these by * value, or by using the constant's name. For example, * 'ROOFTOP' or * google.maps.GeocoderLocationType.ROOFTOP. * * Access by calling `const {GeocoderLocationType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("geocoding")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.GeocoderLocationType = { /** * The returned result is approximate. */ APPROXIMATE: 'APPROXIMATE', /** * The returned result is the geometric center of a result such a line (e.g. * street) or polygon (region). */ GEOMETRIC_CENTER: 'GEOMETRIC_CENTER', /** * The returned result reflects an approximation (usually on a road) * interpolated between two precise points (such as intersections). * Interpolated results are generally returned when rooftop geocodes are * unavailable for a street address. */ RANGE_INTERPOLATED: 'RANGE_INTERPOLATED', /** * The returned result reflects a precise geocode. */ ROOFTOP: 'ROOFTOP', }; /** * The specification for a geocoding request to be sent to the * Geocoder. * @record */ google.maps.GeocoderRequest = function() {}; /** * Address to geocode. One, and only one, of address, * location and placeId must be supplied. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderRequest.prototype.address; /** * LatLngBounds within which to search. Optional. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderRequest.prototype.bounds; /** * Components are used to restrict results to a specific area. A filter consists * of one or more of: route, locality, * administrativeArea, postalCode, * country. Only the results that match all the filters will be * returned. Filter values support the same methods of spelling correction and * partial matching as other geocoding requests. Optional. * @type {!google.maps.GeocoderComponentRestrictions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderRequest.prototype.componentRestrictions; /** * A language identifier for the language in which results should be returned, * when possible. See the list of * supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderRequest.prototype.language; /** * LatLng (or LatLngLiteral) for which to search. The * geocoder performs a reverse geocode. See * Reverse Geocoding for more information. One, and only one, of * address, location and placeId must be * supplied. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderRequest.prototype.location; /** * The place ID associated with the location. Place IDs uniquely identify a * place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. Learn more about place * IDs in the Places API developer guide. The geocoder performs a reverse * geocode. See Reverse * Geocoding for more information. One, and only one, of * address, location and placeId must be * supplied. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderRequest.prototype.placeId; /** * Country code used to bias the search, specified as a two-character * (non-numeric) Unicode region subtag / CLDR identifier. Optional. See Google Maps Platform * Coverage Details for supported regions. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderRequest.prototype.region; /** * A Geocoder response returned by the {@link google.maps.Geocoder} containing * the list of {@link google.maps.GeocoderResult}s. * @record */ google.maps.GeocoderResponse = function() {}; /** * The list of {@link google.maps.GeocoderResult}s. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.GeocoderResponse.prototype.results; /** * A single geocoder result retrieved from the geocode server. A geocode request * may return multiple result objects. Note that though this result is * "JSON-like," it is not strictly JSON, as it indirectly includes a * LatLng object. * @record */ google.maps.GeocoderResult = function() {}; /** * An array of GeocoderAddressComponents * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.GeocoderResult.prototype.address_components; /** * A string containing the human-readable address of this location. * @type {string} */ google.maps.GeocoderResult.prototype.formatted_address; /** * A GeocoderGeometry object * @type {!google.maps.GeocoderGeometry} */ google.maps.GeocoderResult.prototype.geometry; /** * Whether the geocoder did not return an exact match for the original request, * though it was able to match part of the requested address. If an exact match, * the value will be undefined. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderResult.prototype.partial_match; /** * The place ID associated with the location. Place IDs uniquely identify a * place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. Learn more about Place * IDs in the Places API developer guide. * @type {string} */ google.maps.GeocoderResult.prototype.place_id; /** * The plus code associated with the location. * @type {!google.maps.places.PlacePlusCode|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderResult.prototype.plus_code; /** * An array of strings denoting all the localities contained in a postal code. * This is only present when the result is a postal code that contains multiple * localities. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.GeocoderResult.prototype.postcode_localities; /** * An array of strings denoting the type of the returned geocoded element. For a * list of possible strings, refer to the * Address Component Types section of the Developer's Guide. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.GeocoderResult.prototype.types; /** * The status returned by the Geocoder on the completion of a call * to geocode(). Specify these by value, or by using the * constant's name. For example, 'OK' or * google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK. * * Access by calling `const {GeocoderStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("geocoding")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.GeocoderStatus = { /** * There was a problem contacting the Google servers. */ ERROR: 'ERROR', /** * This GeocoderRequest was invalid. */ INVALID_REQUEST: 'INVALID_REQUEST', /** * The response contains a valid GeocoderResponse. */ OK: 'OK', /** * The webpage has gone over the requests limit in too short a period of time. */ OVER_QUERY_LIMIT: 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT', /** * The webpage is not allowed to use the geocoder. */ REQUEST_DENIED: 'REQUEST_DENIED', /** * A geocoding request could not be processed due to a server error. The * request may succeed if you try again. */ UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR', /** * No result was found for this GeocoderRequest. */ ZERO_RESULTS: 'ZERO_RESULTS', }; /** * @record */ google.maps.GeocodingLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Geocoder} */ google.maps.GeocodingLibrary.prototype.Geocoder; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.GeocoderLocationType} */ google.maps.GeocodingLibrary.prototype.GeocoderLocationType; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.GeocoderStatus} */ google.maps.GeocodingLibrary.prototype.GeocoderStatus; /** * @record */ google.maps.GeometryLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.geometry.encoding} */ google.maps.GeometryLibrary.prototype.encoding; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.geometry.poly} */ google.maps.GeometryLibrary.prototype.poly; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.geometry.spherical} */ google.maps.GeometryLibrary.prototype.spherical; /** * A rectangular image overlay on the map. * * Access by calling `const {GroundOverlay} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {string} url * @param {google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} bounds * @param {google.maps.GroundOverlayOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.GroundOverlay = function(url, bounds, opts) {}; /** * Gets the LatLngBounds of this overlay. * @return {google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.GroundOverlay.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** * Returns the map on which this ground overlay is displayed. * @return {google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.GroundOverlay.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Returns the opacity of this ground overlay. * @return {number} */ google.maps.GroundOverlay.prototype.getOpacity = function() {}; /** * Gets the url of the projected image. * @return {string} */ google.maps.GroundOverlay.prototype.getUrl = function() {}; /** * Renders the ground overlay on the specified map. If map is set to * null, the overlay is removed. * @param {google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.GroundOverlay.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * Sets the opacity of this ground overlay. * @param {number} opacity * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.GroundOverlay.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity) {}; /** * This object defines the properties that can be set on a * GroundOverlay object. * @record */ google.maps.GroundOverlayOptions = function() {}; /** * If true, the ground overlay can receive mouse events. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GroundOverlayOptions.prototype.clickable; /** * The map on which to display the overlay. * @type {google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GroundOverlayOptions.prototype.map; /** * The opacity of the overlay, expressed as a number between 0 and 1. Optional. * @default 1.0 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.GroundOverlayOptions.prototype.opacity; /** * A structure representing a Marker icon image. * @record */ google.maps.Icon = function() {}; /** * The position at which to anchor an image in correspondence to the location of * the marker on the map. By default, the anchor is located along the center * point of the bottom of the image. * @type {!google.maps.Point|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Icon.prototype.anchor; /** * The origin of the label relative to the top-left corner of the icon image, if * a label is supplied by the marker. By default, the origin is located in the * center point of the image. * @type {!google.maps.Point|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Icon.prototype.labelOrigin; /** * The position of the image within a sprite, if any. By default, the origin is * located at the top left corner of the image (0, 0). * @type {!google.maps.Point|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Icon.prototype.origin; /** * The size of the entire image after scaling, if any. Use this property to * stretch/shrink an image or a sprite. * @type {!google.maps.Size|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Icon.prototype.scaledSize; /** * The display size of the sprite or image. When using sprites, you must specify * the sprite size. If the size is not provided, it will be set when the image * loads. * @type {!google.maps.Size|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Icon.prototype.size; /** * The URL of the image or sprite sheet. * @type {string} */ google.maps.Icon.prototype.url; /** * This object is sent in an event when a user clicks on an icon on the map. The * place ID of this place is stored in the placeId member. To prevent the * default info window from showing up, call the stop() method on this event to * prevent it being propagated. Learn more about place * IDs in the Places API developer guide. * @extends {google.maps.MapMouseEvent} * @record */ google.maps.IconMouseEvent = function() {}; /** * The place ID of the place that was clicked. This place ID can be used to * query more information about the feature that was clicked.

Learn more * about place * IDs in the Places API developer guide. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.IconMouseEvent.prototype.placeId; /** * Describes how icons are to be rendered on a line.

If your polyline * is geodesic, then the distances specified for both offset and repeat are * calculated in meters by default. Setting either offset or repeat to a pixel * value will cause the distances to be calculated in pixels on the screen. * @record */ google.maps.IconSequence = function() {}; /** * If true, each icon in the sequence has the same fixed rotation * regardless of the angle of the edge on which it lies. If false, * case each icon in the sequence is rotated to align with its edge. * @default false * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.IconSequence.prototype.fixedRotation; /** * The icon to render on the line. * @type {!google.maps.Symbol|null|undefined} */ google.maps.IconSequence.prototype.icon; /** * The distance from the start of the line at which an icon is to be rendered. * This distance may be expressed as a percentage of line's length (e.g. * '50%') or in pixels (e.g. '50px'). * @default '100%' * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.IconSequence.prototype.offset; /** * The distance between consecutive icons on the line. This distance may be * expressed as a percentage of the line's length (e.g. '50%') or in * pixels (e.g. '50px'). To disable repeating of the icon, specify * '0'. * @default 0 * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.IconSequence.prototype.repeat; /** * This class implements the MapType interface and is provided for rendering * image tiles. * * Access by calling `const {ImageMapType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {google.maps.ImageMapTypeOptions} opts * @implements {google.maps.MapType} * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.ImageMapType = function(opts) {}; /** * @type {?string} */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.alt; /** * @type {number} */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.maxZoom; /** * @type {number} */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.minZoom; /** * @type {?string} */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.name; /** * @type {google.maps.Projection} */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.projection; /** * @type {number} */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.radius; /** * @type {google.maps.Size} */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.tileSize; /** * Returns the opacity level (0 (transparent) to 1.0) * of the ImageMapType tiles. * @return {number} opacity The current opacity. */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.getOpacity = function() {}; /** * @param {google.maps.Point} tileCoord Tile coordinates. * @param {number} zoom Tile zoom. * @param {Document} ownerDocument The document which owns this tile. * @return {?Element} Resulting tile. * @override */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.getTile = function( tileCoord, zoom, ownerDocument) {}; /** * @param {?Element} tileDiv Tile to release. * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.releaseTile = function(tileDiv) {}; /** * Sets the opacity level (0 (transparent) to 1.0) of * the ImageMapType tiles. * @param {number} opacity The new opacity. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.ImageMapType.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity) {}; /** * This class is used to create a MapType that renders image tiles. * @record */ google.maps.ImageMapTypeOptions = function() {}; /** * Alt text to display when this MapType's button is hovered over in the * MapTypeControl. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.ImageMapTypeOptions.prototype.alt; /** * Returns a string (URL) for given tile coordinate (x, y) and zoom level. * @type {(function(!google.maps.Point, number): ?string)|null|undefined} */ google.maps.ImageMapTypeOptions.prototype.getTileUrl; /** * The maximum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.ImageMapTypeOptions.prototype.maxZoom; /** * The minimum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Optional. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.ImageMapTypeOptions.prototype.minZoom; /** * Name to display in the MapTypeControl. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.ImageMapTypeOptions.prototype.name; /** * The opacity to apply to the tiles. The opacity should be specified as a float * value between 0 and 1.0, where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.ImageMapTypeOptions.prototype.opacity; /** * The tile size. * @type {google.maps.Size|null|undefined} */ google.maps.ImageMapTypeOptions.prototype.tileSize; /** * An overlay that looks like a bubble and is often connected to a marker. * * Access by calling `const {InfoWindow} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")` or `const {InfoWindow} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {?google.maps.InfoWindowOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.InfoWindow = function(opts) {}; /** * Closes this InfoWindow by removing it from the DOM structure. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.close = function() {}; /** * Sets focus on this InfoWindow. You may wish to consider using * this method along with a visible event to make sure that * InfoWindow is visible before setting focus on it. An * InfoWindow that is not visible cannot be focused. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.focus = function() {}; /** * @return {string|Element|Text|null|undefined} The content of this InfoWindow. * The same as what was previously set as the content. */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.getContent = function() {}; /** * @return {google.maps.LatLng|null|undefined} The LatLng position of this * InfoWindow. */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.getPosition = function() {}; /** * @return {number} The zIndex of this InfoWindow. */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.getZIndex = function() {}; /** * Opens this InfoWindow on the given map. Optionally, an InfoWindow can be * associated with an anchor. In the core API, the only anchor is the Marker * class. However, an anchor can be any MVCObject that exposes a LatLng * position property and optionally a Point * anchorPoint property for calculating the * pixelOffset (see InfoWindowOptions). The * anchorPoint is the offset from the anchor's position to the * tip of the InfoWindow. It is recommended to use the {@link * google.maps.InfoWindowOpenOptions} interface as the single argument for this * method. To prevent changing browser focus on open, set {@link * google.maps.InfoWindowOpenOptions.shouldFocus} to false. * @param {(google.maps.InfoWindowOpenOptions|google.maps.Map|google.maps.StreetViewPanorama|null)=} * options Either an InfoWindowOpenOptions object (recommended) or the * map|panorama on which to render this InfoWindow. * @param {(google.maps.MVCObject|google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement|null)=} * anchor The anchor to which this InfoWindow will be positioned. If the * anchor is non-null, the InfoWindow will be positioned at the top-center * of the anchor. The InfoWindow will be rendered on the same map or * panorama as the anchor (when available). * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.open = function(options, anchor) {}; /** * @param {(string|Element|Text|null)=} content The content to be displayed by * this InfoWindow. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.setContent = function(content) {}; /** * @param {?google.maps.InfoWindowOptions=} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * @param {(google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null)=} position The * LatLng position at which to display this InfoWindow. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.setPosition = function(position) {}; /** * @param {number} zIndex The z-index for this InfoWindow. An InfoWindow with a * greater z-index will be displayed in front of all other InfoWindows with * a lower z-index. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindow.prototype.setZIndex = function(zIndex) {}; /** * Options for opening an InfoWindow * @record */ google.maps.InfoWindowOpenOptions = function() {}; /** * The anchor to which this InfoWindow will be positioned. If the anchor is * non-null, the InfoWindow will be positioned at the top-center of the anchor. * The InfoWindow will be rendered on the same map or panorama as the anchor * (when available). * @type {google.maps.MVCObject|google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOpenOptions.prototype.anchor; /** * The map or panorama on which to render this InfoWindow. * @type {google.maps.Map|google.maps.StreetViewPanorama|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOpenOptions.prototype.map; /** * Whether or not focus should be moved inside the InfoWindow when it is opened. * When this property is unset or when it is set to null or * undefined, a heuristic is used to decide whether or not focus * should be moved. It is recommended to explicitly set this property to fit * your needs as the heuristic is subject to change and may not work well for * all use cases. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOpenOptions.prototype.shouldFocus; /** * InfoWindowOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a * InfoWindow. * @record */ google.maps.InfoWindowOptions = function() {}; /** * AriaLabel to assign to the InfoWindow. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOptions.prototype.ariaLabel; /** * Content to display in the InfoWindow. This can be an HTML element, a * plain-text string, or a string containing HTML. The InfoWindow will be sized * according to the content. To set an explicit size for the content, set * content to be a HTML element with that size. * @type {string|!Element|!Text|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOptions.prototype.content; /** * Disable panning the map to make the InfoWindow fully visible when it opens. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOptions.prototype.disableAutoPan; /** * Maximum width of the InfoWindow, regardless of content's width. This * value is only considered if it is set before a call to open(). * To change the maximum width when changing content, call close(), * setOptions(), and then open(). * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOptions.prototype.maxWidth; /** * Minimum width of the InfoWindow, regardless of the content's width. When * using this property, it is strongly recommended to set the * minWidth to a value less than the width of the map (in pixels). * This value is only considered if it is set before a call to * open(). To change the minimum width when changing content, call * close(), setOptions(), and then * open(). * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOptions.prototype.minWidth; /** * The offset, in pixels, of the tip of the info window from the point on the * map at whose geographical coordinates the info window is anchored. If an * InfoWindow is opened with an anchor, the pixelOffset will be * calculated from the anchor's anchorPoint property. * @type {!google.maps.Size|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOptions.prototype.pixelOffset; /** * The LatLng at which to display this InfoWindow. If the InfoWindow is opened * with an anchor, the anchor's position will be used instead. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOptions.prototype.position; /** * All InfoWindows are displayed on the map in order of their zIndex, with * higher values displaying in front of InfoWindows with lower values. By * default, InfoWindows are displayed according to their latitude, with * InfoWindows of lower latitudes appearing in front of InfoWindows at higher * latitudes. InfoWindows are always displayed in front of markers. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.InfoWindowOptions.prototype.zIndex; /** * @record */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.AutomaticViewportMode} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.AutomaticViewportMode; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStopState} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.DeliveryVehicleStopState; /** * @type {typeof * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype .FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider; /** * @type {typeof * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype .FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineServiceType} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.FleetEngineServiceType; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProvider} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProvider; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.JourneySharingMapView; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.Speed} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.Speed; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.TripType} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.TripType; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleNavigationStatus} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.VehicleNavigationStatus; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleState} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.VehicleState; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleType} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.VehicleType; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.journeySharing.WaypointType} */ google.maps.JourneySharingLibrary.prototype.WaypointType; /** * Contains details of the author of a KML document or feature. * @record */ google.maps.KmlAuthor = function() {}; /** * The author's e-mail address, or an empty string if not specified. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlAuthor.prototype.email; /** * The author's name, or an empty string if not specified. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlAuthor.prototype.name; /** * The author's home page, or an empty string if not specified. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlAuthor.prototype.uri; /** * Data for a single KML feature in JSON format, returned when a KML feature is * clicked. The data contained in this object mirrors that associated with the * feature in the KML or GeoRSS markup in which it is declared. * @record */ google.maps.KmlFeatureData = function() {}; /** * The feature's <atom:author>, extracted from the layer * markup (if specified). * @type {google.maps.KmlAuthor} */ google.maps.KmlFeatureData.prototype.author; /** * The feature's <description>, extracted from the layer * markup. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlFeatureData.prototype.description; /** * The feature's <id>, extracted from the layer markup. * If no <id> has been specified, a unique ID will be * generated for this feature. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlFeatureData.prototype.id; /** * The feature's balloon styled text, if set. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlFeatureData.prototype.infoWindowHtml; /** * The feature's <name>, extracted from the layer markup. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlFeatureData.prototype.name; /** * The feature's <Snippet>, extracted from the layer * markup. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlFeatureData.prototype.snippet; /** * A KmlLayer adds geographic markup to the map from a KML, KMZ or * GeoRSS file that is hosted on a publicly accessible web server. A * KmlFeatureData object is provided for each feature when clicked. * * Access by calling `const {KmlLayer} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {google.maps.KmlLayerOptions=} opts Options for this layer. * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.KmlLayer = function(opts) {}; /** * Get the default viewport for the layer being displayed. * @return {google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.getDefaultViewport = function() {}; /** * Get the map on which the KML Layer is being rendered. * @return {google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Get the metadata associated with this layer, as specified in the layer * markup. * @return {google.maps.KmlLayerMetadata} */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.getMetadata = function() {}; /** * Get the status of the layer, set once the requested document has loaded. * @return {google.maps.KmlLayerStatus} */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.getStatus = function() {}; /** * Gets the URL of the KML file being displayed. * @return {string} URL */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.getUrl = function() {}; /** * Gets the z-index of the KML Layer. * @return {number} The z-index. */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.getZIndex = function() {}; /** * Renders the KML Layer on the specified map. If map is set to * null, the layer is removed. * @param {google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * @param {google.maps.KmlLayerOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Sets the URL of the KML file to display. * @param {string} url * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.setUrl = function(url) {}; /** * Sets the z-index of the KML Layer. * @param {number} zIndex The z-index to set. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayer.prototype.setZIndex = function(zIndex) {}; /** * Metadata for a single KML layer, in JSON format. * @record */ google.maps.KmlLayerMetadata = function() {}; /** * The layer's <atom:author>, extracted from the layer * markup. * @type {google.maps.KmlAuthor} */ google.maps.KmlLayerMetadata.prototype.author; /** * The layer's <description>, extracted from the layer * markup. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlLayerMetadata.prototype.description; /** * Whether the layer has any screen overlays. * @type {boolean} */ google.maps.KmlLayerMetadata.prototype.hasScreenOverlays; /** * The layer's <name>, extracted from the layer markup. * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlLayerMetadata.prototype.name; /** * The layer's <Snippet>, extracted from the layer markup * @type {string} */ google.maps.KmlLayerMetadata.prototype.snippet; /** * This object defines the properties that can be set on a KmlLayer * object. * @record */ google.maps.KmlLayerOptions = function() {}; /** * If true, the layer receives mouse events. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayerOptions.prototype.clickable; /** * The map on which to display the layer. * @type {google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayerOptions.prototype.map; /** * If this option is set to true or if the map's center and * zoom were never set, the input map is centered and zoomed to the bounding box * of the contents of the layer. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayerOptions.prototype.preserveViewport; /** * Whether to render the screen overlays. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayerOptions.prototype.screenOverlays; /** * Suppress the rendering of info windows when layer features are clicked. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayerOptions.prototype.suppressInfoWindows; /** * The URL of the KML document to display. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayerOptions.prototype.url; /** * The z-index of the layer. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.KmlLayerOptions.prototype.zIndex; /** * The status returned by KmlLayer on the completion of loading a * document. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For * example, 'OK' or google.maps.KmlLayerStatus.OK. * * Access by calling `const {KmlLayerStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.KmlLayerStatus = { /** * The document could not be found. Most likely it is an invalid URL, or the * document is not publicly available. */ DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND: 'DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND', /** * The document exceeds the file size limits of KmlLayer. */ DOCUMENT_TOO_LARGE: 'DOCUMENT_TOO_LARGE', /** * The document could not be fetched. */ FETCH_ERROR: 'FETCH_ERROR', /** * The document is not a valid KML, KMZ or GeoRSS document. */ INVALID_DOCUMENT: 'INVALID_DOCUMENT', /** * The KmlLayer is invalid. */ INVALID_REQUEST: 'INVALID_REQUEST', /** * The document exceeds the feature limits of KmlLayer. */ LIMITS_EXCEEDED: 'LIMITS_EXCEEDED', /** * The layer loaded successfully. */ OK: 'OK', /** * The document could not be loaded within a reasonable amount of time. */ TIMED_OUT: 'TIMED_OUT', /** * The document failed to load for an unknown reason. */ UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN', }; /** * The properties of a click event on a KML/KMZ or GeoRSS document. * @record */ google.maps.KmlMouseEvent = function() {}; /** * A KmlFeatureData object, containing information about the * clicked feature. * @type {google.maps.KmlFeatureData} */ google.maps.KmlMouseEvent.prototype.featureData; /** * The position at which to anchor an infowindow on the clicked feature. * @type {google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.KmlMouseEvent.prototype.latLng; /** * The offset to apply to an infowindow anchored on the clicked feature. * @type {google.maps.Size} */ google.maps.KmlMouseEvent.prototype.pixelOffset; /** * A LatLng is a point in geographical coordinates: latitude and * longitude.

Although the default map projection associates * longitude with the x-coordinate of the map, and latitude with the * y-coordinate, the latitude coordinate is always written first, * followed by the longitude.
Notice that you cannot modify the coordinates * of a LatLng. If you want to compute another point, you have to * create a new one.

Most methods that accept LatLng * objects also accept a {@link google.maps.LatLngLiteral} object, so that the * following are equivalent:

 map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(-34,
 * 151));
map.setCenter({lat: -34, lng: 151});

The constructor * also accepts {@link google.maps.LatLngLiteral} and LatLng * objects. If a LatLng instance is passed to the constructor, a * copy is created.

The possible calls to the constructor are below:

 * new google.maps.LatLng(-34, 151);
new google.maps.LatLng(-34, 151, * true);
new google.maps.LatLng({lat: -34, lng: 151});
new * google.maps.LatLng({lat: -34, lng: 151}, true);
new * google.maps.LatLng(new google.maps.LatLng(-34, 151));
new * google.maps.LatLng(new google.maps.LatLng(-34, 151), true);
* * Access by calling `const {LatLng} = await google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {number|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|!google.maps.LatLng} * latOrLatLngOrLatLngLiteral * @param {?(number|boolean)=} lngOrNoClampNoWrap * @param {boolean=} noClampNoWrap * @constructor */ google.maps.LatLng = function( latOrLatLngOrLatLngLiteral, lngOrNoClampNoWrap, noClampNoWrap) {}; /** * Comparison function. * @param {google.maps.LatLng} other * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.LatLng.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** * Returns the latitude in degrees. * @return {number} */ google.maps.LatLng.prototype.lat = function() {}; /** * Returns the longitude in degrees. * @return {number} */ google.maps.LatLng.prototype.lng = function() {}; /** * Converts to JSON representation. This function is intended to be used via * JSON.stringify. * @return {!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} * @override */ google.maps.LatLng.prototype.toJSON = function() {}; /** * Converts to string representation. * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.LatLng.prototype.toString = function() {}; /** * Returns a string of the form "lat,lng" for this LatLng. We round * the lat/lng values to 6 decimal places by default. * @param {number=} precision * @return {string} */ google.maps.LatLng.prototype.toUrlValue = function(precision) {}; /** * A LatLngAltitude is a 3D point in geographical coordinates: * latitude, longitude, and altitude.
* * Access by calling `const {LatLngAltitude} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.LatLngAltitude|!google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral|!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} * value The initializing value. * @param {boolean=} noClampNoWrap Whether to preserve the initialization * values, even if they may not necessarily be valid latitude values in the * range of [-90, 90] or valid longitude values in the range of [-180, 180]. * The default is false which enables latitude clamping and * longitude wrapping. * @implements {google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral} * @implements {google.maps.LatLngLiteral} * @constructor */ google.maps.LatLngAltitude = function(value, noClampNoWrap) {}; /** * Returns the altitude. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngAltitude.prototype.altitude; /** * Returns the latitude. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngAltitude.prototype.lat; /** * Returns the longitude. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngAltitude.prototype.lng; /** * Comparison function. * @param {!google.maps.LatLngAltitude|null} other Another LatLngAltitude * object. * @return {boolean} Whether the two objects are equal. */ google.maps.LatLngAltitude.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** * @return {!google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral} A JSON representation of this * object. * @override */ google.maps.LatLngAltitude.prototype.toJSON = function() {}; /** * Object literals are accepted in place of LatLngAltitude objects, * as a convenience, in many places. These are converted to * LatLngAltitude objects when the Maps API encounters them. * @extends {google.maps.LatLngLiteral} * @record */ google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral = function() {}; /** * Distance (in meters) above the ground surface. Negative value means * underneath the ground surface. * @default 0 * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral.prototype.altitude; /** * Latitude in degrees. Values will be clamped to the range [-90, 90]. This * means that if the value specified is less than -90, it will be set to -90. * And if the value is greater than 90, it will be set to 90. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral.prototype.lat; /** * Longitude in degrees. Values outside the range [-180, 180] will be wrapped so * that they fall within the range. For example, a value of -190 will be * converted to 170. A value of 190 will be converted to -170. This reflects the * fact that longitudes wrap around the globe. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral.prototype.lng; /** * A LatLngBounds instance represents a * rectangle in geographical coordinates, including one that crosses the 180 * degrees longitudinal meridian. * * Access by calling `const {LatLngBounds} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {(google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null)=} * swOrLatLngBounds * @param {(google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null)=} ne * @constructor */ google.maps.LatLngBounds = function(swOrLatLngBounds, ne) {}; /** * Returns true if the given lat/lng is in this bounds. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} latLng * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.contains = function(latLng) {}; /** * Returns true if this bounds approximately equals the given * bounds. * @param {google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null} other * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** * Extends this bounds to contain the given point. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} point * @return {!google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.extend = function(point) {}; /** * Computes the center of this LatLngBounds * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.getCenter = function() {}; /** * Returns the north-east corner of this bounds. * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.getNorthEast = function() {}; /** * Returns the south-west corner of this bounds. * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.getSouthWest = function() {}; /** * Returns true if this bounds shares any points with the other * bounds. * @param {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} other * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.intersects = function(other) {}; /** * Returns if the bounds are empty. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.isEmpty = function() {}; /** * Converts to JSON representation. This function is intended to be used via * JSON.stringify. * @return {!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} * @override */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.toJSON = function() {}; /** * Converts the given map bounds to a lat/lng span. * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.toSpan = function() {}; /** * Converts to string. * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.toString = function() {}; /** * Returns a string of the form "lat_lo,lng_lo,lat_hi,lng_hi" for this * bounds, where "lo" corresponds to the southwest corner of the * bounding box, while "hi" corresponds to the northeast corner of * that box. * @param {number=} precision * @return {string} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.toUrlValue = function(precision) {}; /** * Extends this bounds to contain the union of this and the given bounds. * @param {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} other * @return {!google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.prototype.union = function(other) {}; /** * LatLngBounds for the max bounds of the Earth. These bounds will encompass the * entire globe. * @const * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds.MAX_BOUNDS; /** * Object literals are accepted in place of LatLngBounds objects * throughout the API. These are automatically converted to * LatLngBounds objects. All south, west, * north and east must be set, otherwise an exception * is thrown. * @record */ google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral = function() {}; /** * East longitude in degrees. Values outside the range [-180, 180] will be * wrapped to the range [-180, 180). For example, a value of -190 will be * converted to 170. A value of 190 will be converted to -170. This reflects the * fact that longitudes wrap around the globe. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral.prototype.east; /** * North latitude in degrees. Values will be clamped to the range [-90, 90]. * This means that if the value specified is less than -90, it will be set to * -90. And if the value is greater than 90, it will be set to 90. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral.prototype.north; /** * South latitude in degrees. Values will be clamped to the range [-90, 90]. * This means that if the value specified is less than -90, it will be set to * -90. And if the value is greater than 90, it will be set to 90. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral.prototype.south; /** * West longitude in degrees. Values outside the range [-180, 180] will be * wrapped to the range [-180, 180). For example, a value of -190 will be * converted to 170. A value of 190 will be converted to -170. This reflects the * fact that longitudes wrap around the globe. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral.prototype.west; /** * Object literals are accepted in place of LatLng objects, as a * convenience, in many places. These are converted to LatLng * objects when the Maps API encounters them.


 * map.setCenter({lat: -34, lng: 151});
new * google.maps.Marker({position: {lat: -34, lng: 151}, map: map});

LatLng object literals are not supported in the Geometry * library.

* @record */ google.maps.LatLngLiteral = function() {}; /** * Latitude in degrees. Values will be clamped to the range [-90, 90]. This * means that if the value specified is less than -90, it will be set to -90. * And if the value is greater than 90, it will be set to 90. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngLiteral.prototype.lat; /** * Longitude in degrees. Values outside the range [-180, 180] will be wrapped so * that they fall within the range. For example, a value of -190 will be * converted to 170. A value of 190 will be converted to -170. This reflects the * fact that longitudes wrap around the globe. * @type {number} */ google.maps.LatLngLiteral.prototype.lng; /** * An elevation request sent by the ElevationService containing the * list of discrete coordinates (LatLngs) for which to return * elevation data. * @record */ google.maps.LocationElevationRequest = function() {}; /** * The discrete locations for which to retrieve elevations. * @type {!Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.LocationElevationRequest.prototype.locations; /** * An elevation response returned by the {@link google.maps.ElevationService} * containing the list of {@link google.maps.ElevationResult}s matching the * locations of the {@link google.maps.LocationElevationRequest}. * @record */ google.maps.LocationElevationResponse = function() {}; /** * The list of {@link google.maps.ElevationResult}s matching the locations of * the {@link google.maps.LocationElevationRequest}. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.LocationElevationResponse.prototype.results; /** * * Access by calling `const {MVCArray} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {Array=} array * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @template T * @constructor */ google.maps.MVCArray = function(array) {}; /** * Removes all elements from the array. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.clear = function() {}; /** * Iterate over each element, calling the provided callback. The callback is * called for each element like: callback(element, index). * @param {function(T, number): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.forEach = function(callback) {}; /** * Returns a reference to the underlying Array. Warning: if the Array is * mutated, no events will be fired by this object. * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.getArray = function() {}; /** * Returns the element at the specified index. * @param {number} i * @return {T} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.getAt = function(i) {}; /** * Returns the number of elements in this array. * @return {number} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.getLength = function() {}; /** * Inserts an element at the specified index. * @param {number} i * @param {T} elem * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.insertAt = function(i, elem) {}; /** * Removes the last element of the array and returns that element. * @return {T} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.pop = function() {}; /** * Adds one element to the end of the array and returns the new length of the * array. * @param {T} elem * @return {number} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.push = function(elem) {}; /** * Removes an element from the specified index. * @param {number} i * @return {T} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.removeAt = function(i) {}; /** * Sets an element at the specified index. * @param {number} i * @param {T} elem * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCArray.prototype.setAt = function(i, elem) {}; /** * Base class implementing KVO.

The MVCObject constructor * is guaranteed to be an empty function, and so you may inherit from * MVCObject by writing MySubclass.prototype = new * google.maps.MVCObject();. Unless otherwise noted, this is not true of * other classes in the API, and inheriting from other classes in the API is not * supported. * * Access by calling `const {MVCObject} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.MVCObject = function() {}; /** * Adds the given listener function to the given event name. Returns an * identifier for this listener that can be used with * google.maps.event.removeListener. * @param {string} eventName * @param {!Function} handler * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} */ google.maps.MVCObject.prototype.addListener = function(eventName, handler) {}; /** * Binds a View to a Model. * @param {string} key * @param {!google.maps.MVCObject} target * @param {?string=} targetKey * @param {boolean=} noNotify * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCObject.prototype.bindTo = function( key, target, targetKey, noNotify) {}; /** * Gets a value. * @param {string} key * @return {?} */ google.maps.MVCObject.prototype.get = function(key) {}; /** * Notify all observers of a change on this property. This notifies both objects * that are bound to the object's property as well as the object that it is * bound to. * @param {string} key * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCObject.prototype.notify = function(key) {}; /** * Sets a value. * @param {string} key * @param {*} value * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCObject.prototype.set = function(key, value) {}; /** * Sets a collection of key-value pairs. * @param {?Object=} values * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCObject.prototype.setValues = function(values) {}; /** * Removes a binding. Unbinding will set the unbound property to the current * value. The object will not be notified, as the value has not changed. * @param {string} key * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCObject.prototype.unbind = function(key) {}; /** * Removes all bindings. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MVCObject.prototype.unbindAll = function() {}; /** * * Access by calling `const {Map} = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!HTMLElement} mapDiv The map will render to fill this element. * @param {!google.maps.MapOptions=} opts Options * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.Map = function(mapDiv, opts) {}; /** * Additional controls to attach to the map. To add a control to the map, add * the control's <div> to the MVCArray * corresponding to the ControlPosition where it should be * rendered. * @type {!Array>} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.controls; /** * An instance of Data, bound to the map. Add features to this * Data object to conveniently display them on this map. * @type {!google.maps.Data} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.data; /** * A registry of MapType instances by string ID. * @type {!google.maps.MapTypeRegistry} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.mapTypes; /** * Additional map types to overlay. Overlay map types will display on top of the * base map they are attached to, in the order in which they appear in the * overlayMapTypes array (overlays with higher index values are * displayed in front of overlays with lower index values). * @type {!google.maps.MVCArray} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.overlayMapTypes; /** * Sets the viewport to contain the given bounds.
Note: * When the map is set to display: none, the fitBounds * function reads the map's size as 0x0, and therefore does not do anything. * To change the viewport while the map is hidden, set the map to * visibility: hidden, thereby ensuring the map div has an actual * size. For vector maps, this method sets the map's tilt and heading to * their default zero values. Calling this method may cause a smooth animation * as the map pans and zooms to fit the bounds. Whether or not this method * animates depends on an internal heuristic. * @param {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} bounds * Bounds to show. * @param {(number|!google.maps.Padding)=} padding Padding in pixels. The bounds * will be fit in the part of the map that remains after padding is removed. * A number value will yield the same padding on all 4 sides. Supply 0 here * to make a fitBounds idempotent on the result of getBounds. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.fitBounds = function(bounds, padding) {}; /** * Returns the lat/lng bounds of the current viewport. If more than one copy of * the world is visible, the bounds range in longitude from -180 to 180 degrees * inclusive. If the map is not yet initialized or center and zoom have not been * set then the result is undefined. For vector maps with non-zero * tilt or heading, the returned lat/lng bounds represents the smallest bounding * box that includes the visible region of the map's viewport. See {@link * google.maps.MapCanvasProjection.getVisibleRegion} for getting the exact * visible region of the map's viewport. * @return {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|undefined} The lat/lng bounds of the * current viewport. */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** * Returns the position displayed at the center of the map. Note that * this {@link google.maps.LatLng} object is not wrapped. See LatLng for more information. If the center or * bounds have not been set then the result is undefined. * @return {!google.maps.LatLng|undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getCenter = function() {}; /** * Returns the clickability of the map icons. A map icon represents a point of * interest, also known as a POI. If the returned value is true, * then the icons are clickable on the map. * @return {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getClickableIcons = function() {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * Returns the FeatureLayer for the specified * datasetId. Dataset IDs must be configured in the Google Cloud * Console. If the dataset ID is not associated with the map's map style, or * if Data-driven styling is not available (no map ID, no vector tiles, no * Data-Driven Styling feature layers or Datasets configured in the Map Style), * this logs an error, and the resulting FeatureLayer.isAvailable * will be false. * @param {string} datasetId * @return {!google.maps.FeatureLayer} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getDatasetFeatureLayer = function(datasetId) {}; /** * @return {!HTMLElement} The mapDiv of the map. */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getDiv = function() {}; /** * Returns the FeatureLayer of the specific * FeatureType. A FeatureLayer must be enabled in the * Google Cloud Console. If a FeatureLayer of the specified * FeatureType does not exist on this map, or if Data-driven * styling is not available (no map ID, no vector tiles, and no * FeatureLayer enabled in the map style), this logs an error, and * the resulting FeatureLayer.isAvailable will be false. * @param {!google.maps.FeatureType} featureType * @return {!google.maps.FeatureLayer} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getFeatureLayer = function(featureType) {}; /** * Returns the compass heading of the map. The heading value is measured in * degrees (clockwise) from cardinal direction North. If the map is not yet * initialized then the result is undefined. * @return {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getHeading = function() {}; /** * Informs the caller of the current capabilities available to the map based on * the Map ID that was provided. * @return {!google.maps.MapCapabilities} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getMapCapabilities = function() {}; /** * @return {!google.maps.MapTypeId|string|undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getMapTypeId = function() {}; /** * Returns the current Projection. If the map is not yet * initialized then the result is undefined. Listen to the * projection_changed event and check its value to ensure it is not * undefined. * @return {!google.maps.Projection|undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getProjection = function() {}; /** * Returns the current RenderingType of the map. * @return {!google.maps.RenderingType} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getRenderingType = function() {}; /** * Returns the default StreetViewPanorama bound to the map, which * may be a default panorama embedded within the map, or the panorama set using * setStreetView(). Changes to the map's * streetViewControl will be reflected in the display of such a * bound panorama. * @return {!google.maps.StreetViewPanorama} The panorama bound to the map. */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getStreetView = function() {}; /** * Returns the current angle of incidence of the map, in degrees from the * viewport plane to the map plane. For raster maps, the result will be * 0 for imagery taken directly overhead or 45 for * 45° imagery. This method does not return the value set by * setTilt. See setTilt for details. * @return {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getTilt = function() {}; /** * Returns the zoom of the map. If the zoom has not been set then the result is * undefined. * @return {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.getZoom = function() {}; /** * Immediately sets the map's camera to the target camera options, without * animation. * @param {!google.maps.CameraOptions} cameraOptions * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.moveCamera = function(cameraOptions) {}; /** * Changes the center of the map by the given distance in pixels. If the * distance is less than both the width and height of the map, the transition * will be smoothly animated. Note that the map coordinate system increases from * west to east (for x values) and north to south (for y values). * @param {number} x Number of pixels to move the map in the x direction. * @param {number} y Number of pixels to move the map in the y direction. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.panBy = function(x, y) {}; /** * Changes the center of the map to the given LatLng. If the change * is less than both the width and height of the map, the transition will be * smoothly animated. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} latLng The new center * latitude/longitude of the map. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.panTo = function(latLng) {}; /** * Pans the map by the minimum amount necessary to contain the given * LatLngBounds. It makes no guarantee where on the map the bounds * will be, except that the map will be panned to show as much of the bounds as * possible inside {currentMapSizeInPx} - {padding}. For both * raster and vector maps, the map's zoom, tilt, and heading will not be * changed. * @param {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} * latLngBounds The bounds to pan the map to. * @param {(number|!google.maps.Padding)=} padding Padding in pixels. A number * value will yield the same padding on all 4 sides. The default value is 0. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.panToBounds = function(latLngBounds, padding) {}; /** * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} latlng * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.setCenter = function(latlng) {}; /** * Controls whether the map icons are clickable or not. A map icon represents a * point of interest, also known as a POI. To disable the clickability of map * icons, pass a value of false to this method. * @param {boolean} value * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.setClickableIcons = function(value) {}; /** * Sets the compass heading for map measured in degrees from cardinal direction * North. For raster maps, this method only applies to aerial imagery. * @param {number} heading * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.setHeading = function(heading) {}; /** * @param {!google.maps.MapTypeId|string} mapTypeId * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.setMapTypeId = function(mapTypeId) {}; /** * @param {?google.maps.MapOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Binds a StreetViewPanorama to the map. This panorama overrides * the default StreetViewPanorama, allowing the map to bind to an * external panorama outside of the map. Setting the panorama to * null binds the default embedded panorama back to the map. * @param {?google.maps.StreetViewPanorama} panorama The panorama to bind to the * map. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.setStreetView = function(panorama) {}; /** * For vector maps, sets the angle of incidence of the map. The allowed values * are restricted depending on the zoom level of the map. For raster maps, * controls the automatic switching behavior for the angle of incidence of the * map. The only allowed values are 0 and 45. * setTilt(0) causes the map to always use a 0° overhead view * regardless of the zoom level and viewport. setTilt(45) causes * the tilt angle to automatically switch to 45 whenever 45° imagery is * available for the current zoom level and viewport, and switch back to 0 * whenever 45° imagery is not available (this is the default behavior). * 45° imagery is only available for satellite and * hybrid map types, within some locations, and at some zoom * levels. Note: getTilt returns the current tilt angle, not * the value set by setTilt. Because getTilt and * setTilt refer to different things, do not bind() * the tilt property; doing so may yield unpredictable effects. * @param {number} tilt * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.setTilt = function(tilt) {}; /** * Sets the zoom of the map. * @param {number} zoom Larger zoom values correspond to a higher resolution. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Map.prototype.setZoom = function(zoom) {}; /** * Map ID which can be used for code samples which require a Map ID. This Map ID * is not intended for use in production applications and cannot be used for * features which require cloud configuration (such as Cloud Styling). * @const * @type {string} */ google.maps.Map.DEMO_MAP_ID; /** * This object is made available to the OverlayView from within the * draw method. It is not guaranteed to be initialized until draw is called. * @record */ google.maps.MapCanvasProjection = function() {}; /** * Computes the geographical coordinates from pixel coordinates in the map's * container. * @param {?google.maps.Point} pixel * @param {boolean=} noClampNoWrap * @return {?google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.MapCanvasProjection.prototype.fromContainerPixelToLatLng = function( pixel, noClampNoWrap) {}; /** * Computes the geographical coordinates from pixel coordinates in the div that * holds the draggable map. * @param {?google.maps.Point} pixel * @param {boolean=} noClampNoWrap * @return {?google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.MapCanvasProjection.prototype.fromDivPixelToLatLng = function( pixel, noClampNoWrap) {}; /** * Computes the pixel coordinates of the given geographical location in the * map's container element. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} latLng * @return {?google.maps.Point} */ google.maps.MapCanvasProjection.prototype.fromLatLngToContainerPixel = function( latLng) {}; /** * Computes the pixel coordinates of the given geographical location in the DOM * element that holds the draggable map. * @param {google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null} latLng * @return {?google.maps.Point} */ google.maps.MapCanvasProjection.prototype.fromLatLngToDivPixel = function( latLng) {}; /** * The visible region of the map. Returns null if the map has no * size. Returns null if the OverlayView is on a * StreetViewPanorama. * @return {?google.maps.VisibleRegion} */ google.maps.MapCanvasProjection.prototype.getVisibleRegion = function() {}; /** * The width of the world in pixels in the current zoom level. For projections * with a heading angle of either 90 or 270 degrees, this corresponds to the * pixel span in the Y-axis. * @return {number} */ google.maps.MapCanvasProjection.prototype.getWorldWidth = function() {}; /** * Object containing a snapshot of what capabilities are currently available for * the Map. Note that this does not necessarily mean that relevant modules are * loaded or initialized, but rather that the current map has permission to use * these APIs. See the properties for a list of possible capabilities. * @record */ google.maps.MapCapabilities = function() {}; /** * If true, this map is configured properly to allow for the use of advanced * markers. Note that you must still import the marker library in * order to use advanced markers. See https://goo.gle/gmp-isAdvancedMarkersAvailable * for more information. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.MapCapabilities.prototype.isAdvancedMarkersAvailable; /** * If true, this map is configured properly to allow for the use of data-driven * styling for at least one FeatureLayer. See https://goo.gle/gmp-data-driven-styling * and https://goo.gle/gmp-FeatureLayerIsAvailable * for more information. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.MapCapabilities.prototype.isDataDrivenStylingAvailable; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * MapElement is an HTMLElement subclass for rendering maps. After * loading the maps library, a map can be created in HTML. For * example:
<gmp-map center="37.4220656,-122.0840897"
 * zoom="10"
 * map-id="DEMO_MAP_ID">
  <button * slot="control-block-start-inline-end">Custom * Control</button>

Internally, it * uses {@link google.maps.Map}, which can be accessed with the * innerMap property. * * Access by calling `const {MapElement} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.MapElementOptions=} options * @implements {google.maps.MapElementOptions} * @extends {HTMLElement} * @constructor */ google.maps.MapElement = function(options) {}; /** * The center latitude/longitude of the map. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null} */ google.maps.MapElement.prototype.center; /** * A reference to the {@link google.maps.Map} that the MapElement uses * internally. * @type {!google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.MapElement.prototype.innerMap; /** * The Map ID of the map. See the Map ID * documentation for more information. * @type {string|null} */ google.maps.MapElement.prototype.mapId; /** * The zoom level of the map. * @type {number|null} */ google.maps.MapElement.prototype.zoom; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * MapElementOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a * MapElement. * @record */ google.maps.MapElementOptions = function() {}; /** * The initial Map center. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapElementOptions.prototype.center; /** * The Map * ID of the map. This parameter cannot be set or changed after a map is * instantiated. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapElementOptions.prototype.mapId; /** * The initial Map zoom level. Valid zoom values are numbers from zero up to the * supported maximum * zoom level. Larger zoom values correspond to a higher resolution. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapElementOptions.prototype.zoom; /** * This object is returned from various mouse events on the map and overlays, * and contains all the fields shown below. * @record */ google.maps.MapMouseEvent = function() {}; /** * The corresponding native DOM event. Developers should not rely on * target, currentTarget, relatedTarget * and path properties being defined and consistent. Developers * should not also rely on the DOM structure of the internal implementation of * the Maps API. Due to internal event mapping, the domEvent may * have different semantics from the {@link google.maps.MapMouseEvent} (e.g. * a {@link google.maps.MapMouseEvent} "click" may have a * domEvent of type KeyboardEvent). * @type {!MouseEvent|!TouchEvent|!PointerEvent|!KeyboardEvent|!Event} */ google.maps.MapMouseEvent.prototype.domEvent; /** * The latitude/longitude that was below the cursor when the event occurred. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|null} */ google.maps.MapMouseEvent.prototype.latLng; /** * Prevents this event from propagating further. * @return {void} */ google.maps.MapMouseEvent.prototype.stop = function() {}; /** * MapOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a Map. * @record */ google.maps.MapOptions = function() {}; /** * Color used for the background of the Map div. This color will be visible when * tiles have not yet loaded as the user pans. This option can only be set when * the map is initialized. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.backgroundColor; /** * The initial Map center. * @type {google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.center; /** * When false, map icons are not clickable. A map icon represents a * point of interest, also known as a POI. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.clickableIcons; /** * Size in pixels of the controls appearing on the map. This value must be * supplied directly when creating the Map, updating this value later may bring * the controls into an undefined state. Only governs the controls * made by the Maps API itself. Does not scale developer created custom * controls. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.controlSize; /** * Enables/disables all default UI buttons. May be overridden individually. Does * not disable the keyboard controls, which are separately controlled by * the {@link google.maps.MapOptions.keyboardShortcuts} option. Does not disable * gesture controls, which are separately controlled by the {@link * google.maps.MapOptions.gestureHandling} option. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.disableDefaultUI; /** * Enables/disables zoom and center on double click. Enabled by default. *

Note: This property is not recommended. * To disable zooming on double click, you can use the * gestureHandling property, and set it to "none". * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.disableDoubleClickZoom; /** * The name or url of the cursor to display when mousing over a draggable map. * This property uses the css cursor attribute to change the icon. * As with the css property, you must specify at least one fallback cursor that * is not a URL. For example: draggableCursor: 'url(http://www.example.com/icon.png), * auto;'. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.draggableCursor; /** * The name or url of the cursor to display when the map is being dragged. This * property uses the css cursor attribute to change the icon. As * with the css property, you must specify at least one fallback cursor that is * not a URL. For example: draggingCursor: 'url(http://www.example.com/icon.png), * auto;'. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.draggingCursor; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the Fullscreen control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.fullscreenControl; /** * The display options for the Fullscreen control. * @type {google.maps.FullscreenControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.fullscreenControlOptions; /** * This setting controls how the API handles gestures on the map. Allowed * values:

  • "cooperative": Scroll events and one-finger * touch gestures scroll the page, and do not zoom or pan the map. Two-finger * touch gestures pan and zoom the map. Scroll events with a ctrl key or ⌘ key * pressed zoom the map.
    In this mode the map cooperates with the * page.
  • "greedy": All touch gestures and scroll events pan or * zoom the map.
  • "none": The map cannot be panned or zoomed by * user gestures.
  • "auto": (default) Gesture handling is either * cooperative or greedy, depending on whether the page is scrollable or in an * iframe.
* @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.gestureHandling; /** * The heading for aerial imagery in degrees measured clockwise from cardinal * direction North. Headings are snapped to the nearest available angle for * which imagery is available. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.heading; /** * Whether the map should allow fractional zoom levels. Listen to * isfractionalzoomenabled_changed to know when the default has * been set. * @default true for vector maps and false for raster * maps * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.isFractionalZoomEnabled; /** * If false, prevents the map from being controlled by the * keyboard. Keyboard shortcuts are enabled by default. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.keyboardShortcuts; /** * The Map * ID of the map. This parameter cannot be set or changed after a map is * instantiated. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.mapId; /** * The initial enabled/disabled state of the Map type control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.mapTypeControl; /** * The initial display options for the Map type control. * @type {google.maps.MapTypeControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.mapTypeControlOptions; /** * The initial Map mapTypeId. Defaults to ROADMAP. * @type {google.maps.MapTypeId|string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.mapTypeId; /** * The maximum zoom level which will be displayed on the map. If omitted, or set * to null, the maximum zoom from the current map type is used * instead. Valid zoom values are numbers from zero up to the supported maximum * zoom level. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.maxZoom; /** * The minimum zoom level which will be displayed on the map. If omitted, or set * to null, the minimum zoom from the current map type is used * instead. Valid zoom values are numbers from zero up to the supported maximum * zoom level. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.minZoom; /** * If true, do not clear the contents of the Map div. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.noClear; /** * Defines a boundary that restricts the area of the map accessible to users. * When set, a user can only pan and zoom while the camera view stays inside the * limits of the boundary. * @type {google.maps.MapRestriction|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.restriction; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the Rotate control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.rotateControl; /** * The display options for the Rotate control. * @type {google.maps.RotateControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.rotateControlOptions; /** * The initial enabled/disabled state of the Scale control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.scaleControl; /** * The initial display options for the Scale control. * @type {google.maps.ScaleControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.scaleControlOptions; /** * If false, disables zooming on the map using a mouse scroll * wheel. The scrollwheel is enabled by default.

Note: This * property is not recommended. To disable zooming using * scrollwheel, you can use the gestureHandling property, and set * it to either "cooperative" or "none". * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.scrollwheel; /** * A StreetViewPanorama to display when the Street View pegman is * dropped on the map. If no panorama is specified, a default * StreetViewPanorama will be displayed in the map's * div when the pegman is dropped. * @type {google.maps.StreetViewPanorama|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.streetView; /** * The initial enabled/disabled state of the Street View Pegman control. This * control is part of the default UI, and should be set to false * when displaying a map type on which the Street View road overlay should not * appear (e.g. a non-Earth map type). * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.streetViewControl; /** * The initial display options for the Street View Pegman control. * @type {google.maps.StreetViewControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.streetViewControlOptions; /** * Styles to apply to each of the default map types. Note that for * satellite/hybrid and terrain modes, * these styles will only apply to labels and geometry. * @type {Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.styles; /** * For vector maps, sets the angle of incidence of the map. The allowed values * are restricted depending on the zoom level of the map. For raster maps, * controls the automatic switching behavior for the angle of incidence of the * map. The only allowed values are 0 and 45. The * value 0 causes the map to always use a 0° overhead view * regardless of the zoom level and viewport. The value 45 causes * the tilt angle to automatically switch to 45 whenever 45° imagery is * available for the current zoom level and viewport, and switch back to 0 * whenever 45° imagery is not available (this is the default behavior). * 45° imagery is only available for satellite and * hybrid map types, within some locations, and at some zoom * levels. Note: getTilt returns the current tilt angle, not * the value specified by this option. Because getTilt and this * option refer to different things, do not bind() the * tilt property; doing so may yield unpredictable effects. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.tilt; /** * The initial Map zoom level. Valid zoom values are numbers from zero up to the * supported maximum * zoom level. Larger zoom values correspond to a higher resolution. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.zoom; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the Zoom control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.zoomControl; /** * The display options for the Zoom control. * @type {google.maps.ZoomControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.zoomControlOptions; /** * If false, prevents the map from being dragged. Dragging is * enabled by default. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} * @deprecated Deprecated in 2017. To disable dragging on the map, you can use * the gestureHandling property, and set it to * "none". */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.draggable; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the Pan control.

* @type {boolean|null|undefined} * @deprecated The Pan control is deprecated as of September 2015. */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.panControl; /** * The display options for the Pan control.

* @type {google.maps.PanControlOptions|null|undefined} * @deprecated The Pan control is deprecated as of September 2015. */ google.maps.MapOptions.prototype.panControlOptions; /** * @record */ google.maps.MapPanes = function() {}; /** * This pane contains the info window. It is above all map overlays. (Pane 4). * @type {!Element} */ google.maps.MapPanes.prototype.floatPane; /** * This pane is the lowest pane and is above the tiles. It does not receive DOM * events. (Pane 0). * @type {!Element} */ google.maps.MapPanes.prototype.mapPane; /** * This pane contains markers. It does not receive DOM events. (Pane 2). * @type {!Element} */ google.maps.MapPanes.prototype.markerLayer; /** * This pane contains polylines, polygons, ground overlays and tile layer * overlays. It does not receive DOM events. (Pane 1). * @type {!Element} */ google.maps.MapPanes.prototype.overlayLayer; /** * This pane contains elements that receive DOM events. (Pane 3). * @type {!Element} */ google.maps.MapPanes.prototype.overlayMouseTarget; /** * A restriction that can be applied to the Map. The map's viewport will not * exceed these restrictions. * @record */ google.maps.MapRestriction = function() {}; /** * When set, a user can only pan and zoom inside the given bounds. Bounds can * restrict both longitude and latitude, or can restrict latitude only. For * latitude-only bounds use west and east longitudes of -180 and 180, * respectively, for example, latLngBounds: {north: northLat, south: * southLat, west: -180, east: 180}. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} */ google.maps.MapRestriction.prototype.latLngBounds; /** * Bounds can be made more restrictive by setting the strictBounds * flag to true. This reduces how far a user can zoom out, ensuring * that everything outside of the restricted bounds stays hidden. The default is * false, meaning that a user can zoom out until the entire bounded * area is in view, possibly including areas outside the bounded area. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.MapRestriction.prototype.strictBounds; /** * This interface defines the map type, and is typically used for custom map * types. Immutable. * @record */ google.maps.MapType = function() {}; /** * Alt text to display when this MapType's button is hovered over in the * MapTypeControl. Optional. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.MapType.prototype.alt; /** * The maximum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Required for * base MapTypes, ignored for overlay MapTypes. * @type {number} */ google.maps.MapType.prototype.maxZoom; /** * The minimum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Optional; * defaults to 0. * @type {number} */ google.maps.MapType.prototype.minZoom; /** * Name to display in the MapTypeControl. Optional. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.MapType.prototype.name; /** * The Projection used to render this MapType. Optional; defaults to Mercator. * @type {?google.maps.Projection} */ google.maps.MapType.prototype.projection; /** * Radius of the planet for the map, in meters. Optional; defaults to * Earth's equatorial radius of 6378137 meters. * @type {number} */ google.maps.MapType.prototype.radius; /** * The dimensions of each tile. Required. * @type {google.maps.Size} */ google.maps.MapType.prototype.tileSize; /** * Returns a tile for the given tile coordinate (x, y) and zoom level. This tile * will be appended to the given ownerDocument. Not available for base map * types. * @param {google.maps.Point} tileCoord Tile coordinates. * @param {number} zoom Tile zoom. * @param {Document} ownerDocument The document which owns this tile. * @return {?Element} Resulting tile. */ google.maps.MapType.prototype.getTile = function( tileCoord, zoom, ownerDocument) {}; /** * Releases the given tile, performing any necessary cleanup. The provided tile * will have already been removed from the document. Optional. * @param {?Element} tile Tile to release. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.MapType.prototype.releaseTile = function(tile) {}; /** * Options for the rendering of the map type control. * @record */ google.maps.MapTypeControlOptions = function() {}; /** * IDs of map types to show in the control. * @type {Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapTypeControlOptions.prototype.mapTypeIds; /** * Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. * @default {@link google.maps.ControlPosition.BLOCK_START_INLINE_START} * @type {google.maps.ControlPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapTypeControlOptions.prototype.position; /** * Style id. Used to select what style of map type control to display. * @type {google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapTypeControlOptions.prototype.style; /** * Identifiers for common MapTypesControls. * * Access by calling `const {MapTypeControlStyle} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {number} */ google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle = { /** * Uses the default map type control. When the DEFAULT control is * shown, it will vary according to window size and other factors. The * DEFAULT control may change in future versions of the API. */ DEFAULT: 0, /** * A dropdown menu for the screen realestate conscious. */ DROPDOWN_MENU: 1, /** * The standard horizontal radio buttons bar. */ HORIZONTAL_BAR: 2, }; /** * Identifiers for common MapTypes. Specify these by value, or by using the * constant's name. For example, 'satellite' or * google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE. * * Access by calling `const {MapTypeId} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.MapTypeId = { /** * This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite * images. */ HYBRID: 'hybrid', /** * This map type displays a normal street map. */ ROADMAP: 'roadmap', /** * This map type displays satellite images. */ SATELLITE: 'satellite', /** * This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and * vegetation. */ TERRAIN: 'terrain', }; /** * A registry for MapType instances, keyed by MapType id. * * Access by calling `const {MapTypeRegistry} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.MapTypeRegistry = function() {}; /** * Sets the registry to associate the passed string identifier with the passed * MapType. * @param {string} id Identifier of the MapType to add to the registry. * @param {!google.maps.MapType|*} mapType MapType object to add to the * registry. * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.MapTypeRegistry.prototype.set = function(id, mapType) {}; /** * The MapTypeStyle is a collection of selectors and stylers that * define how the map should be styled. Selectors specify the map features * and/or elements that should be affected, and stylers specify how those * features and elements should be modified. For details, see the style * reference. * @record */ google.maps.MapTypeStyle = function() {}; /** * The element to which a styler should be applied. An element is a visual * aspect of a feature on the map. Example: a label, an icon, the stroke or fill * applied to the geometry, and more. Optional. If elementType is * not specified, the value is assumed to be 'all'. For details of * usage and allowed values, see the style * reference. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapTypeStyle.prototype.elementType; /** * The feature, or group of features, to which a styler should be applied. * Optional. If featureType is not specified, the value is assumed * to be 'all'. For details of usage and allowed values, see the style * reference. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MapTypeStyle.prototype.featureType; /** * The style rules to apply to the selected map features and elements. The rules * are applied in the order that you specify in this array. For guidelines on * usage and allowed values, see the style * reference. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.MapTypeStyle.prototype.stylers; /** * An event listener, created by google.maps.event.addListener() and friends. * @record */ google.maps.MapsEventListener = function() {}; /** * Removes the listener.

Calling listener.remove() is equivalent * to google.maps.event.removeListener(listener). * @return {void} */ google.maps.MapsEventListener.prototype.remove = function() {}; /** * @record */ google.maps.MapsLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.BicyclingLayer} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.BicyclingLayer; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Circle} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.Circle; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Data} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.Data; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.FeatureType} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.FeatureType; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.GroundOverlay} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.GroundOverlay; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.ImageMapType} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.ImageMapType; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.InfoWindow} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.InfoWindow; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.KmlLayer} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.KmlLayer; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.KmlLayerStatus} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.KmlLayerStatus; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.Map; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.MapTypeControlStyle; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MapTypeId} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.MapTypeId; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MapTypeRegistry} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.MapTypeRegistry; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MaxZoomService} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.MaxZoomService; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.MaxZoomStatus} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.MaxZoomStatus; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.OverlayView} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.OverlayView; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Polygon} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.Polygon; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Polyline} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.Polyline; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Rectangle} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.Rectangle; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.RenderingType} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.RenderingType; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.StrokePosition} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.StrokePosition; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.StyledMapType} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.StyledMapType; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.TrafficLayer} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.TrafficLayer; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.TransitLayer} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.TransitLayer; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.WebGLOverlayView} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.WebGLOverlayView; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * @type {typeof google.maps.ZoomChangeEvent} */ google.maps.MapsLibrary.prototype.ZoomChangeEvent; /** * Base class for managing network errors in Maps. * * Access by calling `const {MapsNetworkError} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {Error} * @constructor */ google.maps.MapsNetworkError = function() {}; /** * Identifies the type of error produced by the API. * @type {!google.maps.DirectionsStatus|!google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus|!google.maps.ElevationStatus|!google.maps.GeocoderStatus|!google.maps.MaxZoomStatus|!google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus|!google.maps.StreetViewStatus} */ google.maps.MapsNetworkError.prototype.code; /** * Represents the network service that responded with the error. * @type {!google.maps.MapsNetworkErrorEndpoint} */ google.maps.MapsNetworkError.prototype.endpoint; /** * Identifiers for API endpoints used by {@link google.maps.MapsNetworkError} * instances. * * Access by calling `const {MapsNetworkErrorEndpoint} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.MapsNetworkErrorEndpoint = { /** * Identifies the Routes API within the Directions API. */ DIRECTIONS_ROUTE: 'DIRECTIONS_ROUTE', /** * Identifies the DistanceMatrix API. */ DISTANCE_MATRIX: 'DISTANCE_MATRIX', /** * Identifies the getElevationsAlongPath API within the Elevation API. */ ELEVATION_ALONG_PATH: 'ELEVATION_ALONG_PATH', /** * Identifies the getElevationForLocations API within the Elevation API. */ ELEVATION_LOCATIONS: 'ELEVATION_LOCATIONS', /** * Identifies the Get DeliveryVehicle API within Fleet Engine. */ FLEET_ENGINE_GET_DELIVERY_VEHICLE: 'FLEET_ENGINE_GET_DELIVERY_VEHICLE', /** * Identifies the Get Trip API within Fleet Engine. */ FLEET_ENGINE_GET_TRIP: 'FLEET_ENGINE_GET_TRIP', /** * Identifies the Get Vehicle API within Fleet Engine. */ FLEET_ENGINE_GET_VEHICLE: 'FLEET_ENGINE_GET_VEHICLE', /** * Identifies the List DeliveryVehicles API within Fleet Engine. */ FLEET_ENGINE_LIST_DELIVERY_VEHICLES: 'FLEET_ENGINE_LIST_DELIVERY_VEHICLES', /** * Identifies the List Tasks API within Fleet Engine. */ FLEET_ENGINE_LIST_TASKS: 'FLEET_ENGINE_LIST_TASKS', /** * Identifies the List Vehicles API within Fleet Engine. */ FLEET_ENGINE_LIST_VEHICLES: 'FLEET_ENGINE_LIST_VEHICLES', /** * Identifies the Search Tasks API within Fleet Engine. */ FLEET_ENGINE_SEARCH_TASKS: 'FLEET_ENGINE_SEARCH_TASKS', /** * Identifies the geocode API within the Geocoder. */ GEOCODER_GEOCODE: 'GEOCODER_GEOCODE', /** * Identifies the MaximumZoomImageryService API within the Maps API. */ MAPS_MAX_ZOOM: 'MAPS_MAX_ZOOM', /** * Identifies the Autocomplete API within the Places API. */ PLACES_AUTOCOMPLETE: 'PLACES_AUTOCOMPLETE', /** * Identifies the Details API within the Places API. */ PLACES_DETAILS: 'PLACES_DETAILS', /** * Identifies the findPlaceFromPhoneNumber API within the Places API. */ PLACES_FIND_PLACE_FROM_PHONE_NUMBER: 'PLACES_FIND_PLACE_FROM_PHONE_NUMBER', /** * Identifies the findPlaceFromQuery API within the Places API. */ PLACES_FIND_PLACE_FROM_QUERY: 'PLACES_FIND_PLACE_FROM_QUERY', /** * Identifies the Gateway API within the Places API. */ PLACES_GATEWAY: 'PLACES_GATEWAY', /** * Identifies the Get Place API within the Places API. */ PLACES_GET_PLACE: 'PLACES_GET_PLACE', /** * Identifies the LocalContextSearch API within the Places API. */ PLACES_LOCAL_CONTEXT_SEARCH: 'PLACES_LOCAL_CONTEXT_SEARCH', /** * Identifies the NearbySearch API within the Places API. */ PLACES_NEARBY_SEARCH: 'PLACES_NEARBY_SEARCH', /** * Identifies the Search Text API within the Places API. */ PLACES_SEARCH_TEXT: 'PLACES_SEARCH_TEXT', /** * Identifies the getPanorama method within the Streetview service. */ STREETVIEW_GET_PANORAMA: 'STREETVIEW_GET_PANORAMA', }; /** * Represents a request error from a web service (i.e. the equivalent of a 4xx * code in HTTP). * * Access by calling `const {MapsRequestError} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {google.maps.MapsNetworkError} * @constructor */ google.maps.MapsRequestError = function() {}; /** * Represents a server-side error from a web service (i.e. the equivalent of a * 5xx code in HTTP). * * Access by calling `const {MapsServerError} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {google.maps.MapsNetworkError} * @constructor */ google.maps.MapsServerError = function() {}; /** * * Access by calling `const {Marker} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("marker")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {google.maps.MarkerOptions=} opts Named optional arguments * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.Marker = function(opts) {}; /** * Get the currently running animation. * @return {google.maps.Animation|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getAnimation = function() {}; /** * Get the clickable status of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. * @return {boolean} True if the Marker is clickable. */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getClickable = function() {}; /** * Get the mouse cursor type shown on hover. * @return {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getCursor = function() {}; /** * Get the draggable status of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. * @return {boolean} True if the Marker is draggable. */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getDraggable = function() {}; /** * Get the icon of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. See {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.icon}. * @return {string|google.maps.Icon|google.maps.Symbol|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getIcon = function() {}; /** * Get the label of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. See {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.label}. * @return {google.maps.MarkerLabel|string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getLabel = function() {}; /** * Get the map or panaroama the {@link google.maps.Marker} is rendered on. * @return {google.maps.Map|google.maps.StreetViewPanorama} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Get the opacity of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. * @return {number|null|undefined} A number between 0.0 and 1.0. */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getOpacity = function() {}; /** * Get the position of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. * @return {google.maps.LatLng|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getPosition = function() {}; /** * Get the shape of the {@link google.maps.Marker} used for interaction. * See {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions.shape} and {@link * google.maps.MarkerShape}. * @return {google.maps.MarkerShape|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getShape = function() {}; /** * Get the title of the {@link google.maps.Marker} tooltip. See {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.title}. * @return {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getTitle = function() {}; /** * Get the visibility of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. * @return {boolean} True if the Marker is visible. */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getVisible = function() {}; /** * Get the zIndex of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. See {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.zIndex}. * @return {number|null|undefined} zIndex of the Marker. */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.getZIndex = function() {}; /** * Start an animation. Any ongoing animation will be cancelled. Currently * supported animations are: {@link google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE}, {@link * google.maps.Animation.DROP}. Passing in null will cause any * animation to stop. * @param {?google.maps.Animation=} animation The animation to play. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setAnimation = function(animation) {}; /** * Set if the {@link google.maps.Marker} is clickable. * @param {boolean} flag If true, the Marker can be clicked. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setClickable = function(flag) {}; /** * Set the mouse cursor type shown on hover. * @param {?string=} cursor Mouse cursor type. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setCursor = function(cursor) {}; /** * Set if the {@link google.maps.Marker} is draggable. * @param {?boolean} flag If true, the Marker can be dragged. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setDraggable = function(flag) {}; /** * Set the icon for the {@link google.maps.Marker}. See {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.icon}. * @param {(string|google.maps.Icon|google.maps.Symbol|null)=} icon * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setIcon = function(icon) {}; /** * Set the label for the {@link google.maps.Marker}. See {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.label}. * @param {(string|google.maps.MarkerLabel|null)=} label The label can either be * a character string or a {@link google.maps.MarkerLabel} object. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setLabel = function(label) {}; /** * Renders the {@link google.maps.Marker} on the specified map or panorama. If * map is set to null, the marker will be removed. * @param {google.maps.Map|google.maps.StreetViewPanorama} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * Set the opacity of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. * @param {?number=} opacity A number between 0.0, transparent, and 1.0, opaque. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity) {}; /** * Set the options for the {@link google.maps.Marker}. * @param {google.maps.MarkerOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Set the postition for the {@link google.maps.Marker}. * @param {(google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null)=} latlng The new * position. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setPosition = function(latlng) {}; /** * Set the shape of the {@link google.maps.Marker} used for interaction. * See {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions.shape} and {@link * google.maps.MarkerShape}. * @param {?google.maps.MarkerShape=} shape * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setShape = function(shape) {}; /** * Set the title of the {@link google.maps.Marker} tooltip. See {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.title}. * @param {?string=} title * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setTitle = function(title) {}; /** * Set if the {@link google.maps.Marker} is visible. * @param {boolean} visible If true, the Marker is visible * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) {}; /** * Set the zIndex of the {@link google.maps.Marker}. See {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.zIndex}. * @param {?number=} zIndex * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Marker.prototype.setZIndex = function(zIndex) {}; /** * The maximum default z-index that the API will assign to a marker. You may set * a higher z-index to bring a marker to the front. * @const * @type {number} */ google.maps.Marker.MAX_ZINDEX; /** * These options specify the appearance of a marker label. A marker label is a * string (often a single character) which will appear inside the marker. If you * are using it with a custom marker, you can reposition it with the * labelOrigin property in the Icon class. * @record */ google.maps.MarkerLabel = function() {}; /** * The className property of the label's element (equivalent to the * element's class attribute). Multiple space-separated CSS classes can be * added. The font color, size, weight, and family can only be set via the other * properties of MarkerLabel. CSS classes should not be used to * change the position nor orientation of the label (e.g. using translations and * rotations) if also using marker * collision management. * @default '' (empty string) * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerLabel.prototype.className; /** * The color of the label text. * @default 'black' * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerLabel.prototype.color; /** * The font family of the label text (equivalent to the CSS font-family * property). * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerLabel.prototype.fontFamily; /** * The font size of the label text (equivalent to the CSS font-size property). * @default '14px' * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerLabel.prototype.fontSize; /** * The font weight of the label text (equivalent to the CSS font-weight * property). * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerLabel.prototype.fontWeight; /** * The text to be displayed in the label. * @type {string} */ google.maps.MarkerLabel.prototype.text; /** * @record */ google.maps.MarkerLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerClickEvent} */ google.maps.MarkerLibrary.prototype.AdvancedMarkerClickEvent; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement} */ google.maps.MarkerLibrary.prototype.AdvancedMarkerElement; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Animation} */ google.maps.MarkerLibrary.prototype.Animation; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.CollisionBehavior} */ google.maps.MarkerLibrary.prototype.CollisionBehavior; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.Marker} */ google.maps.MarkerLibrary.prototype.Marker; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.marker.PinElement} */ google.maps.MarkerLibrary.prototype.PinElement; /** * MarkerOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a * Marker. * @record */ google.maps.MarkerOptions = function() {}; /** * The offset from the marker's position to the tip of an InfoWindow that * has been opened with the marker as anchor. * @type {google.maps.Point|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.anchorPoint; /** * Which animation to play when marker is added to a map. * @default null * @type {google.maps.Animation|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.animation; /** * If true, the marker receives mouse and touch events. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.clickable; /** * If false, disables cross that appears beneath the marker when * dragging. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.crossOnDrag; /** * Mouse cursor type to show on hover. * @default pointer * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.cursor; /** * If true, the marker can be dragged. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.draggable; /** * Icon for the foreground. If a string is provided, it is treated as though it * were an Icon with the string as url. * @type {string|google.maps.Icon|google.maps.Symbol|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.icon; /** * Adds a label to the marker. A marker label is a letter or number that appears * inside a marker. The label can either be a string, or a * MarkerLabel object. If provided and {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions.title} is not provided, an accessibility text (e.g. * for use with screen readers) will be added to the marker with the provided * label's text. Please note that the label is currently only * used for accessibility text for non-optimized markers. * @default null * @type {string|google.maps.MarkerLabel|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.label; /** * Map on which to display Marker. The map is required to display the marker and * can be provided with {@link google.maps.Marker.setMap} if not provided at * marker construction. * @type {google.maps.Map|google.maps.StreetViewPanorama|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.map; /** * A number between 0.0, transparent, and 1.0, opaque. * @default 1.0 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.opacity; /** * Optimization enhances performance by rendering many markers as a single * static element. This is useful in cases where a large number of markers is * required. Read more about marker * optimization. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.optimized; /** * Sets the marker position. A marker may be constructed but not displayed until * its position is provided - for example, by a user's actions or choices. A * marker position can be provided with {@link google.maps.Marker.setPosition} * if not provided at marker construction. * @type {google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.position; /** * Image map region definition used for drag/click. * @type {google.maps.MarkerShape|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.shape; /** * Rollover text. If provided, an accessibility text (e.g. for use with screen * readers) will be added to the marker with the provided value. Please note * that the title is currently only used for accessibility text for * non-optimized markers. * @default undefined * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.title; /** * If true, the marker is visible. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.visible; /** * All markers are displayed on the map in order of their zIndex, with higher * values displaying in front of markers with lower values. By default, markers * are displayed according to their vertical position on screen, with lower * markers appearing in front of markers further up the screen. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.zIndex; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * Set a collision behavior for markers on vector maps. * @default null * @type {string|google.maps.CollisionBehavior|null|undefined} * @deprecated collisionBehavior is deprecated as of July 2023. * Use {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.collisionBehavior} * instead. */ google.maps.MarkerOptions.prototype.collisionBehavior; /** * This object defines the clickable region of a marker image. The shape * consists of two properties — type and coord * — which define the non-transparent region of an image. * @record */ google.maps.MarkerShape = function() {}; /** * The format of this attribute depends on the value of the type * and follows the w3 AREA coords specification found at * http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/objects.html#adef-coords.
The * coords attribute is an array of integers that specify the pixel * position of the shape relative to the top-left corner of the target image. * The coordinates depend on the value of type as follows: *
  - circle: coords is [x1,y1,r] where * x1,y2 are the coordinates of the center of the circle, and r is the radius of * the circle.
  - poly: coords is * [x1,y1,x2,y2...xn,yn] where each x,y pair contains the * coordinates of one vertex of the polygon.
  - * rect: coords is [x1,y1,x2,y2] where x1,y1 are the * coordinates of the upper-left corner of the rectangle and x2,y2 are the * coordinates of the lower-right coordinates of the rectangle. * @type {Array} */ google.maps.MarkerShape.prototype.coords; /** * Describes the shape's type and can be circle, * poly or rect. * @type {string} */ google.maps.MarkerShape.prototype.type; /** * A MaxZoom result in JSON format retrieved from the MaxZoomService. * @record */ google.maps.MaxZoomResult = function() {}; /** * Status of the request. This property is only defined when using callbacks * with {@link google.maps.MaxZoomService.getMaxZoomAtLatLng} (it is not defined * when using Promises). * @type {!google.maps.MaxZoomStatus|null} */ google.maps.MaxZoomResult.prototype.status; /** * The maximum zoom level found at the given LatLng. * @type {number} */ google.maps.MaxZoomResult.prototype.zoom; /** * A service for obtaining the highest zoom level at which satellite imagery is * available for a given location. * * Access by calling `const {MaxZoomService} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.MaxZoomService = function() {}; /** * Returns the maximum zoom level for which detailed imagery is available at a * particular LatLng for the satellite map type. As * this request is asynchronous, you must pass a callback function * which will be executed upon completion of the request, being passed a * MaxZoomResult. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} latlng * @param {(function(!google.maps.MaxZoomResult): void)=} callback * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.MaxZoomService.prototype.getMaxZoomAtLatLng = function( latlng, callback) {}; /** * The status returned by the MaxZoomService on the completion of a * call to getMaxZoomAtLatLng(). Specify these by value, or by * using the constant's name. For example, 'OK' or * google.maps.MaxZoomStatus.OK. * * Access by calling `const {MaxZoomStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.MaxZoomStatus = { /** * An unknown error occurred. */ ERROR: 'ERROR', /** * The response contains a valid MaxZoomResult. */ OK: 'OK', }; /** * Options for the rendering of the motion tracking control. * @record */ google.maps.MotionTrackingControlOptions = function() {}; /** * Position id. This is used to specify the position of this control on the * panorama. * @default {@link google.maps.ControlPosition.INLINE_END_BLOCK_END} * @type {!google.maps.ControlPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.MotionTrackingControlOptions.prototype.position; /** * You can implement this class if you want to display custom types of overlay * objects on the map.

Inherit from this class by setting your * overlay's prototype: MyOverlay.prototype = new * google.maps.OverlayView();. The OverlayView constructor * is guaranteed to be an empty function.

You must implement three * methods: onAdd(), draw(), and * onRemove().

  • In the onAdd() method, you * should create DOM objects and append them as children of the panes.
  • *
  • In the draw() method, you should position these * elements.
  • In the onRemove() method, you should remove * the objects from the DOM.
You must call setMap() with * a valid Map object to trigger the call to the * onAdd() method and setMap(null) in order to trigger * the onRemove() method. The setMap() method can be * called at the time of construction or at any point afterward when the overlay * should be re-shown after removing. The draw() method will then * be called whenever a map property changes that could change the position of * the element, such as zoom, center, or map type. * * Access by calling `const {OverlayView} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")` or `const {OverlayView} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.OverlayView = function() {}; /** * Stops click, tap, drag, and wheel events on the element from bubbling up to * the map. Use this to prevent map dragging and zooming, as well as map * "click" events. * @param {!Element} element * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.OverlayView.preventMapHitsAndGesturesFrom = function(element) {}; /** * Stops click or tap on the element from bubbling up to the map. Use this to * prevent the map from triggering "click" events. * @param {!Element} element * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.OverlayView.preventMapHitsFrom = function(element) {}; /** * Implement this method to draw or update the overlay. Use the position from * projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel() to correctly position the overlay relative * to the MapPanes. This method is called after onAdd(), and is called on change * of zoom or center. It is not recommended to do computationally expensive work * in this method. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.OverlayView.prototype.draw = function() {}; /** * @return {google.maps.Map|google.maps.StreetViewPanorama} */ google.maps.OverlayView.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Returns the panes in which this OverlayView can be rendered. The panes are * not initialized until onAdd is called by the API. * @return {?google.maps.MapPanes} */ google.maps.OverlayView.prototype.getPanes = function() {}; /** * Returns the MapCanvasProjection object associated with this * OverlayView. The projection is not initialized until * onAdd is called by the API. * @return {!google.maps.MapCanvasProjection} */ google.maps.OverlayView.prototype.getProjection = function() {}; /** * Implement this method to initialize the overlay DOM elements. This method is * called once after setMap() is called with a valid map. At this point, panes * and projection will have been initialized. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.OverlayView.prototype.onAdd = function() {}; /** * Implement this method to remove your elements from the DOM. This method is * called once following a call to setMap(null). * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.OverlayView.prototype.onRemove = function() {}; /** * Adds the overlay to the map or panorama. * @param {google.maps.Map|google.maps.StreetViewPanorama|null} map The map or * panorama. If null, the layer will be removed. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.OverlayView.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * @record */ google.maps.Padding = function() {}; /** * Padding for the bottom, in pixels. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Padding.prototype.bottom; /** * Padding for the left, in pixels. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Padding.prototype.left; /** * Padding for the right, in pixels. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Padding.prototype.right; /** * Padding for the top, in pixels. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.Padding.prototype.top; /** * Options for the rendering of the pan control. * @record */ google.maps.PanControlOptions = function() {}; /** * Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. * @default {@link google.maps.ControlPosition.INLINE_END_BLOCK_END} * @type {!google.maps.ControlPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PanControlOptions.prototype.position; /** * Options for the Custom Pano Provider. * @record */ google.maps.PanoProviderOptions = function() {}; /** * If set, the renderer will use technologies (like webgl) that only work when * cors headers are appropriately set on the provided images. It is the * developer's task to serve the images correctly in combination with this * flag, which might otherwise lead to SecurityErrors. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.PanoProviderOptions.prototype.cors; /** * An elevation query sent by the ElevationService containing the * path along which to return sampled data. This request defines a continuous * path along the earth along which elevation samples should be taken at * evenly-spaced distances. All paths from vertex to vertex use segments of the * great circle between those two points. * @record */ google.maps.PathElevationRequest = function() {}; /** * The path along which to collect elevation values. * @type {!Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PathElevationRequest.prototype.path; /** * Required. The number of equidistant points along the given path for which to * retrieve elevation data, including the endpoints. The number of samples must * be a value between 2 and 512 inclusive. * @type {number} */ google.maps.PathElevationRequest.prototype.samples; /** * An elevation response returned by the {@link google.maps.ElevationService} * containing the list of {@link google.maps.ElevationResult}s evenly-spaced * along the path of the {@link google.maps.PathElevationRequest}. * @record */ google.maps.PathElevationResponse = function() {}; /** * The list of {@link google.maps.ElevationResult}s matching the samples of * the {@link google.maps.PathElevationRequest}. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.PathElevationResponse.prototype.results; /** * Contains information needed to locate, identify, or describe a place for * a {@link google.maps.DirectionsRequest} or {@link * google.maps.DistanceMatrixRequest}. In this context, "place" means * a business, point of interest, or geographic location. For fetching * information about a place, see {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService}. * @record */ google.maps.Place = function() {}; /** * The LatLng of the entity described by this place. * @type {google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Place.prototype.location; /** * The place ID of the place (such as a business or point of interest). The * place ID is a unique identifier of a place in the Google Maps database. Note * that the placeId is the most accurate way of identifying a * place. If possible, you should specify the placeId rather than a * query. A place ID can be retrieved from any request to the * Places API, such as a TextSearch. * Place IDs can also be retrieved from requests to the Geocoding API. For more * information, see the overview * of place IDs. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.Place.prototype.placeId; /** * A search query describing the place (such as a business or point of * interest). An example query is "Quay, Upper Level, Overseas Passenger * Terminal 5 Hickson Road, The Rocks NSW". If possible, you should specify * the placeId rather than a query. The API does not * guarantee the accuracy of resolving the query string to a place. If both the * placeId and query are provided, an error occurs. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.Place.prototype.query; /** * An interface representing a feature with a place ID which includes features * of type {@link google.maps.FeatureType.ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_1}, {@link * google.maps.FeatureType.ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2}, {@link * google.maps.FeatureType.COUNTRY}, {@link * google.maps.FeatureType.LOCALITY}, {@link * google.maps.FeatureType.POSTAL_CODE}, and {@link * google.maps.FeatureType.SCHOOL_DISTRICT}. * @extends {google.maps.Feature} * @record */ google.maps.PlaceFeature = function() {}; /** * The {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult.place_id}. * @type {string} */ google.maps.PlaceFeature.prototype.placeId; /** * Fetches a Place for this PlaceFeature. In the * resulting Place object, the id and the * displayName properties will be populated. The display name will * be in the language the end user sees on the map. (Additional fields can be * subsequently requested via Place.fetchFields() subject to normal * Places API enablement and billing.) Do not call this from a * FeatureStyleFunction since only synchronous * FeatureStyleFunctions are supported. The promise is rejected if there was an * error fetching the Place. * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.PlaceFeature.prototype.fetchPlace = function() {}; /** * @record */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.AccessibilityOptions} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.AccessibilityOptions; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.AddressComponent} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.AddressComponent; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.Attribution} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.Attribution; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.AuthorAttribution} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.AuthorAttribution; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.Autocomplete} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.Autocomplete; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.AutocompleteService} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.AutocompleteService; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.AutocompleteSessionToken} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.AutocompleteSessionToken; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.BusinessStatus} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.BusinessStatus; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.OpeningHours} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.OpeningHours; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPeriod} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.OpeningHoursPeriod; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPoint} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.OpeningHoursPoint; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.Photo} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.Photo; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.Place} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.Place; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.PlacesService} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.PlacesService; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.PlacesServiceStatus; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.PlusCode} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.PlusCode; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.PriceLevel} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.PriceLevel; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.RankBy} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.RankBy; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.Review} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.Review; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.SearchBox} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.SearchBox; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.places.SearchByTextRankPreference} */ google.maps.PlacesLibrary.prototype.SearchByTextRankPreference; /** * * Access by calling `const {Point} = await google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @constructor */ google.maps.Point = function(x, y) {}; /** * The X coordinate * @type {number} */ google.maps.Point.prototype.x; /** * The Y coordinate * @type {number} */ google.maps.Point.prototype.y; /** * Compares two Points * @param {google.maps.Point} other * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Point.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** * Returns a string representation of this Point. * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Point.prototype.toString = function() {}; /** * This object is returned from mouse events on polylines and polygons. * @extends {google.maps.MapMouseEvent} * @record */ google.maps.PolyMouseEvent = function() {}; /** * The index of the edge within the path beneath the cursor when the event * occurred, if the event occurred on a mid-point on an editable polygon. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.PolyMouseEvent.prototype.edge; /** * The index of the path beneath the cursor when the event occurred, if the * event occurred on a vertex and the polygon is editable. Otherwise * undefined. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.PolyMouseEvent.prototype.path; /** * The index of the vertex beneath the cursor when the event occurred, if the * event occurred on a vertex and the polyline or polygon is editable. If the * event does not occur on a vertex, the value is undefined. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.PolyMouseEvent.prototype.vertex; /** * A polygon (like a polyline) defines a series of connected coordinates in an * ordered sequence. Additionally, polygons form a closed loop and define a * filled region. See the samples in the developer's guide, starting with a * simple * polygon, a polygon * with a hole, and more. Note that you can also use the Data layer to create a polygon. The Data layer * offers a simpler way of creating holes because it handles the order of the * inner and outer paths for you. * * Access by calling `const {Polygon} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {?google.maps.PolygonOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.Polygon = function(opts) {}; /** * Returns whether this shape can be dragged by the user. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.getDraggable = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this shape can be edited by the user. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.getEditable = function() {}; /** * Returns the map on which this shape is attached. * @return {?google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Retrieves the first path. * @return {!google.maps.MVCArray} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.getPath = function() {}; /** * Retrieves the paths for this polygon. * @return {!google.maps.MVCArray>} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.getPaths = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this poly is visible on the map. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.getVisible = function() {}; /** * If set to true, the user can drag this shape over the map. The * geodesic property defines the mode of dragging. * @param {boolean} draggable * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.setDraggable = function(draggable) {}; /** * If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the * control points shown at the vertices and on each segment. * @param {boolean} editable * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.setEditable = function(editable) {}; /** * Renders this shape on the specified map. If map is set to null, * the shape will be removed. * @param {?google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * @param {?google.maps.PolygonOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Sets the first path. See PolygonOptions for more details. * @param {!google.maps.MVCArray|!Array} * path * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.setPath = function(path) {}; /** * Sets the path for this polygon. * @param {!google.maps.MVCArray>|!google.maps.MVCArray|!Array>|!Array} * paths * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.setPaths = function(paths) {}; /** * Hides this poly if set to false. * @param {boolean} visible * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polygon.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) {}; /** * PolygonOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a * Polygon. * @record */ google.maps.PolygonOptions = function() {}; /** * Indicates whether this Polygon handles mouse events. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.clickable; /** * If set to true, the user can drag this shape over the map. The * geodesic property defines the mode of dragging. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.draggable; /** * If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the * control points shown at the vertices and on each segment. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.editable; /** * The fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named * colors. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.fillColor; /** * The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.fillOpacity; /** * When true, edges of the polygon are interpreted as geodesic and * will follow the curvature of the Earth. When false, edges of the * polygon are rendered as straight lines in screen space. Note that the shape * of a geodesic polygon may appear to change when dragged, as the dimensions * are maintained relative to the surface of the earth. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.geodesic; /** * Map on which to display Polygon. * @type {!google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.map; /** * The ordered sequence of coordinates that designates a closed loop. Unlike * polylines, a polygon may consist of one or more paths. As a result, the paths * property may specify one or more arrays of LatLng coordinates. * Paths are closed automatically; do not repeat the first vertex of the path as * the last vertex. Simple polygons may be defined using a single array of * LatLngs. More complex polygons may specify an array of arrays. * Any simple arrays are converted into MVCArrays. Inserting or removing * LatLngs from the MVCArray will automatically update * the polygon on the map. * @type {!google.maps.MVCArray>|!google.maps.MVCArray|!Array>|!Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.paths; /** * The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named * colors. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.strokeColor; /** * The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.strokeOpacity; /** * The stroke position. * @default {@link google.maps.StrokePosition.CENTER} * @type {!google.maps.StrokePosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.strokePosition; /** * The stroke width in pixels. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.strokeWeight; /** * Whether this polygon is visible on the map. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.visible; /** * The zIndex compared to other polys. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolygonOptions.prototype.zIndex; /** * A polyline is a linear overlay of connected line segments on the map. * * Access by calling `const {Polyline} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {?google.maps.PolylineOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.Polyline = function(opts) {}; /** * Returns whether this shape can be dragged by the user. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.getDraggable = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this shape can be edited by the user. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.getEditable = function() {}; /** * Returns the map on which this shape is attached. * @return {?google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Retrieves the path. * @return {!google.maps.MVCArray} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.getPath = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this poly is visible on the map. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.getVisible = function() {}; /** * If set to true, the user can drag this shape over the map. The * geodesic property defines the mode of dragging. * @param {boolean} draggable * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.setDraggable = function(draggable) {}; /** * If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the * control points shown at the vertices and on each segment. * @param {boolean} editable * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.setEditable = function(editable) {}; /** * Renders this shape on the specified map. If map is set to null, * the shape will be removed. * @param {?google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * @param {?google.maps.PolylineOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Sets the path. See PolylineOptions for more details. * @param {!google.maps.MVCArray|!Array} * path * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.setPath = function(path) {}; /** * Hides this poly if set to false. * @param {boolean} visible * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Polyline.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) {}; /** * PolylineOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a * Polyline. * @record */ google.maps.PolylineOptions = function() {}; /** * Indicates whether this Polyline handles mouse events. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.clickable; /** * If set to true, the user can drag this shape over the map. The * geodesic property defines the mode of dragging. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.draggable; /** * If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the * control points shown at the vertices and on each segment. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.editable; /** * When true, edges of the polygon are interpreted as geodesic and * will follow the curvature of the Earth. When false, edges of the * polygon are rendered as straight lines in screen space. Note that the shape * of a geodesic polygon may appear to change when dragged, as the dimensions * are maintained relative to the surface of the earth. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.geodesic; /** * The icons to be rendered along the polyline. * @type {!Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.icons; /** * Map on which to display Polyline. * @type {!google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.map; /** * The ordered sequence of coordinates of the Polyline. This path may be * specified using either a simple array of LatLngs, or an * MVCArray of LatLngs. Note that if you pass a simple * array, it will be converted to an MVCArray Inserting or removing * LatLngs in the MVCArray will automatically update the polyline * on the map. * @type {!google.maps.MVCArray|!Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.path; /** * The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named * colors. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.strokeColor; /** * The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.strokeOpacity; /** * The stroke width in pixels. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.strokeWeight; /** * Whether this polyline is visible on the map. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.visible; /** * The zIndex compared to other polys. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.PolylineOptions.prototype.zIndex; /** * @record */ google.maps.Projection = function() {}; /** * Translates from the LatLng cylinder to the Point plane. This interface * specifies a function which implements translation from given * LatLng values to world coordinates on the map projection. The * Maps API calls this method when it needs to plot locations on screen. * Projection objects must implement this method, but may return * null if the projection cannot calculate the Point. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} latLng * @param {!google.maps.Point=} point * @return {?google.maps.Point} */ google.maps.Projection.prototype.fromLatLngToPoint = function(latLng, point) {}; /** * This interface specifies a function which implements translation from world * coordinates on a map projection to LatLng values. The Maps API * calls this method when it needs to translate actions on screen to positions * on the map. Projection objects must implement this method, but * may return null if the projection cannot calculate the * LatLng. * @param {!google.maps.Point} pixel * @param {boolean=} noClampNoWrap * @return {?google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.Projection.prototype.fromPointToLatLng = function( pixel, noClampNoWrap) {}; /** * A rectangle overlay. * * Access by calling `const {Rectangle} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {?google.maps.RectangleOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.Rectangle = function(opts) {}; /** * Returns the bounds of this rectangle. * @return {?google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this rectangle can be dragged by the user. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.getDraggable = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this rectangle can be edited by the user. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.getEditable = function() {}; /** * Returns the map on which this rectangle is displayed. * @return {?google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Returns whether this rectangle is visible on the map. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.getVisible = function() {}; /** * Sets the bounds of this rectangle. * @param {google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null} bounds * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.setBounds = function(bounds) {}; /** * If set to true, the user can drag this rectangle over the map. * @param {boolean} draggable * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.setDraggable = function(draggable) {}; /** * If set to true, the user can edit this rectangle by dragging the * control points shown at the corners and on each edge. * @param {boolean} editable * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.setEditable = function(editable) {}; /** * Renders the rectangle on the specified map. If map is set to * null, the rectangle will be removed. * @param {?google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * @param {?google.maps.RectangleOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Hides this rectangle if set to false. * @param {boolean} visible * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Rectangle.prototype.setVisible = function(visible) {}; /** * RectangleOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a * Rectangle. * @record */ google.maps.RectangleOptions = function() {}; /** * The bounds. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.bounds; /** * Indicates whether this Rectangle handles mouse events. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.clickable; /** * If set to true, the user can drag this rectangle over the map. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.draggable; /** * If set to true, the user can edit this rectangle by dragging the * control points shown at the corners and on each edge. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.editable; /** * The fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named * colors. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.fillColor; /** * The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.fillOpacity; /** * Map on which to display Rectangle. * @type {!google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.map; /** * The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named * colors. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.strokeColor; /** * The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.strokeOpacity; /** * The stroke position. * @default {@link google.maps.StrokePosition.CENTER} * @type {!google.maps.StrokePosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.strokePosition; /** * The stroke width in pixels. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.strokeWeight; /** * Whether this rectangle is visible on the map. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.visible; /** * The zIndex compared to other polys. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RectangleOptions.prototype.zIndex; /** * * Access by calling `const {RenderingType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.RenderingType = { /** * Indicates that the map is a raster map. */ RASTER: 'RASTER', /** * Indicates that it is unknown yet whether the map is vector or raster, * because the map has not finished initializing yet. */ UNINITIALIZED: 'UNINITIALIZED', /** * Indicates that the map is a vector map. */ VECTOR: 'VECTOR', }; /** * Options for the rendering of the rotate control. * @record */ google.maps.RotateControlOptions = function() {}; /** * Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. * @default {@link google.maps.ControlPosition.INLINE_END_BLOCK_END} * @type {google.maps.ControlPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.RotateControlOptions.prototype.position; /** * @record */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.DirectionsRenderer} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.DirectionsRenderer; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.DirectionsService} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.DirectionsService; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.DirectionsStatus} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.DirectionsStatus; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.DistanceMatrixElementStatus} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.DistanceMatrixElementStatus; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.DistanceMatrixService} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.DistanceMatrixService; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.DistanceMatrixStatus; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.TrafficModel} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.TrafficModel; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.TransitMode} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.TransitMode; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.TransitRoutePreference} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.TransitRoutePreference; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.TravelMode} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.TravelMode; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.VehicleType} */ google.maps.RoutesLibrary.prototype.VehicleType; /** * Options for the rendering of the scale control. * @record */ google.maps.ScaleControlOptions = function() {}; /** * Style id. Used to select what style of scale control to display. * @type {google.maps.ScaleControlStyle|null|undefined} */ google.maps.ScaleControlOptions.prototype.style; /** * Identifiers for scale control ids. * @enum {number} */ google.maps.ScaleControlStyle = { /** * The standard scale control. */ DEFAULT: 0, }; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Settings which control the behavior of the Maps JavaScript API as a whole. * * Access by calling `const {Settings} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.Settings = function() {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * A collection of unique experience IDs to which to attribute Maps JS API * calls. The returned value is a copy of the internal value that is stored in * the Settings class singleton instance. Operations on * google.maps.Settings.getInstance().experienceIds will therefore * only modify the copy and not the internal value.

To update the * internal value, set the property equal to the new value on the singleton * instance (ex: google.maps.Settings.getInstance().experienceIds = * [experienceId];). * @type {!Iterable} */ google.maps.Settings.prototype.experienceIds; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * Returns the singleton instance of google.maps.Settings. * @return {!google.maps.Settings} */ google.maps.Settings.getInstance = function() {}; /** * * Access by calling `const {Size} = await google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {string=} widthUnit * @param {string=} heightUnit * @constructor */ google.maps.Size = function(width, height, widthUnit, heightUnit) {}; /** * The height along the y-axis, in pixels. * @type {number} */ google.maps.Size.prototype.height; /** * The width along the x-axis, in pixels. * @type {number} */ google.maps.Size.prototype.width; /** * Compares two Sizes. * @param {google.maps.Size} other * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.Size.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** * Returns a string representation of this Size. * @return {string} * @override */ google.maps.Size.prototype.toString = function() {}; /** * Options for the rendering of the Street View address control. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewAddressControlOptions = function() {}; /** * Position id. This id is used to specify the position of the control on the * map. The default position is TOP_LEFT. * @type {!google.maps.ControlPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewAddressControlOptions.prototype.position; /** * Options for the rendering of the Street View pegman control on the map. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewControlOptions = function() {}; /** * Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. The * default position is embedded within the navigation (zoom and pan) controls. * If this position is empty or the same as that specified in the * zoomControlOptions or panControlOptions, the Street * View control will be displayed as part of the navigation controls. Otherwise, * it will be displayed separately. * @type {google.maps.ControlPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewControlOptions.prototype.position; /** * Specifies the sources of panoramas to search. This allows a restriction to * search for just official Google panoramas for example. Setting multiple * sources will be evaluated as the intersection of those sources. Note: * the {@link google.maps.StreetViewSource.OUTDOOR} source is not supported at * this time. * @default [{@link google.maps.StreetViewSource.DEFAULT}] * @type {Iterable|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewControlOptions.prototype.sources; /** * A layer that illustrates the locations where Street View is available. * * Access by calling `const {StreetViewCoverageLayer} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.StreetViewCoverageLayer = function() {}; /** * Returns the map on which this layer is displayed. * @return {?google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.StreetViewCoverageLayer.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Renders the layer on the specified map. If the map is set to null, the layer * will be removed. * @param {?google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewCoverageLayer.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.InfoWindow} */ google.maps.StreetViewLibrary.prototype.InfoWindow; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.OverlayView} */ google.maps.StreetViewLibrary.prototype.OverlayView; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.StreetViewCoverageLayer} */ google.maps.StreetViewLibrary.prototype.StreetViewCoverageLayer; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.StreetViewPanorama} */ google.maps.StreetViewLibrary.prototype.StreetViewPanorama; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.StreetViewPreference} */ google.maps.StreetViewLibrary.prototype.StreetViewPreference; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.StreetViewService} */ google.maps.StreetViewLibrary.prototype.StreetViewService; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.StreetViewSource} */ google.maps.StreetViewLibrary.prototype.StreetViewSource; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.StreetViewStatus} */ google.maps.StreetViewLibrary.prototype.StreetViewStatus; /** * A collection of references to adjacent Street View panos. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewLink = function() {}; /** * A localized string describing the link. * @type {string|null} */ google.maps.StreetViewLink.prototype.description; /** * The heading of the link. * @type {number|null} */ google.maps.StreetViewLink.prototype.heading; /** * A unique identifier for the panorama. This id is stable within a session but * unstable across sessions. * @type {string|null} */ google.maps.StreetViewLink.prototype.pano; /** * A representation of a location in the Street View panorama. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewLocation = function() {}; /** * A localized string describing the location. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewLocation.prototype.description; /** * The latlng of the panorama. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewLocation.prototype.latLng; /** * A unique identifier for the panorama. This is stable within a session but * unstable across sessions. * @type {string} */ google.maps.StreetViewLocation.prototype.pano; /** * Short description of the location. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewLocation.prototype.shortDescription; /** * A Street View request to be sent with getPanorama. * StreetViewLocationRequest lets you search for a Street View * panoroma at a specified location. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewLocationRequest = function() {}; /** * Specifies the location where to search for a Street View panorama. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewLocationRequest.prototype.location; /** * Sets a preference for which panorama should be found within the radius: the * one nearest to the provided location, or the best one within the radius. * @type {!google.maps.StreetViewPreference|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewLocationRequest.prototype.preference; /** * Sets a radius in meters in which to search for a panorama. * @default 50 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewLocationRequest.prototype.radius; /** * Specifies the sources of panoramas to search. This allows a restriction to * search for just outdoor panoramas for example. Setting multiple sources will * be evaluated as the intersection of those sources. * @default [{@link google.maps.StreetViewSource.DEFAULT}] * @type {!Iterable|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewLocationRequest.prototype.sources; /** * Specifies the source of panoramas to search. This allows a restriction to * search for just outdoor panoramas for example. * @default {@link google.maps.StreetViewSource.DEFAULT} * @type {!google.maps.StreetViewSource|null|undefined} * @deprecated Use sources instead. */ google.maps.StreetViewLocationRequest.prototype.source; /** * A StreetViewPanoRequest is used with the * getPanorama to find a panorama with a specified ID. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoRequest = function() {}; /** * Specifies the pano ID to search for. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoRequest.prototype.pano; /** * Displays the panorama for a given LatLng or panorama ID. A * StreetViewPanorama object provides a Street View * "viewer" which can be stand-alone within a separate * <div> or bound to a Map. * * Access by calling `const {StreetViewPanorama} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!HTMLElement} container * @param {?google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama = function(container, opts) {}; /** * Additional controls to attach to the panorama. To add a control to the * panorama, add the control's <div> to the * MVCArray corresponding to the {@link * google.maps.ControlPosition} where it should be rendered. * @type {!Array>} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.controls; /** * Sets focus on this StreetViewPanorama. You may wish to consider * using this method along with a visible_changed event to make * sure that StreetViewPanorama is visible before setting focus on * it. A StreetViewPanorama that is not visible cannot be focused. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.focus = function() {}; /** * Returns the set of navigation links for the Street View panorama. * @return {Array} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getLinks = function() {}; /** * Returns the StreetViewLocation of the current panorama. * @return {!google.maps.StreetViewLocation} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getLocation = function() {}; /** * Returns the state of motion tracker. If true when the user * physically moves the device and the browser supports it, the Street View * Panorama tracks the physical movements. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getMotionTracking = function() {}; /** * Returns the current panorama ID for the Street View panorama. This id is * stable within the browser's current session only. * @return {string} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getPano = function() {}; /** * Returns the heading and pitch of the photographer when this panorama was * taken. For Street View panoramas on the road, this also reveals in which * direction the car was travelling. This data is available after the * pano_changed event. * @return {!google.maps.StreetViewPov} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getPhotographerPov = function() {}; /** * Returns the current LatLng position for the Street View * panorama. * @return {?google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getPosition = function() {}; /** * Returns the current point of view for the Street View panorama. * @return {!google.maps.StreetViewPov} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getPov = function() {}; /** * Returns the status of the panorama on completion of the * setPosition() or setPano() request. * @return {!google.maps.StreetViewStatus} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getStatus = function() {}; /** * Returns true if the panorama is visible. It does not specify * whether Street View imagery is available at the specified position. * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getVisible = function() {}; /** * Returns the zoom level of the panorama. Fully zoomed-out is level 0, where * the field of view is 180 degrees. Zooming in increases the zoom level. * @return {number} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.getZoom = function() {}; /** * Set the custom panorama provider called on pano change to load custom * panoramas. * @param {function(string): ?google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData} provider * @param {!google.maps.PanoProviderOptions=} opt_options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.registerPanoProvider = function( provider, opt_options) {}; /** * Sets the set of navigation links for the Street View panorama. * @param {Array} links * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.setLinks = function(links) {}; /** * Sets the state of motion tracker. If true when the user * physically moves the device and the browser supports it, the Street View * Panorama tracks the physical movements. * @param {boolean} motionTracking * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.setMotionTracking = function( motionTracking) {}; /** * Sets a collection of key-value pairs. * @param {?google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Sets the current panorama ID for the Street View panorama. * @param {string} pano * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.setPano = function(pano) {}; /** * Sets the current LatLng position for the Street View panorama. * @param {google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null} latLng * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.setPosition = function(latLng) {}; /** * Sets the point of view for the Street View panorama. * @param {!google.maps.StreetViewPov} pov * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.setPov = function(pov) {}; /** * Sets to true to make the panorama visible. If set to * false, the panorama will be hidden whether it is embedded in the * map or in its own <div>. * @param {boolean} flag * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.setVisible = function(flag) {}; /** * Sets the zoom level of the panorama. Fully zoomed-out is level 0, where the * field of view is 180 degrees. Zooming in increases the zoom level. * @param {number} zoom * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanorama.prototype.setZoom = function(zoom) {}; /** * The representation of a panorama returned from the provider defined using * registerPanoProvider. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData = function() {}; /** * Specifies the copyright text for this panorama. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData.prototype.copyright; /** * Specifies the year and month in which the imagery in this panorama was * acquired. The date string is in the form YYYY-MM. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData.prototype.imageDate; /** * Specifies the navigational links to adjacent panoramas. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData.prototype.links; /** * Specifies the location meta-data for this panorama. * @type {!google.maps.StreetViewLocation|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData.prototype.location; /** * Specifies the custom tiles for this panorama. * @type {!google.maps.StreetViewTileData} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData.prototype.tiles; /** * Options defining the properties of a StreetViewPanorama object. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions = function() {}; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the address control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.addressControl; /** * The display options for the address control. * @type {google.maps.StreetViewAddressControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.addressControlOptions; /** * The enabled/disabled state of click-to-go. Not applicable to custom * panoramas. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.clickToGo; /** * Size in pixels of the controls appearing on the panorama. This value must be * supplied directly when creating the Panorama, updating this value later may * bring the controls into an undefined state. Only governs the controls made by * the Maps API itself. Does not scale developer created custom controls. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.controlSize; /** * Enables/disables all default UI. May be overridden individually. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.disableDefaultUI; /** * Enables/disables zoom on double click. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.disableDoubleClickZoom; /** * If true, the close button is displayed. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.enableCloseButton; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the fullscreen control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.fullscreenControl; /** * The display options for the fullscreen control. * @type {google.maps.FullscreenControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.fullscreenControlOptions; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the imagery acquisition date control. Disabled * by default. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.imageDateControl; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the links control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.linksControl; /** * Whether motion tracking is on or off. Enabled by default when the motion * tracking control is present and permission is granted by a user or not * required, so that the POV (point of view) follows the orientation of the * device. This is primarily applicable to mobile devices. If * motionTracking is set to false while * motionTrackingControl is enabled, the motion tracking control * appears but tracking is off. The user can tap the motion tracking control to * toggle this option. If motionTracking is set to * true while permission is required but not yet requested, the * motion tracking control appears but tracking is off. The user can tap the * motion tracking control to request permission. If motionTracking * is set to true while permission is denied by a user, the motion * tracking control appears disabled with tracking turned off. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.motionTracking; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the motion tracking control. Enabled by default * when the device has motion data, so that the control appears on the map. This * is primarily applicable to mobile devices. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.motionTrackingControl; /** * The display options for the motion tracking control. * @type {google.maps.MotionTrackingControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.motionTrackingControlOptions; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the pan control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.panControl; /** * The display options for the pan control. * @type {google.maps.PanControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.panControlOptions; /** * The panorama ID, which should be set when specifying a custom panorama. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.pano; /** * The LatLng position of the Street View panorama. * @type {google.maps.LatLng|google.maps.LatLngLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.position; /** * The camera orientation, specified as heading and pitch, for the panorama. * @type {google.maps.StreetViewPov|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.pov; /** * If false, disables scrollwheel zooming in Street View. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.scrollwheel; /** * The display of street names on the panorama. If this value is not specified, * or is set to true, street names are displayed on the panorama. * If set to false, street names are not displayed. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.showRoadLabels; /** * If true, the Street View panorama is visible on load. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.visible; /** * The zoom of the panorama, specified as a number. A zoom of 0 gives a 180 * degrees Field of View. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.zoom; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the zoom control. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.zoomControl; /** * The display options for the zoom control. * @type {google.maps.ZoomControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaOptions.prototype.zoomControlOptions; /** * A point of view object which specifies the camera's orientation at the * Street View panorama's position. The point of view is defined as heading * and pitch. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewPov = function() {}; /** * The camera heading in degrees relative to true north. True north * is 0°, east is 90°, south is 180°, west is 270°. * @type {number} */ google.maps.StreetViewPov.prototype.heading; /** * The camera pitch in degrees, relative to the street view vehicle. Ranges from * 90° (directly upwards) to -90° (directly downwards). * @type {number} */ google.maps.StreetViewPov.prototype.pitch; /** * Options that bias a search result towards returning a Street View panorama * that is nearest to the request location, or a panorama that is considered * most likely to be what the user wants to see. Specify these by value, or by * using the constant's name. For example, 'best' or * google.maps.StreetViewPreference.BEST. * * Access by calling `const {StreetViewPreference} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.StreetViewPreference = { /** * Return the Street View panorama that is considered most likely to be what * the user wants to see. The best result is determined by algorithms based on * user research and parameters such as recognised points of interest, image * quality, and distance from the given location. */ BEST: 'best', /** * Return the Street View panorama that is the shortest distance from the * provided location. This works well only within a limited radius. The * recommended radius is 1km or less. */ NEAREST: 'nearest', }; /** * The response resolved for a Promise from {@link * google.maps.StreetViewService.getPanorama}. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewResponse = function() {}; /** * The representation of a panorama. * @type {!google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData} */ google.maps.StreetViewResponse.prototype.data; /** * A StreetViewService object performs searches for Street View * data. * * Access by calling `const {StreetViewService} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.StreetViewService = function() {}; /** * Retrieves the StreetViewPanoramaData for a panorama that matches * the supplied Street View query request. The * StreetViewPanoramaData is passed to the provided callback. * @param {!google.maps.StreetViewLocationRequest|!google.maps.StreetViewPanoRequest} * request * @param {(function(?google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData, * !google.maps.StreetViewStatus): void)=} callback * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.StreetViewService.prototype.getPanorama = function( request, callback) {}; /** * Identifiers to limit Street View searches to selected sources. These values * are specified as strings. For example, 'outdoor'. * * Access by calling `const {StreetViewSource} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.StreetViewSource = { /** * Uses the default sources of Street View, searches will not be limited to * specific sources. */ DEFAULT: 'default', /** * Limits Street View searches to official Google collections. */ GOOGLE: 'google', /** * Limits Street View searches to outdoor collections. Indoor collections are * not included in search results. Note also that the search only returns * panoramas where it's possible to determine whether they're indoors * or outdoors. For example, PhotoSpheres are not returned because it's * unknown whether they are indoors or outdoors. */ OUTDOOR: 'outdoor', }; /** * The status returned by the StreetViewService on completion of a * Street View request. These can be specified by value, or by using the * constant's name. For example, 'OK' or * google.maps.StreetViewStatus.OK. * * Access by calling `const {StreetViewStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.StreetViewStatus = { /** * The request was successful. */ OK: 'OK', /** * The request could not be successfully processed, yet the exact reason for * failure is unknown. */ UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR', /** * There are no panoramas found that match the search criteria. */ ZERO_RESULTS: 'ZERO_RESULTS', }; /** * The properties of the tile set used in a Street View panorama. * @record */ google.maps.StreetViewTileData = function() {}; /** * The heading (in degrees) at the center of the panoramic tiles. * @type {number} */ google.maps.StreetViewTileData.prototype.centerHeading; /** * The size (in pixels) at which tiles will be rendered. * @type {!google.maps.Size} */ google.maps.StreetViewTileData.prototype.tileSize; /** * The size (in pixels) of the whole panorama's "world". * @type {!google.maps.Size} */ google.maps.StreetViewTileData.prototype.worldSize; /** * Gets the tile image URL for the specified tile.
This is a custom method * which you must implement, to supply your custom tiles. The API calls this * method, supplying the following parameters:
pano is the * panorama ID of the Street View tile.
tileZoom is the zoom * level of the tile.
tileX is the x-coordinate of the * tile.
tileY is the y-coordinate of the tile.
Your * custom method must return the URL for the tile image.
* @param {string} pano * @param {number} tileZoom * @param {number} tileX * @param {number} tileY * @return {string} */ google.maps.StreetViewTileData.prototype.getTileUrl = function( pano, tileZoom, tileX, tileY) {}; /** * The possible positions of the stroke on a polygon. * * Access by calling `const {StrokePosition} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {number} */ google.maps.StrokePosition = { /** * The stroke is centered on the polygon's path, with half the stroke * inside the polygon and half the stroke outside the polygon. */ CENTER: 0, /** * The stroke lies inside the polygon. */ INSIDE: 1, /** * The stroke lies outside the polygon. */ OUTSIDE: 2, }; /** * Creates a MapType with a custom style. * * Access by calling `const {StyledMapType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {Array} styles * @param {google.maps.StyledMapTypeOptions=} options * @implements {google.maps.MapType} * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.StyledMapType = function(styles, options) {}; /** * @type {string} */ google.maps.StyledMapType.prototype.alt; /** * @type {number} */ google.maps.StyledMapType.prototype.maxZoom; /** * @type {number} */ google.maps.StyledMapType.prototype.minZoom; /** * @type {string} */ google.maps.StyledMapType.prototype.name; /** * @type {google.maps.Projection} */ google.maps.StyledMapType.prototype.projection; /** * @type {number} */ google.maps.StyledMapType.prototype.radius; /** * @type {google.maps.Size} */ google.maps.StyledMapType.prototype.tileSize; /** * @param {google.maps.Point} tileCoord Tile coordinates. * @param {number} zoom Tile zoom. * @param {Document} ownerDocument The document which owns this tile. * @return {?Element} Resulting tile. * @override */ google.maps.StyledMapType.prototype.getTile = function( tileCoord, zoom, ownerDocument) {}; /** * @param {?Element} tile Tile to release. * @return {undefined} * @override */ google.maps.StyledMapType.prototype.releaseTile = function(tile) {}; /** * This class is used to specify options when creating a * StyledMapType. These options cannot be changed after the * StyledMapType is instantiated. * @record */ google.maps.StyledMapTypeOptions = function() {}; /** * Text to display when this MapType's button is hovered over * in the map type control. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StyledMapTypeOptions.prototype.alt; /** * The maximum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. * Optional. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StyledMapTypeOptions.prototype.maxZoom; /** * The minimum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. * Optional. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StyledMapTypeOptions.prototype.minZoom; /** * The name to display in the map type control. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.StyledMapTypeOptions.prototype.name; /** * Describes a symbol, which consists of a vector path with styling. A symbol * can be used as the icon of a marker, or placed on a polyline. * @record */ google.maps.Symbol = function() {}; /** * The position of the symbol relative to the marker or polyline. The * coordinates of the symbol's path are translated left and up by the * anchor's x and y coordinates respectively. The position is expressed in * the same coordinate system as the symbol's path. * @default google.maps.Point(0,0) * @type {google.maps.Point|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.anchor; /** * The symbol's fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for * extended named colors. For symbol markers, this defaults to 'black'. * For symbols on polylines, this defaults to the stroke color of the * corresponding polyline. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.fillColor; /** * The symbol's fill opacity. * @default 0 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.fillOpacity; /** * The origin of the label relative to the origin of the path, if label is * supplied by the marker. The origin is expressed in the same coordinate system * as the symbol's path. This property is unused for symbols on polylines. * @default google.maps.Point(0,0) * @type {google.maps.Point|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.labelOrigin; /** * The symbol's path, which is a built-in symbol path, or a custom path * expressed using SVG * path notation. Required. * @type {!google.maps.SymbolPath|string} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.path; /** * The angle by which to rotate the symbol, expressed clockwise in degrees. A * symbol in an IconSequence where fixedRotation is * false is rotated relative to the angle of the edge on which it * lies. * @default 0 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.rotation; /** * The amount by which the symbol is scaled in size. For symbol markers, this * defaults to 1; after scaling, the symbol may be of any size. For symbols on a * polyline, this defaults to the stroke weight of the polyline; after scaling, * the symbol must lie inside a square 22 pixels in size centered at the * symbol's anchor. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.scale; /** * The symbol's stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for * extended named colors. For symbol markers, this defaults to 'black'. * For symbols on a polyline, this defaults to the stroke color of the polyline. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.strokeColor; /** * The symbol's stroke opacity. For symbol markers, this defaults to 1. For * symbols on a polyline, this defaults to the stroke opacity of the polyline. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.strokeOpacity; /** * The symbol's stroke weight. * @default The {@link google.maps.Symbol.scale} of the symbol. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.Symbol.prototype.strokeWeight; /** * Built-in symbol paths. * * Access by calling `const {SymbolPath} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {number} */ google.maps.SymbolPath = { /** * A backward-pointing closed arrow. */ BACKWARD_CLOSED_ARROW: 0, /** * A backward-pointing open arrow. */ BACKWARD_OPEN_ARROW: 1, /** * A circle. */ CIRCLE: 2, /** * A forward-pointing closed arrow. */ FORWARD_CLOSED_ARROW: 3, /** * A forward-pointing open arrow. */ FORWARD_OPEN_ARROW: 4, }; /** * A representation of time as a Date object, a localized string, and a time * zone. * @record */ google.maps.Time = function() {}; /** * A string representing the time's value. The time is displayed in the time * zone of the transit stop. * @type {string} */ google.maps.Time.prototype.text; /** * The time zone in which this stop lies. The value is the name of the time zone * as defined in the IANA Time Zone Database, e.g. "America/New_York". * @type {string} */ google.maps.Time.prototype.time_zone; /** * The time of this departure or arrival, specified as a JavaScript Date object. * @type {!Date} */ google.maps.Time.prototype.value; /** * A traffic layer. * * Access by calling `const {TrafficLayer} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {google.maps.TrafficLayerOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.TrafficLayer = function(opts) {}; /** * Returns the map on which this layer is displayed. * @return {google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.TrafficLayer.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Renders the layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, * the layer will be removed. * @param {google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.TrafficLayer.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * @param {google.maps.TrafficLayerOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.TrafficLayer.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * TrafficLayerOptions object used to define the properties that can be set on a * TrafficLayer. * @record */ google.maps.TrafficLayerOptions = function() {}; /** * Whether the traffic layer refreshes with updated information automatically. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.TrafficLayerOptions.prototype.autoRefresh; /** * Map on which to display the traffic layer. * @type {google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.TrafficLayerOptions.prototype.map; /** * The assumptions to use when predicting duration in traffic. Specified as part * of a DirectionsRequest or * DistanceMatrixRequest. * Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, * 'bestguess' or google.maps.TrafficModel.BEST_GUESS. * * Access by calling `const {TrafficModel} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.TrafficModel = { /** * Use historical traffic data to best estimate the time spent in traffic. */ BEST_GUESS: 'bestguess', /** * Use historical traffic data to make an optimistic estimate of what the * duration in traffic will be. */ OPTIMISTIC: 'optimistic', /** * Use historical traffic data to make a pessimistic estimate of what the * duration in traffic will be. */ PESSIMISTIC: 'pessimistic', }; /** * Information about an agency that operates a transit line. * @record */ google.maps.TransitAgency = function() {}; /** * The name of this transit agency. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitAgency.prototype.name; /** * The transit agency's phone number. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitAgency.prototype.phone; /** * The transit agency's URL. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitAgency.prototype.url; /** * Details about the departure, arrival, and mode of transit used in this step. * @record */ google.maps.TransitDetails = function() {}; /** * The arrival stop of this transit step. * @type {!google.maps.TransitStop} */ google.maps.TransitDetails.prototype.arrival_stop; /** * The arrival time of this step, specified as a Time object. * @type {!google.maps.Time} */ google.maps.TransitDetails.prototype.arrival_time; /** * The departure stop of this transit step. * @type {!google.maps.TransitStop} */ google.maps.TransitDetails.prototype.departure_stop; /** * The departure time of this step, specified as a Time object. * @type {!google.maps.Time} */ google.maps.TransitDetails.prototype.departure_time; /** * The direction in which to travel on this line, as it is marked on the vehicle * or at the departure stop. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitDetails.prototype.headsign; /** * The expected number of seconds between equivalent vehicles at this stop. * @type {number} */ google.maps.TransitDetails.prototype.headway; /** * Details about the transit line used in this step. * @type {!google.maps.TransitLine} */ google.maps.TransitDetails.prototype.line; /** * The number of stops on this step. Includes the arrival stop, but not the * departure stop. * @type {number} */ google.maps.TransitDetails.prototype.num_stops; /** * The text that appears in schedules and sign boards to identify a transit trip * to passengers, for example, to identify train numbers for commuter rail * trips. The text uniquely identifies a trip within a service day. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitDetails.prototype.trip_short_name; /** * A fare of a DirectionsRoute * consisting of value and currency. * @record */ google.maps.TransitFare = function() {}; /** * An ISO 4217 currency code * indicating the currency in which the fare is expressed. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitFare.prototype.currency; /** * The numerical value of the fare, expressed in the given * currency. * @type {number} */ google.maps.TransitFare.prototype.value; /** * A transit layer. * * Access by calling `const {TransitLayer} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.TransitLayer = function() {}; /** * Returns the map on which this layer is displayed. * @return {google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.TransitLayer.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Renders the layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, * the layer will be removed. * @param {google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.TransitLayer.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * Information about the transit line that operates this transit step. * @record */ google.maps.TransitLine = function() {}; /** * The transit agency that operates this transit line. * @type {Array} */ google.maps.TransitLine.prototype.agencies; /** * The color commonly used in signage for this transit line, represented as a * hex string. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitLine.prototype.color; /** * The URL for an icon associated with this line. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitLine.prototype.icon; /** * The full name of this transit line, e.g. "8 Avenue Local". * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitLine.prototype.name; /** * The short name of this transit line, e.g. "E". * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitLine.prototype.short_name; /** * The text color commonly used in signage for this transit line, represented as * a hex string. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitLine.prototype.text_color; /** * The agency's URL which is specific to this transit line. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitLine.prototype.url; /** * The type of vehicle used, e.g. train or bus. * @type {!google.maps.TransitVehicle} */ google.maps.TransitLine.prototype.vehicle; /** * The valid transit mode e.g. bus that can be specified in a TransitOptions. Specify these by value, * or by using the constant's name. For example, 'BUS' or * google.maps.TransitMode.BUS. * * Access by calling `const {TransitMode} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.TransitMode = { /** * Specifies bus as a preferred mode of transit. */ BUS: 'BUS', /** * Specifies rail as a preferred mode of transit. */ RAIL: 'RAIL', /** * Specifies subway as a preferred mode of transit. */ SUBWAY: 'SUBWAY', /** * Specifies train as a preferred mode of transit. */ TRAIN: 'TRAIN', /** * Specifies tram as a preferred mode of transit. */ TRAM: 'TRAM', }; /** * The TransitOptions object to be included in a DirectionsRequest when the travel mode * is set to TRANSIT. * @record */ google.maps.TransitOptions = function() {}; /** * The desired arrival time for the route, specified as a Date object. The Date * object measures time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970. If arrival time is * specified, departure time is ignored. * @type {Date|null|undefined} */ google.maps.TransitOptions.prototype.arrivalTime; /** * The desired departure time for the route, specified as a Date object. The * Date object measures time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970. If neither * departure time nor arrival time is specified, the time is assumed to be * "now". * @type {Date|null|undefined} */ google.maps.TransitOptions.prototype.departureTime; /** * One or more preferred modes of transit, such as bus or train. If no * preference is given, the API returns the default best route. * @type {Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.TransitOptions.prototype.modes; /** * A preference that can bias the choice of transit route, such as less walking. * If no preference is given, the API returns the default best route. * @type {google.maps.TransitRoutePreference|null|undefined} */ google.maps.TransitOptions.prototype.routingPreference; /** * The valid transit route type that can be specified in a TransitOptions. Specify these by value, * or by using the constant's name. For example, 'LESS_WALKING' * or google.maps.TransitRoutePreference.LESS_WALKING. * * Access by calling `const {TransitRoutePreference} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.TransitRoutePreference = { /** * Specifies that the calculated route should prefer a limited number of * transfers. */ FEWER_TRANSFERS: 'FEWER_TRANSFERS', /** * Specifies that the calculated route should prefer limited amounts of * walking. */ LESS_WALKING: 'LESS_WALKING', }; /** * Details about a transit stop or station. * @record */ google.maps.TransitStop = function() {}; /** * The location of this stop. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.TransitStop.prototype.location; /** * The name of this transit stop. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitStop.prototype.name; /** * Information about the vehicle that operates on a transit line. * @record */ google.maps.TransitVehicle = function() {}; /** * A URL for an icon that corresponds to the type of vehicle used on this line. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitVehicle.prototype.icon; /** * A URL for an icon that corresponds to the type of vehicle used in this region * instead of the more general icon. * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitVehicle.prototype.local_icon; /** * A name for this type of TransitVehicle, e.g. "Train" or * "Bus". * @type {string} */ google.maps.TransitVehicle.prototype.name; /** * The type of vehicle used, e.g. train, bus, or ferry. * @type {!google.maps.VehicleType} */ google.maps.TransitVehicle.prototype.type; /** * The valid travel modes that can be specified in a * DirectionsRequest as well as the travel modes returned in a * DirectionsStep. Specify these by value, or by using the * constant's name. For example, 'BICYCLING' or * google.maps.TravelMode.BICYCLING. * * Access by calling `const {TravelMode} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.TravelMode = { /** * Specifies a bicycling directions request. */ BICYCLING: 'BICYCLING', /** * Specifies a driving directions request. */ DRIVING: 'DRIVING', /** * Specifies a transit directions request. */ TRANSIT: 'TRANSIT', /** * Specifies a walking directions request. */ WALKING: 'WALKING', }; /** * The valid unit systems that can be specified in a DirectionsRequest. * * Access by calling `const {UnitSystem} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {number} */ google.maps.UnitSystem = { /** * Specifies that distances in the DirectionsResult should be * expressed in imperial units. */ IMPERIAL: 0, /** * Specifies that distances in the DirectionsResult should be * expressed in metric units. */ METRIC: 1, }; /** * Possible values for vehicle types. * * Access by calling `const {VehicleType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("routes")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.VehicleType = { /** * Bus. */ BUS: 'BUS', /** * A vehicle that operates on a cable, usually on the ground. Aerial cable * cars may be of the type GONDOLA_LIFT. */ CABLE_CAR: 'CABLE_CAR', /** * Commuter rail. */ COMMUTER_TRAIN: 'COMMUTER_TRAIN', /** * Ferry. */ FERRY: 'FERRY', /** * A vehicle that is pulled up a steep incline by a cable. */ FUNICULAR: 'FUNICULAR', /** * An aerial cable car. */ GONDOLA_LIFT: 'GONDOLA_LIFT', /** * Heavy rail. */ HEAVY_RAIL: 'HEAVY_RAIL', /** * High speed train. */ HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN: 'HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN', /** * Intercity bus. */ INTERCITY_BUS: 'INTERCITY_BUS', /** * Light rail. */ METRO_RAIL: 'METRO_RAIL', /** * Monorail. */ MONORAIL: 'MONORAIL', /** * Other vehicles. */ OTHER: 'OTHER', /** * Rail. */ RAIL: 'RAIL', /** * Share taxi is a sort of bus transport with ability to drop off and pick up * passengers anywhere on its route. Generally share taxi uses minibus * vehicles. */ SHARE_TAXI: 'SHARE_TAXI', /** * Underground light rail. */ SUBWAY: 'SUBWAY', /** * Above ground light rail. */ TRAM: 'TRAM', /** * Trolleybus. */ TROLLEYBUS: 'TROLLEYBUS', }; /** * Contains the four points defining the four-sided polygon that is the visible * region of the map. On a vector map this polygon can be a trapezoid instead of * a rectangle, when a vector map has tilt. * @record */ google.maps.VisibleRegion = function() {}; /** * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.VisibleRegion.prototype.farLeft; /** * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.VisibleRegion.prototype.farRight; /** * The smallest bounding box that includes the visible region. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds} */ google.maps.VisibleRegion.prototype.latLngBounds; /** * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.VisibleRegion.prototype.nearLeft; /** * @type {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.VisibleRegion.prototype.nearRight; /** * @record */ google.maps.VisualizationLibrary = function() {}; /** * @type {typeof google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer} */ google.maps.VisualizationLibrary.prototype.HeatmapLayer; /** * Drawing options. * @record */ google.maps.WebGLDrawOptions = function() {}; /** * The WebGLRenderingContext on which to render this WebGLOverlayView. * @type {!WebGLRenderingContext} */ google.maps.WebGLDrawOptions.prototype.gl; /** * The matrix transformation from camera space to latitude/longitude * coordinates. * @type {!google.maps.CoordinateTransformer} */ google.maps.WebGLDrawOptions.prototype.transformer; /** * The WebGL Overlay View provides direct access to the same WebGL rendering * context Google Maps Platform uses to render the vector basemap. This use of a * shared rendering context provides benefits such as depth occlusion with 3D * building geometry, and the ability to sync 2D/3D content with basemap * rendering.

With WebGL Overlay View you can add content to your maps * using WebGL directly, or popular Graphics libraries like Three.js or deck.gl. * To use the overlay, you can extend google.maps.WebGLOverlayView * and provide an implementation for each of the following lifecycle * hooks: {@link google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.onAdd}, {@link * google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.onContextRestored}, {@link * google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.onDraw}, {@link * google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.onContextLost} and {@link * google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.onRemove}.

You must call {@link * google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.setMap} with a valid {@link google.maps.Map} * object to trigger the call to the onAdd() method and * setMap(null) in order to trigger the onRemove() * method. The setMap() method can be called at the time of * construction or at any point afterward when the overlay should be re-shown * after removing. The onDraw() method will then be called whenever * a map property changes that could change the position of the element, such as * zoom, center, or map type. WebGLOverlayView may only be added to a vector map * having a {@link google.maps.MapOptions.mapId}. * * Access by calling `const {WebGLOverlayView} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView = function() {}; /** * @return {google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Implement this method to fetch or create intermediate data structures before * the overlay is drawn that don’t require immediate access to the WebGL * rendering context. This method must be implemented to render. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.onAdd = function() {}; /** * This method is called when the rendering context is lost for any reason, and * is where you should clean up any pre-existing GL state, since it is no longer * needed. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.onContextLost = function() {}; /** * This method is called once the rendering context is available. Use it to * initialize or bind any WebGL state such as shaders or buffer objects. * @param {!google.maps.WebGLStateOptions} options that allow developers to * restore the GL context. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.onContextRestored = function(options) {}; /** * Implement this method to draw WebGL content directly on the map. Note that if * the overlay needs a new frame drawn then call {@link * google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.requestRedraw}. * @param {!google.maps.WebGLDrawOptions} options that allow developers to * render content to an associated Google basemap. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.onDraw = function(options) {}; /** * This method is called when the overlay is removed from the map with * WebGLOverlayView.setMap(null), and is where you should remove * all intermediate objects. This method must be implemented to render. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.onRemove = function() {}; /** * Implement this method to handle any GL state updates outside of the render * animation frame. * @param {!google.maps.WebGLStateOptions} options that allow developerse to * restore the GL context. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.onStateUpdate = function(options) {}; /** * Triggers the map to redraw a frame. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.requestRedraw = function() {}; /** * Triggers the map to update GL state. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.requestStateUpdate = function() {}; /** * Adds the overlay to the map. * @param {?google.maps.Map=} map The map to access the div, model and view * state. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.WebGLOverlayView.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * GL state options. * @record */ google.maps.WebGLStateOptions = function() {}; /** * The WebGLRenderingContext on which to render this WebGLOverlayView. * @type {!WebGLRenderingContext} */ google.maps.WebGLStateOptions.prototype.gl; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * This event is created from monitoring zoom change. * * Access by calling `const {ZoomChangeEvent} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("maps")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {Event} * @constructor */ google.maps.ZoomChangeEvent = function() {}; /** * Options for the rendering of the zoom control. * @record */ google.maps.ZoomControlOptions = function() {}; /** * Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. * @default {@link google.maps.ControlPosition.INLINE_END_BLOCK_END} * @type {google.maps.ControlPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.ZoomControlOptions.prototype.position; /** * Namespace for all public event functions * * Access by calling `const {event} = await google.maps.importLibrary("core")`. * See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.event = function() {}; /** * Adds the given listener function to the given event name for the given object * instance. Returns an identifier for this listener that can be used with * removeListener(). * @param {!Object} instance * @param {string} eventName * @param {!Function} handler * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} */ google.maps.event.addListener = function(instance, eventName, handler) {}; /** * Like addListener, but the handler removes itself after handling the first * event. * @param {!Object} instance * @param {string} eventName * @param {!Function} handler * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} */ google.maps.event.addListenerOnce = function(instance, eventName, handler) {}; /** * Removes all listeners for all events for the given instance. * @param {!Object} instance * @return {void} */ google.maps.event.clearInstanceListeners = function(instance) {}; /** * Removes all listeners for the given event for the given instance. * @param {!Object} instance * @param {string} eventName * @return {void} */ google.maps.event.clearListeners = function(instance, eventName) {}; /** * Returns if there are listeners for the given event on the given instance. Can * be used to to save the computation of expensive event details. * @param {!Object} instance * @param {string} eventName * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.event.hasListeners = function(instance, eventName) {}; /** * Removes the given listener, which should have been returned by addListener * above. Equivalent to calling listener.remove(). * @param {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} listener * @return {void} */ google.maps.event.removeListener = function(listener) {}; /** * Triggers the given event. All arguments after eventName are passed as * arguments to the listeners. * @param {!Object} instance * @param {string} eventName * @param {...?} eventArgs * @return {void} */ google.maps.event.trigger = function(instance, eventName, eventArgs) {}; /** * Cross browser event handler registration. This listener is removed by calling * removeListener(handle) for the handle that is returned by this function. * @param {!Object} instance * @param {string} eventName * @param {!Function} handler * @param {(boolean|undefined)=} capture * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} * @deprecated google.maps.event.addDomListener() is deprecated, * use the standard addEventListener() * method instead. The feature will continue to work and there is no plan to * decommission it. */ google.maps.event.addDomListener = function( instance, eventName, handler, capture) {}; /** * Wrapper around addDomListener that removes the listener after the first * event. * @param {!Object} instance * @param {string} eventName * @param {!Function} handler * @param {(boolean|undefined)=} capture * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} * @deprecated google.maps.event.addDomListenerOnce() is * deprecated, use the standard addEventListener() * method instead. The feature will continue to work and there is no plan to * decommission it. */ google.maps.event.addDomListenerOnce = function( instance, eventName, handler, capture) {}; /** * @const */ google.maps.drawing = {}; /** * Options for the rendering of the drawing control. * @record */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingControlOptions = function() {}; /** * The drawing modes to display in the drawing control, in the order in which * they are to be displayed. The hand icon (which corresponds to the * null drawing mode) is always available and is not to be * specified in this array. * @default [{@link google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.MARKER}, {@link * google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.POLYLINE}, {@link * google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.RECTANGLE}, {@link * google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.CIRCLE}, {@link * google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.POLYGON}] * @type {Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingControlOptions.prototype.drawingModes; /** * Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. * @default {@link google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT} * @type {google.maps.ControlPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingControlOptions.prototype.position; /** * Allows users to draw markers, polygons, polylines, rectangles, and circles on * the map. The DrawingManager's drawing mode defines the type * of overlay that will be created by the user. Adds a control to the map, * allowing the user to switch drawing mode. * * Access by calling `const {DrawingManager} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("drawing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions=} options * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager = function(options) {}; /** * Returns the DrawingManager's drawing mode. * @return {?google.maps.drawing.OverlayType} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager.prototype.getDrawingMode = function() {}; /** * Returns the Map to which the DrawingManager is * attached, which is the Map on which the overlays created will be * placed. * @return {google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Changes the DrawingManager's drawing mode, which defines the * type of overlay to be added on the map. Accepted values are * 'marker', 'polygon', 'polyline', * 'rectangle', 'circle', or null. A * drawing mode of null means that the user can interact with the * map as normal, and clicks do not draw anything. * @param {?google.maps.drawing.OverlayType} drawingMode * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager.prototype.setDrawingMode = function( drawingMode) {}; /** * Attaches the DrawingManager object to the specified * Map. * @param {google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * Sets the DrawingManager's options. * @param {google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Options for the drawing manager. * @record */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions = function() {}; /** * Options to apply to any new circles created with this * DrawingManager. The center and radius * properties are ignored, and the map property of a new circle is * always set to the DrawingManager's map. * @type {google.maps.CircleOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions.prototype.circleOptions; /** * The enabled/disabled state of the drawing control. * @default true * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions.prototype.drawingControl; /** * The display options for the drawing control. * @type {google.maps.drawing.DrawingControlOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions.prototype.drawingControlOptions; /** * The DrawingManager's drawing mode, which defines the type of * overlay to be added on the map. Accepted values are 'marker', * 'polygon', 'polyline', 'rectangle', * 'circle', or null. A drawing mode of * null means that the user can interact with the map as normal, * and clicks do not draw anything. * @type {google.maps.drawing.OverlayType|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions.prototype.drawingMode; /** * The Map to which the DrawingManager is attached, * which is the Map on which the overlays created will be placed. * @type {google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions.prototype.map; /** * Options to apply to any new markers created with this * DrawingManager. The position property is ignored, * and the map property of a new marker is always set to the * DrawingManager's map. * @type {google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions.prototype.markerOptions; /** * Options to apply to any new polygons created with this * DrawingManager. The paths property is ignored, and * the map property of a new polygon is always set to the * DrawingManager's map. * @type {google.maps.PolygonOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions.prototype.polygonOptions; /** * Options to apply to any new polylines created with this * DrawingManager. The path property is ignored, and * the map property of a new polyline is always set to the * DrawingManager's map. * @type {google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions.prototype.polylineOptions; /** * Options to apply to any new rectangles created with this * DrawingManager. The bounds property is ignored, and * the map property of a new rectangle is always set to the * DrawingManager's map. * @type {google.maps.RectangleOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerOptions.prototype.rectangleOptions; /** * The properties of an overlaycomplete event on a DrawingManager. * @record */ google.maps.drawing.OverlayCompleteEvent = function() {}; /** * The completed overlay. * @type {google.maps.Marker|google.maps.Polygon|google.maps.Polyline|google.maps.Rectangle|google.maps.Circle} */ google.maps.drawing.OverlayCompleteEvent.prototype.overlay; /** * The completed overlay's type. * @type {google.maps.drawing.OverlayType} */ google.maps.drawing.OverlayCompleteEvent.prototype.type; /** * The types of overlay that may be created by the DrawingManager. * Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, * 'polygon' or * google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.POLYGON. * * Access by calling `const {OverlayType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("drawing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.drawing.OverlayType = { /** * Specifies that the DrawingManager creates circles, and that * the overlay given in the overlaycomplete event is a circle. */ CIRCLE: 'circle', /** * Specifies that the DrawingManager creates markers, and that * the overlay given in the overlaycomplete event is a marker. */ MARKER: 'marker', /** * Specifies that the DrawingManager creates polygons, and that * the overlay given in the overlaycomplete event is a polygon. */ POLYGON: 'polygon', /** * Specifies that the DrawingManager creates polylines, and that * the overlay given in the overlaycomplete event is a polyline. */ POLYLINE: 'polyline', /** * Specifies that the DrawingManager creates rectangles, and that * the overlay given in the overlaycomplete event is a rectangle. */ RECTANGLE: 'rectangle', }; /** * @const */ google.maps.geometry = {}; /** * Utilities for polyline encoding and decoding. * * Access by calling `const {encoding} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("geometry")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @const */ google.maps.geometry.encoding = {}; /** * Decodes an encoded path string into a sequence of LatLngs. * @param {string} encodedPath * @return {!Array} */ google.maps.geometry.encoding.decodePath = function(encodedPath) {}; /** * Encodes a sequence of LatLngs into an encoded path string. * @param {!Array|!google.maps.MVCArray} * path * @return {string} */ google.maps.geometry.encoding.encodePath = function(path) {}; /** * Utility functions for computations involving polygons and polylines. * * Access by calling `const {poly} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("geometry")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @const */ google.maps.geometry.poly = {}; /** * Computes whether the given point lies inside the specified polygon. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} point * @param {!google.maps.Polygon} polygon * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation = function(point, polygon) {}; /** * Computes whether the given point lies on or near to a polyline, or the edge * of a polygon, within a specified tolerance. Returns true when * the difference between the latitude and longitude of the supplied point, and * the closest point on the edge, is less than the tolerance. The tolerance * defaults to 10-9 degrees. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} point * @param {!google.maps.Polygon|!google.maps.Polyline} poly * @param {number=} tolerance * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.geometry.poly.isLocationOnEdge = function( point, poly, tolerance) {}; /** * Utility functions for computing geodesic angles, distances and areas. The * default radius is Earth's radius of 6378137 meters. * * Access by calling `const {spherical} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("geometry")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @const */ google.maps.geometry.spherical = {}; /** * Returns the unsigned area of a closed path, in the range [0, 2×pi×radius²]. * The computed area uses the same units as the radius. The * radiusOfSphere defaults to the Earth's radius in meters, in * which case the area is in square meters. Passing a Circle * requires the radius to be set to a non-negative value. * Additionally, the Circle must not cover more than 100% of the sphere. And * when passing a LatLngBounds, the southern LatLng cannot be more * north than the northern LatLng. * @param {!Array|!google.maps.MVCArray|!google.maps.Circle|!google.maps.CircleLiteral|!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} * path * @param {number=} radiusOfSphere * @return {number} */ google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeArea = function(path, radiusOfSphere) {}; /** * Returns the distance, in meters, between two LatLngs. You can optionally * specify a custom radius. The radius defaults to the radius of the Earth. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} from * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} to * @param {number=} radius * @return {number} */ google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween = function( from, to, radius) {}; /** * Returns the heading from one LatLng to another LatLng. Headings are expressed * in degrees clockwise from North within the range [-180,180). * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} from * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} to * @return {number} */ google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeHeading = function(from, to) {}; /** * Returns the length of the given path. * @param {!Array|!google.maps.MVCArray} * path * @param {number=} radius * @return {number} */ google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeLength = function(path, radius) {}; /** * Returns the LatLng resulting from moving a distance from an origin in the * specified heading (expressed in degrees clockwise from north). * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} from * @param {number} distance * @param {number} heading * @param {number=} radius * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeOffset = function( from, distance, heading, radius) {}; /** * Returns the location of origin when provided with a LatLng destination, * meters travelled and original heading. Headings are expressed in degrees * clockwise from North. This function returns null when no * solution is available. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} to * @param {number} distance * @param {number} heading * @param {number=} radius * @return {?google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeOffsetOrigin = function( to, distance, heading, radius) {}; /** * Returns the signed area of a closed path, where counterclockwise is positive, * in the range [-2×pi×radius², 2×pi×radius²]. The computed area uses the same * units as the radius. The radius defaults to the Earth's radius in meters, * in which case the area is in square meters.

The area is computed * using the parallel * transport method; the parallel transport around a closed path on the unit * sphere twists by an angle that is equal to the area enclosed by the path. * This is simpler and more accurate and robust than triangulation using Girard, * l'Huilier, or Eriksson on each triangle. In particular, since it * doesn't triangulate, it suffers no instability except in the unavoidable * case when an edge (not a diagonal) of the polygon spans 180 degrees. * @param {!Array|!google.maps.MVCArray} * loop * @param {number=} radius * @return {number} */ google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeSignedArea = function(loop, radius) {}; /** * Returns the LatLng which lies the given fraction of the way between the * origin LatLng and the destination LatLng. * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} from * @param {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} to * @param {number} fraction * @return {!google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.geometry.spherical.interpolate = function(from, to, fraction) {}; /** * @const */ google.maps.journeySharing = {}; /** * The auth token returned by the token fetcher. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthToken = function() {}; /** * The expiration time in seconds. A token expires in this amount of time after * fetching. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthToken.prototype.expiresInSeconds; /** * The token. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthToken.prototype.token; /** * Contains additional information needed to mint JSON Web Tokens. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenContext = function() {}; /** * When provided, the minted token should have a private * DeliveryVehicleId claim for the provided deliveryVehicleId. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenContext.prototype.deliveryVehicleId; /** * When provided, the minted token should have a private TaskId * claim for the provided taskId. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenContext.prototype.taskId; /** * When provided, the minted token should have a private TrackingId * claim for the provided trackingId. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenContext.prototype.trackingId; /** * When provided, the minted token should have a private TripId * claim for the provided tripId. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenContext.prototype.tripId; /** * When provided, the minted token should have a private VehicleId * claim for the provided vehicleId. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenContext.prototype.vehicleId; /** * @typedef {function(!google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcherOptions): * !Promise} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcher; /** * Options for the auth token fetcher. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcherOptions = function() {}; /** * The auth token context. IDs specified in the context should be added to the * request sent to the JSON Web Token minting endpoint. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenContext} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcherOptions.prototype.context; /** * The Fleet Engine service type. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineServiceType} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcherOptions.prototype.serviceType; /** * Automatic viewport mode. * * Access by calling `const {AutomaticViewportMode} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.AutomaticViewportMode = { /** * Automatically adjust the viewport to fit markers and any visible * anticipated route polylines. This is the default. */ FIT_ANTICIPATED_ROUTE: 'FIT_ANTICIPATED_ROUTE', /** * Do not automatically adjust the viewport. */ NONE: 'NONE', }; /** * MarkerSetup default options. * @record * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. */ google.maps.journeySharing.DefaultMarkerSetupOptions = function() {}; /** * Default marker options. * @type {!google.maps.MarkerOptions} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DefaultMarkerSetupOptions.prototype .defaultMarkerOptions; /** * PolylineSetup default options. * @record * @deprecated Polyline setup is deprecated. Use the * PolylineCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. */ google.maps.journeySharing.DefaultPolylineSetupOptions = function() {}; /** * Default polyline options. * @type {!google.maps.PolylineOptions} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DefaultPolylineSetupOptions.prototype .defaultPolylineOptions; /** * Default polyline visibility. * @type {boolean} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DefaultPolylineSetupOptions.prototype.defaultVisible; /** * The details for a delivery vehicle returned by Fleet Engine. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle = function() {}; /** * Custom delivery vehicle attributes. * @type {!Object} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle.prototype.attributes; /** * The location where the current route segment ends. * @type {?google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle.prototype .currentRouteSegmentEndPoint; /** * The last reported location of the delivery vehicle. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle.prototype .latestVehicleLocationUpdate; /** * In the format * "providers/{provider_id}/deliveryVehicles/{delivery_vehicle_id}". * The delivery_vehicle_id must be a unique identifier. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle.prototype.name; /** * The current navigation status of the vehicle. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle.prototype.navigationStatus; /** * The remaining driving distance in the current route segment, in meters. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle.prototype.remainingDistanceMeters; /** * The remaining driving duration in the current route segment, in milliseconds. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle.prototype.remainingDurationMillis; /** * The journey segments assigned to this delivery vehicle, starting from the * vehicle's most recently reported location. This is only populated when * the {@link google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle} data object is * provided through {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider}. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle.prototype .remainingVehicleJourneySegments; /** * Parameters specific to marker customization functions that apply options to * delivery vehicle markers. Used by {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions.deliveryVehicleMarkerCustomization} * and {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderOptions.deliveryVehicleMarkerCustomization}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The delivery vehicle represented by this marker. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams .prototype.vehicle; /** * Parameters specific to polyline customization functions for {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The delivery vehicle traversing through this polyline. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams .prototype.deliveryVehicle; /** * DeliveryVehicleStop type * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStop = function() {}; /** * The location of the stop. * @type {?google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStop.prototype.plannedLocation; /** * The state of the stop. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStopState} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStop.prototype.state; /** * The list of Tasks to be performed at this stop.
  • id: the * ID of the task.
  • extraDurationMillis: the extra time it takes * to perform the task, in milliseconds.
* @type {!Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStop.prototype.tasks; /** * The current state of a {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStop}. * * Access by calling `const {DeliveryVehicleStopState} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStopState = { /** * Arrived at stop. Assumes that when the vehicle is routing to the next stop, * that all previous stops have been completed. */ ARRIVED: 'ARRIVED', /** * Assigned and actively routing. */ ENROUTE: 'ENROUTE', /** * Created, but not actively routing. */ NEW: 'NEW', /** * Unknown. */ UNSPECIFIED: 'UNSPECIFIED', }; /** * Delivery Fleet Location Provider. * * Access by calling `const {FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderOptions} * options Options to pass to the location provider. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider} * @constructor */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider = function( options) {}; /** * The filter applied when fetching the delivery vehicles. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider.prototype .deliveryVehicleFilter; /** * The bounds within which to track delivery vehicles. If no bounds are set, no * delivery vehicles will be tracked. To track all delivery vehicles regardless * of location, set bounds equivalent to the entire earth. * @type {google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider.prototype .locationRestriction; /** * This Field is read-only. Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last * updated location for the vehicle is older than this threshold, the vehicle * will not be displayed. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider.prototype .staleLocationThresholdMillis; /** * Options for delivery fleet location provider. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderOptions = function() {}; /** * Provides JSON Web Tokens for authenticating the client to Fleet Engine. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcher} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderOptions .prototype.authTokenFetcher; /** * A filter query to apply when fetching delivery vehicles. This filter is * passed directly to Fleet Engine.

See ListDeliveryVehiclesRequest.filter for * supported formats.

Note that valid filters for attributes must have * the "attributes" prefix. For example, attributes.x = * "y" or attributes."x y" = * "z". * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderOptions .prototype.deliveryVehicleFilter; /** * Customization applied to a delivery vehicle marker.

Use this field to * specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click * handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, * the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has * been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before * it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew * parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) * Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderOptions .prototype.deliveryVehicleMarkerCustomization; /** * The latitude/longitude bounds within which to track vehicles immediately * after the location provider is instantiated. If not set, the location * provider does not start tracking any vehicles; use {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider.locationRestriction} * to set the bounds and begin tracking. To track all delivery vehicles * regardless of location, set bounds equivalent to the entire earth. * @type {google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderOptions .prototype.locationRestriction; /** * The consumer's project ID from Google Cloud Console. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderOptions .prototype.projectId; /** * Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last updated location for the * vehicle is older this threshold, the vehicle will not be displayed. Defaults * to 24 hours in milliseconds. If the threshold is less than zero, or * Infinity, the threshold will be ignored and the vehicle location will * not be considered stale. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderOptions .prototype.staleLocationThresholdMillis; /** * The event object passed to the event handler when the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider.update} * event is triggered. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderUpdateEvent = function() {}; /** * The list of delivery vehicles returned by the query. Unmodifiable. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProviderUpdateEvent .prototype.deliveryVehicles; /** * Delivery Vehicle Location Provider. * * Access by calling `const {FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions} * options Options to pass to the location provider. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider} * @constructor */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider = function(options) {}; /** * ID for the vehicle that this location provider observes. Set this field to * track a vehicle. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider.prototype .deliveryVehicleId; /** * Optionally allow users to display the task's outcome location. * @type {?boolean} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider.prototype .shouldShowOutcomeLocations; /** * Optionally allow users to display fetched tasks. * @type {?boolean} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider.prototype .shouldShowTasks; /** * This Field is read-only. Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last * updated location for the vehicle is older than this threshold, the vehicle * will not be displayed. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider.prototype .staleLocationThresholdMillis; /** * Returns the filter options to apply when fetching tasks. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTaskFilterOptions} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider.prototype .taskFilterOptions; /** * Options for delivery vehicle location provider. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions = function() {}; /** * Customization applied to the active polyline. An active polyline corresponds * to a portion of the route the vehicle is currently traversing through. *

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and * interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting * its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the * polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.activePolylineCustomization; /** * Provides JSON Web Tokens for authenticating the client to Fleet Engine. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcher} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.authTokenFetcher; /** * The delivery vehicle ID to track immediately after the location provider is * instantiated. If not specified, the location provider does not start tracking * any vehicle; use {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider.deliveryVehicleId} * to set the ID and begin tracking. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.deliveryVehicleId; /** * Customization applied to the delivery vehicle marker.

Use this field * to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as * click handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is * specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the * marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they * exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker * is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location * provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data * corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.deliveryVehicleMarkerCustomization; /** * Customization applied to a planned stop marker.

Use this field to * specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click * handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, * the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has * been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before * it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew * parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) * Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.PlannedStopMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for * a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.PlannedStopMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.plannedStopMarkerCustomization; /** * Minimum time between fetching location updates in milliseconds. If it takes * longer than pollingIntervalMillis to fetch a location update, * the next location update is not started until the current one finishes. *

Setting this value to 0 disables recurring location updates. A new * location update is fetched if any of the parameters observed by the location * provider changes.

The default polling interval is 5000 milliseconds, * the minimum interval. If you set the polling interval to a lower non-zero * value, 5000 is used. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.pollingIntervalMillis; /** * The consumer's project ID from Google Cloud Console. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.projectId; /** * Customization applied to the remaining polyline. A remaining polyline * corresponds to a portion of the route the vehicle has not yet started * traversing through.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as * polyline color) and interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If * a {@link google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes * specified in it are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been * created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the polyline is created. (On * this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters * object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked * when the polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider * receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding * to this polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.remainingPolylineCustomization; /** * Boolean to show or hide outcome locations for the fetched tasks. * @type {?boolean} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.shouldShowOutcomeLocations; /** * Boolean to show or hide tasks. Setting this to false will prevent the * ListTasks endpoint from being called to fetch the tasks. Only the upcoming * vehicle stops will be displayed. * @type {?boolean} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.shouldShowTasks; /** * Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last updated location for the * vehicle is older this threshold, the vehicle will not be displayed. Defaults * to 24 hours in milliseconds. If the threshold is less than 0, or * Infinity, the threshold will be ignored and the vehicle location will * not be considered stale. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.staleLocationThresholdMillis; /** * Customization applied to the taken polyline. A taken polyline corresponds to * a portion of the route the vehicle has already traversed through.

Use * this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and * interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting * its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the * polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.takenPolylineCustomization; /** * Filter options to apply when fetching tasks. The options can include specific * vehicle, time, and task status. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTaskFilterOptions} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.taskFilterOptions; /** * Customization applied to a task marker. A task marker is rendered at the * planned location of each task assigned to the delivery vehicle.

Use * this field to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity * (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} * object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker * after the marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they * exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker * is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location * provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data * corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.TaskMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for a list * of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.TaskMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.taskMarkerCustomization; /** * Customization applied to a task outcome marker. A task outcome marker is * rendered at the actual outcome location of each task assigned to the delivery * vehicle.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as marker * icon) and interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the marker after the marker has been created, overwriting its * default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the marker is created, before it is added to the map view. * (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function * parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function * is invoked when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, * regardless of whether the data corresponding to this marker have * changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.TaskMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for a list * of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.TaskMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions .prototype.taskOutcomeMarkerCustomization; /** * The event object passed to the event handler when the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider.update} * event is triggered. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing .FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderUpdateEvent = function() {}; /** * The journey segments that have been completed by this vehicle. Unmodifiable. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderUpdateEvent .prototype.completedVehicleJourneySegments; /** * The delivery vehicle data structure returned by the update. Unmodifiable. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderUpdateEvent .prototype.deliveryVehicle; /** * The list of tasks served by this delivery vehicle. Unmodifiable. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderUpdateEvent .prototype.tasks; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Fleet Location Provider. * * Access by calling `const {FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions} * options Options to pass to the location provider. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider} * @constructor */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider = function( options) {}; /** * The bounds within which to track vehicles. If no bounds are set, no vehicles * will be tracked. To track all vehicles regardless of location, set bounds * equivalent to the entire earth. * @type {google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider.prototype .locationRestriction; /** * This Field is read-only. Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last * updated location for the vehicle is older than this threshold, the vehicle * will not be displayed. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider.prototype .staleLocationThresholdMillis; /** * The filter applied when fetching the vehicles. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider.prototype .vehicleFilter; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Options for fleet location provider. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions = function() {}; /** * Provides JSON Web Tokens for authenticating the client to Fleet Engine. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcher} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions.prototype .authTokenFetcher; /** * The latitude/longitude bounds within which to track vehicles immediately * after the location provider is instantiated. If not set, the location * provider does not start tracking any vehicles; use {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider.locationRestriction} * to set the bounds and begin tracking. To track all vehicles regardless of * location, set bounds equivalent to the entire earth. * @type {google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions.prototype .locationRestriction; /** * The consumer's project ID from Google Cloud Console. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions.prototype .projectId; /** * Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last updated location for the * vehicle is older than this threshold, the vehicle will not be displayed. * Defaults to 24 hours in milliseconds. If the threshold is less than zero, or * Infinity, the threshold will be ignored and the vehicle location will * not be considered stale. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions.prototype .staleLocationThresholdMillis; /** * A filter query to apply when fetching vehicles. This filter is passed * directly to Fleet Engine.

See ListVehiclesRequest.filter * for supported formats.

Note that valid filters for attributes must * have the "attributes" prefix. For example, attributes.x = * "y" or attributes."x y" = * "z". * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions.prototype .vehicleFilter; /** * Customization applied to a vehicle marker.

Use this field to specify * custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click * handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, * the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has * been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before * it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew * parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) * Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions.prototype .vehicleMarkerCustomization; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * The event object passed to the event handler when the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider.update} event is * triggered. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderUpdateEvent = function() {}; /** * The list of vehicles returned by the query. Unmodifiable. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderUpdateEvent.prototype .vehicles; /** * Types of Fleet Engine services. * * Access by calling `const {FleetEngineServiceType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineServiceType = { /** * Fleet Engine service used to access delivery vehicles. */ DELIVERY_VEHICLE_SERVICE: 'DELIVERY_VEHICLE_SERVICE', /** * Fleet Engine service used to access task information. */ TASK_SERVICE: 'TASK_SERVICE', /** * Fleet Engine service used to access trip information. */ TRIP_SERVICE: 'TRIP_SERVICE', /** * Unknown Fleet Engine service. */ UNKNOWN_SERVICE: 'UNKNOWN_SERVICE', }; /** * Shipment location provider. * * Access by calling `const {FleetEngineShipmentLocationProvider} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions} * options Options for the location provider. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider} * @constructor */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProvider = function( options) {}; /** * The tracking ID for the task that this location provider observes. Set this * field to begin tracking. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProvider.prototype .trackingId; /** * Explicitly refreshes the tracked location. * @return {void} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProvider.prototype .refresh = function() {}; /** * Options for shipment location provider. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions = function() {}; /** * Customization applied to the active polyline. An active polyline corresponds * to a portion of the route the vehicle is currently traversing through. *

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and * interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting * its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the * polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.prototype .activePolylineCustomization; /** * Provides JSON Web Tokens for authenticating the client to Fleet Engine. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcher} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.prototype .authTokenFetcher; /** * Customization applied to the delivery vehicle marker.

Use this field * to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as * click handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is * specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the * marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they * exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker * is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location * provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data * corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.prototype .deliveryVehicleMarkerCustomization; /** * Customization applied to the destination marker.

Use this field to * specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click * handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is * specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the * marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they * exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker * is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location * provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data * corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.prototype .destinationMarkerCustomization; /** * Minimum time between fetching location updates in milliseconds. If it takes * longer than pollingIntervalMillis to fetch a location update, * the next location update is not started until the current one finishes. *

Setting this value to 0, Infinity, or a negative value disables * automatic location updates. A new location update is fetched once if the * tracking ID parameter (for example, the shipment tracking ID of the shipment * location provider), or a filtering option (for example, viewport bounds or * attribute filters for fleet location providers) changes.

The default, * and minimum, polling interval is 5000 milliseconds. If you set the polling * interval to a lower positive value, 5000 is stored and used. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.prototype .pollingIntervalMillis; /** * The consumer's project ID from Google Cloud Console. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.prototype .projectId; /** * Customization applied to the remaining polyline. A remaining polyline * corresponds to a portion of the route the vehicle has not yet started * traversing through.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as * polyline color) and interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If * a {@link google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes * specified in it are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been * created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the polyline is created. (On * this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters * object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked * when the polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider * receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding * to this polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.prototype .remainingPolylineCustomization; /** * Customization applied to the taken polyline. A taken polyline corresponds to * a portion of the route the vehicle has already traversed through.

Use * this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and * interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting * its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the * polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.prototype .takenPolylineCustomization; /** * The tracking ID of the task to track immediately after the location provider * is instantiated. If not specified, the location provider does not start * tracking any task; use {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProvider.trackingId} to * set the tracking ID and begin tracking. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.prototype .trackingId; /** * The event object passed to the event handler when the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProvider.update} event * is triggered. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderUpdateEvent = function() {}; /** * The task tracking info structure returned by the update. Unmodifiable. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderUpdateEvent .prototype.taskTrackingInfo; /** * Filtering options for tasks in the Delivery Vehicle Location Provider. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTaskFilterOptions = function() {}; /** * Exclusive lower bound for the completion time of the task. Used to filter for * tasks that were completed after the specified time. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTaskFilterOptions.prototype .completionTimeFrom; /** * Exclusive upper bound for the completion time of the task. Used to filter for * tasks that were completed before the specified time. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTaskFilterOptions.prototype .completionTimeTo; /** * The state of the task. Valid values are OPEN or CLOSED. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTaskFilterOptions.prototype.state; /** * Trip location provider. * * Access by calling `const {FleetEngineTripLocationProvider} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions} * options Options for the location provider. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider} * @constructor */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider = function( options) {}; /** * The ID for the trip that this location provider observes. Set this field to * begin tracking. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider.prototype.tripId; /** * Polyline customization function that colors the active polyline according to * its speed reading. Specify this function as the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.activePolylineCustomization} * to render a traffic-aware polyline for the active polyline. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * params The parameters provided to the polyline customization function. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider .TRAFFIC_AWARE_ACTIVE_POLYLINE_CUSTOMIZATION_FUNCTION = function(params) {}; /** * Polyline customization function that colors the remaining polyline according * to its speed reading. Specify this function as the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.remainingPolylineCustomization} * to render a traffic-aware polyline for the remaining polyline. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * params The parameters provided to the polyline customization function. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider .TRAFFIC_AWARE_REMAINING_POLYLINE_CUSTOMIZATION_FUNCTION = function( params) {}; /** * Explicitly refreshes the tracked location. * @return {void} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider.prototype.refresh = function() {}; /** * Options for trip location provider. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions = function() {}; /** * Customization applied to the active polyline. An active polyline corresponds * to a portion of the route the vehicle is currently traversing through. *

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and * interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting * its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the * polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .activePolylineCustomization; /** * Provides JSON Web Tokens for authenticating the client to Fleet Engine. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcher} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .authTokenFetcher; /** * Customization applied to the destination marker.

Use this field to * specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click * handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, * the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has * been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before * it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew * parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) * Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for a list * of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .destinationMarkerCustomization; /** * Customization applied to the origin marker.

Use this field to specify * custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click * handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, * the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has * been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before * it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew * parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) * Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for a list * of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .originMarkerCustomization; /** * Minimum time between fetching location updates in milliseconds. If it takes * longer than pollingIntervalMillis to fetch a location update, * the next location update is not started until the current one finishes. *

Setting this value to 0 disables recurring location updates. A new * location update is fetched if any of the parameters observed by the location * provider changes.

The default polling interval is 5000 milliseconds, * the minimum interval. If you set the polling interval to a lower non-zero * value, 5000 is used. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .pollingIntervalMillis; /** * The consumer's project ID from Google Cloud Console. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .projectId; /** * Customization applied to the remaining polyline. A remaining polyline * corresponds to a portion of the route the vehicle has not yet started * traversing through.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as * polyline color) and interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If * a {@link google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes * specified in it are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been * created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the polyline is created. (On * this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters * object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked * when the polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider * receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding * to this polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .remainingPolylineCustomization; /** * Customization applied to the taken polyline. A taken polyline corresponds to * a portion of the route the vehicle has already traversed through.

Use * this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and * interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting * its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the * polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .takenPolylineCustomization; /** * The trip ID to track immediately after the location provider is instantiated. * If not specified, the location provider does not start tracking any trip; * use {@link google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider.tripId} * to set the ID and begin tracking. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .tripId; /** * Customization applied to the vehicle marker.

Use this field to * specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click * handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, * the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has * been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before * it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew * parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) * Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for a list * of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .vehicleMarkerCustomization; /** * Customization applied to a waypoint marker.

Use this field to specify * custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click * handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, * the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has * been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before * it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew * parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) * Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for * a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.prototype .waypointMarkerCustomization; /** * The event object passed to the event handler when the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider.update} event is * triggered. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderUpdateEvent = function() {}; /** * The trip structure returned by the update. Unmodifiable. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.Trip} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderUpdateEvent.prototype .trip; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Vehicle Location Provider. * * Access by calling `const {FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions} * options Options to pass to the location provider. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider} * @constructor */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider = function( options) {}; /** * This Field is read-only. Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last * updated location for the vehicle is older than this threshold, the vehicle * will not be displayed. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider.prototype .staleLocationThresholdMillis; /** * ID for the vehicle that this location provider observes. Set this field to * track a vehicle. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider.prototype .vehicleId; /** * Polyline customization function that colors the active polyline according to * its speed reading. Specify this function as the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.activePolylineCustomization} * to render a traffic-aware polyline for the active polyline. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * params The parameters provided to the polyline customization function. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider .TRAFFIC_AWARE_ACTIVE_POLYLINE_CUSTOMIZATION_FUNCTION = function(params) {}; /** * Polyline customization function that colors the remaining polyline according * to its speed reading. Specify this function as the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.remainingPolylineCustomization} * to render a traffic-aware polyline for the remaining polyline. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * params The parameters provided to the polyline customization function. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider .TRAFFIC_AWARE_REMAINING_POLYLINE_CUSTOMIZATION_FUNCTION = function( params) {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Options for vehicle location provider. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions = function() {}; /** * Customization applied to the active polyline. An active polyline corresponds * to a portion of the route the vehicle is currently traversing through. *

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and * interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting * its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the * polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .activePolylineCustomization; /** * Provides JSON Web Tokens for authenticating the client to Fleet Engine. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcher} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .authTokenFetcher; /** * Customization applied to the vehicle trip destination marker.

Use * this field to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity * (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} * object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker * after the marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they * exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker * is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location * provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data * corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .destinationMarkerCustomization; /** * Customization applied to the vehicle trip intermediate destination markers. *

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and * interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the marker after the marker has been created, overwriting its * default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the marker is created, before it is added to the map view. * (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function * parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function * is invoked when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, * regardless of whether the data corresponding to this marker have * changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .intermediateDestinationMarkerCustomization; /** * Customization applied to the vehicle trip origin marker.

Use this * field to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such * as click handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is * specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the * marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they * exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker * is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location * provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data * corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .originMarkerCustomization; /** * Minimum time between fetching location updates in milliseconds. If it takes * longer than pollingIntervalMillis to fetch a location update, * the next location update is not started until the current one finishes. *

Setting this value to 0 disables recurring location updates. A new * location update is fetched if any of the parameters observed by the location * provider changes.

The default polling interval is 5000 milliseconds, * the minimum interval. If you set the polling interval to a lower non-zero * value, 5000 is used. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .pollingIntervalMillis; /** * The consumer's project ID from Google Cloud Console. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .projectId; /** * Customization applied to the remaining polyline. A remaining polyline * corresponds to a portion of the route the vehicle has not yet started * traversing through.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as * polyline color) and interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If * a {@link google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes * specified in it are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been * created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the polyline is created. (On * this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters * object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked * when the polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider * receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding * to this polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .remainingPolylineCustomization; /** * Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last updated location for the * vehicle is older this threshold, the vehicle will not be displayed. Defaults * to 24 hours in milliseconds. If the threshold is less than 0, or * Infinity, the threshold will be ignored and the vehicle location will * not be considered stale. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .staleLocationThresholdMillis; /** * Customization applied to the taken polyline. A taken polyline corresponds to * a portion of the route the vehicle has already traversed through.

Use * this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and * interactivity (such as click handling).
  • If a {@link * google.maps.PolylineOptions} object is specified, the changes specified in it * are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting * its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is * invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the * isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to * true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the * polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * polyline have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .takenPolylineCustomization; /** * The vehicle ID to track immediately after the location provider is * instantiated. If not specified, the location provider does not start tracking * any vehicle; use {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider.vehicleId} to * set the ID and begin tracking. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .vehicleId; /** * Customization applied to the vehicle marker.

Use this field to * specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click * handling).
  • If a {@link google.maps.MarkerOptions} object is specified, * the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has * been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a * function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before * it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew * parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) * Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives * data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this * marker have changed.

    See {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} for a * list of supplied parameters and their uses.
* @type {(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams): * void)|google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.prototype .vehicleMarkerCustomization; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * The event object passed to the event handler when the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider.update} event * is triggered. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderUpdateEvent = function() {}; /** * The list of trips completed by this vehicle. Unmodifiable. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderUpdateEvent .prototype.trips; /** * The vehicle data structure returned by the update. Unmodifiable. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle} */ google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderUpdateEvent .prototype.vehicle; /** * The map view. * * Access by calling `const {JourneySharingMapView} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions} options * Options for the map view. * @constructor */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView = function(options) {}; /** * This Field is read-only. Automatic viewport mode. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.AutomaticViewportMode} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .automaticViewportMode; /** * This Field is read-only. The DOM element backing the view. * @type {!Element} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.element; /** * Enables or disables the traffic layer. * @type {boolean} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.enableTraffic; /** * This field is read-only. Sources of tracked locations to be shown in the * tracking map view. To add or remove location providers, use the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.addLocationProvider} * and {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.removeLocationProvider} * methods. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.locationProviders; /** * This Field is read-only. The map object contained in the map view. * @type {!google.maps.Map} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.map; /** * This Field is read-only. The map options passed into the map via the map * view. * @type {!google.maps.MapOptions} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.mapOptions; /** * This Field is read-only. A source of tracked locations to be shown in the * tracking map view. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.LocationProvider} * @deprecated Use {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.locationProviders} * instead. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.locationProvider; /** * Configures options for a destination location marker. Invoked whenever a new * destination marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the * function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field * containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions * in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a * MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that * returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions * object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse * the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in * different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it * will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .destinationMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for an origin location marker. Invoked whenever a new * origin marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can * and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a * google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the * output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different * MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different * MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be * overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.originMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for a task outcome location marker. Invoked whenever a new * task outcome location marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, * the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field * containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions * in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a * MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that * returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions * object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse * the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in * different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it * will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .taskOutcomeMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for an unsuccessful task location marker. Invoked whenever * a new unsuccessful task marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, * the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field * containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions * in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a * MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that * returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions * object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse * the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in * different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it * will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .unsuccessfulTaskMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for a vehicle location marker. Invoked whenever a new * vehicle marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function * can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a * google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the * output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different * MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different * MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be * overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.vehicleMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for a waypoint location marker. Invoked whenever a new * waypoint marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function * can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a * google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the * output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different * MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different * MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be * overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.waypointMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for an anticipated route polyline. Invoked whenever a new * anticipated route polyline is rendered.

If specifying a function, the * function can and should modify the input's defaultPolylineOptions field * containing a google.maps.PolylineOptions object, and return it as * polylineOptions in the output PolylineSetupOptions object.

Specifying * a PolylineSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function * that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same * PolylineSetupOptions object in different PolylineSetup functions or static * values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.PolylineOptions object for the * polylineOptions key in different PolylineSetupOptions objects. If * polylineOptions or visible is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the * default. Any values set for polylineOptions.map or polylineOptions.path will * be ignored. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetup} * @deprecated Polyline setup is deprecated. Use the * PolylineCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .anticipatedRoutePolylineSetup; /** * Configures options for a taken route polyline. Invoked whenever a new taken * route polyline is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function * can and should modify the input's defaultPolylineOptions field containing * a google.maps.PolylineOptions object, and return it as polylineOptions in the * output PolylineSetupOptions object.

Specifying a PolylineSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same PolylineSetupOptions object in * different PolylineSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.PolylineOptions object for the polylineOptions key in different * PolylineSetupOptions objects.

Any values set for polylineOptions.map * or polylineOptions.path will be ignored. Any unset or null value will be * overwritten with the default. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetup} * @deprecated Polyline setup is deprecated. Use the * PolylineCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .takenRoutePolylineSetup; /** * Configures options for a ping location marker. Invoked whenever a new ping * marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and * should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a * google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the * output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different * MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different * MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be * overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.pingMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for a successful task location marker. Invoked whenever a * new successful task marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the * function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field * containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions * in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a * MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that * returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions * object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse * the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in * different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it * will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .successfulTaskMarkerSetup; /** * Returns the destination markers, if any. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated getting a list of markers via the MapView is * deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunctions for your * location provider to receive callbacks when a marker is added to the map * or updated. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.destinationMarkers; /** * Returns the origin markers, if any. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated getting a list of markers via the MapView is * deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunctions for your * location provider to receive callbacks when a marker is added to the map * or updated. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.originMarkers; /** * Returns the successful task markers, if any. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated getting a list of markers via the MapView is * deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunctions for your * location provider to receive callbacks when a marker is added to the map * or updated. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .successfulTaskMarkers; /** * Returns the task outcome markers, if any. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated getting a list of markers via the MapView is * deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunctions for your * location provider to receive callbacks when a marker is added to the map * or updated. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.taskOutcomeMarkers; /** * Returns the unsuccessful task markers, if any. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated getting a list of markers via the MapView is * deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunctions for your * location provider to receive callbacks when a marker is added to the map * or updated. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .unsuccessfulTaskMarkers; /** * Returns the vehicle markers, if any. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated getting a list of markers via the MapView is * deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunctions for your * location provider to receive callbacks when a marker is added to the map * or updated. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.vehicleMarkers; /** * Returns the waypoint markers, if any. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated getting a list of markers via the MapView is * deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunctions for your * location provider to receive callbacks when a marker is added to the map * or updated. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.waypointMarkers; /** * Returns the anticipated route polylines, if any. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated getting a list of polylines via the MapView is * deprecated. Use the PolylineCustomizationFunctions for your * location provider to receive callbacks when a polyline is added to the * map or updated. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .anticipatedRoutePolylines; /** * Returns the taken route polylines, if any. * @type {!Array} * @deprecated getting a list of polylines via the MapView is * deprecated. Use the PolylineCustomizationFunctions for your * location provider to receive callbacks when a polyline is added to the * map or updated. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.takenRoutePolylines; /** * Adds a location provider to the map view. If the location provider is already * added, no action is performed. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.LocationProvider} locationProvider the * location provider to add. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype.addLocationProvider = function(locationProvider) {}; /** * Removes a location provider from the map view. If the location provider is * not already added to the map view, no action is performed. * @param {!google.maps.journeySharing.LocationProvider} locationProvider the * location provider to remove. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapView.prototype .removeLocationProvider = function(locationProvider) {}; /** * Options for the map view. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions = function() {}; /** * Automatic viewport mode. Default value is FIT_ANTICIPATED_ROUTE, which * enables the map view to automatically adjust the viewport to fit vehicle * markers, location markers, and any visible anticipated route polylines. Set * this to NONE to turn off automatic fitting. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.AutomaticViewportMode|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .automaticViewportMode; /** * The DOM element backing the view. Required. * @type {!Element} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype.element; /** * Sources of tracked locations to be shown in the tracking map view. Optional. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .locationProviders; /** * Map options passed into the google.maps.Map constructor. * @type {google.maps.MapOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype.mapOptions; /** * A source of tracked locations to be shown in the tracking map view. Optional. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.LocationProvider} * @deprecated Use {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.locationProviders} * instead. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .locationProvider; /** * Configures options for a destination location marker. Invoked whenever a new * destination marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the * function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field * containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions * in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a * MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that * returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions * object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse * the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in * different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it * will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .destinationMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for an origin location marker. Invoked whenever a new * origin marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can * and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a * google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the * output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different * MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different * MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be * overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .originMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for a task outcome location marker. Invoked whenever a new * task outcome location marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, * the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field * containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions * in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a * MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that * returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions * object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse * the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in * different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it * will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .taskOutcomeMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for an unsuccessful task location marker. Invoked whenever * a new unsuccessful task marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, * the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field * containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions * in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a * MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that * returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions * object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse * the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in * different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it * will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .unsuccessfulTaskMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for a vehicle location marker. Invoked whenever a new * vehicle marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function * can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a * google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the * output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different * MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different * MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be * overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .vehicleMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for a waypoint location marker. Invoked whenever a new * waypoint marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function * can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a * google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the * output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different * MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different * MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be * overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .waypointMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for an anticipated route polyline. Invoked whenever a new * anticipated route polyline is rendered.

If specifying a function, the * function can and should modify the input's defaultPolylineOptions field * containing a google.maps.PolylineOptions object, and return it as * polylineOptions in the output PolylineSetupOptions object.

Specifying * a PolylineSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function * that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same * PolylineSetupOptions object in different PolylineSetup functions or static * values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.PolylineOptions object for the * polylineOptions key in different PolylineSetupOptions objects. If * polylineOptions or visible is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the * default. Any values set for polylineOptions.map or polylineOptions.path will * be ignored. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Polyline setup is deprecated. Use the * PolylineCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .anticipatedRoutePolylineSetup; /** * Configures options for a taken route polyline. Invoked whenever a new taken * route polyline is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function * can and should modify the input's defaultPolylineOptions field containing * a google.maps.PolylineOptions object, and return it as polylineOptions in the * output PolylineSetupOptions object.

Specifying a PolylineSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same PolylineSetupOptions object in * different PolylineSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.PolylineOptions object for the polylineOptions key in different * PolylineSetupOptions objects.

Any values set for polylineOptions.map * or polylineOptions.path will be ignored. Any unset or null value will be * overwritten with the default. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Polyline setup is deprecated. Use the * PolylineCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .takenRoutePolylineSetup; /** * Configures options for a ping location marker. Invoked whenever a new ping * marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and * should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a * google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the * output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions * object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static * object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different * MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same * google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different * MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be * overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .pingMarkerSetup; /** * Configures options for a successful task location marker. Invoked whenever a * new successful task marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the * function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field * containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions * in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a * MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that * returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions * object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse * the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in * different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it * will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or * markerOptions.position will be ignored. * @type {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup|null|undefined} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. This field will be removed in the future. */ google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.prototype .successfulTaskMarkerSetup; /** * Parent class of all location providers. * @abstract * @constructor */ google.maps.journeySharing.LocationProvider = function() {}; /** * Adds a {@link google.maps.MapsEventListener} for an event fired by this * location provider. Returns an identifier for this listener that can be used * with {@link google.maps.event.removeListener}. * @param {string} eventName The name of the event to listen for. * @param {!Function} handler The event handler. * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} */ google.maps.journeySharing.LocationProvider.prototype.addListener = function( eventName, handler) {}; /** * Parameters that are common to all marker customization functions. No object * of this class is provided directly to any marker customization function; an * object of one of its descendent classes is provided instead. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The default options used to create this marker. * @type {!google.maps.MarkerOptions} */ google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype .defaultOptions; /** * If true, the marker was newly created, and the marker customization function * is being called for the first time, before the marker has been added to the * map view. False otherwise. * @type {boolean} */ google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype.isNew; /** * The marker. Any customizations should be made to this object directly. * @type {!google.maps.Marker} */ google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype.marker; /** * @typedef {!google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetupOptions|(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.DefaultMarkerSetupOptions): * !google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetupOptions)} * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. */ google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetup; /** * MarkerSetup options. * @record * @deprecated Marker setup is deprecated. Use the * MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. */ google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetupOptions = function() {}; /** * Marker options. * @type {google.maps.MarkerOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerSetupOptions.prototype.markerOptions; /** * Parameters specific to marker customization functions that apply options to * markers representing planned stops. Used by {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions.plannedStopMarkerCustomization}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.PlannedStopMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The 0-based index of this stop in the list of remaining stops. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.PlannedStopMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams .prototype.stopIndex; /** * Parent class of polling location providers. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.LocationProvider} * @abstract * @constructor */ google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider = function() {}; /** * True if this location provider is polling. Read only. * @type {boolean} */ google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider.prototype.isPolling; /** * Minimum time between fetching location updates in milliseconds. If it takes * longer than pollingIntervalMillis to fetch a location update, * the next location update is not started until the current one finishes. *

Setting this value to 0, Infinity, or a negative value disables * automatic location updates. A new location update is fetched once if the * tracking ID parameter (for example, the shipment tracking ID of the shipment * location provider), or a filtering option (for example, viewport bounds or * attribute filters for fleet location providers) changes.

The default, * and minimum, polling interval is 5000 milliseconds. If you set the polling * interval to a lower positive value, 5000 is stored and used. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider.prototype .pollingIntervalMillis; /** * The event object passed to the event handler when the {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProvider.ispollingchange} event is * triggered. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProviderIsPollingChangeEvent = function() {}; /** * The error that caused the polling state to change, if the state change was * caused by an error. Undefined if the state change was due to normal * operations. * @type {?Error} */ google.maps.journeySharing.PollingLocationProviderIsPollingChangeEvent.prototype .error; /** * Parameters that are common to all polyline customization functions. No object * of this class is provided directly to any polyline customization function; an * object of one of its descendent classes is provided instead. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The default options used to create this set of polylines. * @type {!google.maps.PolylineOptions} */ google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype .defaultOptions; /** * If true, the list of polylines was newly created, and the polyline * customization function is being called for the first time. False otherwise. * @type {boolean} */ google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype.isNew; /** * The list of polylines created. They are arranged sequentially to form the * rendered route. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype .polylines; /** * @typedef {!google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetupOptions|(function(!google.maps.journeySharing.DefaultPolylineSetupOptions): * !google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetupOptions)} * @deprecated Polyline setup is deprecated. Use the * PolylineCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. */ google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetup; /** * PolylineSetup options. * @record * @deprecated Polyline setup is deprecated. Use the * PolylineCustomizationFunction methods for your location * provider instead. */ google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetupOptions = function() {}; /** * Polyline options. * @type {google.maps.PolylineOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetupOptions.prototype.polylineOptions; /** * Polyline visibility. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineSetupOptions.prototype.visible; /** * Parameters specific to marker customization functions that apply options to * markers representing shipment delivery vehicle and destination locations. * Used by {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.deliveryVehicleMarkerCustomization} * and {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProviderOptions.destinationMarkerCustomization}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * Information for the task associated with this marker. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo} */ google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype .taskTrackingInfo; /** * Parameters specific to polyline customization functions for {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineShipmentLocationProvider}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * Information for the task associated with this polyline. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo} */ google.maps.journeySharing.ShipmentPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype .taskTrackingInfo; /** * The classification of polyline speed based on traffic data. * * Access by calling `const {Speed} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Speed = { /** * Normal speed, no slowdown is detected. */ NORMAL: 'NORMAL', /** * Slowdown detected, but no traffic jam formed. */ SLOW: 'SLOW', /** * Traffic jam detected. */ TRAFFIC_JAM: 'TRAFFIC_JAM', }; /** * Traffic density indicator on a contiguous path segment. The interval defines * the starting and ending points of the segment via their indices. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.SpeedReadingInterval = function() {}; /** * The zero-based index of the ending point of the interval in the path. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.SpeedReadingInterval.prototype.endPolylinePointIndex; /** * Traffic speed in this interval. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.Speed} */ google.maps.journeySharing.SpeedReadingInterval.prototype.speed; /** * The zero-based index of the starting point of the interval in the path. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.SpeedReadingInterval.prototype .startPolylinePointIndex; /** * The details for a task returned by Fleet Engine. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task = function() {}; /** * Attributes assigned to the task. * @type {!Object} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.attributes; /** * The timestamp of the estimated completion time of the task. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.estimatedCompletionTime; /** * Information specific to the last location update. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.latestVehicleLocationUpdate; /** * The task name in the format * "providers/{provider_id}/tasks/{task_id}". The task_id must be a * unique identifier and not a tracking ID. To store a tracking ID of a * shipment, use the tracking_id field. Multiple tasks can have the same * tracking_id. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.name; /** * The outcome of the task. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.outcome; /** * The location where the task was completed (from provider). * @type {?google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.outcomeLocation; /** * The setter of the task outcome location ('PROVIDER' or * 'LAST_VEHICLE_LOCATION'). * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.outcomeLocationSource; /** * The timestamp of when the task's outcome was set (from provider). * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.outcomeTime; /** * The location where the task is to be completed. * @type {?google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.plannedLocation; /** * Information about the segments left to be completed for this task. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.remainingVehicleJourneySegments; /** * The current execution state of the task. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.status; /** * The time window during which the task should be completed. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.TimeWindow} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.targetTimeWindow; /** * The tracking ID of the shipment. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.trackingId; /** * The task type; for example, a break or shipment. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.type; /** * The ID of the vehicle performing this task. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Task.prototype.vehicleId; /** * TaskInfo type, used by {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStop}. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskInfo = function() {}; /** * The extra time it takes to perform the task, in milliseconds. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskInfo.prototype.extraDurationMillis; /** * The ID of the task. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskInfo.prototype.id; /** * The time window during which the task should be completed. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.TimeWindow} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskInfo.prototype.targetTimeWindow; /** * Parameters specific to marker customization functions that apply options to * markers representing planned or actual task locations. Used by {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions.taskMarkerCustomization} * and {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProviderOptions.taskOutcomeMarkerCustomization}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The task location represented by this marker. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.Task} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype.task; /** * The details for a task tracking info object returned by Fleet Engine. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo = function() {}; /** * Attributes assigned to the task. * @type {!Object} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.attributes; /** * The estimated arrival time to the stop location. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.estimatedArrivalTime; /** * The estimated completion time of a Task. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype .estimatedTaskCompletionTime; /** * Information specific to the last location update. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype .latestVehicleLocationUpdate; /** * The name in the format * "providers/{provider_id}/taskTrackingInfo/{tracking_id}", where * tracking_id represents the tracking ID. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.name; /** * The location where the Task will be completed. * @type {?google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.plannedLocation; /** * The total remaining distance in meters to the VehicleStop of * interest. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype .remainingDrivingDistanceMeters; /** * Indicates the number of stops the vehicle remaining until the task stop is * reached, including the task stop. For example, if the vehicle's next stop * is the task stop, the value will be 1. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.remainingStopCount; /** * A list of points which when connected forms a polyline of the vehicle's * expected route to the location of this task. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.routePolylinePoints; /** * The current execution state of the Task. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.state; /** * The time window during which the task should be completed. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.TimeWindow} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.targetTimeWindow; /** * The outcome of attempting to execute a Task. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.taskOutcome; /** * The time when the Task's outcome was set by the provider. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.taskOutcomeTime; /** * The tracking ID of a Task.
  • Must be a valid Unicode string.
  • *
  • Limited to a maximum length of 64 characters.
  • Normalized * according to Unicode * Normalization Form C.
  • May not contain any of the following ASCII * characters: '/', ':', '?', ',', or * '#'.
* @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TaskTrackingInfo.prototype.trackingId; /** * A time range. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.TimeWindow = function() {}; /** * The end time of the time window (inclusive). * @type {!Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TimeWindow.prototype.endTime; /** * The start time of the time window (inclusive). * @type {!Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TimeWindow.prototype.startTime; /** * The details for a trip returned by Fleet Engine. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip = function() {}; /** * Location where the customer was dropped off. * @type {?google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.actualDropOffLocation; /** * Location where the customer was picked up. * @type {?google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.actualPickupLocation; /** * The estimated future time when the passengers will be dropped off, or the * actual time when they were dropped off. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.dropOffTime; /** * Information specific to the last location update. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.latestVehicleLocationUpdate; /** * In the format "providers/{provider_id}/trips/{trip_id}". The * trip_id must be a unique identifier. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.name; /** * Number of passengers on this trip; does not include the driver. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.passengerCount; /** * The estimated future time when the passengers will be picked up, or the * actual time when they were picked up. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.pickupTime; /** * Location where the customer indicates they will be dropped off. * @type {?google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.plannedDropOffLocation; /** * Location where customer indicates they will be picked up. * @type {?google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.plannedPickupLocation; /** * An array of waypoints indicating the path from the current location to the * drop-off point. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.remainingWaypoints; /** * Current status of the trip. Possible values are UNKNOWN_TRIP_STATUS, NEW, * ENROUTE_TO_PICKUP, ARRIVED_AT_PICKUP, ARRIVED_AT_INTERMEDIATE_DESTINATION, * ENROUTE_TO_INTERMEDIATE_DESTINATION, ENROUTE_TO_DROPOFF, COMPLETE, or * CANCELED. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.status; /** * The type of the trip. Possible values are UNKNOWN_TRIP_TYPE, SHARED or * EXCLUSIVE. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.type; /** * ID of the vehicle making this trip. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.prototype.vehicleId; /** * Parameters specific to marker customization functions that apply options to * markers representing trip vehicle, origin and destination locations. Used * by {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.vehicleMarkerCustomization}, {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.originMarkerCustomization}, * and {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.destinationMarkerCustomization}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The trip associated with this marker.

For information about the * vehicle servicing this trip, use {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.latestVehicleLocationUpdate} and {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.remainingWaypoints}. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.Trip} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype.trip; /** * Parameters specific to polyline customization functions for {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The trip associated with this polyline. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.Trip} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype .trip; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Trip types supported by a {@link google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle}. * * Access by calling `const {TripType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripType = { /** * The trip is exclusive to a vehicle. */ EXCLUSIVE: 'EXCLUSIVE', /** * The trip may share a vehicle with other trips. */ SHARED: 'SHARED', /** * Unknown trip type. */ UNKNOWN_TRIP_TYPE: 'UNKNOWN_TRIP_TYPE', }; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * TripWaypoint type. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint = function() {}; /** * The path distance between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current * location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this * waypoint in meters. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint.prototype.distanceMeters; /** * Travel time between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current * location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this * waypoint in milliseconds. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint.prototype.durationMillis; /** * The location of the waypoint. * @type {?google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint.prototype.location; /** * The path from the previous stop (or the vehicle's current location, if * this stop is the first in the list of stops) to this stop. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint.prototype.path; /** * The list of traffic speeds along the path from the previous waypoint (or * vehicle location) to the current waypoint. Each interval in the list * describes the traffic on a contiguous segment on the path; the interval * defines the starting and ending points of the segment via their indices. See * the definition of {@link google.maps.journeySharing.SpeedReadingInterval} for * more details. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint.prototype.speedReadingIntervals; /** * The trip associated with this waypoint. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint.prototype.tripId; /** * The role this waypoint plays in this trip, such as pickup or dropoff. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.WaypointType} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint.prototype.waypointType; /** * Parameters specific to marker customization functions that apply options to * markers representing trip waypoint locations. Used by {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.waypointMarkerCustomization}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The 0-based waypoint index associated with this marker. Use this index * on {@link google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.remainingWaypoints} to retrieve * information about the waypoint. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams .prototype.waypointIndex; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * The details for a vehicle returned by Fleet Engine. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle = function() {}; /** * Custom vehicle attributes. * @type {!Object} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.attributes; /** * The waypoint where current route segment ends. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypoint} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.currentRouteSegmentEndPoint; /** * Time when the current route segment was set. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.currentRouteSegmentVersion; /** * List of trip IDs for trips currently assigned to this vehicle. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.currentTrips; /** * The ETA to the first entry in the waypoints field. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.etaToFirstWaypoint; /** * The last reported location of the vehicle. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.latestLocation; /** * The total numbers of riders this vehicle can carry. The driver is not * considered in this value. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.maximumCapacity; /** * In the format "providers/{provider_id}/vehicles/{vehicle_id}". The * vehicle_id must be a unique identifier. * @type {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.name; /** * The current navigation status of the vehicle. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleNavigationStatus} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.navigationStatus; /** * The remaining driving distance in the current route segment, in meters. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.remainingDistanceMeters; /** * Trip types supported by this vehicle. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.supportedTripTypes; /** * The vehicle state. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleState} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.vehicleState; /** * The type of this vehicle. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleType} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.vehicleType; /** * The remaining waypoints assigned to this Vehicle. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.waypoints; /** * Last time the waypoints field was updated. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.prototype.waypointsVersion; /** * VehicleJourneySegment type * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleJourneySegment = function() {}; /** * The travel distance from the previous stop to this stop, in meters. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleJourneySegment.prototype .drivingDistanceMeters; /** * The travel time from the previous stop this stop, in milliseconds. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleJourneySegment.prototype .drivingDurationMillis; /** * The path from the previous stop (or the vehicle's current location, if * this stop is the first in the list of stops) to this stop. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleJourneySegment.prototype.path; /** * Information about the stop. * @type {?google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicleStop} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleJourneySegment.prototype.stop; /** * VehicleLocationUpdate type * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate = function() {}; /** * The heading of the update. 0 corresponds to north, 180 to south. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate.prototype.heading; /** * The location of the update. * @type {google.maps.LatLngLiteral|google.maps.LatLng|null} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate.prototype.location; /** * The speed in kilometers per hour. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate.prototype .speedKilometersPerHour; /** * The time this update was received from the vehicle. * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleLocationUpdate.prototype.time; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Parameters specific to marker customization functions that apply options to * vehicle markers. Used by {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.vehicleMarkerCustomization} * and {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions.vehicleMarkerCustomization}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.MarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The vehicle represented by this marker. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype .vehicle; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * The current navigation status of a {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle}. * * Access by calling `const {VehicleNavigationStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleNavigationStatus = { /** * The vehicle is within approximately 50m of the destination. */ ARRIVED_AT_DESTINATION: 'ARRIVED_AT_DESTINATION', /** * Turn-by-turn navigation is available and the Driver app navigation has * entered GUIDED_NAV mode. */ ENROUTE_TO_DESTINATION: 'ENROUTE_TO_DESTINATION', /** * The Driver app's navigation is in FREE_NAV mode. */ NO_GUIDANCE: 'NO_GUIDANCE', /** * The vehicle has gone off the suggested route. */ OFF_ROUTE: 'OFF_ROUTE', /** * Unspecified navigation status. */ UNKNOWN_NAVIGATION_STATUS: 'UNKNOWN_NAVIGATION_STATUS', }; /** * Parameters specific to polyline customization functions for {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProvider}. * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.PolylineCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The vehicle traversing through this polyline. * @type {!google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehiclePolylineCustomizationFunctionParams.prototype .vehicle; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * The current state of a {@link google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle}. * * Access by calling `const {VehicleState} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleState = { /** * The vehicle is not accepting new trips. */ OFFLINE: 'OFFLINE', /** * The vehicle is accepting new trips. */ ONLINE: 'ONLINE', /** * Unknown vehicle state. */ UNKNOWN_VEHICLE_STATE: 'UNKNOWN_VEHICLE_STATE', }; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * The type of {@link google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle}. * * Access by calling `const {VehicleType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleType = { /** * An automobile. */ AUTO: 'AUTO', /** * Any vehicle that acts as a taxi (typically licensed or regulated). */ TAXI: 'TAXI', /** * A vehicle with a large storage capacity. */ TRUCK: 'TRUCK', /** * A motorcycle, moped, or other two-wheeled vehicle. */ TWO_WHEELER: 'TWO_WHEELER', /** * Unknown vehicle type. */ UNKNOWN: 'UNKNOWN', }; /** * VehicleWaypoint type. * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypoint = function() {}; /** * The path distance between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current * location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this * waypoint in meters. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypoint.prototype.distanceMeters; /** * Travel time between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current * location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this * waypoint in milliseconds. * @type {?number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypoint.prototype.durationMillis; /** * The location of the waypoint. * @type {?google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypoint.prototype.location; /** * The path from the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current location, * if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this waypoint. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypoint.prototype.path; /** * The list of traffic speeds along the path from the previous waypoint (or * vehicle location) to the current waypoint. Each interval in the list * describes the traffic on a contiguous segment on the path; the interval * defines the starting and ending points of the segment via their indices. See * the definition of {@link google.maps.journeySharing.SpeedReadingInterval} for * more details. * @type {?Array} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypoint.prototype.speedReadingIntervals; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Parameters specific to marker customization functions that apply options to * vehicle waypoint markers. Used by {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.originMarkerCustomization}, {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.destinationMarkerCustomization} * and {@link * google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineVehicleLocationProviderOptions.intermediateDestinationMarkerCustomization} * @extends {google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams} * @record */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams = function() {}; /** * The 0-based waypoint index associated with this marker. Use this index * on {@link google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle.waypoints} to retrieve * information about the waypoint. * @type {number} */ google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams .prototype.waypointIndex; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Waypoint types supported by {@link google.maps.journeySharing.Vehicle}. * * Access by calling `const {WaypointType} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.journeySharing.WaypointType = { /** * Waypoints for dropping off riders. */ DROP_OFF_WAYPOINT_TYPE: 'DROP_OFF_WAYPOINT_TYPE', /** * Waypoints for intermediate destinations in a multi-destination trip. */ INTERMEDIATE_DESTINATION_WAYPOINT_TYPE: 'INTERMEDIATE_DESTINATION_WAYPOINT_TYPE', /** * Waypoints for picking up riders. */ PICKUP_WAYPOINT_TYPE: 'PICKUP_WAYPOINT_TYPE', /** * Unknown waypoint type. */ UNKNOWN_WAYPOINT_TYPE: 'UNKNOWN_WAYPOINT_TYPE', }; /** * @const */ google.maps.localContext = {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Shows a Local Context experience with a {@link google.maps.Map}. * * Access by calling `const {LocalContextMapView} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("localContext")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions} options * @implements {google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions} * @constructor * @deprecated Local Context is deprecated, and no longer recommended for new * websites. The feature will continue to work, and 12 months notice will be * given before support is discontinued. If you are interested in building a * Local Context-like experience yourself, we suggest that you check out the * "Neighborhood Discovery" solution in Quick * Builder or use the Places * Library, Maps JavaScript API. Code * samples and codelabs * for the Places Library can help you. */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView = function(options) {}; /** * See {@link * google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.directionsOptions}. * @type {google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptions|!google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptionsLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.directionsOptions; /** * This Field is read-only. The DOM Element backing the view. * @type {!HTMLElement|!SVGElement|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.element; /** * Is set to true before {@link * google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView} begins changing the bounds of * the inner {@link google.maps.Map}, and set to false after {@link * google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView} finishes changing the bounds of * the inner {@link google.maps.Map}. (Not set when layout mode changes happen * due to responsive resizing.) * @type {boolean} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.isTransitioningMapBounds; /** * See {@link google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.locationBias}. * Changing this property on the LocalContextMapView may trigger a * new search. * @type {google.maps.places.LocationBias|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.locationBias; /** * See {@link * google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.locationRestriction}. * Changing this property on the LocalContextMapView may trigger a * new search. * @type {google.maps.places.LocationRestriction|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.locationRestriction; /** * See {@link * google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.maxPlaceCount}. Changing * this property on the LocalContextMapView may trigger a new * search. * @type {number} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.maxPlaceCount; /** * See {@link * google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.placeTypePreferences}. * Changing this property on the LocalContextMapView may trigger a * new search. Iterable<string|PlaceTypePreference> is also * accepted. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.placeTypePreferences; /** * Adds the given listener function to the given event name. * @param {string} eventName * @param {!Function} handler * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.addListener = function( eventName, handler) {}; /** * Hides the place details. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.hidePlaceDetailsView = function() {}; /** * Searches for places to show the user based on the current * maxPlaceCount, placeTypePreferences, * locationRestriction, and locationBias. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView.prototype.search = function() {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Options for constructing a {@link * google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView}, or accessing an * existing {@link google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView}. * @record */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions = function() {}; /** * Options for customizing directions. If not set, directions and distance will * be disabled. * @type {google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptions|!google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptionsLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype.directionsOptions; /** * This Field is read-only. The DOM Element backing the view. * @type {!HTMLElement|!SVGElement|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype.element; /** * A soft boundary or hint to use when searching for places. * @default null * @type {google.maps.places.LocationBias|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype.locationBias; /** * Bounds to constrain search results. If not specified, results will be * constrained to the map viewport. * @type {google.maps.places.LocationRestriction|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype .locationRestriction; /** * An already instantiated {@link google.maps.Map} instance. If passed in, the * map will be moved into the LocalContextMapView's DOM, and will * not be re-styled. The element associated with the Map may * also have styles and classes applied to it by the * LocalContextMapView. * @type {google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype.map; /** * The maximum number of places to show. When this parameter is 0, the Local * Context Library does not load places. [0,24] * @type {number} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype.maxPlaceCount; /** * Configure the place marker icon based on the icon state. Invoked whenever the * input to the callback changes. Pass a function to dynamically override the * default setup when the LocalContextMapView draws the place marker. Errors and * invalid configurations may be determined asynchronously, and will be ignored * (defaults will be used, and errors will be logged to the console). * @type {(function({isSelected:boolean, isHighlighted:boolean}): * (google.maps.localContext.PinOptions|null|undefined))|google.maps.localContext.PinOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype.pinOptionsSetup; /** * Overrides the setup of the place chooser view. Pass a function to dynamically * override the default setup when the LocalContextMapView might change its * layout due to resizing. Errors and invalid configurations may be determined * asynchronously, and will be ignored (defaults will be used instead, and * errors will be logged to the console). Errors detected at construction will * cause errors to be thrown synchronously. * @type {(function({defaultLayoutMode:!google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserLayoutMode, * defaultPosition:?google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserPosition}): * (google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserViewSetupOptions|null|undefined))|google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserViewSetupOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype .placeChooserViewSetup; /** * Overrides the setup of the place details view. Pass a function to dynamically * override the default setup when the LocalContextMapView might change its * layout due to resizing. Errors and invalid configurations may be determined * asynchronously, and will be ignored (defaults will be used, and errors will * be logged to the console). Errors detected at construction will cause errors * to be thrown synchronously. * @type {(function({defaultLayoutMode:!google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsLayoutMode, * defaultPosition:?google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsPosition}): * (google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsViewSetupOptions|null|undefined))|google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsViewSetupOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype .placeDetailsViewSetup; /** * The types of places to search for (up to 10). The type * Iterable<string|PlaceTypePreference> is also accepted, but * is only supported in browsers which natively support JavaScript Symbols. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapViewOptions.prototype .placeTypePreferences; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Provides settings for directions with a {@link * google.maps.localContext.LocalContextMapView}. * * Access by calling `const {MapDirectionsOptions} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("localContext")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @implements {google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptionsLiteral} * @constructor */ google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptions = function() {}; /** * Adds the given listener function to the given event name. * @param {string} eventName * @param {!Function} handler * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} */ google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptions.prototype.addListener = function( eventName, handler) {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Object literals are accepted in place of {@link * google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptions} objects, as a convenience, in * many places. These are converted to {@link * google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptions} objects when the Maps API * encounters them. * @record */ google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptionsLiteral = function() {}; /** * Origin for directions and distance. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral} */ google.maps.localContext.MapDirectionsOptionsLiteral.prototype.origin; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Options for customizing a pin marker. * @record */ google.maps.localContext.PinOptions = function() {}; /** * The color of the icon's shape, can be any valid CSS color. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.PinOptions.prototype.background; /** * The color of the icon's glyph, can be any valid CSS color. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.PinOptions.prototype.glyphColor; /** * The scale of the icon. The value is absolute, not relative to the default * sizes in each state. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.PinOptions.prototype.scale; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Layout modes for the place chooser. * * Access by calling `const {PlaceChooserLayoutMode} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("localContext")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserLayoutMode = { /** * Place chooser is hidden. */ HIDDEN: 'HIDDEN', /** * Place chooser is shown as a sheet. */ SHEET: 'SHEET', }; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Display positions for the place chooser. * * Access by calling `const {PlaceChooserPosition} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("localContext")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserPosition = { /** * Place chooser is displayed on a line below the map extending to the end of * the container. */ BLOCK_END: 'BLOCK_END', /** * Place chooser is displayed inline with the map at the end of the line. (In * a left-to-right language this means that the place chooser is to the right * of the map.) */ INLINE_END: 'INLINE_END', /** * Place chooser is displayed inline with the map at the start of the line. * (In a left-to-right language this means that the place chooser is to the * left of the map.) */ INLINE_START: 'INLINE_START', }; /** * Setup options for the place chooser. Read more about setting * layout and visibility. * @record */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserViewSetupOptions = function() {}; /** * @type {google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserLayoutMode|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserViewSetupOptions.prototype.layoutMode; /** * Ignored when layoutMode:HIDDEN. If not passed, a position will * be determined automatically based on the layoutMode. * @type {google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceChooserViewSetupOptions.prototype.position; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Layout modes for the place details. * * Access by calling `const {PlaceDetailsLayoutMode} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("localContext")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsLayoutMode = { /** * Place details is displayed in an {@link google.maps.InfoWindow}. */ INFO_WINDOW: 'INFO_WINDOW', /** * Place details is displayed in a sheet. */ SHEET: 'SHEET', }; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Display positions for the place details. * * Access by calling `const {PlaceDetailsPosition} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("localContext")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsPosition = { /** * Place details is displayed inline with the map at the end of the line. (In * a left-to-right language this means that the place details is to the right * of the map.) */ INLINE_END: 'INLINE_END', /** * Place details is displayed inline with the map at the start of the line. * (In a left-to-right language this means that the place details is to the * left of the map.) */ INLINE_START: 'INLINE_START', }; /** * Setup options for the place details. Read more about setting * layout and visibility. * @record */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsViewSetupOptions = function() {}; /** * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsViewSetupOptions.prototype.hidesOnMapClick; /** * @type {google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsLayoutMode|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsViewSetupOptions.prototype.layoutMode; /** * Ignored when layoutMode:INFO_WINDOW. If not passed, a position * will be determined automatically based on the layoutMode. * @type {google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsPosition|null|undefined} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceDetailsViewSetupOptions.prototype.position; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * @typedef {{type:string, weight:(number|undefined)}} */ google.maps.localContext.PlaceTypePreference; /** * @const */ google.maps.marker = {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * This event is created from clicking an Advanced Marker. Access the * marker's position with event.target.position. * * Access by calling `const {AdvancedMarkerClickEvent} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("marker")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {Event} * @constructor */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerClickEvent = function() {}; /** * Shows a position on a map. Note that the position must be set * for the AdvancedMarkerElement to display.

* Note: Usage as a Web Component (e.g. using the custom * <gmp-advanced-marker> HTML element, is only available in * the v=beta channel). * * Access by calling `const {AdvancedMarkerElement} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("marker")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions=} options * @implements {google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions} * @extends {HTMLElement} * @constructor */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement = function(options) {}; /** * See {@link * google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.collisionBehavior}. * @type {!google.maps.CollisionBehavior|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.collisionBehavior; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.content}. * @type {!Node|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.content; /** * This field is read-only. The DOM Element backing the view. * @type {!HTMLElement} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.element; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * See {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.gmpClickable}. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.gmpClickable; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.gmpDraggable}. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.gmpDraggable; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.map}. * @type {!google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.map; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.position}. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|!google.maps.LatLngAltitude|!google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.position; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.title}. * @type {string} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.title; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.zIndex}. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.zIndex; /** * Adds the given listener function to the given event name in the Maps Eventing * system. * @param {string} eventName Observed event. * @param {!Function} handler Function to handle events. * @return {!google.maps.MapsEventListener} Resulting event listener. */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.prototype.addListener = function( eventName, handler) {}; /** * Options for constructing an {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement}. * @record */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions = function() {}; /** * An enumeration specifying how an AdvancedMarkerElement should * behave when it collides with another AdvancedMarkerElement or * with the basemap labels on a vector map.

Note: * AdvancedMarkerElement to AdvancedMarkerElement * collision works on both raster and vector maps, however, * AdvancedMarkerElement to base map's label collision only * works on vector maps. * @type {!google.maps.CollisionBehavior|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.prototype.collisionBehavior; /** * The DOM Element backing the visual of an AdvancedMarkerElement. *

Note: AdvancedMarkerElement does not clone * the passed-in DOM element. Once the DOM element is passed to an * AdvancedMarkerElement, passing the same DOM element to another * AdvancedMarkerElement will move the DOM element and cause the * previous AdvancedMarkerElement to look empty. * @default {@link google.maps.marker.PinElement.element} * @type {!Node|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.prototype.content; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * If true, the AdvancedMarkerElement will be * clickable and trigger the gmp-click event, and will be * interactive for accessibility purposes (e.g. allowing keyboard navigation via * arrow keys). * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.prototype.gmpClickable; /** * If true, the AdvancedMarkerElement can be dragged. *

Note: AdvancedMarkerElement with altitude is * not draggable. * @default false * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.prototype.gmpDraggable; /** * Map on which to display the AdvancedMarkerElement. The map is * required to display the AdvancedMarkerElement and can be * provided by setting {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.map} if * not provided at the construction. * @type {!google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.prototype.map; /** * Sets the AdvancedMarkerElement's position. An * AdvancedMarkerElement may be constructed without a position, but * will not be displayed until its position is provided - for example, by a * user's actions or choices. An AdvancedMarkerElement's * position can be provided by setting {@link * google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement.position} if not provided at the * construction.

Note: AdvancedMarkerElement * with altitude is only supported on vector maps. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|!google.maps.LatLngAltitude|!google.maps.LatLngAltitudeLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.prototype.position; /** * Rollover text. If provided, an accessibility text (e.g. for use with screen * readers) will be added to the AdvancedMarkerElement with the * provided value. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.prototype.title; /** * All AdvancedMarkerElements are displayed on the map in order of * their zIndex, with higher values displaying in front of * AdvancedMarkerElements with lower values. By default, * AdvancedMarkerElements are displayed according to their vertical * position on screen, with lower AdvancedMarkerElements appearing * in front of AdvancedMarkerElements farther up the screen. Note * that zIndex is also used to help determine relative priority * between {@link * google.maps.CollisionBehavior.OPTIONAL_AND_HIDES_LOWER_PRIORITY} Advanced * Markers. A higher zIndex value indicates higher priority. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElementOptions.prototype.zIndex; /** * A PinElement represents a DOM element that consists of a shape * and a glyph. The shape has the same balloon style as seen in the * default {@link google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement}. The glyph is an * optional DOM element displayed in the balloon shape. A * PinElement may have a different aspect ratio depending on * its {@link google.maps.marker.PinElement.scale}.

* Note: Usage as a Web Component (e.g. usage as an HTMLElement * subclass, or via HTML) is not yet supported. * * Access by calling `const {PinElement} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("marker")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions=} options * @implements {google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions} * @extends {HTMLElement} * @constructor */ google.maps.marker.PinElement = function(options) {}; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.background}. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElement.prototype.background; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.borderColor}. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElement.prototype.borderColor; /** * This field is read-only. The DOM Element backing the view. * @type {!HTMLElement} */ google.maps.marker.PinElement.prototype.element; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.glyph}. * @type {string|!Element|!URL|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElement.prototype.glyph; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.glyphColor}. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElement.prototype.glyphColor; /** * See {@link google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.scale}. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElement.prototype.scale; /** * Options for creating a {@link google.maps.marker.PinElement}. * @record */ google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions = function() {}; /** * The background color of the pin shape. Supports any CSS color * value. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.prototype.background; /** * The border color of the pin shape. Supports any CSS color * value. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.prototype.borderColor; /** * The DOM element displayed in the pin. * @type {string|!Element|!URL|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.prototype.glyph; /** * The color of the glyph. Supports any CSS color * value. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.prototype.glyphColor; /** * The scale of the pin. * @default 1 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.marker.PinElementOptions.prototype.scale; /** * @const */ google.maps.places = {}; /** * * Access by calling `const {AccessibilityOptions} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.AccessibilityOptions = function() {}; /** * Whether a place has a wheelchair accessible entrance. Returns 'true' * or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value * is unknown. * @type {boolean|null} */ google.maps.places.AccessibilityOptions.prototype .hasWheelchairAccessibleEntrance; /** * Whether a place has wheelchair accessible parking. Returns 'true' or * 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is * unknown. * @type {boolean|null} */ google.maps.places.AccessibilityOptions.prototype .hasWheelchairAccessibleParking; /** * Whether a place has a wheelchair accessible restroom. Returns 'true' * or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value * is unknown. * @type {boolean|null} */ google.maps.places.AccessibilityOptions.prototype .hasWheelchairAccessibleRestroom; /** * Whether a place offers wheelchair accessible seating. Returns 'true' * or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value * is unknown. * @type {boolean|null} */ google.maps.places.AccessibilityOptions.prototype .hasWheelchairAccessibleSeating; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * * Access by calling `const {AddressComponent} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.AddressComponent = function() {}; /** * The full text of the address component. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.AddressComponent.prototype.longText; /** * The abbreviated, short text of the given address component. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.AddressComponent.prototype.shortText; /** * An array of strings denoting the type of this address component. A list of * valid types can be found here. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.AddressComponent.prototype.types; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * * Access by calling `const {Attribution} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.Attribution = function() {}; /** * Attribution text to be displayed for this Place result. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.Attribution.prototype.provider; /** * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.Attribution.prototype.providerURI; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * * Access by calling `const {AuthorAttribution} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.AuthorAttribution = function() {}; /** * Author's name for this result. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.AuthorAttribution.prototype.displayName; /** * Author's photo URI for this result. This may not always be available. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.AuthorAttribution.prototype.photoURI; /** * Author's profile URI for this result. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.AuthorAttribution.prototype.uri; /** * A widget that provides Place predictions based on a user's text input. It * attaches to an input element of type text, and listens for text * entry in that field. The list of predictions is presented as a drop-down * list, and is updated as text is entered. * * Access by calling `const {Autocomplete} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!HTMLInputElement} inputField The <input> text * field to which the Autocomplete should be attached. * @param {?google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions=} opts Options. * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.places.Autocomplete = function(inputField, opts) {}; /** * Returns the bounds to which predictions are biased. * @return {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|undefined} The biasing bounds. */ google.maps.places.Autocomplete.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** * Returns the fields to be included for the Place in the details response when * the details are successfully retrieved. For a list of fields see {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. * @return {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Autocomplete.prototype.getFields = function() {}; /** * Returns the details of the Place selected by user if the details were * successfully retrieved. Otherwise returns a stub Place object, with the * name property set to the current value of the input field. * @return {!google.maps.places.PlaceResult} The Place selected by the user. */ google.maps.places.Autocomplete.prototype.getPlace = function() {}; /** * Sets the preferred area within which to return Place results. Results are * biased towards, but not restricted to, this area. * @param {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|undefined} * bounds The biasing bounds. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.Autocomplete.prototype.setBounds = function(bounds) {}; /** * Sets the component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict * predictions to only those within the parent component. For example, the * country. * @param {?google.maps.places.ComponentRestrictions} restrictions The * restrictions to use. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.Autocomplete.prototype.setComponentRestrictions = function( restrictions) {}; /** * Sets the fields to be included for the Place in the details response when the * details are successfully retrieved. For a list of fields see {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. * @param {!Array|undefined} fields * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.Autocomplete.prototype.setFields = function(fields) {}; /** * @param {?google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.Autocomplete.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {}; /** * Sets the types of predictions to be returned. For supported types, see the * developer's guide. If no types are specified, all types will be * returned. * @param {?Array} types The types of predictions to be included. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.Autocomplete.prototype.setTypes = function(types) {}; /** * The options that can be set on an Autocomplete object. * @record */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions = function() {}; /** * The area in which to search for places. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions.prototype.bounds; /** * The component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict * predictions to only those within the parent component. For example, the * country. * @type {!google.maps.places.ComponentRestrictions|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions.prototype.componentRestrictions; /** * Fields to be included for the Place in the details response when the details * are successfully retrieved, which * will be billed for. If ['ALL'] is passed in, all * available fields will be returned and billed for (this is not recommended for * production deployments). For a list of fields see {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. Nested fields can be specified with * dot-paths (for example, "geometry.location"). The default is * ['ALL']. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions.prototype.fields; /** * A boolean value, indicating that the Autocomplete widget should only return * those places that are inside the bounds of the Autocomplete widget at the * time the query is sent. Setting strictBounds to false (which is * the default) will make the results biased towards, but not restricted to, * places contained within the bounds. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions.prototype.strictBounds; /** * The types of predictions to be returned. For supported types, see the * developer's guide. If no types are specified, all types will be * returned. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions.prototype.types; /** * Whether to retrieve only Place IDs. The PlaceResult made available when the * place_changed event is fired will only have the place_id, types and name * fields, with the place_id, types and description returned by the Autocomplete * service. Disabled by default. * @type {boolean|undefined} * @deprecated placeIdOnly is deprecated as of January 15, 2019, * and will be turned off on January 15, 2020. Use {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions.fields} instead: fields: * ['place_id', 'name', 'types']. */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions.prototype.placeIdOnly; /** * Represents a single autocomplete prediction. * @record */ google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction = function() {}; /** * This is the unformatted version of the query suggested by the Places service. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction.prototype.description; /** * The distance in meters of the place from the {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.origin}. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction.prototype.distance_meters; /** * A set of substrings in the place's description that match elements in the * user's input, suitable for use in highlighting those substrings. Each * substring is identified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode * characters. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction.prototype.matched_substrings; /** * A place ID that can be used to retrieve details about this place using the * place details service (see {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}). * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction.prototype.place_id; /** * Structured information about the place's description, divided into a main * text and a secondary text, including an array of matched substrings from the * autocomplete input, identified by an offset and a length, expressed in * unicode characters. * @type {!google.maps.places.StructuredFormatting} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction.prototype.structured_formatting; /** * Information about individual terms in the above description, from most to * least specific. For example, "Taco Bell", "Willitis", and * "CA". * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction.prototype.terms; /** * An array of types that the prediction belongs to, for example * 'establishment' or 'geocode'. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction.prototype.types; /** * An Autocomplete response returned by the call to {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompleteService.getPlacePredictions} containing a list * of {@link google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction}s. * @record */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteResponse = function() {}; /** * The list of {@link google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction}s. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteResponse.prototype.predictions; /** * Contains methods related to retrieving Autocomplete predictions. * * Access by calling `const {AutocompleteService} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteService = function() {}; /** * Retrieves place autocomplete predictions based on the supplied autocomplete * request. * @param {!google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest} request The autocompletion * request. * @param {(function(?Array, * !google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus): void)=} callback A callback * accepting an array of AutocompletePrediction objects and a * PlacesServiceStatus value as argument. * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteService.prototype.getPlacePredictions = function( request, callback) {}; /** * Retrieves query autocomplete predictions based on the supplied query * autocomplete request. * @param {!google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletionRequest} request The query * autocompletion request. * @param {function(?Array, * !google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus): void} callback A callback * accepting an array of QueryAutocompletePrediction objects and a * PlacesServiceStatus value as argument. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteService.prototype.getQueryPredictions = function( request, callback) {}; /** * Represents a session token used for tracking an autocomplete session, which * can be a series of {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompleteService.getPlacePredictions} calls followed by * a single {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails} call. * * Access by calling `const {AutocompleteSessionToken} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.AutocompleteSessionToken = function() {}; /** * An Autocompletion request to be sent to {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompleteService.getPlacePredictions}. * @record */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest = function() {}; /** * The component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict * predictions to only those within the parent component. For example, the * country. * @type {!google.maps.places.ComponentRestrictions|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.componentRestrictions; /** * The user entered input string. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.input; /** * A language identifier for the language in which the results should be * returned, if possible. Results in the selected language may be given a higher * ranking, but suggestions are not restricted to this language. See the list of * supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.language; /** * A soft boundary or hint to use when searching for places. * @type {!google.maps.places.LocationBias|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.locationBias; /** * Bounds to constrain search results. * @type {!google.maps.places.LocationRestriction|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.locationRestriction; /** * The character position in the input term at which the service uses text for * predictions (the position of the cursor in the input field). * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.offset; /** * The location where {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompletePrediction.distance_meters} is calculated * from. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.origin; /** * A region code which is used for result formatting and for result filtering. * It does not restrict the suggestions to this country. The region code accepts * a ccTLD * ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are * identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the * United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its * ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The * United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"). * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.region; /** * Unique reference used to bundle individual requests into sessions. * @type {!google.maps.places.AutocompleteSessionToken|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.sessionToken; /** * The types of predictions to be returned. For supported types, see the * developer's guide. If no types are specified, all types will be * returned. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.types; /** * Bounds for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards, but not * restricted to, the given bounds. Both location and * radius will be ignored if bounds is set. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|undefined} * @deprecated bounds is deprecated as of May 2023. Use {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.locationBias} and {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.locationRestriction} instead. */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.bounds; /** * Location for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards the given * location and radius. Alternatively, * bounds can be used. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|undefined} * @deprecated location is deprecated as of May 2023. Use {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.locationBias} and {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.locationRestriction} instead. */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.location; /** * The radius of the area used for prediction biasing. The radius * is specified in meters, and must always be accompanied by a * location property. Alternatively, bounds can be * used. * @type {number|undefined} * @deprecated radius is deprecated as of May 2023. Use {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.locationBias} and {@link * google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.locationRestriction} instead. */ google.maps.places.AutocompletionRequest.prototype.radius; /** * The operational status of the Place, if it is a business, returned in a * PlaceResult (indicates whether the place is operational, or closed either * temporarily or permanently). Specify these by value, or the constant's * name (example: 'OPERATIONAL' or * google.maps.places.BusinessStatus.OPERATIONAL). * * Access by calling `const {BusinessStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.places.BusinessStatus = { /** * The business is closed permanently. */ CLOSED_PERMANENTLY: 'CLOSED_PERMANENTLY', /** * The business is closed temporarily. */ CLOSED_TEMPORARILY: 'CLOSED_TEMPORARILY', /** * The business is operating normally. */ OPERATIONAL: 'OPERATIONAL', }; /** * Defines the component restrictions that can be used with the autocomplete * service. * @record */ google.maps.places.ComponentRestrictions = function() {}; /** * Restricts predictions to the specified country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country * code, case insensitive). For example, 'us', 'br', * or 'au'. You can provide a single one, or an array of up to five * country code strings. * @type {string|!Array|null} */ google.maps.places.ComponentRestrictions.prototype.country; /** * Options for fetching Place fields. * @record */ google.maps.places.FetchFieldsRequest = function() {}; /** * List of fields to be fetched. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.FetchFieldsRequest.prototype.fields; /** * A find place from text search request to be sent to {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.findPlaceFromPhoneNumber}. * @record */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest = function() {}; /** * Fields to be included in the response, which * will be billed for. If ['ALL'] is passed in, all * available fields will be returned and billed for (this is not recommended for * production deployments). For a list of fields see {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. Nested fields can be specified with * dot-paths (for example, "geometry.location"). * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest.prototype.fields; /** * A language identifier for the language in which names and addresses should be * returned, when possible. See the list of * supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest.prototype.language; /** * The bias used when searching for Place. The result will be biased towards, * but not restricted to, the given {@link google.maps.places.LocationBias}. * @type {!google.maps.places.LocationBias|undefined} */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest.prototype.locationBias; /** * The phone number of the place to look up. Format must be E.164. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest.prototype.phoneNumber; /** * A find place from text search request to be sent to {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.findPlaceFromQuery}. * @record */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromQueryRequest = function() {}; /** * Fields to be included in the response, which * will be billed for. If ['ALL'] is passed in, all * available fields will be returned and billed for (this is not recommended for * production deployments). For a list of fields see {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. Nested fields can be specified with * dot-paths (for example, "geometry.location"). * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromQueryRequest.prototype.fields; /** * A language identifier for the language in which names and addresses should be * returned, when possible. See the list of * supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromQueryRequest.prototype.language; /** * The bias used when searching for Place. The result will be biased towards, * but not restricted to, the given {@link google.maps.places.LocationBias}. * @type {!google.maps.places.LocationBias|undefined} */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromQueryRequest.prototype.locationBias; /** * The request's query. For example, the name or address of a place. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromQueryRequest.prototype.query; /** * @typedef {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|!google.maps.Circle|!google.maps.CircleLiteral|string} */ google.maps.places.LocationBias; /** * @typedef {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral} */ google.maps.places.LocationRestriction; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * * Access by calling `const {OpeningHours} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.OpeningHours = function() {}; /** * Opening periods covering each day of the week, starting from Sunday, in * chronological order. Does not include days where the Place is not open. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.OpeningHours.prototype.periods; /** * An array of seven strings representing the formatted opening hours for each * day of the week. The Places Service will format and localize the opening * hours appropriately for the current language. The ordering of the elements in * this array depends on the language. Some languages start the week on Monday, * while others start on Sunday. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.OpeningHours.prototype.weekdayDescriptions; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * * Access by calling `const {OpeningHoursPeriod} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPeriod = function() {}; /** * The closing time for the Place. * @type {?google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPoint} */ google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPeriod.prototype.close; /** * The opening time for the Place. * @type {!google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPoint} */ google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPeriod.prototype.open; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * * Access by calling `const {OpeningHoursPoint} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPoint = function() {}; /** * The day of the week, as a number in the range [0, 6], starting on Sunday. For * example, 2 means Tuesday. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPoint.prototype.day; /** * The hour of the OpeningHoursPoint.time as a number, in the range [0, 23]. * This will be reported in the Place’s time zone. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPoint.prototype.hour; /** * The minute of the OpeningHoursPoint.time as a number, in the range [0, 59]. * This will be reported in the Place’s time zone. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.OpeningHoursPoint.prototype.minute; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * * Access by calling `const {Photo} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.Photo = function() {}; /** * Attribution text to be displayed for this photo. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.Photo.prototype.authorAttributions; /** * The height of the photo in pixels. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.Photo.prototype.heightPx; /** * The width of the photo in pixels. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.Photo.prototype.widthPx; /** * Returns the image URL corresponding to the specified options. * @param {!google.maps.places.PhotoOptions=} options * @return {string} */ google.maps.places.Photo.prototype.getURI = function(options) {}; /** * Defines photo-requesting options. * @record */ google.maps.places.PhotoOptions = function() {}; /** * The maximum height in pixels of the returned image. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PhotoOptions.prototype.maxHeight; /** * The maximum width in pixels of the returned image. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PhotoOptions.prototype.maxWidth; /** * * Access by calling `const {Place} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.places.PlaceOptions} options * @constructor */ google.maps.places.Place = function(options) {}; /** * Accessibility options of this Place. undefined if the * accessibility options data have not been called for from the server. * @type {google.maps.places.AccessibilityOptions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.accessibilityOptions; /** * The collection of address components for this Place’s location. Empty object * if there is no known address data. undefined if the address data * has not been called for from the server. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.addressComponents; /** * The representation of the Place’s address in the adr microformat. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.adrFormatAddress; /** * Attribution text to be displayed for this Place result. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.attributions; /** * The location's operational status. null if there is no known * status. undefined if the status data has not been loaded from * the server. * @type {google.maps.places.BusinessStatus|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.businessStatus; /** * The location's display name. null if there is no name. * undefined if the name data has not been loaded from the server. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.displayName; /** * The editorial summary for this place. null if there is no * editorial summary. undefined if this field has not yet been * requested. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.editorialSummary; /** * The language of the editorial summary for this place. null if * there is no editorial summary. undefined if this field has not * yet been requested. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.editorialSummaryLanguageCode; /** * The locations’s full address. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.formattedAddress; /** * URL of the official Google page for this place. This is the Google-owned page * that contains the best available information about the Place. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.googleMapsURI; /** * Whether a place has curbside pickup. Returns 'true' or * 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is * unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been * requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.hasCurbsidePickup; /** * Whether a place has delivery. Returns 'true' or 'false' if * the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns * 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.hasDelivery; /** * Whether a place has dine in. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the * value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns * 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.hasDineIn; /** * Whether a place has takeout. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the * value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns * 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.hasTakeout; /** * The default HEX color code for the place's category. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.iconBackgroundColor; /** * The unique place id. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.id; /** * The Place’s phone number in international format. International format * includes the country code, and is prefixed with the plus (+) sign. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.internationalPhoneNumber; /** * Whether a place is reservable. Returns 'true' or 'false' if * the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns * 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.isReservable; /** * The Place’s position. * @type {google.maps.LatLng|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.location; /** * The Place’s phone number, formatted according to the number's * regional convention. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.nationalPhoneNumber; /** * Photos of this Place. The collection will contain up to ten {@link * google.maps.places.Photo} objects. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.photos; /** * @type {google.maps.places.PlusCode|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.plusCode; /** * The price level of the Place. This property can return any of the following * values

  • Free
  • *
  • Inexpensive
  • Moderate
  • *
  • Expensive
  • Very Expensive
* @type {google.maps.places.PriceLevel|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.priceLevel; /** * A rating, between 1.0 to 5.0, based on user reviews of this Place. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.rating; /** * @type {google.maps.places.OpeningHours|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.regularOpeningHours; /** * The requested language for this place. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.requestedLanguage; /** * The requested region for this place. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.requestedRegion; /** * A list of reviews for this Place. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.reviews; /** * Whether a place serves beer. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the * value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns * 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.servesBeer; /** * Whether a place serves breakfast. Returns 'true' or 'false' * if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. * Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.servesBreakfast; /** * Whether a place serves brunch. Returns 'true' or 'false' if * the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns * 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.servesBrunch; /** * Whether a place serves dinner. Returns 'true' or 'false' if * the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns * 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.servesDinner; /** * Whether a place serves lunch. Returns 'true' or 'false' if * the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns * 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.servesLunch; /** * Whether a place serves vegetarian food. Returns 'true' or * 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is * unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been * requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.servesVegetarianFood; /** * Whether a place serves wine. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the * value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns * 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.servesWine; /** * URI to the svg image mask resource that can be used to represent a place’s * category. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.svgIconMaskURI; /** * An array of types * for this Place (for example, ["political", * "locality"] or ["restaurant", * "establishment"]). * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.types; /** * The number of user ratings which contributed to this Place’s {@link * google.maps.places.Place.rating}. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.userRatingCount; /** * The offset from UTC of the Place’s current timezone, in minutes. For example, * Austrialian Eastern Standard Time (GMT+10) in daylight savings is 11 hours * ahead of UTC, so the utc_offset_minutes will be * 660. For timezones behind UTC, the offset is negative. For * example, the utc_offset_minutes is -60 for Cape * Verde. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.utcOffsetMinutes; /** * The preferred viewport when displaying this Place on a map. * @type {google.maps.LatLngBounds|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.viewport; /** * The authoritative website for this Place, such as a business' homepage. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.websiteURI; /** * @type {google.maps.places.OpeningHours|null|undefined} * @deprecated Use {@link google.maps.places.Place.regularOpeningHours} instead. */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.openingHours; /** * Text query based place search. * @param {!google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest} request * @return {!Promise<{places:!Array}>} */ google.maps.places.Place.searchByText = function(request) {}; /** * @param {!google.maps.places.FetchFieldsRequest} options * @return {!Promise<{place:!google.maps.places.Place}>} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.fetchFields = function(options) {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * Calculates the Date representing the next OpeningHoursTime. Returns undefined * if the data is insufficient to calculate the result, or this place is not * operational. * @param {!Date=} date * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.getNextOpeningTime = function(date) {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * Check if the place is open at the given datetime. Resolves with * undefined if the known data for the location is insufficient to * calculate this, e.g. if the opening hours are unregistered. * @param {!Date=} date Defaults to now. * @return {!Promise} */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.isOpen = function(date) {}; /** * @return {!Object} a JSON object with all the requested Place properties. * @override */ google.maps.places.Place.prototype.toJSON = function() {}; /** * Defines information about an aspect of the place that users have reviewed. * @record * @deprecated This interface is no longer used. */ google.maps.places.PlaceAspectRating = function() {}; /** * The rating of this aspect. For individual reviews this is an integer from 0 * to 3. For aggregated ratings of a place this is an integer from 0 to 30. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAspectRating.prototype.rating; /** * The aspect type. For example, "food", "decor", * "service", or "overall". * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAspectRating.prototype.type; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * *
  • PlaceAutocompleteElement is an HTMLElement subclass which provides a UI component for the Places Autocomplete API. After loading the places library, an input with autocomplete functionality can be created in HTML. For example:
* * Access by calling `const {PlaceAutocompleteElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions} options * @implements {google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions} * @extends {HTMLElement} * @constructor */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement = function(options) {}; /** * The component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict * predictions to only those within the parent component. For example, the * country. * @type {!google.maps.places.ComponentRestrictions|null} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.prototype.componentRestrictions; /** * A soft boundary or hint to use when searching for places. * @type {!google.maps.places.LocationBias|null} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.prototype.locationBias; /** * Bounds to constrain search results. * @type {!google.maps.places.LocationRestriction|null} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.prototype.locationRestriction; /** * The name to be used for the input element. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#name * for details. Follows the same behavior as the name attribute for inputs. Note * that this is the name that will be used when a form is submitted. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/form * for details. * @type {string|null} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.prototype.name; /** * A language identifier for the language in which the results should be * returned, if possible. Results in the selected language may be given a higher * ranking, but suggestions are not restricted to this language. See the list of * supported languages. * @type {string|null} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.prototype.requestedLanguage; /** * A region code which is used for result formatting and for result filtering. * It does not restrict the suggestions to this country. The region code accepts * a ccTLD * ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are * identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the * United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its * ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The * United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"). * @type {string|null} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.prototype.requestedRegion; /** * The types of predictions to be returned. For supported types, see the * developer's guide. If no types are specified, all types will be * returned. * @type {!Array|null} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.prototype.types; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Options for constructing a PlaceAutocompleteElement. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions = function() {}; /** * See {@link google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.componentRestrictions} * @type {!google.maps.places.ComponentRestrictions|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions.prototype .componentRestrictions; /** * See {@link google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.locationBias} * @type {!google.maps.places.LocationBias|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions.prototype.locationBias; /** * See {@link google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.locationRestriction} * @type {!google.maps.places.LocationRestriction|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions.prototype .locationRestriction; /** * See {@link google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.requestedLanguage} * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions.prototype.requestedLanguage; /** * See {@link google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.requestedRegion} * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions.prototype.requestedRegion; /** * See {@link google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement.types} * @type {!Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions.prototype.types; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * This event is created after the user selects a place with the Place * Autocomplete Element. Access the selection with event.place. * * Access by calling `const {PlaceAutocompletePlaceSelectEvent} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {Event} * @constructor */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompletePlaceSelectEvent = function() {}; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * @type {!google.maps.places.Place} */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompletePlaceSelectEvent.prototype.place; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * This event is emitted by the PlaceAutocompleteElement when there is an issue * with the network request. * * Access by calling `const {PlaceAutocompleteRequestErrorEvent} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @extends {Event} * @constructor */ google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteRequestErrorEvent = function() {}; /** * A Place details query to be sent to the PlacesService. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceDetailsRequest = function() {}; /** * Fields to be included in the details response, which * will be billed for. If no fields are specified or * ['ALL'] is passed in, all available fields will be * returned and billed for (this is not recommended for production deployments). * For a list of fields see {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. Nested * fields can be specified with dot-paths (for example, * "geometry.location"). * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceDetailsRequest.prototype.fields; /** * A language identifier for the language in which details should be returned. * See the list * of supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceDetailsRequest.prototype.language; /** * The Place ID of the Place for which details are being requested. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlaceDetailsRequest.prototype.placeId; /** * A region code of the user's region. This can affect which photos may be * returned, and possibly other things. The region code accepts a ccTLD * ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are * identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the * United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its * ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The * United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"). * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceDetailsRequest.prototype.region; /** * Unique reference used to bundle the details request with an autocomplete * session. * @type {!google.maps.places.AutocompleteSessionToken|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceDetailsRequest.prototype.sessionToken; /** * Defines information about the geometry of a Place. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceGeometry = function() {}; /** * The Place’s position. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceGeometry.prototype.location; /** * The preferred viewport when displaying this Place on a map. This property * will be null if the preferred viewport for the Place is not * known. Only available with {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceGeometry.prototype.viewport; /** * Defines information about the opening hours of a Place. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours = function() {}; /** * Opening periods covering for each day of the week, starting from Sunday, in * chronological order. Days in which the Place is not open are not included. * Only available with {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours.prototype.periods; /** * An array of seven strings representing the formatted opening hours for each * day of the week. The Places Service will format and localize the opening * hours appropriately for the current language. The ordering of the elements in * this array depends on the language. Some languages start the week on Monday * while others start on Sunday. Only available with {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. Other calls may return an empty * array. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours.prototype.weekday_text; /** * Whether the Place is open at the current time. * @type {boolean|undefined} * @deprecated open_now is deprecated as of November 2019. Use * the {@link google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours.isOpen} method from * a {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails} result instead. See * https://goo.gle/js-open-now */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours.prototype.open_now; /** * Check whether the place is open now (when no date is passed), or at the given * date. If this place does not have {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult.utc_offset_minutes} or {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours.periods} then undefined is * returned ({@link google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours.periods} is only * available via {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}). This * method does not take exceptional hours, such as holiday hours, into * consideration. * @param {!Date=} date * @return {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours.prototype.isOpen = function(date) {}; /** * Defines structured information about the opening hours of a Place. * Note: If a Place is always open, the * close section will be missing from the response. Clients can * rely on always-open being represented as an open period * containing day with value 0 and time * with value "0000", and no close. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursPeriod = function() {}; /** * The closing time for the Place. * @type {!google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursPeriod.prototype.close; /** * The opening time for the Place. * @type {!google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursPeriod.prototype.open; /** * Defines when a Place opens or closes. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime = function() {}; /** * The days of the week, as a number in the range [0, * 6], starting on Sunday. For example, 2 means * Tuesday. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime.prototype.day; /** * The hours of the {@link google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime.time} as a * number, in the range [0, 23]. This will be reported * in the Place’s time zone. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime.prototype.hours; /** * The minutes of the {@link google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime.time} as a * number, in the range [0, 59]. This will be reported * in the Place’s time zone. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime.prototype.minutes; /** * The timestamp (as milliseconds since the epoch, suitable for use with * new Date()) representing the next occurrence of this * PlaceOpeningHoursTime. It is calculated from the {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime.day} of week, the {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime.time}, and the {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult.utc_offset_minutes}. If the {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult.utc_offset_minutes} is undefined, * then nextDate will be undefined. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime.prototype.nextDate; /** * The time of day in 24-hour "hhmm" format. Values are in the range * ["0000", "2359"]. The time will be reported in the * Place’s time zone. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHoursTime.prototype.time; /** * Options for constructing a Place. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceOptions = function() {}; /** * The unique place id. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOptions.prototype.id; /** * A language identifier for the language in which details should be returned. * See the list * of supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOptions.prototype.requestedLanguage; /** * A region code of the user's region. This can affect which photos may be * returned, and possibly other things. The region code accepts a ccTLD * ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are * identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the * United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its * ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The * United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"). * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceOptions.prototype.requestedRegion; /** * Represents a photo element of a Place. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlacePhoto = function() {}; /** * The height of the photo in pixels. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PlacePhoto.prototype.height; /** * Attribution text to be displayed for this photo. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.PlacePhoto.prototype.html_attributions; /** * The width of the photo in pixels. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PlacePhoto.prototype.width; /** * Returns the image URL corresponding to the specified options. * @param {!google.maps.places.PhotoOptions=} opts * @return {string} */ google.maps.places.PlacePhoto.prototype.getUrl = function(opts) {}; /** * Defines Open Location Codes or "plus * codes" for a Place. Plus codes can be used as a replacement for * street addresses in places where they do not exist (where buildings are not * numbered or streets are not named). * @record */ google.maps.places.PlacePlusCode = function() {}; /** * A plus code with a 1/8000th of a degree by * 1/8000th of a degree area where the first four characters (the area code) are * dropped and replaced with a locality description. For example, "9G8F+5W * Zurich, Switzerland". If no suitable locality that can be found to * shorten the code then this field is omitted. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlacePlusCode.prototype.compound_code; /** * A plus code with a 1/8000th of a degree by * 1/8000th of a degree area. For example, "8FVC9G8F+5W". * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlacePlusCode.prototype.global_code; /** * Defines information about a Place. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult = function() {}; /** * The collection of address components for this Place’s location. Only * available with {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.address_components; /** * The representation of the Place’s address in the adr microformat. Only available * with {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.adr_address; /** * The rated aspects of this Place, based on Google and Zagat user reviews. The * ratings are on a scale of 0 to 30. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.aspects; /** * A flag indicating the operational status of the Place, if it is a business * (indicates whether the place is operational, or closed either temporarily or * permanently). If no data is available, the flag is not present in search or * details responses. * @type {!google.maps.places.BusinessStatus|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.business_status; /** * The Place’s full address. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.formatted_address; /** * The Place’s phone number, formatted according to the * number's regional convention. Only available with {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.formatted_phone_number; /** * The Place’s geometry-related information. * @type {!google.maps.places.PlaceGeometry|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.geometry; /** * Attribution text to be displayed for this Place result. Available * html_attributions are always returned regardless of what * fields have been requested, and must be displayed. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.html_attributions; /** * URL to an image resource that can be used to represent this Place’s category. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.icon; /** * Background color for use with a Place's icon. See also {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult.icon_mask_base_uri}. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.icon_background_color; /** * A truncated URL to an icon mask. Access different icon types by appending a * file extension to the end (i.e. .svg or .png). * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.icon_mask_base_uri; /** * The Place’s phone number in international format. International format * includes the country code, and is prefixed with the plus (+) sign. Only * available with {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.international_phone_number; /** * The Place’s name. Note: In the case of user entered Places, this is the raw * text, as typed by the user. Please exercise caution when using this data, as * malicious users may try to use it as a vector for code injection attacks (See * * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_injection). * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.name; /** * Defines when the Place opens or closes. * @type {!google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.opening_hours; /** * Photos of this Place. The collection will contain up to ten {@link * google.maps.places.PlacePhoto} objects. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.photos; /** * A unique identifier for the Place. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.place_id; /** * Defines Open Location Codes or "plus * codes" for the Place. * @type {!google.maps.places.PlacePlusCode|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.plus_code; /** * The price level of the Place, on a scale of 0 to 4. Price levels are * interpreted as follows:
  • 0: Free
  • 1: Inexpensive
  • 2: * Moderate
  • 3: Expensive
  • 4: Very Expensive *
* @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.price_level; /** * A rating, between 1.0 to 5.0, based on user reviews of this Place. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.rating; /** * A list of reviews of this Place. Only available with {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.reviews; /** * An array of * types for this Place (for example, ["political", "locality"] * or ["restaurant", "establishment"]). * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.types; /** * URL of the official Google page for this place. This is the Google-owned page * that contains the best available information about the Place. Only available * with {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.url; /** * The number of user ratings which contributed to this Place’s {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult.rating}. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.user_ratings_total; /** * The offset from UTC of the Place’s current timezone, in minutes. For example, * Sydney, Australia in daylight savings is 11 hours ahead of UTC, so the * utc_offset_minutes will be 660. For timezones * behind UTC, the offset is negative. For example, the * utc_offset_minutes is -60 for Cape Verde. Only * available with {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.utc_offset_minutes; /** * The simplified address for the Place, including the street name, street * number, and locality, but not the province/state, postal code, or country. * For example, Google's Sydney, Australia office has a vicinity value of * "48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont". Only available with {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.vicinity; /** * The authoritative website for this Place, such as a business' homepage. * Only available with {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.website; /** * The offset from UTC of the Place’s current timezone, in minutes. For example, * Sydney, Australia in daylight savings is 11 hours ahead of UTC, so the * utc_offset will be 660. For timezones behind UTC, * the offset is negative. For example, the utc_offset is * -60 for Cape Verde. Only available with {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}. * @type {number|undefined} * @deprecated utc_offset is deprecated as of November 2019. * Use {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult.utc_offset_minutes} instead. * See https://goo.gle/js-open-now */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.utc_offset; /** * A flag indicating whether the Place is closed, either permanently or * temporarily. If the place is operational, or if no data is available, the * flag is absent from the response. * @type {boolean|undefined} * @deprecated permanently_closed is deprecated as of May 2020 and * will be turned off in May 2021. Use {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult.business_status} instead as * permanently_closed does not distinguish between temporary * and permanent closures. */ google.maps.places.PlaceResult.prototype.permanently_closed; /** * Represents a single review of a place. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview = function() {}; /** * The name of the reviewer. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview.prototype.author_name; /** * A URL to the reviewer's profile. This will be undefined when * the reviewer's profile is unavailable. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview.prototype.author_url; /** * An IETF language code indicating the language in which this review is * written. Note that this code includes only the main language tag without any * secondary tag indicating country or region. For example, all the English * reviews are tagged as 'en' rather than 'en-AU' or * 'en-UK'. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview.prototype.language; /** * A URL to the reviwer's profile image. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview.prototype.profile_photo_url; /** * The rating of this review, a number between 1.0 and 5.0 (inclusive). * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview.prototype.rating; /** * A string of formatted recent time, expressing the review time relative to the * current time in a form appropriate for the language and country. For example * "a month ago". * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview.prototype.relative_time_description; /** * The text of a review. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview.prototype.text; /** * Timestamp for the review, expressed in seconds since epoch. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview.prototype.time; /** * The aspects rated by the review. The ratings on a scale of 0 to 3. * @type {!Array|undefined} * @deprecated This field is no longer available. */ google.maps.places.PlaceReview.prototype.aspects; /** * An object used to fetch additional pages of Places results. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchPagination = function() {}; /** * Indicates if further results are available. true when there is * an additional results page. * @type {boolean} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchPagination.prototype.hasNextPage; /** * Fetches the next page of results. Uses the same callback function that was * provided to the first search request. * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchPagination.prototype.nextPage = function() {}; /** * A Place search query to be sent to the PlacesService. * @record */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest = function() {}; /** * The bounds within which to search for Places. Both location and * radius will be ignored if bounds is set. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.bounds; /** * A term to be matched against all available fields, including but not limited * to name, type, and address, as well as customer reviews and other third-party * content. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.keyword; /** * A language identifier for the language in which names and addresses should be * returned, when possible. See the list of * supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.language; /** * The location around which to search for Places. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.location; /** * Restricts results to only those places at the specified price level or lower. * Valid values are in the range from 0 (most affordable) to 4 (most expensive), * inclusive. Must be greater than or equal to minPrice , if * specified. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.maxPriceLevel; /** * Restricts results to only those places at the specified price level or * higher. Valid values are in the range from 0 (most affordable) to 4 (most * expensive), inclusive. Must be less than or equal to maxPrice, * if specified. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.minPriceLevel; /** * Restricts results to only those places that are open right now. * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.openNow; /** * The distance from the given location within which to search for Places, in * meters. The maximum allowed value is 50 000. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.radius; /** * Specifies the ranking method to use when returning results. Note that when * rankBy is set to DISTANCE, you must specify a * location but you cannot specify a radius or * bounds. * @default {@link google.maps.places.RankBy.PROMINENCE} * @type {!google.maps.places.RankBy|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.rankBy; /** * Searches for places of the given type. The type is translated to the local * language of the request's target location and used as a query string. If * a query is also provided, it is concatenated to the localized type string. * Results of a different type are dropped from the response. Use this field to * perform language and region independent categorical searches. Valid types are * given here. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.type; /** * Equivalent to keyword. Values in this field are combined with * values in the keyword field and passed as part of the same * search string. * @type {string|undefined} * @deprecated Use keyword instead. */ google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest.prototype.name; /** * Contains methods related to searching for places and retrieving details about * a place. * * Access by calling `const {PlacesService} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!HTMLDivElement|!google.maps.Map} attrContainer * @constructor */ google.maps.places.PlacesService = function(attrContainer) {}; /** * Retrieves a list of places based on a phone number. In most cases there * should be just one item in the result list, however if the request is * ambiguous more than one result may be returned. The {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult}s passed to the callback are subsets of a * full {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. Your app can get a more * detailed {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult} for each place by * calling {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails} and passing * the {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult.place_id} for the desired place. * @param {!google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromPhoneNumberRequest} request * @param {function(?Array, * !google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlacesService.prototype.findPlaceFromPhoneNumber = function( request, callback) {}; /** * Retrieves a list of places based on a query string. In most cases there * should be just one item in the result list, however if the request is * ambiguous more than one result may be returned. The {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult}s passed to the callback are subsets of a * full {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. Your app can get a more * detailed {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult} for each place by * calling {@link google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails} and passing * the {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult.place_id} for the desired place. * @param {!google.maps.places.FindPlaceFromQueryRequest} request * @param {function(?Array, * !google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlacesService.prototype.findPlaceFromQuery = function( request, callback) {}; /** * Retrieves details about the place identified by the given * placeId. * @param {!google.maps.places.PlaceDetailsRequest} request * @param {function(?google.maps.places.PlaceResult, * !google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlacesService.prototype.getDetails = function( request, callback) {}; /** * Retrieves a list of places near a particular location, based on keyword or * type. Location must always be specified, either by passing a * LatLngBounds, or location and radius * parameters. The {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult}s passed to the * callback are subsets of the full {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. Your * app can get a more detailed {@link google.maps.places.PlaceResult} for each * place by sending a Place * Details request passing the {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult.place_id} for the desired place. The {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceSearchPagination} object can be used to fetch * additional pages of results (null if this is the last page of results or if * there is only one page of results). * @param {!google.maps.places.PlaceSearchRequest} request * @param {function(?Array, * !google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus, * ?google.maps.places.PlaceSearchPagination): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlacesService.prototype.nearbySearch = function( request, callback) {}; /** * Retrieves a list of places based on a query string (for example, "pizza * in New York", or "shoe stores near Ottawa"). Location * parameters are optional; when the location is specified, results are only * biased toward nearby results rather than restricted to places inside the * area. Use textSearch when you want to search for places using an * arbitrary string, and in cases where you may not want to restrict search * results to a particular location. The PlaceSearchPagination * object can be used to fetch additional pages of results (null if this is the * last page of results or if there is only one page of results). * @param {!google.maps.places.TextSearchRequest} request * @param {function(?Array, * !google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus, * ?google.maps.places.PlaceSearchPagination): void} callback * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.PlacesService.prototype.textSearch = function( request, callback) {}; /** * The status returned by the PlacesService on the completion of * its searches. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. * For example, 'OK' or * google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK. * * Access by calling `const {PlacesServiceStatus} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus = { /** * This request was invalid. */ INVALID_REQUEST: 'INVALID_REQUEST', /** * The place referenced was not found. */ NOT_FOUND: 'NOT_FOUND', /** * The response contains a valid result. */ OK: 'OK', /** * The application has gone over its request quota. */ OVER_QUERY_LIMIT: 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT', /** * The application is not allowed to use the PlacesService. */ REQUEST_DENIED: 'REQUEST_DENIED', /** * The PlacesService request could not be processed due to a * server error. The request may succeed if you try again. */ UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR', /** * No result was found for this request. */ ZERO_RESULTS: 'ZERO_RESULTS', }; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * * Access by calling `const {PlusCode} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.PlusCode = function() {}; /** * A plus code with a 1/8000th of a degree by 1/8000th of a degree area where * the first four characters (the area code) are dropped and replaced with a * locality description. For example, "9G8F+5W Zurich, Switzerland". * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.PlusCode.prototype.compoundCode; /** * A plus code with a 1/8000th of a degree by 1/8000th of a degree area. For * example, "8FVC9G8F+5W". * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.PlusCode.prototype.globalCode; /** * Represents a prediction substring. * @record */ google.maps.places.PredictionSubstring = function() {}; /** * The length of the substring. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PredictionSubstring.prototype.length; /** * The offset to the substring's start within the description string. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PredictionSubstring.prototype.offset; /** * Represents a prediction term. * @record */ google.maps.places.PredictionTerm = function() {}; /** * The offset, in unicode characters, of the start of this term in the * description of the place. * @type {number} */ google.maps.places.PredictionTerm.prototype.offset; /** * The value of this term, for example, "Taco Bell". * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.PredictionTerm.prototype.value; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * Price level enum for Place objects. * * Access by calling `const {PriceLevel} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.places.PriceLevel = { EXPENSIVE: 'EXPENSIVE', FREE: 'FREE', INEXPENSIVE: 'INEXPENSIVE', MODERATE: 'MODERATE', VERY_EXPENSIVE: 'VERY_EXPENSIVE', }; /** * Represents a single Query Autocomplete prediction. * @record */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletePrediction = function() {}; /** * This is the unformatted version of the query suggested by the Places service. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletePrediction.prototype.description; /** * A set of substrings in the place's description that match elements in the * user's input, suitable for use in highlighting those substrings. Each * substring is identified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode * characters. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletePrediction.prototype.matched_substrings; /** * Only available if prediction is a place. A place ID that can be used to * retrieve details about this place using the place details service (see {@link * google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails}). * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletePrediction.prototype.place_id; /** * Information about individual terms in the above description. Categorical * terms come first (for example, "restaurant"). Address terms appear * from most to least specific. For example, "San Francisco", and * "CA". * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletePrediction.prototype.terms; /** * A QueryAutocompletion request to be sent to the * QueryAutocompleteService. * @record */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletionRequest = function() {}; /** * Bounds for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards, but not * restricted to, the given bounds. Both location and * radius will be ignored if bounds is set. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|undefined} */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletionRequest.prototype.bounds; /** * The user entered input string. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletionRequest.prototype.input; /** * Location for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards the given * location and radius. Alternatively, * bounds can be used. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|undefined} */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletionRequest.prototype.location; /** * The character position in the input term at which the service uses text for * predictions (the position of the cursor in the input field). * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletionRequest.prototype.offset; /** * The radius of the area used for prediction biasing. The radius * is specified in meters, and must always be accompanied by a * location property. Alternatively, bounds can be * used. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.QueryAutocompletionRequest.prototype.radius; /** * Ranking options for a PlaceSearchRequest. * * Access by calling `const {RankBy} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {number} */ google.maps.places.RankBy = { /** * Ranks place results by distance from the location. */ DISTANCE: 0, /** * Ranks place results by their prominence. */ PROMINENCE: 1, }; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * * * Access by calling `const {Review} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @constructor */ google.maps.places.Review = function() {}; /** * The reviewer. * @type {?google.maps.places.AuthorAttribution} */ google.maps.places.Review.prototype.authorAttribution; /** * @type {?Date} */ google.maps.places.Review.prototype.publishTime; /** * The rating of this review, a number between 1.0 and 5.0 (inclusive). * @type {?number} */ google.maps.places.Review.prototype.rating; /** * A string of formatted recent time, expressing the review time relative to the * current time in a form appropriate for the language and country. For example * `"a month ago"'. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.Review.prototype.relativePublishTimeDescription; /** * The text of a review. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.Review.prototype.text; /** * An IETF language code indicating the language in which this review is * written. Note that this code includes only the main language tag without any * secondary tag indicating country or region. For example, all the English * reviews are tagged as 'en' rather than 'en-AU' or * 'en-UK'. * @type {?string} */ google.maps.places.Review.prototype.textLanguageCode; /** * A widget that provides query predictions based on a user's text input. It * attaches to an input element of type text, and listens for text * entry in that field. The list of predictions is presented as a drop-down * list, and is updated as text is entered. * * Access by calling `const {SearchBox} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {!HTMLInputElement} inputField * @param {?google.maps.places.SearchBoxOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.places.SearchBox = function(inputField, opts) {}; /** * Returns the bounds to which query predictions are biased. * @return {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchBox.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** * Returns the query selected by the user to be used with * places_changed event. * @return {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchBox.prototype.getPlaces = function() {}; /** * Sets the region to use for biasing query predictions. Results will only be * biased towards this area and not be completely restricted to it. * @param {google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null} bounds * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchBox.prototype.setBounds = function(bounds) {}; /** * The options that can be set on a SearchBox object. * @record */ google.maps.places.SearchBoxOptions = function() {}; /** * The area towards which to bias query predictions. Predictions are biased * towards, but not restricted to, queries targeting these bounds. * @type {google.maps.LatLngBounds|google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchBoxOptions.prototype.bounds; /** * RankPreference enum for SearchByTextRequest. * * Access by calling `const {SearchByTextRankPreference} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("places")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @enum {string} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRankPreference = { /** * Ranks results by distance. */ DISTANCE: 'DISTANCE', /** * Ranks results by relevance. */ RELEVANCE: 'RELEVANCE', }; /** * Request interface for {@link google.maps.places.Place.searchByText}. * @record */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest = function() {}; /** * Fields to be included in the response, which * will be billed for. If ['*'] is passed in, all * available fields will be returned and billed for (this is not recommended for * production deployments). For a list of fields see {@link * google.maps.places.PlaceResult}. Nested fields can be specified with * dot-paths (for example, "geometry.location"). * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.fields; /** * The requested place type. Full list of types supported: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/place-types. * Only one included type is supported. See {@link * google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.useStrictTypeFiltering} * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.includedType; /** * Used to restrict the search to places that are currently open. * @default false * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.isOpenNow; /** * Place details will be displayed with the preferred language if available. * Will default to the browser's language preference. Current list of * supported languages: https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#languagesupport. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.language; /** * The region to search. This location serves as a bias which means results * around given location might be returned. Cannot be set along with * locationRestriction. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|!google.maps.CircleLiteral|!google.maps.Circle|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.locationBias; /** * The region to search. This location serves as a restriction which means * results outside given location will not be returned. Cannot be set along with * locationBias. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.locationRestriction; /** * Maximum number of results to return. It must be between 1 and 20, * inclusively. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.maxResultCount; /** * Filter out results whose average user rating is strictly less than this * limit. A valid value must be an float between 0 and 5 (inclusively) at a 0.5 * cadence i.e. [0, 0.5, 1.0, ... , 5.0] inclusively. The input rating will be * rounded up to the nearest 0.5(ceiling). For instance, a rating of 0.6 will * eliminate all results with a less than 1.0 rating. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.minRating; /** * Used to restrict the search to places that are marked as certain price * levels. Any combinations of price levels can be chosen. Defaults to all price * levels. * @type {!Array|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.priceLevels; /** * How results will be ranked in the response. * @default SearchByTextRankPreference.DISTANCE * @type {!google.maps.places.SearchByTextRankPreference|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.rankPreference; /** * The Unicode country/region code (CLDR) of the location where the request is * coming from. This parameter is used to display the place details, like * region-specific place name, if available. The parameter can affect results * based on applicable law. For more information, see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/territory_language_information.html. * Note that 3-digit region codes are not currently supported. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.region; /** * Required. The text query for textual search. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.textQuery; /** * Used to set strict type filtering for {@link * google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.includedType}. If set to true, only * results of the same type will be returned. * @default false * @type {boolean|undefined} */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.useStrictTypeFiltering; /** * @type {string|undefined} * @deprecated Please use textQuery instead */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.query; /** * Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. * @type {!google.maps.places.SearchByTextRankPreference|undefined} * @deprecated Please use rankPreference instead. */ google.maps.places.SearchByTextRequest.prototype.rankBy; /** * Contains structured information about the place's description, divided * into a main text and a secondary text, including an array of matched * substrings from the autocomplete input, identified by an offset and a length, * expressed in unicode characters. * @record */ google.maps.places.StructuredFormatting = function() {}; /** * This is the main text part of the unformatted description of the place * suggested by the Places service. Usually the name of the place. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.StructuredFormatting.prototype.main_text; /** * A set of substrings in the main text that match elements in the user's * input, suitable for use in highlighting those substrings. Each substring is * identified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode characters. * @type {!Array} */ google.maps.places.StructuredFormatting.prototype.main_text_matched_substrings; /** * This is the secondary text part of the unformatted description of the place * suggested by the Places service. Usually the location of the place. * @type {string} */ google.maps.places.StructuredFormatting.prototype.secondary_text; /** * A text search request to be sent to the PlacesService. * @record */ google.maps.places.TextSearchRequest = function() {}; /** * Bounds used to bias results when searching for Places (optional). Both * location and radius will be ignored if * bounds is set. Results will not be restricted to those inside * these bounds; but, results inside it will rank higher. * @type {!google.maps.LatLngBounds|!google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral|undefined} */ google.maps.places.TextSearchRequest.prototype.bounds; /** * A language identifier for the language in which names and addresses should be * returned, when possible. See the list of * supported languages. * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.TextSearchRequest.prototype.language; /** * The center of the area used to bias results when searching for Places. * @type {!google.maps.LatLng|!google.maps.LatLngLiteral|undefined} */ google.maps.places.TextSearchRequest.prototype.location; /** * The request's query term. For example, the name of a place ('Eiffel * Tower'), a category followed by the name of a location ('pizza in New * York'), or the name of a place followed by a location disambiguator * ('Starbucks in Sydney'). * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.TextSearchRequest.prototype.query; /** * The radius of the area used to bias results when searching for Places, in * meters. * @type {number|undefined} */ google.maps.places.TextSearchRequest.prototype.radius; /** * A region code to bias results towards. The region code accepts a ccTLD * ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are * identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the * United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" (.co.uk) while its * ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The * United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"). * @type {string|null|undefined} */ google.maps.places.TextSearchRequest.prototype.region; /** * Searches for places of the given type. The type is translated to the local * language of the request's target location and used as a query string. If * a query is also provided, it is concatenated to the localized type string. * Results of a different type are dropped from the response. Use this field to * perform language and region independent categorical searches. Valid types are * given here. * @type {string|undefined} */ google.maps.places.TextSearchRequest.prototype.type; /** * @const */ google.maps.visualization = {}; /** * A layer that provides a client-side rendered heatmap, depicting the intensity * of data at geographical points. * * Access by calling `const {HeatmapLayer} = await * google.maps.importLibrary("visualization")`. See * https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries. * @param {google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions=} opts * @extends {google.maps.MVCObject} * @constructor */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer = function(opts) {}; /** * Returns the data points currently displayed by this heatmap. * @return {!google.maps.MVCArray} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer.prototype.getData = function() {}; /** * @return {!google.maps.Map|undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer.prototype.getMap = function() {}; /** * Sets the data points to be displayed by this heatmap. * @param {!google.maps.MVCArray|!Array} * data * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer.prototype.setData = function(data) {}; /** * Renders the heatmap on the specified map. If map is set to null, * the heatmap will be removed. * @param {?google.maps.Map} map * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer.prototype.setMap = function(map) {}; /** * @param {?google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions} options * @return {undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer.prototype.setOptions = function( options) {}; /** * This object defines the properties that can be set on a * HeatmapLayer object. * @record */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions = function() {}; /** * The data points to display. Required. * @type {google.maps.MVCArray|Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions.prototype.data; /** * Specifies whether heatmaps dissipate on zoom. By default, the radius of * influence of a data point is specified by the radius option only. When * dissipating is disabled, the radius option is interpreted as a radius at zoom * level 0. * @type {boolean|null|undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions.prototype.dissipating; /** * The color gradient of the heatmap, specified as an array of CSS color * strings. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named colors. * @type {Array|null|undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions.prototype.gradient; /** * The map on which to display the layer. * @type {google.maps.Map|null|undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions.prototype.map; /** * The maximum intensity of the heatmap. By default, heatmap colors are * dynamically scaled according to the greatest concentration of points at any * particular pixel on the map. This property allows you to specify a fixed * maximum. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions.prototype.maxIntensity; /** * The opacity of the heatmap, expressed as a number between 0 and 1. * @default 0.6 * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions.prototype.opacity; /** * The radius of influence for each data point, in pixels. * @type {number|null|undefined} */ google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayerOptions.prototype.radius; /** * A data point entry for a heatmap. This is a geographical data point with a * weight attribute. * @record */ google.maps.visualization.WeightedLocation = function() {}; /** * The location of the data point. * @type {google.maps.LatLng} */ google.maps.visualization.WeightedLocation.prototype.location; /** * The weighting value of the data point. * @type {number} */ google.maps.visualization.WeightedLocation.prototype.weight;