## Contents * [Contributing](#contribute) * [Issues](#issues) * [Asking for help and bug reports](#help) ### Contributing * Do you have a new feature in mind? * Do you know how to improve existing docs or code? * Have you found a bug? Contributions are welcome and encouraged! Just fork the project and then send a pull request. Be ready to discuss your code and design decisions. ### Issues Before opening a new issue, search the existing ones. If an issue is closed and you have the same problem, either reopen the issue or create a new one, filling in all the details required in the issue template. If you don't provide those data, you may not have a response in return for lack of relevant context. Bugs are better explained with a test or a demo project. At least with some working code. When posting code, logs or stack traces, please use the following Markdown syntax to improve readability:
your code, log or stack trace
#### Code Style Android Upload Service enforces Kotlin standard coding style, using [ktlint](https://ktlint.github.io/). To speed up development, it's highly recommended to install ktlint and to execute the following in `android-upload-service` root directory: ``` ktlint installGitPreCommitHook cd examples/app/ && ktlint --android applyToIDEAProject -y && cd ../.. ``` If you are using Atlassian SourceTree to commit, you may encounter the following problem with pre commit hook: ``` xargs ktlint: No such file or directory ``` To solve it, open `.git/hooks/pre_commit` with your favourite editor and add the following in the second line: ```bash export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ``` #### Development To develop Android Upload Service and its core modules, clone the project, then open `examples/app/build.gradle` from your Android Studio. In this way you can see all the modules and the demo app, make changes and deploy to your emulator or real device for testing. **Working on your first Pull Request?** You can learn how from this *free* series [How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub](https://egghead.io/series/how-to-contribute-to-an-open-source-project-on-github) ### Asking for help and bug reports If you need help because you can't make a successful upload to your server, first check the [troubleshooting procedure](https://github.com/gotev/android-upload-service/wiki/Troubleshooting-Procedure). Bug reports without relevant details will be closed. Time is precious for everybody. Good and precise bug reports help improve the library fast and make it easier for everybody. > Complaints are not useful. [Here](http://coenjacobs.me/2013/12/06/effective-bug-reports-on-github/) there's a nice blog post about effective bug reports. If you already know how to fix the bug, you can directly send a pull request.