# slog ![GitHub go.mod Go version](https://img.shields.io/github/go-mod/go-version/gookit/slog?style=flat-square) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/gookit/slog?status.svg)](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gookit/slog) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/gookit/slog)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/gookit/slog) [![Unit-Tests](https://github.com/gookit/slog/workflows/Unit-Tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/gookit/slog/actions) [![GitHub tag (latest SemVer)](https://img.shields.io/github/tag/gookit/slog)](https://github.com/gookit/slog) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/gookit/slog/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/gookit/slog?branch=master) 📑 Lightweight, extensible, configurable logging library written in Golang. **Output in console:** ![console-log-all-level](_example/images/console-log-all-level.png) ## Features - Simple, directly available without configuration - Support common log level processing. - eg: `trace` `debug` `info` `notice` `warn` `error` `fatal` `panic` - Support any extension of `Handler` `Formatter` as needed - Supports adding multiple `Handler` log processing at the same time, outputting logs to different places - Support to custom log message `Formatter` - Built-in `json` `text` two log record formatting `Formatter` - Support to custom build log messages `Handler` - The built-in `handler.Config` `handler.Builder` can easily and quickly build the desired log handler - Has built-in common log write handler program - `console` output logs to the console, supports color output - `writer` output logs to the specified `io.Writer` - `file` output log to the specified file, optionally enable `buffer` to buffer writes - `simple` output log to the specified file, write directly to the file without buffering - `rotate_file` outputs logs to the specified file, and supports splitting files by time and size, and `buffer` buffered writing is enabled by default - See ./handler folder for more built-in implementations - Benchmark performance test please see [Benchmarks](#benchmarks) ### Output logs to file - Support enabling `buffer` for log writing - Support splitting log files by `time` and `size` - Support configuration to compress log files via `gzip` - Support clean old log files by `BackupNum` `BackupTime` ### `rotatefile` subpackage - The `rotatefile` subpackage is a stand-alone tool library with file splitting, cleaning, and compressing backups - `rotatefile.Writer` can also be directly wrapped and used in other logging libraries. For example: `log`, `glog`, `zap`, etc. - `rotatefile.FilesClear` is an independent file cleaning backup tool, which can be used in other places (such as other program log cleaning such as PHP) - For more usage, please see [rotatefile](rotatefile/README.md) ## [中文说明](README.zh-CN.md) 中文说明请阅读 [README.zh-CN](README.zh-CN.md) ## GoDoc - [Godoc for github](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gookit/slog?tab=doc) ## Install ```bash go get github.com/gookit/slog ``` ## Quick Start `slog` is very simple to use and can be used without any configuration ```go package main import ( "github.com/gookit/slog" ) func main() { slog.Info("info log message") slog.Warn("warning log message") slog.Infof("info log %s", "message") slog.Debugf("debug %s", "message") } ``` **Output:** ```text [2020/07/16 12:19:33] [application] [INFO] [main.go:7] info log message [2020/07/16 12:19:33] [application] [WARNING] [main.go:8] warning log message [2020/07/16 12:19:33] [application] [INFO] [main.go:9] info log message [2020/07/16 12:19:33] [application] [DEBUG] [main.go:10] debug message ``` ### Console Color You can enable color on output logs to console. _This is default_ ```go package main import ( "github.com/gookit/slog" ) func main() { slog.Configure(func(logger *slog.SugaredLogger) { f := logger.Formatter.(*slog.TextFormatter) f.EnableColor = true }) slog.Trace("this is a simple log message") slog.Debug("this is a simple log message") slog.Info("this is a simple log message") slog.Notice("this is a simple log message") slog.Warn("this is a simple log message") slog.Error("this is a simple log message") slog.Fatal("this is a simple log message") } ``` **Output:** ![](_example/images/console-color-log.png) ### Change log output style Above is the `Formatter` setting that changed the default logger. > You can also create your own logger and append `ConsoleHandler` to support printing logs to the console: ```go h := handler.NewConsoleHandler(slog.AllLevels) l := slog.NewWithHandlers(h) l.Trace("this is a simple log message") l.Debug("this is a simple log message") ``` Change the default logger log output style: ```go h.Formatter().(*slog.TextFormatter).SetTemplate(slog.NamedTemplate) ``` **Output:** ![](_example/images/console-color-log1.png) > Note: `slog.TextFormatter` uses a template string to format the output log, so the new field output needs to adjust the template at the same time. ### Use JSON Format `slog` also has a built-in `Formatter` for JSON format. If not specified, the default is to use `TextFormatter` to format log records. ```go package main import ( "github.com/gookit/slog" ) func main() { // use JSON formatter slog.SetFormatter(slog.NewJSONFormatter()) slog.Info("info log message") slog.Warn("warning log message") slog.WithData(slog.M{ "key0": 134, "key1": "abc", }).Infof("info log %s", "message") r := slog.WithFields(slog.M{ "category": "service", "IP": "", }) r.Infof("info %s", "message") r.Debugf("debug %s", "message") } ``` **Output:** ```text {"channel":"application","data":{},"datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"INFO","message":"info log message"} {"channel":"application","data":{},"datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"WARNING","message":"warning log message"} {"channel":"application","data":{"key0":134,"key1":"abc"},"datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"INFO","message":"info log message"} {"IP":"","category":"service","channel":"application","datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"INFO","message":"info message"} {"IP":"","category":"service","channel":"application","datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"DEBUG","message":"debug message"} ``` ## Introduction - `Logger` - log dispatcher. One logger can register multiple `Handler`, `Processor` - `Record` - log records, each log is a `Record` instance. - `Processor` - enables extended processing of log records. It is called before the log `Record` is processed by the `Handler`. - You can use it to perform additional operations on `Record`, such as: adding fields, adding extended information, etc. - `Handler` - log handler, each log will be processed by `Handler.Handle()`. - Here you can send logs to console, file, remote server, etc. - `Formatter` - logging data formatting process. - Usually set in `Handler`, it can be used to format log records, convert records into text, JSON, etc., `Handler` then writes the formatted data to the specified place. - `Formatter` is not required. You can do without it and handle logging directly in `Handler.Handle()`. **Simple structure of log scheduler**: ```text Processors Logger --{ Handlers --|- Handler0 With Formatter0 |- Handler1 With Formatter1 |- Handler2 (can also without Formatter) |- ... more ``` > Note: Be sure to remember to add `Handler`, `Processor` to the logger instance and log records will be processed by `Handler`. ### Processor `Processor` interface: ```go // Processor interface definition type Processor interface { // Process record Process(record *Record) } // ProcessorFunc definition type ProcessorFunc func(record *Record) // Process record func (fn ProcessorFunc) Process(record *Record) { fn(record) } ``` > You can use it to perform additional operations on the Record before the log `Record` reaches the `Handler` for processing, such as: adding fields, adding extended information, etc. Add processor to logger: ```go slog.AddProcessor(slog.AddHostname()) // or l := slog.New() l.AddProcessor(slog.AddHostname()) ``` The built-in processor `slog.AddHostname` is used here as an example, which can add a new field `hostname` on each log record. ```go slog.AddProcessor(slog.AddHostname()) slog.Info("message") ``` Output, including new fields `"hostname":"InhereMac"`: ```json {"channel":"application","level":"INFO","datetime":"2020/07/17 12:01:35","hostname":"InhereMac","data":{},"extra":{},"message":"message"} ``` ### Handler `Handler` interface: > You can customize any `Handler` you want, just implement the `slog.Handler` interface. ```go // Handler interface definition type Handler interface { io.Closer Flush() error // IsHandling Checks whether the given record will be handled by this handler. IsHandling(level Level) bool // Handle a log record. // all records may be passed to this method, and the handler should discard // those that it does not want to handle. Handle(*Record) error } ``` ### Formatter `Formatter` interface: ```go // Formatter interface type Formatter interface { Format(record *Record) ([]byte, error) } ``` Function wrapper type: ```go // FormatterFunc wrapper definition type FormatterFunc func(r *Record) ([]byte, error) // Format a log record func (fn FormatterFunc) Format(r *Record) ([]byte, error) { return fn(r) } ``` **JSON formatter** ```go type JSONFormatter struct { // Fields exported log fields. Fields []string // Aliases for output fields. you can change export field name. // item: `"field" : "output name"` // eg: {"message": "msg"} export field will display "msg" Aliases StringMap // PrettyPrint will indent all json logs PrettyPrint bool // TimeFormat the time format layout. default is time.RFC3339 TimeFormat string } ``` **Text formatter** Default templates: ```go const DefaultTemplate = "[{{datetime}}] [{{channel}}] [{{level}}] [{{caller}}] {{message}} {{data}} {{extra}}\n" const NamedTemplate = "{{datetime}} channel={{channel}} level={{level}} [file={{caller}}] message={{message}} data={{data}}\n" ``` Change template: ```go myTemplate := "[{{datetime}}] [{{level}}] {{message}}" f := slog.NewTextFormatter() f.SetTemplate(myTemplate) ``` ## Custom logger Custom `Processor` and `Formatter` are relatively simple, just implement a corresponding method. ### Create new logger `slog.Info, slog.Warn` and other methods use the default logger and output logs to the console by default. You can create a brand-new instance of `slog.Logger`: **Method 1**: ```go l := slog.New() // add handlers ... h1 := handler.NewConsoleHandler(slog.AllLevels) l.AddHandlers(h1) ``` **Method 2**: ```go l := slog.NewWithName("myLogger") // add handlers ... h1 := handler.NewConsoleHandler(slog.AllLevels) l.AddHandlers(h1) ``` **Method 3**: ```go package main import ( "github.com/gookit/slog" "github.com/gookit/slog/handler" ) func main() { l := slog.NewWithHandlers(handler.NewConsoleHandler(slog.AllLevels)) l.Info("message") } ``` ### Create custom Handler You only need to implement the `slog.Handler` interface to create a custom `Handler`. You can quickly assemble your own Handler through the built-in `handler.LevelsWithFormatter` `handler.LevelWithFormatter` and other fragments of slog. Examples: > Use `handler.LevelsWithFormatter`, only need to implement `Close, Flush, Handle` methods ```go type MyHandler struct { handler.LevelsWithFormatter Output io.Writer } func (h *MyHandler) Handle(r *slog.Record) error { // you can write log message to file or send to remote. } func (h *MyHandler) Flush() error {} func (h *MyHandler) Close() error {} ``` Add `Handler` to the logger to use: ```go // add to default logger slog.AddHander(&MyHandler{}) // or, add to custom logger: l := slog.New() l.AddHander(&MyHandler{}) ``` ## Use the built-in handlers [./handler](handler) package has built-in common log handlers, which can basically meet most scenarios. ```go // Output logs to console, allow render color. func NewConsoleHandler(levels []slog.Level) *ConsoleHandler // Send logs to email func NewEmailHandler(from EmailOption, toAddresses []string) *EmailHandler // Send logs to syslog func NewSysLogHandler(priority syslog.Priority, tag string) (*SysLogHandler, error) // A simple handler implementation that outputs logs to a given io.Writer func NewSimpleHandler(out io.Writer, level slog.Level) *SimpleHandler ``` **Output log to file**: ```go // Output log to the specified file, without buffering by default func NewFileHandler(logfile string, fns ...ConfigFn) (h *SyncCloseHandler, err error) // Output logs to the specified file in JSON format, without buffering by default func JSONFileHandler(logfile string, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error) // Buffered output log to specified file func NewBuffFileHandler(logfile string, buffSize int, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error) ``` > TIP: `NewFileHandler` `JSONFileHandler` can also enable write buffering by passing in fns `handler.WithBuffSize(buffSize)` **Output log to file and rotate automatically**: ```go // Automatic rotating according to file size func NewSizeRotateFile(logfile string, maxSize int, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error) // Automatic rotating according to time func NewTimeRotateFile(logfile string, rt rotatefile.RotateTime, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error) // It supports configuration to rotate according to size and time. // The default setting file size is 20M, and the default automatic splitting time is 1 hour (EveryHour). func NewRotateFileHandler(logfile string, rt rotatefile.RotateTime, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error) ``` > TIP: By passing in `fns ...ConfigFn`, more options can be set, such as log file retention time, log write buffer size, etc. For detailed settings, see the `handler.Config` structure ### Logs to file Output log to the specified file, `buffer` buffered writing is not enabled by default. Buffering can also be enabled by passing in a parameter. ```go package mypkg import ( "github.com/gookit/slog" "github.com/gookit/slog/handler" ) func main() { defer slog.MustClose() // DangerLevels contains: slog.PanicLevel, slog.ErrorLevel, slog.WarnLevel h1 := handler.MustFileHandler("/tmp/error.log", handler.WithLogLevels(slog.DangerLevels)) // custom log format // f := h1.Formatter().(*slog.TextFormatter) f := slog.AsTextFormatter(h1.Formatter()) f.SetTemplate("your template format\n") // NormalLevels contains: slog.InfoLevel, slog.NoticeLevel, slog.DebugLevel, slog.TraceLevel h2 := handler.MustFileHandler("/tmp/info.log", handler.WithLogLevels(slog.NormalLevels)) // register handlers slog.PushHandler(h1) slog.PushHandler(h2) // add logs slog.Info("info message text") slog.Error("error message text") } ``` > **Note**: If write buffering `buffer` is enabled, be sure to call `logger.Close()` at the end of the program to flush the contents of the buffer to the file. ### Log to file with automatic rotating `slog/handler` also has a built-in output log to a specified file, and supports splitting files by time and size at the same time. By default, `buffer` buffered writing is enabled ```go func Example_rotateFileHandler() { h1 := handler.MustRotateFile("/tmp/error.log", handler.EveryHour, handler.WithLogLevels(slog.DangerLevels)) h2 := handler.MustRotateFile("/tmp/info.log", handler.EveryHour, handler.WithLogLevels(slog.NormalLevels)) slog.PushHandler(h1) slog.PushHandler(h2) // add logs slog.Info("info message") slog.Error("error message") } ``` Example of file name sliced by time: ```text time-rotate-file.log time-rotate-file.log.20201229_155753 time-rotate-file.log.20201229_155754 ``` Example of a filename cut by size, in the format `filename.log.HIS_000N`. For example: ```text size-rotate-file.log size-rotate-file.log.122915_0001 size-rotate-file.log.122915_0002 ``` ### Use rotatefile on another logger `rotatefile.Writer` can also be used with other logging packages, such as: `log`, `glog`, etc. For example, using `rotatefile` on golang `log`: ```go package main import ( "log" "github.com/gookit/slog/rotatefile" ) func main() { logFile := "testdata/go_logger.log" writer, err := rotatefile.NewConfig(logFile).Create() if err != nil { panic(err) } log.SetOutput(writer) log.Println("log message") } ``` ### Quickly create a Handler based on config This is config struct for create a Handler: ```go // Config struct type Config struct { // Logfile for write logs Logfile string `json:"logfile" yaml:"logfile"` // LevelMode for filter log record. default LevelModeList LevelMode uint8 `json:"level_mode" yaml:"level_mode"` // Level value. use on LevelMode = LevelModeValue Level slog.Level `json:"level" yaml:"level"` // Levels for log record Levels []slog.Level `json:"levels" yaml:"levels"` // UseJSON for format logs UseJSON bool `json:"use_json" yaml:"use_json"` // BuffMode type name. allow: line, bite BuffMode string `json:"buff_mode" yaml:"buff_mode"` // BuffSize for enable buffer, unit is bytes. set 0 to disable buffer BuffSize int `json:"buff_size" yaml:"buff_size"` // RotateTime for rotate file, unit is seconds. RotateTime rotatefile.RotateTime `json:"rotate_time" yaml:"rotate_time"` // MaxSize on rotate file by size, unit is bytes. MaxSize uint64 `json:"max_size" yaml:"max_size"` // Compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip. // The default is not to perform compression. Compress bool `json:"compress" yaml:"compress"` // BackupNum max number for keep old files. // 0 is not limit, default is 20. BackupNum uint `json:"backup_num" yaml:"backup_num"` // BackupTime max time for keep old files. unit is hours // 0 is not limit, default is a week. BackupTime uint `json:"backup_time" yaml:"backup_time"` // RenameFunc build filename for rotate file RenameFunc func(filepath string, rotateNum uint) string } ``` **Examples**: ```go testFile := "testdata/error.log" h := handler.NewEmptyConfig( handler.WithLogfile(testFile), handler.WithBuffSize(1024*8), handler.WithLogLevels(slog.DangerLevels), handler.WithBuffMode(handler.BuffModeBite), ). CreateHandler() l := slog.NewWithHandlers(h) ``` **About BuffMode** `Config.BuffMode` The name of the BuffMode type to use. Allow: line, bite - `BuffModeBite`: Buffer by bytes, when the number of bytes in the buffer reaches the specified size, write the contents of the buffer to the file - `BuffModeLine`: Buffer by line, when the buffer size is reached, always ensure that a complete line of log content is written to the file (to avoid log content being truncated) ### Use Builder to quickly create Handler Use `handler.Builder` to easily and quickly create Handler instances. ```go testFile := "testdata/info.log" h := handler.NewBuilder(). WithLogfile(testFile). WithLogLevels(slog.NormalLevels). WithBuffSize(1024*8). WithBuffMode(handler.BuffModeBite). WithRotateTime(rotatefile.Every30Min). WithCompress(true). Build() l := slog.NewWithHandlers(h) ``` ## Extension packages Package `bufwrite`: - `bufwrite.BufIOWriter` additionally implements `Sync(), Close()` methods by wrapping go's `bufio.Writer`, which is convenient to use - `bufwrite.LineWriter` refer to the implementation of `bufio.Writer` in go, which can support flushing the buffer by line, which is more useful for writing log files Package `rotatefile`: - `rotatefile.Writer` implements automatic cutting of log files according to size and specified time, and also supports automatic cleaning of log files - `handler/rotate_file` is to use it to cut the log file ### Use rotatefile on other log package Of course, the rotatefile.Writer can be use on other log package, such as: `log`, `glog` and more. Examples, use rotatefile on golang `log`: ```go package main import ( "log" "github.com/gookit/slog/rotatefile" ) func main() { logFile := "testdata/another_logger.log" writer, err := rotatefile.NewConfig(logFile).Create() if err != nil { panic(err) } log.SetOutput(writer) log.Println("log message") } ``` ## Testing and benchmark ### Unit tests run unit tests: ```bash go test ./... ``` ### Benchmarks Benchmark code at [_example/bench_loglibs_test.go](_example/bench_loglibs_test.go) ```bash make test-bench ``` Benchmarks for `slog` and other log packages: > **Note**: test and record ad 2023.04.13 ```shell goos: darwin goarch: amd64 cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3740QM CPU @ 2.70GHz BenchmarkZapNegative BenchmarkZapNegative-4 8381674 1429 ns/op 216 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkZapSugarNegative BenchmarkZapSugarNegative-4 8655980 1383 ns/op 104 B/op 4 allocs/op BenchmarkZeroLogNegative BenchmarkZeroLogNegative-4 14173719 849.8 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPhusLogNegative BenchmarkPhusLogNegative-4 27456256 451.2 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkLogrusNegative BenchmarkLogrusNegative-4 2550771 4784 ns/op 608 B/op 17 allocs/op BenchmarkGookitSlogNegative >>>> BenchmarkGookitSlogNegative-4 8798220 1375 ns/op 120 B/op 3 allocs/op BenchmarkZapPositive BenchmarkZapPositive-4 10302483 1167 ns/op 192 B/op 1 allocs/op BenchmarkZapSugarPositive BenchmarkZapSugarPositive-4 3833311 3154 ns/op 344 B/op 7 allocs/op BenchmarkZeroLogPositive BenchmarkZeroLogPositive-4 14120524 846.7 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkPhusLogPositive BenchmarkPhusLogPositive-4 27152686 434.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkLogrusPositive BenchmarkLogrusPositive-4 2601892 4691 ns/op 608 B/op 17 allocs/op BenchmarkGookitSlogPositive >>>> BenchmarkGookitSlogPositive-4 8997104 1340 ns/op 120 B/op 3 allocs/op PASS ok command-line-arguments 167.095s ``` ## Gookit packages - [gookit/ini](https://github.com/gookit/ini) Go config management, use INI files - [gookit/rux](https://github.com/gookit/rux) Simple and fast request router for golang HTTP - [gookit/gcli](https://github.com/gookit/gcli) Build CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands - [gookit/slog](https://github.com/gookit/slog) Lightweight, extensible, configurable logging library written in Go - [gookit/color](https://github.com/gookit/color) A command-line color library with true color support, universal API methods and Windows support - [gookit/event](https://github.com/gookit/event) Lightweight event manager and dispatcher implements by Go - [gookit/cache](https://github.com/gookit/cache) Generic cache use and cache manager for golang. support File, Memory, Redis, Memcached. - [gookit/config](https://github.com/gookit/config) Go config management. support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL, ENV and Flags - [gookit/filter](https://github.com/gookit/filter) Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of golang data - [gookit/validate](https://github.com/gookit/validate) Use for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data - [gookit/goutil](https://github.com/gookit/goutil) Some utils for the Go: string, array/slice, map, format, cli, env, filesystem, test and more - More, please see https://github.com/gookit ## Acknowledgment The projects is heavily inspired by follow packages: - https://github.com/phuslu/log - https://github.com/golang/glog - https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus - https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog - https://github.com/syyongx/llog - https://github.com/uber-go/zap - https://github.com/rs/zerolog - https://github.com/natefinch/lumberjack ## LICENSE [MIT](LICENSE)