amqp: host: # Queue's IP address port: 5672 username: github # Username to connect to the queue password: github # password exchange: github # Number of messages to retrieve from the queue. On very busy queues, # this should be increased, to decrease the load on the queue. prefetch: 1 sql: # Configuration URL for the SQL database subsystem. # Examples: # - MySQL: mysql2://user:password@host/github # - Postgres: postgres://user:password@host/github # # On JRuby, you can use the JDBC-mysql driver that comes with JRuby # jdbc:mysql://localhost/github?user=github&password=github # # see # for details url: sqlite://github.db mirror: urlbase: "" persister: mongo #or noop # How many pages of historical content to retrieve when doing multi-page # API calls. history_pages_back: 5 # On a machine with multiple IP addresses, select the one to send the # HTTP requests from. # attach_ip: # Github credentials to use for requests. If the value is not set, # no authentication information will be sent as part of the request. username: user passwd: password # Use either a user name/password or an API key #token: a valid github API key # Number of reqs/hour to leave on the provided key req_limit: 10 # User agent to use for requests. You must use a unique name per client program user_agent: ghtorrent # Strategy for fork commits: # 'all': Retrieve all commits for all forks # 'fork_point': Retrieve all commits up to the fork point (remaining ones are shared with parent) # 'none': Retrieve no commits for forks # Default is 'fork_point' fork_commits: fork_point # Commit handling: # 'trim': Trim off the patch diffs. These are large and not needed in all scenarios # Default is to not set this property and include all of the commits # commit_handling: trim # Whether or not you would like to store data in the pull_request_commits collection in Mongo. # Default is 'false' store_pull_request_commits: false mongo: host: # Mongo's IP addr port: 27017 # Mongo's port db: github # DB name to store commits to username: github # User name to connect to Mongo password: github # Password for mongo ssl: false # Whether SSL should be used for the connection replicas: # Replicas to use for failover (format logging: # A unique string to appear in all messages produced by the invoking program. uniq: "ghtorrent" # debug < info < warn < error, for decreasing log output level: "info" # stdout or stderr to log to system streams. A file name to log to this file. file: "stdout" geolocate: # osm (open street maps), bing or gmaps service: osm # Time to wait between geo location API requests wait: 2 # The following is only necessary if bing is used bing_key: foobar # The following is only necessary if gmaps is used gmaps_key: barfoo