openapi: 3.0.0 info: description: " APIs" version: "2.11.0" title: " APIs" contact: url: "" license: name: "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0" url: "" servers: - url: description: "Client parametrization server" tags: - name: "Client Parametrization" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" - name: "Authentication" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" - name: "Directory" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" - name: "Suggestions" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" - name: "Device" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" - name: "Device Synchronization" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" - name: "Subscriptions" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" - name: "Episode Actions" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" - name: "Settings" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" - name: "Podcast Lists" externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "" paths: /clientconfig.json: get: tags: - "Client Parametrization" summary: "Retrieves client parametrization" description: "" operationId: "getClientParametrization" responses: 200: description: "Ok" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ClientConfiguration" /api/2/auth/{username}/login.json: post: tags: - "Authentication" summary: Log in the given user for the given device via HTTP Basic Auth. parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "Username to login" required: true schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" 401: description: "Unauthorized" 400: description: "Cookies have different username then the one provided" /api/2/auth/{username}/logout.json: post: tags: - "Authentication" summary: "Log out user" description: "Log out the given user. Removes the session ID from the database." parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "Username to login" required: true schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" 400: description: "if the client provides a cookie, but for a different username than the one given" /api/2/tags/{count}.json: get: tags: - "Directory" summary: "Retrieve Top Tags" parameters: - name: "count" in: "path" description: "number of tags to return" required: true schema: type: "integer" responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /api/2/tag/{tag}/{count}.json: get: tags: - "Directory" summary: "Retrieve Podcasts for Tag" parameters: - name: "count" in: "path" description: "maximum number of podcasts to return" required: true schema: type: "integer" - name: "tag" in: "path" description: "URL-encoded tag" required: true schema: type: "string" responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /api/2/data/podcast.json: get: tags: - "Directory" summary: "Retrieve Podcast Data" description: "Returns information for the podcast with the given URL or 404 if there is no podcast with this URL." parameters: - name: "url" in: "query" description: "the feed URL of the podcast" required: true schema: type: "string" responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /api/2/data/episode.json: get: tags: - "Directory" summary: "Retrieve Episode Data" description: "Returns information for the episode with the given {episode-url} that belongs to the podcast with the {podcast-url}" parameters: - name: "podcast-url" in: "query" description: "feed URL of the podcast to which the episode belongs" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "episode-url" in: "query" description: "media URL of the episode" required: true schema: type: "string" responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /toplist/{number}.{format}: get: tags: - "Directory" summary: "Podcast Toplist" parameters: - name: "number" in: "path" description: "maximum number of podcasts to return" required: true schema: type: "integer" - name: "format" in: "path" description: "Format of the response" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" - name: "jsonp" in: "query" description: "a function name on which the response is wrapped (only valid for format jsonp; since 2.8)" schema: type: "string" - name: "scale_logo" in: "query" description: "returns logo URLs to scaled images" schema: type: "integer" responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" text/plain: schema: type: "string" text/xml: schema: type: "object" application/xml: schema: type: "object" application/json-p: schema: type: "string" /search.{format}: get: tags: - "Directory" summary: "Podcast Toplist" parameters: - name: "format" in: "path" description: "Format of the response" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" - name: "q" in: "query" description: "search query" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "jsonp" in: "query" description: "a functionname on which the response is wrapped (only valid for format jsonp; since 2.8)" schema: type: "string" - name: "scale_logo" in: "query" description: "returns logo URLs to scaled images" schema: type: "integer" responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" text/plain: schema: type: "string" text/xml: schema: type: "object" application/xml: schema: type: "object" application/json-p: schema: type: "string" /suggestions/{number}.{format}: get: tags: - "Suggestions" summary: "Retrieve Suggested Podcasts" parameters: - name: "number" in: "path" description: "maximum number of podcasts to return" required: true schema: type: "integer" - name: "format" in: "path" description: "Format of the response" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" - name: "jsonp" in: "query" description: "a functionname on which the response is wrapped (only valid for format jsonp; since 2.8)" schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" text/plain: schema: type: "string" text/xml: schema: type: "object" application/xml: schema: type: "object" application/json-p: schema: type: "string" /api/2/devices/{username}/{deviceid}.json: post: tags: - "Device" summary: "Update Device Data" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "Username to login" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "deviceid" in: "path" description: "Device Id" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" security: - basicAuth: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeviceUpdateData' responses: 200: description: "OK" /api/2/devices/{username}.json: get: tags: - "Device" summary: "List Devices" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "Username to login" required: true schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /api/2/updates/{username}/{deviceid}.json: get: tags: - "Device" summary: "Get Device Updates" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "Username to login" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "deviceid" in: "path" description: "Device Id" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" - name: "since" in: "query" description: "`timestamp` when updates have last been retrieved" required: true schema: type: "integer" - name: "include_actions" in: "query" description: "Default: false, since 2.10" schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /api/2/sync-devices/{username}.json: get: tags: - "Device Synchronization" summary: "Get Sync Status" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "Username to login" required: true schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" post: tags: - "Device Synchronization" summary: "Start / Stop Sync" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "Username to login" required: true schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeviceSynchronizationRequest' responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /api/2/favorites/{username}.json: get: tags: - "Favorites" summary: "Get Favorite Episodes" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which the favorites should be returned" required: true schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /subscriptions/{username}/{deviceid}.{format}: get: tags: - "Subscriptions" summary: "Update Device Data" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which subscriptions should be returned" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "deviceid" in: "path" description: "Device Id" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" - name: "format" in: "path" description: "Format of the response" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" - name: "jsonp" in: "query" description: "a function name on which the response is wrapped (only valid for format jsonp; since 2.8)" schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" 401: description: "Invalid user" 404: description: "Invalid device ID" 400: description: "Invalid format" put: tags: - "Subscriptions" summary: "Upload Subscriptions of Device" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which subscriptions should be returned" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "deviceid" in: "path" description: "Device Id" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" - name: "format" in: "path" description: "Format of the response" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" security: - basicAuth: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UploadSubscriptionRequest' responses: 200: description: "OK" 401: description: "Invalid user" 400: description: "Invalid format" /subscriptions/{username}.{format}: get: tags: - "Subscriptions" summary: "Get All Subscriptions" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which subscriptions should be returned" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "format" in: "path" description: "Format of the response" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" - name: "jsonp" in: "query" description: "a function name on which the response is wrapped (only valid for format jsonp; since 2.8)" schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" 401: description: "Invalid user" 400: description: "Invalid format" /api/2/subscriptions/{username}/{deviceid}.json: post: tags: - "Subscriptions" summary: "Upload Subscription Changes" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which subscriptions should be returned" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "deviceid" in: "path" description: "Device Id" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" security: - basicAuth: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UploadSubscriptionChangesRequest' responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" 400: description: "Invalid format" get: tags: - "Subscriptions" summary: "Get Subscription Changes" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which subscriptions should be returned" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "deviceid" in: "path" description: "Device Id" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" - name: "since" in: "query" description: "the `timestamp` value of the last response" required: true schema: type: "integer" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /api/2/episodes/{username}.json: post: tags: - "Episode Actions" summary: "Upload Episode Actions" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which the actions will be set" required: true schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SetEpisodeActionsRequest' responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" get: tags: - "Episode Actions" summary: "Get Episode Actions" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which the actions will be retrieved" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "podcast" in: "query" description: "The URL of a Podcast feed; if set, only actions for episodes of the given podcast are returned" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "device" in: "query" description: "A Device ID; if set, only actions for the given device are returned" schema: type: "string" - name: "since" in: "query" description: "Only episode actions since the given timestamp are returned" schema: type: "integer" - name: "aggregated" in: "query" description: "If true, only the latest actions is returned for each episode (added in 2.1)" schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /api/2/settings/{username}/{scope}.json: post: tags: - "Settings" summary: "Save Settings" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which the settings will be saved" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "scope" in: "path" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SettingsScope" - name: "podcast" in: "query" description: "Feed URL of a podcast (required for scope podcast and episode)" schema: type: "string" - name: "device" in: "query" description: "(required for scope device)" schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" - name: "episode" in: "query" description: "media URL of the episode (required for scope episode)" schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SaveSettingsRequest' responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" get: tags: - "Settings" summary: "Save Settings" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which the settings will be saved" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "scope" in: "path" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SettingsScope" - name: "podcast" in: "query" description: "Feed URL of a podcast (required for scope podcast and episode)" schema: type: "string" - name: "device" in: "query" description: "(required for scope device)" schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" - name: "episode" in: "query" description: "media URL of the episode (required for scope episode)" schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 200: description: "OK" 409: description: "if the the user already has a podcast list with the (generated) name" /api/2/lists/{username}/create.{format}: post: tags: - "Podcast Lists" summary: "Create Podcast List" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which a new podcast list should be created" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "format" in: "path" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" - name: "title" in: "query" required: true schema: type: "string" security: - basicAuth: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: "array" items: type: "string" responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" /api/2/lists/{username}.json: get: tags: - "Podcast Lists" summary: "Get User’s Lists" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which a new podcast list should be created" required: true schema: type: "string" responses: 200: description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" 404: description: "the user was not found" /api/2/lists/{username}/list/{listname}.{format}: get: tags: - "Podcast Lists" summary: "Get a Podcast List" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username for which a new podcast list should be created" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "listname" in: "path" description: "name of the requested podcast list" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "format" in: "path" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" responses: 200: description: "the podcast list is returned in in the requested format" content: application/json: schema: type: "object" 404: description: "if the user or the list do not exist" put: tags: - "Podcast Lists" summary: "Update a Podcast List" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username to which the list belongs" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "listname" in: "path" description: "name of the requested podcast list" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "format" in: "path" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" security: - basicAuth: [] requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: "array" items: type: "string" responses: 204: description: "if the podcast list has been created / updated" 404: description: "if the user or the list do not exist" delete: tags: - "Podcast Lists" summary: "Delete a Podcast List" parameters: - name: "username" in: "path" description: "username to which the list belongs" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "listname" in: "path" description: "name of the requested podcast list" required: true schema: type: "string" - name: "format" in: "path" required: true schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" security: - basicAuth: [] responses: 204: description: "if the podcast list has been created / updated" 404: description: "if the podcast list has been deleted" components: securitySchemes: basicAuth: type: http scheme: basic schemas: ClientConfiguration: type: "object" properties: mygpo: type: "object" properties: baseurl: type: "string" description: "URL to which the API Endpoints should be appended" mygpo-feedservice: properties: baseurl: type: "string" description: "Base URL of the feed service" update_timeout: type: "integer" description: "Time in seconds for which the values in this file can be considered valid." Format: type: "string" enum: - "json" - "xml" - "opml" - "txt" - "jsonp" DeviceId: type: "string" pattern: "^[\\w.-]+$" DeviceUpdateData: type: "object" properties: caption: type: "string" type: type: "string" enum: - "desktop" - "laptop" - "mobile" - "server" - "other" DeviceSynchronizationRequest: type: "object" properties: synchronize: type: "array" items: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" stop-synchronize: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" UploadSubscriptionRequest: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" UploadSubscriptionChangesRequest: type: "object" properties: add: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" remove: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" EpisodeActionTypes: type: "string" enum: - "download" - "delete" - "play" - "new" - "flattr" SetEpisodeActionsRequest: type: "array" items: type: "object" properties: podcast: type: "string" episode: type: "string" device: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeviceId" action: $ref: "#/components/schemas/EpisodeActionTypes" timestamp: type: "integer" started: type: "integer" position: type: "integer" total: type: "integer" SettingsScope: type: "string" enum: - "account" - "device" - "podcast" - "episode" SaveSettingsRequest: type: "object" properties: set: type: "object" remove: type: "array" items: type: "string"