# This file was created with only commonly used settings, plus those that differ from the default specified by GOTM. # You can generate a configuration with every possible setting with: gotm --write_yaml --detail full # To see only the settings that differ from the default, use: gotm --write_yaml --detail minimal version: 7 # version of configuration file [default=7] title: OWS Papa # simulation title used in output [default=GOTM simulation] location: name: Ocean Weather Station Papa # station name used in output [default=GOTM site] latitude: 50.0 # latitude [degrees North; min=-90.0; max=90.0; default=0.0] longitude: -145.0 # longitude [degrees East; min=-360.0; max=360.0; default=0.0] depth: 150.0 # water depth [m; min=0.0; default=100.0] time: start: 2011-03-21 00:00:00 # start date and time [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS; default=2017-01-01 00:00:00] stop: 2020-03-21 00:00:00 # stop date and time [yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS; default=2018-01-01 00:00:00] dt: 3600.0 # time step for integration [s; min=0.0; default=3600.0] grid: nlev: 150 # number of layers [min=1; default=100] method: analytical # layer thickness specification [analytical=equal by default with optional zooming, file_sigma=prescribed relative fractions, file_h=prescribed thicknesses; default=analytical] ddu: 0.0 # surface zooming [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=0.0] ddl: 0.0 # bottom zooming [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=0.0] file: # path to file with layer thicknesses [default=] temperature: # temperature profile used for initialization and optionally relaxation [Celsius] method: file # method [off, file=from file, constant, two_layer=two layers with linear gradient in between, buoyancy=from salinity and buoyancy frequency; default=off] constant_value: 20.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [Celsius; default=0.0] file: tprof_papa_hourly.dat # path to file with series of profiles [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] type: in-situ # temperature measure [in-situ, potential, conservative; default=in-situ] two_layer: z_s: 30.0 # depth where upper layer ends [m; min=0.0; default=0.0] t_s: 20.0 # upper layer temperature [Celsius; min=-2.0; max=40.0; default=0.0] z_b: 40.0 # depth where lower layer begins [m; min=0.0; default=0.0] t_b: 15.0 # lower layer temperature [Celsius; min=-2.0; max=40.0; default=0.0] NN: 2.56000000E-04 # square of buoyancy frequency [s^-2; min=0.0; default=0.0] relax: # relax model temperature to observed/prescribed value tau: 1.00000000E+15 # time scale for interior layer [s; min=0.0; default=1.00000000E+15] salinity: # salinity profile used for initialization and optionally relaxation [psu] method: file # method [off, file=from file, constant, two_layer=two layers with linear gradient in between, buoyancy=from temperature and buoyancy frequency; default=off] constant_value: 20.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [psu; min=0.0; default=0.0] file: sprof_papa_hourly.dat # path to file with series of profiles [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] type: practical # salinity measure [practical, absolute; default=practical] two_layer: z_s: 30.0 # depth where upper layer ends [m; min=0.0; default=0.0] s_s: 20.0 # upper layer salinity [g/kg; min=0.0; max=40.0; default=0.0] z_b: 40.0 # depth where lower layer begins [m; min=0.0; default=0.0] s_b: 15.0 # lower layer salinity [g/kg; min=0.0; max=40.0; default=0.0] NN: 2.56000000E-04 # square of buoyancy frequency [s^-2; min=0.0; default=0.0] relax: # relax model salinity to observed/prescribed value tau: 86400.0 # time scale for interior layer [s; min=0.0; default=1.00000000E+15] tau_s: 86400.0 # time scale for surface layer [s; min=0.0; default=1.00000000E+15] tau_b: 86400.0 # time scale for bottom layer [s; min=0.0; default=1.00000000E+15] surface: fluxes: # heat and momentum fluxes method: fairall # method to calculate fluxes from meteorological conditions [off=use prescribed fluxes, kondo=Kondo (1975), fairall=Fairall et al. (1996); default=off] heat: # prescribed total heat flux (sensible, latent and net back-radiation) [W/m^2] method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [W/m^2; default=0.0] file: heat_flux.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] tx: # prescribed momentum flux in West-East direction [Pa] method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [Pa; default=0.0] file: momentum_flux.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] ty: # prescribed momentum flux in South-North direction [Pa] method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [Pa; default=0.0] file: momentum_flux.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 2 # index of column to read from [default=1] u10: # wind speed in West-East direction @ 10 m [m/s] method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [m/s; default=0.0] file: u10.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] v10: # wind speed in South-North direction @ 10 m [m/s] method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [m/s; default=0.0] file: u10.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 2 # index of column to read from [default=1] airp: # air pressure [Pa] method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [Pa; default=0.0] file: airp.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] airt: # air temperature @ 2 m [Celsius or K] method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [Celsius or K; default=0.0] file: airt.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] hum: # humidity @ 2 m method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [default=0.0] file: hum.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] type: specific # humidity metric [relative=relative humidity (%), wet_bulb=wet-bulb temperature, dew_point=dew point temperature, specific=specific humidity (kg/kg); default=relative] cloud: # cloud cover [1] method: constant # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [fraction; min=0.0; max=1.0; default=0.0] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 6 # index of column to read from [default=1] precip: # precipitation [m/s] method: constant # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [m/s; default=0.0] file: precip.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] flux_impact: false # include effect on fluxes of sensible heat and momentum [default=false] calc_evaporation: false # calculate evaporation from meteorological conditions [default=false] swr: # shortwave radiation [W/m^2] method: file # method [constant, file=from file, calculate=from time, location and cloud cover; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [W/m^2; min=0.0; default=0.0] file: swr_papa.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] longwave_radiation: # net longwave radiation [W/m^2] method: file # method [file=from file, clark=Clark et al. (1974), hastenrath_lamb=Hastenrath and Lamb (1978), bignami=Bignami et al. (1995), berliand_berliand=Berliand and Berliand (1952), josey1=Josey et al. (2003) - 1, josey2=Josey et al. (2003) - 2; default=clark] file: lwr.dat # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] albedo: method: constant # method to compute albedo [constant, payne=Payne (1972), cogley=Cogley (1979); default=payne] constant_value: 0.0 # constant value to use throughout the simulation [fraction; min=0.0; max=1.0; default=0.0] sst: # observed surface temperature [Celsius] method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] file: sst_hourly.dat # path to file with time series [default=] sss: # observed surface salinity [psu] method: file # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] file: sss_hourly.dat # path to file with time series [default=] ice: model: simple # model [no_ice=no ice model, simple=freezing temperature, basal_melt=Basal Melt , lebedev=Lebedev (1938), mylake=Saloranta and Andersen (2007), winton=Michael Winton (2000); default=simple] H: 0.0 # initial ice thickness [m; default=0.0] roughness: charnock: false # use Charnock (1955) roughness adaptation [default=false] charnock_val: 1400.0 # empirical constant for roughness adaptation [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=1400.0] z0s_min: 0.02 # hydrodynamic roughness (minimum value if Charnock adaptation is used) [m; min=0.0; default=0.02] bottom: h0b: 0.05 # physical bottom roughness [m; min=0.0; default=0.05] light_extinction: method: jerlov-ib # water type [jerlov-i=Jerlov type I, jerlov-1-50m=Jerlov type 1 (upper 50 m), jerlov-ia=Jerlov type IA, jerlov-ib=Jerlov type IB, jerlov-ii=Jerlov type II, jerlov-iii=Jerlov type III, custom; default=jerlov-i] A: # non-visible fraction of shortwave radiation [1] method: constant # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.7 # value to use throughout the simulation [fraction; min=0.0; max=1.0; default=0.7] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] g1: # e-folding depth of non-visible shortwave radiation [m] method: constant # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.4 # value to use throughout the simulation [m; min=0.0; default=0.4] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] g2: # e-folding depth of visible shortwave radiation [m] method: constant # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 8.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [m; min=0.0; default=8.0] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] turbulence: turb_method: second_order # turbulence closure [no_model=constant nuh and num, first_order=first-order, second_order=second-order, cvmix; default=second_order] tke_method: tke # turbulent kinetic energy equation [local_eq=algebraic length scale equation, tke=differential equation for tke (k-eps or k-w style), mellor_yamada=differential equation for q^2/2 (Mellor-Yamada style); default=tke] len_scale_method: dissipation # dissipative length scale [parabolic, triangular, xing_davies=Xing and Davies (1995), robert_ouellet=Robert and Ouellet (1987), blackadar=Blackadar (two boundaries) (1962), bougeault_andre=Bougeault and Andre (1986), dissipation=dynamic dissipation rate equation, mellor_yamada=dynamic Mellor-Yamada q^2 l-equation, gls=generic length scale (GLS), omega=dynamic omega equation; default=dissipation] stab_method: constant # stability functions [constant, munk_anderson=Munk and Anderson (1954), schumann_gerz=Schumann and Gerz (1995); default=constant] bc: # boundary conditions k_ubc: neumann # upper boundary condition for k-equation [dirichlet, neumann; default=neumann] k_lbc: neumann # lower boundary condition for k-equation [dirichlet, neumann; default=neumann] psi_ubc: neumann # upper boundary condition for length-scale equation [dirichlet, neumann; default=neumann] psi_lbc: neumann # lower boundary condition for length-scale equation [dirichlet, neumann; default=neumann] ubc_type: logarithmic # upper boundary layer [logarithmic=logarithmic law of the wall, tke_injection=tke-injection (breaking waves); default=logarithmic] lbc_type: logarithmic # lower boundary layer [logarithmic=logarithmic law of the wall; default=logarithmic] turb_param: cm0_fix: 5.47700000E-01 # value of the stability function in the log-law [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=5.47700000E-01] Prandtl0_fix: 0.74 # turbulent Prandtl-number [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=0.74] cw: 100.0 # constant of the wave-breaking model [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=100.0] compute_kappa: true # compute von Karman constant from model parameters [default=true] kappa: 0.4 # von Karman constant [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=0.4] compute_c3: true # compute c3 (E3 for Mellor-Yamada) from steady-state Richardson number [default=true] Ri_st: 0.25 # desired steady-state Richardson number [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=0.25] length_lim: true # apply Galperin et al. (1988) length scale limitation [default=true] galp: 0.27 # coefficient for length scale limitation [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=0.27] const_num: 5.00000000E-04 # constant eddy diffusivity [m^2/s; min=0.0; default=5.00000000E-04] const_nuh: 5.00000000E-04 # constant heat diffusivity [m^2/s; min=0.0; default=5.00000000E-04] k_min: 1.00000000E-06 # minimum turbulent kinetic energy [m^2/s^2; min=0.0; default=1.00000000E-10] eps_min: 1.00000000E-12 # minimum dissipation rate [m^2/s^3; min=0.0; default=1.00000000E-12] kb_min: 1.00000000E-10 # minimum buoyancy variance [m^2/s^4; min=0.0; default=1.00000000E-10] epsb_min: 1.00000000E-14 # minimum buoyancy variance destruction rate [m^2/s^5; min=0.0; default=1.00000000E-14] generic: # generic length scale (GLS) model compute_param: false # compute the model parameters [default=false] gen_m: 1.5 # exponent for k [dimensionless; default=1.5] gen_n: -1.0 # exponent for l [dimensionless; default=-1.0] gen_p: 3.0 # exponent for cm0 [dimensionless; default=3.0] cpsi1: 1.44 # empirical coefficient cpsi1 in psi equation [dimensionless; default=1.44] cpsi2: 1.92 # empirical coefficient cpsi2 in psi equation [dimensionless; default=1.92] cpsi3minus: 0.0 # cpsi3 for stable stratification [dimensionless; default=0.0] cpsi3plus: 1.0 # cpsi3 for unstable stratification [dimensionless; default=1.0] cpsi4: 0.0 # empirical coefficient cpsi4 in psi equation [dimensionless; default=0.0] sig_kpsi: 1.0 # Schmidt number for TKE diffusivity [dimensionless; default=1.0] sig_psi: 1.3 # Schmidt number for psi diffusivity [dimensionless; default=1.3] gen_d: -1.2 # temporal decay rate d in homogeneous turbulence [dimensionless; default=-1.2] gen_alpha: -2.0 # decay exponent alpha [dimensionless; default=-2.0] gen_l: 0.2 # slope L of the length scale in shear-free turbulence [dimensionless; default=0.2] keps: # k-epsilon model ce1: 1.44 # empirical coefficient ce1 in dissipation equation [dimensionless; default=1.44] ce2: 1.92 # empirical coefficient ce2 in dissipation equation [dimensionless; default=1.92] ce3minus: -0.4 # ce3 for stable stratification [dimensionless; default=0.0] ce3plus: 1.5 # ce3 for unstable stratification [dimensionless; default=1.5] ce4: 0.0 # empirical coefficient ce4 in dissipation equation [dimensionless; default=0.0] sig_k: 1.0 # Schmidt number for TKE diffusivity [dimensionless; default=1.0] sig_e: 1.3 # Schmidt number for dissipation diffusivity [dimensionless; default=1.3] sig_peps: false # use Burchard (2001) wave breaking parameterisation [default=false] kw: # k-omega model cw1: 0.555 # empirical coefficient cw1 in omega equation [dimensionless; default=0.555] cw2: 0.833 # empirical coefficient cw2 in omega equation [dimensionless; default=0.833] cw3minus: 0.0 # cw3 for stable stratification [dimensionless; default=0.0] cw3plus: 0.5 # cw3 for unstable stratification [dimensionless; default=0.5] cw4: 0.15 # empirical coefficient cw4 in omega equation [dimensionless; default=0.15] sig_kw: 2.0 # Schmidt number for TKE diffusivity [dimensionless; default=2.0] sig_w: 2.0 # Schmidt number for omega diffusivity [dimensionless; default=2.0] my: # Mellor-Yamada model e1: 1.8 # coefficient e1 in q^2 l equation [dimensionless; default=1.8] e2: 1.33 # coefficient e2 in q^2 l equation [dimensionless; default=1.33] e3: 1.8 # coefficient e3 in q^2 l equation [dimensionless; default=1.8] e6: 4.0 # coefficient e6 in q^2 l equation [dimensionless; default=4.0] sq: 0.2 # turbulent diffusivities of q^2 (= 2k) [dimensionless; default=0.2] sl: 0.2 # turbulent diffusivities of q^2 l [dimensionless; default=0.2] length: linear # barotropic length scale in q^2 l equation [parabolic, triangular, linear=linear from surface; default=parabolic] scnd: # second-order model method: quasi_eq # method [quasi_eq=quasi-equilibrium, weak_eq_kb_eq=weak equilibrium with algebraic buoyancy variance, quasi_eq_h15=quasi-equilibrium with Langmuir (Harcourt, 2015); default=weak_eq_kb_eq] scnd_coeff: canuto-a # coefficients of second-order model [custom, gibson_launder=Gibson and Launder (1978), mellor_yamada=Mellor and Yamada (1982), kantha_clayson=Kantha and Clayson (1994), luyten=Luyten et al. (1996), canuto-a=Canuto et al. (2001) (version A), canuto-b=Canuto et al. (2001) (version B), cheng=Cheng et al. (2002); default=canuto-a] iw: # internal wave mixing method: large # method [off, mellor=Mellor (1989), large=Large et al. (1994); default=off] alpha: 0.7 # coefficient for Mellor internal wave model [dimensionless; default=0.0] mimic_3d: # effects of horizontal gradients ext_pressure: # external pressure type: elevation # pressure metric [elevation=horizontal gradient in surface elevation, velocity=horizontal velocities at given height above bed, average_velocity=vertically averaged horizontal velocities; default=elevation] dpdx: # pressure in West-East direction method: constant # method [constant, tidal=from tidal constituents, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [default=0.0] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] tidal: # tidal constituents amp_1: 0.0 # amplitude of 1st harmonic [default=0.0] phase_1: 0.0 # phase of 1st harmonic [s; default=0.0] amp_2: 0.0 # amplitude of 2nd harmonic [default=0.0] phase_2: 0.0 # phase of 2nd harmonic [s; default=0.0] dpdy: # pressure in South-North direction method: constant # method [constant, tidal=from tidal constituents, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [default=0.0] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] tidal: # tidal constituents amp_1: 0.0 # amplitude of 1st harmonic [default=0.0] phase_1: 0.0 # phase of 1st harmonic [s; default=0.0] amp_2: 0.0 # amplitude of 2nd harmonic [default=0.0] phase_2: 0.0 # phase of 2nd harmonic [s; default=0.0] h: # height above bed [m] method: constant # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [m; min=0.0; default=0.0] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] period_1: 44714.0 # period of 1st tidal harmonic (eg. M2-tide) [s; default=44714.0] period_2: 43200.0 # period of 2nd tidal harmonic (eg. S2-tide) [s; default=43200.0] int_pressure: # internal pressure type: none # method [none, gradients=prescribed horiztonal gradients of T and S, plume=surface or bottom plume; default=none] gradients: # horizontal salinity and temperature gradients dtdx: # temperature gradient in West-East direction [Celsius/m] method: off # method [off, constant, file=from file; default=off] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [Celsius/m; default=0.0] file: # path to file with series of profiles [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] dtdy: # temperature gradient in South-North direction [Celsius/m] method: off # method [off, constant, file=from file; default=off] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [Celsius/m; default=0.0] file: # path to file with series of profiles [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] dsdx: # salinity gradient in West-East direction [psu/m] method: off # method [off, constant, file=from file; default=off] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [psu/m; default=0.0] file: # path to file with series of profiles [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] dsdy: # salinity gradient in South-North direction [psu/m] method: off # method [off, constant, file=from file; default=off] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [psu/m; default=0.0] file: # path to file with series of profiles [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] plume: # surface or bottom plume type: bottom # plume type [surface=buoyant surface-attached, bottom=dense bottom-attached; default=bottom] x_slope: 0.0 # plume slope in West-East direction [dimensionless; default=0.0] y_slope: 0.0 # plume slope in South-North direction [dimensionless; default=0.0] t_adv: false # horizontally advect temperature [default=false] s_adv: false # horizontally advect salinity [default=false] zeta: # surface elevation [m] method: constant # method [constant, tidal=from tidal constituents, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [m; default=0.0] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] tidal: # tidal constituents period_1: 44714.0 # period of 1st harmonic (eg. M2-tide) [s; default=44714.0] amp_1: 1.0 # amplitude of 1st harmonic [m; default=0.0] phase_1: 0.0 # phase of 1st harmonic [s; default=0.0] period_2: 43200.0 # period of 2nd harmonic (eg. S2-tide) [s; default=43200.0] amp_2: 0.5 # amplitude of 2nd harmonic [m; default=0.0] phase_2: 0.0 # phase of 2nd harmonic [s; default=0.0] w: # vertical velocity max: # maximum velocity [m/s] method: off # method [off, constant, file=from file; default=off] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [m/s; default=0.0] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] height: # height of maximum velocity [m] method: constant # method [constant, file=from file; default=constant] constant_value: 0.0 # value to use throughout the simulation [m; default=0.0] file: # path to file with time series [default=] column: 1 # index of column to read from [default=1] adv_discr: p2_pdm # vertical advection scheme [upstream=first-order upstream, p2=third-order upstream-biased polynomial, superbee=third-order TVD with Superbee limiter, muscl=third-order TVD with MUSCL limiter, p2_pdm=third-order TVD with ULTIMATE QUICKEST limiter; default=p2_pdm] o2: # oxygen scale_factor: 31.25 # scale factor to be applied to values read from file [default=1.0] cvmix: surface_layer: # surface layer mixing use: true # compute surface layer mixing coefficients [default=true] langmuir_method: none # method of Langmuir turbulence pararmeterization [none, lwf16=Li et al. (2016), lf17=Li and Fox-Kemper (2017), rwh16=Reichl et al. (2016); default=none] surface_layer_extent: 0.1 # extent of surface layer in fraction of the boundary layer [dimensionless; min=0.0; max=1.0; default=0.1] Ri_c: 0.3 # critical Richardson number [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=0.3] check_Ekman_length: false # limit the OBL by the Ekman depth [default=false] check_MonOb_length: false # limit the OBL by the Monin-Obukhov depth [default=false] use_enhanced_diff: true # enhance diffusivity at OBL [default=true] use_noDGat1: true # zero gradient of the shape function at OBL [default=true] match_technique: simple # matching technique of shape functions with the ocean interior [simple=simple shapes, gradient=gradient term, both=both gradient and nonlocal terms, parabolic=parabolic nonlocal term; default=simple] bulk_Ri_interp_type: quadratic # interpolation type for the bulk Richardson number [linear, quadratic, cubic; default=quadratic] OBL_interp_type: lmd94 # interpolation type for diffusivity and viscosity at OBL [linear, quadratic, cubic, lmd94=Large et al. (1994); default=lmd94] bottom_layer: # bottom layer mixing use: false # compute bottom layer mixing coefficients [default=false] surface_layer_extent: 0.1 # extent of surface layer in fraction of the boundary layer [dimensionless; min=0.0; max=1.0; default=0.1] Ri_c: 0.3 # critical Richardson number [dimensionless; min=0.0; default=0.3] check_Ekman_length: false # limit the OBL by the Ekman depth [default=false] check_MonOb_length: false # limit the OBL by the Monin-Obukhov depth [default=false] use_noDGat1: true # zero gradient of the shape function at OBL [default=true] match_technique: simple # matching technique of shape functions with the ocean interior [simple=simple shapes, gradient=gradient term, both=both gradient and nonlocal terms, parabolic=parabolic nonlocal term; default=simple] bulk_Ri_interp_type: quadratic # interpolation type for the bulk Richardson number [linear, quadratic, cubic; default=quadratic] OBL_interp_type: lmd94 # interpolation type for diffusivity and viscosity at OBL [linear, quadratic, cubic, lmd94=Large et al. (1994); default=lmd94] interior: # interior mixing use: false # compute interior mixing coefficients [default=false] background: use: false # use interior background mixing coefficients [default=false] diffusivity: 1.00000000E-05 # background diffusivity [m^2/s; default=1.00000000E-05] viscosity: 1.00000000E-04 # background viscosity [m^2/s; default=1.00000000E-04] shear: use: false # compute interior shear mixing coefficients [default=false] num_smooth_Ri: 1 # number of iterations to smooth the gradient Richardson number [default=1] mix_scheme: kpp # shear mixing scheme [pp=Pacanowski and Philander (1981), kpp=Large et al. (1994); default=kpp] PP_nu_zero: 0.005 # numerator in viscosity term in PP [m^2/s; default=0.005] PP_alpha: 5.0 # coefficient of Ri in denominator of visc / diff terms [dimensionless; default=5.0] PP_exp: 2.0 # exponent of denominator in viscosity term [dimensionless; default=2.0] KPP_nu_zero: 0.005 # leading coefficient of the KPP shear mixing formula [m^2/s; default=0.005] KPP_Ri_zero: 0.7 # critical Richardson number for KPP shear mixing [dimensionless; default=0.7] KPP_exp: 3.0 # exponent of unitless factor of diffusivity [dimensionless; default=3.0] convection: use: false # compute interior convective mixing coefficients [default=false] diffusivity: 1.0 # convective diffusivity [m^2/s; default=1.0] viscosity: 1.0 # convective viscosity [m^2/s; default=1.0] basedOnBVF: true # triger convection based on the squared Brunt-Vaisala frequency [default=true] triggerBVF: 0.0 # threshold of squared Brunt-Vaisala frequency [1/s^2; default=0.0] tidal_mixing: use: false # compute interior tidal mixing coefficients [default=false] double_diffusion: use: false # compute interior double diffusion mixing coefficients [default=false] fabm: # Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models use: false # enable FABM [default=false] freshwater_impact: true # enable dilution/concentration by precipitation/evaporation [default=true] feedbacks: # feedbacks to physics shade: false # interior light absorption [default=false] albedo: false # surface albedo [default=false] surface_drag: false # surface drag [default=false] repair_state: false # clip state to minimum/maximum boundaries [default=false] input: equation_of_state: # equation of state method: full_teos-10 # density formulation [full_teos-10=TEOS-10, linear_teos-10=linearized from user-specified T0, S0, p0 (alpha, beta, cp calculated), linear_custom=linearized from user-specified T0, S0, rho0, alpha, beta, cp; default=full_teos-10] rho0: 1027.0 # reference density [kg/m3; default=1027.0] linear: T0: 10.0 # reference temperature [Celsius; min=-2.0; default=15.0] S0: 35.0 # reference salinity [g/kg; min=0.0; default=35.0] p0: 0.0 # reference pressure [dbar; min=0.0; default=0.0] alpha: 2.00000000E-04 # thermal expansion coefficient [1/K; default=2.00000000E-04] beta: 7.50000000E-04 # saline contraction coefficient [kg/g; default=7.50000000E-04] cp: 3.99186796E+03 # specific heat capacity [J/(kg/K); min=0.0; default=3.99186796E+03] seagrass: # calculate seagrass effect on turbulence method: 0 # [0=off, 1=from file; default=0] file: seagrass.dat # path to file with grass specifications [default=seagrass.dat] alpha: 0.0 # efficiency of leafes turbulence production [default=0.0] restart: load: false # initialize simulation with state stored in restart.nc [default=false] output: ows_papa_keps_meteo: # path of output file, excluding extension time_unit: dt # time unit [second, hour, day, month, year, dt=model time step; default=day] time_step: 24 # number of time units between output [min=1; default=1] time_method: point # treatment of time dimension [point=instantaneous, mean, integrated; default=point] variables: - source: /* # variable name in model