/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ import { AuthorizationRequest } from "@openid/appauth/built/authorization_request"; import { AuthorizationNotifier, AuthorizationRequestHandler, AuthorizationRequestResponse, BUILT_IN_PARAMETERS } from "@openid/appauth/built/authorization_request_handler"; import { AuthorizationResponse } from "@openid/appauth/built/authorization_response"; import { AuthorizationServiceConfiguration } from "@openid/appauth/built/authorization_service_configuration"; import { NodeCrypto } from '@openid/appauth/built/node_support/'; import { NodeBasedHandler } from "@openid/appauth/built/node_support/node_request_handler"; import { NodeRequestor } from "@openid/appauth/built/node_support/node_requestor"; import { GRANT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION_CODE, GRANT_TYPE_REFRESH_TOKEN, TokenRequest } from "@openid/appauth/built/token_request"; import { BaseTokenRequestHandler, TokenRequestHandler } from "@openid/appauth/built/token_request_handler"; import { TokenError, TokenResponse } from "@openid/appauth/built/token_response"; import EventEmitter = require("events"); import { log } from "./logger"; import { StringMap } from "@openid/appauth/built/types"; export class AuthStateEmitter extends EventEmitter { static ON_TOKEN_RESPONSE = "on_token_response"; } /* the Node.js based HTTP client. */ const requestor = new NodeRequestor(); /* an example open id connect provider */ const openIdConnectUrl = "https://accounts.google.com"; /* example client configuration */ const clientId = "511828570984-7nmej36h9j2tebiqmpqh835naet4vci4.apps.googleusercontent.com"; const redirectUri = ""; const scope = "openid"; export class AuthFlow { private notifier: AuthorizationNotifier; private authorizationHandler: AuthorizationRequestHandler; private tokenHandler: TokenRequestHandler; readonly authStateEmitter: AuthStateEmitter; // state private configuration: AuthorizationServiceConfiguration | undefined; private refreshToken: string | undefined; private accessTokenResponse: TokenResponse | undefined; constructor() { this.notifier = new AuthorizationNotifier(); this.authStateEmitter = new AuthStateEmitter(); this.authorizationHandler = new NodeBasedHandler(); this.tokenHandler = new BaseTokenRequestHandler(requestor); // set notifier to deliver responses this.authorizationHandler.setAuthorizationNotifier(this.notifier); // set a listener to listen for authorization responses // make refresh and access token requests. this.notifier.setAuthorizationListener((request, response, error) => { log("Authorization request complete ", request, response, error); if (response) { let codeVerifier: string | undefined; if(request.internal && request.internal.code_verifier) { codeVerifier = request.internal.code_verifier; } this.makeRefreshTokenRequest(response.code, codeVerifier) .then(result => this.performWithFreshTokens()) .then(() => { this.authStateEmitter.emit(AuthStateEmitter.ON_TOKEN_RESPONSE); log("All Done."); }); } }); } fetchServiceConfiguration(): Promise<void> { return AuthorizationServiceConfiguration.fetchFromIssuer( openIdConnectUrl, requestor ).then(response => { log("Fetched service configuration", response); this.configuration = response; }); } makeAuthorizationRequest(username?: string) { if (!this.configuration) { log("Unknown service configuration"); return; } const extras: StringMap = { prompt: "consent", access_type: "offline" }; if (username) { extras["login_hint"] = username; } // create a request const request = new AuthorizationRequest({ client_id: clientId, redirect_uri: redirectUri, scope: scope, response_type: AuthorizationRequest.RESPONSE_TYPE_CODE, state: undefined, extras: extras }, new NodeCrypto()); log("Making authorization request ", this.configuration, request); this.authorizationHandler.performAuthorizationRequest( this.configuration, request ); } private makeRefreshTokenRequest(code: string, codeVerifier: string|undefined): Promise<void> { if (!this.configuration) { log("Unknown service configuration"); return Promise.resolve(); } const extras: StringMap = {}; if(codeVerifier) { extras.code_verifier = codeVerifier; } // use the code to make the token request. let request = new TokenRequest({ client_id: clientId, redirect_uri: redirectUri, grant_type: GRANT_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION_CODE, code: code, refresh_token: undefined, extras: extras }); return this.tokenHandler .performTokenRequest(this.configuration, request) .then(response => { log(`Refresh Token is ${response.refreshToken}`); this.refreshToken = response.refreshToken; this.accessTokenResponse = response; return response; }) .then(() => {}); } loggedIn(): boolean { return !!this.accessTokenResponse && this.accessTokenResponse.isValid(); } signOut() { // forget all cached token state this.accessTokenResponse = undefined; } performWithFreshTokens(): Promise<string> { if (!this.configuration) { log("Unknown service configuration"); return Promise.reject("Unknown service configuration"); } if (!this.refreshToken) { log("Missing refreshToken."); return Promise.resolve("Missing refreshToken."); } if (this.accessTokenResponse && this.accessTokenResponse.isValid()) { // do nothing return Promise.resolve(this.accessTokenResponse.accessToken); } let request = new TokenRequest({ client_id: clientId, redirect_uri: redirectUri, grant_type: GRANT_TYPE_REFRESH_TOKEN, code: undefined, refresh_token: this.refreshToken, extras: undefined }); return this.tokenHandler .performTokenRequest(this.configuration, request) .then(response => { this.accessTokenResponse = response; return response.accessToken; }); } }