# The Truffle Language Implementation Framework ## Introduction Truffle is an Open Source library for building programming language implementations as interpreters for self-modifying Abstract Syntax Trees. Together with the Open Source [Graal Compiler](../compiler), Truffle represents a significant step forward in programming language implementation technology in the current era of dynamic languages. A growing body of shared implementation code and services reduces language implementation effort significantly, but leads to competitive runtime performance that matches or exceeds the competition. The value of the platform is further increased by support for low-overhead language interoperability, as well as a general instrumentation framework that supports multi-language debugging and other external developer tools. Truffle is developed and maintained by Oracle Labs and the Institute for System Software of the Johannes Kepler University Linz. ## Using Truffle If you are looking for documentation on how to use Truffle, please consult the documentation [here](docs/README.md) or [on the website](https://www.graalvm.org/graalvm-as-a-platform/language-implementation-framework/). ## Hacking Truffle Truffle and Graal use the [MX build tool](https://github.com/graalvm/mx/), which needs to be installed before using this repository. To do so execute in a clean directory: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/graalvm/mx.git/ $ mx/mx ``` the mx/*mx* command is a wrapper around Python script that serves as our build tool. Make sure you put it onto your `PATH` and then you can work with Truffle sources from a command line: ```bash $ mx clean $ mx build $ mx unittest ``` The created `./mxbuild/dists` directory contains all necessary jars and source bundles. - `truffle-api.jar` contains the framework - `truffle-dsl-processor.jar` contains the TruffleDSL annotation processor You can open Truffle sources in your favorite Java IDE by invoking: ```bash $ mx ideinit ``` The necessary IDE metadata will then be generated into *truffle* subdirectory and its folders. The `mx` tool supports Maven integration. To register prebuilt binaries into local Maven repository you can invoke: ```bash $ mx build $ mx maven-install ``` Then it is possible to include the artifacts as dependencies to a `pom.xml`: ```xml org.graalvm.truffle truffle-api 24.0.0 org.graalvm.truffle truffle-dsl-processor 24.0.0 provided ``` ## Contributing To contribute a change, verify it using: ```bash $ mx gate ``` Then start a [pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/). Detailed info can be found in the [contributing document](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Community To reach out to the Truffle community (as well as the wider GraalVM community) consider the information available at https://www.graalvm.org/community/. There is a dedicated Truffle channel (`#truffle`) on the GraalVM community slack (https://www.graalvm.org/slack-invitation/). ## License The Truffle framework and the contained SimpleLanguage are licensed under the [Universal Permissive License](LICENSE.md).