Noto Serif CJK 2.002 Release Notes ================================== August 16, 2023 This is an update to Noto Serif CJK. Changes Listed below are the changes that were made in this release: - The copyright year was changed to “2017–2023.” - Addition of ㋿ Square Era Name Reiwa uni32FF-JP was omitted in previous release notes [Issue #163]( - The following glyphs were added to support GB 18030 2022 Implementation Level 2: uni4DB6-CN, uni4DB7-CN, uni4DB8-CN, uni4DBA-CN, uni4DBB-CN, uni4DBC-CN, uni4DBD-CN, uni4DBE-CN, uni4DBF-CN, uni5CB8-JP, uni9FEB-CN, uni9FEB-TW, uni9FEC-CN, uni9FED-CN, uni9FEE-JP, uni9FEF-JP, uni9FF0-CN, uni9FF1-CN, uni9FF2-CN, uni9FF3-CN, uni9FF4-CN, uni9FF5-CN, uni9FF6-CN, uni9FF7-CN, uni9FF8-CN, uni9FF9-CN, uni9FFA-CN, uni9FFB-CN, uni9FFC-CN, uni9FFD-CN, uni9FFE-CN, and uni9FFF-CN. - Fixed TW/HK mappings for U+5168 全, U+6D24 洤, U+8DE7 跧, U+8F07 輇, and U+9293 銓 per [Issue #109]( - Fixed aj16-kanji.txt per [Issue #125]( - Fixed position of uni309B-V and uni309C-V per [Issue #157]( - Fixed HK mapping for U+752D 甭 per [Issue #159]( - Fixed CN mapping for U+5141 允 and U+535A 博 per [Issue #162]( - Remapped TW glyph for U+7239 爹 per [Issue #167]( - Restored JP glyph for U+5CB8 岸 per [Issue #169]( - Fixed mapping for U+F9DC 隆 per [Issue #165]( - Fixed interpolation bug in uni2299 ⊙ per [Issue #181]( - Fixed interpolation bugs in uni4B4C-CN 䭌 and uni4B55-CN 䭕 per [Issue #193]( See []( for prior release notes.