[ { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "actuator-ui", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "dmahapatro", "desc": "Grails actuator-ui plugin", "labels": [ "spring-boot-actuator", "health-check" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/dmahapatro/grails-actuator-ui/issues", "latestVersion": "1.1", "updated": "2016-09-04T04:00:40.855Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:actuator-ui" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/dmahapatro/grails-actuator-ui" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "
Spring Actuator is a tool which monitors application’s health
, metrics
and lots of other metadata information about the application.\nThis plugin projects those information in a UI which makes it very user friendly to know the status of the application.
For Grails 3.0.* version 0.2 can be used
\nFor Grails 3.1.* version 1.0 should be used
repositories {\n maven {\n url \"http://dl.bintray.com/dmahapatro/plugins\"\n }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile \"org.grails.plugins:actuator-ui:1.1\"\n}
\nTo access the actuator endpoints you can simply hit /actuator/dashboard
at root context.
\nwhere /sample
is the root context of the application. For a base Grails app where root context is /
, the url will be
\nActuator UI is targeted for Admins and normal users. Taking ROLE into consideration this plugin can be easily integrated with spring security core plugin. For example with a mapping like the below in application.yml
would secure /actuator/dashboard
grails:\n plugin:\n springsecurity:\n userLookup:\n userDomainClassName: auth.User\n authorityJoinClassName: auth.UserRole\n authority:\n className: auth.Role\n controllerAnnotations:\n staticRules:\n - pattern: '/actuatordashboard/**'\n access: ['hasRole(\"ROLE_ADMIN\")']\n - pattern: '/actuator/**'\n access: ['hasRole(\"ROLE_ADMIN\")']
\nActuator-ui ships with Gravatar plugin. It will render a gravatar image under the following circumstances:
\nSpring Security is installed
\nThe user is logged in
\nGravatar is enabled for actuator-ui by default. To disable Gravatar in actuator-ui, you should add the following to application’s application.yml
grails:\n plugin:\n actuator:\n gravatar:\n disabled: true
\nTo modify the default rating and gravatar fallback image please refer to the Gravatar Plugin Documentation
\n\n Note \n | \n\nWhen spring security and gravatar are enabled, the plugin grabs the username to look for the gravatar. In this case the username should be a valid email registered in Gravatar otherwise it will fallback to the default gravatar image.\n | \n
Sample apps with Spring Security Core integration:
\nRun actuator-ui-app available as sub project in this plugin repository.
\nRun sample app created by Bertrand Goetzmann.
\nGravatar support added for logged in user.
\nGrails upgraded to v3.1.10
\nIntegrated console plugin. A link is provided in the header bar to open console via console plugin. Appropriate version of console plugin has to be installed in the app which uses this plugin. If console plugin is added as a dependency then actuator dashboard should show console link next to the logged in user in top right corner.
\nItems are searchable now. Search for a particular bean, mapping, calls etc.
\nPaginated list of items.
\nAdd charts on Garbage Collection metrics.
\nAdd support for custom address and port.
\nThis is the notifier plugin for integrating grails apps with Airbrake.
\nWhen an uncaught exception occurs, Airbrake will POST the relevant data to the Airbrake server specified in your environment.
\nAdd the following to your BuildConfig.groovy
compile ":airbrake:0.9.4"\n
\nOnce the plugin is installed, you need to provide your Api Key in Config.groovy
grails.plugins.airbrake.apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY'\n
\nOnce you have installed and configured the plugin there is nothing else to do. Uncaught exceptions will be logged by log4j and those errors will be reported to Airbrake. However, the plugin also exposes a few other ways to send errors to airbrake.
\nManually logging messages at the error level and including an Exception triggers an error notification to airbrake:
\nclass SomeController\n\tdef someAction() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tsomethingThatThrowsAnException()\n\t\t} catch(e) {\n\t\t\tlog.error('An error occured', e)\n\t\t}\n\t}\n
\n(See the section below on configuring the plugin to including errors without exceptions.)
\nThe plugin also exposes an airbrakeService
which can be dependency injected into your Grails classes. The service allows you to send error notifications directly to Airbrake without logging anything to log4j. It has a notify
method that takes a Throwable
parameter and an optional Map of arguemnts. The next example shows both in use:
class SomeController\n\tdef airbrakeService\n\t\n\tdef someAction() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tsomethingThatThrowsAnException()\n\t\t} catch(e) {\n\t\t\tairbrakeService.notify(e, [errorMessage: 'An error occurred'])\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\tdef anotherAction() {\n\t\tif (somethingWentWrong()) {\n\t\t\tairbrakeService.notify(null, [errorMessage: 'Something went wrong'])\n\t\t}\n\t}\n
\nThe Api Key is the minimum requirement to report errors to Airbrake. However, the plugin supports several other configuration options. The full list of configuration options is:
\nBy default all errors are sent to Airbrake. However, you can disable error notifications (essentially disabling the plugin) by setting grails.plugins.airbrake.enabled = false
. For example to disable error notificaitons in development and test environments you might have the following in Config.groovy
grails.plugins.airbrake.apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY'\nenvironments {\n\tdevelopment {\n\t\tgrails.plugins.airbrake.enabled = false\n\t}\n\ttest {\n\t\tgrails.plugins.airbrake.enabled = false\n\t}\n
\nFor example, to disable notifications caused by IllegalArgumentException
and IllegalStateException
, configure
grails.plugins.airbrake.excludes = ['java.lang.IllegalArgumentException', 'java.lang.IllegalStateException']\n
\neach entry in the list will be converted to a Pattern
and matched against the exception class name, so the following\nwould also exclude these two exceptions:
grails.plugins.airbrake.excludes = ['java.lang.Illegal.*Exception']\n
\nIf you wish to enable/disable notifications at runtime you have a couple of options
\nairbrakeService.setEnabled(boolean enabled)
action of AirbrakeTestController
. This action expects a single parameter either enabled=true
or enabled=false
By default, the environment name used in Airbrake will match that of the current Grails environment. To change this default, set the env property:
\ngrails.plugins.airbrake.env = grails.util.Environment.current.name[0..0] // Airbrake env name changed from default value of Development/Test/Production to D/T/P\n
\nBy default only uncaught errors or errors logged with an exception are reported to Airbrake. It is often convenient to loosen that restriction so that all messages logged at the Error
level are reported to Airbrake. This often most useful in src/java
or src/groovy
classes that can more easily have a log4j logger than get accees to the dependency injected airbrakeService
With the following line in Config.groovy
grails.plugins.airbrake.includeEventsWithoutExceptions = true\n
\nthen logged errors get reported to Airbrake:
\n@Log4j\nclass SomeGroovyClass {\n\tdef doSomething() {\n\t\tif (somethingWentWrong()) {\n\t\t\tlog.error('Something went wrong')\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n
\nNote: It might be reasonable to have this setting true by default but for backwards compatibility with previous versions of te plugin the default is false.
\nTo prevent certain parameters from being sent to Airbrake you can configure a list of parameter names to filter out. The configuration settings paramsFilteredKeys
, sessionFilteredKeys
and cgiFilteredKeys
filter the params, session and cgi data sent to Airbrake.\nFor example to prevent any web request parameter named 'password' from being included in the notification to Airbrake you would use the following configuration:
grails.plugins.airbrake.paramsFilteredKeys = ['password']\n
\nEach configuration option also supports regular expression matching on the keys. For example the following configuration would prevent all session data from being sent to Airbrake:
\ngrails.plugins.airbrake.sessionFilteredKeys = ['.*']\n
\nIf you are running the Airbrake server locally (or a clone thereof, e.g. Errbit), you will need to customise the server URL, port, scheme, etc.\nFor example to change the server host and port, add the following configuration parameters:
\ngrails.plugins.airbrake.host = 'errbit.example.org'\ngrails.plugins.airbrake.port = 8080\n
\nAirbrake allows certain User data to be supplied with the notice. To set the current users data to be included in all notifications use the airbrakeService.addNoticeContext
method to set a map of userData.\nThe supported keys are id
, name
, email
and username
airbrakeService.addNoticeContext(id: '1234', name: 'Bugs Bunny', email: 'bugs@acme.com', username: 'bugs')\n
\nIn most web apps the simplest way to provide this context is in a Grails filter. For example if you are using SpringSecurity
add the following AirbrakeFilter.groovy
in grails-app/conf
class AirbrakeFilters {\n def airbrakeService\n def springSecurityService\n\n def filters = {\n all(uri: '/**') {\n before = {\n def user = springSecurityService.currentUser\n if (user) {\n airbrakeService.addNoticeContext(user: [id: user.id, name: user.name, email: user.email, username: user.username ])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n
\nBy default, notifications are sent to Airbrake asynchronously using a thread-pool of size 5. To change the size of this thread\npool set the following config parameter:
\n// double the size of the pool\ngrails.plugins.airbrake.asyncThreadPoolSize = 10\n
\nTo have the notifications sent synchronously, set the async parameter to false:
\n// send notifications synchronously\ngrails.plugins.airbrake.async = false\n
\nTo send the notifications asynchronously using a custom handler, use the async configuration option.\nThis configuration takes a closure with two parameters the Notice
to send and the grailsApplication
. The asynchronous handler should simply call airbrakeService.sendNotice(notice)
to deliver the notification.
This plugin does not introduce a default choice for processing notices asynchronously. You should choose a method that suits your application.\nYou could just create a new thread or use a scheduler/queuing plugin such as Quartz or Jesque
\nFor example if you are using the Quartz plugin you can send notifications asynchronously using the following setting in Config.groovy
grails.plugins.airbrake.async = { notice, grailsApplication ->\n AirbrakeNotifyJob.triggerNow(notice: notice)\n}\n
\nand the AirbrakeNotifyJob
is defined in grails-app\\jobs
something like this:
class AirbrakeNotifyJob {\n def airbrakeService\n\n def execute(JobExecutionContext context) {\n Notice notice = context.mergedJobDataMap.notice\n if (notice) {\n airbrakeService.sendNotice(notice)\n }\n }\n}\n
\nBy default all stack traces are filtered using an instance of org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.DefaultStackTraceFilterer
to remove common Grails and java packages.\nTo provide custom stack trace filtering simple configure an instance of a class that implements the interface org.codehaus.groovy.grails.exceptions.StackTraceFilterer
in Config.groovy
grails.plugins.airbrake.stackTraceFilterer = new MyCustomStackTraceFilterer()\n
\nThis plugin is compatible with Grails version 2.0 or greater. A backport to Grails 1.3 is available on the [grails-1.3 branch] (https://github.com/cavneb/airbrake-grails/tree/grails-1.3).
\ngit checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Added some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature
)The origin version of this plugin was written by Phuong LeCong (https://github.com/plecong/grails-airbrake).\nSince then it has undergone significant refactoring and updates inspired by the Ruby Airbrake gem (https://github.com/airbrake/airbrake)
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "ajax-tags", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails ajax-tags plugin", "labels": [ "ajax" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails3-plugins/ajax-tags/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.0", "updated": "2016-04-01T15:35:44.151Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:ajax-tags" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails3-plugins/ajax-tags" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": null }, { "displayName": "ajax-dependency-selection", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "ajaxdependancyselection", "repo": "maven", "owner": "vahid", "desc": "Grails ajaxdependancyselection plugin", "labels": [ "ajax" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselection/issues", "latestVersion": "1.3", "updated": "2016-06-28T14:58:54.722Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:ajaxdependancyselection" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselection/" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Ajaxdependancyselection is a Grails plugin which makes use of jquery to provide either select or auto complete form fields. This can be any combination of either fully dependent objects or full dependent as well as no reference bindings.
\nA common problem when it comes to making a website is having objects that are independant and when a user selects an option what to do next ? do you refresh the page to update the next set of values or look into some jquery/java scripts to auto update the next set of select option.
\nAdd plugin Dependency :
\n compile ":ajaxdependancyselection:0.45-SNAPSHOT4"\n
\n\nDependency (Grails 3.X) :
\n compile "org.grails.plugins:ajaxdependancyselection:1.3" \n
\n\nIn order to ensure you only allow this plugin to search desired domainClasses as well as restricted to only search/collect fields that will be used within the plugin calls. Simply add something like this below to your Config.groovy. Covering the full domainClass and its packaging convention the search/collect fields you wish to call from within the plugin calls. This now means anything outside of this scope should fail if anyone attempts to break out of the plugin..
\nads {\n\tsecurity = "enabled"\n\twhitelist = [\n\t\t\t[dc:'ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyContinent', collect:'id', search:'continentName'],\n\t\t\t[dc:'ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCountry', collect:'id', search:'countryName'],\n\t\t\t[dc:'ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCity', collect:'id', search:'cityName']\n\t]\n}\n
\nTo use the autocomplete features simply enable this taglib call:
\nWithin your layout/main.gsp or a gsp page that uses autoComplete and requires jquery-ui
\nYou can also add:
\nTo any ads:autoComplete tags and you should only need to call it once on a given page. So on one of the ads:autoComplete calls should suffice.
\nboselecta, no jquery and no jquery-ui used. Secure information flow. downside - client needs to have websocket supported browser.
\n0.45-SNAPSHOT4/1.0 - various issues https://github.com/vahidhedayati/testads5/issues/1#issuecomment-113842538\n0.45-SNAPSHOT3 - reverted returnPrimarySearch due to filtering issues\n0.45-SNAPSHOT2 - added showSearchField='|' and whatever character to split collect/search fields for auto complete - user request.\n\n0.45/1.0 - Fixed jquey-ui image issues, fixed controller action selection. hardcoded jquery removed from _selectJs.gsp\n0.44 - a println left in security - as part of upgrade to grails3 (now working) all code has been reviewed and a major tidy up lock down carried out.\n\n0.43 - Security configuration added, you can now define which domainClasses are searchable and what fields can be searched. I can see the initial primary selection still works but this is due to entire list being returned - beyond this nothing else will work if security enabled and locked down. Review instructions on security at the very top of this README.\n\n0.42-SNAPSHOT3 & SNAPSHOT2 : https://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselection/issues/9\n\n0.42-SNAPSHOT1 : https://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselection/issues/8\n\n0.42-SNAPSHOT: https://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselection/issues/7\n\n\n0.42 - \thttps://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselection/issues/7#issuecomment-55927174 as per request - primaryList\n\t\tcan now be provided via main call i.e. controller providing the list to the taglib, domain can be set to \n\t\tan invalid value. Please refer to example6.gsp within ajaxdependancyselectexample project.\n\t\t\n\t\t\n0.41 - \tmultiple added to all select calls so multiple=true or false can be defined (optional)\n\t\tmultiple="multiple" multiple="false" multiple="true"\n\t\tfixed issue for require required - both now accepted.\n\t\t\n0.40 - \t0.39 was incomplete - a few issues with primary/secondary selection - EDIT mode. should now be fixed.\n\n0.39 -\tsecondaryValue='2' attribute added to selectPrimary/selectSecondary. Related to this question: \n\t\thttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/23220436/ajax-dependency-selection-plugin/24745037\n\t\t\n\n0.38 - \tappendName appendValue values not being passed from tagLib to services..\n\n0.37 -\tselectJs files updated logic added to if autocomp is set in \n\t\tany ads:selectPrimary/Secondary then it will look for autocompleteSecondary \n\t\ttag to fullfill autocomplete refer to selectauto3.gsp\n\t\t\n0.36 -\tminor bug in selectController '' used instead of "" for attrs.id so id was being shown as attrs.id\n \n0.35 - \tMade values updated default values optional - if appendValue is given in ads:select then it will set appendName to default value\n \t\n0.34 - \tNow supporting multiple dependency calls, in a given ads:select you can now declare upto 5 depended object bound to a\n \t\tprimary or secondary selection.\n \t\t\n0.33 - \tToo minor to mention\n0.32 - \tFurther tidyup of duplicate javascripts, cleaner calls made within taglib and reduction of duplicate gsp pages, issue\n\t\twith return results in controller displayed undefined when no results found - fixed.\n\t\t\n0.31 - \tTidyup of javascript calls within taglib, fixed secondaryNR filter2 issues - filtering now working across all select functions\n\n0.30 - \tIssues with filtering and end box with no filter not displaying values - tidyup\n\n0.29 - \tFilterDisplay and filterType intro - user override of action controllers for filtering js and controller/actions added\n\n0.28 - \tTidy up - and further work on specific filtering for selectSecondary\n\n0.27 - \tFiltering of selectPrimary\n\n0.26 - \tAdded selectAutoComplete\n\n0.23 - \tRemoved null from values updated (default additional selection field added when values update), this now means user has to \n\t\tstill choose this value\n\t\t \n0.22 - Added required by default set to required for all taglib calls. \n\n0.19 - Broken build - there were issues with the tidyup I did with selectSecondary, totally forgot it was being used by \n\t\t\tselectPrimary. 0.20 should be fine\n\n
\nUsing this plugin with the grails framework you are able to achieve this without all of the complications. Refer to this sample project which makes use of all of the examples below with some objects already pre-added to the sample projecet. Found here in this sample project:
\nExample grails project grails 2.4.2
\nExample grails project grails 2.5
\nExample grails project grails 2.4.4
\nExample grails project grails 3.0.1
\nfor grails ajaxdependancyselection plugin.Issues can be reported here. For further documentation and examples, check out the wiki
\nI have included the text and html samples from all of the examples in the example site. Use Europe/United Kingdom/London or Oxford for a full completed example within the above example project when loading it up.
\nIn the examples provided domainClasses has been defined as countryName cityName and so forth, this was really an example to show it can be any naming convention besides the standard id, name column naming convention. Feel free to name things as you desire i.e. this is not a requirement of the plugin.
\nads:selectPrimary\nads:selectSecondary\nads:selectAutoComplete\nads:autocomplete\nads:autoCompletePrimary\nads:autoCompleteSecondary\nads:selectPrimaryNR\nads:selectSecondaryNR\nads:autoCompleteSecondaryNR\nads:selectController\nads:autoCompleteHeader\n\nads:selectPrimary - custom controller/action sample\nads:selectPrimary/Secondary Filtering\nads:selectPrimary/Secondary support for domain3 domain4 domain5 domain6 domain7 and domain8 which can all be added: \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-- to any selectPrimary or Secondary call, each domain is a bound object\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-- This means if a Country has many cities and many mayors upon country update relevant cities and mayors are loaded\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-- extend this now across upto domain8 for each object initiall called\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tPlease read below on the how to and refer to the example site for a very basic demo.\n
\nclass PrimaryDomain {\n\tString name\n\tstatic hasMany = [ secondarydomain: SecondaryDomain ]\n}\n\nclass SecondaryDomain {\n\tString name\n\tstatic belongsTo = [ primarydomain: PrimaryDomain ]\n}\n
\nBindid would be:
\nThis you would use ads:selectPrimary the bindid is primarydomain.id the field highlighted in bold above as the bindid
\n <ads:selectPrimary id="MyContinent1" name="MyContinent1"\n domain='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCountry'\n searchField='countryName'\n collectField='id'\n \n domain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCity'\n bindid="mycountry.id"\n searchField2='cityName'\n collectField2='id'\n\n\t\t multiple='true'\n\t\t \n noSelection="['': 'Please choose Country']" \n setId="MyCity1"\n value=''/>\n
\nEntire input with explaination
\nNow this can be either passed toa normal select or to a ads:selectSecondary where if if you have further dependency you wish to interogate.
\nSo in the case of Country city, the above is fine to call to a city select area that is a simple call like this:
\n\t<g:select \n\tid="MyCountry" \n\tname="MyCity1"\n\toptionKey="id"\n\toptionValue="name" \n\tfrom="[]" \n\trequired="required" \n\tnoSelection="['': 'Please choose Country']" />\n \n
\nIf however this was a multi nested dependency situation you could proceed to selectSecondary where this will update either a final call just like per above or call selectSecondary over and over again until nesting is completed with final select as above. again ensure you are making proper calls your optionKey and Value needs to match your own table naming convention or in simple terms
\n<option value=YourDefindOptionKey>YourDefinedOptionValue</option>\n
\nis what is represented on the html end
\nThis is a tag that can be used over and over again to go through nested situations, you can also use the selectSecondaryNR features to interact from selectPrimary or selectSecondary, this will be final part of document\nBack to ads:selectSecondary example:
\n<ads:selectSecondary id="MyCountry11" name="MyCountry11"\n domain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCity'\n bindid="mycountry.id"\n searchField2='cityName'\n collectField2='id'\n \n \n appendValue=''\n appendName='Updated'\n \n \n multiple='true'\n \n noSelection="['': 'Please choose Continent']" \n setId="MyCity11"\n value="${params.MyCountry11}"/>\n
\nads:selectSecondary entire input and explaination
\nThis is a new feature from 0.26+, it allows you to set up a select box from which auto complete values are generated depending on what user selects.
\n<ads:selectAutoComplete \n id="MyContinent2" \n id2="MyCountry2" \n name="MyContinent2"\n domain="ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyContinent"\n searchField="continentName"\n collectField="id"\n primarybind="mycontinent.id"\n domain2="ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCountry"\n searchField2="countryName"\n collectField2="id"\n \n appendValue=""\n appendName="values updated"\n noSelection="['': 'Please choose Continent']" \n setId="MyCountry121"\n hidden='hidden3'\n hidden2='hidden4'\n value=""/>\n
\nExplaination/example found here
\n###ads:selectPrimary/Secondary to ads:autoCompleteSecondary\nIf you want to pass from selections to auto complete then from 0.37+ release you should be able to pass parameter autocomp="1" to any of the ads:select methods followed by a call to ads:autocompleteSecondary.. from-selection-to-autocomplete---how-to
\n###ads:autocomplete\nThis is a simple auto complete tag lib that allows you to auto complete from a single table, refer to above notes on jquery & jquery-ui requirements
\n<ads:autocomplete id="primarySearch" name="myId"\ndomain='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCountry'\nsearchField='countryName'\ncollectField='id'\nvalue=''/>\n<input type=submit value=go> </form>\n
\n<ads:autoCompletePrimary id="primarySearch1" \nname="NAMEOFcontinentName"\ndomain='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyContinent'\nsearchField='continentName'\ncollectField='id'\n\nmultiple='false'\n\nsetId="secondarySearch2"\nhidden='hidden3'\nvalue=''/>\n
\n<ads:autoCompleteSecondary id="secondarySearch2" \nname="NAMEOFcountryName" \ndomain='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCountry' \nprimarybind='mycontinent.id' \nhidden='hidden3' \nhidden2='hidden4' \nmultiple='false'\nsearchField='countryName' \ncollectField='id'\nsetId="secondarySearch3" \nvalue=''/>\n
\nautoCompleteSecondary explained
\n\tclass PrimaryDomain {\n \t\tString name\n \t\tstatic hasMany = [ secondarydomain: SecondaryDomain ]\n\t}\n\n\tclass SecondaryDomain {\n \t\tString name\n\t\tstatic belongsTo = [PrimaryDomain ]\n\t}\n
\nNow within your call the bindid would be:
\nThis you would use ads:selectPrimaryNR the bindid is secondarydomain the field highlighted in bold above as the bindid
\nNotice in the PrimaryNR the bindid is the primary hasMany mapping and has no .id
\nExample call:
\nThis will display all your controllers then let you Choose available actions of this controller:\nhttps://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselectexample/blob/master/grails-app/views/myContinent/example.gsp\nLine 210 onwards has an example.Typically maybe used for identifying controller name and its available actions to store against something maybe for your own custom authentication control that binds all this with something else.
\nHere are the values explained:
\nThis now gets passed to a standard select call where it has an id of "ControllerActions":
\nThe from on this is set to [] which gets filled in by ads:selectController setId return call.
\n<ads:autoCompleteHeader />\n
\nThis is covered in the sample project labelled as custom example. Create your own controller which is set to do a custom verification:
\n\tdef selectCountries() {\n\t\tif (params.id) {\n\t\t\tprintln params\n\t\t\tString continentName = params.searchField\n\t\t\tLong continentId = params.id as Long\n\t\t\tMyContinent continent = MyContinent.get(continentId)\n\n\t\t\t/* Either this method or below method which is much shorter\n\t\t\tdef primarySelectList = []\n\t\t\tMyCountry.findAllByMycontinentAndCountryNameLike(continent, "F%").each {\n\t\t\t\tdef primaryMap = [:]\n\t\t\t\tprimaryMap.put('id', it.id)\n\t\t\t\tprimaryMap.put('name', it.countryName)\n\t\t\t\tprimarySelectList.add(primaryMap)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\trender primarySelectList as JSON\n\t\t\t*/\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t// Shorter method\n\t\t\tdef countries=MyCountry.findAllByMycontinentAndCountryNameLike(continent, "F%")\n\t\t\tdef results = countries.collect {[\t'id': it.id, 'name': it.countryName ]}.unique()\n\t\t\trender results as JSON\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n
\nCreate a call for this:
\n<ads:selectPrimary id="MyContinent2" name="MyContinent2"\ndomain="ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyContinent"\nsearchField="continentName"\ncollectField="id"\n\ncontroller="MyContinent"\naction="selectCountries"\n\ndomain2="ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCountry"\nbindid="mycontinent.id"\nsearchField2="countryName"\nappendValue=""\nappendName="values updated"\ncollectField2="id"\nnoSelection="['': 'Please choose Continent']" \nsetId="MyCountry121"\nvalue=""/>\n \n \n \n<g:select name="MyCountry" id="MyCountry121" from="[]" required="required" \nnoSelection="['': 'Please choose Continent']" />\n
\nI will be updating this so that less input is required when custom action controller is defined.
\nMost basic example is a hard coded version: /ajaxdependancyselectionexample/myContinent/norefselectSecondaryFilteringFixed.gsp and or https://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselection/wiki/Nested-Selection-from-fully-fixed-search-all-that-way-including-a-secondaryNR
\nThis is where you start with your <ads:selectPrimary filter="something" filter2="another"\nThis will now filter results for primary matching against something and the next secondary call to filter against another
\nOn your next <ads:selectSeconday you simply call filter2="somethingelse"
\nThis will now pass this filter to next object being completed and all the way to last standard call which will end in standard <g:select box but will still be filtered.
\nThe other way is to enable filtering and let user control the filter, to do this simply switch filter="_ON" in each <ads:selectPrimary/Secondary call
\nIn primary it is just as simple as switching it on, within secondary calls it gets a little more complex.
\nTo enable user driver filtering - add this
\nTo enable hard coded filtering add this:
\nWith either a fixed filter above or dynamic user controlled followed by: Only needed if you want to define you next select filter physically
\nOptional stuff:\t\nput this in so with filtering no results are shown if user does not match or as it starts and only show matching results in select to what user inputs
\nfilterDisplay="none" \t\t\t\n
\nValues are : S E A - Start of Record End of Record or by default if not defined Any part of record i.e. wild card search.
\nfilterType ="A" \t\t\t\n
\nOverride optional stuff:
\nif you wish to point the filtering actions to another location at the moment default autoComplete controller from plugin
\nfilterController="YourController" \t\n
\nif you wish to define your own action for the above controller call
\nfilteraction="your action"\n
\nDefault is loadFilterWord this loads up the user input box for end user filtering
\nThe action that returns the primary list the default value is as defined
\nConfig.groovy overrides:
\nTo enable user driver filtering - add this
\nTo enable hard coded filtering for the next field add this: Only needed if you want to define you next select filter physically
\nOptional stuff: put this in so with filtering no results are shown if user does not match or as it starts and only show matching results in
\nselect to what user inputs: Values are : S E A - Start of Record End of Record or by default if not defined Any part of record i.e. wild card search.
\nfilterType ="A" \t\t\t\n
\nIf you wish to point the filtering actions to another location at the moment default autoComplete controller from plugin
\nfilterController="YourController" \t\n
\nIf you wish to define your own action for the above controller call
\nfilteraction="your action"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n
\nDefault is loadFilterWord this loads up the user input box for end user filtering
\nThe action that returns the secondary search whilst filter results
\nConfig.groovy overrides:
\najaxdependancyselection.filterField='/autoComplete/filterField'\najaxdependancyselection.selectSecondaryJsFilter='/autoComplete/selectJs1' {Secondary default}\najaxdependancyselection.selectSecondaryJsFilter='/autoComplete/selectJsNr1' {SecondaryNR default}\n
\nFor other examples of filtering, check out or the filtering example page within the example project site.
\nThis allows you to load up domain3, domain4, domain5, domain6, domain7, domain8 per Primary or Secondary Call.\nEach of them can then have the same nesting meaning some wild dependencies can be created and complex selecting provided.
\nThe how to:
\n<ads:selectPrimary id="MyDepartments" name="MyDepartments"\ndomain='ajaxdependancyselectexample.Departments'\nsearchField='name'\ncollectField='id'\nnoSelection="['': 'Please choose Department']" \n\ndomain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.Employee'\nbindid="department.id"\nsearchField2='name'\ncollectField2='id'\nsetId="employeeID"\n\n\ndomain3='ajaxdependancyselectexample.Documents'\nbindid3="department.id"\nsearchField3='name'\ncollectField3='id'\nsetId3="documentsId"\nfilter3="L"\n\nvalue=''/>\n\n<g:select name="employee" id="employeeID" optionKey="id" optionValue="name" from="[]" \nrequired="required" noSelection="['': 'Please choose department']" />\n\n<g:select name="document" id="documentsId" optionKey="id" optionValue="name" from="[]" \nrequired="required" noSelection="['': 'Please choose department']" />\n
\nThe Primary block or Secondary Block simply create a new element that kind of follows the domain2 object\nbut in short everything ends with the correct numbering sequence. As you can see the bindings employeeID and documentsId got updated with relevant values that were depedent upong primary selection.
\nTake a look at the multidomain example in the wiki or within the example project where it covers:
\nThis last example shown here:
\nPlease note only the first computer from each initial department selected has any further values.
\n<form method=post action=example5>\n\n<ads:selectPrimary id="MyDepartments141" name="MyDepartments141"\ndomain='ajaxdependancyselectexample.Departments'\nsearchField='name'\ncollectField='id'\nnoSelection="['': 'Please choose Department']" \n\ndomain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.Employee'\nbindid="department.id"\nsearchField2='name'\ncollectField2='id'\nsetId="employeeID141"\n\ndomain3='ajaxdependancyselectexample.Documents'\nbindid3="department.id"\nsearchField3='name'\ncollectField3='id'\nsetId3="documentsId141"\n\ndomain4='ajaxdependancyselectexample.Computers'\nbindid4="department.id"\nsearchField4='pcName'\ncollectField4='id'\nsetId4="computersId141"\nvalue=''/>\n\n<g:select name="employee" id="employeeID141" optionKey="id" optionValue="name" from="[]" \nrequired="required" noSelection="['': 'Please choose department']" />\n<g:select name="document" id="documentsId141" optionKey="id" optionValue="name" from="[]" \nrequired="required" noSelection="['': 'Please choose department']" />\n\n\n\n<ads:selectSecondary id="computersId141" name="computersId141"\n\ndomain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.Os'\nbindid="computers.id"\nsearchField2='osName'\ncollectField2='id'\nsetId="Os13"\n\ndomain3='ajaxdependancyselectexample.Users'\nbindid3="computers.id"\nsearchField3='userName'\ncollectField3='id'\nsetId3="userId13"\n\nappendValue=''\nappendName='Updated'\n\nnoSelection="['': 'Please choose Department']" \n\nvalue="${params.computersId141}"/>\n\n\n<g:select name="Os" id="Os13" optionKey="id" optionValue="pcName" from="[]" \nrequired="required" noSelection="['': 'Please choose Computer']" />\n\n<g:select name="users" id="userId13" optionKey="id" optionValue="userName" \nfrom="[]" required="required" noSelection="['': 'Please choose computer']" />\n\n<input type=submit value=go>\n</form>\n\t\t\n
\nThis may be rather difficult but if the values are then stored on DB and you wish to further edit the defined stored values you now can from version 0.40+.\nPlease refer to https://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselectexample/blob/master/grails-app/views/myContinent/testedit.gsp. This page has fixed values defined with an additional variable defined within selectPrimary/Secondary:
\nAlthough in the given gsp example page the values are hardcoded, in real life those be the values returned from db
\nSo in selectPrimary/selectSecondary you define both the value and secondaryValue and the plugin will assign them to the relevant boxes. please follow the example to get an idea
\nHere are two domain classes with a no reference set up and require ads:selectSecondaryNR feature:
\nclass MyCity {\nString cityName\n MyCountry mycountry\n static hasMany=[myborough: MyBorough]\n String toString() { "${cityName}"}\n}\n\nclass MyBorough {\n String actualName\n static belongsTo = [MyCity]\n String toString() { "${actualName}" }\n}\n\n
\nThis non working gsp has some examples: https://github.com/vahidhedayati/ajaxdependancyselectexample/blob/master/grails-app/views/myContinent/noRefAutoComplete.gsp
\nHere is the GSP making a nested call where an element has a no reference relationship, the gsp page in the example called norefselectionext.gsp goes back out of a NR relationship and calls Streets domain after borough to then load up a further relationsip
\nThis non working gsp has some examples
\nAlidad's CountryCityAutoComplete project which inspired this plugin.
\nBurt Beckwith for helping clean up the code.
\nDomurtag for identifying and helping improve plugin documentation and features.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "alexa-skills", "repo": "alexa-skills", "owner": "rvanderwerf", "desc": "This is a Grails 3.x plugin to help make Amazon Alexa Skills / Speechlets", "labels": [ "amazon", "alexa" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "", "latestVersion": "0.1.2", "updated": "2017-11-07T07:29:01.366Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:alexa-skills" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/rvanderwerf/grails-alexa-skills" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This is the Alexa skills Plugin!
\nThis plugin helps you create Speechlets/Skills on Grails. It will create a starter class for you\nso you can get running quickly making your own skills.
\nadd the following to the dependencies {} block to your build.gradle:
\ndependencies {\n compile "org.grails.plugins:alexa-skills:0.1.2"\n}\n
\nalso if you have issues resolving the plugin, try adding my bintray repo (NOT to buildscript block but the lower one):
\n\nrepositories {\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/rvanderwerf/alexa-skills" }\n maven {\n url "http://dl.bintray.com/vanderfox/alexa-skills-kit-java" \n }\n}\n\n\n
\nrun 'grails create-speechlet
Here's the config values you can set in application.yml or application.groovy:
\nalexaSkills.supportedApplicationIds (String)
\nalexaSkills.disableVerificationCheck (boolean)
\nalexaSkills.serializeRequests (boolean)
\nalexaSkills.serializeRequestsOutputPath (boolean)
\nclass TestController {\n\n def speechletService\n def testSpeechlet\n\n\n def index() {\n speechletService.doSpeechlet(request,response, testSpeechlet)\n }\n\n}\n
\nHere you see the speechlet is turned into a Spring bean, and you invoke the speechlet service and pass it in.\nLikely we could turn the speechlet artefact class into a controller itself in the future to skip this.\nIf you are using Spring security, make sure to whitelist the urlmapping for the index.
\nRecently I gave a talk at GR8Conf.eu about building applications for the Amazon Alexa platform. I talked about using Groovy\nwith Lambdas to demonstrate Skills (Alexa Apps) as well as using Grails. I'll give this talk again at GR8Conf.us at the end of\nJuly and have even more good stuff to show. On top of that, after working on this for months I have the material to have an\nAlexa workshop at GR8Conf.us(Thanks to Collin Harrington for helping with the idea). Good Times! I wanted to write a post as a step-by step on using a plugin I've recently developed\nas to help you crank out Alexa apps(skills or speechlets). Amazon has a promotion right now, if you submit a new skill to their library,\nyou can win a free T-Shirt, so maybe you can make something cool with this and get one! You do not even need an Amazon device: you\ncan point your browser to https://echosim.io to use their emulator.
Let me first get started to explain how these things work and a little about the devices. Starting a couple years ago, Amazon released\na home device/speaker thing called the Echo. It's a household helper device with very nice multi-directional microphones, and a nice speaker\nfor playing music. At first I didn't get one or understand it: it sounded like a useless toy to me. However peers gobbled them up and\nstarted playing around with them. They weren't building apps for it, but raved about how cool it was and how it helped automate their\nhome and do useful things. Then they started saying they loved it so much they were buying more units and putting them all over their house.\nNow my attention was had - of course the first thing that pops into my head was 'how can I get Groovy to work with this thing?'
\nThe first examples they give are all about AWS Lambda functions in Node - however they aren't fantastic on Java because they have a hard limit of 50mb\njars you can upload. Surely you can't fit all of grails and dependencies in there to do much. Still we gave it a shot - I followed\nBenoit H\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffddiard's presentation on Groovy with Lambdas from GGX 2015. I sat down with a buddy of mine, Lee Fox (He will be at GR8Conf.us), and we hammed out a bunch of ideas\nwe could build with it - in Groovy of course!
\nThe first app we got working was a simple Twitter app that combined Groovy, Spring Social and Skills to make a skill that would connect to\nTwitter and search for tweets, as well as give updates to your timeline. You can find the code here. Good! Now we're getting somewhere. I did a little digging and found\nthey have some servlet support to make a stand along web service - now we can get Grails involved and make this less hideous.
\nNext we took it a level up - we didn't want the user to have to hard-code their twitter API keys to run the app, and you can't publish a skill that\npulls down someone else's twitter info. So we build a Grails app that used Spring Security, Oath plugin, and Spring Security UI to allow a UI\nthat lets you register and enter your own twitter keys for your account. Source for that is here.
\nAfter that it was time to make a plugin to help you make these skills - that I published while I was out at GR8Conf.eu here.\nIt works similar to the Quartz plugin in that you have a CLI command to create a working template of a Skill to get you started. I will show you here how to build\na skill using the Grails plugin to get you started making your own Skills in a short about of time.
\nThe devices themselves, (which are currently the Echo, Tap, Dot, and FireTV) don't do a whole lot. They even publish the source to the devices\nfor you to look at if you choose here. The magic resides on the amazon side that handles all the voice recognition and handling of requests.\nBasically what happens is the user initiates a action (skill) on the device, and it goes to the alexa service to figure out what you want to do.\nWhen your app is invoked, it calls back to your app via a JSON HTTPS call and initiates a series of Intents to make your app do things. Your app simple waits for the call\nand takes appropriate action (via JSON) to do what you want. It's up to you as the developer to make it do something useful.
\nThe picture above give you an idea of how it works (from Amazon's site). Let's go over Intents and Sample utterances to have a better idea of what's going on.
\nIntents are sort of like simplified Intents on android if you have every done Android coding. They signal an intention for a command to run to do something.
\nLet's look at an example one to get an idea:
\n{\n "intents": [\n {\n "intent": "ResponseIntent",\n "slots": [\n {\n "name": "Answer",\n "type": "AMAZON.LITERAL"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n "intent": "QuestionCountIntent",\n "slots": [\n {\n "name": "Count",\n "type": "AMAZON.NUMBER"\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n "intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent"\n }\n ]\n}\n
\nHere this application can trigger 3 intents: ResponseIntent, QuestionCountIntent, and HelpIntent. You use JSON to tell it what these are.\nYou can define 'slots' which is the expected responses which are comprised of a name and Type. There are pre-defined data types you can use\nto help amazon parse what is said (Number for example knows the user is going to say a number. Literal is a simple String. Some intents don't need anything\nas they are 'built in' like the help intent (no inputs).
\nA little bit about slots - they are entirely optional. You can do things like define a list of allowed responses (custom slots) that are valid things for the user to say.\nIn this case the ResponseIntent is free form, and we sort out what we want to do by parsing the string we get from Amazon (translated via TTS).
\nLet's look at another example:
\nResponseIntent {test|Answer}\nResponseIntent {last player|Answer}\nResponseIntent {test test|Answer}\nResponseIntent {test test test|Answer}\nResponseIntent {test test test test|Answer}\nQuestionCountIntent {Count} questions\n
\nHere we see the intent each utterances (what the person says) and map it to an intent. Amazon will generate common words like conjunctions and ignored things on their\nend so you don't have to mess with handling things like 'and', 'the', 'or' etc. Variables are surrounded by {}. You can use the | operator to specify alternate options.\nIf you want to say something to your skill, it must match the pattern here. For this case, we want to parse multi-world answers to a question.\nBasically here we support one, two, three of four word responses - anything else will be cut off/ignored. The last item allows the user to answer how many questions they want to be asked.
\nThe plugin is for Grails 3.x only. Let's create a new app first:
\ngrails create-app skillsTest\n
\nNow lets open build.gradle and add the plugin into the dependencies {} closure:
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:alexa-skills:0.1.1"\n
\nNow let's create a skill from the command line:
\ngrails create-speechlet SkillsTest\n| Rendered template Speechlet.groovy to destination grails-app/speechlets/skillstest/SkillsTestSpeechlet.groovy\n
\nNow let's see what it's created in grails-app/speechlets:
\n\n@Slf4j\nclass SkillsTestSpeechlet implements GrailsConfigurationAware, Speechlet {\n\n def grailsApplication\n\n Config grailsConfig\n def speechletService\n\n\n def index() {\n speechletService.doSpeechlet(request,response, this)\n }\n\n /**\n * This is called when the session is started\n * Add an initialization setup for the session here\n * @param request SessionStartedRequest\n * @param session Session\n * @throws SpeechletException\n */\n public void onSessionStarted(final SessionStartedRequest request, final Session session)\n throws SpeechletException {\n log.info("onSessionStarted requestId={}, sessionId={}", request.getRequestId(),\n session.getSessionId())\n\n }\n\n /**\n * This is called when the skill/speechlet is launched on Alexa\n * @param request LaunchRequest\n * @param session Session\n * @return\n * @throws SpeechletException\n */\n public SpeechletResponse onLaunch(final LaunchRequest request, final Session session)\n throws SpeechletException {\n log.info("onLaunch requestId={}, sessionId={}", request.getRequestId(),\n session.getSessionId())\n\n return getWelcomeResponse()\n }\n\n /**\n * This is the method fired when an intent is called\n *\n * @param request IntentRequest intent called from Alexa\n * @param session Session\n * @return SpeechletResponse tell or ask type\n * @throws SpeechletException\n */\n public SpeechletResponse onIntent(final IntentRequest request, final Session session)\n throws SpeechletException {\n log.info("onIntent requestId={}, sessionId={}", request.getRequestId(),\n session.getSessionId())\n\n log.debug("invoking intent:${intentName}")\n PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech()\n // Create the Simple card content.\n SimpleCard card = new SimpleCard(title:"Twitter Search Results")\n def speechText = "I will say something"\n def cardText = "I will print something"\n // Create the plain text output.\n speech.setText(speechText)\n card.setContent(cardText)\n SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech, card)\n\n }\n /**\n * Grails config is injected here for configuration of your speechlet\n * @param co Config\n */\n void setConfiguration(Config co) {\n this.grailsConfig = co\n }\n\n /**\n * this is where you do session cleanup\n * @param request SessionEndedRequest\n * @param session\n * @throws SpeechletException\n */\n public void onSessionEnded(final SessionEndedRequest request, final Session session)\n throws SpeechletException {\n log.info("onSessionEnded requestId={}, sessionId={}", request.getRequestId(),\n session.getSessionId())\n // any cleanup logic goes here\n }\n\n SpeechletResponse getWelcomeResponse() {\n String speechText = "Say something when the skill starts"\n\n // Create the Simple card content.\n SimpleCard card = new SimpleCard(title: "YourWelcomeCardTitle", content: speechText)\n\n // Create the plain text output.\n PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech(text:speechText)\n\n // Create reprompt\n Reprompt reprompt = new Reprompt(outputSpeech: speech)\n\n SpeechletResponse.newAskResponse(speech, reprompt, card)\n }\n\n /**\n * default responder when a help intent is launched on how to use your speechlet\n * @return\n */\n SpeechletResponse getHelpResponse() {\n String speechText = "Say something when the skill need help"\n // Create the Simple card content.\n SimpleCard card = new SimpleCard(title:"YourHelpCardTitle",\n content:speechText)\n // Create the plain text output.\n PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech(text:speechText)\n // Create reprompt\n Reprompt reprompt = new Reprompt(outputSpeech: speech)\n SpeechletResponse.newAskResponse(speech, reprompt, card)\n }\n\n /**\n * if you are using account linking, this is used to send a card with a link to your app to get started\n * @param session\n * @return\n */\n SpeechletResponse createLinkCard(Session session) {\n\n String speechText = "Please use the alexa app to link account."\n // Create the Simple card content.\n LinkAccountCard card = new LinkAccountCard()\n // Create the plain text output.\n PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech(text:speechText)\n log.debug("Session ID=${session.sessionId}")\n // Create reprompt\n Reprompt reprompt = new Reprompt(outputSpeech: speech)\n SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech, card)\n }\n\n}\n\n
\nAlso the plugin will generate a Controller class embedded in your Speechlet file. If you are using Spring Security, you will want to make sure that uri is\nassessable to the outside to the Alexa service can contact it (there are some requirements I'll fill you in on later):
\n\n/**\n * this controller handles incoming requests - be sure to white list it with SpringSecurity\n * or whatever you are using\n */\n@Controller\nclass SkillsTestController {\n\n def speechletService\n def skillsTestSpeechlet\n\n\n def index() {\n speechletService.doSpeechlet(request,response, skillsTestSpeechlet)\n }\n\n}\n\n
\nThe speechlet artefact will be registered as a Spring bean so it's automatically injected. There is also a service the plugin provides to handle the boring\nstuff like verifying the request, checking the app ID (more on that later) and the plumbing that calls your skill.
\nLooking at the code example above, you can see it made several methods for you. These are part of the skill(speechlet) lifecycle.\nThe first one is:
\nThis allows you to store variables for the duration of the session (the interactions as a whole of the app for that time). You can do\nsome setup here and store variables you can use later. This is technically optional for you to implement.
\nThis is called when you invoke the skill. When you say 'Alexa open skillTest' etc this is you chance to say an opening message about your app, what it does, or what they will\nneed to do.
\nThis is the meat and is required to be implemented. When your sample utterances maps to an Intent when the user says something this is invoked.\nHere you should generate a card that will appear in the Alexa app on your phone (you can also get to this on your local network via browser by going to 'echo.amazon.com'.\nCards are similar to Android cards (more popular in Android Wear) that simply show a message to the user they can see what is going on. You can make several kinds\nof cards which are Simple, Standard, and LinkAccount. Here we have a switch statement to figure out what Intent to process and call the code for the appropriate intent.
\nThis is the last one, optional, where you can clean up and session resources you might have created like database records for the run.
\nI've added a few other helper methods to see how to render a help response, link an account, and get some setup details from the Grails config. As a first pass, just try to get the default template working, then start to change things like changing the text, add an Intent, etc.
\nThis is separate from AWS. I am not aware of any APIs that will create all of this for you so you have to sign up for an account and do this by hand for each skill you want to run.
\nPull down the 'twitterAuth' app here to get some Intents/Sample utterances to try. They are located in src/main/resources.
\nSign up for the Amazon developer program here if you haven't already
\nClick on Apps and Services -> Alexa
\nClick on Alexa Skill Kit / Get Started -> Add New Skill
\nCopy the contents of src/main/resources/IntentSchema.json into Intent Schema.
\nDon't fill in anything for slots
\nUnder Sample Utterances, copy the contents of the file src/main/resources/SampleUtterances.txt
\nUnder configuration Copy the url for /twitterAuth/twitter/index for the endpoint for your server (Choose amazon https not ARN). Click next
\nLeave 'enable account linking' turned off.
\nFor domain list, enter a domain that matches your SSL cert the oauth tokens will be valid for. You may use a self-signed cert for development mode, but if you want to\npublish your skill, your server will need to be running a real recognized certificate (a cheap option is RapidSSL).
\nEnter the url for the privacy policy on your server. It can be any valid web page, a link will show during account linking in the alexa app
\nHit Save
\nClick on SSL Certificate. If you have a self-signed cert (will only work for DEV mode) paste it here under 'I will upload a self-signed certificate in X.509 format.'
\nHit Save and go to Test page and hit Save
\nNow note the application ID it gives you. You will need to add this to the application.groovy/yml file so the application will know the app ID and accept it.
\nCopy the application ID on the first tab 'SKILL INFORMATION', and paste that into application.groovy
\nalexaSkills.supportedApplicationIds="amzn1.echo-api.request.8bd8f02f-5b71-4404-a121-1b0385e56123,amzn1.echo-sdk-ams.app.84d004e5-e084-4087-a8c3-a80b12fd2009,amzn1.echo-sdk-ams.app.dc1dea0e-ab91-446d-a1c7-460df5e83489"\nalexaSkills.disableVerificationCheck = true // helpful for debugging or replay a command via curl\nalexaSkills.serializeRequests = true // this logs the requests to disk to help you debug\nalexaSkills.serializeRequestsOutputPath = "/tmp/"\n
\nBuild and deploy your war file to your server (btw it must be port 443 HTTPS, no exceptions)
\nNow try it on your Echo/Alexa device. Say either 'start' or 'open' and the invocation name you gave the app and follow the prompts! You can also use the test function on the portal itself.
\nDebugging can be very frustrating. Make sure to turn your log level to debug. In the Grails config, the there is an option called 'serializeRequests' and a output path for them.\nThis allows you to capture the request that came from Amazon. If you are trying to test a fix for a bug, you can replay this via CURL. The files will look like this:
\n-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat tomcat 598 Jun 6 22:45 speechlet-1465249551692.out\n-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat tomcat 636 Jun 6 22:45 speechlet-1465249557538.out\n-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat tomcat 598 Jun 6 22:46 speechlet-1465249601675.out\n-rw-r--r-- 1 tomcat tomcat 636 Jun 6 22:46 speechlet-1465249607216.out\n
\nThe build-in security provided by the plugin and underlying library will now allow you to reuse a request because the hash ahd timestamps are too old (to prevent this type of attack called a 'replay attack'). You can disable this check for dev purposes with the 'disableVerificationCheck' Grails config value.\nNow you can replay a file via CURL back to your server to avoid the whole voice interaction to test that one case (and test it locally!):
\ncurl -vX POST http://localhost:8080/test/index -d @speechlet-14641464378122470.out --header "Content-Type: application/json"\n
\nIf you save enough requests of a normal interaction, you could write some functional tests that replay this as part of a test suite or just be able to dev against them locally a bit.
\nIf your want a UI for the user and use account linking, an easy path is to add Spring Security, Spring Security UI, Spring Security OAuth grails plugins.\nYou can see an example of how to do this here.
\nThere is a supported markup called SSML which allows up to 90 seconds of low quality mp3 sound clips to play. Their settings/requirements are quick picky to work:
\n <speak>\n <audio src="\\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/vanderfox-sounds/groovybaby1.mp3\\"/"> ${speechText}\n </audio>\n </speak>\n
\nThe Alexa service is a great invention that is catching on. Google and Apple are dipping their toes into the market. I see the star trek experience in the home\nbeing a reality for everyone in a few years. Already my wife uses it (who swore she never would), and my 4 year old asks it to tell her jokes all the time. I use it to control my lights very often. The sky is the limit, and these tools can be useful in the workplace too. Get out there and build some neat stuff for Alexa with Grails!
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "angular-annotate-asset-pipeline", "repo": "asset-pipeline", "owner": "craigburke", "desc": "AngularJS Annotate for Asset Pipeline 2.0+", "labels": [ "angular-1" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/craigburke/angular-annotate-asset-pipeline/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.1", "updated": "2016-05-13T16:12:37.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.craigburke.angular:angular-annotate-asset-pipeline" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/craigburke/angular-annotate-asset-pipeline" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/craigburke/angular/angular-annotate-asset-pipeline/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "angular-scaffolding", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Provides scaffolding for AngularJS 1.x applications", "labels": [ "angular-1" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-angular-scaffolding/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.1", "updated": "2023-03-07T06:34:49.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:angular-scaffolding" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-angular-scaffolding" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/grails-angular-scaffolding/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/angular-scaffolding/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "angular-template-asset-pipeline", "repo": "asset-pipeline", "owner": "craigburke", "desc": "AngularJS Templates for Asset Pipeline 2.0+", "labels": [ "angular-1", "asset-pipeline" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/craigburke/angular-template-asset-pipeline/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.0", "updated": "2017-07-03T19:47:23.923Z", "systemIds": [ "com.craigburke.angular:angular-template-asset-pipeline" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/craigburke/angular-template-asset-pipeline" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/craigburke/angular/angular-template-asset-pipeline/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "angular2-scaffolding", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Provides scaffolding for Angular 2 applications", "labels": [ "angular-2" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-angular2-scaffolding/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.0.RC1", "updated": "2017-03-27T17:02:14.861Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:angular2-scaffolding" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-angular2-scaffolding" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-angular-scaffolding/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "A plugin for generating client side assets based on domain classes
\nLatest: https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-angular-scaffolding/latest\nSnapshot: https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-angular-scaffolding/snapshot
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "angularjs-scaffolding", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Provides scaffolding for AngularJS 1.x applications", "labels": [ "angular-1" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-angularjs-scaffolding/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.3", "updated": "2017-04-11T14:05:27.613Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:angularjs-scaffolding" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-angularjs-scaffolding" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-angularjs-scaffolding/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "A plugin for generating client side assets based on domain classes
\n" }, { "deprecated": "Source repository is archived and no Grails >= 3 plugin library published. This entry should probably be removed from the registry.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "anthofo.plugins:json-annotations-marshaller", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "anthofo", "desc": "Grails json-annotations-marshaller plugin", "labels": [ "json" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/anthofo/grails3-json-annotations-marshaller/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0", "updated": "2016-03-31T16:14:33.462Z", "systemIds": [ ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/anthofo/grails3-json-annotations-marshaller" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The goal of this plugin is to help convert Grails domain classes into various\nJSON representations needed in different parts of your web application or to\nsupport various API versions.
mechanism under the hoodSeveral API variants can be easily defined in domain classes by annotating properties with\nJsonApi
and providing a list of API profile names under which that property should appear in the\nresulting JSON. Marking a property with the JsonApi
annotation but providing no API names will\ninclude that property in all APIs. The database identity property will always be included\nautomatically. One could for instance define the following domain class:
import grails.plugins.jsonapis.JsonApi\n\nclass User {\n\t@JsonApi\n\tString screenName\n\n\t@JsonApi('userSettings')\n\tString email\n\n\t@JsonApi(['userSettings', 'detailedInformation'])\n\tString twitterUsername\n}\n
\nThen in the controller one would call the desired named JsonApi configuration to get only\nthe fields defined for that API. The following code:
\nJSON.use("detailedInformation")\nrender person as JSON\n
\n...would convert the person
object into JSON containing the id
, screenName
and twitterUsername
\nproperties but not the email
. It works for collections as well, converting each collection\nmember using the same API profile that was used to convert the parent:
static hasMany = [\n\tpets: Pet\n]\n@JsonApi('detailedInformation')\nSet pets\n
\nTo include a domain object's parent in a JSON API, declare a belongsTo
property explicitly\nand annotate it with JsonApi
(but be careful not to create circular paths by including both\nends of a belongsTo
static belongsTo = [\n\tuser:User\n]\n\n@JsonApi('petDetails') \nUser user\n
\nJSONBuilder is supported, too:
\nJSON.use("userSettings")\nrender(contentType: "text/json") {\n user = User.first()\n pet = Pet.first()\n}\n
\nThis plugin based on the amazing work started in plugin external-config by Sudhir Nimavat and Dennie de Lange,\nwhich mimiced the Grails 2 way of handling external configurations defined in grails.config.locations
; with the necessary additions to allow configurations via command line, system properties, and JNDI.
Add dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {\n compile 'com.neilab.plugins:application-config:1.1.3'\n}\n
\nWhen you add this plugin to your Grails build, it will automatically look for the property grails.config.locations
. Define this in in either application.yml
like this:
grails:\n config:\n locations:\n - classpath:myconfig.groovy\n - classpath:myconfig.yml\n - classpath:myconfig.properties\n - file:///etc/app/myconfig.groovy\n - file:///etc/app/myconfig.yml\n - file:///etc/app/myconfig.properties\n - ~/.grails/myconfig.groovy\n - ~/.grails/myconfig.yml\n - ~/.grails/myconfig.properties\n - file:${catalina.base}/myconfig.groovy\n - file:${catalina.base}/myconfig.yml\n - file:${catalina.base}/myconfig.properties\n
\nor in application.groovy
like this:
grails.config.locations = [\n "classpath:myconfig.groovy",\n "classpath:myconfig.yml",\n "classpath:myconfig.properties",\n "file:///etc/app/myconfig.groovy",\n "file:///etc/app/myconfig.yml",\n "file:///etc/app/myconfig.properties",\n "~/.grails/myconfig.groovy",\n "~/.grails/myconfig.yml",\n "~/.grails/myconfig.properties",\n 'file:${catalina.base}/myconfig.groovy',\n 'file:${catalina.base}/myconfig.yml',\n 'file:${catalina.base}/myconfig.properties',\n]\n
\nYou may also include external configs using '-D' arguments which match the system properties\nthe application is seeking, preceded by an application prefix determined by info.app.name in your default application.yml, application.groovy or "app" if none exists. By default the following should work:
\nor using JNDI variables CONFIG, EXTERNAL_CONFIG, LOGGING_CONFIG, DATABASE_CONFIG in tomcat for example:
\n<Context path="" docBase="/path/to/app.war" reloadable="false">\n <Environment name="APP_CONFIG"\n value="file:/path/to/external_config.groovy"\n type="java.lang.String"/>\n <Environment name="DATABASE_CONFIG"\n value="file:/path/to/external_config.database.groovy"\n type="java.lang.String"/>\n</Context>\n
\nWhile no-longer necessary as of version 1.1.0 of external-config, which this fork is based, for comparability you may edit your Grails projects Application.groovy
and implement the trait com.neilab.plugins.config.ApplicationConfig
(formally ExternalConfig):
import com.neilab.plugins.config.ApplicationConfig\n\nclass Application extends GrailsAutoConfiguration implements ApplicationConfig {\n static void main(String[] args) {\n GrailsApp.run(Application, args)\n }\n}\n
\nThis above is necessary only when ApplicationConfigRunListener is not executed, and personally have used it only when developing the plugin as an inline plugin where SpringApplicationRunListener was not loaded.
\nNotice, that ~/
references the users $HOME
directory.\nNotice, that using a system property you should use single quotes because otherwise it's interpreted as a Gstring.
The plugin will skip configuration files that are not found.
\nFor .groovy
and .yml
files the environments
blocks in the config file are interpreted the same way, as in application.yml
or application.groovy
Alternatively, you can make a gradle script to move the external configuration file to your classpath (e.g. /build/classes)
\nUsing IntelliJ or gradle to specify configurations via system properties
\nWhen passing system properties via VM Options in IntelliJ or -D properties in gradle, it may be necessary to assign the parameters to the app via bootRun in your build.gradle configuration.
\n//build.gradle\nbootRun {\n systemProperties = System.properties\n}\n
\nThis plugin also includes two scripts, one for converting yml config, to groovy config,\nand one for converting groovy config to yml config. These scripts are not guaranteed to be\nperfect, but you should report any edge cases for the yml to groovy config here:\nhttps://github.com/virtualdogbert/GroovyConfigWriter/issues
\nSample usage:
\ngrails yml-to-groovy-config [ymlFile] [optional outputFile]\ngrails groovy-to-yml-config [ymlFile] [optional outputFile]\n
"deprecated": "This entry in the registry seems to be a duplicate of the entry named 'asset-pipeline-grails'. It should probably be removed from the registry to avoid confusion.",
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "asset-pipeline",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "grails",
"desc": "Grails asset-pipeline plugin",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline/issues",
"latestVersion": "3.2.1",
"updated": "2017-01-26T14:06:25.984Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline"
"documentationUrl": "https://bertramdev.github.io/asset-pipeline/",
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": null
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "asset-pipeline-grails",
"repo": "asset-pipeline",
"owner": "bertramlabs",
"desc": "The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript.",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline/issues",
"latestVersion": "5.0.6",
"updated": "2025-02-07T00:48:04.000Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline"
"documentationUrl": "https://bertramdev.github.io/asset-pipeline/",
"mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/bertramlabs/plugins/asset-pipeline-grails/maven-metadata.xml",
"readme": null
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "asset-pipeline-handlebars-renderer",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "dpcasady",
"desc": "Grails asset pipeline handlebars templates renderer plugin",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/dpcasady/asset-pipeline-handlebars-renderer/issues",
"latestVersion": "0.1",
"updated": "2017-07-13T10:41:12.439Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/dpcasady/asset-pipeline-handlebars-renderer"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "This plugin provides for server side execution of Handlebars.js templates. It is\nintended to compliment the handlebars-asset-pipeline plugin\nwhich compiles Handlebars templates into JavaScript for client side usage. The templates are compiled into Java\ncode using handlebars-java.
\nAdd to build.gradle
\ndependencies {\n compile "org.grails.plugins:asset-pipeline-handlebars-renderer:0.1"\n}\n
\nThis plugin uses the same configuration as the handlebars-asset-pipeline plugin. Templates can be created in the standard assets/javascripts folder with an extension of .handlebars or .hbs. By default the templateRoot
for your templates is specified as templates
. This means that any handlebars file within assets/javascripts/templates/ will utilize its file name (without the extension) as its template name. So a template that lives at assets/javascripts/templates/my_template.hbs
can be rendered as <handlebars:render template="my_template"/>
A handlebars:render
tag is provided to render handlebars templates similarly to how regular gsp templates are applied in views. Templates can be rendered inline:
<handlebars:render model="[name: 'bob']">\n <p>Hello {{name}}</p>\n</handlebars:render>\n
\nOr they can be stored in a separate file and referenced by name:
\n<handlebars:render template="home/hello" model="[name: 'bob']"/>\n
\nFor the above example, (assuming the default templateRoot
) the template would be located at grails-app/assets/javascripts/templates/home/hello.hbs
If no model is supplied then the default page bindings (page scope variables) are used:
\n<handlebars:render>\n Hello {{name}} from the controller\n</handlebars:render>\n
\nBehind the scenes, the taglib uses the handlebarsService
to render templates. You can do the same if, for example, you want to render the template directly from a controller:
def handlebarsService\n\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ndef list() {\n render handlebarsService.apply("home/accounts", [accounts: Account.list()])\n}\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "async",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "grails",
"desc": "Grails Async - Grails Async Libraries",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-async/issues",
"latestVersion": "5.0.2",
"updated": "2024-01-09T11:43:22.000Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-async"
"documentationUrl": "https://async.grails.org/latest/guide/index.html",
"mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/async/maven-metadata.xml",
"readme": ""
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "asynchronous-mail",
"repo": "grails-asynchronous-mail",
"owner": "gpc",
"desc": "The plugin realises asynchronous mail sending. It stores messages in a DB and sends them asynchronously by a quartz job.",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/grails-asynchronous-mail/issues",
"latestVersion": "3.1.2",
"updated": "2023-07-27T13:26:45.000Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/grails-asynchronous-mail.git"
"documentationUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/grails-asynchronous-mail",
"mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/github/gpc/asynchronous-mail/maven-metadata.xml",
"readme": "See the README on GitHub
" }, { "comment": "The GPC is now maintaining the repo.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "audit-logging", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "gpc", "desc": "Grails Audit-Logging Plugin.", "labels": [ "auditing" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/grails-audit-logging-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "4.0.3", "updated": "2021-02-03T16:27:11.971Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:audit-logging" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/grails-audit-logging-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": "https://gpc.github.io/grails-audit-logging-plugin", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "compile "org.grails.plugins:audit-trail:3.0.11"\n\n
\nThis plugin lets you add an annotation to your domain classes so the necessary created/updated audit fields will get added. On save() the domain will get "stamped" after a new insert or update. This eliminates the need for setting up a base class.\nIt will automatically add fields based on your settings in Config.groovy.\nProvides an AST transformation annotation and hibernate events to take care of "stamping" for your gorm objects with the user who edited and/or created it as well as the edited and created dates.
\nAdd to your config.groovy each field you want added
\ngrails{\nplugin{\naudittrail{\t\ncreatedBy.field = "createdBy" //add whatever names you want used for the\neditedBy.field = "editedBy"\ncreatedDate.field = "createdDate"\neditedDate.field = "editedDate"\n}\n}\n}
\nAdd the annotation to your domain class
\n@gorm.AuditStamp\nclass Note{\n\tString note\n}\n
\nDuring compile time the AST transformation will add fields just as if you wrote your domain like so:
\nclass Note{\n\tString note\n\t\n\tLong createdBy \n\tLong editedBy \n\tDate editedDate\n\tDate createdDate \n\t\n\tstatic constaints = {\n\t\tcreatedBy nullable:false,display:false,editable:false\n\t\teditedBy nullable:false,display:false,editable:false\n\t\teditedDate nullable:false,display:false,editable:false\n\t\tcreatedDate nullable:false,display:false,editable:false\n\t}\n\t\n\tdef beforeValidate() { //if this already existed then it just append the code\n\t\t//this sets the fields if this is a new (about to be inserted) instance \n\t\t...applicationContext.getBean('auditTrailHelper').initializeFields(this)\n\t}\n\t\n}\n
\nThe annotation is just an AST transformation as a convenience. You can add the fields manually to your domains that match whats you have configured in config.grooy and the events will fire on those fields. This includes other hibernate/java entities.\nIt uses the AuditTrailInterceptor to stamp the fields on the hibernate objects if they exists.
\nAs seen in the above example, this allows you to keep your fields set to "nullable:false" since this annotation will add/append code to the beforeValidate() to make sure the fields are initialized properly. It also setups
\nThe plugin defaults to using Spring Security but it is not dependent on it. If no currentUserClosure
\nThe following show the options and defaults. For a field to be added by the annotation at least on config setting needs to be present.\nNOTE: Remember to clean and re-compile after changing the config settings. All of the mods to the domain happen with and AST at compile time.
\ngrails{\n\tplugin{\n\t\taudittrail{\t\n\t\t\t// ** if field is not specified then it will default to 'createdBy'\n\t\t\tcreatedBy.field = "createdBy" // createdBy is default\n\t\t\t// ** fully qualified class name for the type\t\n\t\t\tcreatedBy.type = "java.lang.Long" //Long is the default\n\t\t\t// ** the constraints settings\n\t\t\tcreatedBy.constraints = "nullable:false,display:false,editable:false,bindable:false" \n\t\t\t// ** the mapping you want setup\n\t\t\tcreatedBy.mapping = "column: 'inserted_by'" //<-example as there are NO defaults for mapping\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tcreatedDate.field = "createdDate"\n\t\t\tcreatedDate.type = "java.util.DateTime" \n\t\t\tcreatedDate.constraints = "nullable:false,display:false,editable:false,bindable:false" \n\t\t\tcreatedDate.mapping = "column: 'date_created'" //<-NOTE: example as there are NO defaults for mapping\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tetc.....\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t//custom closure to return the current user who is logged in\n\t\t\tcurrentUserClosure = {ctx->\n\t\t\t\t//ctx is the applicationContext\n\t\t\t\t//default is basically\n\t\t\t\treturn springSecurityService.principal?.id\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t//there are NO defaults for companyId.\n\t\t\tcompanyId.field = "companyId" //used for multi-tenant apps and is just the name of the field to use\n\t\t}\n
\nthis also shows how you can set your own currentUserClosure for stamping the user fields
\ngrails{\n\tplugin{\n\t\taudittrail{\t\t\t\n\t\t\tcreatedBy.type = "java.lang.String" \n\t\t\n\t\t\teditedBy.type = "java.lang.String" \n\t\t\n\t\t\tcreatedDate.type = "org.joda.time.DateTime" \n\t\t\tcreatedDate.mapping = "type: org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime"\n\t\t\n\t\t\teditedDate.type = "org.joda.time.DateTime" \n\t\t\teditedDate.mapping = "type: org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime"\n\t\t\n\t\t\tcurrentUserClosure = {ctx->\n\t\t\t\treturn ctx.mySecurityService.currentUserLogin()\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n
\nIn Grails 2 the config is available in your unit tests so it makes setting things up a bit easier now.\ngrails.plugin.audittrail.AuditTrailHelper has a mockForUnitTest(config,userVal=1) to make unit testing easier.\npass userVal in as something else if you want some other default or some other type for your createdBy and editedBy.\nTake a look at the source if you want to see what its doing.
\nvoid testSave() {\n\tdef d = new TestDomain()\n\td.name = "test"\n\t//the AST from @gorm.AuditStamp adds a property "auditTrailHelper" to your domains\n\t//at run time it gets injected with the auditTrailHelper bean from the applicationContext\n\td.auditTrailHelper = AuditTrailHelper.mockForUnitTest(config)\n\td.save(failOnError:true)\n\tassert d.createdBy == 1 \n}\n
\nAuditTrail AST Transoformation reads audit trail related settings from application.groovy.\nAs long as the project with AuditStamp annotation is root gradle project, it works just fine.\nHowever when the project is a module of a multimodule gradle project, A system property needs to be set to aid AST tranformation class find the correct application.groovy from module directory.
\nThis can be achieved by setting the module.path
in build.gradle of submodule as shown below.
compileGroovy {\n groovyOptions.fork = true\n String path = projectDir.absolutePath\n groovyOptions.forkOptions.jvmArgs = ['-Dmodule.path=' + path]\n}\n
"comment": "This entry in the registry is for the umbrella project for all the AWS plugins from agorapulse. Perhaps this entry is not necessary as each separate plugin also has its own entry?",
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "aws-sdk",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "agorapulse",
"desc": "Grails AWS SDK plugin",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk/issues",
"latestVersion": "2.4.15",
"updated": "2022-07-20T06:42:00.000Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk"
"documentationUrl": "https://agorapulse.github.io/grails-aws-sdk/",
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "The AWS SDK Plugins for Grails3 are a suite of plugins that adds support for the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services.
\nThe aim is to to get you started quickly by providing friendly lightweight utility Grails service wrappers, around the official AWS SDK for Java (which is great but very \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdjava-esque\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd).\nSee this article for more info.
\nThe following services are currently supported:
\nPlease check each README for usage info.
\nHow to Unit Test AWS Services with LocalStack and Testcontainers
\nTo report any bug, please use the project Issues section on GitHub.
\nNOTE: For Grails 4 you should consider migrating to Micronaut AWS SDK as Miconaut is now the first class citizen in Grails. Use -micronaut-1.2
releases for Grails 4.0.x
| Grails | Plugin |\n| ------------- |---------------|\n| 3.3.x, 4.x | 2.2.x |\n| 3.2.x | 2.1.x |\n| 2.x | 1.x |
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "aws-sdk-cognito", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails AWS SDK Cognito plugin. Uses 'jitpack.io' maven repository.", "labels": [ "aws", "cognito" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.15", "updated": "2022-07-20T06:42:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.github.agorapulse.grails-aws-sdk:aws-sdk-cognito" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This repo has been migrated to the main AWS SDK Grails Plugin repo.
\nHere his the latest version of it
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "aws-sdk-dynamodb", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails AWS SDK DynamoDB plugin. Uses 'jitpack.io' maven repository.", "labels": [ "aws", "dynamodb" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.15", "updated": "2022-07-20T06:42:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.github.agorapulse.grails-aws-sdk:aws-sdk-dynamodb" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This repo has been migrated to the main AWS SDK Grails Plugin repo.
\nHere his the latest version of it
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "aws-sdk-kinesis", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails AWS SDK Kinesis plugin. Uses 'jitpack.io' maven repository.", "labels": [ "aws", "kinesis" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.15", "updated": "2022-07-20T06:42:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.github.agorapulse.grails-aws-sdk:aws-sdk-kinesis" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This repo has been migrated to the main AWS SDK Grails Plugin repo.
\nHere his the latest version of it
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "aws-sdk-s3", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails AWS SDK S3 plugin. Uses 'jitpack.io' maven repository.", "labels": [ "aws", "s3" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.15", "updated": "2022-07-20T06:42:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.github.agorapulse.grails-aws-sdk:aws-sdk-s3" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This repo has been migrated to the main AWS SDK Grails Plugin repo.
\nHere his the latest version of it
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "aws-sdk-ses", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails AWS SDK SES plugin", "labels": [ "aws", "ses" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.15", "updated": "2022-07-20T06:42:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.github.agorapulse.grails-aws-sdk:aws-sdk-ses" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This repo has been migrated to the main AWS SDK Grails Plugin repo.
\nHere his the latest version of it
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "aws-sdk-sns", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails AWS SDK SNS plugin", "labels": [ "aws", "sns" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.15", "updated": "2022-07-20T06:42:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.github.agorapulse.grails-aws-sdk:aws-sdk-sns" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This repo has been migrated to the main AWS SDK Grails Plugin repo.
\nHere his the latest version of it
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "aws-sdk-sqs", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails AWS SDK SQS plugin", "labels": [ "aws", "sqs" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.15", "updated": "2022-07-20T06:42:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.github.agorapulse.grails-aws-sdk:aws-sdk-sqs" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This repo has been migrated to the main AWS SDK Grails Plugin repo.
\nHere his the latest version of it
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "aws-sdk-sts", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails AWS SDK STS plugin", "labels": [ "aws", "sts" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.15", "updated": "2022-07-20T06:42:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.github.agorapulse.grails-aws-sdk:aws-sdk-sts" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-aws-sdk" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This repo has been migrated to the main AWS SDK Grails Plugin repo.
\nHere his the latest version of it
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "babel-asset-pipeline", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "errbuddy", "desc": "Babel.js transformation for Asset-pipeline", "labels": [ "asset-pipeline", "babel" ], "licenses": [ "BSD 2-Clause" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/errbuddy/babel-asset-pipeline/issues", "latestVersion": "2.1.1", "updated": "2017-08-08T12:32:15.738Z", "systemIds": [ "net.errbuddy.plugins:babel-asset-pipeline", "net.errbuddy.plugins:add", "net.errbuddy.plugins:react-asset-pipeline" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/errbuddy/babel-asset-pipeline" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nbabel.js transformation for asset-pipeline
\nsimply add
\ncompile 'net.errbuddy.plugins:babel-asset-pipeline:2.0.6'\n
\nto dependencies
\nThe plugin will *ONLY process *.es6 and *.jsx files if not configured to also process *.js files .
\nAll configuration has to be done under grails.assets.babel. if you experience issues (e.g. configuration options not being picked up when building war files) you should add the configration to build.gradle too.
\ngrails:\n assets:\n babel:\n enabled: true,\n processor: 'direct'\n processJsFiles: false\n options: {blacklist: ['useStrict'], loose: 'all'}\n
\ngrails.assets.babel.enabled = true // boolean\n
\ndefault to true. enables the plugin
\ngrails.assets.babel.processJsFiles = false // boolean\n
\ndefaults to false. Whether to process JsAssetFiles (.js) too. By default to Processor only touches Es6AssetFiles (.es6)!
\ngrails.assets.babel.processor = 'direct'\n
\ndefaults to direct which uses the "old" rhino->babel v5 Processor. see Processors section for other options
\ngrails.assets.babel.options = [blacklist: ['useStrict'], loose: 'all'] // babel transfom options. see https://babeljs.io/docs/usage/options/ for more information\n
\ndefaults to null. A Map of options passed to babels transform method. see https://babeljs.io/docs/usage/options/ for possible values. only used for "direct" processor, otherwise ignored
\ngrails.assets.babel.options = [modules: 'amd', moduleIds: true]\n
\nWhen the moduleIds
option is set the plugin provides Babel with a moduleId
for each file. The ID is the relative path of the file inside grails-app/assets/javascripts
with the file extension removed.
e.g.\n# File Path:\ngrails-app/assets/javascripts/foo/bar.js\n# Generated moduleId:\nfoo/bar\n
\nNote: Explicit module IDs are not available when generating CommonJS modules.
\nsince version 2.0 babel-asset-pipeline comes with a new Processor which uses webpack to transpile es6 code. There is some really important things to keep in mind when switching this on:
\nTo use webpack you will need some prerequesites. Firstly you need to have node installed.\nIf you do not want to install it manually or you don't want to manage node yourself gradle-node-plugin should exactly be what you are looking for.\nThe only thing you will have to manually do in this case is configure the node executable (see config section below).
\nSecondly you have to install gradle-babel-asset-pipeline-helper with npm. this can be done by running npm install --save gradle-babel-asset-pipeline-helper
(you may need to npm init
first). If you are using gradle-node-plugin you could copy https://github.com/peh/babel-test-app/blob/master/package.json to your project root and simply run gradle npmInstall
\ngradle-babel-asset-pipeline-helper depends on everything that you will need to use webpack in your grails app and also comes with two default webpack configurations and run scripts that are being executed by the webpack processors.
Lastly you should use <babel:webpack src="file.js" /> to reference your js files. This will come in handy if you are using the webpack dev server (otherwise it is not needed!)
\nIn some cases it is needed to restart the devserver. Simply append ?restartWebpack=true to the url you are requesting. The Taglib will take care of killing and restarting the webpack devserver.
\nThere are a few additional configuration options you might need to touch
\ngrails.assets.babel.processor = "webpack" // or "webpack-dev-server"\n
\nIf you want to use Hot Module Reloading you can use webpack-dev-server. You should only do that in development environments for production you should always use webpack!
\ngrails.assets.babel.nodeExec = "/usr/local/bin/node"\n
\nThe node exectuable default to "/usr/local/bin/node". If you are on Windows or you are using gradle-node-plugin ( ornvm) you will have to change this to point to your local node exectuable
\nFor gradle-node-plugin users, node is installed in your projects local .gradle directory.
\ngrails.assets.babel.externalWebpackConfig = null\n
\nThis one is for advanced users only! By defining a different webpack config location you are overwriting the default configuration taken from gradle-babel-asset-pipeline-helper.\nThe default config is build using the buildConfig function.\nIf you want to use a custom one you can define a file here which is required by the package script.\nYour configuration should either be a webpack config object (see webpack documenation) or a function (which is recommended) which is then called with the same parameters the default build function is called with.\nThe default function should give you a fair idea on what the parameters are and how to use it properly.\nThis is usable for webpack-dev-server to but here it is important to stick closely to the default buildConfig() as HMR is breaking pretty easy when something is not configured right.
\nIf you want to help extending this plugin you can get setup in minutes by:
\ngit clone https://github.com/errbuddy/babel-asset-pipeline.git\ncd babel-asset-pipeline\n./gradlew npmInstall\n
\nNow your local environment has the required nodeJs version installed and you can start hacking. Feel free to create a PR for your changes
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "bootstrap-framework", "repo": "gradle-plugins", "owner": "kensiprell", "desc": "Gradle plugin for integrating the Bootstrap Framework", "labels": [ "bootstrap", "fontawesome" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/kensiprell/bootstrap-framework/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.3", "updated": "2017-11-07T07:26:49.452Z", "systemIds": [ "com.siprell.plugins:bootstrap-framework" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/kensiprell/bootstrap-framework" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Bootstrap bills itself as "the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web."
\nFont Awesome is the "iconic font and CSS toolkit."
\nIf you have a question, suggestion, or want to report a bug, please submit an issue. I will reply as soon as I can.
\nThe Bootstrap version can be configured in your application's build.gradle
file, which means you do not have to install a different version of the plugin to get a different Bootstrap version, nor do you have to wait on a plugin update to use the latest Bootstrap release.
The plugin can also manage Font Awesome files, including LESS support.
\nThe plugin supports the asset-pipeline-core plugin and its less-asset-pipeline module out of the box.
\nThis Grails sample application demonstrates how to use the plugin.
\nAdd the following lines to your application's build.gradle
file. The commented-out lines show the plugin default values, and if you are using Grails, they are not required for the plugin to work. See the Configuration Options section for the details.
buildscript {\n ext {\n //bootstrapFramework = [\n // version : "3.3.5",\n // cssPath : "grails-app/assets/stylesheets",\n // jsPath : "grails-app/assets/javascripts",\n // useIndividualJs : false,\n // useLess : false,\n // invalidVersionFails : false,\n // fontAwesome : [\n // install : false\n // version : "4.3.0",\n // useLess : false\n // invalidVersionFails : false\n // ]\n //]\n }\n repositories {\n jcenter()\n }\n dependencies {\n classpath "com.siprell.plugins:bootstrap-framework:1.0.3"\n }\n}\n\napply plugin: "com.siprell.plugins.bootstrap-framework"\n
\nThe following options can be configured in the bootstrapFramework
Use the property below to change the Bootstrap Framework version used by your application.
\nversion : "3.3.1"\n
\nUse the property below to define the location where the Bootstrap CSS, fonts, and LESS files are copied.
\ncssPath : "src/main/web-app/resources/css"\n
\nUse the property below to define the location where the Bootstrap JavaScript files are copied.
\njsPath : "src/main/web-app/resources/js"\n
\nIf the property below is set to true
, the plugin will copy all individual JavaScript files to "${bootstrapFramework.jsPath}/bootstrap"
. Otherwise, it will only copy the bootstrap.js
file to the directory.
useIndividualJs : true\n
\nIf the property below is set to true
, the plugin will copy all Bootstrap Framework LESS and mixin files to "${bootstrapFramework.cssPath}/bootstrap/less"
useLess : true\n
\nThe invalidVersionFails
property can be configured individually for bootstrapFramework
and bootstrapFramework.fontAwesome
. When the property is at its default of false
and you have entered an invalid version number, the plugin will search the build/tmp
directory for other versions of the appropriate zip file and use the one with the highest version number. It will also display a warning message in the console.
You can disable this behavior by setting this property to true
. If the plugin cannot download the version you specified, it will throw an org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException
bootstrapFramework = [\n invalidVersionFails : true\n fontAwesome : [\n install : true,\n invalidVersionFails : true\n ]\n]\n
\nIf bootstrapFramework.fontAwesome.install
is set to true
, the plugin will install the Font Awesome fonts using the default plugin version without LESS support.
bootstrapFramework = [\n fontAwesome : [\n install : true\n ]\n]\n
\nYou can change the Font Awesome version by setting the bootstrapFramework.fontAwesome.version
bootstrapFramework = [\n fontAwesome : [\n install : true\n version : "4.2.0"\n ] \n]\n
\nYou can add LESS support for Font Awesome by setting the bootstrapFramework.fontAwesome.useLess
bootstrapFramework = [\n fontAwesome : [\n install : true\n useLess : true\n ] \n]\n
\nThe plugin downloads the appropriate Bootstrap or Font Awesome zip file and copies it to your application's build/tmp
directory. The plugin will extract the necessary files and copy them to the directories defined by the bootstrapFramework.cssPath
and bootstrapFramework.jsPath
The files are copied into the directory trees shown below. It is important that you do not put any files in the two bootstrap
directories ("${bootstrapFramework.cssPath}/bootstrap"
and "${bootstrapFramework.jsPath}/bootstrap"
) or the font-awesome
directory ("${bootstrapFramework.cssPath}/font-awesome"
) because they will be overwritten.
The bootstrap-all.js
, bootstrap-all.css
, bootstrap-less.less
, font-awesome-all.css
, and font-awesome-less.less
files are generated for the asset-pipeline plugin if you are using Grails or the word "assets" is contained in the bootstrapFramework.jsPath
Directory bootstrapFramework.jsPath
| bootstrap-all.js\n|----bootstrap/\n| | affix.js\n| | alert.js\n| | bootstrap.js\n| | etc.\n
\nDirectory bootstrapFramework.cssPath
| bootstrap-all.css\n| bootstrap-less.less\n|----bootstrap/\n| |----css/\n| | | bootstrap-theme.css\n| | | bootstrap.css\n| |----fonts/\n| | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot\n| | | etc.\n| |----less/\n| | | alerts.less\n| | | badges.less\n| | | etc.\n| | |----mixins/\n| | | | alerts.less\n| | | | background-variant.less\n| | | | etc.\n| font-awesome-all.css\n| font-awesome-less.less\n|----font-awesome/\n| |----css/\n| | | font-awesome.css\n| |----fonts/\n| | | FontAwesome.otf\n| | | etc.\n| |----less/\n| | | animated.less\n| | | etc.\n
\nYou can use the task shown below to display the default Bootstrap Framework and Font Awesome versions used by the plugin.
\n./gradlew bootstrapFrameworkVersions\n
\n./gradlew bFV\n
\nThe output will be similar to:
\n3.3.5 is the default Bootstrap Framework version.\n4.3.0 is the default Font Awesome version.\n
\nThe Glyphicons icons are available as described in the Bootstrap Components section of the Bootstrap Framework documentation.
\nThe remaining sections outline how to include Bootstrap Framework and Font Awesome in your application using the asset-pipeline-core
plugin and its less-asset-pipeline
The instructions below assume the manifest file is in the grails-app/assets/javascripts
Add the line below to a manifest:
\n//= require bootstrap-all\n
\nOr add the line below to a GSP:
\n<asset:javascript src="bootstrap-all.js"/>\n
\nEnsure you set the parameter below to true as described above:
\nbootstrapFrameworkUseIndividualJs = true\n
\nAdd a line similar to the one below to a manifest:
\n//= require bootstrap/bootstrap-affix\n
\nOr add the line below to a GSP:
\n<asset:javascript src="bootstrap/bootstrap-affix.js"/>\n
\nThe instructions below assume the manifest file is in the grails-app/assets/stylesheets
Add the lines below to a manifest:
\n*= require bootstrap-all\n*= require font-awesome-all\n
\nOr add the lines below to a GSP:
\n<asset:stylesheet src="bootstrap-all.css"/>\n<asset:stylesheet src="font-awesome-all.css"/>\n
\nAdd the line below to a manifest:
\n*= require bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme\n
\nOr add the line below to a GSP:
\n<asset:stylesheet src="bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.css"/>\n
\nAdd the lines below to a manifest:
\n*= require bootstrap-less\n*= require font-awesome-less\n
\nOr add the line below to a GSP:
\n<asset:stylesheet src="bootstrap-less.css"/>\n<asset:stylesheet src="font-awesome-less.css"/>\n
\nIf LESS support is configured for either Bootstrap Framework or Font Awesome, the plugin will create the appropriate LESS file in your application's bootstrapFramework.cssPath
directory. If you later decide not to use LESS, the plugin will delete the LESS and mixin files, but it will not delete the bootstrap-less.less
or the font-awesome-less.less
file. Should you decide to turn LESS support back on, your customized LESS files will still be available.
Use bootstrap-less.less
for customizing the Bootstrap Framework:
/*\n* This file is for your Bootstrap Framework less and mixin customizations.\n* It was created by the bootstrap-framework plugin.\n* It will not be overwritten.\n*\n* You can import all less and mixin files as shown below,\n* or you can import them individually.\n* See https://github.com/kensiprell/bootstrap-framework/blob/master/README.md#less\n*/\n\n@import "bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";\n\n/*\n* Your customizations go below this section.\n*/\n
\nUse font-awesome-less.less
for customizing Font Awesome:
* Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - http://fontawesome.io\n*\n* This file is for your Font Awesome less and mixin customizations.\n* It was created by the bootstrap-framework plugin.\n* It will not be overwritten.\n*\n* You can import all less and mixin files as shown below,\n* or you can import them individually.\n* See https://github.com/kensiprell/bootstrap-framework/blob/master/README.md#font-awesome-less\n*/\n\n@import "font-awesome/less/font-awesome.less";\n\n@fa-font-path: "/assets/font-awesome/fonts";\n\n/*\n* Your customizations go below this section.\n*/\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "boselecta",
"repo": "maven",
"owner": "vahid",
"desc": "Websocket autocomplete/ multi dependency selection plugin for grails 3",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-boselecta-plugin/issues",
"latestVersion": "3.0.4",
"updated": "2016-04-13T21:40:52.542Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-boselecta-plugin"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "Grails plugin that uses default WebSocket technology to interact with your domainClasses and produce dependent form / options that depend on one another. The format to define select functionality / auto complete are identical. Auto complete requires additional boolean values to be passed to make it auto complete.
\nMore information to help with diagram
\nBoSelecta can be incorporated to an existing grails app running ver 2>+. Supports both resource (pre 2.4) /assets (2.4+) based grails sites.
\nDependency Grails 3:
\n compile "org.grails.plugins:boselecta:3.0.4"\n
\n\nDependency Grails 2:
\n\tcompile ":boselecta:0.2" \n
\n\n######test site for grails 2
\n######test site for grails 3
\n###Latest updates (after video published):\nA further lock down has been introduced, with the assumption that most people will be looking up domain objects with single dependencies.\nThis means, typically I expect an end user to map from continent to country to city and so on. So its one to one relationship between each object. For this reason the default call now only supports one relation, so:
\n<bo:selecta\n... \ndomain="package.domainClass1"\n..\ndomain2="package.domainClass2"\n..\n/>\n
\ndomain will be the primary object itself (so a listing of that object, domain2 is the entity that it has that relationship with.
\nIf you attempt to exceed and use domain3 and on. The plugin will not work. You can from now use selecta2 for those relations with depth
\n<bo:selecta2\ndomainDepth="4"\n... \ndomain="package.domainClass1"\n..\ndomain2="package.domainClass2"\n..\ndomain3="package.domainClass3"\n..\ndomain4="package.domainClass4"\n..\n/>\n
\nExample 1: Connector / selectPrimary into default g:select box. (found in above testbo project)
\nBoth the two code blocks below in one gsp:
\n<bo:connect user="myuser" job="job1" />\n
\nNow that we have configured our master listener, lets configure one connection with a relation that is returned to a normal blank select box
\n<form action="example5">\n\n<bo:selecta \nid="MyCountry1" name="MyCountry1" job= "job1" user="myuser" domainDepth="0" formatting="JSON"\ndomain='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCountry' searchField='countryName' collectField='id'\ndomain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCity' bindid="mycountry.id" searchField2='cityName' collectField2='id'\nappendValue='' appendName='Updated' noSelection="['': 'Please choose Continent']" setId="MyCity1" />\n\n<g:select name="MyCity1" id="MyCity1" optionKey="id" optionValue="cityName" from="[]" required="required" noSelection="['': 'Please choose Country']" />\n<input type=submit value=go> \n</form>\n
\nIf you have used ajaxdependancy selection, a lot of the above input will look familiar.\nYou are now giving the backend the ID of your primary selection MyCountry1, you are telling it what domain is which makes this a primary call and then returns MyCountry.countryName and MyCountry.id to the primary box, you are then setting the setId as MyCity1 and saying domain2 is MyCity and to search/collect cityName/id.
\nExample 2: Connector / primary / into Secondary into g:select: (found in above testbo project)
\nIdentical to above, but in this example we iterate over the relations using <bo:select passing domain2 object which be the next object so on the secondary objects there is no domain= value defined.
\n<bo:connect user="randomUser2" job="job2" />\n\n<g:form name="myForm" action="example5"> \n<bo:selecta \n id="MyContinent2" name="MyContinent2" setId="MyCountry11"\n job= "job2" user="randomUser2" domainDepth="0" \n domain='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyContinent' searchField='continentName' collectField='id'\n domain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCountry' bindid="mycontinent.id" searchField2='countryName'\n appendValue='' appendName='Updated' collectField2='id' noSelection="['': 'Please choose Continent']" />\n\n <bo:selecta id="MyCountry11" name="MyCountry11"\n job= "job2" user="randomUser2" domainDepth="0" setId="MyCity11"\n domain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCity' bindid="mycountry.id" searchField2='cityName' collectField2='id'\n formatting="JSON" appendValue='' appendName='Updated' noSelection="['': 'Please choose Continent']" />\n\n <bo:selecta \n name="MyCity11" id="MyCity11" job= "job2" user="randomUser2" domainDepth="0" setId="MyShop12" \n domain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyShops' bindid="mycity.id" searchField2='shopName' collectField2='id'\n appendValue='' appendName='Updated' formatting="JSON" noSelection="['': 'Please choose Country 1111']"/>\n\n <g:select \n name="MyShop12" id="MyShop12" optionKey="id" optionValue="shopName" \n from="[]" required="required" noSelection="['': 'Please choose City']" \n />\n <g:submitButton name="submit"/> \n </g:form>\n
\nExample 3: Defined pre selected values across multiple objects + randomized user within gsp
\n\nExample 5: Defined pre selected values same as example3 but with JSON return object
\n\nExample 7: applicable to all methods - reuse of the taglib multiple times on the same page
\n\n\nExample 10: Primary object with a No reference relationship
\nExample 11: Auto complete a few hasMany to a noref relation\nUsing the same Tag to acheive autoComplete\nIn this example (not on actual link, the user is being defined as a variable and reused - this now makes it a dynamic user but same on that one page.
\nThe difference with this call and select is that as you can see on the first example it has autoComplete="true" and if this is the primary object then also autoCompletePrimary="true", if second object it just needs the first tag. Follow example below.. There are two additional fields hiddenField and jsonField. In autoComplete, the results are returned from html5 dataList. I have added data-value and parse that into the hidden field for jsonField and hiddenField gets set to the or collectField of the value selected. The rest is like above.
\n<% def myuser = bo.randomizeUser('user': 'random1') %>\n\n<bo:connect user="${myuser}" job="job3"/>\n\n<form action="example5">\n\n<bo:selecta \n autoComplete="true" autoCompletePrimary="true" \n job="job3" user="${myuser}" id="MyContinent2" name="MyContinent2" setId="MyCountry11" \n hiddenField="VahidHidden_" jsonField="VahidJSON_" formatting="JSON"\n domain='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyContinent' searchField='continentName' collectField='id'\n domain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCountry' bindid="mycontinent.id" \n searchField2='countryName' collectField2='id' />\n\t\n <bo:selecta \n\tautoComplete="true" \n\tjob="job3" user="${myuser}" id="MyCountry11" name="MyCountry11" \n\thiddenField="NextHidden_" jsonField="NextJSON_" formatting="JSON"\n\tdomain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyCity' bindid="mycountry.id"\n\tsearchField2='cityName' collectField2='id' setId="MyCity11" />\n\t\n <bo:selecta\n \tautoComplete="true"\n\tjob="job3" user="${myuser}" formatting="JSON"\n\tname="MyCity11" id="MyCity11" \n\thiddenField="myHidden_" jsonField="myJSON_"\n\tdomain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyShops' searchField2='shopName' collectField2='id' \n\tbindid="mycity.id" setId="secondarySearch4" \n\t/>\n\t\n <bo:selecta \n \tautoComplete="true"\n \tjob= "job121" user="${myuser }"\tformatting="JSON" id="secondarySearch4" name="NAMEOFBorough" \n\thiddenField="myHidden_" jsonField="myJSON_"\n\tdomain2='ajaxdependancyselectexample.MyBorough' searchField='actualName' collectField='id' \n\tbindid='myborough' value=''\n />\n <input type=submit value=go>\n</form>\n
\nExample 12: Select To AutoComplete
\nExample 13:AutoComplete To Select
\nExample 14: AutoComplete To Select from select to another select
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "browser-detection", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "mathifonseca", "desc": "Grails Browser Detection Plugin", "labels": [ ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/mathifonseca/grails-browser-detection/issues", "latestVersion": "3.4.0", "updated": "2018-03-14T19:17:36.286Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:browser-detection" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/mathifonseca/grails-browser-detection" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This plugin provides a service and tag library for browser detection. It parses User-Agent in order to identify client's browser, operating system, etc. It depends on user-agent-utils library from HaraldWalker.\nIf you want to contribute, report issues or just check the code. You can find it at GitHub.
\nHere are some of the things that you can currently do with this plugin. All this operations can be used from GSPs or you can use the UserAgentIdentService
anywhere in your code.
Using UserAgentIdentService
class TestController {\n\n def userAgentIdentService\n \n def index() {\n if (userAgentIdentService.isMobile()) {\n println 'Hello mobile device!'\n if (userAgentIdentService.isWindowsPhone()) {\n println 'Wow! Does this still exist?'\n }\n } else {\n println 'Hello desktop browser!'\n if (userAgentIdentService.isInternetExplorer()) {\n println 'Redirecting to Chrome download page...'\n }\n }\n }\n\n}\n
\nDetecting Browsers
\n<browser:isMsie> This is Internet Explorer </browser:isMsie>\n<browser:isSafari> This is Safari </browser:isSafari>\n<browser:isChrome> This is Chrome </browser:isChrome>\n<browser:isFirefox> This is Firefox </browser:isFirefox>\n<browser:isOpera> This is Opera </browser:isOpera>\n
\nDetecting Devices
\n<browser:isiPhone> This is iPhone </browser:isiPhone>\n<browser:isiPad> This is iPad </browser:isiPad>\n<browser:isMobile> Mobile phones or Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Blackberry, etc. </browser:isMobile>\n
\nDetecting Operative Systems
\n<browser:isWindows> This is Windows </browser:isWindows>\n
\nOther operations
\nYou can use the following structure that emulates switch behavior:
\nOr the one below:
\n<browser:isSafari versionGreater="5">\n\tThis text is rendered if Safari version is greater than 5.\n\tFor example, 5.0.1, 5.1\n</browser:isSafari>\n<browser:isFirefox version="3.*">\n\tIt works for all Firefox versions like 3.1, 3.6 and so on\n</browser:isFirefox>\n<browser:isMsie versionLower="7">\n\tInternet Explorer 5.0, Internet Explorer 6.0\n</browser:isMsie>\n
\nAt the moment, wildcards are allowed only for version attribute. Be aware that 5.1 is greater than 5 and 5.0 equals to 5.
\nAll of these taglibs have their negative assert by starting with isNot
. For example:
<browser:isNotSafari>\n\tThis text is rendered if the browser IS NOT Safari.\n</browser:isNotSafari>\n<browser:isNotFirefox>\n\tThis text is rendered if the browser IS NOT Firefox.\n</browser:isNotFirefox>\n<browser:isNotMsie>\n\tThis text is rendered if the browser IS NOT Internet Explorer.\n</browser:isNotMsie>\n<browser:isNotChrome>\n\tThis text is rendered if the browser IS NOT Chrome.\n</browser:isNotChrome>\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "build-test-data",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "longwa",
"desc": "Grails build-test-data plugin",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/longwa/build-test-data/issues",
"latestVersion": "4.0.0",
"updated": "2019-12-20T01:02:42.869Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/longwa/build-test-data"
"documentationUrl": "https://longwa.github.io/build-test-data/",
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "\nhttp://longwa.github.io/build-test-data/index
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cache", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails Cache Plugin", "labels": [ "cache" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-cache/issues", "latestVersion": "7.0.0", "updated": "2024-03-21T08:40:30.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cache" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-cache" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/grails-cache/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/cache/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cache-ehcache", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Provides an ehcache implementation of the cache plugin", "labels": [ "cache", "ehcache" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-cache-ehcache/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "updated": "2020-07-01T19:32:27.992Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cache-ehcache" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-cache-ehcache" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-cache-ehcache/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nMakes Ehcache the cache implementation for the Grails Cache Plugin
\nSee https://plugins.grails.org/plugin/grails/cache-ehcache and Documentation
\nSee https://grails.org/plugin/cache-ehcache and Documentation
\nThe current master branch is for 3.x versions of the plugin compatible with Grails 3. There is a 1.x branch for on-going maintenance of 1.x versions of the plugin compatible with Grails 2. Please submit any pull requests to the appropriate branch. Changes to the 1.x branch will be merged into the master branch if appropriate.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cache-guava", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "mkobel", "desc": "The guava cache provides a simple in memory cache with maximal capacity and TTL.", "labels": [ "cache" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/itds-ch/grails-cache-guava/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.0", "updated": "2020-07-03T07:46:52.226Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cache-guava" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/itds-ch/grails-cache-guava" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This Grails plugin extends the grails-cache plugin.
\nThe guava cache provides a simple in memory cache with maximal capacity and TTL.
\ndependencies {\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:cache:4.0.0'\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:cache-guava:1.0.0'\n}\n
\ngrails:\n cache:\n guava: \n defaultTtl: 3600\n caches:\n message:\n maxCapacity: 5000\n ttl: 60\n maps:\n maxCapacity: 6000\n ttl: 30\n countries:\n maxCapacity: 1000\n
\nThe GrailsGuavaCacheManager is automatically configured by the plugin.
\nJust use grails-cache's annotations and services as described in\nits documentation
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cache-headers", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Improve your application performance with browser caching, with easy ways to set caching headers\nin controller responses", "labels": [ "cache" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/cache-headers/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.2", "updated": "2017-07-13T17:33:18.181Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cache-headers" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/cache-headers" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/cache-headers/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nhis plugin helps you Improve your application performance with browser caching, with easy ways to set caching headers in controller responses, and elegant ways to deal with ETag and Last-Modified generation and checking.\nYou can use this plugin to prevent caching of pages (eg forms), specify long term caching on infrequently changing content, and pass information to caching servers between the client and your app, and also to avoid regeneration of content if it has not changed since the client last downloaded it (even though the client may have an indication it has expired).
\nSee the documentation for more information
\nSoftware is distributed in Bintray
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cascade-validation", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "ctoestreich", "desc": "Grails Cascade Validation Plugin", "labels": [ "validation" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-cascade-validation/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.2", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.830Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cascade-validation", "org.grails.plugins:grails-cascade-validation" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-cascade-validation" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "See: [https://github.com/rmorrise/grails-cascade-validation/wiki/How-to-use-cascade-validation].
\nThis plugin establishes a 'cascade' constraint property for validateable objects. If "cascade:true" is set on a nested object, the nested object's validate() method will be invoked and the results will be reported as part of the parent object's validation.
\nTo use this plugin, add the plugin to BuildConfig.groovy:
\n plugins {\n //CSC custom plugin for 'cascade' constraint\n compile ":cascade-validation:0.1.4"\n }\n
\nHere is an example of a command object that uses the plugin:
\n @Validateable\n class PhoneNumber {\n long id\n String countryCode\n String areaCode\n String number\n String extension\n TelephoneType telephoneType\n boolean isPrimary\n\n static constraints = {\n areaCode(blank: false)\n number(blank: false)\n telephoneType(cascade: true)\n }\n\n @Validateable\n static class TelephoneType {\n String id\n boolean countryCodeRecommended\n\n static constraints = {\n id(blank: false)\n countryCodeRecommended(nullable: false)\n }\n }\n }\n
\nWhen the cascade: constraint is added on the telephoneType property, this enables nested validation. When the phoneNumber.validate() method is called, the telephoneType.validate() method will also be invoked. Field errors that are added to the telephoneType will also be added to the parent phoneNumber object.
\nThis plugin was originally based on a blog post by Eric Kelm and is used here with Eric's permission.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "phone-number-constraint", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "sbglasius", "desc": "Grails Phone Number Constraint Plugin", "labels": [ "validation" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/grails-phone-number-constraint/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.0", "updated": "2024-02-06T11:35:24.000Z", "systemIds": [ "io.github.gpc:phone-number-constraint" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/grails-phone-number-constraint" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/github/gpc/phone-number-constraint/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "This plugin establishes a `phoneNumber` constraint property for validateable objects, that being domain objects, and objects implementing `grails.validation.Validateable`. It relies on Google's [libphonenumber](https://github.com/google/libphonenumber) Java implementation" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cassandra", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "GORM - Grails Data Access Framework", "labels": [ "cassandra", "gorm" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-cassandra/issues", "latestVersion": "6.1.0", "updated": "2017-03-27T13:56:24.682Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cassandra" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-cassandra" }, "documentationUrl": "https://gorm.grails.org/latest/cassandra/manual/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This project implements GORM for the Cassandra Column Database.
\nFor more information see the following links:
\nFor the current development version see the following links:
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "ckeditor", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "stefanogualdi", "desc": "CKeditor web WYSIWYG editor integration plugin.", "labels": [ "ckeditor" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/stefanogualdi/grails-ckeditor/issues", "latestVersion": "", "updated": "2016-08-27T09:08:35.970Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:ckeditor" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/stefanogualdi/grails-ckeditor" }, "documentationUrl": "https://stefanogualdi.github.io/grails-ckeditor/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The user guide can be found here: Documentation
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cmeditor", "repo": "maven", "owner": "frnktrgr", "desc": "CMEditor is a simple way to use the popular CodeMirror web editor in grails applications.", "labels": [ "cmeditor", "codemirror" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/RRZE-PP/grails-cmeditor/issues", "latestVersion": "2.7.8", "updated": "2019-05-13T09:05:24.098Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cmeditor" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/RRZE-PP/grails-cmeditor" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "CMEditor is a simple way to use the popular CodeMirror web editor in grails applications. You can use it to edit pretty much anything that can be mapped to a file-like object. I.e. something with a filename and text-content. If your model requires additional fields this is supported, too.
\nFor example managing your library could be done by mapping filename to "$author - $title". The tabbed editor then could manage everything: Author, title, publication year and - of course - the books content in a nice-to-use CodeMirror editor. You could even edit multiple books simultaneously.
\nCheck out our demo grails project.
\nYou currently have the Grails 3 branch checked out. If you wish to use the plugin with Grails 2, checkout the branch 'grails-2.x' and follow the instruction in its README.md.
\nAdd cmeditor as a plugin to your grails project's build.gradle
\n plugins {\n compile 'de.rrze:cmeditor:+'\n }\n
\nThe plugin depends on jQuery, but does not require it via the assets plugin, because this might overwrite jQuery instances (and registered in jQuery plugins) from other grails plugins. Please ensure that jQuery is loaded before the CMEditor's assets. And that no other jQuery instance is loaded thereafter (e.g. by your layout).
\n <asset:javascript src="path/to/your/jQuery.js"/>\n <asset:javascript src="cmeditor.js"/>\n <asset:stylesheet href="cmeditor.css"/>\n\n
\nWhen adding a textarea or tabbed editor you have to supply a name
-attribute. After document initialization you can access the corresponding javascript CMEditor-object by calling CMEditor.getInstance("<nameAttributeValue>)"
. For an API of the class see the CMEditor.js file in grails-app/js/web-app/js/.
The tabbed editor is useful to edit more than one file at once. They are loaded and stored seamlessly using ajax to a controller of your choice.
\nFor further documentation please visit our project wiki for information on the API.
\nIf you need additional input fields, you can provide them in the body of the tag. All elements with the class cmeditor-field
there will be serialized using their name as key and sent along with the document's content.
A simple example would look like this:
\n <cmeditor:tabs name="book" options="[defaultContent:'Lorem ipsum sit dolor']" ajax="[getURL:createLink(action: 'ajaxGet')+'?name=']">\n <label for="author"> <g:message code="myLibrary.author.label" default="Author" /></label>\n <g:textField name="author" class="cmeditor-field" /> <br />\n\n <label for="title"><g:message code="myLibrary.title.label" default="Title" /></label>\n <g:textField name="title" class="cmeditor-field" />\n </cmeditor:tabs>\n
\nThe resulting CMEditor would be similar to this:\n
You can substitute a <g:textArea name=""/>
with <cmeditor:textArea name=""/>
For further documentation please visit our project wiki for information on the API.
\nSo for example use: <g:textArea name="foobar" binding="vim" options="[readOnly: true"] />
The command Plugin, give Grails a convention for command objects, and adds an ErrorsHandler AST to reduce error handling boilerplate.
\nFor documentation see the github page:\ndocumentation
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "compass-asset-pipeline", "repo": "asset-pipeline", "owner": "bertramlabs", "desc": "Provides Compass/SCSS Build support using the jruby runtime. Any compass project can be adjusted to be built by the asset-pipeline and used in applications.", "labels": [ "asset-pipeline", "compass", "scss", "css" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline/issues", "latestVersion": "4.3.0", "updated": "2023-05-01T16:24:04.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.bertramlabs.plugins:compass-asset-pipeline" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline.git" }, "documentationUrl": "https://bertramdev.github.io/asset-pipeline/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/bertramlabs/plugins/compass-asset-pipeline/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "console", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "sheehan", "desc": "A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging.", "labels": [ "console", "management", "debugging" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/sheehan/grails-console/issues", "latestVersion": "2.1.1", "updated": "2018-01-23T03:19:17.309Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:grails-console" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/sheehan/grails-console" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging
\nThe 1.X version is for Grails 2.
\nThe 2.0.X version is for Grails 3.0 - 3.2.
\nThe 2.1.X version is for Grails 3.3+.
\nAdd a dependency in BuildConfig.groovy:
\ngrails.project.dependency.resolution = {\n // ...\n plugins {\n runtime ':console:1.5.12'\n // ...\n }\n}\n
\nNote: If using Grails 3.0.4, you need to update the asset-pipeline dependency in build.gradle to 3.0.6 or greater. 3.0.5 is used by default and has a bug that prevents the console page from rendering.
\nNote: If using Grails 3.0.12, you will need to add this to your configuration: grails.resources.pattern = '/**'
. There is a bug related to resource paths.
Add a dependency in build.gradle
\nruntime 'org.grails.plugins:grails-console:2.1.1'\n
\nUse a browser to navigate to the /console page of your running app, e.g. http://localhost:8080/{app-name}/console
\nType any Groovy commands in the console text area, then click on the execute button. The console plugin relies on Groovy Shell. Lookup Groovy Shell documentation for more information.\nThe Groovy Shell uses the Grails classloader, so you can access any class or artifact (e.g. domain classes, services, etc.) just like in your application code.
\nClick on the Save
button to save the current script.
Use the Storage pane to navigate existing files. Click on a file to load it into the editor.
\nThere are currently two storage options available:
\nLocal Storage uses HTML5 Web Storage. The files are serialized and stored in the browser as a map under the key gconsole.files
Remote Storage uses the filesystem of the server on which the application is running.
\nCalls made to the implicit console
variable will be executed on the browser's console.\nThe arguments are serialized as JSON and the calls are queued to run after the script completes.
The following implicit variables are available:
- the Spring ApplicationContextgrailsApplication
- the GrailsApplication instanceconfig
- the Grails configurationrequest
- the current HTTP requestsession
- the current HTTP sessionout
- the output PrintStreamSee Script Examples for example usage.
\n| Key | Command |\n|---|---|\n| Ctrl-Enter / \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd-Enter | Execute |\n| Ctrl-S / \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd-S | Save |\n| Esc | Clear output |
\nThe following configuration options are available:
\n| Property | Description |\n|---|---|\n| grails.plugin.console.enabled
| Whether to enable the plugin. Default is true for the development environment, false otherwise. |\n| grails.plugin.console.baseUrl
| Base URL for the console controller. Can be a String or a List of Strings if having multiple URLs is desired. Default uses createLink(). |\n| grails.plugin.console.fileStore.remote.enabled
| Whether to include the remote file store functionality. Default is true. |\n| grails.plugin.console.fileStore.remote.defaultPath
| Default path when browsing remote files. Default is /
. |\n| grails.plugin.console.layout
| Used to override the plugin's GSP layout. |\n| grails.plugin.console.newFileText
| Text to display as a template for new files. Can be used to add frequently used imports, environment specific warnings, etc... Defaults to empty. |\n| grails.plugin.console.tabSize
| The width of a tab character. Defaults to 4. |\n| grails.plugin.console.indentWithTabs
| Whether indents should use tabs rather than spaces. Default is false. |\n| grails.plugin.console.indentUnit
| How many spaces a block should be indented. Default is 4. |\n| grails.plugin.console.csrfProtection.enabled
| Whether to enable CSRF protection. Default is true. |
By default (as of v1.5.0) the console plugin is only enabled in the development environment. You can enable or disable it for any environment with\nthe grails.plugin.console.enabled
config option in Config.groovy / application.groovy (Grails 3). If the plugin is enabled in non-development environments, be sure to guard access using a security plugin like Spring Security Core or Shiro. For Grails 2.x, the paths /console/**
and /plugins/console*/**
should be secured. For Grails 3.x, the paths /console/**
and /static/console/**
should be secured.
Spring Security Core example:
\ngrails.plugin.springsecurity.controllerAnnotations.staticRules = [\n [pattern:"/console/**", access:['ROLE_ADMIN']],\n [pattern:"/plugins/console*/**", access:['ROLE_ADMIN']], // Grails 2.x\n [pattern:"/static/console/**", access:['ROLE_ADMIN']], // Grails 3.x\n]\n
\nAnother example restricting access to localhost IPs:
\ngrails.plugin.springsecurity.controllerAnnotations.staticRules = [\n [pattern:"/console/**", access:["hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN') && (hasIpAddress('') || hasIpAddress('::1'))"]],\n [pattern:"/plugins/console*/**", access:["hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN') && (hasIpAddress('') || hasIpAddress('::1'))"]], // Grails 2.x\n [pattern:"/static/console/**", access:["hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN') && (hasIpAddress('') || hasIpAddress('::1'))"]], // Grails 3.x\n]\n
\nPlease see CONTRIBUTING.md
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "consulta-nif", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "puravida-software", "desc": "Consulta el nombre registrado en la AEAT para un NIF dado", "labels": [ ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://gitlab.com/puravida-software/consulta-nif/issues", "latestVersion": "0.1", "updated": "2018-01-10T09:34:46.818Z", "systemIds": [ "com.puravida:consulta-nif" ], "vcsUrl": "https://gitlab.com/puravida-software/consulta-nif/tree/master" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "converters", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Provides JSON and XML converters", "labels": [ "json", "xml" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-plugin-converters/issues", "latestVersion": "5.0.0", "updated": "2024-02-26T10:59:18.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:converters" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-plugin-converters" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/converters/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "This is the Converters plugin that has been part of Grails core up until version 3.3 and now is a standalone plugin.
\nUsers of Grails 3.3.x and above should use this plugin.
\nSimply add the dependency to your build.gradle
compile "org.grails.plugins:converters"\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "cookie",
"repo": "grails-plugins",
"owner": "ctoestreich",
"desc": "Grails Cookie Plugin",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-cookie/issues",
"latestVersion": "2.0.5",
"updated": "2016-04-21T01:59:54.523Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-cookie"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "This plugin makes dealing with cookies easy. Provides an injectable service and tag to easily get, set, and delete cookies with one line.
\nIt's RFC 6265 compliant.
\nTo install the cookie plug-in just add to build.gradle
\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:grails-cookie:2.0.3'\n \n
\nYou can configure in Config.groovy
or application.yml
how long the default cookie age will be (in seconds) when not explicitly supplied while setting a cookie.
grails.plugins.cookie.cookieage.default = 86400 // if not specified default in code is 30 days\n
\nYou have two ways to work with cookies:
and response
objects found in controllers, filters, etc to allow the following.Example of setting a new cookie:
\n// This sets a cookie with the name `username` to the value `cookieUser123` with a expiration set to a week, defined in seconds\nresponse.setCookie('username', 'cookieUser123', 604800)\n// will use default age from Config (or 30 days if not defined)\nresponse.setCookie('username', 'cookieUser123')\n\n// using service\ndef cookieService // define field for DI\n...\ncookieService.setCookie('username', 'cookieUser123', 604800)\n
\nTo get the cookie value:
\nrequest.getCookie('username') // returns 'cookieUser123'\n\n// using service\ndef cookieService // define field for DI\n...\ncookieService.getCookie('username') // returns 'cookieUser123'\n
\nTo delete the cookie (actually it set new expired cookie with same name):
\nresponse.deleteCookie('username') // deletes the 'username' cookie\n// using service\ndef cookieService // define field for DI\n...\ncookieService.deleteCookie('username')\n
\nAll this methods has other signatures and you can find all of them in CookieService JavaDoc's.
\nYou can check out Demo project and also you can find details of implementation in CookieRequestSpec and CookieResponseSpec.
\nYou can configure default values of attributes in Config.groovy
Default expiration age for cookie in seconds. Max-Age
attribute, integer.
If it has value -1
cookie will not stored and removed after browser close.
If it has null value or unset, will be used 30 days, i.e. 2592000
Can't has value 0
, because it means that cookie should be removed.
grails.plugins.cookie.cookieage.default = 360 * 24 * 60 * 60\n
\nDefault path for cookie selection strategy, string.
option in Config.groovy
If default path is null or unset, it will be used 'context' strategy
\ngrails.plugins.cookie.path.defaultStrategy = 'context'\n
\nDefault secure cookie param. Secure cookie available only for HTTPS connections. Secure
attribute, boolean.\nIf default secure is null or unset, it will set all new cookies as secure if current connection is secure
grails.plugins.cookie.secure.default = null\n
\nDefault HTTP Only param that denies accessing to JavaScript's document.cookie
If null or unset will be true
grails.plugins.cookie.httpOnly.default = true\n
\nYou can find details of implementation in CookieServiceDefaultsSpec.
\nIf you use property files to inject values to plugins at runtime. This is now supported as of version 1.0.2. This means that inside your external foo.properties
file you can specify the following.
\nThe string value will correctly be treated as a boolean.
doesn't work../grailsw test-app
that uses wrapper with Grails 2.4instanceof Boolean
to toBoolean()
which will correctly address boolean false
and string "false"
used null instead of actual context<cookie:get/>
. Use standard <g:cookie/>
tag instead.\n* Methods get()
, set()
, delete()
from CookieService
. They are replaced with corresponding getCookie()
, setCookie()
, deleteCookie()
and deleteCookie()
should return added cookiepath
, secure
and httpOnly
configurable and more intelligent enhancementdeleteCookie
not works in response
. Use standard <g:cookie/>
tag instead.\n* Methods get()
, set()
, delete()
from CookieService
. They are replaced with corresponding getCookie()
, setCookie()
, deleteCookie()
.In the v0.3 release a big issue was fixed that now sets the cookie's path to the root /
context.\nOtherwise it was setting the path to the same as the controller/service that triggered it.\nMost users I believe will want this behavior. If setting the path is desired, that can be accommodated.\nPlease contact me or do a pull request if you'd like that.
Current Version: 3.0.1
\nThe Cookie Session plugin enables grails applications to store session data in http cookies between requests instead of in memory on the server. Client sessions are transmitted from the browser to the application with each request and transmitted back with each response. This allows application deployments to be more stateless. Benefits of managing sessions this way include:
\nSimplified Scaling
\nBecause a client's session is passed with every request, the deployment architecture need not be concerned \nwith scaling strategies that account for sessions stored on the server, such as session replication or sticky sessions. \nSimply add application instances and route requests to them. Also, because the session data is stored with client, \nthe server doesn't expend memory or disk space storing sessions that are open for long periods of time.\n
\nFault Tolerance
\nWhen sessions are stored in memory on the server, if an application crashes or becomes inaccessible,\nclients' sessions are usually lost which can result in unexpected logouts, redirects, or loss of data. \nWhen sessions are stored cookies,the applications can be much more tolerant to server-side commission failures. \nIn a single-instance deployment scenario, the server or application can be recycled \nand clients can continue working when the application becomes available and with their session fully intact. In a \nmulti-instance deployment scenario, any instance of the applicatin can service a clients request. A benificial \nside effect of cookie-sessions is that applications can be upgraded or restarted without logging out users.\n
\nKnown incompatibility
\nedit build.gradle add the following line under the plugins closure
\ncompile ":grails-cookie-session-v3:3.0"
\nThe following parameters are supported directly by the cookie-session-v3 plugin. Note, additional configuration is needed for large session support. See additional instructions below.
\nname | \ndefault | \ndescription | \n
grails.plugin.cookiesession.enabled | \nfalse | \nenables or disables the cookie session. | \n
grails.plugin.cookiesession.encryptcookie | \ntrue | \nenable or disable encrypting session data stored in cookies. | \n
grails.plugin.cookiesession.cryptoalgorithm | \nBlowfish | \nThe cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt session data (i.e. Blowfish, DES, DESEde, AES). NOTE: the secret must be compatible with the crypto algorithm. Version 2.0.12 supports non-ECB cipher modes, such as 'Blowfish/CBC/PKCS5Padding', that require an initialization vector | \n
grails.plugin.cookiesession.secret | \ngenerated | \nThe secret key used to encrypt session data. If not set, a random key will be created at runtime. Set this parameter if deploying multiple instances of the application or if sessions need to survive a server crash or restart. sessions to be recovered after a server crash or restart. | \n
grails.plugin.cookiesession.cookiecount | \n5 | \nThe maximum number of cookies that are created to store the session in | \n
grails.plugin.cookiesession.maxcookiesize | \n2048 | \nThe max size for each cookie expressed in bytes. | \n
grails.plugin.cookiesession.sessiontimeout | \n0 | \nThe length of time a session can be inactive for expressed in seconds. -1 indicates that a session will be active for as long as the browser is open. | \n
grails.plugin.cookiesession.cookiename | \ngsession-X | \nX number of cookies will be written per the cookiecount parameter. Each cookie is suffixed with the integer index of the cookie. | \n
\n grails:\n plugin:\n cookiesession:\n enabled: true\n encryptcookie: true\n cryptoalgorithm: "Blowfish"\n secret: "This is my secret."\n cookiecount: 10\n maxcookiesize: 2048 // 2kb\n sessiontimeout: 3600 // one hour\n cookiename: 'gsession'\n condenseexceptions: false\n setsecure: true\n sethttponly: false\n path: '/'\n comment: 'Acme Session Info'\n serializer: 'kryo'\n springsecuritycompatibility: true\n
\nThe maximum session size stored by this plugin is calculated by (cookiecount * maxcookiesize). The reason for these two parameters is that through experimentation, some browsers didn't reliably set large cookies set before the subsequent request. To solve this issue, this plugin supports configuring the max size of each cookie stored and the number of cookies to span the session over. The default values are conservative. If sessions exceed the max session size as configured, first increase the cookiecount and then the maxcookiesize parameters.
\nTo enable large sessions, increase the max http header size for the servlet container you are using.
\nDue to the potentially large amount of data that may be stored, consider setting it to something large, such as 262144 ( 256kb ).
\nthe following are for grails 2.x, needs to be updated for 3.x - investigating
\nEdit the server.xml and set the connector's maxHttpHeaderSize parameter.
\nWhen developing in grails, configure the embedded tomcat server with the tomcat configuration event:
\ncreate the file scripts/_Events.groovy in your project directory
\nadd the following code:
\neventConfigureTomcat = {tomcat ->\n tomcat.connector.setAttribute("maxHttpHeaderSize",262144)\n}\n
\nEdit the jetty.xml or web.xml and set the connector's requestHeaderSize and responseHeaderSize parameters.
\ncreate the file scripts/_Events.groovy in your project directory
\nadd the following code:
\neventConfigureJetty = {jetty ->\n jetty.connectors[0].requestHeaderSize = 262144\n jetty.connectors[0].responseHeaderSize = 262144\n}\n
\nSessionPersistenceListener is an interface used inspect the session just after its been deserialized from persistent storage and just before being serialized and persisted.
\nSessionPersistenceListener defines the following methods:\nvoid afterSessionRestored( SerializableSession session )\nvoid beforeSessionSaved( SerializableSession session )
\nTo use, write a class that implements this interface and define the object in the application's spring application context (grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy). The CookieSession plugin will scan the application context and retrieve references to all classes that implement SessionPersistenceListener. The order that the SessionPersistenceListeners are called is unspecified. For an example of how to implement a SessionPersistenceListener, see the ExceptionCondenser class which is part of the cookie-session plugin.
\nThe ExceptionCondenser uses beforeSessionSaved() to replace instances of Exceptions the exception's message. This is useful because some libraries, notably the spring-security, store exceptions in the session, which can cause the cookie-session storage to overflow. The ExceptionCondenser can be installed by either adding it in the application context or by enabling it with the convenience settings grails.plugin.cookiesession.condenseexceptions = true.
\nThe grails.plugin.cookiesession.serializer config setting is used to pick which serializer the cookie-session plugin will use to serialize sessions. Currently, only two options are supported: 'java' and 'kryo'. 'java' is used to pick the java.io API serializer. This serializer has proven to be reliable and works 'out of the box'. 'kryo' is used to pick the Kryo serializer (http://code.google.com/p/kryo/). The Kryo serializer has many benifits over the Java serializer, primarily serialized results are significantly smaller which reduces the size of the session cookies. However, the Kryo serializer requires configuration to work correctly with some grails and spring objects. By default the kryo serializer is configured to serialize GrailsFlashScope and other basic grails objects. If the application uses spring-security, you must enabled springsecuritycompatibility for the cookie-session plugin. Additionally you should verify that the serializer is successfully serializing all objects that will be stored in the session. Configure info level logging for 'com.granicus.grails.plugins.cookiesession.CookieSessionRepository' for test and development environments to monitor the serialization and deserialization process. If objects fail to serialize, please report an issue to this github project; a best effort will be made to make the kryo serializer as compatible as possible. If the kryo serializer doesn't work for your application, consider falling back to the java serializer or implementing your own SessionSerializer as described below.
\nSpring Security Compatibility, configured with the springsecuritycompatibility
setting, directs the cookie-session plugin to adjust its behavior to be more compatible with the spring-security-core plugin.
The primary issue addressed in this mode relates to when the spring-security core's SecurityContextPersistenceFilter writes the current security context to the SecurityContextRepository. In most cases, the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter stores the current security context after the current web response has been written. This is a problem for the cookie-session plugin because the session is stored in cookies in the web response. As a result, the current security context is never saved in the session, in effect losing the security context after each request. To work around this issue, spring security compatibility mode causes the cookie-session plugin to write the current security context to the session just before the session is serialized and saved in cookies. The security context is stored under the key that the SecurityContextRepository expects to find the security context.
\nThe next issue that Spring Security Compatibility addresses involves cookies saved in the DefaultSavedRequest. DefaultSavedRequest is created by spring security core and stored in the session during redirects, such as after authentication. Spring Security Compatibility causes the cookie-session plugin to detect the presense of a DefaultSavedRequest in the session and remove any cookie-session cookies it may be storing. This ensures that old session information doesn't replace more current session information when following a redirects. This also reduces the size of the the serialized session because the DefaultSavedRequest is storing an old copy of a session in the current session. Finally, Spring Security Compatibility adds custom kryo serializers (when kryo serialization is enabled) to successfully serialize objects that kryo isn't capable of serializing by default.
\nWhen compatibility with Spring Security is enabled the plugin may enforce new session creation if none exists yet. The reason is that without a session present the Security Context would not be persisted and propagaded between requests. This would manifest as an intermittent issue depending whether or not the application uses session for some other purpose or not (e.g. flash scope).
\nSessionCookieConfig is a interface introduced in Servlet 3.0 and is used to specify configuration parameters of session cookies. If you enable the grails.plugin.cookiesession.usesessioncookieconfig parameter, then this interface is used to configure the cookie session cookies. In order for this option to work, the servlet context must be servlet context version 3.0 or great.
\nThe following is an example of how to use the SessionCookieConfig to configure cookies in the init closure in BootStrap.groovy.
\n if( servletContext.majorVersion >= 3 ){\n servletContext.sessionCookieConfig.name = 'sugar2'\n servletContext.sessionCookieConfig.secure = false\n servletContext.sessionCookieConfig.maxAge = 3600\n }\n
\nBe warned, updating the cookie specification can cause unexpected results and cause your application to fail. In general, you should not update the cookie specification once an application is in production. If you do, mutliple cookies with the same name will be saved back to the browser and will be sent back to your application, which will undoubtably cause deserialization of the session cookie to fail. Here are some general recomendations on how to configure cookie session cookie, either with the plugin's configuration options or with the SessionCookieConfig:
\nThe following logback keys are configurable:
\nThis plugin consists of the following components:
\nWhen a request is received by the server, the CookieSessionFilter is called in the filter chain and performs the following:
\nThroughout the remainder of the request, the SessionRepositoryRequestWrapper is only responsible for returning the stored instances of the SerializableSession.
\nAs the request processing comes to a conclussion the SessionRepositoryResponseWrapper is used to intercept calls that would cause the response to be committed (i.e. written back to the client). When it intercepts these calls, it uses a SessionRepository object to persist the Session object.
\nThe CookieSession object is a spring bean that implements the SessionRepository interface. This object is injected injected into the application so that it can be replaced with alternative implementations that can store the session to different locations such as database, shared in-memory store, shared filesystem, etc.
\nIf you want to contribute a bug fix, please work from the 'develop' branch. Additionally, before submitting a pull request please confirm that all of the tests in test suite pass. The test suite is located at github.com/benlucchesi/test-cookie-session-plugin
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cookie-session", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "double16", "desc": "The Cookie Session plugin enables grails applications to store session data in http cookies between requests instead of in memory on the server.", "labels": [ "cookies", "http-session" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/double16/grails-cookie-session/issues", "latestVersion": "4.0.2", "updated": "2018-07-18T13:04:38.683Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cookie-session" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/double16/grails-cookie-session.git" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The Cookie Session plugin enables grails applications to store session data in http cookies between requests instead of in memory on the server. Client sessions are transmitted from the browser to the application with each request and transmitted back with each response. This allows application deployments to be more stateless. Benefits of managing sessions this way include:
\nBecause a client's session is passed with every request, the deployment architecture need not be concerned with scaling strategies that account for sessions stored on the server, such as session replication or sticky sessions. Simply add application instances and route requests to them. Also, because the session data is stored with client, the server doesn't expend memory or disk space storing sessions that are open for long periods of time.
\nWhen sessions are stored in memory on the server, if an application crashes or becomes inaccessible, clients' sessions are usually lost which can result in unexpected logout, redirects, or loss of data. When sessions are stored cookies,the applications can be much more tolerant to server-side commission failures. In a single-instance deployment scenario, the server or application can be recycled and clients can continue working when the application becomes available and with their session fully intact. In a multi-instance deployment scenario, any instance of the application can service a clients request. A beneficial side effect of cookie-sessions is that applications can be upgraded or restarted without logging out users.
\nEdit build.gradle
add the following line under the plugins closure
compile 'org.grails.plugins:cookie-session:4.0.2'\n
\nThe following parameters are supported directly by the cookie-session plugin. Note, additional configuration is needed for large session support. See additional instructions below.
\n| name | default | description |\n| ---- | ------- | ----------- |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.enabled | false | enables or disables the cookie session. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.encryptcookie | true | enable or disable encrypting session data stored in cookies. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.cryptoalgorithm | Blowfish | The cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt session data (i.e. Blowfish, DES, DESEde, AES). NOTE: the secret must be compatible with the crypto algorithm. Version 2.0.12 supports non-ECB cipher modes, such as 'Blowfish/CBC/PKCS5Padding', that require an initialization vector |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.secret | generated | The secret key used to encrypt session data. If not set, a random key will be created at runtime. Set this parameter if deploying multiple instances of the application or if sessions need to survive a server crash or restart. sessions to be recovered after a server crash or restart. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.cookiecount | 5 | The maximum number of cookies that are created to store the session in |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.maxcookiesize | 2048 | The max size for each cookie expressed in bytes. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.warnthreshold | 0.8 | Threshold for logging a warning when the cookie size becomes equal to or greater than the total maximum cookie size (cookieCount * maxCookieSize) |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.sessiontimeout | 0 | The length of time a session can be inactive for expressed in seconds. -1 indicates that a session will be active for as long as the browser is open. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.cookiename | gsession-X | X number of cookies will be written per the cookiecount parameter. Each cookie is suffixed with the integer index of the cookie. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.condenseexceptions | false | replaces instances of Exceptions objects in the session with the Exception.getMessage() in the session (see SessionPersistanceListener for further details) |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.serializer | 'java' | specify serializer used to serialize session objects. valid values are: 'java', 'kryo', or the name of a spring bean that implement SessionSerializer. See section on Serializers below. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.usesessioncookieconfig | false | version 2.0.12+ uses the ServletContext.SessionCookieConfig to configure cookies used to store the session. values from SessionCookieConfig override config parameters setsecure, sethttp, path, domain, comment, sessiontimeout, and cookiename. See notes below on use of this config option. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.springsecuritycompatibility | false | true to configure enhanced compatibility with spring security, false to disable. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.setsecure | false | calls Cookie.setSecure on cookie-session cookies. This flag indicates to browsers whether cookies should only be sent over secure connections. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.httponly | false | calls Cookie.setHttpOnly on cookie-session cookies. This flag indicates to browsers that the cookie should not be made available to scripts. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.path | / | calls Cookie.setPath on cookie-session cookies. This limits the paths for which the browser should send the cookie. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.domain | -unset- | calls Cookie.setDomain on cookie-session cookies if set. This tells the browsers which domains the cookie is valid for; if unset, then the cookie is valid for the current host only. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.comment | -unset- | calls Cookie.setComment on cookie-session cookies. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.id | deprecated | deprecated. use the 'grails.plugin.cookiesession.cookiename' setting. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.timeout | deprecated | deprecated. use the 'grails.plugin.cookiesession.sessiontimeout' setting. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.hmac.secret | deprecated | deprecated. use the 'grails.plugin.cookiesession.secret' setting. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.hmac.id | deprecated | deprecated. no equivalent setting is present in this version of the plugin. |\n| grails.plugin.cookiesession.hmac.algorithm | deprecated | deprecated. use the 'grails.plugin.cookiesession.cryptoalgorithm' settings. |
\ngrails:\n plugin:\n cookiesession:\n enabled: true\n encryptcookie: true\n cryptoalgorithm: "Blowfish"\n secret: "This is my secret."\n cookiecount: 10\n maxcookiesize: 2048 // 2kb\n sessiontimeout: 3600 // one hour\n cookiename: 'gsession'\n condenseexceptions: false\n setsecure: true\n httponly: false\n path: '/'\n comment: 'Acme Session Info'\n serializer: 'kryo'\n springsecuritycompatibility: true\n
\nThe maximum session size stored by this plugin is calculated by (cookiecount * maxcookiesize). The reason for these two parameters is that through experimentation, some browsers didn't reliably set large cookies set before the subsequent request. To solve this issue, this plugin supports configuring the max size of each cookie stored and the number of cookies to span the session over. The default values are conservative. If sessions exceed the max session size as configured, first increase the cookiecount and then the maxcookiesize parameters.
\nTo enable large sessions, increase the max http header size for the servlet container you are using.
\nDue to the potentially large amount of data that may be stored, consider setting it to something large, such as 262144 ( 256kb ).
\nthe following are for grails 2.x, needs to be updated for 3.x - investigating
\nEdit the server.xml and set the connector's maxHttpHeaderSize parameter.
\nWhen developing in grails, configure the embedded tomcat server with the tomcat configuration event:
\ncreate the file scripts/_Events.groovy in your project directory
\nadd the following code:
\neventConfigureTomcat = {tomcat ->\n tomcat.connector.setAttribute("maxHttpHeaderSize",262144)\n}\n
\nEdit the jetty.xml or web.xml and set the connector's requestHeaderSize and responseHeaderSize parameters.
\ncreate the file scripts/_Events.groovy in your project directory
\nadd the following code:
\neventConfigureJetty = {jetty ->\n jetty.connectors[0].requestHeaderSize = 262144\n jetty.connectors[0].responseHeaderSize = 262144\n}\n
\nSessionPersistenceListener is an interface used inspect the session just after its been deserialized from persistent storage and just before being serialized and persisted.
\nSessionPersistenceListener defines the following methods:
\n void afterSessionRestored( SerializableSession session )\n void beforeSessionSaved( SerializableSession session )\n
\nTo use, write a class that implements this interface and define the object in the application's spring application context (grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy). The CookieSession plugin will scan the application context and retrieve references to all classes that implement SessionPersistenceListener. The order that the SessionPersistenceListeners are called is unspecified. For an example of how to implement a SessionPersistenceListener, see the ExceptionCondenser class which is part of the cookie-session plugin.
\nThe ExceptionCondenser uses beforeSessionSaved() to replace instances of Exceptions the exception's message. This is useful because some libraries, notably the spring-security, store exceptions in the session, which can cause the cookie-session storage to overflow. The ExceptionCondenser can be installed by either adding it in the application context or by enabling it with the convenience settings grails.plugin.cookiesession.condenseexceptions = true
The grails.plugin.cookiesession.serializer config setting is used to pick which serializer the cookie-session plugin will use to serialize sessions. Currently, only two options are supported: 'java' and 'kryo'. 'java' is used to pick the java.io API serializer. This serializer has proven to be reliable and works 'out of the box'. 'kryo' is used to pick the Kryo serializer (https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/kryo). The Kryo serializer has many benefits over the Java serializer, primarily serialized results are significantly smaller which reduces the size of the session cookies. However, the Kryo serializer requires configuration to work correctly with some grails and spring objects. By default the kryo serializer is configured to serialize GrailsFlashScope and other basic grails objects. If the application uses spring-security, you must enable springsecuritycompatibility
for the cookie-session plugin. Additionally you should verify that the serializer is successfully serializing all objects that will be stored in the session. Configure info level logging for grails.plugins.cookiesession.CookieSessionRepository
for test and development environments to monitor the serialization and deserialization process. If objects fail to serialize, please report an issue to this github project; a best effort will be made to make the kryo serializer as compatible as possible. If the kryo serializer doesn't work for your application, consider falling back to the java serializer or implementing your own SessionSerializer as described below.
Spring Security Compatibility, configured with the springsecuritycompatibility
setting, directs the cookie-session plugin to adjust its behavior to be more compatible with the spring-security-core plugin.
The primary issue addressed in this mode relates to when the spring-security core's SecurityContextPersistenceFilter writes the current security context to the SecurityContextRepository. In most cases, the SecurityContextPersistenceFilter stores the current security context after the current web response has been written. This is a problem for the cookie-session plugin because the session is stored in cookies in the web response. As a result, the current security context is never saved in the session, in effect losing the security context after each request. To work around this issue, spring security compatibility mode causes the cookie-session plugin to write the current security context to the session just before the session is serialized and saved in cookies. The security context is stored under the key that the SecurityContextRepository expects to find the security context.
\nThe next issue that Spring Security Compatibility addresses involves cookies saved in the DefaultSavedRequest. DefaultSavedRequest is created by spring security core and stored in the session during redirects, such as after authentication. Spring Security Compatibility causes the cookie-session plugin to detect the presence of a DefaultSavedRequest in the session and remove any cookie-session cookies it may be storing. This ensures that old session information doesn't replace more current session information when following a redirect. This also reduces the size of the the serialized session because the DefaultSavedRequest is storing an old copy of a session in the current session.
\nFinally, Spring Security Compatibility adds custom kryo serializers (when kryo serialization is enabled) to successfully serialize objects that kryo isn't capable of serializing by default.
\nWhen compatibility with Spring Security is enabled the plugin may enforce new session creation if none exists yet. The reason is that without a session present the Security Context would not be persisted and propagated between requests. This would manifest as an intermittent issue depending whether or not the application uses session for some other purpose or not (e.g. flash scope).
\nSessionCookieConfig is a interface introduced in Servlet 3.0 and is used to specify configuration parameters of session cookies. If you enable the grails.plugin.cookiesession.usesessioncookieconfig
parameter, then this interface is used to configure the cookie session cookies. In order for this option to work, the servlet context must be servlet context version 3.0 or great.
The following is an example of how to use the SessionCookieConfig to configure cookies in the init closure in BootStrap.groovy.
\n if( servletContext.majorVersion >= 3 ){\n servletContext.sessionCookieConfig.name = 'sugar2'\n servletContext.sessionCookieConfig.secure = false\n servletContext.sessionCookieConfig.maxAge = 3600\n }\n
\nBe warned, updating the cookie specification can cause unexpected results and cause your application to fail. In general, you should not update the cookie specification once an application is in production. If you do, multiple cookies with the same name will be saved back to the browser and will be sent back to your application, which will undoubtedly cause deserialization of the session cookie to fail. Here are some general recommendations on how to configure cookie session cookie, either with the plugin's configuration options or with the SessionCookieConfig:
\nThe following logback keys are configurable:
\nThis plugin consists of the following components:
\nWhen a request is received by the server, the CookieSessionFilter is called in the filter chain and performs the following:
\nThroughout the remainder of the request, the SessionRepositoryRequestWrapper is only responsible for returning the stored instances of the SerializableSession.
\nAs the request processing comes to a conclusion the SessionRepositoryResponseWrapper is used to intercept calls that would cause the response to be committed (i.e. written back to the client). When it intercepts these calls, it uses a SessionRepository object to persist the Session object.
\nThe CookieSession object is a spring bean that implements the SessionRepository interface. This object is injected injected into the application so that it can be replaced with alternative implementations that can store the session to different locations such as database, shared in-memory store, shared filesystem, etc.
\nIf you want to contribute a bug fix, please work from the 'develop' branch. Additionally, before submitting a pull request please confirm that all of the tests in test suite pass. The test suite can be run using gradlew check testAll integrationTestAll
The csv plugin provides utility methods and also support for reading/writing to csv files. It uses opencsv
Add dependency to your build.gradle for Grails 3.x:
\nrepositories {\n ...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/sachinverma/plugins" }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:grails-csv:1.0.1'\n}\n
\nFor further info: [https://github.com/vsachinv/grails-csv/wiki/Grails-CSV]
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cxf", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "ctoestreich", "desc": "Grails CXF Plugin", "labels": [ "cxf", "soap" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-cxf/issues", "latestVersion": "3.1.2", "updated": "2018-05-04T00:36:38.345Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cxf", "org.grails.plugins:grails-cxf" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-cxf" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\n\nThe docs for the 2.x branch can be found here. A lot of the previous documentation is somewhat applicable, but I will be creating new docs in the coming weeks.
\nThe 3.x branch of the plugin is a grails plugin that contains simplified features to get simple soap endpoints exposed in grails 3 applications.
\nAt the core, this plugin is a simple wrapper for geeting grails service classes wired up as direct soap endpoints. As many of the previous features from the 2.x branch as could be ported for the initial release were ported. There will be continued support added for the more complex CXF features going forward.
\nExposing a service class is as simple as adding the GrailsCxfEndpoint
annotation and annotating the methods you wish to expose in the service with WebMethod
and WebResult
package com.gpc.demo\n\nimport grails.transaction.Transactional\nimport org.grails.cxf.utils.GrailsCxfEndpoint\n\nimport javax.jws.WebMethod\nimport javax.jws.WebResult\n\n@Transactional\n@GrailsCxfEndpoint\nclass DemoService {\n\n @WebMethod\n @WebResult\n String demoMethod() {\n return "demo"\n }\n}\n
\nIf you wish to return domain classes you will need to make sure to add the xml annotations to the domain class.
\npackage org.grails.cxf.test.example\n\nimport grails.transaction.Transactional\nimport org.grails.cxf.utils.GrailsCxfEndpoint\n\nimport javax.jws.WebMethod\nimport javax.jws.WebParam\nimport javax.jws.WebResult\n\n@Transactional\n@GrailsCxfEndpoint\nclass PersonService {\n\n\t@WebMethod\n\t@WebResult(name = "Person", targetNamespace = "")\n\tPerson createPerson(@WebParam(name = 'name') String name) {\n\t\tPerson.findOrSaveByName(name)\n\t}\n}\n
\npackage org.grails.cxf.test.example\n\nimport javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType\nimport javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType\nimport javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement\n\n@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)\nclass Person {\n\n @XmlElement\n Long id\n\n @XmlElement\n String name\n\n static constraints = {\n name nullable: false, blank: false\n }\n}\n
\nDo add a custom interceptor you should define an bean in your application or imported config class. The reference to the logging interceptor is the name of the defined bean.
\npackage org.grails.cxf.test.soap.interceptor\n\nimport org.apache.cxf.common.injection.NoJSR250Annotations\nimport org.apache.cxf.common.logging.LogUtils\nimport org.apache.cxf.interceptor.AbstractLoggingInterceptor\nimport org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault\nimport org.apache.cxf.message.Message\nimport org.apache.cxf.phase.Phase\nimport org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired\n\nimport java.util.logging.Logger\n\n/**\n */\n@NoJSR250Annotations\nclass CustomLoggingInInterceptor extends AbstractLoggingInterceptor {\n\n private static final Logger LOG = LogUtils.getLogger(CustomLoggingInInterceptor)\n def name\n\n CustomLoggingInInterceptor() {\n super(Phase.RECEIVE)\n log LOG, 'Creating the custom interceptor bean'\n }\n\n void handleMessage(Message message) throws Fault {\n //get another web service bean here by name and call it\n\n //Check to see if cxf annotations will inject the bean (looks like no!)\n log LOG, injectedBean?.name ?: 'FAIL - NOT SET'\n log LOG, "$name :: I AM IN CUSTOM IN LOGGER!!!!!!!"\n }\n\n @Override\n protected Logger getLogger() {\n LOG\n }\n}\n
\npackage grails.cxf.demo\n\nimport grails.boot.GrailsApp\nimport grails.boot.config.GrailsAutoConfiguration\nimport org.grails.cxf.test.soap.interceptor.CustomLoggingInInterceptor\nimport org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean\nimport org.springframework.context.annotation.ImportResource\n\nclass Application extends GrailsAutoConfiguration {\n static void main(String[] args) {\n GrailsApp.run(Application, args)\n }\n\n @Bean\n public CustomLoggingInInterceptor customLoggingInInterceptor(){\n return new CustomLoggingInInterceptor(name: 'injected value')\n }\n}\n
\npackage org.grails.cxf.test.example\n\nimport grails.transaction.Transactional\nimport org.grails.cxf.utils.GrailsCxfEndpoint\n\nimport javax.jws.WebMethod\nimport javax.jws.WebParam\nimport javax.jws.WebResult\n\n@Transactional\n@GrailsCxfEndpoint(inInterceptors = ['customLoggingInInterceptor'])\nclass PersonService {\n\n\t@WebMethod\n\t@WebResult(name = "Person", targetNamespace = "")\n\tPerson createPerson(@WebParam(name = 'name') String name) {\n\t\tPerson.findOrSaveByName(name)\n\t}\n}\n
\nThe default behavior is to expose the CxfServlet at the /services/*
endpoint. If you with to override this behavior you can set the following config:
cxf:\n servlet:\n mapping: /webservices/*\n
\nWhen using the annotation, the property values will only be used if the corresponding annotation value is not provided or is set to the default value. The following are available to configure via the annotation:
\n/**\n * Annotation to be use to expose a Service or Endpoint class as a CXF Service via Grails.\n */\n@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)\n@Target(ElementType.TYPE)\n@interface GrailsCxfEndpoint {\n String address() default ''\n String name() default ''\n EndpointType expose() default EndpointType.JAX_WS\n boolean soap12() default false\n String wsdl() default ''\n //Interceptors\n String[] inInterceptors() default []\n String[] outInterceptors() default []\n String[] inFaultInterceptors() default []\n String[] outFaultInterceptors() default []\n GrailsCxfEndpointProperty[] properties() default []\n}\n\n@Target(ElementType.METHOD)\n@interface GrailsCxfEndpointProperty {\n public String name() default ''\n public String value() default ''\n}\n\n
\nThe address property is used to adjust the endpoint address that the service will be deployed to. By default if not provided or is the value is empty (""), this will be the name of the Service or Endpoint with the first letter lowercase and the word Endpoint or Service removed from the end of the name. The default behavior would deploy the BoatService
as /services/boat
If you wish to override this and provide your own service name or address (for versioning support for example) you may set this value.
\n@GrailsCxfEndpoint(address='/v2/custom/path')\nclass CarService {\n ...\n}\n
\nThe above would be deployed to /services/v2/custom/path
\nThe expose
property will tell the plugin how you wish to expose. The default is EndpointType.JAX_WS
which is the same as the following:
@GrailsCxfEndpoint(expose=EndpointType.JAX_WS)\nclass CarService {\n ...\n}\n
\nSimple and JaxRS types are currently not supported. TODO
\nThe name
property will tell the plugin how you wish to name the service. This will change the wsdl name property from the default for the example below from CarService
to simply just Car
like this <wsdl:definitions name="Car" targetNamespace="http://demo.gpc.com">
@GrailsCxfEndpoint(name='Car')\nclass CarService {\n ...\n}\n
\nThe port
property will tell the plugin how you wish to name the service port binding. This will change the wsdl name property of the port from the default for the example below from CarServicePort
to simply just CarPort
like this <wsdl:port binding="tns:CarServiceSoapBinding" name="CarPort">
@GrailsCxfEndpoint(port='CarPort')\nclass CarService {\n ...\n}\n
\nTo tell a service to default to SOAP 1.2 instead of 1.1 simply set this to true
. The default value is false
which will use SOAP 1.1.
@GrailsCxfEndpoint(soap12=true)\nclass CarService {\n ...\n}\n
\nTo expose as a wsdl first jax web service endpoint http://cxf.apache.org/docs/jax-ws-configuration.html add the wsdl property and classpath to the wsdl as well as setting the endpoint type to EndpointType.JAX_WS_WSDL
@WebService(name = 'CustomerServiceWsdlEndpoint',\ntargetNamespace = 'http://test.cxf.grails.org/',\nserviceName = 'CustomerServiceWsdlEndpoint',\nportName = 'CustomerServiceWsdlPort')\n@GrailsCxfEndpoint(wsdl = 'org/grails/cxf/test/soap/CustomerService.wsdl', expose = EndpointType.JAX_WS_WSDL)\nclass AnnotatedCustomerServiceWsdlEndpoint {\n\n CustomerServiceEndpoint customerServiceEndpoint\n\n List<Customer> getCustomersByName(final String name) {\n customerServiceEndpoint.getCustomersByName(name)\n }\n}\n
\nExample TODO
\n\nThis is a list of bean names in List<String>
to inject to the cxf service endpoint. You will need to define your interceptor beans via normal spring dsl (in resources.groovy for example).
This is helpful when the default cxf annotation of @org.apache.cxf.interceptor.InInterceptors (interceptors = {"com.example.Test1Interceptor" })
does not satisfy your needs.
When chosing between the this property and the cxf provided one, if you require value injection, the cxf provided annotation will most likely NOT meet your needs and you should use this property instead.
\nNote: Make sure to set any beans you wish injected into your interceptors to bean.autowire = 'byName'
or use the @Autowire
\nIf you wish to inject a custom in interceptor bean, use this property. This is helpful when the default cxf annotation of @org.apache.cxf.interceptor.OutInterceptors (interceptors = {"com.example.Test1Interceptor" })
does not satisfy your needs.
See above for examples of using inInterceptor which should be very similar.
\nIf you wish to inject a custom in interceptor bean, use this property. This is helpful when the default cxf annotation of @org.apache.cxf.interceptor.InFaultInterceptors (interceptors = {"com.example.Test1Interceptor" })
does not satisfy your needs.
See above for examples of using inInterceptor which should be very similar.
\nIf you wish to inject a custom in interceptor bean, use this property. This is helpful when the default cxf annotation of @org.apache.cxf.interceptor.OutFaultInterceptors (interceptors = {"com.example.Test1Interceptor" })
does not satisfy your needs.
See above for examples of using inInterceptor which should be very similar.
\nUsing the annotation will help reduce the clutter of having many static properties in your class to configure cxf.
\n\n\nLICENSE\n---------------\nCopyright 2013 Christian Oestreich
\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cxf-client", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "ctoestreich", "desc": "Grails CXF Client Plugin", "labels": [ "cxf", "soap", "client" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-cxf-client/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.7", "updated": "2016-04-11T19:21:38.732Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:cxf-client", "org.grails.plugins:grails-cxf-client" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-cxf-client" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "database-migration", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails database-migration plugin", "labels": [ "liquibase", "migration", "database" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-database-migration/issues", "latestVersion": "5.0.0", "updated": "2024-12-18T22:20:28.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:database-migration" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-database-migration" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/grails-database-migration/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/database-migration/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "comment": "There is no published version that is compatible with Grails >= 3 (0.3 is not published as of this writing)", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "daysofweek", "repo": "daysofweek", "owner": "vahid", "desc": "Grails Days Of week plugin using ICU4J libraries to work out international calendar week days", "labels": [ "calendar" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-daysofweek-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "0.2", "updated": "2019-05-17T13:10:27.982Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:daysofweek" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-daysofweek-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": "https://vahidhedayati.github.io/grails-daysofweek-plugin/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Grails Days Of week plugin using ICU4J libraries to work out internationl calendar week days
\nDependency Grails 2:
\n\tcompile ":daysofweek:0.1"\n
\n\nDependency Grails 3 (build.gradle):
\n\tcompile "org.grails.plugins:daysofweek:0.3"\n
\n\nThe plugin without being wired back into validation bean will return a list of selected days of the week by end user\nby default bindToBean
is disabled is won't bind to the bean, this needs to be set to true to get it internal validation bean to pickup calculate. Only 1 element on a given form within gsp can bind to the bean. The rest will need to follow this method. Please refer to example below for a better insight.
To get a final value which this plugin converts to / from you need to run:\nByte dow = DaysOfWeek.fromListToBit(params.list('daysOfWeek'))
This return a byte value of dow which contains which week days the end user has selected. When this is stored and reloaded in the context of above bean it will show the days as per selection.
\nSimply call <dow:week ....{below options} />
This will return as above your own fieldName
as the params back or by default as above daysOfWeek
which contains a 'Byte' value which represents the bitwise value of the week days the end user has selected.
Simply wire in that same byte value back into same tag lib and set dow
to be that value for the plugin to draw out the selected days of the week user selected previously.
dow="${myDow}" = The byte value if already provided from db or something\ndow="${64 as Byte}" = you setting byte value manually this then populates relevant days.\n\ndaysOfweek="${['SUN','MON','TUE','WED','THU','FRI','SAT']}" = either provide the dow above \n\t\t\t\t\t\tor physical a list of a selection of day names as shown\n\n\ncontext="section2" = Not needed if called only once on page, this is so that js stuff works per call \n \nshowLocale="${true}" = To show the locale in showLabel only works if showLabel is on\n\nshowLabel="${true}" = Show week days label and if showLocale true also shows locale\n\nfieldName="myDow" = This is the variable name of your checkbox by default daysOfWeek \n\nlocale="${new Locale("ar","IQ")}" = Override system locale to show which ever order of days of week\n\t\t\t\t\tPlease note this only overrides the ordering sequence of days and not actual screen\n\t\t\t\t\t text which is done via ?lang=th lang parameter on url line.\n\t\t\t\t\t \n template="/some/path/to/gsp/template/_override_plugin.gsp" =This is to override the template to your\n \t\t\t\t\t\t own custom template if you so wish not to use plugin method of display days etc.\n \n bindToBean="${true}" = This by default is false if set to true one one <dow:week on a given page \n \t\t\t\t\t\tcan auto bind to backend bean as per controllers above.\n \n activateAll="${true}" =this is by defaut false, if there is currently no value provided and there \n \t\t\t\t\t\tare no active selected days, it attempts to pre-select all days for form loading up. \n \t\t\t\t\t\tYou may wish for it to show everything as active as page starts up\n\n
\nInfo behind weekdays byte value stackoverflow link
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "db-reverse-engineer", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails db-reverse-engineer plugin", "labels": [ "database" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-db-reverse-engineer/issues", "latestVersion": "4.0.0", "updated": "2017-01-26T14:03:06.363Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:db-reverse-engineer" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-db-reverse-engineer" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-db-reverse-engineer/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": null }, { "displayName": "oauth", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "desirableobjects.grails.plugins:oauth", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "desirable-objects", "desc": "Grails oauth plugin", "labels": [ "oauth" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/antony/grails-oauth-scribe/issues", "latestVersion": "4.0.0", "updated": "2017-05-17T21:16:51.385Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:oauth" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/antony/grails-oauth-scribe" }, "documentationUrl": "https://antony.github.io/grails-oauth-scribe/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "distributed-lock", "repo": "grails3-plugins", "owner": "bertramlabs", "desc": "This plugin provides a framework and interface for a synchronization mechanism distributed to multiple server instances. In today's world of horizontal computational\nscale and massive concurrency, it becomes increasingly difficult to synchronize operations outside the context of a single computational space (server/process). This plugin aims to make that\neasier by providing a simple service to facilitate this, as well as defining an interface for adding low level providers.\n", "labels": [ "lock" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/distributed-lock/issues", "latestVersion": "7.0.0", "updated": "2024-12-30T16:49:04.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.bertramlabs.plugins:distributed-lock" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/distributed-lock" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/bertramlabs/plugins/distributed-lock/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "This plugin provides a framework and interface for a synchronization mechanism that can be distributed outside the context of the app container it runs in. In today's world of horizontal computational\nscale and massive concurrency, it becomes increasingly difficult to synchronize operations outside the context of a single computational space (server/process/container). This plugin aims to make that\neasier by providing a simple service to facilitate this, as well as defining an interface for adding low level providers.
\nIn the current release, only a provider for redis currently exists, which depends on the grails-redis plugin. Any other providers are welcome contributions.
\nAdd the plugin to your BuildConfig.groovy:
\nplugins {\n\tcompile ":distributed-lock:0.1.0"\n}\n
\nFirst thing is to configure your redis store. Add sample config to your Config.groovy:
\ngrails {\n\tredis {\n\t\thost = 'localhost'\n\t\tport = 6379\n\t}\n}\n
\nNOTE: Please see grails-redis for more configuration details for your redis store
\nNext, configure your distributed-lock options:
\ndistributedLock {\n\tprovider {\n\t\ttype = RedisLockProvider // Currently the only available provider\n\t\t// NOTE: Use only if not using the default redis connection\n\t\t// connection = 'otherThanDefault'\n\t}\n\traiseError = true //optional\n\tdefaultTimeout = 10000l //optional\n\tdefaultTTL = 1000l * 60l * 60l //optional (1 hour)\n\tnamespace = 'example-app' //optional\n}\n
\nConfiguration options:
\nprovider: This block is used to describe your implementation provider
\nraiseError: Config option to throw exceptions on failures as opposed to just returning boolean status (defaults to 'true')
\nnamespace: Specify a namespace for your lock keys (defaults to 'distributed-lock')
\ndefaultTimeout: The default time (in millis) to wait for a lock acquire before failing (defaults to '30000')
\ndefaultTTL: The TTL (in millis) for an active lock. If its not released in this much time, it will be force released when expired. Value defaults to 0 (never expires)
\nThe plugin provides a single non transactional service that handles all lock negotiation that you can inject in any of your services
\nclass MyService {\n\tdef lockService\n\t\n\tdef someMethod() {\n\t\tdef lockKey = lockService.acquireLock('/lock/a/shared/fs')\n\t}\n}\n
\nLockService Methods
\nThe optional Map allows you to override certain configuration settings just for the context of your method call. Options include:
\nSimple usages of LockService:
\ndef lockKey = lockService.acquireLock('mylock')\n\t\nif (lockKey) {\n\t// Perform on operation we want synchronized\n}\nelse {\n\tprintln("Unable to obtain lock")\n}\n\t\n// try/finally to release lock\ntry {\n\tdef lock = lockService.acquireLock('lock2', [timeout:2000l, ttl:10000l, raiseError:false])\n\tif (lock) {\n\t\t// DO SOME SYNCHRONIZED STUFF\n\t}\n}\nfinally {\n\tlockService.releaseLock('lock2',[lock: lock])\n}\n
\nThreaded sample using executor plugin:
\ndef lockService\n\t\n(0..10).each { i ->\n\trunAsync {\n\t\tdef lock\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tif (lock = lockService.acquireLock('test-run', [timeout:5000l]))\n\t\t\t\tprintln("Lock acquired for thread ${i}")\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tprintln("Failed to acquire lock for thread ${i}")\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t// Sleep for random amount of time\n\t\t\tsleep(new Random().nextInt(1000) as Long)\n\t\t}\n\t\tfinally {\n\t\t\tlockService.releaseLock('test-run',[lock:lock])\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n
\nTo add additional providers is simple. Simply extend the abstract com.bertram.lock.LockProvider class and implement its abstract methods. Once the new provider is implemented, it must be added to the LockServiceConfigurer configuration method. Please submit contributions via pull request.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "distributed-mutex", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "budjb", "desc": "The Distributed Mutex plugin provides a way to create mutexes backed by a database row. This helps when writing distributed systems that need to lock a resource but database transactions are not sufficient to encapsulate the resource being accessed.", "labels": [ "lock" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-distributed-mutex/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "updated": "2016-09-14T14:47:40.885Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:distributed-mutex" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-distributed-mutex" }, "documentationUrl": "https://budjb.github.io/grails-distributed-mutex/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nSee the documentation at http://budjb.github.io/grails-distributed-mutex/3.x/latest.
\n" }, { "displayName": "grails-simple-captcha", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "domurtag.plugins:grails-simple-captcha", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "domurtag", "desc": "Grails grails-simple-captcha plugin", "labels": [ "captcha" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/domurtag/grails-simple-captcha/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.0-grails3", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.971Z", "systemIds": [ "domurtag.plugins:grails-simple-captcha" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/domurtag/grails-simple-captcha" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nGrails plugin that creates simple image CAPTCHAs that protect against automated completion and submission of HTML forms.
\nVersions of this plugin that are compatible with Grails 1.X and 2.X are on the master branch. Grails 3.X compatible versions are on the grails3 branch. The first Grails 3 compatible version is 1.0.0-grails3
A CAPTCHA is a small image that is embedded in a HTML form to protect against automated completion and submission of HTML forms.\nThey generally consist of an image of a short string of random characters visually obsfucated in some way (see wikipedia for more information).
\nThis plugin generates a small CAPTCHA image when the CaptchaController is invoked. The CAPTCHA image and it's solution is stored in the session by default,\nthough the pugin can be used without session storage if necessary. A typical example of the CAPTCHAs generated by this plugin is shown below.
\nAlthough there is already a Grails plugin available for reCAPTCHA (a very popular CAPTCHA implementation), there are a number of differences between these two plugins:
\nOn the other hand, reCAPTCHA provides a number of features that are absent from this plugin, e.g. audio CAPTCHAs for those with impaired vision.
\nA CAPTCHA can be added to a form using the following GSP code
\n<img src="${createLink(controller: 'simpleCaptcha', action: 'captcha')}"/>\n<label for="captcha">Type the letters above in the box below:</label>\n<g:textField name="captcha"/>\n
\nAs mentioned above, the CAPTCHAs generated by this plugin can be simultaneously displayed in several places on the same page\n(this is only possible with reCAPTCHA if you use JavaScript to clone the CAPTCHA).
\nTo check whether the solution to the CAPTCHA is correct:
\nclass MyController {\n def simpleCaptchaService\n // This is the action that handles the submission of the form with the CAPTCHA\n def save = {\n boolean captchaValid = simpleCaptchaService.validateCaptcha(params.captcha) \n }\n}\n
\nThe process of validating a CAPTCHA also removes it from the session, so it is only possible to validate each CAPTCHA once.\nThe CAPTCHA is removed from the seesion after validation to ensure that the next time a CAPTCHA is requested, a\ndifferent challenge will be presented.
\nThe plugin provides a number of optional configuration parameters that can be overriden in Config.groovy. The default\nvalues of these parameters are shown below:
\nsimpleCaptcha {\n // font size used in CAPTCHA images\n fontSize = 30\n height = 200\n width = 200\n // number of characters in CAPTCHA text\n length = 6\n\n // amount of space between the bottom of the CAPTCHA text and the bottom of the CAPTCHA image\n bottomPadding = 16\n\n // distance between the diagonal lines used to obfuscate the text\n lineSpacing = 10\n\n // the charcters shown in the CAPTCHA text must be one of the following\n chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"\n\n // this param will be passed as the first argument to this java.awt.Font constructor\n // http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/awt/Font.html#Font(java.lang.String,%20int,%20int)\n font = "Serif"\n}\n
\nThe characters that are shown in the CAPTCHA can be configured per-locale. For example, if you want only the characters\n\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd to be shown by the CAPTCHA in the French locale, add the following to messages_fr.properties
simpleCaptcha.chars=\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\n
\nIf a locale-specific configuration is found it will override the global configuration in Config.groovy
The plugin stores the CAPTCHA image and its solution in the session by default. If it is not feasible to use session storage,\nthe plugin can instead store a digest (hash) of the solution in a cookie. When a CAPTCHA solution is submitted, it is\nvalidated by comparing the digested solution with this cookie value. This option can be enabled simply by adding the\nfollowing config parameter:
\nsimpleCaptcha.storeInSession = false\n
\nIf session storage is disabled it is not possible to display a CAPTCHA in multiple places on the same page.
\n" }, { "displayName": "runtime-datasources", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "domurtag.plugins:runtime-datasources", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "domurtag", "desc": "Grails runtime-datasources plugin", "labels": [ "database" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/domurtag/runtime-datasources/issues", "latestVersion": "0.2-grails3", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:55.050Z", "systemIds": [ "domurtag.plugins:runtime-datasources" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/domurtag/runtime-datasources" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nGrails plugin that enables an application to add or remove JDBC datasources at runtime, and provides convenience methods\nfor executing SQL statements against these datasources
\nVersions of this plugin that are compatible with Grails 2.X are on the master branch. Grails 3.X compatible versions are on the grails3 branch. The first Grails 3 compatible version is 0.2-grails3
GORM/Hibernate cannot be used with datasources added at runtime, because GORM requires the mapping between a domain\nclass and datasource to be defined at compile-time
\nDependency-inject the runtimeDataSourceService
service provided by the plugin and call it like so:
import javax.sql.DataSource\nimport org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource as JdbcDataSource\n\nDataSource runtimeDataSource = runtimeDataSourceService.addDataSource('myDataSource', JdbcDataSource) {\n driverClassName = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'\n url = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/example'\n username = 'root'\n password = 'password'\n}\n
\nIf successful, the method returns the created datasource.
interface.The same service that is used to add datasources can also remove them:
\nThe argument should be the name of the datasource's Spring bean. The method returns true
if the datasource was successfully\nremoved, or false
if a datasource Spring bean with this name could not be found.
A reference to a DataSource
instance added at runtime can be obtained in one of the following methods
instance is returned upon creation (see examples above)DataSource
instance can also be retrieved from the Spring application context, e.g.class MyService implements ApplicationContextAware {\n\n ApplicationContext applicationContext\n \n private DataSource getRuntimeDataSource(String beanName) {\n \n // the second parameter can be omitted\n applicationContext.getBean(beanName, DataSource)\n }\n}\n
\nOnce you have obtained a reference to a DataSource
using one of the methods outlined in the previous section, you\ncan construct a groovy.sql.Sql instance and use that to query/update\nthe datasource, e.g.
class MyService implements ApplicationContextAware {\n\n ApplicationContext applicationContext\n \n private executeSqlAgainstRuntimeDataSource(String beanName) {\n \n DataSource runtimeDataSource = applicationContext.getBean(beanName, DataSource)\n Sql sql = new Sql(runtimeDataSource)\n \n try {\n // use the Sql instance to execute a query, update data, etc.\n } finally {\n sql.close()\n }\n }\n}\n
\nAlternatively, the aforementioned runtimeDataSourceService
also provides a couple of convenience methods which makes\nthe process slightly simpler, e.g.
The getSql
method of the service slightly simplifies the process of creating the Sql
instance for a runtime datasource.
class MyService {\n\n RuntimeDataSourceService runtimeDataSourceService\n \n private executeSqlAgainstRuntimeDataSource(String beanName) {\n \n Sql sql = runtimeDataSourceService.getSql(beanName)\n \n try {\n // use the Sql instance to execute a query, update data, etc.\n } finally {\n sql.close()\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Execute Query\n\nThe `doWithSql` method of the service simplifies the process of executing SQL statements against a datasource, e.g.\n\n````groovy\nclass MyService {\n\n RuntimeDataSourceService runtimeDataSourceService\n \n private executeSqlAgainstRuntimeDataSource(String beanName) {\n \n Integer rowCount = runtimeDataSourceService.doWithSql(beanName) { Sql sql ->\n def queryResult = sql.firstRow('select count(*) from my_table')\t \n queryResult[0]\n }\n }\n}\n
\nNotice that the caller is not responsible for closing the Sql
instance that is passed to the closure. The value returned\nby the closure is also the return value of doWithSql
The core of this plugin is based on this stackoverflow answer posted by\nTim Yates.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "dropwizard-metrics", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Monitoring And Metrics Plugin For Grails 3", "labels": [ "metrics", "dropwizard" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-dropwizard-metrics/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.0.RC1", "updated": "2020-03-18T16:05:41.578Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:dropwizard-metrics" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-dropwizard-metrics" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-dropwizard-metrics/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Documentation is available here.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "dropwizard-metrics-graphite", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Adds Dropwizard metrics reporting to Graphite For Grails 3", "labels": [ "metrics", "dropwizard", "graphite" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-dropwizard-metrics-graphite/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.0.RC1", "updated": "2020-03-18T16:18:55.912Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:dropwizard-metrics-graphite" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-dropwizard-metrics-graphite" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-dropwizard-metrics-graphite/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Documentation is available here.
\nDocumentation is available here.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "dynamic-logs-with-rabbit", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "dbpatel219", "desc": "Change Application Log Levels via Rabbit MQ messages at Runtime.", "labels": [ "logging" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/dbpatel219/dynamic-logs-with-rabbit/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.2", "updated": "2019-10-02T12:05:42.973Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:dynamic-logs-with-rabbit" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/dbpatel219/dynamic-logs-with-rabbit" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Change Application Log Levels via Rabbit MQ messages at Runtime.
\nUpon install, this will create a new Rabbit Exchange for you called logLevelExchange
of type fanout
Via Controller
\nMake sure you have a mapping in UrlMappings to logLevel/$action
and any security permissions
A controller LogLevelController
and view are provided to change the log levels from. Simply go to http[s]://yourapp.com/logLevel
Simply fill in the form and submit. App Name is the application you would like to change the log level for. LogLevelConsumer
matches Grails application.properties "app.name" against the one that is passed in from the form.
NOTE: Highly recommend you lock down logLevel
endpoint via Spring Security.
Via Service
is the Application name you want to target. Uses Grails application.properties "app.name"loggerName
is the package or class you would like to change the log level forlogLevel
is log level as a String you would like to change to: ['ALL','DEBUG','ERROR','FATAL','INFO','OFF','TRACE','WARN']Example
\nclass Foo {\n def logLevelService\n\n def changeAllServiceLogLevelsToInfo() {\n logLevelService.send new DynamicLogLevelMsg("myApp", "grails.app.services", "INFO")\n }\n}\n
\nThanks to Burt Beckwith for his contributions & feedback.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "elasticsearch", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Elasticsearch is a search server based on Lucene. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents. Elasticsearch is developed in Java and is released as open source under the terms of the Apache License. This is the Grails 3 plugin to support Elasticsearch", "labels": [ "search", "elasticsearch" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/elasticsearch-grails-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.1", "updated": "2023-06-21T10:07:13.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:elasticsearch" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/elasticsearch-grails-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/elasticsearch-grails-plugin/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/elasticsearch/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "embedded-mongodb", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Executes an embedded mongo database for integration or functional testing", "labels": [ "testing", "database", "mongodb" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-embedded-mongodb/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.1", "updated": "2022-10-17T08:53:50.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:embedded-mongodb" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-embedded-mongodb" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/grails-embedded-mongodb/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/embedded-mongodb/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "embedded-mysql", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "purpleraven", "desc": "Plugin allows to use embedded MySQL in application.", "labels": [ "testing", "database", "mysql" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/purpleraven/embedded-mysql-grails-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "1.1", "updated": "2019-05-15T09:24:00.089Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:embedded-mysql" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/purpleraven/embedded-mysql-grails-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Plugin replaces default embedded H2 datasource in awesome Grails framework\nto MySQL. Plugin uses already existing solution wix-embedded-mysql.
\nThe plugin based on embedded-postgres-grails-plugin
\nThis plugin is not for production use, the main idea to have\nyour development and u-test environment similar to the standalone production MySQl (of course, if you use this DB in the project).
\nTo get started with the minimum of configuration start from the following:\nAdd to your build.gradle
\nrepositories {\n ...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/purpleraven/plugins" }\n ...\n}\n\nwar {\n rootSpec.exclude("**/wix-embedded-mysql*.jar")\n}\n\ncompile 'org.grails.plugins:embedded-mysql:1.1'\n
\nIn your application.yml change the dataSource settings to the next one:
\ndataSource:\n embeddedMysql: true\n
\nPlugin configured to work with Grails 3.0.0 or higher, but theoretically can be used even for\nolder version of it. But this was not checked properly, so contributing is welcome.
\nPlugin uses next parameters in DataSource section:
\n|Parameter name|Description|Default value|\n|--------------|-----------|-------------|\n| embeddedMysql | Enabling of the plugin, main switcher. | false |\n| embeddedPort | You can define the particular port, which will be used by MySQL instance | random free port |\n| url | You can specify the url with any additional parameters, which MySQL understands | jdbc:mysql://localhost:
All other parameters common for the Grails Datasource configuration section are being used by grails dataSource plugin.\nFor example, you can set
\ndataSource:\n pooled: true\n embeddedMysql: true\n
\nIn this case embedded MySQL will be created with connection pool in front of it.
\napt install libaio1
\n'Stream closed': apt install libncurses5
Plugin replaces default embedded H2 datasource in awesome Grails framework\nto Postgres. Plugin uses already existing solution otj-pg-embedded.
\nThis plugin is not for production use, the main idea to have\nyour development and u-test environment similar to the standalone production Postgres (of course, if you use this DB in the project).
\nTo get started with the minimum of configuration start from the following:\nAdd to your build.gradle
\nrepositories {\n maven {\n url "https://dl.bintray.com/grails/plugins" \n }\n}\n
\ncompile 'org.grails.plugins:embedded-postgres:1.1.2'\n
\nIn your application.yml change the dataSource settings to the next one:
\ndataSource:\n embeddedPostgres: true\n
\nPlugin configured to work with Grails 3.0.0 or higher, but theoretically can be used even for\nolder version of it. But this was not checked properly, so contributing is welcome.
\nPlugin uses next parameters in DataSource section:
\n|Parameter name|Description|Default value|\n|--------------|-----------|-------------|\n| embeddedPostgres | Enabling of the plugin, main switcher. | false |\n| embeddedPort | You can define the particular port, which will be used by Postgres instance | random free port |\n| url | You can specify the url with any additional parameters, which Postgres understands | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:
All other parameters common for the Grails Datasource configuration section are being used by grails dataSource plugin.\nFor example, you can set
\ndataSource:\n pooled: true\n embeddedPostgres: true\n
\nIn this case embedded Postgres will be created with connection pool in front of it.
\nMOVED: This project has moved to a sub project of the main asset-pipeline repository http://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline
\nThe JVM ember-asset-pipeline
is a plugin that provides handlebars template precompiler support for Ember.js to asset-pipeline.
Current Ember Version: 1.7.0
\nFor more information on how to use asset-pipeline, visit here.
\nSimply create files in your standard assets/javascripts
folder with extension .handlebars
or .hbs
.\nBy default the templateRoot for your template names is specified as 'templates'. This means that any handlebars file within the root assets/javascripts folder will utilize its file name (without the extension) as its template name. Or a file in templates/show.handlebars
would be named templates/show
. If templates is set as the templateRoot than it would be named show
It is also possible to change the template path seperator for templatenames to be used by handlebars:
\nGradle Example:
\nassets {\n\tconfig = [\n\thandlebars: [\n\t\ttemplateRoot: 'templates',\n\t\ttemplatePathSeperator: '/'\n\t]\n\t]\n}\n
\nGrails Example:
\ngrails {\n\tassets {\n\t\thandlebars {\n\t\t\ttemplateRoot = 'templates'\n\t\t\ttemplatePathSeperator = "/"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n
\nTo use the handlebars runtime simply add handlebars js to your application.js or your gsp file
\n//=require handlebars\n
\nTemplate functions are stored in the Handlebars.templates
object using the template name. If the template name is\nperson/show
, then the template function can be accessed from Handlebars.templates['person/show']
. See the Template Names section for how template names are calculated.
See the Handlebars.js website for more information on using Handlebars template functions.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "events", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails Events - EventBus abstraction for Grails", "labels": [ "async", "events" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-async/issues", "latestVersion": "5.0.2", "updated": "2024-01-09T11:43:24.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:events" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-async" }, "documentationUrl": "https://async.grails.org/latest/guide/index.html#events", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/events/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "exa-datatables", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "exanpe", "desc": "Provides easy integration with DataTables.net (Table plug-in for jQuery)", "labels": [ "datatables.net" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/exanpe/exa-grails-plugins/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.1", "updated": "2016-12-14T22:46:58.114Z", "systemIds": [ "fr.exanpe.grails:exa-datatables" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/exanpe/exa-grails-plugins" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This plugin is pre-configured to ease integration with DataTables (Table plug-in for jQuery).\nMost of the important features are enabled by default like:
\nLink to documentation and description
\n\nThis plugin provides features to enhance Grails 2.4.x security, as well as few other useful stuff.
\nLink to documentation and description
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "excel-export", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "touk", "desc": "This plugin helps you export data in Excel (xlsx) format, using Apache POI.", "labels": [ "excel", "export" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/TouK/excel-export/issues", "latestVersion": "2.1", "updated": "2017-05-30T21:24:04.936Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:excel-export", "pl.touk:excel-export" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/TouK/excel-export" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This is the excel-export Grails plugin using Apache POI
\n\nThis plugin allows for easy exporting of object lists to an Office Open XML workbook (Microsoft Excel 2007+ xlsx) file, while still allowing you to handle the export file on a cell-by-cell basis.
\nAn alternative to this plugin is James Kleeh's groovy-excel-builder which provides a fantastic Groovy DSL with varying degress of fine-grained control.
\nThere are two scenarios for which this plugin was created:
\nWhen you want to export data from your controllers for download and want to maintain full control of how you handle this data.
\nWhen your customer says: 'I want 100 reports in this new project' and nobody has any clue what those reports look like, you can use this plugin as a DSL, i.e. tell your client 'Hey, I've got good news. We have a nice DSL for you, so that you can write all those reports yourself. And it's free!' (or charge them anyway).
\nIn either case, you can export to either a file on disk or to the HTTP response output stream (download as xlsx).
\nThis plugin has been used like this in commercial projects.
\nSay, in your controller you have a list of objects, like so:
\nList<Product> products = productFactory.createProducts()\n
\nTo export selected properties of those products to a file on disk, see the following example, where withProperties
is a list of properties that are going to be exported to xlsx, in the given order:
def withProperties = ['name', 'description', 'validTill', 'productNumber', 'price.value']\nnew XlsxExporter('/tmp/myReportFile.xlsx').\n add(products, withProperties).\n save()\n
\nNotice that you can use nested properties (e.g. price.value
) of your objects.
To add a header row to the spreadshet and make the file downloadable from a controller, you do this:
\ndef headers = ['Name', 'Description', 'Valid Till', 'Product Number', 'Price']\ndef withProperties = ['name', 'description', 'validTill', 'productNumber', 'price.value']\n\nnew WebXlsxExporter().with {\n setResponseHeaders(response)\n fillHeader(headers)\n add(products, withProperties)\n save(response.outputStream)\n}\n
is the same thing as XlsxExporter
, just with the ability to handle HTTP response headers.
You can also manipulate the file on a cell-by-cell basis:
\nnew WebXlsxExporter().with {\n setResponseHeaders(response)\n fillRow(["aaa", "bbb", 13, new Date()], 1)\n fillRow(["ccc", "ddd", 87, new Date()], 2)\n putCellValue(3, 3, "Now I'm here")\n save(response.outputStream)\n}\n
\nYou can also mix approaches (cell-by-cell, and object list):
\ndef withProperties = ['name', 'description', 'validTill', 'productNumber', 'price.value']\n\nnew WebXlsxExporter().with {\n setResponseHeaders(response)\n fillRow(["aaa", "bbb", 13, new Date()], 1)\n fillRow(["ccc", "ddd", 87, new Date()], 2)\n putCellValue(3, 3, "Now I'm here")\n add(products, withProperties, 4) //NOTICE: we are adding objects starting from line 4\n save(response.outputStream)\n}\n
\nIf you'd like to work with multiple sheets, just call sheet(sheetName)
on your exporter. It returns an instance\nof AdditionalSheet
that shares the same row/cell manipulation API as the exporter itself:
List<Product> products = productFactory.createProducts()\n def withProperties = ['name', 'description', 'validTill', 'productNumber', 'price.value']\n\n new WebXlsxExporter().with {\n setResponseHeaders(response) print methods of controller\n sheet('second sheet').with {\n fillHeader(withProperties)\n add( products, withProperties )\n }\n save(response.outputStream)\n }\n
\nYou can also mix using additional sheets with a default sheet:
\n List<Product> products = productFactory.createProducts()\n def withProperties = ['name', 'description', 'validTill', 'productNumber', 'price.value']\n\n new WebXlsxExporter().with {\n setResponseHeaders(response)\n fillHeader(withProperties)\n add( products, withProperties )\n sheet('second sheet').with {\n fillHeader(withProperties)\n add( products, withProperties )\n }\n save(response.outputStream)\n }\n
\nAnd if you'd like to change the name of default sheet, just set it before first call:
\n WebXlsxExporter webXlsxExporter = new WebXlsxExporter()\n webXlsxExporter.setWorksheetName("products")\n webXlsxExporter.with {\n ...\n }\n
\nThis plugin handles basic property types pretty well (String, Date, Boolean, Timestamp, NullObject, Long, Integer, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Byte, Double, Float, Short). It also handles nested properties, and if everything fails, tries to call toString()
. But sooner or later, you'll want to export a property of a different type the way you like it.\nWhat you need to write, is a Getter. Or, better, a PropertyGetter
. It's super easy, here is example of one that takes Currency and turns it into a String:
class CurrencyGetter extends PropertyGetter<Currency, String> { // From Currency, to String\n CurrencyGetter(String propertyName) {\n super(propertyName)\n }\n\n @Override\n protected String format(Currency value) {\n return value.displayName // you can do anything you like in here\n }\n}\n
\nThe format()
method allows you customize the value before the object is saved in an xlsx cell.
And, of course, to use it, just add it into the withProperties
list, like this:
def withProperties = ['name', new CurrencyGetter('price.currency'), 'price.value']\n\nnew WebXlsxExporter().with {\n setResponseHeaders(response)\n add(products, withProperties)\n save(response.outputStream)\n}\n
\nOf course we could have just used currency.displayName
in withProperties
, but you get the idea.
There are two Getters ready for your convenience.
gets a long and saves it as a date in xlsx, while MessageFromPropertyGetter
handles i18n. Speaking of which...
To get i18n of headers in your controller, just use controller's existing message method:
\ndef headers = [message(code: 'product.name.header'),\n message(code: 'product.description.header'),\n message(code: 'product.validTill.header'),\n message(code: 'product.productNumber.header'),\n message(code: 'price.value.header')]\n
\nYou can do more though. To i18n values, use MessageFromPropertyGetter
MessageSource messageSource //injected in the controller automatically by Grails, just declare it\n\ndef export() {\n List<Product> products = productFactory.createProducts()\n\n def headers = ['name', 'type', 'value']\n def withProperties = ['name', new MessageFromPropertyGetter(messageSource, 'type'), 'price.value']\n\n new WebXlsxExporter().with {\n setResponseHeaders(response)\n fillHeader(headers)\n add(products, withProperties)\n save(response.outputStream)\n }\n}\n
\nThis will use grails i18n, based on the value of some property (type
in the example above) of your objects.
Making xlsx files look really great with Apache POI is pretty fun but not very efficient. So we have found out that it's easier to create a template manually (in MS Excel or Open Office), load this template in your code, fill it up with data, and hand it back to the user.
\nFor this scenario, every constructor takes a path to a template file (just a normal xlsx file).
\nAfter loading the template, fill the data, and save to the output stream
\nnew WebXlsxExporter('/tmp/myTemplate.xlsx').with {\n setResponseHeaders(response)\n add(products, withProperties)\n save(response.outputStream)\n}\n
\nIf you just want to save the file to disk instead of a stream, use a different constructor:
\nnew XlsxExporter('/tmp/myTemplate.xlsx', '/tmp/myReport.xlsx')\n
\nIf you just open an existing file, and save it, like this:
\nnew XlsxExporter('/tmp/myReport.xlsx').with {\n add(products, withProperties)\n save()\n}\n
\nyou are going to overwrite it.
\nOk, so if you don't want to use a temple, but want to format a cell style directly in the code, you can still do that.
\nYou can get the cell style like this:
\nxlsxReporter.getCellAt(0, 0).getCellStyle().getDataFormatString()\n
\nOf course there is a corresponding setCellStyle()
method, but this is a part of the Apache POI API, and is outside the scope of this plugin.
Like any other Grails plugin, just add to the dependencies
block of your app's build.gradle file:
dependencies {\n compile "org.grails.plugins:excel-export:2.1"\n}\n
\nExcluding xerces may or may not be needed, depending on your setup. If you get
\nError executing script RunApp: org/apache/xerces/dom/DeferredElementImpl (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)\n
\nyou NEED to exclude xercesImpl to use ApachePOI. Don't worry, it won't break anything.
\nIf you have more strange problems with xml and you are using Java 7, exclude xml-apis as well.
\nTo understand why you need to exclude anything, please take a look here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11677572/dealing-with-xerces-hell-in-java-maven
\nIf you want a working example, clone this project: https://github.com/TouK/excel-export-samples
\nAs noted above, James Kleeh's groovy-excel-builder provides a wonderful Groovy DSL with varying degress of fine-grained control:
\nXSSFWorkbook workbook = ExcelBuilder.build {\n sheet {\n row {\n cell("Test 1")\n cell("Test 2")\n }\n }\n}\n\nworkbook.write(outputStream)\n
\nThere are others, but most were too simplistic or too 'automagical' for my needs. Apache POI is pretty simple to use itself (and has fantastic API) but we needed something even simpler for several projects. Also a bit DSL-like so our customers could write reports on their own. After preparing a few getters for our custom objects, this is what we ended up with:
\ndef withProperties = ["id", "name", "inProduction", "workLogCount", "createdAt", "createdAtDate", asDate("firstEventTime"),\n firstUnacknowledgedTime(), firstUnacknowledged(), firstTakeOwnershipTime(), firstTakeOwnership(),\n firstReleaseOwnershipTime(), firstReleaseOwnership(), firstClearedTime(), firstCleared(),\n firstDeferedTime(), firstDefered(), firstUndeferedTime(), firstUndefered(), childConnectedTime(), childConnected(),\n parentConnectedTime(), parentConnected(), parentDisconnectedTime(), parentDisconnected(),\n childDisconnectedTime(), childDisconnected(), childOrphanedTime(), childOrphaned(), createdTime(), created(),\n updatedTime(), updated(), workLogAddedTime(), workLogAdded()]\n\ndef reporter = new XlsxReporter("/tmp/sampleTemplate.xlsx")\n\nreporter.with {\n fillHeader withProperties\n add events, withProperties\n save "/tmp/sampleReport1.xlsx"\n}\n
\nAll the methods in withProperties
are static imports generating a new instance of a corresponding PropertyGetter
implementation. To our surprise, this worked really well with some clients, who started writing their own reports instead of paying us for doing the boring work.
Hope it helps.
\nCopyright 2012-2014 TouK
\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at
\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.
\n2.0.1 upgrade poi to 3.12 (thanks to Sergio Maria Matone) and Grails to 3+ (thanks to mansiarora)
\n0.2.1 calling toString() on unhandled property types, instead of throwing IllegalArgumentException
\n0.2.0 working with multiple sheets and renaming default sheet
\n0.1.10 not exporting release plugin dependency anymore (Issue #14)
\n0.1.9 upgrade to release plugin 3.0.1 (run 'grails refresh-dependencies' if you have problems in grails 2.3.2)
\n0.1.8: fix for grails 2.3.1 (groovy changing how Mixins see private methods)
\n0.1.7: fixed Property Type Validation not accepting subclasses
\n0.1.6: handling maps in object properties
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "excel-import", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "gpc", "desc": "Grails Excel Import Plugin", "labels": [ "excel", "import" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/grails-excel-import/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.2", "updated": "2018-08-15T13:39:59.412Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:excel-import" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/grails-excel-import" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nExcel-Import plugin uses Apache POI [http://poi.apache.org/] library (v 3.17) to parse Excel files.
\nIt's useful for either bootstrapping data, or when you want to allow your users to enter some data using Excel spreadsheets.
\nThe core of the plugin is a utilities class, which contains a number of useful methods for dealing with Excel.
There is also an AbstractExcelImporter
, which is a class you can extend - it opens and stores the workbook reference.
The plugin is designed to parse data out of spreadsheets into format that can then be used to create objects. For example, if you have data like this:
\n|B |C |D |\n|:-----------|--------------|--------:|\n|Author |Book |# Sold |\n|Shakespeare |King Lear | 1000 |\n|Shakespeare |Hamlet | 10000 |\n|Tolstoy |War and Peace | 200 |
\nYou can pass in parameters map that contains the name of the sheet, row where to start, and how the different columns map to properties of the object you are planning to populate (i.e. values in column B map to title property).
\nstatic Map CONFIG_BOOK_COLUMN_MAP = [\n sheet:'Sheet1', \n\t\t\t startRow: 2,\n columnMap: [\n 'B':'title',\n 'C':'author',\n 'D':'numSold',\n ]\n ]\n\nList bookList = ExcelImportUtils.convertColumnMapConfigManyRows(workbook, CONFIG_BOOK_COLUMN_MAP)\n
\nAnd you'll get back a list of maps:
\nassert bookParamsList, [\n [AuthorName:'Shakespeare', BookName:'King Lear', NumSold:1000],\n [AuthorName:'Shakespeare', BookName:'Hamlet', NumSold:10000],\n [AuthorName:'Tolstoy', BookName:'War and Peace', NumSold:200],\n]\n
\nYou can then pass the maps to constructors to create a bunch of objects, i.e.\nbookParamsList
bookParamsList.each { Map bookParamMap ->\n new Book (bookParamMap).save()\n }\n
\nReading Information contained in Individual Cells:
\nstatic Map CONFIG_BOOK_CELL_MAP = [ \n sheet:'Sheet2', \n cellMap: [ 'D3':'title',\n 'D4':'author',\n 'D6':'numSold',\n ]\n] \n\nMap bookParams = ExcelImportUtils.convertFromCellMapToMapWithValues(workbook, CONFIG_BOOK_CELL_MAP )\n
\nThere is also ability to handle type errors, empty cells, evaluate formulas, etc. There is also ability to pass in configuration information, i.e. to specify what to do if a cell is empty (i.e. to provide a default value), to make sure a cell is of expected type, etc.
\nAlso, you can do similar things for individual cells, when that is the format, i.e. C10 maps to key "Author", D12 to "AuthorYearBorn', etc. Between targeting individual cells and columns / rows, that satisfied quite many requirements.
\nFor a sample of usage, please see a sample application you can download from the Plugins GIT (in the 1.1.x branch) (code below is from Bootstrap.groovy
import org.grails.plugins.excelimport.ExcelImportUtils\nimport org.grails.plugins.excelimport.*\nimport sample.*\n\nclass BookExcelImporter extends AbstractExcelImporter {\n\n static Map CONFIG_BOOK_CELL_MAP = [ \n sheet:'Sheet2', \n cellMap: [ 'D3':'title',\n 'D4':'author',\n 'D6':'numSold',\n\t ]\n ] \n \n static Map CONFIG_BOOK_COLUMN_MAP = [\n sheet:'Sheet1', \n\t\t\t startRow: 2,\n columnMap: [\n 'B':'title',\n 'C':'author',\n 'D':'numSold',\n ]\n ]\n\n public BookExcelImporter(fileName) {\n super(fileName)\n }\n\n List<Map> getBooks() {\n List bookList = ExcelImportUtils.convertColumnMapConfigManyRows(workbook, CONFIG_BOOK_COLUMN_MAP)\n }\n\n\n Map getOneMoreBookParams() {\n Map bookParams = ExcelImportUtils.convertFromCellMapToMapWithValues(workbook, CONFIG_BOOK_CELL_MAP )\n }\n\n}\n
\nclass BootStrap {\n\n def init = { servletContext ->\n\n //String fileName = "c:\\\\dev\\\\HEAD\\\\plugins\\\\excel-import\\\\test\\\\projects\\\\sample\\\\test-data\\\\books.xls"\n String fileName = /.\\test-data\\books.xls/\n BookExcelImporter importer = new BookExcelImporter(fileName);\n \n def booksMapList = importer.getBooks();\n println booksMapList\n\n \t booksMapList.each { Map bookParams ->\n \t def newBook = new Book(bookParams)\n\t if (!newBook.save()) {\n\t println "Book not saved, errors = ${newBook.errors}"\n\t }\n\t }\n\n new Book(importer.getOneMoreBookParams()).save()\n\n\t}\n}\n
\nNote: Apache POI 3.6 Supports Excel 2007 Files, but I haven't tested those.
\nAlso, while formulas evaluation works for most cases, in some complicated cases it does not (i..e when you have a lookup of a looked up value using some unsupported formulas).
\nThe plugin is licensed under Apache V2.
\nPrimary fork of the original export plugin. Sources forked from SVN and maintained here.
\nThe user guide can be found here: Documentation
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "external-config", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "sbglasius", "desc": "Load configs with grails.config.locations like in Grails 2.x", "labels": [ "config" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/sbglasius/external-config/issues", "latestVersion": "4.0.0", "updated": "2023-12-29T10:18:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "dk.glasius:external-config" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/sbglasius/external-config" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/dk/glasius/external-config/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "See the README on GitHub
" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "facebook-sdk", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails Facebook SDK plugin", "labels": [ "facebook" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-facebook-sdk/issues", "latestVersion": "4.1.2", "updated": "2021-01-18T11:56:45.552Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:facebook-sdk" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-facebook-sdk" }, "documentationUrl": "https://agorapulse.github.io/grails-facebook-sdk/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The Facebook Platform is a set of APIs that make your application more social. Read more about integrating Facebook with your web site on the Facebook developer site.
\nThis project contains the open source Grails Facebook SDK Plugin that allows you to integrate the Facebook Platform on a website/app powered by Grails.
\nThis plugin is a port of the official Facebook PHP SDK to Grails 3.0.
\nIt supports the latest OAuth2.0 authentication (required since October 1st 2011).
\nGrails Facebook SDK Plugin provides the following Grails artefacts:
\nWARNING: Facebook API v3.0 is now used by default.
\nDeclare the plugin dependency in the build.gradle file, as shown here:
\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile "org.grails.plugins:facebook-sdk:4:0.0"\n ...\n}\n
\nCreate a Facebook app on Facebook Developers, in order to get your own app ID and app secret.
\nAdd your Facebook app parameters to your grails-app/conf/application.yml:
\ngrails:\n plugin:\n facebooksdk:\n app:\n id: {APP_ID}\n permissions: {APP_PERMISSIONS} // Ex. ['email','user_photos']\n secret: {APP_SECRET}\n
\nBy default, latest Graph API v3.3 will be used.\nYou can override default settings with apiVersion
grails:\n plugin:\n facebooksdk:\n apiVersion: v2.3\n
\nSince FacebookContext should be instantiated at each request, you must use prototype
scope for your Controllers (since Grails 2.3, singleton
is the default scope).
grails:\n controllers:\n defaultScope: prototype\n
\nDefault jQuery selector is $
, if you require another one, you can define it globally in your grails-app/conf/application.groovy:
grails:\n plugin:\n facebooksdk:\n customSelector: jQuery\n
\nTo report any bug, please use the project Issues section on GitHub.
\nThe Grails Facebook SDK is not an official Facebook SDK such as Javascript, PHP, iOS and Android SDKs.
\nIt is developed by AgoraPulse.
\nThe Grails Facebook SDK is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0.
from FacebookExtensions
is back to JsonObject
instead of Map
and DefaultFacebookRestClient
as the class has completely changed i.g. JsonObject
from restfb 2.x implements own method asBoolean()
which fails if the value is not boolean
so you need to do regular foo != null
check for testing the presense of the returned JsonObject
is now deprecated, use FacebookGraphClientService
to create instances of FacebookClient
with similar capabilitiesFacebookExtensions
the most useful methods from FacebookGraphClient
are now injected using extensions methods to FacebookClient
interface directly####Build Status####
\n\n####Documentation Found Here####
\n\n###Demo Project###
\n\n" }, { "displayName": "fixtures", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "fixtures3", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "purpleraven", "desc": "Load complex domain data via a simple DSL", "labels": [ ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/purple-raven/fixtures/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.5", "updated": "2019-02-20T07:38:03.728Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:fixtures3" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/purple-raven/fixtures" }, "documentationUrl": "https://purple-raven.github.io/fixtures/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\n\nDocumentation can be found @ http://web.archive.org/web/20150527051907/http://gpc.github.io/grails-fixtures
\nrepositories {\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/purpleraven/plugins" }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:fixtures3:3.0.5'\n}\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "force-ssl",
"repo": "grails3-plugins",
"owner": "bertramlabs",
"desc": "Creates a simple annotation to mark controller/actions as SSL restricted and performs the appropriate redirect.",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/grails-force-ssl/issues",
"latestVersion": "7.0.0",
"updated": "2024-12-30T16:52:03.000Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/grails-force-ssl"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/bertramlabs/plugins/grails-force-ssl/maven-metadata.xml",
"readme": "The Grails Force SSL Plugin provides an annotation for controllers to force ssl url endpoints. For example, you may want to restrict a shopping cart page or login page to SSL.
\nBy default, the SSL plugin is enabled for all environments, with the exception of Development
. This can be overridden by adjusting your Config.groovy
grails.plugin.forceSSL.enabled = false\n
\ngrails:\n plugin:\n forceSSL:\n enabled: true\n
\nThe enabled flag can also be defined as a closure which will get passed the request attribute. This allows for evaluation on a per requeset level as to wether or not SSL should be enforced. Can be rather useful for disabling forced SSL for certain URL endpoints (for example server endpoints not behind a load balancer).
\ngrails.plugin.forceSSL.enabled = { request ->\n if(request.serverName == 'app1.bertramlabs.com') {\n return false\n }\n return true\n}\n
\nIt is also possible to override the https port for the redirect if you want to via:
\ngrails.plugin.forceSSL.sslPort = 6443 //optional\n
\nSimply import the SSL annotation and apply at the controller level or at the annotation level.
\nimport com.bertramlabs.plugins.SSLRequired\n\n@SSLRequired //Will encrypt entire controller\nclass SessionController {\n @SSLRequired //Or here for action level\n def signin() {\n //Signin Code Here\n }\n}\n
\nAnother option is to use a configuration mapping to identify which controllers you wish to be restricted to SSL:
\n grails {\n plugin {\n forceSSL {\n enabled = true\n dashboard {\n index = true\n }\n home = true\n }\n } \n }\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "geb",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "grails",
"desc": "Geb Functional Testing for Grails framework",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/geb/issues",
"latestVersion": "4.1.1",
"updated": "2024-12-22T00:53:39.000Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/geb"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/geb/maven-metadata.xml",
"readme": null
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "gorm-graphql",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "grails",
"desc": "GORM GraphQL - Generates a GraphQL schema based on entities in GORM",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-graphql/issues",
"latestVersion": "2.0.0",
"updated": "2020-04-06T19:35:05.149Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-graphql"
"documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/gorm-graphql/latest/guide/index.html",
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "Current documentation https://grails.github.io/gorm-graphql/latest/guide/index.html
\nCurrent documentation https://grails.github.io/gorm-graphql/latest/guide/index.html
\nSee grails-plugins.github.io/gorm-logical-delete/.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "gorm-tools", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "9ci", "desc": "repository pattern, data services, fast data binding and json/rest/map based query plugin for grails gorm", "labels": [ "database" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/yakworks/gorm-tools/issues", "latestVersion": "7.3.79", "updated": "2025-01-06T18:16:14.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.yakworks:gorm-tools", "org.grails.plugins:gorm-tools" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/yakworks/gorm-tools" }, "documentationUrl": "https://yakworks.github.io/gorm-tools/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/yakworks/gorm-tools/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "\n\n\n ________ _.-````'-,_\n / _____/ ___________ _____ ,-'` `'-.,_\n / \\ ___ / _ \\_ __ \\/ \\ /) (\\ 9ci's '``-.\n \\ \\_\\ ( <_> ) | \\/ Y Y \\ ( ( .,-') ) Yak Works ```\n \\______ /\\____/|__| |__|_| / \\ ' (_/ !!\n \\/ \\/ | /) ' !!!\n ___________ .__ ^\\ ~' ' ! !!!!\n \\__ ___/___ ____ | | ______ ! _/! , ! ! ! ! ! !!!\n | | / _ \\ / _ \\| | / ___/ \\Y, |!!! ! ! !! !! !!!!!!!\n | |( <_> | <_> ) |__\\___ \\ `!!! !!!! !! )!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n |____| \\____/ \\____/|____/____ > !! ! ! \\( \\( !!!|/! |/!\n \\/ /_( /_(/_( /_( /_( \n Version: 7.0.8-v.10\n \n\n
6.1.x is for grails 3.3.x and gorm 6.1.x
\n7.0.x is for grails 4.x and gorm 7.0.x
\n\n\n\nDOCS ARE OUT OF DATE AND BEING UPDATED FOR BREAKING CHANGES IN 6.1.12-v.X\nALSO MERGING IN DOCS FOR THE REST-API AND AUDITSTAMP THAT WAS MERGED INTO HERE\nMore breaking changes in 7.0.8-v6. is required on domain entity now or it needs to implement @GormRepoEntity
| Guide | API |\n|------|--------|\n|Released Docs | Released Api\n|snapshot | snapshot
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:gorm-tools:6.1.12-v.2"\n
\nGorm-tools allows your Grails/Gorm project to start with a design of best practices that they can customize along the way.\nThis brings an opinionated starting point to a Grails/Gorm project but without being locked in.\nDevelopers are free to easily customize, replace and disable these patterns when their opinions differ.
\nThis is a library of tools to help standardize and simplify the service and Restful controller layer business logic for\ndomains and is the basis for the Gorm Rest API plugin{.new-tab}.
\nGorm-Tools is the next iteration on the DAO plugin and has been in use for about 10 years processing millions of transactions per day.
\nThere are 3 primary patterns this library enables as detailed below for Repositories,\nMango ( A mongo/graphql like query way to get gorm entity data with a Map) and\nBatch or Bulk inserting and updating with data binding
\nA repository is a Domain Driven Design pattern. Used a a place logic to validate, bind, persist and query data that resides\neither in a database or NoSql (via GORM usually of course).\nThe design pattern here is a bit similiar to Spring's Repository pattern\nand Grails GORM's new Data Services pattern.
always occur with failOnError:true so a RuntimeException is\nthrown for both DataAccessExceptions as well a validation exceptions.\nThis is critical for deeply nested domain logic dealing with saving multiple domains chains.We process millions of transactions per day and needed more performant binding performance.
\nThe primary motive here is to create an easy dynamic map based way to query any Gorm Datastore (SQL or NoSQL).\nUsing a simple map that can come from json, yaml, groovy config etc...\nA huge motivating factor being able is to be able to have a powerful and flexible way to query using json from a REST\nbased client without having to use GraphQL (the only other clean alternative)\nThe Repositories and RestApiController come with a query(criteriaMap, closure)
method. It allows you to get a paginated\nlist of entities restricted by the properties in the criteriaMap
\n\n:memo:\nWhilst selectors have many similarities with MongoDB query documents,\nthese arise more from a similarity of purpose and do not necessarily extend to commonality of function or result.
Example\nfor example, sending a JSON search param that looks like this
\n{\n "name": "Bill%",\n "type": "New",\n "age": {"$gt": 65}\n}\n
\nwould get converted to the equivalent criteria
\ncriteria.list {\n ilike "name", "Bill%"\n eq "type", "New"\n gt "age", 65\n}\n
\nDocs are built with https://yakworks.github.io/docmark/\nRun ./build.sh dockmark-serve
or make dockmark-serve
See Developer Docs for info on our release process
\nUsing latests SNAPSHOT
\nConfigure 9ci repo in build.gradle
\nrepositories {\n maven { url "http://repo.9ci.com/oss-snapshots" }\n }\n
\nSee version.properties for snapshot version
\ndependencies {\n compile('org.grails.plugins:gorm-tools:x.y.z-SNAPSHOT') { changing = true } \n}\n
"displayName": "advanced-config",
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "grails-advanced-config",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "reid",
"desc": "Grails Advanced Config Plugin",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/RealizeIdeas/grails-advanced-config/issues",
"latestVersion": "1.0",
"updated": "2018-02-23T07:24:40.766Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/RealizeIdeas/grails-advanced-config.git"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "A small Gradle plugin built to help with Grails config files.
\nIt takes config files from different locations and composes it into application.yml
\nBasic setup in build.gradle:
\nbuildscript {\n repositories {\n maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/reid/plugins" }\n }\n dependencies {\n classpath 'net.realizeideas:grails-advanced-config:1.0'\n }\n}\napply plugin: "net.realizeideas.grails-advanced-config"\n
\nBy default plugin takes all input config files from:
\nYou can override this behavior and set required config files manually:
\nadvancedConfig {\n configFiles = files(\n 'grails-app/conf/config1.yml',\n 'grails-app/conf/config2.yml',\n ) as List\n}\n
\nFor input files:
\nOutput file - application.yml
\n" }, { "displayName": "appinfo", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "grails-appinfo", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "ikalizpet", "desc": "A Grails plugin to provide applicaiton system information for health-check and runtime inspection", "labels": [ "health-check" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/ikaliZpet/grails-appinfo/issues", "latestVersion": "2.2", "updated": "2019-06-25T15:29:24.171Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:grails-appinfo" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/ikaliZpet/grails-appinfo" }, "documentationUrl": "https://binlecode.github.io/grails-appinfo/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Grails plugin to check and monitor application status with a dashboard UI
\n\nGrails-appinfo Grails plugin is a set of convenient utilities for application\nsystem details, health-check, configuration and monitoring at runtime.
\nThis Grails plugin builds on top of spring boot actuator API with Grails specific\nenhancements on stock actuator endpoints.
\nTo consume actuator JSON endpoints, the testing Grails application also provides a monitoring\ndashboard inspired by grails-actuator-ui.
\nThe dashboard UI is built on bootstrap with CSS framework from AdminLTE.
\nThis repository contains source code of Grails-appinfo plugin, and a testing host Grails application.
\nIn host Grails application's build.gradle file:
\nplugins {\n compile ':grails-appinfo:$version'\n}\n
\nHosting Grails application version 3.0+.
\nIn host Grails application grails-app/conf/application.yml
\n# Appinfo grails plugin settings\nappinfo:\n health:\n mongodb:\n # hide or show password in the mongodb connection url if it contains credential info\n # if set to false (default if not set), the password will be replaced as '<pswd>'\n showPassword: false # default to false\n urls: # list of webservice endpoints to check\n - url: 'http://localhost:8080'\n name: 'web root' # name of the endpoint\n method: 'GET' # http method, default to 'HEAD' if not given\n - url: 'http://localhost:8080/info'\n name: 'web_info'\n aws:\n s3:\n # either:\n bucket: 'bucket-name' # bucket name used in s3 health check\n # or: (for multiple buckets)\n #buckets:\n # - 'bucket-name'\n # - 'another-bucket-name'\n info:\n # add 'grails-system-info' to Actuator info endpoint, default (if not set) is not enabled\n system: true\n # add 'grails-logging-info' to Actuator info endpoint, default (if not set) is not enabled\n logging: true\n # add following keys to Actuator info endpoint, default (if not set) is not enabled\n # - 'jvm-version'\n # - 'groovy-version'\n # - 'grails-runtime-environment'\n # - 'grails-reload-enabled'\n # - 'grails-runtime-threads-info'\n runtime: true\n
\nThe plugin provides RESTful json view by itself with endpoints as below:\n<root-context>/
followed by autoconfig
, configprops
, dump
, env
, health
, info
, metrics
, mappings
, shutdown
, trace
, beans
Most of them are decorators of Spring Boot Actuator native endpoints. But with enhanced information and connectivity support such as mongodb, s3, generic web url endpoint, etc.
\nFor example, localhost:8080/health
endpoint returns:
{\n "status": "DOWN",\n "diskSpace": {\n "status": "UP",\n "total": 499963170816,\n "free": 281595985920,\n "threshold": 262144000\n },\n "urlHealthCheck_web_info": {\n "status": "UP",\n "url": "http://localhost:8080/info",\n "method": "HEAD",\n "timeout.threshold": "10000 ms"\n },\n "databaseHealthCheck": {\n "status": "UP",\n "database": "H2",\n "hello": 1\n },\n "urlHealthCheck_webroot": {\n "status": "UP",\n "url": "http://localhost:8080",\n "method": "GET",\n "timeout.threshold": "10000 ms"\n },\n "mongodbHealthCheck": {\n "status": "DOWN",\n "url": "mongodb://localhost/test_grails_appinfo",\n "db": "test_grails_appinfo",\n "error": "java.lang.Exception: MongoDB check timed out after 3000 ms"\n },\n "s3HealthCheck": {\n "status": "DOWN",\n "endpoint": "https://s3.amazonaws.com",\n "error": "java.lang.Exception: S3 check fail: Unable to load AWS credentials from any provider in the chain"\n }\n}\n
\nThe sample application also includes a Bootstrap styled dashboard with url:\n<root-context>/appinfoDashboard
which renders information with ajax call to above endpoints.
The web UI components are straightforward:
UI static resource files are:
Here are some screenshots of v1.3 sample application UI:
\nBin Le (bin.le.code@gmail.com)
\nApache License Version 2.0. (http://www.apache.org/licenses/)
\n" }, { "displayName": "bootstrap-forms", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "grails-bootstrap-forms", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "jvilaplana", "desc": "Easy form fields generation taglib.", "labels": [ "bootstrap" ], "licenses": [ "MIT" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/jvilaplana/grails-bootstrap-forms/issues", "latestVersion": "0.3.3", "updated": "2020-08-19T09:16:59.593Z", "systemIds": [ "grails.bootstrap.forms:grails-bootstrap-forms" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/jvilaplana/grails-bootstrap-forms" }, "documentationUrl": "https://jvilaplana.github.io/grails-bootstrap-forms/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "A Grails 3 plugin to automatically generate form fields using Bootstrap 4.
\nThe grails-bootstrap-forms plugin offers an easy-to-use TagLib to render fields in views.
\nAdd the Bintray repository to your build.gradle
buildscript {\n repositories {\n ...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/jvilaplana/plugins" }\n }\n}\n
\nAdd the dependency to your project's build.gradle
dependencies {\n ...\n compile 'grails.bootstrap.forms:grails-bootstrap-forms:0.3.3'\n}\n
\nAdd the stylesheet to your project's application.css
*= require bootstrap-forms\n
\nThere is a tag to display a field for show.gsp
views and another one to render form fields.
To show a field you can use:
\n<bf:showField bean="${user}" property="username" />
To render a form field you can use:
\n<bf:formField bean="${user}" property="username" />
| Attribute | Description |\n| --------- | ----------- |\n| bean
| Instance |\n| property
| Property of the bean
to be rendered |\n| width
| Column width, defaults to 3
|\n| type
| Type of the property to be rendered. One of text
, textarea
, number
, date
, time
, datetime
or select
. If not specified, the type will be guessed.\n| addon
| If specified, its value will be appended to the field. |\n| cssClass
| A CSS class that will be added to the field |
| Attribute | Description |\n| --------- | ----------- |\n| bean
| Instance |\n| property
| Property of the bean
to be rendered |\n| width
| Column width, defaults to 3
|\n| type
| Type of the property to be rendered. One of text
, textarea
, number
, date
, time
, transient
or select
. If not specified, the type will be guessed.\n| addon
| If specified, its value will be appended to the field. |\n| cssClass
| A CSS class that will be added to the field |\n| required
| Set its value to required
to set the field as required. |\n| height
| Set the sizing of the field to lg
or sm
.\n| rows
| Set the number of rows for fields with type="textarea"
.\n| name
| Set the name
and id
attributes of the field. Defaults to property
. |
DEPRECATION NOTE: this plugin is not maintained anymore, as grails 3.x already has a feature build-in which allows creating a thread that has a session bound. Check out the grails-async documentation for more information: https://async.grails.org/
\nConcurrency / asynchronous / background process plugin for grails 3
\ngrails2 version can be found here: https://github.com/basejump/grails-executor
\nThis grails plugin incorporates the java concurrency Executor Framework into a plugin so your grails app can take advantage of asynchronous (background thread / concurrent) processing. The main need for this as opposed to just using an ExecutorService from Executors is that we need to wrap the calls so there is a Hibernate or other Data provider session bound to the thread.\nThis uses the following pattern to wrap Runnable/Closures so they get a session for whatever Gorm you are using. Hibernate being the default but this is also tested with Mongo (no heavily) See the info on the PersistenceContextInterceptor grails bean for more info
\n// injected spring bean\nPersistenceContextInterceptor persistenceInterceptor\n\nprotected wrap(Closure wrapped) {\n\tpersistenceInterceptor.init()\n\ttry {\n\t\twrapped()\n\t} finally {\n\t\tpersistenceInterceptor.flush()\n\t\tpersistenceInterceptor.destroy()\n\t}\n}\n
\nHere are a couple of links to get give you some background information.
and here are few good write up on groovy concurrency
\nand a slide show
Edit build.gradle, by adding the following:
\nrepositories {\n ...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/uberall/plugins" }\n ...\n}\n\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:grails-executor:0.2'\n ...\n}\n
\nThe plugin sets up a Grails service bean called executorService so you need do nothing really. It delegates to an implementation of an Java ExecutorService (not to be confused with a Grails Service) interface so read up on that for more info on what you can do with the executorService. It basically wraps another thread pool ExecutorService. By default it uses the java Executors utility class to setup the injected thread pool ExecutorService implementation. The default Grails executorService config looks like this
\n executorService(PersistenceContextExecutorWrapper) { bean ->\n bean.destroyMethod = 'destroy'\n persistenceInterceptor = ref("persistenceInterceptor")\n executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()\n }\n
\nYou can override it and inject your own special thread pool executor using Executors by overriding the bean in conf/spring/resources.groovy or the doWithSpring closure in your plugin.
\n executorService(PersistenceContextExecutorWrapper) { bean ->\n bean.destroyMethod = 'destroy'\n persistenceInterceptor = ref("persistenceInterceptor")\n // this can be whatever from Executors (don't write your own and pre-optimize)\n executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new YourSpecialThreadFactory()) \n }\n
\nYou can inject the executorService into any bean. It's a PersistenceContextExecutorWrapper that delegates any calls to a concrete ExecutorService implementation.Remember that a Closure is a Runnable so you can pass it to any of the methods that accept a runnable. A great example exists here on the groovy site
\nThe plugin adds shortcut methods to any service/controller/domain artifacts.
\nNOTE ON TRANSACTIONS: keep in mind that this is spinning off a new thread and that any call will be outside of the transaction you are in. Use .withTransaction inside your closure, runnable or callable to make your process run in a transaction that is not calling a transactional service method (such as when using this in a controller).
\nin a service/domain/controller just pass a Closure or Runnable to runAsync
\nclass someService {\n\n\tdef myMethod(){\n\t\t..do some stuff\n\t\trunAsync {\n\t\t\t//this will be in its own trasaction \n\t\t\t//since each of these service methods are Transactional\n\t\t\tcalcAging() \n\t\t}\n\t\t.. do some other stuff while aging is calced in background\n\t}\n\n\tdef calcAging(){\n\t\t...do long process\n\t}\n}\n
\nor inject the executorService
\nclass someService {\n\tdef executorService\n\n\tdef myMethod(){\n\t\t....do stuff\n\t\tdef future = executorService.submit({\n\t\t\treturn calcAging() //you can of course leave out the "return" here\n\t\t} as Callable)\n\t\t.. do some other stuff while its processing\n\t\t//now block and wait with get()\n\t\tdef aging = future.get()\n\t\t..do something\n\t}\n\n\tdef calcAging(){\n\t\t...do long process\n\t\treturn agingCalcObject\n\t}\n\n}\n
\nor during a domain event
\nclass Book {\n\tdef myNotifyService\n\t\n\tString name\n\t\n\tdef afterInsert(){\n\t\trunAsync {\n\t\t\tmyNotifyService.informLibraryOfCongress(this)\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n
\nthe callAsync allows you to spin of a process and calls the underlying executorService submit
\nclass someService {\n\tdef myMethod(){\n\t\t....do stuff\n\t\tdef future = callAsync {\n\t\t\treturn calcAging() //you can of course leave out the "return" here\n\t\t}\n\t\t.. do some other stuff while its processing\n\t\t//now block and wait with get()\n\t\tdef aging = future.get()\n\t\t..do something with the aging\n\t}\n\n\tdef calcAging(){\n\t\t...do stuff\n\t\treturn agingCalcObject\n\t}\n}\n
\nThis Grails plugin provides a taglib for the interactive charts of the Google Visualization API.
\nYou can find the full documentation in the corresponding GitHub wiki here.
required to use Google Map based visualization as mentioned in issue #65.Run Groovy scripts in Grails
\n##Logging (Config.groovy):
\ndebug 'grails.plugin.gscripting',\n 'grails.app.services.grails.plugin.gscripting'\n
\n##Create a script and run it
\ndef gscriptingService\ndef sre = gscriptingService.createScriptRuntimeEnv("Foo", '''\nprocess([c:"hello", d:"world"]) {\n // call another service\n\t// app.fooService.bar();\n\tlog.info("callParams: "+ctx.callParams);\n\tlog.info("scriptParams: "+scriptParams);\n\tlog.debug("metadata: "+ctx.metadata); 3 + 4 + 2\n}\n''')\nsre.run([a:23, b:42])\nsre.run()\n
\ngscriptingService.createScriptRuntimeEnv(String label, String sourcecode)
creates a new script with the default DSL provider. In the closure given as an argument to process(Map scriptParams) { <HERE> }
you can use some DSL properties as described below:
: loggerscriptParams
: the map given as first argument to process
: grailsApplication instance like in controllers or servicesapp.<serviceName>
: services of your Grails application, e.g. gscriptingServicectx
: the default context as described below:\nctx.callParams
: the map given as an argument to run
: a map with qualifiedName
, sourcecode
, and instanceIndex
(see below)ctx.state
: a map for variables, can also be access directly, e.g. ctx.state.foo = 42
is the same as foo = 42
: a map shared by every instance of the script (not synchronized)\nYou can run a script multiple times, once you created it. Simple call run()
or run(Map callParams)
on the script. stats()
returns simple statistics like min/max/average execution time.##Register script and run by qualified name
\ndef gscriptingService\ngscriptingService.registerScriptRuntimeEnv("foo.Bar", '''\nprocess([first:"hello", second:"world"]) {\n\t// call another service\n\t// app.fooService.bar();\n\tlog.info("callParams: "+ctx.callParams);\n\tlog.info("scriptParams: "+scriptParams);\n\tlog.debug("metadata: "+ctx.metadata); 3 + 4 + 2\n}\n''')\ngscriptingService.run("foo.Bar")\ngscriptingService.run("foo.Bar", [a:23, b:42])\n
\nIn order to provide a script to your whole application, you can register a script under a qualified name. Register an updated script again with the same qualified name in order to reload it.
\n##Multi-threading and thread-safety\nRunning scripts is thread-safe. If a script is still running and you invoke run again, e.g. in another thread, a new instance will be created and started. The actual instance index can be accessed via the context (see above instanceIndex
This is a fork of the original Grails Hibernate Filter Plugin\ncreated from fork appcela/grails-hibernate-plugin\nto make it work with the Grails 3 and Hibernate 4.
\nThis repo contains two projects:
\nClone the repository and execute in main directory command:
\n./gradlew hibernate-filter-plugin:jar\n
\nYou can publish it to your maven local repository using:
\n./gradlew hibernate-filter-plugin:publishToMavenLocal\n
\nTo run example application use command:
\n./gradlew hibernate-filter-example:bootRun\n
\nAdd dependency in build.gradle:
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:grails-hibernate-filter:0.2.0"\n
\nConfigure dataSource in application.yml
\nconfigClass: org.grails.plugin.hibernate.filter.HibernateFilterDomainConfiguration\n
\nPlease refer to the official Grails Hibernate Filter Plugin for usage.
\nThis is a fork of the original Grails Hibernate Filter Plugin\ncreated from fork fingo/grails-hibernate-plugin\nto make it work with Grails 3.2.3 > *, Hibernate 5, and GORM 6.
\nThis repo contains two projects:
\nClone the repository and execute in main directory command:
\n./gradlew hibernate-filter-plugin:jar\n
\nYou can publish it to your maven local repository using:
\n./gradlew hibernate-filter-plugin:publishToMavenLocal\n
\nTo run example application use command:
\n./gradlew hibernate-filter-example:bootRun\n
\nAdd dependency in build.gradle:
\nrepositories {\n maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/goodstartgenetics/grails3-plugins/" }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n compile "org.grails.plugins:hibernate-filter-plugin:0.5.5"\n}\n
\nPlease refer to this project's wiki for usage.
\nGrails Isomorphic Rendering Plugin
\n\nThis plugin provides a single GSP taglib, <iso:javascript/>
which will allow rendering a JavaScript file through Nashorn on the server, as well as loading the same JavaScript on the client. This plugin was designed to be used with React, but is not limited to that library.
The <iso:javascript />
tag requires two attributes, path
and data
. path
should be a resource path to a JavaScript file. Since for true isomorphic behavior the JavaScript needs to be loaded on the client in addition to the server, /src/main/webapp
is an ideal location (however it will not work if you deploy your app as a JAR file). Otherwise, a publicPath
attribute is supported to supply an alternate path for the client JavaScript file.
\n <iso:javascript path='bundle.js' data={[some: data]}/> <!-- this will load /src/main/webapp/bundle.js for both server and client (because resources in src/main/webapp are made available by default, e.g., static/bundle.js -->\n \n <iso:javascript path='bundle.js' publicPath='assets/bundle.js' data={[some: data]}/> <!-- this will load /src/main/resources/bundle.js for the server and grails-app/assets/javascripts/bundle.js for the client -->\n
\nThe data
attribute takes a map of data to be converted into a JSON object, which can be parsed and used in your JavaScript to supply initial data.
\n<iso:javascript path='bundle.js' data={[a: 1, b: 2]}/>
The actual JavaScript bundle can contain any valid JavaScript code, however it is important to note that Nashorn does not support DOM features, CSS, or other browser-specific APIs. React code using JSX will need to be transpiled via Babel/webpack or some other means in order to be correctly evaluated by Nashorn.
\nIn addition, the plugin expects that the JavaScript bundle will include two top-level "render" functions, one for the browser and one for the server. These functions should take the initial JSON object as a single argument. By default, these functions are expected to be named renderClient
and renderServer
- you can customize these names via the clientRenderFunction
and serverRenderFunction
attrs on the iso:javascript
Here is a simple JavaScript bundle that can be evaluated on both the browser and the server, assuming that the data
attribute was supplied with [a:1, b:2]
//bundle.js\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.createElement === 'function') {\n window.renderClient = (data) => {\n return data.a + data.b; //will return 3.0\n }\n}\nelse {\n global.renderServer = (data) => {\n let json = JSON.parse(data);\n return json.a + json.b; //will return 3.0\n };\n}\n
\nWhen writing isomorphic React, it is important to make sure that the client and server-side rendered code is identically, or React will be unable to reuse the server-side rendered code. For this reason, the plugin will always supply both the client and server render functions with the same data - this should evaluate your React code the same way on both platforms.
\nPlease see this sample project to see the plugin usage in conjunction with webpack, using the React profile for Grails.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "java8", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Provides support for Java 8 specific features in Grails", "labels": [ "java-date-time" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-java8/issues", "latestVersion": "1.2.3", "updated": "2020-07-06T19:52:59.484Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:grails-java8" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-java8" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "A plugin to support Java 8 specific functionality
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "comment": "This plugin has been updated to Grails 4 but there is no release yet that works with Grails > 3", "name": "json-apis", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "gregopet", "desc": "", "labels": [ "json" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/gregopet/grails-json-apis/issues", "latestVersion": "0.98", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.983Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:json-apis" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/gregopet/grails-json-apis.git" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The goal of this plugin is to help convert Grails domain classes into various\nJSON representations needed in different parts of your web application or to\nsupport various API versions.
mechanism under the hoodSeveral API variants can be easily defined in domain classes by annotating properties with\nJsonApi
and providing a list of API profile names under which that property should appear in the\nresulting JSON. Marking a property with the JsonApi
annotation but providing no API names will\ninclude that property in all APIs. The database identity property will always be included\nautomatically. One could for instance define the following domain class:
import grails.plugins.jsonapis.JsonApi\n\nclass User {\n\t@JsonApi\n\tString screenName\n\n\t@JsonApi('userSettings')\n\tString email\n\n\t@JsonApi(['userSettings', 'detailedInformation'])\n\tString twitterUsername\n}\n
\nThen in the controller one would call the desired named JsonApi configuration to get only\nthe fields defined for that API. The following code:
\nJSON.use("detailedInformation") {\n\trender person as JSON\n}\n
\n...would convert the person
object into JSON containing the id
, screenName
and twitterUsername
\nproperties but not the email
. It works for collections as well, converting each collection\nmember using the same API profile that was used to convert the parent:
static hasMany = [\n\tpets: Pet\n]\n@JsonApi('detailedInformation')\nSet pets\n
\nTo include a domain object's parent in a JSON API, declare a belongsTo
property explicitly\nand annotate it with JsonApi
(but be careful not to create circular paths by including both\nends of a belongsTo
static belongsTo = [\n\tuser:User\n]\n\n@JsonApi('petDetails')\nUser user\n
\nJSONBuilder is supported, too:
\nJSON.use("userSettings") {\n\trender(contentType: "text/json") {\n\t\tuser = User.first()\n\t\tpet = Pet.first()\n\t}\n}\n
\nTo register named marshallers in unit tests, you can use a static method that accepts the marshaller name\nthe classes you need registered:
\nJsonApiRegistry.registerMarshaller("detailedInformation", ViciousPet)\n
\nGrails plugin to use Mailgun Api.
\n\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdIMPORTANT!\nYou need to create your own mailgun account. The plugin doesn't work without a valid api-key and a valid domain
\nYou need to set into your Config.groovy the following properties:
\nmailgun{\n apiKey = 'test'\n domain = 'test'\n\n message{\n defaultFrom = 'test'\n defaultTo = 'test'\n defaultSubject = 'BigHamlet tiene promociones para vos'\n format = 'html'\n defaulTemplate = '/test/mailgunTest'\n defaultReplyTo = 'test'\n }\n}\n
\nThe full list of properties is:
\nmailgun{\n apiKey = 'test'\n domain = 'test'\n\n message{\n defaultFrom = 'test'\n defaultTo = 'test'\n defaultSubject = 'BigHamlet tiene promociones para vos'\n format = 'html'\n defaulTemplate = '/test/mailgunTest'\n defaultReplyTo = 'test'\n }\n\n tracking{\n enabled = 'yes'\n clicks{\n enabled = 'yes'\n }\n opens{\n enabled = 'yes'\n }\n }\n}\n
\nThe plugin allows to work with some features of mailgun:
\nThe plugin define a default email html render. DefaultEmailHtmlRender.groovy\nIt render a view (gsp) passing a model as params
\n\n String render(Map params){\n groovyPageRenderer.render view: params.view, model: params.model\n }\n \n
\n class TestController {\n\n def mailgunService\n\n def index() {\n RestResponse resp = mailgunService.allLists\n\n render resp.json.items\n }\n\n def send() {\n RestResponse resp = mailgunService.sendMessage()\n\n render resp.status\n }\n}\n
\n class TestController {\n\n def mailgunService\n\n def index() {\n RestResponse resp = mailgunService.allLists\n\n render resp.json.items\n }\n\n def send() {\n RestResponse resp = mailgunService.sendMessage()\n\n render resp.status\n }\n}\n
\nMailgunService implements all features.
\nThe method allLists, lists all mail lists created in mailgun.
\nThe method sendMessage, sends a new message across mailgun api.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "mailwatcher", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "junehasissues", "desc": "This Plugin reads unread mails from provided mail account Id. To Grails 3 updated Version of https://github.com/IntelliGrape/Grails-Mail-Watcher-Plugin.", "labels": [ "mail" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/JuNeHasIssues/grails-mailwatcher/issues", "latestVersion": "0.4.1", "updated": "2019-06-27T09:56:24.945Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:mailwatcher" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/JuNeHasIssues/grails-mailwatcher" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "To Grails 3 updated Version of https://github.com/IntelliGrape/Grails-Mail-Watcher-Plugin
\nConfigure: The plugin needs the following properties
\ngrails {\n mailwatcher {\n email = "_youremailId_"\n password = "_password_"\n readTimeOut = 10000\n folderToRead="Inbox"\n protocol = "imaps"\n host = "imap.gmail.com"\n port = "993"\n excludeSender = "test@test.com,test1@test1.com"\n filterSubject = "/\\test-pattern.*$/"\n }\n}\n
\nreadTimeOut Timeout For WatcherJob
\nfolderToRead This is the name of the Folder that app reads. Defaults to Inbox.Any other folder in your mail can also be specified.
\nprotocol Protocol used for reading mail
\nhost Hostname for the mail server
\nport Port to which app connects
\nexcludeSender (optional) Mails from this sender/these senders won't be saved
\nfilterSubject (optional) Only mails whose subject matches this regex pattern are saved
\nTo log the mails that are read, change the logging level to info
\nFolder to look for in Mail can be given as regex
\nCan fire mail received event when a mail with specific pattern is received.
\nJavaMelody monitoring plugin for Grails 3, to monitor application performance.
\n\nThe goal of JavaMelody is to monitor applications in QA and production environments. It is not a tool to simulate requests from users, it is a tool to measure and calculate statistics on real operation of an application depending on the usage of the application by users.
\nTo install the plugin, just add a dependency as given at the top of this page (but runtime is enough instead of compile). For example:
\ndependencies {\n runtime 'org.grails.plugins:grails-melody-plugin:1.xx.0'\n}\n
\nThen you will be able to monitor the application at http://localhost:8080/<YourContext>/monitoring
A few things you might want to know:
\nAll parameters described in the JavaMelody User's guide\ncan be configured in your grails-app/conf/application.yml file. For example, add the following to disable the monitoring:
\njavamelody:\n disabled: true\n
\nJavaMelody uses URIs to resolve HTTP requests. This means that
\n/book/show/1 and \n/book/show/23 \n
\nwill resolve as different requests. While that's desirable in some cases, often you want the statistics to be gathered for the show action, irrespective of parameters. In that case, add the following configuration in your grails-app/conf/application.yml file and the above URIs will show up as /book/show/$.
\njavamelody:\n # filter out numbers from URI\n http-transform-pattern: \\d+\n
\nSimilar issue may come for SQL monitoring - you can use a similar Regex to filter it.
\njavamelody:\n sql-transform-pattern: \\d+\n
\nOther parameters such as storage-directory, url-exclude-pattern, log, monitoring-path, authorized-users or allowed-addr-pattern can also be configured.
\nYou can also add rules for the spring security plugin, if installed:
\ngrails.plugin.springsecurity.controllerAnnotations.staticRules = [ [pattern: '/monitoring', access: ['ROLE_ADMIN']] ]\n
\nor add an authorized-users parameter:
\njavamelody:\n authorized-users: user1:pwd1, user2:pwd2\n
\nPlease submit github pull requests and github issues.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "comment": "Only Grails 3.2, 3.3 supported as of 1.2", "name": "memcached-web-plugin", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "purpleraven", "desc": "Store pages of page fragments in memcached", "labels": [ "cache", "memcached" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/purpleraven/grails-memcached-web-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "1.2", "updated": "2019-12-10T11:11:15.652Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:grails-memcached-web-plugin" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/purpleraven/grails-memcached-web-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The plugin provides possibility to store pages of page fragments in memcached and use it directly from web servers
\nthx. to ehcache web for web filter code
\nGrails 3.2, 3.3 supported
\nBase logic:
\nPlugin can be disabled by memcached.disabled=true
Controllers actions can be marked by @Memcached(value = 7200, packed = true)
annotation or by MemcachedHelper.mark(request, 7200)
cached content can be removed by memcachedService.remove(url)
or memcachedService.flush()
SSI for dynamic content supported , see doc
\n<!--# include virtual="${createLink(controller: 'controller', action: 'action', id:id)}" wait='yes'-->\n
\n<mc:memcachedTile url="${createLink(controller:'controller',action:'action', id:id))}">\n <span>Content for non-cached page</span>\n</mc:memcachedTile>\n
shows caching time if memcached activated fror the page
Add the following dependencies in build.gradle
repositories {\n...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/purpleraven/plugins" }\n...\n}\ndependencies {\n...\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:grails-memcached-web-plugin:1.2'\n...\n}\n
\nIn web application config, example for Nginx
\n\n upstream app.port {\n server localhost:8080; # tomcat port\n }\n \n upstream memcached.port {\n server localhost:11211; # memcached port\n }\n \n # without compression, bug ssi supported\n location / {\n ssi on; \n set $memcached_key "$uri?$args";\n memcached_pass memcached.port;\n memcached_gzip_flag 2;\n default_type text/html;\n charset utf-8;\n gunzip on;\n proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "gzip";\n error_page 404 405 400 500 502 503 504 = @fallback;\n }\n \n location @fallback {\n ssi on;\n proxy_pass http://app.port;\n proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;\n proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n proxy_http_version 1.1;\n proxy_set_header Connection "";\n error_page 400 500 502 503 504 /offline.html;\n }\n \n # without compression, ssi NOT supported\n location /compressed/example {\n set $memcached_key "$uri?$args";\n memcached_pass memcached.port;\n memcached_gzip_flag 2;\n default_type text/html;\n charset utf-8;\n gunzip on;\n proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "gzip";\n error_page 404 405 400 500 502 503 504 = @compressed_fallback;\n }\n\n location @compressed_fallback {\n proxy_pass http://app.port;\n proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;\n proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;\n proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;\n proxy_http_version 1.1;\n proxy_set_header Connection "";\n error_page 400 500 502 503 504 /offline.html;\n }\n\n\n
\nApache 2
\n" }, { "deprecated": "This entry in the registry is a duplicate of the entry named 'middleware' by the same author. This entry should probably be removed to avoid confusion.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "grails-middleware", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "lduarte", "desc": "Grails grails-middleware plugin", "labels": [ "middleware" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/driverpt/grails-middleware/issues", "latestVersion": "0.0.3", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:56.173Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:middleware", "org.grails.plugins:grails-middleware" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/driverpt/grails-middleware" }, "documentationUrl": "https://luisduarte.net/grails-middleware/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nSee documentation for further information.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "comment": "Only Grails < 4 supported as of 0.11", "name": "phonenumbers", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "ataylor284", "desc": "Adds support for using Google's libphonenumber library to validate phone numbers", "labels": [ "validation" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/ataylor284/grails-phonenumbers/issues", "latestVersion": "0.11", "updated": "2016-07-21T10:03:35.705Z", "systemIds": [ "ca.redtoad:grails-phonenumbers" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/ataylor284/grails-phonenumbers" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This plugin adds phone number validation to grails based on google's\nlibphonenumber (http://code.google.com/p/libphonenumber/) project.
\nInstall the grails plugin. Add the phoneNumber constraint to fields\nof type String to validate them with libphonenumber.
\nclass MyDomain {\n String phoneNumber\n static constraints = {\n phoneNumber(phoneNumber: true)\n }\n}\n
\nBy default, the validator runs in loose mode. This rejects strings\nthat have obvious problems that would prevent them from being parsed\nas phone numbers.
\nA strict mode is available, uses region specific rules. It ensures\nthat there is at least one region where the phone number is valid.\nStrict mode can be enabled on an individual field as shown below, or\nit can be enabled globally by adding\ngrails.plugins.phonenumbers.defaultStrict = true
to Config.groovy
class MyDomain {\n String phoneNumber\n static constraints = {\n phoneNumber(phoneNumber: [strict: true])\n }\n}\n
\nThe list of regions can be further restricted, either per-field, or\nglobally, as well. By default, the phone number must be valid in any\nregion supported by libphonenumber. To restrict it to one particular\nregion, or set of regions, the allowRegion can be set to a list of\ntwo-character country codes. To accept only US phone numbers, set\ngrails.plugins.phonenumbers.defaultAllowedRegions = ['US']
, or set it in the constraint as follows.
class MyDomain {\n String phoneNumber\n static constraints = {\n phoneNumberField(phoneNumber: [strict: true, allowedRegions: ['US']])\n }\n}\n
\nIf the region is available in a country field on the domain object, it\ncan be used by the validator dynamically. allowRegions
can be set\nto a closure returning a country code or list of country codes. The\nclosure delegate will be the domain object being validated. Example:
class MyDomain {\n String country\n String phoneNumber\n static constraints = {\n phoneNumber(phoneNumber: [strict: true, allowedRegions: { -> country }])\n }\n}\n
\nPhoneNumberService exposes a simple format method for reformatting\nphone number strings. For Example:
\nclass MyDomain {\n def phoneNumberService\n\n String phoneNumber\n\n void setPhoneNumber(String val) {\n phoneNumber = phoneNumberService?.format(val) ?: val\n }\n}\n
\nPhoneNumberService also provides a geolocation service that can\ndetermine the country and region from phone number strings. For\nExample:
\nclass MyDomain {\n def phoneNumberService\n\n String phoneNumber\n String geoCountryName\n String geoCountryCode\n String geoDescription\n\n void setPhoneNumber(String val) {\n phoneNumber = phoneNumberService?.format(val) ?: val\n def geolocationInfo = phoneNumberService?.geolocate(val)\n if (geolocationInfo) {\n geoCountryName = geolocationInfo?.country\n geoCountryCode = Locale.availableLocales.find { it.displayCountry == geoCountryName }?.country\n geoDescription = geolocationInfo?.description\n }\n }\n}\n
\nThe phonenumbers plugin publishes the PhoneNumberUtil object as a\nspring bean so it can be autowired into your controllers and services.\nDefine a field called phoneNumberUtil and it will be automatically\ninitialized by spring.
\nclass MyController {\n def phoneNumberUtil\n}\n
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "pretty-time", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "cazacugmihai", "desc": "A plugin that allows you to display human readable, relative timestamps.", "labels": [ "date" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/cazacugmihai/grails-pretty-time/issues", "latestVersion": "4.0.0", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.739Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:grails-pretty-time" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/cazacugmihai/grails-pretty-time" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. It\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffds simple, get started \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdright now!\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd and in over 25 languages!
\nThis plugin allows you to display human readable, relative timestamps. It is based on PrettyTime OpenSource time formatting library.
\ncompile ":pretty-time:3.0.2.Final-1.0.0"\n
\ngrails install-plugin pretty-time\nplugins {\n compile ":pretty-time:2.1.3.Final-1.0.1"\n}\n
\n<prettytime:display date="${someDate}" />\n
\n"right now", "2 days ago", or "3 months from now"\n
\nBuild in - uses prettytime library translations. TagLib included in this plugin respects current locale.
\nAttribute | \nDescription | \n
date | \nThe date object to format. | \n
capitalize | \nCapitalize the output text (default: false). Ex: \"moments ago\" will be capitalized to \"Moments ago\". | \n
showTime | \nShow the time (default: false). Ex: \"2 days ago, 12:00:25 AM\". | \n
html5wrapper | \nWrap the output text (default: false). Ex: \"moments ago\" will be wrapped with \"<time datetime="some date" title="some date">moments ago</time>\". | \n
format | \nThe format to use for the date (default: \"hh:mm:ss a\"). The default value is set by \"default.date.format\" in I18n. | \n
Provides easy access to Pushover API.
\nAdd following line to dependencies
section in build.gradle
compile 'org.grails.plugins:pushover:1.0.1'\n
\nAdd following lines to grails-app/conf/application.yml
grails:\n\tpushover:\n\t\ttoken: <API_TOKEN>\n\t\tdefaultUser: <DEFAULT_USER>\n
\nGet your free API Token from Pushover.
\nThe specified token
is used in every Pushover call if no explicit token option is given.
If pushoverService.message()
is called without a user/group token, the defaultUser
is used.
Send message hello world
to defaultUser
with configured token
(see Configuration).
pushoverService.message("hello world")\n
\nSend message hello world
pushoverService.message("hello world", [user: '<USER/GROUP_TOKEN>'])\n
\nSend message hello world
API token.
pushoverService.message("hello world", [token: '<ANOTHER_API_TOKEN>'])\n
\nAll methods and options are named after their Pushover API counterparts. Please read Pushover API.
\npushoverService.message(String message, Map options=[:])\n
: your messageoptions
: your application's API token (optional if token
in config is set)user
: the user/group key (optional if defaultUser
in config is set)device
: see Pushover Message API (optional)title
: see Pushover Message API (optional)url
: see Pushover Message API (optional)url_title
: see Pushover Message API (optional)priority
: see Pushover Message API (optional)timestamp
: see Pushover Message API (optional)sound
: see Pushover Message API (optional)pushoverService.sounds(Map options=[:])\n
: your application's API token (optional if token
in config is set)pushoverService.validateUser(String user, Map options=[:])\n
: the user/group keyoptions
: your application's API token (optional if token
in config is set)device
: see Pushover API (optional)pushoverService.groups(String group, Map options=[:])\n
: group keyoptions
: your application's API token (optional if token
in config is set)pushoverService.groupsAddUser(String group, String user, Map options=[:])\n
: group keyuser
: user keyoptions
: your application's API token (optional if token
in config is set)device
: see Pushover Groups API (optional)memo
: see Pushover Groups API (optional)pushoverService.groupsDeleteUser(String group, String user, Map options=[:])\n
: group keyuser
: user keyoptions
: your application's API token (optional if token
in config is set)pushoverService.groupsDisableUser(String group, String user, Map options=[:])\n
: group keyuser
: user keyoptions
: your application's API token (optional if token
in config is set)pushoverService.groupsEnableUser(String group, String user, Map options=[:])\n
: group keyuser
: user keyoptions
: your application's API token (optional if token
in config is set)pushoverService.groupsRename(String group, String name, Map options=[:])\n
: group keyname
: new name of the groupoptions
: your application's API token (optional if token
in config is set)##TODOs\nSee also https://pushover.net/api
\nGrails plugin for quick search implementation. Supports search for domain class properties and adds utility functions and tag libraries for autocomplete functionality.
\nVersion 0.7.x of this plugin has been upgraded to Grails 3.1.x.
\nSee documentation for further information.
\n" }, { "comment": "Integration with SendGrid is outdated and does not currently seem to work.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "sendgrid", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "desirable-objects", "desc": "Grails SendGrid Plugin", "labels": [ "mail", "sendgrid" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/desirable-objects/grails-sendgrid/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.1", "updated": "2016-08-27T11:44:17.969Z", "systemIds": [ "desirableobjects.grails.plugins:grails-sendgrid" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/desirable-objects/grails-sendgrid" }, "documentationUrl": "https://desirable-objects.github.io/grails-sendgrid/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The Grails SendGrid plugin allows you to use the services offered by SendGrid to send email from your application.
\nThe plugin works for Grails 3.x
. For Grails 2.x
please refer to the 1.x branch
Add the following dependencies in build.gradle
dependencies {\n...\n compile 'desirableobjects.grails.plugins:grails-sendgrid:2.0.1'\n...\n}\n
\nConfiguration takes place in your application's yaml file.
\nThe basic configuration you will need to use the plugin is:
\n sendgrid:\n username: 'your-username'\n password: 'your-password'\n
\nWhere your-username and your-password should be replaced with your sendgrid login details.
\nIf you need to override the sengrid API endpoint (such as for development/integration environments, to replace it with a fake 'fixture'), you can do that in the same place:
\n sendgrid:\n api:\n url: 'http://localhost:8080/your-application/fixture/'\n username: 'your-username'\n password: 'your-password'\n
\nNote that your @fixture@ controller must have the 'mail.send.json' action configured, and sending and receiving @application/json@ content, as this is what the plugin expects to call.
\nIn a pinch, you can send email using the SendGridService in one of two ways:
\nsendGridServicesendMail {\n from 'antony@example.com'\n to 'aiten@example.net'\n to 'wirah@example.org'\n bcc 'yourbcc@example.com'\n subject 'This is the subject line'\n body 'This is our message body'\n}\n
\nThis is useful when you might want a more programmatic approach to sending email.
\nSendGridEmail email = new SendGridEmailBuilder()\n .from('antony@example.com')\n .to('aiten@example.net')\n .subject('This is the subject line')\n .withText('This is our message body')\n .build()\n
\nWhen you've built your email, pass it to the SendGridService's send method:
\nThe email builder is written as a natural-language type DSL, so you might find that there is more than one way to build your email, but under the covers, they are exactly the same.
\nFor further details, see the sendgrid api [http://docs.sendgrid.com/documentation/api/web-api/mail/]
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "shiro", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "nerderg", "desc": "Secure your Grails application quickly and easily using the Apache Shiro security framework.", "labels": [ "security", "shiro" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/nerdErg/grails-shiro/issues", "latestVersion": "5.0.0", "updated": "2024-11-14T11:14:11.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.nerderg.plugins:grails-shiro" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/nerdErg/grails-shiro" }, "documentationUrl": "https://nerderg.com/docs/shiro/guide.html", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/nerderg/plugins/grails-shiro/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "This is the Grails Shiro plugin for Grails version 5+ and Shiro 2.0.1. ee https://github.com/nerdErg/grails-shiro/blob/master/docs/Guide.adoc" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "spring-websocket", "repo": "maven", "owner": "zyro", "desc": "This plugin aims at making the websocket support introduced in Spring 4.0 available to Grails applications.", "labels": [ "websocket" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/zyro23/grails-spring-websocket/issues", "latestVersion": "2.5.0.RC1", "updated": "2020-07-06T19:52:50.415Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:grails-spring-websocket" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/zyro23/grails-spring-websocket" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This plugin aims at making the websocket support introduced in Spring 4.0 available to Grails applications.
\nYou can also use the corresponding Spring docs/apis/samples as a reference.
\nThat is mentioned multiple times in this readme because there is everything explained in fine detail.
\nGrails version requirements:
\ngrails-spring-websocket | \nGrails | \n
2.4.x | \n3.2.7+ | \n
2.5.x | \n4.0.0+ | \n
To install the plugin into a Grails application add the following line to your build.gradle
dependencies section:
implementation "org.grails.plugins:grails-spring-websocket:2.5.0.RC1"\n
\nThe plugin is published to bintray, and linked to grails/plugins
as well as jcenter
The plugin makes the Spring websocket/messaging web-mvc annotations useable in Grails, too.
\nThose annotations can be used in:
Grails artefacts (grails create-web-socket my.package.name.MyWebSocket
beansI think basic usage is explained best by example code.
\nBut: the code below is just some very minimal it-works proof.
\nCheck the Spring docs/apis/samples for more advanced use-cases, e.g. security and authentication.
\npackage example\n\nimport org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.MessageMapping\nimport org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.SendTo\n\nclass ExampleController {\n\n def index() {}\n\n @MessageMapping("/hello")\n @SendTo("/topic/hello")\n protected String hello(String world) {\n return "hello, ${world}!"\n }\n\n}\n
\nUnless you want your handler method to be exposed as a Grails controller action, you should define the annotated method as protected or add an additional annotation @grails.web.controllers.ControllerMethod
Alternatively, WebSocket
Grails artefacts and/or Spring @Controller
beans can be used as well, for example:
\npackage example\n\nimport org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.MessageMapping\nimport org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.SendTo\n\nclass ExampleWebSocket {\n\n @MessageMapping("/hello")\n @SendTo("/topic/hello")\n String hello(String world) {\n return "hello, ${world}!"\n }\n\n}\n
\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head>\n <meta name="layout" content="main"/>\n\n <asset:javascript src="application" />\n <asset:javascript src="spring-websocket" />\n\n <script type="text/javascript">\n $(function() {\n var socket = new SockJS("${createLink(uri: '/stomp')}");\n var client = webstomp.over(socket);\n\n client.connect({}, function() {\n client.subscribe("/topic/hello", function(message) {\n $("#helloDiv").append(message.body);\n });\n });\n\n $("#helloButton").click(function() {\n client.send("/app/hello", JSON.stringify("world"));\n });\n });\n </script>\n </head>\n <body>\n <button id="helloButton">hello</button>\n <div id="helloDiv"></div>\n </body>\n</html>\n
\nThis would be the index view of the controller above. The js connects to the message broker and subscribes to /topic/hello
For this example, I added a button allowing to trigger a send/receive roundtrip.
\nWhile this example shows jquery used with the asset-pipeline plugin, the use of jquery is not required.
\nTo send messages directly, the brokerMessagingTemplate
bean (of type SimpMessageSendingOperations
) can be used.
The plugin provides a WebSocket
trait that autowires the brokerMessagingTemplate
and delegates to it.
That WebSocket
trait is automatically implemented by WebSocket
artefacts but you can implement it from other beans as well, e.g. from a service.
\npackage example\n\nimport grails.plugin.springwebsocket.WebSocket\n\nclass ExampleService implements WebSocket {\n\n void hello() {\n convertAndSend "/topic/hello", "hello from service!"\n }\n\n}\n
\nOr, if you prefer, you can also inject and use the brokerMessagingTemplate
bean directly.
\npackage example\n\nimport org.springframework.messaging.simp.SimpMessageSendingOperations\n\nclass ExampleService {\n\n SimpMessageSendingOperations brokerMessagingTemplate\n\n void hello() {\n brokerMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend "/topic/hello", "hello from service!"\n }\n\n}\n
\nConfiguration relies on Spring java config, especially @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker
By default, a configuration bean named webSocketConfig
of type grails.plugin.springwebsocket.DefaultWebSocketConfig
is used.
-based message broker implementation is used./queue
or /topic
bean is defined to allow Grails controller methods to act as message handlersGrailsWebSocketAnnotationMethodMessageHandler
bean is defined to allow Grails webSocket methods to act as message handlersIf the default values are fine for your application, you are good to go. No configuration required then.
\nIf you want to customize the defaults, you should override the config bean providing your own bean named webSocketConfig
As starting point, you can create a config class/bean very similar to the default config with:
\ngrails create-web-socket-config my.package.name.MyClassName\n
\nThat class will be placed under src/main/groovy
and needs to be registered as a Spring bean named webSocketConfig
, e.g. like this:
\nbeans = {\n webSocketConfig my.package.name.MyClassName\n}\n
\nFrom there, check the Spring docs/apis/samples for the available configuration options.
\nTo use a full-featured (e.g. RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, etc.) instead of the default simple broker, please refer to the Spring docs regarding configuration.\nAdditionally, add two dependencies for TCP connection management.
\nimplementation platform("io.netty:netty-bom:4.1.34.Final")\nimplementation platform("io.projectreactor:reactor-bom:Californium-SR6")\nimplementation "io.netty:netty-all"\nimplementation "io.projectreactor.netty:reactor-netty"\n
\nIt is a good idea to align the BOM versions with the ones your current spring-boot BOM is using.
\nTo send messages to specific users, you can (among other ways) annotate message handler methods with @SendToUser
and/or use the SimpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(...)
\nclass ExampleController {\n\n @MessageMapping("/hello")\n @SendToUser("/queue/hello")\n protected String hello(String world) {\n return "hello from controller, ${world}!"\n }\n\n}\n
\nTo receive messages for the above /queue/hello
user destination, the js client would have to subscribe to /user/queue/hello
If a user is not logged in, @SendToUser
will still work and only the user who sent the ingoing message will receive the outgoing one returned by the method.
\nclass ExampleService implements WebSocket {\n\n void hello() {\n convertAndSendToUser("myTargetUsername", "/queue/hello", "hello, target user!")\n }\n\n}\n
\nAgain, to receive messages for the above /queue/hello
user destination, the js client would have to subscribe to /user/queue/hello
To secure websocket messaging, we can leverage the first-class websocket security support of Spring Security 4.0+.
\nCheck the Spring Security docs and the Spring Guides to get a jump-start into the topic.
\nThere is a variety of options how to build your solution, including:
-annotated argument.SecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
)I will only show a short example of securing message handler methods with security annotations and filtering inbound messages. I hope you do not mind the lack of import statements in the following code snippets ;)
\nA working Spring Security setup is required. For the sake of brevity, here a super-minimalistic Spring Security dummy configuration:
\ndependencies {\n implementation "org.springframework.security:spring-security-config"\n implementation "org.springframework.security:spring-security-messaging"\n implementation "org.springframework.security:spring-security-web"\n}\n
\n@Configuration\n@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)\n@EnableWebSecurity\nclass WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {\n\n @Override\n protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {\n http.httpBasic()\n http.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().authenticated()\n }\n\n @Autowired\n void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {\n auth.inMemoryAuthentication()\n .withUser("user").password("password").roles("USER")\n }\n\n}\n
\nSpring security will by default enable CSRF protection for websocket messages.
\nTo include the required token in the stomp headers, your js code could look like this:
\n$(function() {\n var url = "${createLink(uri: '/stomp')}";\n var csrfHeaderName = "${request._csrf.headerName}";\n var csrfToken = "${request._csrf.token}";\n var socket = new SockJS(url);\n var client = webstomp.over(socket);\n var headers = {};\n headers[csrfHeaderName] = csrfToken;\n client.connect(headers, function() {\n // subscriptions etc. [...]\n });\n});\n
\nThere are still embedded GSP GString expressions present, which means that snippet will only work in a GSP as-is. If you plan on extracting the js properly into an own js file (or similar), you will have to pass those values along.
\nSecuring message handler methods can be achieved with annotations in a declarative fashion.
\nThe following example shows a Grails controller with a secured message handler method and an message exception handler method.
\nclass ExampleController {\n\n @ControllerMethod\n @MessageMapping("/hello")\n @PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_USER')")\n @SendTo("/topic/hello")\n String hello(String world) {\n return "hello from secured controller, ${world}!"\n }\n \n @ControllerMethod\n @MessageExceptionHandler\n @SendToUser(value = "/queue/errors", broadcast = false)\n String handleException(Exception e) {\n return "caught ${e.message}"\n }\n \n}\n
\nBesides the security handling itself, this snippet shows one important catch: if you want to secure Grails controller actions with @PreAuthorize
, the secured method has to be public. However, as we still do not want the method to be exposed as a controller action but only as message handler, in this case the use of @ControllerMethod
is required.
If you use Grails WebSocket
artefacts or Spring @Controller
beans as message handlers, you do obviously not require those additional @ControllerMethod
The following example shows how you can filter inbound messages by type and/or by destination pattern.
\n@Configuration\nclass WebSocketSecurityConfig extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {\n \n @Override\n void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {\n messages\n .nullDestMatcher().authenticated()\n .simpSubscribeDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll()\n .simpDestMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("USER")\n .simpSubscribeDestMatchers("/user/**", "/topic/**").hasRole("USER")\n .simpTypeMatchers(SimpMessageType.MESSAGE, SimpMessageType.SUBSCRIBE).denyAll()\n .anyMessage().denyAll()\n }\n \n}\n
\nStarting with Grails 3, grails-plugin-events is a core plugin allowing to use the Reactor framework for event handling.
\nWhile there is no special event integration regarding websocket messaging (because it is not really necessary anymore), a service that handles application events can look like the follwing snippet. I am not talking about Spring ApplicationEvent
s here, but Reactor Event
\n@Consumer\nclass ExampleService implements WebSocket {\n \n @Selector("myEvent")\n void hello(Event<String> event) {\n convertAndSend("/topic/myEventTopic", "myEvent: ${event.data}")\n }\n \n}\n
\nEvents can be fired/sent from all application artefacts/beans that implement the trait Events
. Grails service beans do so by convention. Those beans also allow dynamic registration of event listeners. E.g.:
\nclass ExampleService {\n \n void fireMyEvent() {\n notify "myEvent", "hello from myEvent!"\n }\n \n}\n
\nclass BootStrap implements Events, WebSocket {\n\n def init = {\n on("myEvent") { Event<String> event ->\n convertAndSend("/topic/myEventTopic", "myEvent: ${event.data}")\n }\n }\n\n}\n
\nFor further information check the Grails async docs.
\nScanning Grails controllers for message handler methods can impact application startup time if you have many controllers.
\nOne way around this is to put your message handler methods into Grails WebSocket
artefacts instead of Grails controllers and then use a custom websocket config class without the GrailsSimpAnnotationMethodMessageHandler
Twilio Grails
\nThe twilio-grails plug-in provides sms sending capability to a Grails application via twilio api.
\nAdd your twilio properties to grails configuration file: Example\nAssuming you have a twilio account, then add the required information to your grails config file.
\n\ntwilio {\n // Enter your host address\n host = 'https://api.twilio.com'\n apiID = 'enter your api Id'\n apiPass = 'enter your api password'\n smsUrl = '/2010-04-01/Accounts/' + apiID + '/Messages.json'\n number = ""\n}\n
\n\ncompile(group:'org.apache.httpcomponents',name:'httpclient',version:'4.3.6')\n compile(group:'org.apache.httpcomponents',name:'fluent-hc',version:'4.3.6')\n compile(group:'org.apache.httpcomponents',name:'httpclient-cache',version:'4.3.6')\n compile(group:'org.apache.httpcomponents',name:'httpmime',version:'4.3.6')\n
\nInject smsService into your class
\ndef smsService
smsService is a Grails service that provides a method called send() that can take mapped parameters.\nPlease note that 'send()' is overloaded 'see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_overloading' and can take various variations of parameters.
\n\nsend(Map map)\n
\nWhere ......
\nmap contains parameters...\nmap.to: phone number of recipient eg +1234444444
\nmap.from: your twilio assigned number eg. +09899898989
\nmap.body: "The body of your message"\nmap.mediaUrl: "Url for any attachment" (optional )
\nAn example usage can be seen below.
\n\nClass YourController{\n \n def smsService\n ...\n def yourMethod(){\n def map = [to:"070987878787",from:"09808000000",body:"SMS BODY"]\n smsService.send(map)\n \n }\n\n}\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "vaadin",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "ondrej-kvasnovsky",
"desc": "Vaadin plugin for Grails.",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/ondrej-kvasnovsky/grails-vaadin-plugin",
"latestVersion": "2.0.3",
"updated": "2018-03-09T04:04:10.013Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/ondrej-kvasnovsky/grails-vaadin-plugin"
"documentationUrl": "https://ondrej-kvasnovsky.github.io/grails-vaadin-plugin/",
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "Welcome to the official source code repository of grails-vaadin plugin.
\n\n\n\n" }, { "displayName": "json-views", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "grails-views", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails JSON Views", "labels": [ "json", "rest", "views" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-views/issues", "latestVersion": "3.2.3", "updated": "2024-04-04T11:02:57.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:views-json" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-views" }, "documentationUrl": "https://views.grails.org/latest/#_json_views", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/views-json/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "Additional View Technologies for Grails 3.0 and above.
\nInitial implementation includes JSON views powered by Groovy's JsonBuilder, however this project provides the basis for implementation other view types.
\nView the latest documentation for details.
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "x-frame-options-plugin", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "mrhaki", "desc": "Servlet filter that adds a X-FRAME-OPTIONS response header", "labels": [ "security" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/mrhaki/grails-x-frame-options-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "1.1.0", "updated": "2017-03-09T10:57:09.659Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:x-frame-options", "org.grails.plugins:grails-x-frame-options-plugin" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/mrhaki/grails-x-frame-options-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Filter to set HTTP response header X-Frame-Options to defend against\nClickJacking.
\nMore information about using X-Frame-Options for defending against clickjacking:
\nThese instructions are targeted towards Grails 3 installations. For Grails 2.x refer to branch 1.x of the plugin.
\nAdd a dependency to build.gradle
...\ndependencies {\n ...\n runtime ('org.grails.plugins:x-frame-options:1.1.2')\n ...\n}\n...\n
The default configuration installs a servlet filter for the URL pattern /*
that adds a response\nheader X-Frame-Options
with the value DENY
The plugin is configured through grails-app/conf/application.yml
We can limit the URL pattern the filter is applied to:
\ngrails:\n plugin:\n xframeoptions:\n urlPattern: /path/*\n
We can also set multiple patterns:
\ngrails:\n plugin:\n xframeoptions:\n urlPattern:\n - /path/*\n - /other/*\n
We can set different header values based on the configuration.\nTo set the header value DENY
we must use the following configuration:
grails:\n plugin:\n xframeoptions:\n deny: true\n
This is also the default value if no configuration is provided or no configuration options\nare set.
\nTo set the header value SAMEORIGIN
we must use the following configuration:
grails:\n plugin:\n xframeoptions:\n sameOrigin: true\n
To set the header value ALLOW-FROM
with a URL we must use the following configuration:
grails:\n plugin:\n xframeoptions:\n allowFrom: http://www.mrhaki.com\n
To disable the filter we must use the following configuration option:
\ngrails:\n plugin:\n xframeoptions:\n enabled: false\n
The filter is enabled by default and will use the DENY
header value.
Add Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers for Grails 3 applications.
\nFor Grails 3.2.2+, please use the Grails built-in CORS support, you no longer need this plugin.
\nThis plugin will add a new Interceptor (see Grails 3 Interceptor API) to your Grails app that adds CORS headers to all your controllers and actions.
\nThis plugin has only been tested with Grails 3.0., 3.0.15, 3.1.4 and 3.2.0, 3.2.1
For Grails 2.x app, please use the execellent CORS Plugin. In fact, this plugin is based on the Grails 3 servlet filter code provided in the README by that plugin author. The filter code is rewritten as interceptor for this plugin.
\nAdd the following dependency to your Grails app,
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:grails3-cors-interceptor:1.2.1"\n
\nFor Grails 3.1.4+, this step is no longer needed. Please skip it.
\nTo support the preflight CORS request with HTTP OPTIONS method, url mappings for OPTIONS method must be added explicitly.
\n"/books"(resources:'book') // mapping to REST resource "book"\n"/books/$id?"(controller:'book', method: 'OPTIONS') // explicitly map OPTIONS method to "book" REST controller\n
\ncorsInterceptor:\n includeEnvironments: ['development', 'test']\n excludeEnvironments: ['production']\n allowedOrigins: ['yourhost.com']\n allowedHeaders: ['my-authorization-header', 'origin', 'content-type', 'accept']\n
\n["origin", "authorization", "accept", "content-type", "x-requested-with"]
)See the sample app grails3-cors-interceptor-spring-security-rest-sample-app for detailed\ninstructions on how to get grails3-cors-interceptor
working with Spring Security Core or Spring Security REST plugin.
Grails 3 is based on Spring-Boot and plugins written pre-Grails 3 have to be "re-structured" or re-configured for Grails 3.
\nThis is an upgrade to grails 3.x of the excellent plugin written by Dustin Clark here
\nIn the project that you would like to use the uploadr plugin, include the following in its build.gradle.
\n\nbuildscript {\n...\n dependencies {\n classpath 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:asset-pipeline-gradle:2.5.0'\n ...\n }\n}\n\n
\n\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile \"com.nayidisha.grails.uploadr:grails3-uploadr:3.0\"\n...\n}\n\n
Then in a gsp where the uploadr needs to be installed:
\n<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n<html>\n<head>\n ...\n <asset:javascript src="uploadr.manifest.js"/>\n <asset:javascript src="uploadr.demo.manifest.js"/>\n <asset:stylesheet href="uploadr.manifest.css"/>\n <asset:stylesheet href="uploadr.demo.manifest.css"/>\n ...\n</head>\n<body>\n ...\n <uploadr:demo/>\n ...\n</body>\n</html>\n
\nWhen your gsp is configured with a tag like so:
\n<uploadr:add name="aFileToUpload.png" path="/somewhereOnYourFS" maxSize="52428800" />\n
\nHere is how a single file upload looks:
\nand after upload...
\nThis plugin provides a taglib for displaying gravatars.
\nGravatars allow users to configure an avatar to go with their email address at a central location: gravatar.com. Gravatar-aware websites can then look up and display each user\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffds preferred avatar, without having to handle avatar management. The user gets the benefit of not having to set up an avatar for each site that they post on.
\nAdd the following dependencies in build.gradle
dependencies {\n...\n compile 'rpalcolea.gravatar:gravatar:1.0.2'\n...\n}\n
\nYou can modify the default rating and defaultImage in your application.yml as follows
\ngravatar:\n defaultRating: g #Optional (default is g)\n defaultGravatarUrl: http://docs.grails.org/latest/img/grails.png #optional\n
\n###TagLib\nUsing the taglib is simple:
\n<gravatar:image email="roberto@perezalcolea.info"/>\n
\nThis will output
\n<img id="" name="" alt="Gravatar" class="gravatar" height="80" width="80" src="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ae03f5244dfbbd216864590baacfd130?s=80&r=g" title="gravatar"/>\n
\nYou can provide the following arguments to the TagLib:
\n /**\n * @attr email REQUIRED\tthe startDate for styling\n * @attr size the disired dimensions in pixels for the gravatar image (from 1 up to 512)\n * @attr alt alt-attribute for the resulting img-element\n * @attr cssClass class-attribute for the resulting img-element\n * @attr title title-attribute for the resulting img-element\n * @attr id id-attribute for the resulting img-element\n * @attr name name-attribute for the resulting img-element\n * @attr defaultGravatarUrl the default image to display if no gravatar is found; may be a URL or one of the following (defaults to the official Gravatar logo):\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>404: do not load any image if none is associated with the email hash, instead return an HTTP 404 (File Not Found) response\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>mm: (mystery-man) a simple, cartoon-style silhouetted outline of a person (does not vary by email hash)\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>identicon: a geometric pattern based on an email hash\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>monsterid: a generated 'monster' with different colors, faces, etc\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>wavatar: generated faces with differing features and backgrounds\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>retro: awesome generated, 8-bit arcade-style pixelated faces\n * @attr gravatarRating desired image rating censor-level; may be one of the following:\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>g (default): suitable for display on all websites with any audience type.\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>pg: may contain rude gestures, provocatively dressed individuals, the lesser swear words, or mild violence.\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>r: may contain such things as harsh profanity, intense violence, nudity, or hard drug use.\n * \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>x: may contain hardcore sexual imagery or extremely disturbing violence.\n */\n
\n###GravatarUrlGenerator\nIf you want to generate links without the use of the taglib, you can accomplish it by using GravatarUrlGenerator
as follows:
\nThis will output
\nYou can provide the following arguments:
\n GravatarRating rating\n Integer size\n String defaultImage\n
\nThis plugin contains original code and the ideas from the Avatar Plugin for Grails 1.x
by Domingo Suarez Torres (@domix)
Apache 2
\nYourKit supports open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler.\nYourKit, LLC is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler\nand YourKit .NET Profiler,\ninnovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "greenmail", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "gpc", "desc": "Grails GreenMail Plugin", "labels": [ "testing", "mail" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/greenmail/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.0.RC3", "updated": "2021-02-24T01:09:42.561Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:greenmail" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/greenmail" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This is a fork of grails greenmail plugin for grails 3.
\nAdd a dependency for the plugin in build.gradle
\ndependencies { \n compile 'org.grails.plugins:greenmail:2.0.0.RC2' \n}\n\n
\nProvides a wrapper around GreenMail and provides a view that displays sent
messages - useful for testing application in the development
or test
grails install-plugin greenmail\n
\nThe plugin assumes that you have some sort of Java mail provider installed (for instance the Grails mail plugin). You need to define a SMTP port for the mock Greenmail SMTP server to start with. Using the Grails Mail plugin, this is as simple as defining the grails.mail.port
property in Config.groovy
, like this (see the first line in the development
and test
environments {\n production {\n grails.serverURL = "http://www.changeme.com"\n }\n development {\n\tgrails.mail.port = com.icegreen.greenmail.util.ServerSetupTest.SMTP.port\n grails.serverURL = "http://localhost:8080/${appName}"\n }\n test {\n\tgrails.mail.port = com.icegreen.greenmail.util.ServerSetupTest.SMTP.port\n grails.serverURL = "http://localhost:8080/${appName}"\n }\n}\n
\nYou can also completely disable the plugin by using the config setting grails.plugin.greenmail.disabled = true
. For example, to disable greenmail in production:
environments {\n production {\n grails.plugin.greenmail.disabled=true\n }\n}\n
\nIf you need to change the default listening port (1025) you can use the grails.plugin.greenmail.ports.smtp
configuration variable. For example:
environments {\n test {\n grails.plugin.greenmail.ports.smtp = 2025\n }\n}\n
\nThe plugin can be used to capture email messages during integration tests. For example:
\nimport com.icegreen.greenmail.util.*\n\nclass GreenmailTests extends GroovyTestCase {\n def mailService\n def greenMail\n\n void testSendMail() {\n Map mail = [message:'hello world', from:'from@piragua.com', to:'to@piragua.com', subject:'subject']\n\n mailService.sendMail {\n to mail.to\n from mail.from\n subject mail.subject\n body mail.message\n }\n \n assertEquals(1, greenMail.getReceivedMessages().length)\n\t\n def message = greenMail.getReceivedMessages()[0]\n\t\t\n assertEquals(mail.message, GreenMailUtil.getBody(message))\n assertEquals(mail.from, GreenMailUtil.getAddressList(message.from))\n assertEquals(mail.subject, message.subject)\n }\n\n void tearDown() {\n greenMail.deleteAllMessages()\n }\n}\n
\nThe plugin adds a deleteAllMessages()
convenience method to the greenMail
bean that deletes all received messages.
The plugin provides a controller and view to show messages that are sent
from the application. Simply browse to http://localhost:8080/greenmail and it will show a list of messages sent. You can click on the show
link to view the raw message.
This is a fully functional plugin, though there are some features that I think would be worth adding. Contributions and patches are welcome!
\nThis project contains the sources for GSP, the server-side view rendering technology used in Grails.
\nLatest - http://gsp.grails.org
\nLatest - http://gsp.grails.org/latest/api
\nSnapshot Guide - http://gsp.grails.org/snapshot
\nSnapshot API - http://gsp.grails.org/snapshot
\nThis plugin is for Grails 3 and this is a fork of https://github.com/davidtinker/grails-handlebars
\nAdd to build.gradle
\ndependencies {\n compile "org.grails.plugins:handlebars-renderer:0.1.2"\n}\n
\ngrails.handlebars.templatesRoot = 'templates'\ngrails.handlebars.templateExtension = '.hbs'\ngrails.handlebars.templatesPathSeparator = '/'\n
\nIn controller:
\ndef data = [\n\tname : 'alex',\n]\n\n//income.hbs must under path /src/main/webapps/templates/mailbox\nrender handlebarsService.apply("mailbox/income", data)\n
\nIn GSP template:
\n<handlebars:render template="mailbox/income" model="${data}"/>\n
\n<handlebars:render>\n Hello {{name}} from the controller\n</handlebars:render>\n
\nPlease read complete documentation at https://github.com/davidtinker/grails-handlebars
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "hazelcast", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "budjb", "desc": "Grails hazelcast plugin", "labels": [ "hazelcast" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-hazelcast/issues", "latestVersion": "1.1.1", "updated": "2018-07-19T20:30:23.897Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:hazelcast" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-hazelcast" }, "documentationUrl": "https://budjb.github.io/grails-hazelcast/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nSee the documentation at https://budjb.github.io/grails-hazelcast/latest.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "hazelgrails", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "enesakar", "desc": "Hazelcast Grails Integration", "labels": [ "hazelcast" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/enesakar/hazelgrails/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.2", "updated": "2016-04-18T13:39:17.430Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:hazelgrails" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/enesakar/hazelgrails" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Update (4/2016): Hazelcast version is upgraded to 3.6.2.
\nJust add the following dependency under the dependencies block in your project's build.gradle:
\n\n\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:hazelgrails:1.0.2"
You can configure hazelcast in details:
\nFor available options have a look at:\nhttp://docs.hazelcast.org/docs/3.6/manual/html-single/index.html#hazelcast-configuration
\nTo use Hazelcast as Hibernate 2nd Level Cache, add the following line to application.groovy:
\ncache.region.factory_class = 'com.hazelcast.hibernate.HazelcastCacheRegionFactory'
\nSee:\n[https://github.com/rohitbishnoi/hazelcast-test] (https://github.com/rohitbishnoi/hazelcast-test)
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "hibernate", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "GORM - Grails Data Access Framework", "labels": [ "database", "gorm", "hibernate", "rdms" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-data-mapping/issues", "latestVersion": "", "updated": "2016-10-03T14:41:45.128Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:hibernate" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-data-mapping" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/grails-data-mapping/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\n
[Grails][Grails] is a framework used to build web applications with the [Groovy][Groovy] programming language. This project provides the plumbings for the GORM API both for Hibernate and for new implementations of GORM ontop of NoSQL datastores.\n[Grails]: http://grails.org/\n[Groovy]: http://groovy-lang.org/
\nFor further information see the dedicated websites:
\n\nGrails and Groovy are licensed under the terms of the [Apache License, Version 2.0][Apache License, Version 2.0].\n[Apache License, Version 2.0]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "hibernate-search", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "lgrignon", "desc": "This plugin aims to integrate Hibernate Search features to Grails in very few steps.", "labels": [ "search", "hibernate" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/mathpere/grails-hibernate-search-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "2.4.0", "updated": "2020-04-10T16:57:56.220Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:hibernate-search" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/mathpere/grails-hibernate-search-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This plugin aims to integrate Hibernate Search features to Grails in very few steps.
\nIf you don't want to start from the template project, you could start a fresh project:
\nAnd add the following to your dependencies
\n compile("org.grails.plugins:hibernate-search:2.3.0")\n compile("org.grails.plugins:hibernate5:6.1.8")\n compile("org.grails.plugins:cache")\n compile("org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.2.10.Final")\n compile("org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache:5.2.10.Final")\n
\nBy default, the plugin stores your indexes in this directory:
\n ~/.grails/${grailsVersion}/projects/${yourProjectName}/lucene-index/development/\n
\nYou can override this configuration in your application.yml
\nhibernate:\n cache:\n use_second_level_cache: true\n use_query_cache: true\n provider_class: net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider\n region:\n factory_class: org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory\n search:\n default:\n \tindexBase: '/path/to/your/indexes'\n indexmanager: near-real-time\n directory_provider: filesystem\n
\nYou can also define the path to your indexes with JNDI configuration as following:
\nhibernate:\n cache:\n use_second_level_cache: true\n use_query_cache: true\n provider_class: net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider\n region:\n factory_class: org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory\n search:\n default:\n indexBaseJndiName: 'java:comp/env/luceneIndexBase'\n directory_provider: filesystem\n
\nAdd a static lucenceIndexing
closure as following:
Note: You can use properties from super class and traits with no additional configuration (since 2.0.2)
\nclass MyDomainClass {\n\n String author\n String body\n Date publishedDate\n String summary\n String title\n Status status\n Double price\n Integer someInteger\n\n enum Status {\n DISABLED, PENDING, ENABLED\n }\n\n static hasMany = [categories: Category, items: Item]\n\n static luceneIndexing = {\n // fields\n author index: 'yes'\n body termVector: 'with_positions'\n publishedDate date: 'day'\n summary boost: 5.9\n title index: 'yes', sortable: [name: title_sort, normalizer: LowerCaseFilterFactory]\n status index: 'yes', sortable: true\n categories indexEmbedded: true\n items indexEmbedded: [depth: 2] // configure the depth indexing\n price numeric: 2, analyze: false\n someInteger index: 'yes', bridge: ['class': PaddedIntegerBridge, params: ['padding': 10]]\n\n // support for classBridge\n classBridge = ['class': MyClassBridge, params: [myParam: "4"]]\n }\n\n}\n
\nThis static property indicates which fields should be indexed and describes how the field has to be indexed.
\nAlso, the plugin lets you to mark your domain classes as indexable with the Hibernate Search annotations.
\n@Indexed\n@ClassBridge(\n impl = MyClassBridge,\n params = @Parameter( name="myParam", value="4" ) )\nclass MyDomainClass {\n\n // when using annotations, id is required to define DocumentId\n @DocumentId\n Long id\n\n @Field(index=Index.YES)\n String author\n\n @Field(index=Index.YES)\n String body\n\n @Field\n @DateBridge(resolution=Resolution.DAY)\n Date publishedDate\n\n @Field(index=Index.YES)\n String summary\n\n @Field(index=Index.YES)\n @Field(name="title_sort", normalizer=@Normalizer(impl=LowerCaseFilterFactory))\n @SortableField(forField="title_sort")\n String title\n\n @Field(index=Index.YES)\n @SortableField\n Status status\n\n @Field\n @NumericField( precisionStep = 2)\n Double price\n\n @Field(index=Index.YES)\n @FieldBridge(impl = PaddedIntegerBridge.class, params = @Parameter(name="padding", value="10"))\n Integer someInteger\n\n enum Status {\n DISABLED, PENDING, ENABLED\n }\n\n @IndexedEmbedded\n Set categories\n\n @IndexedEmbedded(depth = 2)\n Set items\n\n static hasMany = [categories: Category, items: Item]\n\n}\n
\nThe plugin lets you to create index of any indexed entity as following:
\nThis method relies on MassIndexer and can be configured like this:
\n\nMyDomainClass.search().createIndexAndWait {\n ...\n batchSizeToLoadObjects 25\n cacheMode org.hibernate.CacheMode.NORMAL\n threadsToLoadObjects 5\n ...\n}\n\n#### Manual index changes\n\n##### Adding instances to index\n\n```groovy\n\n// index only updated at commit time\nMyDomainClass.search().withTransaction { transaction ->\n MyDomainClass.findAll().each {\n it.search().index()\n }\n}\n
\n\n// index only updated at commit time\nMyDomainClass.search().withTransaction { transaction ->\n\n MyDomainClass.get(3).search().purge()\n\n}\n
\nTo remove all entities of a given type, you could use the following purgeAll method:
\n\n// index only updated at commit time\nMyDomainClass.search().withTransaction {\n MyDomainClass.search().purgeAll()\n}\n
\nHibernate Search offers an option to rebuild the whole index using the MassIndexer API. This plugin provides a configuration which lets you to rebuild automatically your indexes on startup.
\nTo use the default options of the MassIndexer API, simply provide this option into your runtime.groovy:
\n\n\ngrails.plugins.hibernatesearch = {\n rebuildIndexOnStart true\n}\n\n
\nIf you need to tune the MassIndexer API, you could specify options with a closure as following:
\n\ngrails.plugins.hibernatesearch = {\n\n rebuildIndexOnStart {\n\t\tbatchSizeToLoadObjects 30\n\t\tthreadsForSubsequentFetching 8 \t\n\t\tthreadsToLoadObjects 4\n\t\tthreadsForIndexWriter 3\n\t\tcacheMode CacheMode.NORMAL\n }\n\n}\n\n
\nThe plugin provides you dynamic method to search for indexed entities.
\nAll indexed domain classes provides .search() method which lets you to list the results.\nThe plugin provides a search DSL for simplifying the way you can search. Here is what it looks like with the search DSL:\n(See the HibernateSearchQueryBuilder class to check the available methods)
\nclass SomeController {\n\n def myAction = { MyCommand command ->\n\n def page = [max: Math.min(params.max ? params.int('max') : 10, 50), offset: params.offset ? params.int('offset') : 0]\n\n def myDomainClasses = MyDomainClass.search().list {\n\n if ( command.dateTo ) {\n below "publishedDate", command.dateTo\n }\n\n if ( command.dateFrom ) {\n above "publishedDate", command.dateFrom\n }\n\n mustNot {\n keyword "status", Status.DISABLED\n }\n\n if ( command.keyword ) {\n should {\n command.keyword.tokenize().each { keyword ->\n\n def wild = keyword.toLowerCase() + '*'\n\n wildcard "author", wild\n wildcard "body", wild\n wildcard "summary", wild\n wildcard "title", wild\n wildcard "categories.name", wild\n }\n }\n }\n\n sort "publishedDate", "asc"\n\n maxResults page.max\n\n offset page.offset\n }\n\n [myDomainClasses: myDomainClasses]\n }\n}\n
\nCriteria criteria = fullTextSession.createCriteria( clazz ).createAlias("session", "session").add(Restrictions.eq("session.id", 115L));
\n def myDomainClasses = MyDomainClass.search().list {\n\n criteria {\n setFetchMode("authors", FetchMode.JOIN)\n }\n\n fuzzy "description", "mi search"\n }\n
\nSee Hibernate Search Simple Query Strings for more details on the actual query string.\nYou can implement any other queries alongside a simple query string search.
\n// Search for "war and peace or harmony" in the title field\ndef myDomainClasses = MyDomainClass.search().list {\n\tsimpleQueryString 'war + (peace | harmony)', 'title'\n}\n
\n// Search for "war and peace or harmony" in the title and description field\ndef myDomainClasses = MyDomainClass.search().list {\n\tsimpleQueryString 'war + (peace | harmony)', 'title', 'description\n}\n
\n// Search for "war and peace" in the title field\ndef myDomainClasses = MyDomainClass.search().list {\n\tsimpleQueryString 'war peace', [withAndAsDefaultOperator: true], 'title'\n}\n
\n// Search for "war and peace" in the title field and description field with boosts applied\ndef myDomainClasses = MyDomainClass.search().list {\n\tsimpleQueryString 'war + (peace | harmony)', ['title':2.0, 'description':0.5]\n}\n
\nsort() method accepts an optional second parameter to specify the sort order: "asc"/"desc". Default is "asc".
\nFields used for sorting can be analyzed, but must not be tokenized, so you should rather use normalizers on those fields.
\nIf you try to sort on an indexed field which has not been marked as "sortable" you will either get warnings or full errors.\nTherefore it is important to mark any indexed fields as sortable, and as sortable fields cannot be indexed with tokenizer analyzers you should also define a normalizer to be used (see the section on Normalizers on how to define them).
\nMyDomainClass.search().list {\n ...\n sort "publishedDate", "asc"\n ... \n}\n
\nIf for some reasons, you want to sort results with a property which doesn't exist in your domain class, you should specify the sort type with a third parameter (default is String). You have three ways to achieve this:
\nMyDomainClass.search().list {\n ...\n sort "my_special_field", "asc", Integer\n ...\n}\n
\ndef items = Item.search().list {\n ...\n sort "my_special_field", "asc", org.apache.lucene.search.SortField.Type.STRING_VAL\n ...\n}\n
\ndef items = Item.search().list {\n ...\n sort "my_special_field", "asc", "string_val"\n ...\n}\n
\nYou can also retrieve the number of results by using 'count' method:
\ndef myDomainClasses = MyDomainClass.search().count {\n ...\n}\n
\nWhen searching for data, you may want to not use the field bridge or the analyzer. All methods (below, above, between, keyword, fuzzy) accept an optional map parameter to support this:
\n\nMyDomainClass.search().list {\n\n keyword "status", Status.DISABLED, [ignoreAnalyzer: true]\n\n wildcard "description", "hellow*", [ignoreFieldBridge: true, boostedTo: 1.5f]\n\n}\n
\nOn fuzzy search, you can add an optional parameter to specify the max distance
\n\n\nMyDomainClass.search().list {\n\n keyword "status", Status.DISABLED, [ignoreAnalyzer: true]\n\n fuzzy "description", "hellow", [ignoreFieldBridge: true, maxDistance: 2]\n\n}\n
\nHibernate Search lets you to return only a subset of properties rather than the whole domain object. It makes it possible to avoid to query the database. This plugin supports this feature:
\ndef myDomainClasses = MyDomainClass.search().list {\n\n projection "author", "body"\n\n}\n\nmyDomainClasses.each { result ->\n\n def author = result[0]\n def body = result[1]\n\n ...\n}\n\n
\nDon't forget to store the properties into the index as following:
\nclass MyDomainClass {\n\n [...]\n\n static luceneIndexing = {\n author index: 'yes', store: 'yes'\n body index: 'yes', store: 'yes'\n }\n}\n
\nNamed analyzers are global and can be defined within runtime.groovy as following:
\n\nimport org.apache.solr.analysis.StandardTokenizerFactory\nimport org.apache.solr.analysis.LowerCaseFilterFactory\nimport org.apache.solr.analysis.NGramFilterFactory\n\n...\n\ngrails.plugins.hibernatesearch = {\n\n analyzer( name: 'ngram', tokenizer: StandardTokenizerFactory ) {\n filter LowerCaseFilterFactory\n filter factory: NGramFilterFactory, params: [minGramSize: 3, maxGramSize: 3]\n }\n\n}\n\n
\nThis configuration is strictly equivalent to this annotation configuration:
\n@AnalyzerDef(name = "ngram", tokenizer = @TokenizerDef(factory = StandardTokenizerFactory.class),\n filters = {\n @TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class),\n @TokenFilterDef(factory = NGramFilterFactory.class,\n params = {\n @Parameter(name = "minGramSize",value = "3"),\n @Parameter(name = "maxGramSize",value = "3")\n })\n})\npublic class Address {\n...\n}\n
\nSet the analyzer at the entity level: all fields will be indexed with the analyzer
\nclass MyDomainClass {\n\n String author\n String body\n ...\n\n static luceneIndexing = {\n analyzer = 'ngram'\n author index: 'yes'\n body index: 'yes'\n }\n\n}\n
\nOr set the analyzer at the field level:
\nclass MyDomainClass {\n\n String author\n String body\n ...\n\n static luceneIndexing = {\n author index: 'yes'\n body index: 'yes', analyzer: 'ngram'\n other index: 'yes', analyzer: new MyFilter()\n }\n\n}\n
\nThe plugin lets you ro retrieve the scoped analyzer for a given analyzer with the search() method:
\ndef parser = new org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser (\n "title", Song.search().getAnalyzer() )\n
\nNormalizers are analyzers without tokenization and are important for indexed fields which you want to sort,\nsee Hibernate Search Normalizer for more information.
\nNamed normalizers are global and can be defined within runtime.groovy as following:
\n\nimport org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.LowerCaseFilterFactory\nimport org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous.ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory\n\n...\n\ngrails.plugins.hibernatesearch = {\n\n normalizer(name: 'lowercase') {\n filter ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory\n filter LowerCaseFilterFactory\n }\n\n}\n\n
\nThis configuration is strictly equivalent to this annotation configuration:
\n@NormalizerDef(name = "lowercase",\n filters = {\n @TokenFilterDef(factory = ASCIIFoldingFilterFactory.class),\n @TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class)\n})\npublic class Address {\n...\n}\n
\nSet the normalizer at the field level
\nclass MyDomainClass {\n\n String author\n String body\n ...\n\n static luceneIndexing = {\n author index: 'yes', sortable: [name: author_sort, normalizer: 'lowercase']\n body index: 'yes', sortable: [name: author_sort, normalizer: LowerCaseFilterFactory]\n }\n\n}\n
\nIn Hibernate Search 5.9.x the Filter
class is completely removed and filters must now be applied as\nFull-Text Filters\nwhich are passed Querys rather than Filters.
Named filters are global and MUST be defined within runtime.groovy as following:
\n\n...\n\ngrails.plugins.hibernatesearch = {\n\n // cf official doc https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en-US/html_single/#query-filter-fulltext\n // Example 116. Defining and implementing a Filter\n fullTextFilter name: "bestDriver", impl: BestDriversFilter\n\n // cf official doc https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en-US/html_single/#query-filter-fulltext\n // Example 118. Using parameters in the actual filter implementation \n fullTextFilter name: "security", impl: SecurityFilterFactory, cache: "instance_only"\n\n}\n\n
\nIf they are not defined in runtime.groovy they will not be available for querying.
\nFilter query results looks like this:
\nMyDomainClass.search().list {
\n\n// without params:\nMyDomainClass.search().list {\n ...\n filter "bestDriver"\n ...\n}\n\n// with params:\nMyDomainClass.search().list {\n ...\n filter name: "security", params: [ level: 4 ]\n ...\n}\n\n
\ngrails.plugins.hibernatesearch = {\n\trebuildIndexOnStart false // see related section above\n\tthrowOnEmptyQuery false // throw or not exception when Hibernate Search raises an EmptyQueryException\n\tfullTextFilter /* ... */ // see related section above\n}\n
\nThere is a signification change between 2.2 and 2.3.
\nFilters must now be defined in the runtime.groovy in advance and then added to a query as filter definitions which will define fullTextFilters.\nThis is due to the deprecation of the filter class from Hibernate Search.
\nIn Grails 3 the application.groovy
file is loaded when the Grails CLI is started,\ntherefore certain logic and requirements on dependencies will fall over when defined in the application.groovy
The solution is to define a runtime.groovy
file and move the logic into this file,\nthis also helps to provide a nice divide on what logic is required when running the application\nand as config is now provided in the application.yml
file it should result in only needing to define a runtime.groovy
file and not the\napplication.groovy
We therefore advise all hibernatesearch closure config to be defined in the runtime.groovy
is run along with application.groovy when the application starts up, it is also packaged and run by a WAR.
Unfortunately IDEs will not recognise the search()
method as it is added dynamically.\nOne messy but possible way to get around this and gain access to the DSL inside the IDE is to\nadd an extra static method to your class.\nThis is not ideal but it may make your programming easier.
class DomainClass {\n\n ...\n\n static List<DomainClass> hibernateSearchList(@DelegatesTo(HibernateSearchApi) Closure closure){\n DomainClass.search().list(closure)\n }\n \n static int hibernateSearchCount(@DelegatesTo(HibernateSearchApi) Closure closure){\n DomainClass.search().count(closure)\n }\n}\n
\nDuring the SessionFactory build process any exceptions which occur during the HibernateSearch boot sequence\nare silently wrapped and hidden inside the futures.\nThis means there will be a particularly helpful exception thrown :
\nException encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'methodValidationPostProcessor' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/validation/ValidationAutoConfiguration.class]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through method 'methodValidationPostProcessor' parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'hibernateDatastoreServiceRegistry': Cannot resolve reference to bean 'hibernateDatastore' while setting constructor argument; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'hibernateDatastore': Bean instantiation via constructor failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.grails.orm.hibernate.HibernateDatastore]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException\n
\nwhich will stacktrace down to :
\nCaused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null\n\tat org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg.HibernateMappingContextConfiguration$2.sessionFactoryClosed(HibernateMappingContextConfiguration.java:266)\n\tat org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryObserverChain.sessionFactoryClosed(SessionFactoryObserverChain.java:61)\n\tat org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl.close(SessionFactoryImpl.java:756)\n\tat org.hibernate.search.hcore.impl.HibernateSearchSessionFactoryObserver.boot(HibernateSearchSessionFactoryObserver.java:134)\n\tat org.hibernate.search.hcore.impl.HibernateSearchSessionFactoryObserver.sessionFactoryCreated(HibernateSearchSessionFactoryObserver.java:79)\n\tat org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryObserverChain.sessionFactoryCreated(SessionFactoryObserverChain.java:35)\n\tat org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl.<init>(SessionFactoryImpl.java:366)\n\tat org.hibernate.boot.internal.SessionFactoryBuilderImpl.build(SessionFactoryBuilderImpl.java:452)\n\tat org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(Configuration.java:710)\n\tat org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg.HibernateMappingContextConfiguration.buildSessionFactory(HibernateMappingContextConfiguration.java:274)\n\tat grails.plugins.hibernate.search.context.HibernateSearchMappingContextConfiguration.buildSessionFactory(HibernateSearchMappingContextConfiguration.java:357)\n\tat org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections.HibernateConnectionSourceFactory.create(HibernateConnectionSourceFactory.java:86)\n\tat org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections.AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory.create(AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory.java:39)\n\tat org.grails.orm.hibernate.connections.AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory.create(AbstractHibernateConnectionSourceFactory.java:23)\n\tat org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections.AbstractConnectionSourceFactory.create(AbstractConnectionSourceFactory.java:64)\n\tat org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections.AbstractConnectionSourceFactory.create(AbstractConnectionSourceFactory.java:52)\n\tat org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.connections.ConnectionSourcesInitializer.create(ConnectionSourcesInitializer.groovy:24)\n\tat org.grails.orm.hibernate.HibernateDatastore.<init>(HibernateDatastore.java:196)\n\tat sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)\n\tat sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)\n\tat sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)\n\tat java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)\n\tat org.springsource.loaded.ri.ReflectiveInterceptor.jlrConstructorNewInstance(ReflectiveInterceptor.java:1076)\n\tat org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.instantiateClass(BeanUtils.java:142)\n\t... 51 common frames omitted\n
\nThe actual exception stack is not at all helpful as whilst the actual failure point is in:
\nIt is masked inside the catch statement at line 127 inside the class,\nas the finally clause is what results in the above exception stacktrace.
\npublic class HibernateSearchSessionFactoryObserver implements SessionFactoryObserver {\n // ...\n \n private synchronized void boot(SessionFactory factory) {\n try{ \n // ...\n }\n catch (Throwable t) {\n extendedSearchIntegratorFuture.completeExceptionally( t );\n // This will make the SessionFactory abort and close itself\n throw t;\n }finally {\n if ( failedBoot ) {\n factory.close();\n }\n }\n }\n \n // ...\n}\n
\nTherefore if you get the above exceptions then drop a debug point at line 130 and then start with a debugger running.\nThe debug point will give you the helpful exception as to why the boot has failed.
\nA sample project is available at this repository URL\nhttps://github.com/lgrignon/grails3-quick-start
\nIt contains several branches for each version of this plugin
\nSupport for indexing trait properties
\nSupport for indexing inherited properties
\nMathieu Perez
\nJulie Ingignoli
\nLouis Grignon
\nInstall with:
\ngradlew clean publishToMavenLocal\n
\nPublish with:
\ngradlew clean bintrayUpload --stacktrace -PbintrayUser=... -PbintrayKey=...\n
\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "hibernate3", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "GORM - Grails Data Access Framework", "labels": [ "database", "gorm", "hibernate", "rdms" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-data-mapping/issues", "latestVersion": "5.0.13", "updated": "2017-03-21T12:02:19.359Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:hibernate3" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-data-mapping" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/grails-data-mapping/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\n
[Grails][Grails] is a framework used to build web applications with the [Groovy][Groovy] programming language. This project provides the plumbings for the GORM API both for Hibernate and for new implementations of GORM ontop of NoSQL datastores.\n[Grails]: http://grails.org/\n[Groovy]: http://groovy-lang.org/
\nFor further information see the dedicated websites:
\n\nGrails and Groovy are licensed under the terms of the [Apache License, Version 2.0][Apache License, Version 2.0].\n[Apache License, Version 2.0]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "hibernate4", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "GORM - Grails Data Access Framework", "labels": [ "database", "gorm", "hibernate", "rdms" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-hibernate4", "latestVersion": "6.1.8", "updated": "2017-10-27T06:58:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:hibernate4" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-hibernate4" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This project implements GORM for the Hibernate 4.
\nFor more information see the following links:
\nFor the current development version see the following links:
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "hibernate5", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "GORM - Grails Data Access Framework", "labels": [ "database", "gorm", "hibernate", "rdms" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-data-mapping/issues", "latestVersion": "8.1.1", "updated": "2024-11-19T01:27:50.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:hibernate5" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-data-mapping" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/grails-data-mapping/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/hibernate5/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "\n
[Grails][Grails] is a framework used to build web applications with the [Groovy][Groovy] programming language. This project provides the plumbings for the GORM API both for Hibernate and for new implementations of GORM ontop of NoSQL datastores.\n[Grails]: http://grails.org/\n[Groovy]: http://groovy-lang.org/
\nFor further information see the dedicated websites:
\n\nGrails and Groovy are licensed under the terms of the [Apache License, Version 2.0][Apache License, Version 2.0].\n[Apache License, Version 2.0]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "html-cleaner", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "snimavat", "desc": "Html Cleaner Grails Plugin", "labels": [ "html" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/snimavat/html-cleaner/issues", "latestVersion": "", "updated": "2017-01-16T10:18:16.040Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:html-cleaner" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/snimavat/html-cleaner" }, "documentationUrl": "https://snimavat.github.io/html-cleaner/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nSee documentation
\n" }, { "deprecated": "Source repository is archived and this is a duplicate of a plugin with the same name by snimavat. This entry in the registry should probably be removed to avoid confusion.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "html-cleaner", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails HTML Cleaner plugin", "labels": [ "html" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-html-cleaner/issues", "latestVersion": "1.1", "updated": "2016-05-03T11:57:38.051Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:html-cleaner" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-html-cleaner" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The Html Cleaner Plugin is a whitelist based html sanitizer, based on Jsoup.\nThis is a port to Grails3 of the Grails1 plugin, originally written by Sudhir Nimavat.
\nIt provides:
\nNote: Html cleaner is not just a sanitizer, it cleans ill-formed user supplied html and produces a well formed xml.
\nDeclare the plugin dependency in the build.gradle file, as shown here:
\nrepositories {\n ...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/agorapulse/plugins" }\n}\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile "org.grails.plugins:html-cleaner:1.1"\n}\n
\nFollowing whitelists are available by default and does not need any configuration:
\nYou can define default white list in your grails-app/conf/application.yml:
\ngrails:\n plugin:\n htmlcleaner:\n defaultWhiteList: basic\n
\nSee below to define custom whitelists.
\nLet's say you have a form with a text area, but you don't want to allow any html. You can clean the user supplied text with whitelist none and it will stripe out all the html.
\nimport grails.plugin.htmlcleaner.HtmlCleaner\n\nclass FooController {\n\n HtmlCleaner htmlCleaner\n\n def save = {\n String cleaned = htmlCleaner.cleanHtml(params.textArea, 'none') \n }\n}\n
\nOr in a service:
\nimport grails.plugin.htmlcleaner.HtmlCleaner\n\nclass FooService {\n\n HtmlCleaner htmlCleaner\n\n def foo(unsafe) {\n String cleaned = htmlCleaner.cleanHtml(unsafe, 'none')\n }\n}\n
\nYou can also allow basic html as per basic whitelist.
\ndef cleaned = htmlCleaner.cleanHtml(unsafe, 'basic')\n
\nThe plugin also provides a taglib.
\n<hc:cleanHtml html="${domainInstance.description}" whitelist="basic"/>\n
\nPlugin provides a DSL to define custom whitelists in configuration.\nDefine a custom whitelist sample that will allow just b, i, p and span tags.
\ngrails {\n plugin {\n htmlcleaner {\n whitelists = {\n whitelist("sample") {\n startwith "none"\n allow "b", "p", "i", "span"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n
\nThe above configuration would define a whitelist with name sample that builds on top of whitelist none and allows additional tags b, i, p and span.
\nA whitelist can start with any of the default whitelists or A whitelist can start with any custom whitelists that are defined earlier in configuration as well, but it must start with another whitelist.
\nDefine a whitelist sample2 that starts with whitelist sample we defined above and allows tag a with just one attribute href and puts rel="nofollow"
\ngrails {\n plugin {\n htmlcleaner {\n whitelists = {\n whitelist("sample2") {\n startwith "sample"\n allow("a") {\n attributes "href"\n enforce attribute:"rel", value:"nofollow"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n
\nDefine a whitelist basic-with-tables that starts with whitelist basic and allows tables.
\ngrails {\n plugin {\n htmlcleaner {\n whitelists = {\n whitelist("basic-with-tables") {\n startwith "basic"\n allow "table", "tr", "td"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n
\nRestricting attributes
\ngrails {\n plugin {\n htmlcleaner {\n whitelists = {\n whitelist("sample") {\n allow("div") {\n attributes "id", "class"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n
\nEnforcing attributes - An enforced attribute will always be added to the element. If the element already has the attribute set, it will be overridden.
\ngrails {\n plugin {\n htmlcleaner {\n whitelists = {\n whitelist("sample") {\n allow("div") {\n enforce attribute:"class", value:"block"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n
\nDefining multiple whitelists
\ngrails {\n plugin {\n htmlcleaner {\n whitelists = {\n whitelist("sample") {\n startwith "none"\n allow "b", "p", "span"\n }\n whitelist("sample-with-anchor") {\n startwith "sample"\n allow("a") {\n attributes "href"\n enforce attribute:"rel", value:"nofollow"\n }\n }\n \n whitelist("basic-with-tables") {\n startwith "basic"\n allow "table", "tr", "td"\n }\n \n }\n }\n }\n}\n
\nTo report any bug, please use the project Issues section on GitHub.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "http-builder-helper", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails HTTP Builder Helper Plugin", "labels": [ "http-client" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/bobbywarner/grails-http-builder-helper/issues", "latestVersion": "1.1.0", "updated": "2017-09-01T14:14:12.890Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:http-builder-helper" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/bobbywarner/grails-http-builder-helper" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This plugin used to be called the REST plugin in Grails 1.x & 2.x, but for Grails 3.x it has been renamed to httpbuilder-helper
. The plugin enables the usage of HTTPBuilder in a Grails application.
The REST plugin enables the usage of HTTPBuilder on a Grails application.
\nThe plugins will inject the following dynamic methods:
\nwithHttp(Map params, Closure stmts)
- executes stmts using a HTTPBuilder
withAsyncHttp(Map params, Closure stmts)
- executes stmts using an AsyncHTTPBuilder
withRest(Map params, Closure stmts)
- executes stmts using a RESTClient
Taken from HttpBuilder's Simplified GET Request
\nwithHttp(uri: "http://www.google.com") {\n def html = get(path : '/search', query : [q:'Groovy'])\n assert html.HEAD.size() == 1\n assert html.BODY.size() == 1\n}\n
\nNotice that you can call HTTPBuilder
's methods inside stmts
, the current HTTPBuilder
is set as the closure's delegate. The same holds true for the other dynamic methods.\nAsyncHTTPBuilder
import static groovyx.net.http.ContentType.HTML\nwithAsyncHttp(poolSize : 4, uri : "http://hc.apache.org", contentType : HTML) {\n def result = get(path:'/') { resp, html ->\n println ' got async response!'\n return html\n }\n assert result instanceof java.util.concurrent.Future\n\n while (! result.done) {\n println 'waiting...'\n Thread.sleep(2000)\n }\n\n /* The Future instance contains whatever is returned from the response\n closure above; in this case the parsed HTML data: */\n def html = result.get()\n assert html instanceof groovy.util.slurpersupport.GPathResult\n}\n
\nAll dynamic methods will create a new http client when invoked unless you define an id: attribute. When this attribute is supplied the client will be stored as a property on the instance's metaClass. You will be able to access it via regular property access or using the id: again.
\nclass FooController {\n def loginAction = {\n withRest(id: "twitter", uri: "http://twitter.com/statuses/") {\n auth.basic model.username, model.password\n }\n }\n def queryAction = {\n withRest(id: "twitter") {\n def response = get(path: "followers.json")\n // \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\n }\n /* alternatively\n def response twitter.get(path: "followers.json")\n */\n }\n}\n
\nDynamic methods will be added to controllers and services by default. You can change this setting by adding a configuration flag application.yml
or application.groovy
grails.rest.injectInto = ["Controller", "Service", "Routes"]\n
\nYou can apply proxy settings by calling setProxy(String host, int port, String scheme)
on the client/builders at any time. You can also take advantage of the proxy:
withHttp(uri: "http://google.com", proxy: [host: "myproxy.acme.com", port: 8080, scheme: "http"])\n
\nThis shortcut has the following defaults
\nport: = 80\nscheme: = http\n
\nMeaning most of the times you'd only need to define a value for host:
If you are connecting to a server through HTTPS you might need to add a Key and or a Trust Store to the underlying SSL Socket Factory. Some examples are\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd
\nThe service you are connecting to requires some sort of SSL Cert authentication,\nYou want to make sure that the server you are connecting to provides a specific certificate.\nYou do not mind that the certificate that the server provides doesn't match the Domain Name that the server has.\nNote, this last option will normally apply to development and test environments.
\nThe client will try to add a Key and a Trust Store if the URL of the host starts with https
. By default it will attempt to locate a Key Store through the File System's path $HOME/.keystore
e.g /home/berngp/.keystore
and a Trust Store through the JVM Classpath ./truststore.jks
, you can override this by specifying a rest.https.keystore.path
and/or rest.https.truststore.path
configuration entries in the application.yml
or application.groovy
Also by default it will try to open the stores using the following passwords '', 'changeit', 'changeme' but you can set a specific password through the rest.https.keystore.pass
and rest.https.truststore.pass
configuration entries. If for some reason it is unable to setup the underlying SSL Socket Factory it will fail silently unless the rest.https.sslSocketFactory.enforce
configuration entry is set to true
You can set three different Hostname Verification strategies through the rest.https.cert.hostnameVerifier
configuration entry.
: The URL requested doesn't need to match the URL in the Certificate.\nSTRICT
: The URL requested needs to match the URL in the Certificate.\nBROWSER_COMPATIBLE
: The URL requested must be in the same domain as the one in the Certificate. It accepts wildcards.\nExample of a specific setup
/** SSL truststore configuration key */\nrest.https.truststore.path = 'resources/certs/truststore.jks'\n/** SSL keystore configuration key */\nrest.https.keystore.path='resources/certs/keystore.jks'\n/** SSL keystore password configuration key */\nrest.https.keystore.pass='changeme'\n/** Certificate Hostname Verifier configuration key */\nrest.https.cert.hostnameVerifier = 'BROWSER_COMPATIBLE'\n/** Enforce SSL Socket Factory */\nrest.https.sslSocketFactory.enforce = true\n
\nGenerating a Java Key Store is outside the scope of this guide but you can find some useful information through the following links.
\nOfficial JDK Guide - http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/keytool.html
\nImporting a Private Key into a KeyStore (JDK 1.6 and above) - http://cunning.sharp.fm/2008/06/importing_private_keys_into_a.html
\nKeyMan - An non JDK Key Tool by IBM - http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/keyman
\nSee the documentation at https://budjb.github.io/http-requests/latest.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "i18n-asset-pipeline", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "amc-world", "desc": "asset-pipeline plugin to use localized messages in JavaScript.", "labels": [ "i18n", "javascript" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/dellermann/i18n-asset-pipeline/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.0", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.872Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:i18n-asset-pipeline" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/dellermann/i18n-asset-pipeline" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The Grails plugin i18n-asset-pipeline
is an asset-pipeline plugin that\ngenerates a JavaScript file with localized texts which can be used for\nclient-side i18n.
For more information on how to use asset-pipeline, visit\nasset-pipeline project page.
\nBecause asset-pipeline
2.x and 3.x introduced new APIs and aren't backward\ncompatible, you must use the following versions of this plugin:
i18n-asset-pipeline version | required for\n----------------------------|--------------\n0.x | asset-pipeline
up to version 1.9.9\n1.x | asset-pipeline
version 2.0.0 or higher\n2.x | Grails 3.x
To use this plugin you have to add the following code to your build.gradle
buildscript {\n dependencies {\n classpath 'org.amcworld.plugins:i18n-asset-pipeline:2.0.0'\n }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n runtime 'org.grails.plugins:i18n-asset-pipeline:2.0.0'\n}\n
\nThe first dependency declaration is needed to precompile your assets (e. g.\nwhen building a WAR file). The second one provides the necessary\n<asset:i18n>
tag and compiles the assets on the fly (e. g. in development)\nmode.
uses special files in your asset folders (we recommend\ngrails-app/assets/i18n
) with extension '.i18n'. The names of\nthese files must contain a language specification separated by underscore, e.\ng. messages_de.i18n
or messages_en_UK.i18n
. Files without a language\nspecification (e. g. messages.i18n
) are files for the default locale. These\nfiles mainly contain message codes that are resolved to localized texts.
The plugin generates a JavaScript file, that contains a function named $L
\nwhich can be called to obtain the localized message by a given code, e. g.:
\nEach i18n file must be defined according to the following rules:
(comment lines) are ignored.@import
are resolved by importing file\nurl
, processing it according to these rules, and replacing the\n@import
statement by its content. The import file may contain further\nimport statements, even circular ones. You may omit file extension .i18n
\nin url
.Each i18n file may contain asset-pipeline require
statements to load other\nassets such as JavaScript files. ATTENTION! Don't use require
to load\nother i18n files because they will not be processed correctly. Use the\n@import
declaration instead.
Typically, you have one i18n file for each language in the application. Given,\nyou have the following message resources in grails-app/i18n
Then, you should have the same set of files in e. g. grails-app/assets/i18n
Normally, you would have to declare the same set of message codes in each file.\nTo DRY, add a file _messages.i18n
to grails-app/assets/i18n
(the\nleading underscore prevents the i18n file to be compiled itself):
#\n# _messages.i18n\n# List of message codes that should be available on client-side.\n#\n\n# Add your messages codes here:\ndefault.btn.cancel\ndefault.btn.ok\ncontact.foo.bar\n\n
\nThen, you can import this file in all other files, e. g.:
\n#\n# messages.i18n\n# Client-side i18n, English messages.\n#\n\n@import _messages\n\n
\n#\n# messages_de.i18n\n# Client-side i18n, German messages.\n#\n\n@import _messages\n\n
\n#\n# messages_es.i18n\n# Client-side i18n, Spanish messages.\n#\n\n@import _messages\n\n
\nIn order to include a localized asset you can either use an asset-pipeline\nrequire
directive or the tag <asset:i18n>
. The tag supports the following\nattributes:
. Either a string or a java.util.Locale
object representing the\nlocale that should be loaded. This attribute is mandatory.name
. A string indicating the base name of the i18n files to load\n(defaults to messages
\n<asset:i18n locale="en_UK" />\n
\n<asset:i18n name="texts" locale="${locale}" />\n
\nThis plugin was written by Daniel Ellermann\n(AMC World Technologies GmbH).
\nThis plugin was published under the\nApache License, Version 2.0.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "i18n-enums", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "sbglasius", "desc": "This plugin adds an annotation usable on Enums to easy add and implement the MessageSourceResolvable interface in an standard way throughout a project.", "labels": [ "enums", "i18n" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/sbglasius/i18n-enums/issues", "latestVersion": "5.0.0", "updated": "2023-12-29T12:00:00.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:i18n-enums" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/sbglasius/i18n-enums" }, "documentationUrl": "https://sbglasius.github.io/i18n-enums/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/dk/glasius/i18n-enums/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "Documentation can be found here: http://sbglasius.github.io/i18n-enums/
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "i18n-javascript", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "salex772", "desc": "Render all Grails i18n messages to Javascript", "labels": [ "i18n", "javascript" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/salex772/i18n-javascript/issues", "latestVersion": "0.4.2", "updated": "2016-05-26T08:34:01.691Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:i18n-javascript" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/salex772/i18n-javascript" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Add to build.gradle
\ndependencies {\n compile "org.grails.plugins:i18n-javascript:0.4.2"\n}\n
\nIn application.groovy add config with desired including and excluding prefixes
\ni18nJs {\n prefixInclude = [\n 'i18nJs'\n ]\n\n prefixExclude = [\n 'default', 'other'\n ]\n}\n
\nSo 'i18nJs.page1.header' will be rendered whereas 'default.home.label' will not.\nWithout this all items from message.properties wiil be in JS
\nIn GSP use
\nto render all messages in output HTML
\nOr make request to /I18nJs/getMessages within AJAX call.
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "jasper",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "puneetbehl",
"desc": "Grails jasper plugin",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/puneetbehl/grails-jasper/issues",
"latestVersion": "2.1.0",
"updated": "2019-03-08T14:19:00.237Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/puneetbehl/grails-jasper"
"documentationUrl": "https://puneetbehl.github.io/grails-jasper/",
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "For usage information, please see https://puneetbehl.github.io/grails-jasper/
\nrun 'grailsw package-plugin'
\nIt will create a plugin archive.
\nSee the documentation at http://budjb.github.io/grails-jaxrs/3.x/latest/.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "jaxrs-integration-test", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "budjb", "desc": "The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based\r\non the Java API for RESTful Web Services.\r\n\r\nThe jaxrs-integration-test plugin provides classes to help with integration testing.", "labels": [ "testing", "jax-rs" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-jaxrs/issues", "latestVersion": "3.1.0", "updated": "2018-10-01T20:14:31.676Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:jaxrs-integration-test" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-jaxrs" }, "documentationUrl": "https://budjb.github.io/grails-jaxrs/3.x/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nSee the documentation at http://budjb.github.io/grails-jaxrs/3.x/latest/.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "jaxrs-jersey1", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "budjb", "desc": "The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based\r\non the Java API for RESTful Web Services.\r\n\r\nThe jaxrs-jersey1 plugin implements the Jersey 1.x JAX-RS implementation.", "labels": [ "jax-rs" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-jaxrs/issues", "latestVersion": "3.1.0", "updated": "2018-10-01T20:14:58.513Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:jaxrs-jersey1" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-jaxrs" }, "documentationUrl": "https://budjb.github.io/grails-jaxrs/3.x/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nSee the documentation at http://budjb.github.io/grails-jaxrs/3.x/latest/.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "jaxrs-restlet", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "budjb", "desc": "The jaxrs project is a set of Grails plugins that supports the development of RESTful web services based\r\non the Java API for RESTful Web Services.\r\n\r\nThe jaxrs-restlet plugin implements the Restlet JAX-RS implementation.", "labels": [ "jax-rs" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-jaxrs/issues", "latestVersion": "3.1.0", "updated": "2018-10-01T20:15:00.863Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:jaxrs-restlet" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-jaxrs" }, "documentationUrl": "https://budjb.github.io/grails-jaxrs/3.x/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nSee the documentation at http://budjb.github.io/grails-jaxrs/3.x/latest/.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "jaxrs-swagger-ui", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "budjb", "desc": "Integrates the Swagger UI with applications using JAX-RS resources.", "labels": [ "jax-rs" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-jaxrs/issues", "latestVersion": "3.1.0", "updated": "2018-10-01T20:17:06.113Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:jaxrs-swagger-ui" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-jaxrs" }, "documentationUrl": "https://budjb.github.io/grails-jaxrs/3.x/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nSee the documentation at http://budjb.github.io/grails-jaxrs/3.x/latest/.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "jenjir", "repo": "maven", "owner": "vahid", "desc": "Grails Jenjir plugin", "labels": [ "jira", "jenkins" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-jenkins-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.2", "updated": "2016-04-13T21:31:04.183Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:jenjir" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-jenkins-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Grails Jenjir plugin, will interact with Jenkins front end html interface using HTTPBuilder and push summary information to Jira if configured.
\nYou can use websocket feature to watch live builds / view historical build information or trigger a background process that will do the build. So long as userID is provided and Jenkins has authentication enabled, it will attempt to log in as that user without a password (by grabbing token off of Jenkins) This in short means you now have visibility of who triggered a build via Jenkins.
\nHooks/Triggers can be put in place to do two additional tasks.
\nAfter build trigger known as processurl or if via websocket wsprocessurl
\nAfter build summary - which with correct Jira details it will push this summary to all defined tickets within the changelog.
\n\tcompile ":jenjir:0.11"\n
\n\n\tcompile "org.grails.plugins:jenjir:3.0.2"\n
\nJenjir Part 2 : Update showing multiple builds, basic grails build in Jenkins
\nJenjir Part 3 : Update showing Jenkins authentication
\nJenjir Part 4 : Non token authentication, custom Parameters
\nJenjir part 5 : Automated build/deploy via jssh websockets async non websocket build
\nJenjir part 6 : Automated summary to Jira - From Jenkins change log to Jira ticket(s)
\nJenjir Test website testjenkins Grails 2X - used in videos\nJenjir Test website testjenkins Grails 3X
\nonce plugin dependency added to BuildConfig, refreshed dependencies upon run-appp, you will be able to access this plugin via this url:
\nThis will load in the default index page which asks a few questions in order for you to interact with the given jenkins server/job. This can either be re-used or just make a direct connection using <jen:connect within your gsp.
\nThe plugin adds the following functionality to your existing grails application:
\nThe build history info is sent via WebSockets. If you click an item the Jenkins console logs will be displayed. It displays status of job whether it passed/failed/cancelled/building or queued. If building it will additionally show running time and estimated time according to Jenkins, this was initially achieved by parsing page over and over, now moved locally as a JavaScript that works out difference of estimated time according to jobid/api/json estimateTime value set per Jenkins job. You can click stop to send a stop to backend Jenkins which will stop the build. Scheduled future builds will appeared as queued and you can also cancel them.
\nThis triggers a build and attempts to parse the live Jenkins console output, since it is building the results on Jenkins by default are returned using Ajax. The plugin attempts to do a similar thing but using WebSockets, it grab ready chunks of log output and display back on your page.
\n\tdef build() {\n\t\tdef goahead=params.goahead\n\t\t[goahead:goahead]\n\t}\n
\nGSP Page for build.gsp
\n\n\n<g:form>\n\t<input type="hidden" name="goahead" value="yes">\n\t<input type="submit" value="Build Jenkins job">\n</g:form>\n\n<g:if test="${goahead.equals('yes') }">\n\t<jen:connect divId="firstId" jenserver="localhost" jensport="9090" jensuser="" jenspass=""\n\tjensjob="my_build" jensprefix="" jensfolder="job" jenschoice="build" hideButtons="no" hideBuildTimer="no" />\n\n\t<jen:connect divId="secondId" jenserver="localhost" jensport="9090" jensuser="" jenspass=""\n\tjensjob="my_build2" jensprefix="" jensfolder="job" jenschoice="build" hideButtons="no" hideBuildTimer="no"/>\n</g:if>\n
\nSo we have a button that asks to trigger build - if when clicked - its a self posting form that sets goahead=yes
\nThen on the same page if this valus equals yes to call taglibs: results below:
\nPlease refer to configuration, this is all of below without comments
\nConfigure properties by adding following to grails-app/conf/Config.groovy under the "jenkins" key:
\n/*\n* This is the most important configuration\n* in my current version the hostname is being defined by tomcat start up setenv.sh\n* In my tomcat setenv.sh I have\n* HOSTNAME = $(hostname)\n* JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -DSERVERURL=$HOSTNAME"\n*\n* Now as per below the hostname is getting set to this value\n* if not defined wschat will default it localhost:8080\n*\n*/\njenkins.wshostname = System.getProperty('SERVERURL')+":8080"\n// can be overridden via tag lib : wshostname="something"\n\n\n/* timeout\n* This is the default timeout value for websocket connection\n* If you wish to get user to be timed out if inactive set this to a millisecond value\n*/\njenkins.timeout = 0\n\n\n/*\n* HTTP Builder socket/connection timeouts by default values are as below\n*/\njenkins.http.connection.timeout=10\njenkins.http.socket.timeout=30\n\n\n\n/*\n* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults\n* Jenkins hide Login Pag: default 'no'\n* choices : no/yes\n* Choose if default index page from plugin can be loaded\n*/\njenkins.hideLoginPage = 'no'\n\n\n\n/*\n* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults\n* Jenkins internal consoleLog : default '/consoleFull'\n*/\njenkins.consoleLog = '/consoleFull'\n// can be overridden via tag lib by definining: jensLog="something"\n\n\n\n/*\n* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults\n* Jenkins internal buildend : default '/build?delay=0sec'\n*/\njenkins.buildend = '/build?delay=0sec'\n// can be overridden via tag lib : jensbuildend="something"\n\n\n/*\n* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults\n* Jenkins internal progressiveuri : default '/logText/progressiveHtml'\n*/\njenkins.progressiveuri = '/logText/progressiveHtml'\n// can be overridden via tag lib : jensprogressive="something"\n\n\n/*\n* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults\n* Jenkins hide build/dashboard buttons : default 'no'\n* choices : no/yes\n*/\n\njenkins.hideButtons = 'no'\n\n/*\n* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults\n* Jenkins hide build button : default 'no'\n* choices : no/yes\n*/\njenkins.hideTriggerButton = 'no'\n\n/*\n* Optional : not required - unless different to defaults\n* Jenkins hide dashboard/buildhistory button : default 'no'\n* choices : no/yes\n*/\njenkins.hideDashBoardButton = 'no'\n\n/*\n* Optional : your own custom processing url for when builds are triggered\n* provide a full url back to a controll action so that when it completes a build\n* notification is sent to controller and you can then call further services on output\n*/\njenkins.processurl = "http://localhost:8080/testjenkins/test/parseJenPlugin"\n\n\n/*\n* Optional : your own custom processing url for when builds are triggered\n* provide a full url back to a controll action so that when it completes an extra \n* action button is provided\n* the process url could in theory call another end point to lets say jssh and do a live deployment\n*/\njenkins.wsprocessname = "Deploy"\njenkins.wsprocessurl = "http://localhost:8080/testjenkins/test/parseJenPluginDeploy"\n\n\n\n// Auto submit wsprocess url ?\njenkins.autosubmit = "yes"\n\n// Enhanced option for secondary action \n// If this is set as true it will only attempt to call \n// processurl/wsprocess url triggers if result was successfull\njenkins.process.on.success = true\n\n/* 0.3 feature \n* if app has wsprocessurl additional button to buildOnly appears \n* which can be disabled if this is set to no\n*/\njenkins.show.build.only.button = "yes"\n\n\n// If once built you wish to send summary enable this as true\njenkins.sendSummary = true\n\n// This must also be set to yes to show summary and send it once built. \njenkins.showsummary = "yes"\n\n\n\n/*\n* Jira configuration - refer to summary section below:\n* Don't enable any of this if you are not looking to push anything to Jira.\n*/\njenkins.sendtoJira = 'yes'\n\njenkins.jiraServer = 'http://jira-test.yourdomain.com'\njenkins.jiraUser = 'automation_account'\njenkins.jiraPass = 'automation_account_password'\n\n/*\n* This is the url usually to access the ticket for viewing - used to test if ticket is valid\n* if not defined will default to /browse/\n*/\njenkins.jira.AccessUri = "/browse/"\n\n\n/* \n * There are various send types :\n * comment -- adds the summary output as a comment to valid jira ticket \n * customfield -- adds the summary output to provided customfield ID - please note customfield must have correct screen perms for it to work\n * updatecustomfield -- gets current input if different to new input adds them together to customfield\n * description -- updates ticket description with the summary\n * comdesc -- updates ticket description and adds a comment both containing the summary\n */\njenkins.jiraSendType = 'customfield' \n// If you have defined working option customfield then define the customfield id for this configuration item:\njenkins.customField = '12330' // the id of your customfield\n\n\n/*\n* API Api Info - send this as part of summary?\n*/\njenkins.sendApi = true // true/false - by default false\n// SendApi - sub fields:\n/* API ChangeSet - send this as part of summary?*/\njenkins.sendChangeSet = true // true/false - by default false\n/*API culprits - send this as part of summary?*/\njenkins.sendCulprits = true // true/false - by default false\n/*API full display name - send this as part of summary?*/\njenkins.sendFdn = true // true/false - by default false\n/*API Build Id - send this as part of summary?*/\njenkins.sendBuildId = true // true/false - by default false\n/*API Build UserID/Name - send this as part of summary?*/\njenkins.sendBuildUser = true // true/false - by default false\n\n/*\n* Jenkins BuildID Change Logs - send this as part of summary?\n*/\njenkins.sendChanges = true // true/false - by default false\n\n/*\n* Jenkins BuildID Specific parse Info - send this as part of summary?\n*/\njenkins.sendParseConsole = true // true/false - by default false\n/*LogParser Look for Building Work space ? send this as part of summary?*/\njenkins.parseBuildingWorkSpace = true // true/false - by default false\n/*LogParser Look for Building ? send this as part of summary?*/\njenkins.parseBuilding = true // true/false - by default false\n/*LogParser Look for Done Creating? send this as part of summary?*/\njenkins.parseDoneCreating = true // true/false - by default false\n/*LogParser Look for Last valid trans ? send this as part of summary?*/\njenkins.parseLastTrans = true // true/false - by default false\n\n\n/* Buttons on websocket page :\n* set these as you see here change to no if you wish \n* not for them to appear on the webpage.\n* you can override these values from within either taglib call too\n*/\njenkins.summaryViewButtons = "yes"\njenkins.summaryFileButton = "yes"\njenkins.summaryChangesButton = "yes"\n\njenkins.jiraButtons = "yes"\njenkins.jiraOverwriteButton = "yes"\njenkins.jiraAppendButton = "yes"\njenkins.jiraCommentButton = "yes"\n\n\n/*\n* formType can be defined as taglib (overrides Config.groovy )\n* defines the wsprocessurl form type (either normal which takes over page or remote which updates divId)\n* if remote it will create new element ID called return_${divId} what ever you defined divId to be \n* so if multi call - on each call a return_ element is created\n*/\njenkins.formType = "normal" // either normal or remote\n\n// If you define formType = "remote" you will also need two more config or tag lib calls:\n// Both of these should actually be part of above wsprocess url \njenkins.remoteController= 'Your controller that is being called'\njenkins.remoteAction = 'Your action' \n\n
\nWhen submitted, the controller has been set to recieve parameters and call a tag lib which can also be used by you guys to call a jenkins build on the fly from within your gsp.
\n<jen:connect\ndivId="someId"\njenserver="${jenserver }"\njensport="${jensport}"\njensuser="${jensuser}"\njenspass="${jenspass}"\njensjob="${jensjob}"\njensprefix="${jensprefix}"\njensfolder="${jensfolder}"\njensport="${jensport}"\njenschoice="${jenschoice}"\n\n/>\n
\nOptional override taglibs: (Refer to above Config.groovy to understand what these are:)
\n<jen:connect\n....\nhideButtons="${hideButtons }"\nhideTriggerButton="${hideTriggerButton }"\nhideDashBoardButton="${hideDashBoardButton }"\njensLog="something"\nwshostname="something"\njensprogressive="something"\njensLog="something"\ndynamicParams = "['deployType':['background', 'live']]"\ncustomParams="[appId: '123', appName: 'crazyApp', appEnv: 'test' ]"\nprocessurl="http://your_process_url/controller/action"\nwsprocessurl="http://your_process_url/controller/action"\nwsprocessname="Deploy code"\n\n// Buttons\nsummaryViewButtons = "yes"\nsummaryFileButton = "yes"\nsummaryChangesButton = "yes"\n\njiraButtons = "yes"\njiraOverwriteButton = "yes"\njiraAppendButton = "yes"\njiraCommentButton = "yes"\n// if you have wsprocess url - 2 buttons would appear \nbuildOnlyButton = "yes"\n\nformType = "normal" // normal or remote\n// if remote define these:\nremoteController = 'Your controller that is being called'\nremoteAction = 'Your action' \n/>\n
\ncustomParams - if you have configured a processurl in your config you can pass values back
\nResults are typically returned to process url like this:
\n[files:{"type":"WAR","name":"target/testmodaldynamix-0.1.war"},result:SUCCESS, token:9cf496bb07021a1d788f8838159291cf, buildUrl:http://localhost:9090/job/my_build/175, customParams:{appId=123, appName=crazyApp, appEnv=test}, buildId:175, job:/job/my_build, server:http://localhost:9090, user:cc, action:parseJenPlugin, format:null, controller:test]\n
\nSo long as you provide the above values from within a gsp page it should load in the results back on the page.
\nYou should be able to call it multiple times and provide different divId's for each call - to get multiple builds on one gsp page.
\nTested on recent/older variants of Jenkins. May still fail on others, please post an issue with specific Jenkins version for me to look into.
\nAlternative more direct connect tag lib call:
\nOptional - if you have configured a processurl in your config you can pass values back\nAll optional above should work
\nprocessurl="http://your_process_url/controller/action"\nwsprocessurl="http://your_process_url/controller/action"\nwsprocessname="Deploy code"\ncustomParams="[appId: '123', appName: 'crazyApp', appEnv: 'test' ]"\n
\nThere is a new option called summary that appears next to the build ID's this Summary tries to grab information from 3 segments of Jenkins and if configured will push this information to a customfield on Jira.
\nIt queries:
\nThe build Logs and tries to grab working folder, produced file and a line called last trans if it exists.\nChange screen - grabs all related build changes to be pushed through\nApi summary - a variety of information from the api output.
\nThe most important aspect of this is that within the changes logs, it looks for a ticket ID either seperated by : or -
\nAB-1102 : Description \n
\nor :
\nAB-1102 - Description\n
\nWhere AB-1102 will be the ticket number, this will then update this jira ticket with the summary provided
\nRefer to above configuration items for the required jenkins configuration in your config.groovy.
\nIt will parse through the changes logs, and for each ticket found - it will attempt to push the response to all tickets.
\nFor the summary information to work properly I found I had to add two blank configuration items to my config.groovy:
\nThese could actually be filled with a value, its just if not defined it returns some groovy object
\n####Async Build (Non Websocket)\nThis will trigger a service that does a background build, whilst building it will check for completion, once completed it will trigger process url\nand send back results to it.
\n<jen:asyncBuild\n\n\turl="http://host:post/job/JOB_NAME"\n\t\n\tcustomParams="[appId:'MyCurrentJob', appDetails: 'Something']"\n\t\n\t\n\tjensuser="MyUserId"\n\t\n\t\n\tprocessurl="http://localhost:8080/testjenkins/test/myresults"\n\t\n\t\n\t/>\n
\nThe processurl - is a background process that has no interaction with your front end view, runs in the background. When a job completes it returns its status plus a variety of other parameters to the given url.
\nThe wsprocessurl - is a url which wsprocessname is the display name for the link within your websocket connected page. Once the job is completed a button is provided on the same websocket page to trigger the next controller/action which could in short be another taglib call that calls yet another websocket to process something else.\nYou can enable both processurl and wsprocessurl - they could be doing different things if needs be. It would not be a good idea to call the same controller/action since it will then lead to duplicated actions.
\nOnce you have configured global security of some form on your Jenkins server. Authentication should work via Jenkins so long as you either provide just the username to the initial form, or via the taglib call.
\nSo by simply providing a valid username, the plugin will try do the rest and authenticate as the given user. With this you can easily gain a better overview of who is trigerring the build on Jenkins backend.
\nWhilst building if the current user has got authenticated then the user will appear above build logs otherwise current user will show anonymous.
\nFirst thing first, you need to enable authentication on Jenkins, our systems uses AD plugin and connects a user through to AD.\nOnce a user has logged in then goto:
\nClick on show API Token (This is an example token)\n9a997cc1a954ac3a5ac59ea97c17a851
\nWith this information now login using the front end using the username and the token as the password - this now triggers builds as the user.
\nThis is our example parseJenplugin call, the results are actually in JSON format, so as per what fed in in above example. I am now extracting each value on processurl:
\ndef parseJenPlugin() { \n\t\tprintln ":::> ${params} <:::"\n\t\t\n\t\t// This is an example itterating through files:\n\t\t// files:{"type":"WAR","name":"target/testmodaldynamix-0.1.war"}\n\t\t// where key will be type or name\n\t\t// value will by type of file and file name as per jenkins output in the build logs.\n\t\t// you may wish to set :\n\t\t//jenkins.parseBuilding = false\n\t\t// in config.groovy so that Building files also do not appear in :\n\t\t//jenkins.parseDoneCreating = true\n\n\t\tif (params.files) {\n\t\t\tJSONObject files1=JSON.parse(params.files)\n\t\t\tfiles1.each { k,v->\n\t\t\t\tprintln "-- FILE_TYPE: $k ||| FILE_NAME: $v"\n\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\tdef pp=params.customParams\n\t\tdef apps\n\t\tif (pp) {\n\t\t\tdef data = JSON.parse(params.customParams)\n\t\t\tdef appId=data?.appId\n\t\t\tdef appName=data?.appName\n\t\t\tdef appEnv=data?.appEnv\n\t\t\tprintln "--- Our Custom values passed from initial taglib call are:"\n\t\t\tprintln " AppID: $appId | AppName: $appName | AppEnv: $appEnv"\n\t\t\t/*\n\t\t\t * <jen:connect divId="firstId" \n\t\t\t\t\t.....\n\t\t\t\t\tcustomParams="[appId: '123', appName: 'crazyApp', appEnv: 'test' ]"\n\t\t\t\t\t/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\twhich has produced:\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t:::>[files:{"type":"WAR","name":"target/testmodaldynamix-0.1.war"},result:SUCCESS, token:9cf496bb07021a1d788f8838159291cf, buildUrl:http://localhost:9090/job/my_build/182, customParams:{appId=123, appName=crazyApp, appEnv=test}, buildId:182, job:/job/my_build, server:http://localhost:9090, user:cc, action:parseJenPlugin, format:null, controller:test] <:::\n--- Our Custom values passed from initial taglib call are:\n AppID: 123 | AppName: crazyApp | AppEnv: test\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t * \n\t\t\t */\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\trender ""\n\t}\n
\n0.10-SNAPSHOT - Environment Issue if attempting to run as a plugin within development project\n\n0.10 - \tIssues with gsp javascript - variables not bound to dynamic call - issue with previous size - \n\t\tnow defaulted to first array value for any amount of input. Since initial value may not be default action\n\t\t\n0.9\t-\tMinor issues - config options in endpoint set to default to '' if not set - was returning object before.\n\t\tCheck to see if dynamicValues size = 1 if so then set this to be the default value via websockets on _process.gsp\n\t\t\n0.8 - \tMinor bugs : if jira front end buttons disabled -small tag was left open making list smaller and smaller - fixed.\n\t\tNewly introduced successProcess in jenService required bid as String from the local call - causing issues doing next phase action\n\t\tNewly added Additional function button appeared on all passed jobs - only first requires this value. - fixed\n\t\t\n0.7\t-\tBug in appendCustomField + customField functions fixed. New button added labelled as wsprocessname Value. This gives addtional functionality \n\t\tto first in list - or last Build ID - if it built successfully a trigger to trigger secondary action is now available.\n\t\tIf a build is triggered this icon disappears since the workspace is likely to no longer include last built file.\n\t\t\n\t\t\n0.6\t-\tDynamicParams added as an additional input to <jen:connect <jen:dirconnect\n\t\tThis is defined by a key followed by values \n\t\tdynamicParams = "['deployType':['background', 'live']]"\n\t\tWith this set a select box is created on frontend which when user selects defined option the value is passed back to \n\t\tprocessurl or wsprocessurl after build is completed \n\t\tThis is now allowing dynamic value selection alongside the build/deploy task\n\t\t\n\t\t\n0.5 - \tHoping this be the last update for a while the remoteForm functionality would have only worked on autoSubmit=yes\n\t\tThis has now been corrected so remoteForms will work on autosubmit true or not.\n\t\t\n0.4 - \tremote form submission feature enabled meaning on multi build tasks with multi element all results should be \n\t\treturned/triggered on the same page that did the call. Refer to configuration items for remoteform options (formType)\n\t\t \n0.3 - \tCleanup of config calls within services. Addition just Build button added if end app has processurl name/action defined.\n\t\tBetter logics around displaying wsprocessname with Build button.\n\t\t\n0.2 - \tTidy up - moved getlastBuild as lastBuild into jenService - removed duplicate calls. \n\t\tFixed wsprocess/process urls to both include files produced json as output params\n\t\tAdded socket/http connection timeouts to HTTPBuilder calls.\n\t\t\n0.1 - release\n
\nIf you have a server with a prefix then you will find the quick connect method will not work for you, you need to use the manaully full detail connection method since the prefix is required for the url and uri.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "jesque", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "ctoestreich", "desc": "Grails Jesque Plugin", "labels": [ "jedis", "jesque", "queue", "redis" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-jesque/issues", "latestVersion": "1.2.1", "updated": "2017-04-19T17:22:29.457Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:jesque", "org.grails.plugins:grails-jesque" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/Grails-Plugin-Consortium/grails-jesque" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "jesque-admin", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "uberall", "desc": "Admin UI for the Grails Jesque Plugin", "labels": [ "jesque" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/uberall/jesque-admin/issues", "latestVersion": "0.6.9", "updated": "2020-08-21T18:35:05.302Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:jesque-admin", "org.grails.plugins:grails-jesque-admin" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/uberall/jesque-admin" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "A User interface for Jesque powered by grails and react.
\nJust add jesque-admin to your dependencies
\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:jesque-admin:0.6.6'\n}\n
\nMake sure that jesque is enabled. If you do not have the "default mapping for controllers" in your UrlMappings.groovy you will have to add mappings for jesque-admin to your UrlMappings.groovy\nThis plugin does not expose any UrlMappings by itself for security reasons. Job payloads can hold sensitive data and having an "open" jesque-admin interface can lead to breaches.
\n"/jesque/"(controller: 'jesqueAdmin', action: 'index')\n"/jesque/api/overview"(controller: 'jesqueAdmin', action: 'overview')\n"/jesque/api/queues"(controller: 'jesqueAdminQueue', action: 'list')\n"/jesque/api/queues/$name"(controller: 'jesqueAdminQueue', action: 'details', method: "GET")\n"/jesque/api/queues/$name"(controller: 'jesqueAdminQueue', action: 'remove', method: "DELETE")\n"/jesque/api/jobs"(controller: 'jesqueAdminStatistics', action: 'jobs', method: "GET")\n"/jesque/api/jobs"(controller: 'jesqueAdminJob', action: 'enqueue', method: "POST")\n"/jesque/api/jobs/removeDelayed"(controller: 'jesqueAdminJob', action: 'removeDelayed', method: "POST")\n"/jesque/api/jobs/failed"(controller: 'jesqueAdminJob', action: 'failed', method: "GET")\n"/jesque/api/jobs/failed/$id"(controller: 'jesqueAdminJob', action: 'retry', method: "POST")\n"/jesque/api/jobs/failed/$id"(controller: 'jesqueAdminJob', action: 'remove', method: "DELETE")\n"/jesque/api/jobs/failed"(controller: 'jesqueAdminJob', action: 'clear', method: "DELETE")\n"/jesque/api/jobs/triggers"(controller: 'jesqueAdminJob', action: 'triggers', method: "GET")\n"/jesque/api/jobs/triggers/$name"(controller: 'jesqueAdminJob', action: 'deleteTrigger', method: "DELETE")\n"/jesque/api/jobs/$job"(controller: 'jesqueAdminStatistics', action: 'list', method: "GET")\n"/jesque/api/workers"(controller: 'jesqueAdminWorker', action: 'list', method: 'GET')\n"/jesque/api/workers"(controller: 'jesqueAdminWorker', action: 'manual', method: 'POST')\n"/jesque/api/workers/$name"(controller: 'jesqueAdminWorker', action: 'remove', method: 'DELETE')\n"/jesque/api/workers/pause"(controller: 'jesqueAdminWorker', action: 'pause', method: 'GET')\n"/jesque/api/workers/resume"(controller: 'jesqueAdminWorker', action: 'resume', method: 'GET')\n
\nYou can freely change "/jesque/api/" to whatever you want but i highly recommend not to change anything that comes after that.
\njesque-admin comes with mechanics to gather statistics like start, end and runtimes of Jobs. All this is done by using a specific Worker Listener.\nAll you have to do is enable the statistics collecting feature in you application.yml (or .groovy):
\ngrails:\n jesque:\n statistics:\n enabled: true\n max: 100 // the maximum number of statistics PER JOB CLASS to store\n
\nyou also have to set JesqueJobStatisticsWorkerListener
as a custom listener:
grails:\n jesque:\n enabled: true\n custom:\n listener:\n clazz: grails.plugins.jesque.admin.JesqueJobStatisticsWorkerListener\n
\nAfter restarting your App you should find a list menu item under "jobs" in jesque-admin which lets you browse past jobs being processed.
\nIf you want to extend jesque-admin or help developing it further simply start by:
\ngradle bootRun -Djesque.admin.devel=true
(or grails run-app
or run the main method in Application.groovy whatever you prefer)npm i
in the root folder of this pluginnpm run devel
Note: you need node.js version 6.9.0
In order to build the project run the following commands:
\nnpm run package
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
The goal of this plugin is to help convert Grails domain classes into various\nJSON representations needed in different parts of your web application or to\nsupport various API versions.
mechanism under the hoodSeveral API variants can be easily defined in domain classes by annotating properties with\nJsonApi
and providing a list of API profile names under which that property should appear in the\nresulting JSON. Marking a property with the JsonApi
annotation but providing no API names will\ninclude that property in all APIs. The database identity property will always be included\nautomatically. One could for instance define the following domain class:
import grails.plugins.jsonapis.JsonApi\n\nclass User {\n\t@JsonApi\n\tString screenName\n\n\t@JsonApi('userSettings')\n\tString email\n\n\t@JsonApi(['userSettings', 'detailedInformation'])\n\tString twitterUsername\n}\n
\nThen in the controller one would call the desired named JsonApi configuration to get only\nthe fields defined for that API. The following code:
\nJSON.use("detailedInformation")\nrender person as JSON\n
\n...would convert the person
object into JSON containing the id
, screenName
and twitterUsername
\nproperties but not the email
. It works for collections as well, converting each collection\nmember using the same API profile that was used to convert the parent:
static hasMany = [\n\tpets: Pet\n]\n@JsonApi('detailedInformation')\nSet pets\n
\nTo include a domain object's parent in a JSON API, declare a belongsTo
property explicitly\nand annotate it with JsonApi
(but be careful not to create circular paths by including both\nends of a belongsTo
static belongsTo = [\n\tuser:User\n]\n\n@JsonApi('petDetails') \nUser user\n
\nJSONBuilder is supported, too:
\nJSON.use("userSettings")\nrender(contentType: "text/json") {\n user = User.first()\n pet = Pet.first()\n}\n
\nGrails jssh Plugin based on j2ssh library, provides ssh connection with features/facilities to execute remote shell commands. Provides connection via websockets as well as ajax/polling.
\nWebsocket ssh interaction can be incorporated to an existing grails app running ver 2>+. Supports both resource (pre 2.4) /assets (2.4+) based grails sites. Plugin will work with tomcat 7.0.54 + (8 as well) running java 1.7 +
\ncompile ":jssh:1.10"\n
\n\n\tcompile "org.grails.plugins:jssh:3.0.2"\n
\nThis plugin is a web based basic putty i.e. sshkey or username/password. It provides a variety of taglib calls that you can call from within your application to then interact with SSH connection(s) to Unix/Linux/OSx machines.
\nOnce you have successfully configured connected. Your browser will provide something similar to a shell console and with the latter Websocket calls you can literally interact live with your SSH connection(s).
\nTest site:
\ngrails 3 demo site refer to application.groovy for config values
\n\njssh 1.6 admin interface / cloning of accounts + viewing historical logs/commands
\njssh 1.3 sshuser configuration per webuser + command restrictions(blacklist) / command rewrites
\njssh 1.0 broadcast ssh commands to multiple remote hosts 8 Mins
\nVideo of jssh 0.9, whilst waiting on creations of stuff there was some discussion into the back-end plugin code and how it interacts via websockets:
\njssh 0.9 full walk through 43 mins? wow a lot of BS :)
\nNew Client/Server Websocket SSH tag lib call
\n1.3 Command blacklist / command rewrites
\n1.11 j2ssh some updates to the inner workings, issues getting it to work on latest ubuntu, are you having issues getting j2ssh to work with your open-ssh server ? if so read this
\nJ2ssh issues with latest open-ssh-server
\nJ2ssh was not working on the latest ubuntu for me, refer to the above link to find changes in debian ssh roll out.
\n\n<jssh:conn \n hostname="${hostname}" \n username="${username}"\n\tport="${port}" \n\tpassword="${password}"\n\tuserCommand="${userCommand}"\n\trealuser="${session.username}"\n\tjsshUser="${jsshUser}" //do not set this if you want auto gen id \n\tdivId="${divId}"\n\tenablePong="true"\n\tpingRate="50000"\n />\n\n
\nwiki on jssh existing app using websockets
\n\n<jssh:socketconnect \nusername="${username }"\npassword="${password }"\nhostname="${hostname}" \nuserCommand="${userCommand}"\ndivId="${divId}"\nhideWhatsRunning="${hideWhatsRunning }"\nhideDiscoButton="${hideDiscoButton }"\nhidePauseControl="${hidePauseControl }"\nhideSessionCtrl="${hideSessionCtrl }"\nhideConsoleMenu="${hideConsoleMenu}"\nhideSendBlock="${hideSendBlock}"\nhideNewShellButton="${hideNewShellButton}"\nenablePong="true"\npingRate="50000"\n/>\n
\nAs above but: refer to plugin connectSsh/index page and go to remote Form..\nI have used this method and called it many times on 1 page by reusing the <jssh:socketconnect tag multiple times.
\n<jssh:socketconnect \n...\n divId="${divId}" />\n<div id="${divId}"></div>\n
\nwiki on jssh existing app using ajax polling
\n\n<jssh:ajaxconnect hostname="${hostname}" username="${username}"\n\tport="${port}" password="${password}"\n\tuserCommand="${userCommand.encodeAsJavaScript()}"\n\tjsshUser="${jsshUser}" />\n
\nA new configuration item has been added to jsshUser DB table, called permissions.
\nIf you want to use this plugin and define admin outside of the scope of usual app interaction, then you could try adding default admin accounts through your :
\n\nOtherwise you could add the following to your Config.groovy and any accounts generated from there on via the tool would have access to admin interface.\nYou could do this to start with then change the defaultperm="user"
\nIn order to access admin interface you need to call this taglib :
\n<jssh:loadAdmin jsshUser="your_userId" />\n
\nIf you have added the admin account via Config.groovy then the account is not generated as yet so you need to make an initial connection to create the user:
\n\n<jssh:conn \njsshUser="your_userId"\nrealUser="your_userId"\njobName="vahidsJob"\nusername="your_userId"\npassword=""\nhostname="HOSTNAME" \nuserCommand="tail -f /var/log/tomcat/catalina.out"\ndivId="abaa"\nenablePing="true"\npingRate="60000"\n/>\n
\nOnce you have hit the initial start page and created that jssh account to match the same jsshUser as the admin account and have defined admin permission for the user, the admin interface will then come alive.
\nThis is the component within admin menu that allows the end user to connect to a group of servers. It has been recreated as a taglib call so now you as the end user can define when/where your website users can choose to connect to a group of servers.
\nMost basic call with full access to all its features:
\n<jssh:connectUser \njsshUser="${session.username}" \n/>\n\n
\nA more defined specific call with global broadcast and send blocks pers sever blocked, this also defines primary command to be run upon group selection:
\n<jssh:connectUser \njsshUser="${session.username}" \nuserCommand="something"\nhideSendBlock="YES" \nhideBroadCastBlock="YES"\n/>\n
\nTaglib example on resources based grails app
\nTaglib example on assets based grails app
\n\n\nEasy scrolling tailing log test
\n\nBootstrap/jquery switch method
\n\nWelcome to Karman. Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services.\nIn the beginning, Karman will focus on providing rock solid simplified interfaces for storing / retrieving files in the cloud.
\nCurrently the majority of the documentation is in the Grails Plugin
\nThe Beginnings of a GroovyDoc area also available here:
\nAll contributions are of course welcome as this is an ACTIVE project. Any help with regards to reviewing platform compatibility, adding more tests, and general cleanup is most welcome.\nThanks to several people for suggestions throughout development.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "kml", "repo": "maven", "owner": "vahid", "desc": "Grails Global postal code to address resolving Plugin KML Map Boundary utilities loader editor. Postcodes restricted to customised boundaries", "labels": [ "kml" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-kml-map-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "0.7", "updated": "2019-12-10T11:12:13.918Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:kml", "org.grails.plugins.kml:kml", "grails.kml.plugin:kml" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-kml-map-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": "https://vahidhedayati.github.io/grails-kml-map-plugin/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "A plugin to read raw kml file in - load google maps and overlay kml boundaries over map geo locations, international postcode lookup & resolve address from postcode feature
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:kml:0.4"\n
\n\n\nDemo project (grails 3.3.8)
\n\nYouTube videos:
Boxset - play all 3 as a playlist
\nPart 1 Walk through urls and simple usage of plugin - very basic
\nPart 2 Walk through of how to build on new grails project from scratch
\nPart 3 Talk through code process / steps
\n\n\nJava docs for classes
kmlplugin{\n //TO USE MAP API FEATURE NEEDS TO BE ENABLED\n GOOGLE_API_KEY='YOUR GOOGLE API KEY'\n //This is total amount of local areas to collect for editing KML \n MAX_AREAS=30\n\n //How far to look for local areas in miles\n MAX_DISTANCE=30\n\n //This defines to enable map\n ENABLE_MAP_LOOKUP=true\n\n //By default treated as false\n DISABLE_LAT_LNG_LOOKUP=false\n\n // If you don't have API feature enabled on key disable this you get a developer map instead\n MAP_HAS_API_ENABLED=false\n\n \n //2 char country code of where your _default.kml belongs to so we can look up area names\n KML_COUNTRY='UK'\n\n // Internal folder to manage KML files - create and ensure web user has access\n KML_LOC="/opt/kmlplugin/_map/KML/"\n KML_HISTORY="/opt/kmlplugin/_map/KML_HISTORY/"\n\n //Drop this file in KML_LOC root folder - refer to notes below\n KML_DEFAULT="_default.kml"\n\n //This will re-run - recreate entries from _default.kml\n //if you are running in dev on h2 db - it is worth enabling this to add areas to db upon boot\n KML_RESET_FROM_DEFAULT=false\n}\n
\nThis provides a page that given country / postcode will attempt to:
\n\n\n1.1: Lookup postcode and return as much of address as possible
\n\n1.2. If
is set to true andGOOGLE_API_KEY
has valid API access\nWill load map, put postcode on map\n& if KML boundaries loaded and matches will load in the area overlay on the map.
\n\n1.3 To disable features you can add any or all these to url line:
Other examples:
\nAll passed variables to map and instance are not required but to show what above url params can be either posted or done as per above with instance being addition to params above\nfor tag lib if you already have data this is what it is expecting to be sent to it
\n<map:lookup \n showState="${false}" \n showArea="${false}" \n showLatLong="${false}" \n streetRequired="${false}"\n instance="${[\n countrysearch:'',\n countryCode:'',\n postcode:'',\n building:'',\n street:'',\n city:'',\n state:'',\n communitySearch:'',\n latitude:'',\n longitude:'',\n ]}"\n />\n<!-- similar example with some data already set all of below\n is enough to trigger maps / overlay - could be saved data -->\n<map:lookup\n showState="${false}"\n showArea="${false}"\n showLatLong="${false}"\n streetRequired="${false}"\n instance="${[\n countrysearch:'United Kingdom',\n countryCode:'UK',\n postcode:'SE1 1AP',\n building:'',\n street:'',\n city:'',\n state:'',\n communitySearch:'Southwark',\n latitude:'51.5017828',\n longitude:'-0.09326659999999999',\n ]}"\n/>\n
\nThis provides an interface to edit and modify existing kml boundaries on the fly.\nIt provides raw kml extracted file, has feature to upload, hasn't been tested.
\nYou will need to take a copy of _address.gsp when verifyCode
is called the data
object returned contains full dump of\neverything useful .
will show all but 2 full data sets: data.latLongDetails
and data.fullPostCodeDetails
->Place a file for the given country. This will be KML file you get hold of that contains typically all the official boroughs/councils of a given country in the case of UK we found:
\nwas here\nSite appears to no longer work. You can get hold of file from here
\nThis file was then stored in this folder as
\n KmlHelper.parseKml()\n
\nWhen the site starts up for the very first time, it will attempt to read through this file and inside the same folder it will expand out all the found boroughs.
\n$ ls -rtml /opt/kmlplugin/_map/KML/|more\ntotal 9876\n-rw-rw-r-- 1 mx1 mx1 7394653 Nov 29 17:08 _default.kml\n-rw-rw-r-- 1 mx1 mx1 19199 Dec 1 19:36 BEDFORDSHIRE.kml\n-rw-rw-r-- 1 mx1 mx1 31337 Dec 1 19:36 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE.kml\n-rw-rw-r-- 1 mx1 mx1 24338 Dec 1 19:36 CAMBRIDGESHIRE.kml\n-rw-rw-r-- 1 mx1 mx1 584 Dec 1 19:36 CHESHIRE.kml\n-rw-rw-r-- 1 mx1 mx1 584 Dec 1 19:36 CORNWALL.kml\n-rw-rw-r-- 1 mx1 mx1 582 Dec 1 19:36 CUMBRIA.kml\n
\nAt this point it has loaded up each borough and also split each borough/community into its own specific file.
\nThis process happens only once and can be redone by clearing out and dropping in as above a _default.kml file.
\nThis triggers an internal process to do what has been demonstrated.
\nOnce it has been generated. The site will from there on refer to all created files to load up each community.
\nThis means you can now edit each of the generated files for a given community and re-save it \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd a saved version and application restart will then ensure the site is using whatever latest content each community has.
\nUpon start up you will need to visit the map regions and it will show what has been produced.
\nAdd below to grails-app/conf/logback.groovy
logger('org.grails.plugins.kml', ERROR, ['STDOUT'], false)\n logger('org.grails.plugins.kml', DEBUG, ['STDOUT'], false)\n logger('org.grails.plugins.kml', WARN, ['STDOUT'], false)\n logger('org.grails.plugins.kml', INFO, ['STDOUT'], false)\n
KML Editor taken from Kjell ScharningKML Map editor or /map
segement is thanks to above link which gave the source to build the rest as such.\nHis worked got wired into what the rest of the code does, as per what his page expected.
my own work over different projects / requirements.\n
MOVED: This project has moved to a sub project of the main asset-pipeline repository http://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline
\nThe less-asset-pipeline
is a plugin that provides LESS support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
For more information on how to use asset-pipeline, visit here.
\nAdd this plugin to your classpath in gradle or dependencies list depending on how you are using it:
\n//Example build.gradle file\nbuildscript {\n repositories {\n mavenCentral()\n }\n dependencies {\n classpath 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:asset-pipeline-gradle:2.5.4'\n classpath 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:less-asset-pipeline:2.5.4'\n }\n}\n
\nCreate files in your standard assets/stylesheets
folder with extension .less
or .css.less
. You also may require other files by using the following requires syntax at the top of each file or the standard LESS import:
/*\n*= require test\n*= require_self\n*= require_tree .\n*/\n\n/*Or use this*/\n@import 'test'\n\n
\nThis plugin now defaults to compiling your less files with less4j instead of the standard less compiler. To Turn this off you must adjust your config:
\nassets {\n configOptions = [\n less: [\n compiler: 'standard'\n ]\n ]\n}\n
\nDuring war build your less files are compiled into css files. This is all well and good but sometimes you dont want each individual less file compiled, but rather your main base less file. It may be best to add a sub folder for those LESS files and exclude it in your precompile config...
\nSample Gradle Config:
\n assets {\n excludes = ['mixins/*.less']\n }\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "lightningj-grails",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "herrvendil",
"desc": "Grails 3.x Plugin to integrate LightningJ into a Grails application.",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/lightningj-org/lightningj-grails/issues",
"latestVersion": "0.5.2-Beta",
"updated": "2019-02-07T18:38:29.311Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/lightningj-org/lightningj-grails"
"documentationUrl": "https://lightningj-org.github.io/lightningj-grails/",
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "LightningJ Grails plugin is a project to simplify the usage of the LightningJ\nlibrary in Grails 3.3.x applications and above.
\nFor documentation see docs/index.adoc of the project web-site at\nhttp://grails.lightningj.org
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "mail", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails mail plugin", "labels": [ "mail" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails3-plugins/mail/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "updated": "2019-10-22T14:59:33.694Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:mail" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails3-plugins/mail" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails3-plugins.github.io/mail/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The Grails mail plugin provides a convenient DSL for sending email. It supports plain text, html, attachments, inline resources and i18n among other features.\n
Mail can be sent using the @mailService@ via the @sendMail@ method. Here is an example\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd
\nmailService.sendMail {\n to "fred@gmail.com","ginger@gmail.com"\n from "john@gmail.com"\n cc "marge@gmail.com", "ed@gmail.com"\n bcc "joe@gmail.com"\n subject "Hello John"\n text 'this is some text'\n}\n
\nPlease see the User Guide for more information.
\nThe plugin is released under the Apache License 2.0 and is produced under the Grails Plugin Collective.
\nIssues can be raised via GitHub Issues.
\nPull requests are the preferred method for submitting contributions. Please open an issue via that issue tracker link above and create an issue describing what your contribution addresses.
\nIf you are contributing documentation, raising an issue is not necessary.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "mailinglist", "repo": "maven", "owner": "vahid", "desc": "mailinglist is a Grails plugin which makes use of quartz to dynamically schedule either group or specific email address contact. You create html email templates with images etc, then define time and date for this to be sent. The job is then added to quartz and set to email at given time. The queue can easily be controlled via bootstrap so that nothing is ever lost.\r\n\r\nDo you want to email a person at 11:41 pm or maybe a group of people at 2.15am? then look no further.\r\n\r\nYou can schedule an email to be scheduled and to run on a set date and time.\r\n\r\nSupports HTML emails with inline images as well as attachments has been tested on outlook and result appears to load fine.", "labels": [ "mail" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/mailinglist/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.3", "updated": "2017-02-18T12:05:20.775Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:mailinglist" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/mailinglist" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "mailinglist is a Grails plugin which makes use of quartz to dynamically schedule either group or specific email address contact.\nYou create html email templates with images etc, then define time and date for this to be sent. The job is then added to quartz and set to email at given time.\nThe queue can easily be controlled via bootstrap so that nothing is ever lost.
\nDo you want to email a person at 11:41 pm or maybe a group of people at 2.15am? then look no further.
\nYou can schedule an email to be scheduled and to run on a set date and time.
\nSupports HTML emails with inline images as well as attachments has been tested on outlook and result appears to load fine.
\nFor a walk through guide on how to install this plugin goto : https://github.com/vahidhedayati/ml-test
\nAdd plugin Dependency in BuildConfig.groovy :
\ncompile ":mailinglist:0.34"\n
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:mailinglist:3.0.4"\n
\nFor grails 3 You will need to add bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js to your grails-app/js/javascripts folder
\nThe file can be found here:
\nhttps://github.com/vahidhedayati/mailinglist/tree/master/src/main/templates/js or https://tarruda.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/
\nruntime ":hibernate4:"\n
\nPlease refer to example site grails 2:
\nPlease refer to example site grails 3:
\nUnder Resources based application you can still use the latest code base, but you need to exclude hibernate. Something like this:
\ncompile (":maillinglist:X.XX") { excludes 'hibernate' }\n
\nIf you wish you could also use the very last build under compatible hibernate version built under resources:\nAdd plugin Dependency in BuildConfig.groovy :
\ncompile ":mailinglist:0.19"\n
\nIn the latest app I had to also enable fixes for export plugin, unsure why it did not pull it from within plugin...
\nUnder BuildConfig.groovy:
\n\trepositories {\n\t\t......\n\t\tmavenRepo "http://repo.grails.org/grails/core"\n \t}\n\n \tdependencies {\n\t\t.....\n\t\tcompile 'commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.8.3'\n \t}\n
\nThe two extra lines one to repositories and one to dependencies.
\nyour layouts main.gsp: (add jquery-ui and jquery - or add them into ApplicationResources.groovy and ensure you refer to it in your main.gsp or relevant file
\n\t<g:javascript library="jquery"/>\n\t<g:javascript library="jquery-ui"/>\n\t\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\n\t\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\n\t<g:layoutHead/>\n\t<mailinglist:loadbootstrap/>\n</head>\n
\nYou will also notice mailinglist:loadbootstrap/ this loads up bootstrap to make modalbox work - if you already have bootstrap then change this to
\nI have found using this method of calling bootstrap within one of my projects to have caused a problem when looking at source it was loading before jquery,\nso by moving this block further below end head tag resolved the issue.
\nA default site just add the mailingList line below application.js to grails-app/layouts/main.gsp
\n\t<asset:stylesheet src="application.css"/>\n <asset:javascript src="application.js"/>\n <mailinglist:loadbootstrap/>\n
\nOr if you already have bootstrap initialised :
\nreplace the loadboostrap to loadplugincss
\nNow with that all in place open grails console or from the command line run
\ngrails mlsetup org.example.com 5\n
\nWhere org.example.com is your package and 5 is the amount of dynamic schedule jobs to generate,
\nAssuming package was labelled as above org.example.com and schedule jobs as 5, install script will create
\n\nViews \t\tunder views/mailingList/_addedby.gsp\n\nJobs under \torg.example.com/ScheduleEmail0Job.groovy\n\t\t \torg.example.com/ScheduleEmail1Job.groovy\n\t\t \torg.example.com/ScheduleEmail2Job.groovy\n\t\t \torg.example.com/ScheduleEmail3Job.groovy\n\t\t \torg.example.com/ScheduleEmail4Job.groovy\n\nServices \tunder org.example.com\n\t\t\tIt will update QuartzEmailCheckerService to only schedule physical jobs ScheduleEmail[0-4]Job\n
\nThe domains generated in your application extend base domains within plugin, besides this the rest of the controllers etc are pushed to your own application for you to do what you like with it.
\nFrom 1.17 you can configure your i18n/messages_{locale}.properties to include translations for terms used within this plugin, to get the latest running terms for translation please refer to the wiki
\n0.34 @idiengaid identified issue with bulk emails and templates, earlier work from 0.32 needed additional if check around template\n0.33 @idiengaid spotted instance with missing i\n0.32 Pull request https://github.com/vahidhedayati/mailinglist/pull/5 \n\nmartofeld added some commits 5 hours ago\n @martofeld\tAdd support for using templates in the mail\t\t\t5495ef2\n @martofeld\tAvoid parsing if values are already a List + fix typo\t\t\ted30889\n @martofeld\tMissed some implementations of the new template\t\t\ta3a5601\n \n \n0.31 #3 Improvement of the mlsetup script and produced services \n\tIf you have refreshed mlsetup script as part of 0.30, its worth doing it again. This will produce tidier services.\n0.30 #3 further tidyup of cron expression rule checking\n0.29 #3 Cron expressions introduced so either send via cron schedule or specify date time\n0.28 minor change update modaldynamix to 0.28 and pluginbuddy 0.3 \n0.27 minor change update to modaldynamix ver 0.27\n0.26 Updated to 2.4.2, cleaned up end user app verification by using pluginbuddy. \n0.25 latest modaldynamix called - pop up boxes loading correctly according to screen size\n0.24 Fixed datetime issue under assets based sites.\n0.23 Latest modaldynamix plugin version used - modalboxes resized according to requirement - colour added to modalbox button callers.\n0.22 Excess css entries removed from MailingList.css - causing larger buttons and unnessary spacing issues.\n0.21 Missing jquery-ui js file manually inserted in for assets based sites.\n0.20 Release of assets version - identical to 0.19 but hibernate bumped to match assets based sites.\n0.19 last release for resources based sites. to keep upto date update your underlying site to assets\n0.18 i18n support added to services - further tidy up of contact a person page.\n0.17 Tidy up of mailSent view on main menu, added i18n support to most of the calls.\n0.16 latest ckeditor added\n0.15 mailinglist.warn.duplicate and mailinglist.warn.period added, issue with search mailingList fixed. Duplicate email warnings to same contactGroup set to show on preview screen\n0.14 fixed pagination / export features on mailinglist page.\n0.13 issue with list - export feature was not working - format was not being passed - format now set to extension params\n0.12 Changed ckeditor to http://jira.grails.org/browse/GPCKEDITOR-40\n0.11 Removal of non thread safe calls within QuartsStatusService ret_triggerName ret_triggerGroup ret_jobName, now returned as map and parsed as params back in modSchedule\n0.10 more tidying up fixes to minor broken calls\n0.9 tidyup to taglib/service and gsps \n0.8 minor changes to _list1-top.gsp - called correct controller to display more information on scheduled jobs\n0.7 updates to default db table names, readme updates, correct ckeditor call for in index.gsp, giving upload feature for images \n0.6 minor fix MailingList controller save wrong parameter for categories\n0.5 minor fix gsp listing wrong domainClass in mailingList/_form.gsp\n0.4 moved out all of the manual modalbox calls and called modaldynamix plugin \n0.3 Missing images, alerts left in java scripts tut tut, contactclients gsp page had lots of bugs now fixed, scheduling looks a lot healthier.\n0.2 moved most back into actual plugin - bug with existing used schedule issues whilst attempting to schedule something for now whilst others queued.\n0.1 release - nearly everything written to clients project\n
\nRequired Config.groovy
/*\n * Optional values to override DB table names for this plugin:\n * mailinglist.table.attachments='mailing_list_attachments'\n * mailinglist.table.categories='categories'\n * mailinglist.table.mailinglist='mailing_list'\n * mailinglist.table.schedule='mailing_list_schedule'\n * mailinglist.table.senders='mailing_list_senders'\n * mailinglist.table.templates='mailing_list_templates'\n * These options define if there should be a warning to confirm an email was sent to same group within defined period\n * mailinglist.warn.duplicate='Y'\n * --- Periods are: | H for Hours | D for days | M for minutes | m for months | y for years | \n * mailinglist.warn.period='2H'\n * These are all the local tables created that in turn extend domainClasses from this plugin.\n * Check out your domainClass folder under the package you provided after you run the mlsetup command.\n */\n \n\t\n// Your date format that matches input of jquery datepicker config \n//mailinglist.dtFormat='dd/MM/yyyy HH.mm'\n\n\nckeditor {\n\t//config = "/js/myckconfig.js"\n\tskipAllowedItemsCheck = false\n\tdefaultFileBrowser = "ofm"\n\tupload {\n\t\n\t\t// basedir = "/uploads/"\n\t\t\n\t\tbaseurl="${grails.baseURL}"+'/uploads/'\n\t\tbasedir = "${externalUploadPath}"\n\t\t\n\t\t\toverwrite = false\n\t\t\tlink {\n\t\t\t\tbrowser = true\n\t\t\t\tupload = false\n\t\t\t\tallowed = []\n\t\t\t\tdenied = ['html', 'htm', 'php', 'php2', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t 'phtml', 'pwml', 'inc', 'asp', 'aspx', 'ascx', 'jsp',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t 'cfm', 'cfc', 'pl', 'bat', 'exe', 'com', 'dll', 'vbs', 'js', 'reg',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t 'cgi', 'htaccess', 'asis', 'sh', 'shtml', 'shtm', 'phtm']\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\timage {\n\t\t\t\tbrowser = true\n\t\t\t\tupload = true\n\t\t\t\tallowed = ['jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'png']\n\t\t\t\tdenied = []\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tflash {\n\t\t\t\tbrowser = false\n\t\t\t\tupload = false\n\t\t\t\tallowed = ['swf']\n\t\t\t\tdenied = []\n\t\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\njqueryDateTimePicker {\n\tformat {\n\t\tjava {\n\t\t\tdatetime = "dd/MM/yyyy HH.mm"\n\t\t\tdate = "dd/MM/yyyy"\n\t\t}\n\t\tpicker {\n\t\t\tdate = "'dd/mm/yy'"\n\t\t\ttime = "'H.mm'"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\ngrails.mime.types = [ html: ['text/html','application/xhtml+xml'],\n\txml: ['text/xml', 'application/xml'],\n\ttext: 'text-plain',\n\tjs: 'text/javascript',\n\trss: 'application/rss+xml',\n\tatom: 'application/atom+xml',\n\tcss: 'text/css',\n\tcsv: 'text/csv',\n\tpdf: 'application/pdf',\n\trtf: 'application/rtf',\n\texcel: 'application/vnd.ms-excel',\n\tods: 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet',\n\tall: '*/*',\n\tjson: ['application/json','text/json'],\n\tform: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',\n\tmultipartForm: 'multipart/form-data'\n ]\n
\nYou will notice grails.baseURL
externalUploadPath within ckeditor, this was done to externalise image uploads so upon a redployment the images were still available, the approach I took to this was to run values from setenv.sh within tomcat and pass this values in as variables into Config.groovy
as per below:
// configuration for plugin testing - will not be included in the plugin zip
\n// In my tomcat setenv.sh
\nProduces running tomcat with the following values:
\n// -DUPLOADLOC=/opt/tomcat7/tc1/uploads\n// -DSERVERURL=my.server.com\n
\nIn my Config.groovy
at the top I have this
if (System.getProperty('UPLOADLOC')) {\n\texternalUploadPath=System.getProperty('UPLOADLOC')+File.separator\n}\nif (System.getProperty('SERVERURL')) {\n\tgrails.baseURL='http://'+System.getProperty('SERVERURL')\n} else{\n\tgrails.baseURL='http://localhost'\n}\n
\nNow those values are valid within the ckeditor configuration
\nAn example BootStrap call to requeue outstanding or interuppted schedules is to add something like this :
\nimport grails.plugin.mailinglist.core.ScheduleBase\n\nclass BootStrap {\n\tdef mailingListEmailService\n def init = { servletContext ->\n\t\tdef getEmails = ScheduleBase.findAllByScheduleCompleteAndScheduleCancelled(false,false)\n\t\tgetEmails.each { params ->\n\t\t\tif (params.dateTime && params.emailMessage) {\n\t\t\t\tprintln "RESCHEDULING MAIL QUEUE ${params?.id} -- ${params?.mailFrom}---${params?.recipientToGroup}--${params?.recipientToList}"\n\t\t\t\tmailingListEmailService.rescheduleit(params)\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n
\nThere is a field passed around through the application and by default it is blank, this is due to a file called views/mailingList/_addedby.gsp
Take a look at this, if your existing application has some form of user and current user is being returned via session or another method i.e. params or something then update this page to refer to this value.\nThis should fix the issue all around the site, no guarantee haha.
\nIf this plugin is the only purpose of your site, then simply update your url mappings to point to the holding page of this plugin:
\n"/" {\n\tcontroller = "MailingList"\n\taction = "index"\n}\n// Commented out default and put in above\n//"/"(view:"/index")\n
\nThe plugin has a menu which can be found under: http://yoursite:8080/mailinglist/MailingList
This is the main menu, the two core options on the top left hand side, Email a person and contact clients.
\nThe rest of the menu are the manual methods of reviewing email list, or removing attachments etc.
\n\nThis is what to expect when emailing a person
\nThe now button defaults to now, other than that choose actual date time you wish to email this person.
\nIt will just sit in that queue you can stop the job or force it play now from that same scheduling menu.
\nThis is the look and feel of contact group, subject is the only thing defined, everything else is clickable or uploadable. At the top are some green buttons, each one will update this form dynamically.
\nAdding a new template, if you do not have a preset template to use for sending emails then create a new one from the first green button at the top of the page.
\nThis is if you wish to attach files like documents to be sent with email.
\nAttachments run in iframes, so for changes to take effect on main form you need to use the close button on the top of the page.
\nCSV Uploader which will be your group of users to contact, please note it will always miss out on the first line since on exports usually the first line is the field name
\nThe senders from group emails come from the Senders DB table, so you need to register it once set it should remain for reuse on next use.
\nSet the time you wish to email to this group, you have now selected and ticked everything else including once template was uploaded you clicked the select box to choose it which then popped open your presaved template.
\nSince emailing a group of people usually requires more care, there has been a preview screen added to ensure you are happy with what is being done. if so click confirm sending email otherwise click edit to go back,
\nThis now contains our previous job which is set in a few hours plus our new job for now, we will now choose Completed schedules from the drop down to see:
\nThis group email as completed
\nThis is my email log confirming it sent an email from set email to the uploaded csv which had 3 gmail emails, it bounced cos my sendmail is not configured and just as well considering the amount of junk I been sending haha
#Common Issues:\nAfter attempting to run
\nmlsetup org.example.com 5\n
\nyou must referesh the project and run
\ngrails refresh-dependencies\n
\nIf your in ggts you may still see red asterix you can run:
\ngrails clean \n
\nThese are the manual command lines goto project right click grails tools, grails command wizard will help you with those or actual command prompt below just drop the grails in front of all of the above.
\nDate Format: Trying to schedule and can not ?
\ndd/MM/yyyy HH.mm\n
\nYou may see this :
\nCould not queue job please check quartz queue to ensure schedule slots are free\n
\nIf you look at the console logs you will see it could not parse and it shows a date and time, look closely at the time you will find it has a : seperating the hour and mins.\nI know I should have set this as the default right :) This is the defaults sadly so please review main config and ensure your jquery date time config is set properly to match what is needed:
\nmailinglist.dtFormat='dd/MM/yyyy HH.mm'\njqueryDateTimePicker {\n\tformat {\n\t\tjava {\n\t\t\tdatetime = "dd/MM/yyyy HH.mm"\n\t\t\tdate = "dd/MM/yyyy"\n\t\t}\n\t\tpicker {\n\t\t\tdate = "'dd/mm/yy'"\n\t\t\ttime = "'H.mm'"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n
\nThis is in the main config above, but worth a remention, so if you want to set a different input type for date time,\nthen define this value in your config to match aboves config to get around the standard config which is a dot seperating hours and minutes.
\nmailinglist.dtFormat='dd/MM/yyyy HH.mm'\t\n
\nEnsure all of above tallies up for it all work properly
\nTake a look at https://github.com/vahidhedayati/modaldynamix follow the guide then refer to pages within this plugin to get a better idea on how to use it all together.
\nA big thank you as always to Burt Beckwith for cleaning up the code:\nUnfortunately due to issues with merging repo was cleaned up, original code cna be found here:\nThose changes are here: https://github.com/burtbeckwith/mailinglist/
\n@martofeld martin For adding template support to the plugin
\nSergey Ponomarev For cleaning up and adding formating to the README.md
\nThank you all for you contributions. If you wish to contribute or add stuff I be happy to add you as a project member. I am no longer using this project so will not be getting much updates from me.
\n" }, { "comment": "Micronaut is part of Grails since 4.0.0. Is this entry still relevant?", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "micronaut-beans", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails Plugin For Adding Micronaut Beans To The Spring Application Context", "labels": [ "micronaut" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/micronaut-beans/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.0.M2", "updated": "2018-08-10T16:58:48.114Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:micronaut-beans" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/micronaut-beans" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/micronaut-beans/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/micronaut-beans/" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "middleware", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "lduarte", "desc": "Grails middleware plugin", "labels": [ "middleware" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/driverpt/grails-middleware/issues", "latestVersion": "0.0.3", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.765Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:middleware" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/driverpt/grails-middleware" }, "documentationUrl": "https://driverpt.github.io/grails-middleware/latest", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nSee documentation for further information.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "modninfobip", "repo": "plugins-libraries", "owner": "modnsolutions", "desc": "Infobip SMS Grails plugin", "labels": [ "infobip", "sms" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/osaetinevbuoma/modninfobip/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.2", "updated": "2016-08-31T14:10:51.013Z", "systemIds": [ "com.modnsolutions:modninfobip", "org.grails.plugins:modninfobip" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/osaetinevbuoma/modninfobip" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Grails plugin for Infobip SMS API
\nString basicAuthorization(String username, String password)\n
\nNB: Basic authorization is mandatory for all infobip REST API requests.
\nJSONObject sendSingleMessage(String authorization, String from, String to, String text)\n
\nJSONObject sendSingleMessage(String authorization, String from, List to, String text)\n
\nJSONObject sendMultipleMessages(String authorization, JSONObject data)\n
\n{ \n "messages":[ \n { \n "from":"InfoSMS",\n "to":[ \n "41793026727",\n "41793026731"\n ],\n "text":"May the Force be with you!"\n },\n { \n "from":"41793026700",\n "to":"41793026785",\n "text":"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire."\n }\n ]\n}\n
\nJSONObject deliveryReport(String authorization)\n
\nJSONObject deliveryReport(String authorization, Map filters)\n
\nNB: Delivery reports can only be gotten once. A second call returns an empty result.
\nJSONObject pullReceivedMessages(String authorization)\nJSONObject pullReceivedMessages(String authorization, int limit)\n
\n// Call the messageLog method of corresponding service \n// class (SendMessageService or ReceiveMessageService)\nJSONObject messageLog(String authorization)\n
\n// Call the messageLog method of corresponding service \n// class (SendMessageService or ReceiveMessageService)\nJSONObject messageLog(String authorization, Map filters)\n
\nJSONObject checkAccountBalance(String authorization)\n
\nEdit application.groovy
(or application.yml
if you prefer) and build.gradle
infobip.host = "https://api.infobip.com/sms/1"\n
\ninfobip:\n host: https://api.infobip.com/sms/1\n
\nrepositories {\n maven {\n url "http://dl.bintray.com/modnsolutions/plugins-libraries" \n }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n compile "org.grails.plugins:modninfobip:1.0.2"\n}\n
\nimport com.modnsolutions.ReceiveMessageService //service to pull received messages and message log from infobip server\nimport com.modnsolutions.SendMessageService // service to send messages via infobip, get delivery report and message logs\nimport com.modnsolutions.UtilitiesService\n
\nReceiveMessageService receiveMessageService\nSendMessageService sendMessageService\nUtilitiesService utilitiesService\n
\nString basicAuthorization = utilitiesService.basicAuthorization("INFOBIP_USERNAME", "INFOBIP_PASSWORD")\nJSONObject singleMessageResponse = sendMessageService.sendSingleMessage(basicAuthorization, from, to, text)\nprintln singleMessageResponse\n
\nimport com.modnsolutions.ReceiveMessageService\nimport com.modnsolutions.SendMessageService\nimport com.modnsolutions.UtilitiesService\n\n// In Grails you can handle json objects and arrays by importing and using\n// import org.grails.web.json.JSONArray\n// import org.grails.web.json.JSONObject\n\nclass SMSController {\n ReceiveMessageService receiveMessageService\n SendMessageService sendMessageService\n UtilitiesService utilitiesService\n \n def sendSingleSMS(String from, String to, String text) {\n String basicAuthorization = utilitiesService.basicAuthorization("INFOBIP_USERNAME", "INFORBIP_PASSWORD")\n render sendMessageService.sendSingleMessage(basicAuthorization, from, to, text)\n }\n \n def pullMessages() {\n String basicAuthorization = utilitiesService.basicAuthorization("INFOBIP_USERNAME", "INFORBIP_PASSWORD")\n render receiveMessageService.pullReceivedMessages(basicAuthorization)\n }\n \n def checkAccountBalance() {\n String basicAuthorization = utilitiesService.basicAuthorization("INFOBIP_USERNAME", "INFORBIP_PASSWORD")\n render utilitiesService.checkAccountBalance(basicAuthorization)\n }\n \n ...\n}\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "mongodb",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "grails",
"desc": "GORM for MongoDB",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-mongodb/issues",
"latestVersion": "8.2.0",
"updated": "2024-03-15T19:26:14.000Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-mongodb"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/mongodb/maven-metadata.xml",
"readme": "\n
This project implements GORM for the MongoDB Document Database.
\nNOTE: This source code here is for version 6.x and above. For prevoius versions' source see the relevant branch on the Grails Data Mapping project.
\nFor more information see the following links:
\nFor the current development version see the following links:
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "mongogee", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "ikalizpet", "desc": "Mongogee is a Grails plugin for MongoDB data migration management", "labels": [ "migration", "mongodb" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/ikaliZpet/mongogee/issues", "latestVersion": "0.9.4", "updated": "2018-01-04T18:58:41.518Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:mongogee" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/ikaliZpet/mongogee" }, "documentationUrl": "https://binlecode.github.io/grails-mongogee/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "MongoDB data migration Grails Plugin.
\n\nMongogee Grails plugin is a simple, secure service for mongodb data migration management.\nThis plugin is inspired by Mongobee (https://github.com/mongobee/mongobee) MongoDB data migration toolset.
\nAll the credits of the annotation based migration change management logic go to the Mongobee authors.
\nThis repository contains source code of Mongogee, and a testing sample host Grails application.
\nIn host Grails application's build.gradle file:
\nplugins {\n\tcompile ':mongogee:$version'\n}\n
\nHosting Grails application version 3.0+.
\nIn host Grails application grails-app/conf/application.yml
\nmongogee:\n changeEnabled: true \t\t # default is true\n continueWithError: false \t # default is false\n changeLogsScanPackage: 'some.package' # required, no default value\n lockingRetryEnabled: false # default to true\n lockingRetryIntervalMillis: 3000 # default to 5s\n lockingRetryMax: 60 # default to 120, aka 10min\n
\nAdopting and extending Mongobee (https://github.com/mongobee/mongobee) annotations. There are two level of migration change units: change-logs (class level) and change-sets (method level).\nChange-logs can be written in either Java or Groovy. Some groovy examples are below:
\n@ChangeLog(order = '001')\n\tclass MongogeeTestChangeLog {\n\t\n\t @ChangeSet(author = "testuserA", id = "test1", order = "01")\n\t void testChangeSet1() {\n\t System.out.println("invoked 1")\n\t }\n\t\n\t @ChangeSet(author = "testuserB", id = "test2", order = "02")\n\t void testChangeSet2(DB db) {\n\t System.out.println("invoked 2 with mongodb DB argument: $db")\n\t }\n\t\n\t @ChangeSet(author = 'testuser', id = 'test3', order = '03', runAlways = true)\n\t void testChangeSetRunAlways() {\n\t println 'invoke runAlways'\n\t }\n\t\n\t @ChangeSet(author = 'testuser', id = 'test4', order = '04')\n\t @ChangeEnv('development')\n\t void testChangeSetEnvDevelopment() {\n\t println 'invoke test for env development'\n\t }\n\t\n\t @ChangeSet(author = 'testuser', id = 'test5', order = '05')\n\t @ChangeEnv('test')\n\t void testChangeSetEnvTest() {\n\t println 'invoke test for env test'\n\t }\n\t}\n
\nVersion 0.9 and up: The manual line adding below is no longer needed. Mongogee migration service will be executed automatically if changeEnabled
is set to true
(which is also default).
Version 0.8 and below: Add following to init/BootStrap.groovy
\nclass BootStrap {\n\n MongogeeService mongogeeService\n\n def init = { servletContext ->\n // ...\n\n mongogeeService.execute()\n\n }\n\n // ...\n}\n
\nBin Le (bin.le.code@gmail.com)
\nApache License Version 2.0. (http://www.apache.org/licenses/)
\n" }, { "deprecated": "Since Grails 3.2 - Use GORMs built-in support for multitenancy.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "multitenant", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "troutbird", "desc": null, "labels": [ "multitenant" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/ejaz-ahmed/grails-multitenant-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "0.1", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.724Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:multitenant" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/ejaz-ahmed/grails-multitenant-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "# TOC
\nThis plugin is sponsored by IP Geolocation. It adds multitenant support for grails 3 applications based on hibernate filters. Tenants are resolved using spring security.
\nOnly branch grails3.0.xhibernate4 is working. Rest of branches are for GORM5 which has broken the way hibernate filters are applied. So they won't work. Also, this plugin works only for Grails 3.0 and 3.1. For later versions of grails, use GORM's built in multi-tenancy support.\nThe work on this plugin has been stopped in favor of Grails internal support for Multi-tenant architecture.
\nAdd following dependency in build.gradle
\ncompile 'org.grails.plugins:multitenant:0.1'\n
\nAdd configClass attribute in application.yml under dataSource section like this:
\n configClass: org.grails.plugin.multitenant.HibernateMultitenantConfiguration \n
\nThis plugin uses single database single schema differentiator based technique to identify tenants.
\nCurrently it resolves tenant using spring security. So you have to edit spring security user domain class to implement TenantIdentifier trait like this:
\nclass User implements Serializable, TenantIdentifier\n
\nIt add userTenantId property to User domain class and injects two closures dynamically to this domain
\nThis closure executes a particular code inside its scope with a tenantId supplied as parameters even if the logged in user does not belong to that tenant. You can only execute idempotent code inside this block. If your code is query, or some other read only operation, it will execute that with supplied tenantId. If your code is going to change something in database, it will use tenantId of logged in user. Be careful . .
\nUser.withTenantId(12){\n\n// Your code goes here\n\n}\n\n
\nAs the name states, you can bypass tenantId filter temporarily to do operations not specific to any tenant.
\nUser.withoutTenantId(){\n\n// You code goes here\n\n
\nThe code in this scope should be read only as is the case with withTenantId method above.
\nYou have to implement Multitenant trait in all domain classes you want to be multitenant.
\nclass Book implement Multitenant\n
\nThis will add a property tenantId to domain class and three methods as below:
\nLong tenantId\n\n def beforeInsert() {\n if(tenantId == null){\n tenantId = tenantResolverService.resolveTenant()\n }\n }\n\n def beforeValidate() {\n if(tenantId == null){\n tenantId = tenantResolverService.resolveTenant()\n }\n }\n\n def beforeUpdate() {\n if(tenantId == null){\n tenantId = tenantResolverService.resolveTenant()\n }\n }\n \n
\nSo if you want to use these methods in any of multitenant domain class, you have to reproduce above code along with your own implementation as yours will overwrite these methods.
\nThis plugin provide TenantResolverService to your application which can be injected anywhere just like normal grails services. It provides only one method resolveTenant which provides tenantId of current user. Multitenant plugin makes extensive use of this service at various places inside the code. Multitenant filter intercepts controller actions only. If you want to do some multitenant stuff inside a service then you should call that service from controller or use withTenantId as below:
\ndef tenantResolverService\nUser.withTenantId(tenantResolverService.resolveTenant()){\n // your code here\n}\n
\nIP Geolocation's IP intelligence APIs help developer's find out Geolocation, Tim Zone, Local Currency and much more from just an IP address. For more information checkout document page
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "neo4j", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "GORM for Neo4j", "labels": [ "gorm", "graph", "neo4j" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-neo4j/issues", "latestVersion": "8.1.0", "updated": "2024-03-15T21:01:53.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:neo4j" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-neo4j" }, "documentationUrl": "https://gorm.grails.org/latest/neo4j/manual/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/neo4j/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "This project implements GORM for the Neo4j 3.x Graph Database using the Bolt Java Driver.
\nFor more information see the following links:
\nFor the current development version see the following links:
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "newrelic", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "agorapulse", "desc": "Grails NewRelic plugin", "labels": [ "newrelic" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-newrelic/issues", "latestVersion": "5.2.0", "updated": "2019-07-16T09:16:45.158Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:newrelic" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agorapulse/grails-newrelic" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This plugin will make New Relic instrumentation available to a Grails project.
\nIt is a port to Grails 3.X of the original NewRelic Grails Plugin, originally written by CP Lim.\nStarting with version 5.2.0
the plugin is compatibile with Grails 4.
Grails NewRelic Plugin provides the following Grails artefacts:
.New Relic needs to be installed on the running application server in order for the plugin to work.\nThis is extensively documented by the New Relic team.\nOnce installed, New Relic Browser will need to be configured for manual instrumentation .
\nDeclare the plugin dependency in the build.gradle file, as shown here:
\nrepositories {\n ...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/agorapulse/plugins" }\n}\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile "org.grails.plugins:newrelic:5.2.0"\n}\n
\nThanks to binary incompability of trait between the different Groovy version, current version can be used with Grails 3.2.11
and newer.\nTry older versions of this plugin if you need to use it with older version of Grails.
By default the New Relic RUM code will only be enabled for Production environments.\nIf you need it to be enabled for other environments, make sure that it is explicitly enabled in your configs
\nnewrelic:\n enabled: true\n
\nOnce New Relic and this plugin has been added to your web application, you are ready to add the tags to your page(s).
\nNew Relic provides some best practices on when to all these tag methods.
\nIdeally, you would only need to add it to your layout page(s) as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">\n <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>\n <newrelic:browserTimingHeader/>\n <!-- other tags -->\n</head>\n<body>\n <!-- more tags -->\n <newrelic:browserTimingFooter/>\n</body>\n</html>\n
\nHowever, if there are more GSP that need these tags, then just make sure they are added at the appropriate locations in the DOM.
\nNewRelic should be enabled in the production environment as per the instructions here, but if you need to enable this in other environments, make sure that the configs have enabled NewRelic for your environment, and add the following to your GRAILS_OPT environment
\nexport GRAILS_OPTS="-javaagent:/path/to/newrelic.jar"\n
\nThe next time you execute 'run-app' or 'run-war', NewRelic instrumentation code will be included in your generated HTML pages.
\nOn newer versions of grails that use a forked jvm, you may need to include the java agent in your tomcat configuration. This is in BuildConfig.groovy.
\ngrails.tomcat.jvmArgs = ["-javaagent:/path/to/newrelic.jar"]\n
\nHere are some instructions to install/configure NewRelic app AND server monitoring on AWS ElasticBeanstalk.\nIt will also call the NewRelic deployment API each time you start a new env.
\n1- Create a folder src/main/webapp/.ebextensions
, a folder src/main/webapp/.ebextensions/files
and add the newrelic.jar
in it.
2- Create a file src/main/webapp/.ebextensions/files/newrelic.yml.sh
(to dynamically generate newrelic.yml based on app env properties)
cat << EOF\ncommon: &default_settings\nlicense_key: '$NR_LICENSE'\nenable_auto_transaction_naming: false\napp_name: $NR_APPNAME\nEOF\n
\n3- Create a file src/main/webapp/.ebextensions/newrelic.sh
#!/bin/sh\n# New Relic (Application monitoring)\nmkdir /var/lib/newrelic\nmv ./.ebextensions/files/newrelic*.jar /var/lib/newrelic/\nbash ./.ebextensions/files/newrelic.yml.sh > /var/lib/newrelic/newrelic.yml\n\n# New Relic Agent (Server monitoring)\nrpm -Uvh https://yum.newrelic.com/pub/newrelic/el5/x86_64/newrelic-repo-5-3.noarch.rpm\nyum -y install newrelic-sysmond\n/usr/sbin/nrsysmond-config \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdset license_key=$NR_LICENSE\n/etc/init.d/newrelic-sysmond start\n\n# New Relic deployment event\nexport AP_VERSION=`` `cat ./META-INF/grails.build.info | grep info.app.version | cut -d= -f2` ``\njava -jar /var/lib/newrelic/newrelic.jar deployment \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdrevision=$AP_VERSION\n
\n4- Create a file src/main/webapp/.ebextensions/app.config
container_commands:\n newrelic:\n command: "bash -x .ebextensions/newrelic.sh"\n
\nThen, in your Beanstalk app config options, add -javaagent:/var/lib/newrelic/newrelic.jar
to the JVM command line parameter and set NR_LICENSE
env properties.
To report any bug, please use the project Issues section on GitHub.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "novamail", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "novadge", "desc": "The Novamail plug-in provides e-mail sending and retrieving capabilities to a Grails application. It is also capable of sending emails asynchronously by using a scheduled Job", "labels": [ "mail" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/Novadge/novamail/issues", "latestVersion": "0.1.8", "updated": "2020-05-25T03:31:08.817Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:novamail", "com.novadge.plugins:novamail", "novamail:novamail" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/Novadge/novamail" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The Novamail plug-in provides e-mail sending and receiving capabilities to a Grails application. It is also capable of sending emails asynchronously by using a scheduled Job.
\nAdd your email provider properties to grails configuration file: Example\nAssuming you want to add config for a gmail account for 'john@gmail.com' then add the following to your grails config file.
\nnovamail.hostProps = [
["host":'imap.gmail.com'],\n ["mail.imap.host":"imap.gmail.com"],\n ["mail.store.protocol": "imaps"],\n ["mail.imap.socketFactory.class": "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory"],\n ["mail.imap.socketFactory.fallback": "false"],\n ["mail.imaps.partialfetch":"false"],\n ["mail.mime.address.strict": "false"],\n ["mail.smtp.starttls.enable": "true"],\n ["mail.smtp.host": "smtp.gmail.com"],\n ["mail.smtp.auth": "true"],\n ["mail.smtp.socketFactory.port": "465"],\n ["mail.smtp.socketFactory.class": "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory"],\n ["mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback": "false"]\n
\n\n novamail{\n hostname= System.getenv("CS_HOSTNAME")\n username= System.getenv("CS_USERNAME")\n password= System.getenv("CS_PASSWORD")\n store= System.getenv("CS_STORE")\n \n }\n
\nAvoid having passwords in your code. Store them as Environment variables.
\nInject messagingService into your class
\ndef messagingService
messagingService is a Grails service that provides a single method called sendEmail that takes parameters.\nPlease note that 'sendEmail()' is overloaded 'see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_overloading' and can take various variations of parameters.
\n\nsendEmail(Map map)\n
\nWhere ......
\nmap contains parameters...\nmap.to: Email recipient eg recipient@gmail.com
\nmap.subject: "Your email subject"
\nmap.body: "The body of your message"
\nAn example usage can be seen below.
\n\nClass YourController{\n \n def messagingService\n ...\n def yourMethod(){\n def map = [to:"recipient@gmail.com",subject:"Email subject",body:"email body"]\n messagingService.sendEmail(map)\n \n }\n\n}\n
\nTo use the messagingService
with mapped parameters, you need to declare a\nmap with the required variables. These are,\n\nhostname, username, password,\nfrom, to, subject, body, html, attachments, hostProps
is boolean that defaults to true
is a List of type File (for file attachments) and is optional,\nand
is a map of host properties (see above).
If hostname, username, password, from, hostProps
have been set in the\nConfig.groovy file, they do not have to be added to your map parameter.\nhtml
defaults to true
so that can be\nomitted as well except when set explicitly (your choice).
\nClass MyController {\n def messagingService\n \n def myMethod() {\n ...\n def map = [username:"john@doe.com", password:"john_password", from:"JOHN Doe<john@doe.com>", to: "recepeitn@gmail.com", subject: "Hello there!", body: "Just to test out awesome Novamail"]\n messagingService.sendEmail(map) // Call the messagingService sendEmail method passing in the map\n }\n}\n
"deprecated": "Duplicate entry of plugin from same author. This entry should probably be removed from the registry.",
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "org.grails.plugins:csv",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "vsachinv",
"desc": "Grails CSV plugin",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vsachinv/grails-csv/issues",
"latestVersion": null,
"updated": "2017-11-15T13:54:48.264Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vsachinv/grails-csv"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "The csv plugin provides utility methods and also support for reading/writing to csv files. It uses opencsv
Add dependency to your build.gradle for Grails 3.x:
\nrepositories {\n ...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/sachinverma/plugins" }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:grails-csv:1.0.1'\n}\n
\nFor further info: [https://github.com/vsachinv/grails-csv/wiki/Grails-CSV]
\n" }, { "deprecated": "Source repository is merged into https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-database-migration and closed. This entry should probably be removed from the registry to avoid confusion.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "org.grails.plugins:database-migration", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "yamkazu", "desc": "Grails database-migration plugin", "labels": [ "migration" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/yamkazu/database-migration/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.0.RC1", "updated": "2016-04-14T09:18:54.806Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:database-migration" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/yamkazu/database-migration" }, "documentationUrl": "https://yamkazu.github.io/database-migration/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This repository has been merged into the https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-database-migration
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "enforcer", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "virtualdogbert", "desc": "A plugin for enforcing business rules/permissions, that works with Spring Security Core, is easier to implement, and extend. It can also be used as an alternative to Spring Security ACL", "labels": [ "acl", "business-rules", "permissions", "Security", "spring-security" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/virtualdogbert/Enforcer/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "updated": "2023-07-16T17:59:10.000Z", "systemIds": [ "io.github.virtualdogbert:enforcer" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/virtualdogbert/Enforcer" }, "documentationUrl": "https://virtualdogbert.github.io/Enforcer/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/github/virtualdogbert/enforcer/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": "The Enforcer Plugin, is a lightweight, easier to maintain/extend/use, alternative to Spring Security ACL. The plugin works off of an EnforcerService and an Enforce Ast transform, The service takes up to 3 closures, a predicate, a failure(defaults to an EnforcerException if not specified) and a success(defaulted to a closure that returns true).
\nFor documentation see the github page:\ndocumentation
\n" }, { "displayName": "feature-switch", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "org.grails.plugins:feature-switch", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "desirable-objects", "desc": "Grails feature-switch plugin", "labels": [ ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/antony/grails-feature-switch/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.885Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:feature-switch" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/antony/grails-feature-switch" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": null }, { "deprecated": "Duplicate of geb plugin at https://github.com/grails/geb. This entry should probably be removed from the registry.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "org.grails.plugins:geb", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails geb plugin", "labels": [ "testing", "geb" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails3-plugins/geb/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.1", "updated": "2016-04-01T15:40:48.261Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugin:geb" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails3-plugins/geb/" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Geb Functional Testing for Grails 3.0
\nThis plugin just provides the Geb dependencies and a create-functional-test
command for generating Geb tests in a Grails 3.0 app. For further reference please see the Geb documentation
##\ufffd\ufffd Examples
\nIf you are looking for examples check:
\n\nor Grails 3.x functional test suite where Geb tests are used extensively.
\nTo setup additional drivers you need to add the driver to your build.gradle
for example:
testRuntime 'com.github.detro:phantomjsdriver:1.2.0'\n
\nThen you need to create a GebConfig.groovy
file to your src/test/resources/
directory. For example:
/*\n\tThis is the Geb configuration file.\n\n\tSee: http://www.gebish.org/manual/current/#configuration\n*/\nimport org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver\nimport org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver\nimport org.openqa.selenium.phantomjs.PhantomJSDriver\n\nwaiting {\ntimeout = 2\n}\ndriver = { new PhantomJSDriver() }\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "gorm-envers",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "yingliang-du",
"desc": "The gorm-envers Grails plugin add auditting functionality to GROM in your Grails application using Hibernate Envers. The only thing you need to do is add @Audited annotation to the Domain Class that you want to audit. Hibernate Envers will create audit table in the Database for the annotated domain and log all change history.",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/Yingliang-Du/gorm-envers-grails-plugin/issues",
"latestVersion": "0.3",
"updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.924Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/Yingliang-Du/gorm-envers-grails-plugin"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "A Grails Plugin for Auditing GORM Domain class using Hibernate Envers. This plugin only work with Grails 3 or later.
\nAdd the release version of the plugin dependency in build.gradle
\ncompile ("org.grails.plugins:gorm-envers:0.3") {\n\texclude module: 'hibernate-core'\n\texclude module: 'hibernate-entitymanager'\n}\n
\ngit clone https://github.com/Yingliang-Du/gorm-envers-grails-plugin.git\ncd gorm-envers-grails-plugin/gorm-envers\ngrails clean\ngrails compile\ngrails install\n
\ncompile ("org.grails.plugins:gorm-envers:0.4-SNAPSHOT") {\n\texclude module: 'hibernate-core'\n\texclude module: 'hibernate-entitymanager'\n}\n
\nAdd @Audited annotation to the domain class you want to audit
\nThat is it!
cd pathto/gorm-envers-grails-plugin/demo\ngrails \ngrails> clean\ngrails> compile\ngrails> run-app\n
\nCurrently supports S3 and S3S
\nAdd the plugin to the plugins section of grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
dependencies {\n runtime 'org.grails.plugins:grails-aws:2.0.1'\n}\n
\nConfigure the plugin in grails-app/conf/application.yaml
grails:\n plugin:\n aws:\n credentials:\n accessKey: ASDASDASDASD\n secretKey: fASDd1h/1Hf/0pkQ+nJx+oRSm36t/R8jUI/A1D2\n s3:\n bucket: my-bucket\n
\ngit checkout -b my_markup
)git commit -am "Added Snarkdown"
)git push origin my_markup
)2.0.1 - October 13 2015
\n1.9.13.4 - September 11 2015
\n1.9.13.0 - January 5 2015
\n1.7.5.0 - April 11 2014
\n1.6.7.4 - January 15 2014
\n1.6.7.1 - December 10 2013
\n1.2.12.4 - November 30 2013
\n1.2.12.3 - September 30 2012
\n1.1.9.2 - May 10 2011
\nThis plugin provides Flyway support for your Grails 3 application.
\n" }, { "deprecated": "Source repository is gone.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "org.grails.plugins:grails-markdown", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "tednaleid", "desc": "Grails grails-markdown plugin", "labels": [ "markdown" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://bitbucket.org/tednaleid/grails-markdown/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:56.039Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:grails-markdown" ], "vcsUrl": "https://bitbucket.org/tednaleid/grails-markdown" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "cas-client", "repo": "maven", "owner": "cwang", "desc": null, "labels": [ ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/cwang/grails3-cas-client/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.822Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:grails3-cas-client" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/cwang/grails3-cas-client.git" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This is a gradle multiproject where the grooscript gradle and grails plugins sources are.
\nMore info about grooscript
\nGrails 3 build, there are 5 projects:
\n(*) published in bintray
\nTo make all checks (included geb tests using chrome remote driver if you built test apps):
\n./gradlew check\n
\nTo test jar generation with components, first test app must be created with:
\n./gradlew createTestApp\n
\nLater, run the test with:
\n./gradlew checkComponentInJar\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "iCalendar",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "saw303",
"desc": "Grails iCalendar plugin",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/saw303/grails-ic-alender/issues",
"latestVersion": "0.6.4",
"updated": "2019-06-06T07:11:40.354Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/saw303/grails-ic-alender.git"
"documentationUrl": "https://saw303.github.io/grails-ic-alender/",
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": null
"deprecated": "The source repository url for this entry is redirecting to the source repository of another plugin with the same name by ZenHarbinger. This entry in the registry should probably be removed to avoid confusion.",
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "org.grails.plugins:jasypt-encryption",
"repo": "grails-plugins",
"owner": "dtanner",
"desc": "Integration with Jasypt, allows easy encryption of information including Hibernate/GORM integration",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/dtanner/grails-jasypt/issues",
"latestVersion": "2.0.2",
"updated": "2017-01-20T05:46:31.670Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/dtanner/grails-jasypt"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "The Grails Jasypt Encryption plugin provides strong field-level encryption support on Grails GORM String fields. It leverages the Jasypt simplified encryption framework that makes working with the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE) much easier.
\nIt also comes with the Bouncy Castle encryption provider, which gives you access to the very secure AES algorithm.
\nplugins {\n compile "org.grails.plugins:jasypt-encryption:x.x.x"\n}\n
\nIf your app is using Grails 4 or higher, then use version 4.0.3 of this plugin.
\nIf your app is using Grails 3 or higher, then use version 2.0.2 of this plugin.
\nIf your app is using Grails 2 and Hibernate 4, then use version 1.3.1 of this plugin.
\nIf your app is using Grails 2 and Hibernate 3, then use version 1.2.1 of this plugin.
You'll then need to configure the encryption in your Grails configuration using a stanza like this (make sure to change the password):
\njasypt {\n algorithm = "PBEWITHSHA256AND256BITAES-CBC-BC"\n providerName = "BC"\n password = "<your very secret passphrase>"\n keyObtentionIterations = 1000\n}\n
\nThis will configure your encryption to use a 256 bit AES algorithm to do the encryption. Key generation will also be repeated 1000 times (to slow down any brute force attacks). Changing any of these values will result in different results (and will also prevent the ability to decrypt previously encrypted information).
\nYou can put the encryption configuration in Config.groovy, but a better location would be an external configuration file that does not get checked into source code (and can vary based on environment). Just put something like this in your Config.groovy file to define an external config file:
\ndef configFIlePath = System.getenv('ENCRYPTION_CONFIG_LOCATION') ?: "file:${userHome}/.jasypt"\ngrails.config.locations = [configFilePath]\n
\nThis enables you to set an environment variable with the location of the encryption configuration, otherwise it will look for a .encryption file in the current user's home (useful for developers).
\nBecause of American export standards, and the notion that cryptographically strong algorithms are "munitions", you'll want to make sure that the encryption policy jars that came with your installation of Java allow "unlimited" encryption, rather than the default "strong" (which are actually pretty weak).
\nTo check to see what level of encryption your installation of Java has, you'll need to do one of two things:\nA: Run the code from this gist on github
\nB: crack open your $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar
to see what's inside.:
% cd /tmp\n% cp $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar .\n% jar xvf local_policy.jar\n inflated: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF\n inflated: META-INF/JCE_RSA.SF\n inflated: META-INF/JCE_RSA.RSA\n created: META-INF/\n inflated: default_local.policy\n\n% cat default_local.policy\n// Country-specific policy file for countries with no limits on crypto strength.\ngrant {\n // There is no restriction to any algorithms.\n permission javax.crypto.CryptoAllPermission;\n};\n
\nIf the permissions look like that, you're set. Mac laptops bought in the US have this configured by default, all other installations I've seen have needed to be upgraded (including all Linux distros).
\nInstalling the new jar files is easy, just go download the "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)" under "Other Downloads" on Oracle's website.
\nUnzip the zip file and copy the jar files into your $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security directory
to overwrite the existing, limited encryption jars.
#make a backup copy of your existing files\nmkdir old_java_security\ncp -r $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security old_java_security\n\nunzip jce_policy-6.zip\nsudo cp jce/*.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security\n
\nDefining fields in your domain object that you want to be encrypted within the database is easy once the plugin is installed and configured, just define the "type" within the domain class' mapping:
\npackage com.bloomhealthco.domain\n\nimport com.bloomhealthco.jasypt.GormEncryptedStringType\n\nclass Member {\n String firstName\n String lastName\n String ssn\n static mapping = {\n \tssn type: GormEncryptedStringType\n }\n}\n
\nOne other caveat, if you're setting the length of the field within the database schema, you'll need to give yourself extra room as the encrypted value will be longer than the unencrypted value was. This length will depend on the encryption algorithm that you use. It's easy to write an integration test that can spit out all of the encrypted lengths for you. See testEncryptionWithLongNamesFit()
in the https://github.com/ZenHarbinger/grails-jasypt/blob/master/src/test/projects/sample/src/integration-test/groovy/com/bloomhealthco/domain/JasyptDomainEncryptionTests.groovy for an example.
As of version 1.1 the plugin provides 'Gorm' versions of all the built in Encrypted types provide by the jasypt plugin, http://www.jasypt.org/hibernate.html.
\nIt is also possible to define your own GORM encrypted types. This happens in two steps. First, you need a UserType that handles the encryption. This might be a class you have already from a existing java application or you could extend the jasypt class AbstractEncryptedAsStringType. Second, you define a new Gorm Encrypted type that composes that UserType to provide the wiring to the Grails configuration.
\nHere's an example that can encrypt joda-time dates (requires the joda-time jar to work):
\npackage com.bloomhealthco.jasypt\n\nimport org.jasypt.hibernate.type.AbstractEncryptedAsStringType\nimport org.joda.time.LocalDate;\n\npublic class EncryptedLocalDateAsStringType extends AbstractEncryptedAsStringType {\n\n protected Object convertToObject(String string) {\n if (!string) return null\n if (!(string =~ /\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}/)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("String does not match YYYY-MM-dd pattern")\n new LocalDate(string)\n }\n\n protected String convertToString(Object object) {\n if (!object) return null\n if (object.class != LocalDate) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected ${LocalDate.name} but was ${object.class.name}")\n object.toString("YYYY-MM-dd")\n }\n\n public Class returnedClass() { LocalDate }\n}\n\npublic class GormEncryptedLocalDateAsStringType extends JasyptConfiguredUserType<EncryptedLocalDateAsStringType> {\n}\n\n
\nFor now, documentation is a little light. There's a test project checked in as part of the repository that shows the plugin being used (and has tests that exercise the functionality). The Patient domain object has encrypted firstName and lastName fields on it.
\nThe goal of this plugin is to help convert Grails domain classes into various\nJSON representations needed in different parts of your web application or to\nsupport various API versions.
mechanism under the hoodSeveral API variants can be easily defined in domain classes by annotating properties with\nJsonApi
and providing a list of API profile names under which that property should appear in the\nresulting JSON. Marking a property with the JsonApi
annotation but providing no API names will\ninclude that property in all APIs. The database identity property will always be included\nautomatically. One could for instance define the following domain class:
import grails.plugins.jsonapis.JsonApi\n\nclass User {\n\t@JsonApi\n\tString screenName\n\n\t@JsonApi('userSettings')\n\tString email\n\n\t@JsonApi(['userSettings', 'detailedInformation'])\n\tString twitterUsername\n}\n
\nThen in the controller one would call the desired named JsonApi configuration to get only\nthe fields defined for that API. The following code:
\nJSON.use("detailedInformation")\nrender person as JSON\n
\n...would convert the person
object into JSON containing the id
, screenName
and twitterUsername
\nproperties but not the email
. It works for collections as well, converting each collection\nmember using the same API profile that was used to convert the parent:
static hasMany = [\n\tpets: Pet\n]\n@JsonApi('detailedInformation')\nSet pets\n
\nTo include a domain object's parent in a JSON API, declare a belongsTo
property explicitly\nand annotate it with JsonApi
(but be careful not to create circular paths by including both\nends of a belongsTo
static belongsTo = [\n\tuser:User\n]\n\n@JsonApi('petDetails') \nUser user\n
\nJSONBuilder is supported, too:
\nJSON.use("userSettings")\nrender(contentType: "text/json") {\n user = User.first()\n pet = Pet.first()\n}\n
\nA simple Grails 3 plugin to log Hibernate statistics on controller actions.
\nFor the Grails 2 plugin code and documentation, see: https://github.com/ishults/log-hibernate-stats/tree/grails_2.x
\nTo add this plugin, in your build.gradle
repositories {\n ...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/ishults/plugins" }\n}\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile "org.grails.plugins:log-hibernate-stats:1.0.20"\n}\n
\nThen just update your config (such as application.yml
) to add
logHibernateStats:\n enabled: 'ALWAYS'// From ALWAYS, ALLOWED, NEVER\n
\nfor the environments you want to track statistics for.
\nThen in your logback.groovy
logger 'grails.app.controllers.org.grails.plugins.LogHibernateStatsInterceptor',\n DEBUG, ['STDOUT'], false // Or INFO\n
\nYou should now be seeing output like:
\nINFO controller.ControllerFilters -\n############## Hibernate Stats ##############\nAction: /controller/actionName\n\nTransaction Count: 2\nFlush Count: 1\nPrepared Statement Count: 2\n\nTotal time: 500 ms\n#############################################\n
\nafter each request. If you set the logging to 'debug', you will also see:
\nDEBUG controller.ControllerFilters -\n### Start logging for action: controller/actionName ###\n
\nat the start of each action (useful if logSql is enabled too).
\nIf instead you'd like to target only specific actions, you can set
\nlogHibernateStats.enabled = 'ALLOWED'\n
\nand instead append the parameter '_logHibernateStats=true' to your request. This will isolate the logging to just that request.
\nIt is recommended to keep the plugin enabled value at 'NEVER' by default, and setting it to 'ALLOWED' or 'ALWAYS' when debugging in development.
\nPlugin created by Igor Shults.
\nOfficial Grails 3.x plugin page here: https://bintray.com/ishults/plugins/org.grails.plugins%3Alog-hibernate-stats/view
\nOfficial Grails 2.x plugin page here: http://grails.org/plugin/log-hibernate-stats
\nIf you're not interested in running this as a plugin, I wrote a blog post on some standalone code here: http://www.objectpartners.com/2014/04/22/tracking-hibernate-statistics-across-grails-actions/
\nInspired by a post on Hibernate logging by Himanshu Seth: http://www.intelligrape.com/blog/2011/11/07/grails-find-number-of-queries-executed-for-a-particular-request/
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "quartz-monitor", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "jamescookie", "desc": "Grails quartz-monitor plugin", "labels": [ "quartz", "scheduling" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/jamescookie/quartz-monitor/issues", "latestVersion": "1.3", "updated": "2016-04-19T21:51:32.924Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:quartz-monitor" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/jamescookie/quartz-monitor" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "#Quartz Monitor Plugin for Grails
\nAllows you to view and administer all your Quartz jobs in one place.
\nThis plugin requires the Quartz and Asset Pipeline plugins to run.
\nOnce you have the Quartz plugin installed and have created some jobs, then you will probably start wondering if they are all running as desired.
\nThis is where you need the 'Quartz Monitor' plugin.
\nSimply install the plugin and go to the URL: http://localhost:8080/
##Enhanced Experience
\nTo have the page keep you constantly up to date requires jQuery. It will still work without jQuery, but it won't look as good.
\nThere are various configuration options, all start with quartz.monitor
\nAllows you to change the sitemesh layout that page will use. Defaults to 'main'.
\nIf this is set to true, then the names of the triggers will be shown in the list - useful if you have multiple triggers for the same job.
\nWill add javascript to the page in order to show a countdown to when the job will fire next, unless this is set to 'false'.
\nWill add javascript to the page in order to show a clock with the current time, unless this is set to 'false'.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "p6spy-ui", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails p6spy-ui plugin", "labels": [ "logging", "p6spy" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/burtbeckwith/grails-p6spy-ui/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "updated": "2016-04-01T15:40:04.213Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:p6spy-ui" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/burtbeckwith/grails-p6spy-ui" }, "documentationUrl": "https://burtbeckwith.github.io/grails-p6spy-ui/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "paypal-payments", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "novadge", "desc": "Accept and process payments with Paypal SDK", "labels": [ "payment", "paypal" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/Novadge/paypal-payments/issues", "latestVersion": "0.1.0", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.940Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:paypal-payments" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/Novadge/paypal-payments" }, "documentationUrl": "https://Novadge.github.io/paypal-payments/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Accept and process payments with Paypal REST API
\nThe Paypal payments plugin simplifies the integration of Paypal into Grails applications. With this plugin, you are not required to be a Paypal sdk guru in order to accept payments.
\nThis guide documents how to use the plugin to process payments for Grails applications.
\nI will assume that you already have your Grails application designed and ready to accept payments. A demo application will be sufficient for this exercise.
\n####Create a Paypal account\nYou will need to create a Paypal account and obtain API keys for a Paypal app. The Paypal app will represent your Grails application. To create a Paypal app, please visit [https://developer.paypal.com/developer/applications/](Paypal developer page) to create a sandbox account.
\nThe Sandbox account will allow you to play around with most of the API features available. It is also a good way to test your application integration before moving over to a live environment.
\n####Obtain your client id and client secret\nObtain the API keys for your sandbox account/app and add it to your Grails config file [Config.groovy for grails 2.x and application.groovy for grails 3.x]. Here's what my config file looks like:
\npaypal.email="omasiri@novadge.com"\npaypal.clientId = 'your client id'\npaypal.sandbox.clientId = 'your client id'\npaypal.clientSecret = 'your client secret'\npaypal.sandbox.clientSecret ='your client secret'\npaypal.endpoint = "https://api.paypal.com"\npaypal.sandbox.endpoint = "https://api.sandbox.paypal.com"\n
\nNotice that I added config for sandbox and live environment. The reason is to be able to switch between both environments during app development.
\n####Create a grails controller and add required actions\nCreate a grails controller. Personally, I called my own controller PaypalController.
\ngrails create-controller com.mypackage.Paypal\n
\n####Add required actions
\nNormally, Paypal payments requires three steps to complete.
\nFor the approval step, here's my action inside my PaypalController.\nInject paypalService into your controller like this...
\ndef paypalService\n
\nAnd then create your Controller action
\nimport com.paypal.base.Constants\n...\n\ndef approve() {\n\n String clientId = grailsApplication.config.paypal.clientId\n String clientSecret = grailsApplication.config.paypal.clientSecret\n String endpoint = grailsApplication.config.paypal.endpoint\n Map sdkConfig = [(Constants.CLIENT_ID): clientId,\n (Constants.CLIENT_SECRET): clientSecret,\n (Constants.ENDPOINT): endpoint]\n def accessToken = paypalService.getAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret, sdkConfig)\n def apiContext = paypalService.getAPIContext(accessToken, sdkConfig)\n\n\n BigDecimal total = formatNumber(number: params.amount, minFractionDigits: 2) as BigDecimal\n\n def details = paypalService.createDetails(subtotal: "12.50")\n def amount = paypalService.createAmount(currency: currencyCode, total: "12.50", details: details)\n\n def transaction = paypalService.createTransaction(amount: amount, description: "your description", details: details)\n def transactions = [transaction]\n\n def payer = paypalService.createPayer(paymentMethod: 'paypal')\n def cancelUrl = "http://myexampleurl/cancel"\n def returnUrl = "http://mypaypalController/execute"\n\n def redirectUrls = paypalService.createRedirectUrls(cancelUrl: cancelUrl, returnUrl: returnUrl)\n\n def payment\n try {\n // create the paypal payment\n payment = paypalService.createPayment(\n payer: payer, intent: 'sale',\n transactionList: transactions,\n redirectUrls: redirectUrls,\n apiContext: apiContext)\n }\n catch (e) {\n flash.message = "Could not complete the transaction because: ${e.message ?: ''}"\n redirect controller: 'bill', action: "show", id: params.refId\n return\n }\n\n def approvalUrl = ""\n def retUrl = ""\n // retrieve links from returned paypal object\n for (Links links in payment?.links) {\n if (links?.rel == 'approval_url') {\n approvalUrl = links.href\n }\n if (links?.rel == 'return_url') {\n retUrl = links.href\n }\n }\n\n redirect url: approvalUrl ?: '/', method: 'POST'\n}\n
\nThe customer will be redirected to the Paypal website for approval. After the customer approves or\ncancels the payment, Paypal will either call the returnUrl or cancelUrl you provided depending on\nwhat action the customer performs.
\ndef execute() {\n\n String clientId = grailsApplication.config.paypal.clientId\n String clientSecret = grailsApplication.config.paypal.clientSecret\n String endpoint = grailsApplication.config.paypal.endpoint\n Map sdkConfig = [:] //= grailsApplication.config.paypal.sdkConfig//[mode: 'live']\n //sdkConfig['grant-type'] = "client_credentials"\n sdkConfig[Constants.CLIENT_ID] = clientId\n sdkConfig[Constants.CLIENT_SECRET] = clientSecret\n sdkConfig[Constants.ENDPOINT] = endpoint\n def accessToken = paypalService.getAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret, sdkConfig)\n def apiContext = paypalService.getAPIContext(accessToken, sdkConfig)\n //the paypal website will add params to the call to your app. Eg. PayerId, PaymentId\n // you will use the params to 'execute' the payment\n def paypalPayment = paypalService.createPaymentExecution(paymentId: params.paymentId, payerId: params.PayerID, apiContext)\n\n def map = new JsonSlurper().parseText(paypalPayment.toString())\n\n redirect url: "to your url"\n}\n
\nOmasirichukwu Joseph Udeinya (@omasiri)
\nPlease feel free to reach out to us for assistance with this plugin and we\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdll help you sort it out.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "paystack-grails", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "dubems", "desc": "Plugin to communicate with paystack API", "labels": [ "payment" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/dubems/paystack-grails/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.5", "updated": "2020-07-30T18:43:08.745Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:paystack-grails" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/dubems/paystack-grails" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "postgresql-extensions", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "kaleidos", "desc": "This plugin provides hibernate user types to support for Postgresql Native Types like Array, HStore, JSON as well as new criterias to query this native types.", "labels": [ "postgresql", "gorm" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/kaleidos/grails-postgresql-extensions/issues", "latestVersion": "7.0.0", "updated": "2019-07-29T19:41:48.286Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:postgresql-extensions" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/kaleidos/grails-postgresql-extensions" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This is a grails plugin that provides hibernate user types to use Postgresql native types such as Array, Hstore, Json,\nJsonb... from a Grails application. It also provides new criterias to query this new native types.
\nCurrently the plugin supports array, hstore, json and jsonb fields as well as some query methods.\nMore native types and query methods will be added in the future.
\nThe Grails 3 version supports both Hibernate 4.X (versions 4.x.x of the plugin) and Hibernate 5.X (versions 5.x.x of the\nplugin). In build.gradle
add the jcenter
repository and the following dependency to install the plugin:
repositories {\n ...\n jcenter()\n ...\n}\n\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:postgresql-extensions:<version>'\n ...\n}\n
\nYou also need to install the Postgresql jdbc driver. You can see all available Postgresql jdbc libraries versions at\nMVN Repository.
\ndependencies {\n ...\n provided 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.4.1211.jre7'\n ...\n}\n
\nIt's also necessary to install the Grails-Hibernate plugin. Depending if you use Hibernate 4 or Hibernate 5 you'll need\ndifferent dependencies. Please make sure you use the latest versions of the plugin and the hibernate dependencies
\n// Hibernate 4\nbuildscript {\n ...\n dependencies {\n ...\n classpath "org.grails.plugins:hibernate4:6.0.3"\n }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile "org.grails.plugins:hibernate4"\n compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:4.3.11.Final"\n compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache:4.3.11.Final"\n ...\n}\n
\n// Hibernate 5\nbuildscript {\n ...\n dependencies {\n ...\n classpath "org.grails.plugins:hibernate5:6.0.3"\n }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile "org.grails.plugins:hibernate5"\n compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.1.1.Final"\n compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache:5.1.1.Final"\n ...\n}\n
\nAfter install the plugin you have to use a new Postgresql Hibernate Dialect in your application. Add it to the\ngrails-app/conf/application.yml
---\ndataSource:\n pooled: true\n jmxExport: true\n driverClassName: org.postgresql.Driver\n username: user\n password: password\n url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/db_name\n dbCreate: update\n\nhibernate:\n dialect: net.kaleidos.hibernate.PostgresqlExtensionsDialect\n
\nIf you just only add the dialect, hibernate will create a new sequence for every table to generate the sequential ids\nused for the primary keys instead of a global sequence for all your tables.
\nIf you're using Hibernate 4 you can also deactivate this behaviour and create only one unique sequence for all the tables with the following\nproperty in your datasource definition:
\ndataSource:\n postgresql:\n extensions:\n sequence_per_table: false\n}\n
\nFor Hibernate 5 add the following to grails-app/conf/application.groovy
grails.gorm.default.mapping = {\n id generator: 'org.hibernate.id.enhanced.SequenceStyleGenerator', params: [prefer_sequence_per_entity: true]\n}\n
\nPlease be aware that Hibernate 5 has changed the default name of the sequences so for a domain class TestMapJson
the\ntable name is test_map_json
and the sequence name is seq_test_map_json
in Hibernate 4 and testmapjson_seq
in\nHibernate 5.
The plugin supports the definition of Integer
, Long
, Float
, Double
, String
, and Enum
arrays in your domain\nclasses.
The Enum
arrays behaves almost identical to Integer
arrays in that they store and retrieve an array of ints. The\ndifference, however, is that this is used with an Array of Enums, rather than Ints. The Enums are serialized to their\nordinal value before persisted to the database. On retrieval, they are then converted back into their original Enum
import net.kaleidos.hibernate.usertype.ArrayType\n\nclass Like {\n Integer[] favoriteNumbers = []\n Long[] favoriteLongNumbers = []\n Float[] favoriteFloatNumbers = []\n Double[] favoriteDoubleNumbers = []\n String[] favoriteMovies = []\n Juice[] favoriteJuices = []\n UUID[] favoriteMovieUUIDs = []\n\n static enum Juice {\n ORANGE(0),\n APPLE(1),\n GRAPE(2)\n\n private final int value\n Juice(int value) { this.value = value }\n }\n\n static mapping = {\n favoriteNumbers type:ArrayType, params: [type: Integer]\n favoriteLongNumbers type:ArrayType, params: [type: Long]\n favoriteFloatNumbers type:ArrayType, params: [type: Float]\n favoriteDoubleNumbers type:ArrayType, params: [type: Double]\n favoriteMovies type:ArrayType, params: [type: String]\n favoriteJuices type:ArrayType, params: [type: Juice]\n favoriteMovieUUIDs type:ArrayType, params: [type: UUID]\n }\n}\n
\nNow you can create domain objects using lists (or arrays) of integers, longs and strings and when you save the object\nit will be stored as an postgresql array:
\ndef myLikes = new Like(favoriteNumbers: [5, 17, 9, 6],\n favoriteLongNumbers: [123, 239, 3498239, 2344235],\n favoriteFloatNumbers: [0.3f, 0.1f],\n favoriteDoubleNumbers: [100.33d, 44.11d],\n favoriteMovies: ["Spiderman", "Blade Runner", "Starwars"],\n favoriteJuices: [Like.Juice.ORANGE, Like.Juice.GRAPE])\nmyLikes.save()\n
\nAnd now, with psql
=# select * from like;\n\n id | favorite_long_numbers | favorite_float_numbers | favorite_double_numbers | favorite_movies | favorite_numbers | favorite_juices\n----+---------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------------------+------------------+----------------\n 1 | {123,239,3498239,2344235} | {0.3,0.1} | {100.33,44.11} | {Spiderman,"Blade Runner",Starwars} | {5,17,9,6} | {0,2}\n
\nThe plugin also includes some hibernate criterias to use in your queries. Please check the\nservices\nand the tests\ncreated to see all usage examples.
\nYou can also check the official Postgresql Array operators.
\nWith this criteria you can get all the rows that contain all the values in the array field. To use it just use the new\ncriteria pgArrayContains
// number can be just a value...\ndef number = 3\ndef result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayContains 'favoriteNumbers', number\n}\n\n// ...or a list\ndef numbers = [5, 17]\ndef result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayContains 'favoriteNumbers', numbers\n}\n\n// If using enums, pass the enum right through\ndef juices = Like.Juice.ORANGE\ndef result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayContains 'favoriteJuices', juices\n}\n\n
\nWith this criteria you can get all the rows that are contained by the values. To use it just use the new criteria\npgArrayIsContainedBy
// movie can be just a string or a list\ndef movie = "Starwars" // or movie = ["Starwars"]\ndef result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayIsContainedBy 'favoriteMovies', movie\n}\n\n// The plugin also support joins\ndef movies = ["Starwars", "Matrix"]\ndef results = User.withCriteria {\n like {\n pgArrayIsContainedBy 'favoriteMovies', movies\n }\n}\n
\nWith this criteria you can get all the rows that contains any of the values. To use it just use the new criteria\npgArrayOverlaps
def result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayOverlaps 'favoriteNumbers', numbers\n}\n
\nWith this criteria you can get all the rows that contains an-empty array in the selected field. To use it just use the\nnew criteria pgArrayIsEmpty
def result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayIsEmpty 'favoriteMovies'\n}\n
\nWith this criteria you can get all the rows that contains a not empty array in the selected field. To use it just use\nthe new criteria pgArrayIsNotEmpty
def result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayIsNotEmpty 'favoriteMovies'\n}\n
\nThis criteria is a mix of the pgContains
and pgIsEmpty
. Sometimes you have to execute 'pgContains' criteria if the\nlist has elements or a 'pgIsEmpty' if the list is empty. It could be something like this:
def numbers = ... // A list with zero or more elements\ndef result = Like.withCriteria {\n if (numbers) {\n pgArrayContains 'favoriteNumbers', numbers\n } else {\n pgArrayIsEmpty 'favoriteMovies'\n }\n}\n
\nWith pgIsEmptyOrContains
you can write the previous code as follows:
def numbers = ... // A list with zero or more elements\ndef result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayIsEmptyOrContains 'favoriteNumbers', numbers\n}\n
\nWith this criteria you can get all the rows that are equal to a value. To use it just use the new criteria pgArrayEquals
def result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayEquals 'favoriteNumbers', numbers\n}\n
\nWith this criteria you can get all the rows that are not equal to a value. To use it just use the new criteria\npgArrayNotEquals
def result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayNotEquals 'favoriteNumbers', numbers\n}\n
\nWith this criteria you can get all the rows that are ilike to a value. To use it just use the new criteria pgArrayILike
It only can be used on arrays of string.
\nIt uses the ilike syntaxis, so you can do for example:
\ndef result = Like.withCriteria {\n pgArrayILike 'favoriteMovies', "%tarwar%"\n}\n
\nThe first thing you need to do is install hstore support in Postgresql. In Debian/Ubuntu you have to install the\npostgresql-contrib
sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib-9.4\n
\nOnce the package is installed in the system you have to create the extension in the database you want to use hstore into:
\nYou can test that the hstore extension is correctly installed running:
\n=# SELECT 'foo=>bar, xxx=>yyy'::hstore;\n hstore\n----------------------------\n "foo"=>"bar", "xxx"=>"yyy"\n(1 row)\n
\nYou only have to define the domain class with a Map
attribute and use the Hibernate user type HstoreMapType
import net.kaleidos.hibernate.usertype.HstoreMapType\n\nclass TestHstore {\n\n Map testAttributes\n String anotherProperty\n\n static mapping = {\n testAttributes type: HstoreMapType\n }\n}\n
\nNow you can create and instance of the domain class. Due to a limitation of the Hstore Postgresql type you can only\nstore Strings as key and value.
\ndef instance = new TestHstore(testAttributes: [foo: "bar"], anotherProperty: "Groovy Rocks!")\ninstance.save()\n\ndef instance2 = new TestHstore(testAttributes: [xxx: 1, zzz: 123], anotherProperty: "")\ninstance2.save()\n
\n=# select * from test_hstore;\n id | version | another_property | test_attributes\n----+---------+------------------+-----------------\n 1 | 0 | Groovy Rocks! | "foo"=>"bar"\n 2 | 0 | | "xxx"=>"1", "zzz"=>"123"\n
\nThe following criteria operations are available to query rows using the Hstore custom type. You can\ncheck the services\nand the tests\ncreated to see all usage examples.
\nYou can also check the official Postgresql Hstore operators.
\nWith this operation you can search for rows that contain an Hstore with the key passed as parameter.
\ndef wantedKey = "my-custom-key"\ndef result = MyDomain.withCriteria {\n pgHstoreContainsKey "attributes", wantedKey\n}\n
\nYou can search for data that contains certain pairs of key and value.
\ndef result = Users.withCriteria {\n pgHstoreContains 'configuration', ["language": "es"]\n}\n
\nThe operation is contained can be used when looking for rows that has all the elements in the map\npassed as parameter.
\ndef result = TestHstore.withCriteria {\n pgHstoreIsContained 'testAttributes', ["1": "a", "2": "b"]\n}\n
\nThe example above returns the rows that contains elements like:
\ntestAttributes = ["1": "a"]\ntestAttributes = ["2": "b"]\ntestAttributes = ["1": "a", "2": "b"]\n
\nThis criteria can also be used to look for exact matches.
\nWith this operation you can search for rows that contain an Hstore in which any value matches (ilike) to the parameter.\nIt uses the ilike syntaxis, so you can do for example:
\ndef wantedValue = "%my-value%"\ndef result = MyDomain.withCriteria {\n pgHstoreILikeValue "attributes", wantedKey\n}\n
\nTo define a json field you only have to define a Map
field and use the JsonMapType
hibernate user type.
import net.kaleidos.hibernate.usertype.JsonMapType\n\nclass TestMapJson {\n Map data\n\n static constraints = {\n }\n static mapping = {\n data type: JsonMapType\n }\n}\n
\nNow you can create and instance of the domain class:
\ndef instance = new TestMapJson(data: [name: "Iv\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdn", age: 35, hasChilds: true, childs: [[name: 'Judith', age: 8], [name: 'Adriana', age: 5]]])\ninstance.save()\n
\n=# select * from test_map_json;\n\n id | version | data\n----+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n 1 | 0 | {"hasChilds":true,"age":35,"name":"Iv\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdn","childs":[{"name":"Judith","age":8},{"name":"Adriana","age":5}]}\n
\nAs you can see the plugin converts to Json automatically the attributes and the lists in the map type.
\nThe plugin provides some criterias to query json fields. You can check the official\nPostgresql Json functions and operators in case you\nneed additional ones.
\nWith this criteria you can check if a json field contains some value in some key. To use it just use the criteria\npgJsonHasFieldValue
def obj1 = new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iv\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdn', lastName: 'L\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdpez']).save(flush: true)\ndef obj2 = new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Alonso', lastName: 'Torres']).save(flush: true)\ndef obj3 = new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iv\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdn', lastName: 'P\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdrez']).save(flush: true)\n\ndef result = TestMapJson.withCriteria {\n pgJsonHasFieldValue 'data', 'name', 'Iv\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdn'\n}\n
\nThe previous criteria will return all the rows that have a name
attribute in the json field data
with the value\nIv\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdn
. In this example obj1
and obj3
With this criterion you can use more operators using a syntax close to the one described in Postgresql documentation.\nTo use it just use pgJson
def obj1 = new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iv\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdn', lastName: 'L\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdpez', other: [followersCount: 150]]).save(flush: true)\ndef obj2 = new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Alonso', lastName: 'Torres', other: [followersCount: 148]]).save(flush: true)\ndef obj3 = new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iv\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdn', lastName: 'P\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdrez', other: [followersCount: 149]]).save(flush: true)\n\ndef result1 = TestMapJson.withCriteria {\n pgJson 'data', '->>', 'name', 'ilike', '%iv%'\n}\n
\nThe previous query will return all the rows that have a name
attribute in the json field data
containing iv
\n(case insensitive). In this example obj1
and obj3
def result2 = TestMapJson.withCriteria {\n pgJson 'data', '#>>', '{other, followersCount}', '>', 149\n}\n
\nThe previous query will return all the rows that have an other
value whose followersCount
value is greater than\n149
. In this example obj1
Since postgresql-extensions version 4.4.0 it is possible to use Postgresql Jsonb\ninstead of just json. You need to use at least Postgresql 9.4.
\nTo define a jsonb field you only have to define a Map
field and use the JsonbMapType
hibernate user type.
import net.kaleidos.hibernate.usertype.JsonbMapType\n\nclass TestMapJsonb {\n Map data\n\n static constraints = {\n }\n static mapping = {\n data type: JsonbMapType\n }\n}\n
\nThe same criterias implemented for Json are valid for Jsonb. Besides that, there are some criterias that are only\nvalid for Jsonb. Check the documentation.
\nWith this criteria you can get all the rows that contain all the values in the map. To use it just use the criteria\npgJsonContains
def obj1 = new TestMapJsonb(data: [a: 'foo', b: '1']).save(flush: true)\ndef obj2 = new TestMapJsonb(data: [b: 1, d: '2']).save(flush: true)\ndef obj3 = new TestMapJsonb(data: [a: 'foo', b: '1', c: 'test',]).save(flush: true)\n\ndef result = TestMapJsonb.withCriteria {\n pgJsonbContains data, [a: 'foo', b: '1']\n}\n
\nThe previous criteria will return all the rows that contains all the keys/values ([a: 'foo', b: '1']
in the example)\nin the data
field. In this example will return obj1
and obj3
With this criteria you can get all the rows that are contained by the values. To use it just use the criteria\npgArrayIsContainedBy
def obj1 = new TestMapJsonb(data: [a: 'foo', b: '1']).save(flush: true)\ndef obj2 = new TestMapJsonb(data: [b: 1, d: '2']).save(flush: true)\ndef obj3 = new TestMapJsonb(data: [b: '1', a: 'foo', c: 'test',]).save(flush: true)\n\ndef result = TestMapJsonb.withCriteria {\n pgJsonbIsContained data, [a: 'foo', b: '1', c: 'test']\n}\n
\nThe previous criteria will return all the rows that are contained in the map. In the example it will retun the objects\nobj1
and obj3
Sometimes you need to get some results ordered randomly from the database. Postgres provides a native function to do\nthat. So you can write something like this:
\nselect * from foo order by random();\n
\nThe plugin now offers a new order method to do this random sorting:
\nimport static net.kaleidos.hibernate.order.OrderByRandom.byRandom\n\nclass MyService {\n List<TestMapJsonb> orderByRandom() {\n return TestMapJsonb.withCriteria {\n order byRandom()\n }\n }\n}\n
\nYou may need to do a more complex sorting. Imagine that you have a table with a jsonb
column and you want to order\nby a field in that json. Using sql you can write:
select * from foo order by (data->'name') desc\n
\nWith the plugin you can do the same with a new order method called sqlFormula
import static net.kaleidos.hibernate.order.OrderBySqlFormula.sqlFormula\n\nclass MyService {\n List<TestMapJsonb> orderByJson() {\n return TestMapJsonb.withCriteria {\n order sqlFormula("(data->'name') desc")\n }\n }\n}\n
\nIt's important to note that the "raw" sql is appended to the criteria, so you need to be sure that it's valid because\nif not you'll get a sql error during runtime.
\nYou can send any questions to:
\nCollaborations are appreciated :-)
\nVersion | Date | Comments\n------- | ------------| ---------\n7.0.0 | 29/Jul/2019 | Grails 4 (Hibernate 5.4): Add support for Grails 4 and Hibernate 5.4. Thanks to James Hardwick and Zhuravskiy Vitaliy.\n6.1.0 | 24/Sep/2018 | Grails 3 (Hibernate 5.2): Fix #30. Thanks to John Keith and jglapa.\n5.3.0 | 24/Sep/2018 | Grails 3 (Hibernate 5): Fix #30. Thanks to John Keith and jglapa.\n4.8.0 | 24/Sep/2018 | Grails 3 (Hibernate 4): Fix #30. Thanks to John Keith and jglapa.\n6.0.0 | 05/Jun/2018 | Grails 3: Add support for Hibernate 5.2. #114. Thanks to Alexey Zhokhov and Feng Yu.\n5.2.0 | 03/Nov/2017 | Grails 3 (Hibernate 5): Merged #107 and #109.\n5.1.0 | 22/May/2017 | Grails 3 (Hibernate 5): Change db credentials to make it compatible with Postgresql 9.6.\n4.7.0 | 22/May/2017 | Grails 3 (Hibernate 4): Change db credentials to make it compatible with Postgresql 9.6.\n5.0.1 | 21/May/2017 | Grails 3 (Hibernate 5): Fix #96. Thanks to jglapa.\n4.6.9 | 21/May/2017 | Grails 3 (Hibernate 4): Fix #96. Thanks to jglapa.\n5.0.0 | 07/Nov/2016 | Grails 3: Add support for Hibernate 5.1. Upgrade dialect to Postgresql 9.4, Grails to 3.2.2 and GORM to 6.0.3.\n4.6.8 | 03/Nov/2016 | Grails 3: Add support for generic Json/Jsonb criteria #95. Thanks to Sabst.\n4.6.7 | 01/Nov/2016 | Grails 3: Add UUID arrays. Thanks to Tom Potts. Fix #87\n5.0.0-RC1 | 28/Oct/2016 | Grails 3: Add support for Hibernate 5. Thanks to Alexey Zhokhov and Eric Helgeson.\n4.6.6 | 24/Apr/2016 | Grails 3: Migrate (almost) all Java code to Groovy + @CompileStatic. No new features added.\n4.6.5 | 31/Dec/2015 | Grails 3: Fix #84. Starting Grails 3.0.10 the default sequence_per_table
parameter was not working.\n4.6.4 | 29/Dec/2015 | Grails 3: Cleanup and new jar file with the same functionality as previous version. It seems that version 4.6.3 is corrupted.\n4.6.3 | 08/Dec/2015 | Grails 3: Add new criterias for Jsonb: contains and isContained.\n4.6.2 | 05/Dec/2015 | Grails 3: Cleanup old code for support Hstore in old Grails versions.\n4.6.1 | 02/0ct/2015 | Plugin migrated to Grails 3.\n4.6.1 | 21/Sep/2015 | Hibernate 4.x. Fix #76.\n4.6.0 | 08/Sep/2015 | Hibernate 4.x. Add support to order by a sql formula and by random. Fix #72.\n4.5.0 | 02/Jun/2015 | Hibernate 4.x. GR8Conf Hackergarten! Merge PRs: #62, #66, #67, #68, #69.\n3.4.0 | 02/Jun/2015 | Hibernate 3.x. GR8Conf Hackergarten! Add Jsonb support for Hibernate 3.x #64.\n4.4.0 | 15/Mar/2015 | Hibernate 4.x. Add support for Jsonb.\n3.3.0 | 18/Aug/2014 | Hibernate 3.x. Fix #49. Configure sequence per table or a global sequence for all tables.\n4.3.0 | 17/Aug/2014 | Hibernate 4.x. Fix #49. Configure sequence per table or a global sequence for all tables.\n3.2.0 | 02/Aug/2014 | Hibernate 3.x. pgJsonHasFieldValue criteria.\n4.2.0 | 28/Jul/2014 | Hibernate 4.x. pgJsonHasFieldValue criteria.\n3.1.0 | 25/Jul/2014 | Add JSON support for Hibernate 3.x. It's now possible to store and read domain classes with map types persisted to json.\n4.1.0 | 24/Jul/2014 | Add JSON support. It's now possible to store and read domain classes with map types persisted to json.\n4.0.0 | 18/Jul/2014 | Version compatible with Hibernate 4.x.\n3.0.0 | 18/Jul/2014 | Version compatible with Hibernate 3.x.\n0.9 | 16/Jun/2014 | Add new array criterias: pgArrayEquals, pgArrayNotEquals.\n0.8.1 | 24/Apr/2014 | Fix NPE when array is null.\n0.8 | 24/Apr/2014 | Added support for Double and Float arrays. Refactored the ArrayType to be used as a parametrized type.\n0.7 | Unreleased | New HstoreMapType and update plugin to Grails 2.2.5.\n0.6.8 | 22/Apr/2014 | Fix NPE in HstoreType.\n0.6.7 | 14/Feb/2014 | Support Java Arrays in criterias.\n0.6.6 | 14/Feb/2014 | New criteria pgArrayIsEmptyOrContains.\n0.6.5 | 13/Feb/2014 | Fix bug deleting instances with Hstore type. Thanks to Manuel Unno Vio!\n0.6.4 | 30/Jan/2014 | Convert automatically the keys of Hstore to string.\n0.6.3 | 19/Jan/2014 | Display the class name during startup when detecting a hstore property.\n0.6.2 | Unreleased | Refactor some tests.\n0.6.1 | 28/Nov/2013 | Update postgresql jdbc driver to version 9.2 and do not export hibernate plugin.\n0.6 | 21/Nov/2013 | Use a more complete Hstore parser. Thanks to Moritz Kobel!\n0.5.1 | 10/Nov/2013 | Change base directory to compile AST before the plugin classes. Thanks to Moritz Kobel!\n0.5 | 08/Nov/2013 | Add criteria operation for Hstore types.\n0.4.1 | Unreleased | Compile AST before the project itself.\n0.4 | 28/Oct/2013 | Add support to Hstore. It's only possible to save and get, but no queries has been implemented.\n0.3 | 18/Sep/2013 | Add support to define the schema name for the sequences.\n0.2 | 25/Aug/2013 | Support for arrays of Enums with automatic serialization/deserialization to ordinal integer value. Thanks to Matt Feury!\n0.1.1 | 22/Jul/2013 | Some refactors of the code. No functionality added.\n0.1 | 16/Jul/2013 | Initial version of the plugin with support for integer, long and string array types and criterias pgArrayContains, pgArrayIsContainedBy, pgArrayOverlaps, pgArrayIsEmpty and pgArrayIsNotEmpty.
This plugin allows you to create QR codes as part of your Grails\napplication without the need for an external service.
\nFor Grails 2 use version 0.7, for Grails 3 use version 0.8+.
\nAdd a dependency in BuildConfig.groovy:
\ngrails.project.dependency.resolution = {\n // ...\n plugins {\n compile ':qrcode:0.7'\n // ...\n }\n}\n
\nAdd a dependency in build.gradle
\ncompile 'org.grails.plugins:qrcode:0.9'\n
\nRender text QRCode at default size (300x300px)
\nRender text QRCode in 30x30px
\nRender url QRCode\n\n.../qrcode/url?u=http://grails.org/plugin/qrcode\n
\nThe maximum value of the width parameter can be configured with qrcode.size.max (default 1024).
\nqrcode.size.max = 2048\n
\nqrCodeService.renderPng("test", 30, outputStream)\n
\nNamespace: qrcode
\nRender text as QRCode
\n<qrcode:image height="100" width="100" text="TEST TEXT"/>\n
\nIf you want to include a QRCode image in an email and you use a GSP to render email content you must set attribute absolute="true".\nOtherwise the image url will not start with http:// and will probably not render correct.
\n<qrcode:image height="100" width="100" text="#648357" alt="Invoice #648357" absolute="true"/>\n
\nRender current request url as QRCode
\n<qrcode:url width="64"/>\n
\nIn this example we have a method on the Person domain class that returns contact information as a vCard formatted String.
\nclass Person {\n ...\n transient String getVcard() {\n def s = new StringBuilder()\n s << "BEGIN:VCARD\\n"\n s << "VERSION:3.0\\n"\n s << "N:${lastName};${firstName};;;\\n"\n s << "FN: ${fullName}\\n"\n s << "ORG:${companyName}\\n"\n s << "TITLE:${title ? title.replace(',', '\\\\,') : ''}\\n"\n s << "TEL;TYPE=work,voice,pref:${phone}\\n"\n s << "TEL;TYPE=cell,voice:${cellphone}\\n"\n s << "EMAIL;type=internet,pref:${email}\\n"\n s << "ADR;TYPE=work,postal,pref:;;${address};${city};${state};${postalCode};${country}\\n"\n def timestampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")\n s << "REV:${timestampFormat.format(lastUpdated ?: dateCreated)}\\n"\n s << "END:VCARD\\n"\n return s.toString()\n }\n}\n
\nNow it's easy to render a QRCode of the contact information.\nThis QRCode can be scanned with a smartphone and imported as a contact.
\n<qrcode:image height="150" text="${person.vcard}" alt="${person.fullName} ${person.address} ${person.city}"/>\n
\nVersion 0.9: Prevent DoS attempts using large size/width values.
\nVersion 0.8: Grails 3 support.
\nVersion 0.7: Upgraded zxing dependency to 3.2.0.
\nVersion 0.6: Upgraded pngj dependency to 2.1.0.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "quartz", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails quartz plugin", "labels": [ "quartz", "scheduling" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-quartz/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "updated": "2024-04-04T01:05:36.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:quartz" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/grails-quartz" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails.github.io/grails-quartz/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/quartz/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "quartz-config-scheduler", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "9ci", "desc": "Quartz Config Scheduler - Allow creating quartz job from configuration", "labels": [ "quartz", "scheduling" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/yakworks/quartz-config-scheduler/issues", "latestVersion": "4.0.0", "updated": "2020-10-31T05:17:26.442Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:quartz-config-scheduler" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/yakworks/quartz-config-scheduler" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\ngrails 4
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:quartz-config-scheduler:4.0.0"\n
\ngrails 3+
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:quartz-config-scheduler:2.0.0"\n
\nThe plugin builds on top of quartz grails plugin and makes it possible to schedule quartz job on the fly from configuration.
\nEnable grails.plugin.quartz.autoStartup = true
And then schedule a closure job as shown below.
\nFile application.groovy
or an external configuration file.
import org.quartz.Trigger\nimport org.quartz.Scheduler\nimport org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext\nimport grails.plugin.quartzconfigscheduler.ClosureJob\nimport org.quartz.JobExecutionContext\nimport org.quartz.TriggerBuilder\n\ngrails.plugin.quartz.jobSetup.testJob = { Scheduler scheduler, ApplicationContext context ->\n \n Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("closureJobTrigger")\n .withSchedule(\n simpleSchedule()\n .withIntervalInMilliseconds(10)\n .withRepeatCount(2)\n ).startNow().build()\n \n Map jobParams = [param1:value1]\n ClosureJob.schedule(trigger, jobParams) { JobExecutionContext jobCtx ->\n println "Job executed"\n } \n\n}\n\n
- set to true enable scheduling jobs from configuration on application startup.grails.plugin.quartz.jobSetup
- All jobs are configured under this key.Plugin provides two job classes to setup jobs from configuration. ClosureJob
and SpringBeanJob
\nPlugin looks for configuration key grails.plugin.quartz.jobSetup
and each child key of it is considered as a job setup\nIt must be a closure, the closure gets executed on application startup and is passed two parameters Scheduler
and ApplicationContext
provides one static method schedule
which takes a trigger, Map of job params and a closure and schedules the quartz job.\nThe closure is executed each time the job is triggered. The JobExecutionContext
is passed to the closure as argument.
\n\nTrigger trigger //build trigger as per the need\nClosureJob.schedule(trigger, jobParams) { JobExecutionContext jobCtx ->\n println "Job executed"\n\n} \n
can be used to schedule a job which will invoke a specified method on a configured spring bean.\nThe SpringBeanJob
provides a static method which takes Trigger
, spring bean name, method name and arguments to pass to the method as parameters\nand calls the method on the spring bean with specified arguments every time the job is triggered.
Example\nimport grails.plugin.quartzconfigscheduler.SpringBeanJob
\nFile: application.groovy
\nTrigger trigger //build trigger as per the need\nSpringBeanJob.schedule(trigger, "myService", "testMethod", "testArg")\n\n\nclass MyService {\n\n void testMethod(String arg) {\n println "Method is executed with arg $arg" \n }\n\n}\n\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "queuekit",
"repo": "maven",
"owner": "vahid",
"desc": "Queuekit is a plugin for grails which uses TaskExecutor with Spring Events for grails 2 and for grails 3 using default `Reactor` events to manage concurrent submitted reports.",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-queuekit-plugin/issues",
"latestVersion": "1.10",
"updated": "2016-11-02T21:53:15.054Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-queuekit-plugin"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "default Reactor
events to manage concurrent submitted reports.You can use it for your own custom reporting needs or\nsimply combine it with grails export plugin to queue export requests.
still hit the same database.
\nWithout going into further complexity of database, application and reporting system. A cure would be to limit the amount\nof concurrent reports that can run and sort reports based on a priority system allowing (HIGHER: Speedier ones through\nover LOWER: Calculations would suggest it will take long per report basis)
\nbest blocking method for your queues.
\nable to kill a live running IO task.
\nfeature to cancel live background threaded tasks.
\nconvert those reports to background queued tasks that you then define limitation over.
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:queuekit:1.10"\n
\ncompile ":queuekit:1.5"\n
\nThe configuration provided would be added to Config.groovy on grails 2 and application.groovy in grails 3.
\n- ArrayBlockingQueue - This is the most basic and provided are database functionality to manage the queue for you\nArrayBlockingQueue has no mechanism to manage incoming threads, it will take on as much as available and beyond that\nreject them. Additional steps have been added to capture / re-queue those that exhaust the queue and to manually check\nthe queue upon completion of last task.
\n- LinkedBlockingQueue - This manages the queue automatically\nLinkedBlockingQueue is the next phase up, Since it manages the queue for you. If you have 3 maximum threads and fire 5.\n2 will wait until the first 2 are done and then their picked up. Queue is processed and limited to items as they arrive.
\n- PriorityBlockingQueue - This manages the queue automatically and also attempts to run concurrent requests with a priority.\nPriorityBlockingQueue by default provides a mechanism to manage queue items according to each items priorities.
\n- EnhancedPriorityBlockingQueue - This manages the queue automatically and also attempts to run concurrent requests\nwith a priority. PriorityBlockingQueue by default provides a mechanism to manage queue items according to each items priorities.\nIt also binds a new thread task to an inner thread. This means you can also cancel a live running thread.\nWhen a cancel request is issued. The main running thread also kills off the inner thread that is the running task.\nThis required further concurrentHashMaps to track / remove elements.
With both PriorityBlocking and EnhancedPriorityBlocking which was really my own additional work around PriorityBlocking,
\nThe priority itself is defined by you in your Config.groovy depending on the name given to it.\nThere is also an additional hook that you can add to all/some of your reports that will go off and look at custom\nparameters provided by the report and decide if it should lower/higher the default config priority.\nAn example for this is also provided. The policy as to how it decides is entirely based on what works for you.\nYou could use the example to expand on your business logic.
\nit's the end ambition/desire to achieve all that without any side effects. I think you may find odd behaviour.\nYour input / enhancements are most welcome.
\nYou can configure the following:
\nreportThreads=3\npreserveThreads = 1\npreservePriority = Priority.MEDIUM\n
\nThis means all those below Priority.MEDIUM will have a spare slot to run within. In short an fast lane left open always\nfor those below medium and 2 slow lanes. You should be able to configure 6 report
\nBut beyond that when a report is queued you can click on report item and choose change priority. If it was LOW and set\nby Config or override hook you now as the human can set it to be a higher priority which will take effect when next\nthread becomes available.
\nThis means you can on the fly increase or decrease and change preservePriority group from the main report screen.\nThe changes are only for runtime. Meaning upon restart the defaults from Config.groovy or if not defined what\nplugin thinks is best is used.
\nNo idea why you want to do this unless you are testing in worst case scenario with intentions of testing\nuseEmergencyExecutor=false
or manualDownloadEnabled=true
configure killLongRunningTasks=300
where 300 = 5 minutes in seconds. Provide the time in seconds you wish to wait\nbefore the taskExecutor sechedule is killed off. This only works for EnhancedPriorityBlockingExecutor and when it\nattempts to pickup the next thread, it checks running task of existing threads.\nIf any match your set limit and beyond they are killed and set to status Cancelled
In this example if report takes:
\n\n\nover 01:10:02 (1 hour 10 minutes and 2 seconds) it will highlight in blue\nover 00:01:05 (1 minute and 5 seconds) it will highlight in orange\nover 00:00:12 (12 seconds) it will highlight in html colour code: #FFFFAA
durationThreshHold = [\n\t\t[hours: 1, minutes: 10, seconds: 2, color: 'blue'],\n\t\t[minutes: 1, seconds: 5, color: 'orange'],\n\t\t[seconds: 12, color: '#FFFFAA']\n\t]\n
\nWhen tasks go into rejection it is typically due to Executor having issues. This is all true for all Executor\ntypes provides besides ArrayBlocking.\nSo this feature is available for all besides ArrayBlocking. Since ArrayBlocking has no queue mechanism and is managed\nby plugin DB lookups. It automatically puts a new task in rejection if over limit running. Therefore we capture those\nand re-queue them in this case. For all other cases if you enable\nuseEmergencyExecutor=true
This will tell the plugin to fall over to a single executor and launch a schedule of the\nuser request. This is all transparent to the end user and happens in the back-end. It will throw errors in the log.\nAll the rules of priorities goes out of the window and there are no limitations as many requests made is as many\nthreads launched. It keeps business flowing whilst a fix / resolution is found I guess.
If main Executor is shutdown - due to how it is wired - (behaving like a service) it needs an application restart\nfor it to reset. Ideas welcome, some comments in EnhancedPriorityBlockingExecutor in regards to this.
\nLike above if tasks go into rejection, if you have configured backup executor and even that appears to be shutdown -\nwhich would be strange since the backup is a single executor launched per request. Either way, you can also set this\nto true manualDownloadEnabled=true
in your Config.groovy.
This again is transparent to the end user, but if all of above has failed it will actually launch a new single\nrunnable task to execute the task, the report is treated like all of above, it is captured in report listing, shows\nthat it is running and completed and is also timed. But has totally bypassed all of the threadExecutors and just\nlaunched as a thread within application.
\nThis also behaves like all of above meaning the end user will get a prompt report has been triggered and if trained to\ndo all ove above they would go to the normal listing screen and wait for it to complete.
\nIf you wanted to make this fail over behave like a real download, you could refer to ReportDemoController
\naction which has the following:\n(It makes the user wait on the screen whilst the manual thread goes through the process of being created. When it has a\nfile, it redirects to download page like they would have if they had clicked on a live report download action.
This plugin is from a concept I put together for work and will convert the process of user report interaction from one of :
\nClick on a report - or define report criteria and click download
\nIf the process is to then go off and get data produce a CSV,XLS,TSV,DOC,PDF of some form and you are using your controller request mechanism\nto deliver file through a stream.
\nIf above describes your scenario then as you are probably well aware, as database/user-base grows and more reports are\nrequested. Specially concurrent requests by many users can have an impact on your application performance.
\nThis plugin will be able to change that process and limit to concurrent threads as well as provide a queueing / user\nreport interface. Since the jobs are converted to background tasks the files are produced when system has completed\nand user has to check another interface rather than on demand file generated on the fly as they clicked save/download.
\nThe process to convert your existing reports should be really kept to a minimal so long as Controller was used to\ngenerate file from some result set that came back from some service. The only minor change is where you\ndefined request type
and out
and filename
. These segments can be stripped out and rest will be near\nenough what you had :
Most importantly pay attention to bufferedWriterTypes configuration ensure you have removed CSV and csv from it. If you\nare going to use this plugin for working with export plugin. The export plugin uses a different way to export csv compared\nto how you would normally through a controller as described further down under manual reports.
\nYou can use this plugin in conjunction with the export plugin to essentially change the mechanism from files produced\nas requested to user requests for export plugin being quueed through queuekit.
\nPlease feel free to browse through the grails 3 demo site which has all of this in place, I will show the more\nadvanced version since it is probably most feasible.
\nYou have installed/been using export plugin, you have configured the required addition in the controller to send\nreport to exportService.
\nI installed the plugin, created a domain class generated controllers and views and then amended the call to\nexportService to :\nqueueReportService.buildReport(reportName,userId , locale, params)
Change that to this
\n\n //def exportService\n def myUserService\n def queueReportService\n\n def index(Integer max) {\n params.max = Math.min(max ?: 10, 100)\n String format=params.f ?: params.extensions ?: 'html'\n if(format && format != "html"){\n def locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request)\n def userId = myUserService.currentuser\n String reportName = 'exportPluginAdvanced'\n /**\n * ! -- IMPORTANT\n * In order to let this dynamic exportPluginAdvancedReportingService pickup the correct domainClass\n * We must send an additional params as part of reports calls and bind in the actual domainClass we would be listing\n * just like shown here\n *\n */\n params.domainClass=TestAddress.class\n\n log.debug "Sending task as default priority to queueReportService instead of exportService.export"\n //def queue = queueReportService.buildReport(reportName,userId , locale, params,Priority.HIGH,ReportsQueue.PRIORITYBLOCKING)\n def queue = queueReportService.buildReport(reportName,userId , locale, params)\n\n flash.message = g.message(code: 'queuekit.reportQueued.label', args: [reportName, queue?.id])\n\n /**\n * How you would normally export using Export plugin\n * Changed to above to go through queuekit plugin and queue request instead\n *\n * Take a look at ExportPluginAdvancedReportingService to see how you can do the same\n *\n */\n // response.contentType = grailsApplication.config.grails.mime.types[format]\n // response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=books.${params.extension}")\n // exportService.export(format, response.outputStream,TestExport.list(params), [:], [:])\n }\n respond TestAddress.list(params), model:[testAddressCount: TestAddress.count()]\n }\n
\nNow with this in place I will need to create a new service called ExportPluginAdvancedReportingService
package test\n\n\nimport grails.util.Holders\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuekit.ReportsQueue\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuekit.reports.QueuekitBaseReportsService\n\nclass ExportPluginAdvancedReportingService extends QueuekitBaseReportsService {\n\n\tdef exportService\n\n\tdef runReport(ReportsQueue queue,Map params) {\n\t\trunReport(queue,[something:'aa'],params)\n\t}\n\t// This doesn't matter so much so long as it meets the Type that is not of\n\t// config value of config.bufferedWriterTypes\n\t// Since it needs to call the other method in QueuekitBaseReportsService\n\t// Actual fileName extension is overriden right at the very bottom of this\n\t// class in getReportName by bean.extension (this ensures file is correctly labelled\n\tString getReportExension() {\n\t\treturn 'xls'\n\t}\n\n\tdef actionInternal(ReportsQueue queue,out,bean, queryResults,Locale locale) {\n \t\tactionReport1Report(queue,out,bean,queryResults)\n \t}\n\n\n \t/**\n \t *\n \t *\n \t * @param out -> Where out is provided by plugin\n \t * @param bean ->Where bean is your actual user params from the front end screen\n \t * @param queryResults -> QueryResults would be what would be produced by your code\n \t * \t\t\t\tIn the case of this we are setting it to [something:'aa']\n \t * \t\t\t\tabove. This then will continue working and hit this block\n \t * \t\t\t\twhich will carry out real export service task at hand.\n */\n\n \tprivate void actionReport1Report(queue,out,bean,queryResults) {\n \t\tString format=bean.f ?: 'html'\n \t\tif(format && format != "html"){\n \t\t\tlog.debug "Params received ${bean.f} ${bean.extension} "\n \t\t\tdef domain= bean.domainClass\n \t\t\ttry {\n \t\t\t\tif (domain) {\n \t\t\t\t\tprintln "got Domain ${domain}"\n \t\t\t\t\t//\tdef domainClass = Holders.grailsApplication?.domainClasses?.find { it.clazz.simpleName == uc(domain) }?.clazz\n \t\t\t\t\tdef domainClass = Holders.grailsApplication.getDomainClass(domain)?.clazz\n \t\t\t\t\tif (domainClass) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tprintln "we have a real domainClass ${domainClass}"\n \t\t\t\t\t\tdomainClass.withTransaction {\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\tMap formatters=[:]\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\tMap parameters=[:]\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\tswitch (domain) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 'testing.TestAddress':\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintln "custom testAddress stuff here"\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//formatters=[:]\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//parameters=[:]\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//bean.something=SomethingElse\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcase 'testing.TestAttribues':\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintln "custom testAttributes stuff here"\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//What would you like to do\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//formatters=[:]\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t//parameters=[:]\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\texportService.export(format, (OutputStream) out, domainClass.list(bean),formatters,parameters)\n \t\t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t} catch (Exception e) {\n \t\t\t\tsuper.errorReport(queue,bean)\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t}\n\n\t/*\n\t *\n\t * Overriding how QueuekitBaseReportsService names it here\n\t */\n\tString getReportName(ReportsQueue queue,bean) {\n\t\treturn "ExportPlugin-${queue.id}.${bean.extension?:reportExension}"\n\t}\n\n}\n\n
\nThat's it, the user reports will now be queued through the queuekit plugin,\nYou can see export feature is called in the ExportPluginAdvancedReportingService
.\nThe code in the controller can be copied from controller to controller.\nJust pay attention to: (Ensure you are passing in correct domainClass that you will use in the sharedExport service.
/**\n * ! -- IMPORTANT\n * In order to let this dynamic exportPluginAdvancedReportingService pickup the correct domainClass\n * We must send an additional params as part of reports calls and bind in the actual\n * domainClass we would be listing\n * just like shown here\n *\n */\n params.domainClass=TestAddress.class\n
\nCheck out grails queuekit demo site for grails 3. Follow the example to see how I got it to work\nAll very similar to instructions below besides that it is using custom libraries to produce the output. (different file types to standard csv/tsv described below)
\nAssuming you have:
\nresponse.setHeader 'Content-type','text/plain; charset=utf-8'\nresponse.setHeader "Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=index.tsv"\ndef out = response.outputStream\ndef queryResults=tsvService.runParams(params)\n\tout << 'name\\t'\n\tout << "testing"\n\tout << '\\rtext\\t'\n\tout << "testing text"\n\tout << '\\r'\n\tqueryResults?.each{field->\n\t\tout << field.id << '\\t'\n\t\tout << field.text << '\\t'\n\t\tout << '\\r'\n\t}\nout.flush()\nout.close()\n
\nIf you change to be like this:
\ndef controllerCall() {\n response.setHeader 'Content-type','text/plain; charset=utf-8'\n response.setHeader "Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=index.tsv"\n def out = response.outputStream\n def queryResults=tsvService.runParams(params)\n actionReport(out,queryResults,params)\n}\nprivate actionReport(out,queryResults,params) {\n out << 'name\\t'\n out << params.report\n out << '\\rtext\\t'\n out << params.sample\n out << '\\r'\n queryResults?.each{field->\n\tout << field.id << '\\t'\n\tout << field.text << '\\t'\n\tout << '\\r'\n }\n out.flush()\n out.close()\n}\n
\nThen you are half way there, in principal the same thing would be put in to your service that would be in the action\nreport. The plugin handles out so there will be no need to define response or out variables. So all of above would become:
\ndef controllerCall() {\n\tdef locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request)\n\tdef userId = queuekitUserService.currentuser\n\tString reportName = 'paramsExample'\n\n\t/*\n\t * these are your own params really\n\t */\n\tparams.report='Params examples'\n\tparams.sample='Some sample text'\n\t\t\n\t//No queue defined - by default Priority\n\tdef queue = queueReportService.buildReport(reportName,userId , locale, params)\n\tflash.message = g.message(code: 'queuekit.reportQueued.label', args: [reportName, queue?.id])\n}\n
\nThen we create a service called ParamsExampleReportingService
\npackage org.grails.plugin.queuekit.examples.reports\n\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuekit.ReportsQueue\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuekit.reports.QueuekitBaseReportsService\n\n\nclass ParamsExampleReportingService extends QueuekitBaseReportsService {\n\n\tdef tsvService\n\t\n /*\n\t * Must be declared gives you params \n\t * You must run your service to get back the results\n\t * Push results params and queue into runReport as show\n\t */\n\tdef runReport(ReportsQueue queue,Map params) {\n\t\tdef queryResults = tsvService.runParams(params)\n\t\trunReport(queue,queryResults,params)\n\t}\n\n /*\n * You must define this as shown. Plugin will provide you at this point\n * with out. Push out queryResults and bean = your original params back into \n * your own custom method which like shown above iterates through your list\n * and pushes into out\n */\n\tdef actionInternal(ReportsQueue queue,out,bean, queryResults,Locale locale) {\n\t\tactionReport1Report(out,bean,queryResults)\n\t}\n\n\tprivate void actionReport1Report(out,bean,queryResults) {\n\t\tout << 'name\\t'\n\t\tout << bean.report\n\t\tout << '\\rtext\\t'\n\t\tout << bean.sample\n\t\tout << '\\r'\n\t\tqueryResults?.each{field->\n\t\t\tout << field.id << '\\t'\n\t\t\tout << field.text << '\\t'\n\t\t\t//This will also work like in your controller\n\t\t\t//out << "${g.message(code:'some.code')}"\n\t\t\tout << '\\r'\n\t\t}\n\t\tout.flush()\n\t\tout.close()\n\t}\n}\n
\nThat now queues the report requests when someone clicks controllerCall and the report can be seen Here
\nYou can also use this technology for any other type of files you were generating on the fly in a controller so for example apache-poi
\nString filename = 'Report3Example.xls'\n\tHSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook()\n\tHSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet()\n\t....\n\ttry {\n\t\t\n\t\t// When copying your method over to your new Service\n\t\t// as already mentioned out is already provided by plugin \n\t\t// the below 4 lines should not be provided in the new service call\n\t\t// everything else is identical\n\t\tresponse.setContentType("application/ms-excel")\n\t\tresponse.setHeader("Expires:", "0") // eliminates browser caching\n\t\tresponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=$filename")\n\t\tOutputStream out = response.outputStream\n\t\t// End of no longer required - when converted to plugin service method \n\t\twb.write(out)\n\t\tout.close()\n\t} catch (Exception e) {\n\t}\n
\nWould be changed to like per above:
\ndef controllerCall() {\n\tdef locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request)\n\tdef userId = queuekitUserService.currentuser\n\tString reportName = 'xlsExample'\n\n\t/*\n\t * these are your own params really\n\t */\n\tparams.report='Params examples'\n\tparams.sample='Some sample text'\n\t\t\n\t//No queue defined - by default Priority\n\tdef queue = queueReportService.buildReport(reportName,userId , locale, params)\n\t//You can provide further options look up ReportDemoController to see more examples\n\t//def queue = queueReportService.buildReport(reportName,userId , locale, params,Priority.HIGH,ReportsQueue.PRIORITYBLOCKING)\n\tflash.message = g.message(code: 'queuekit.reportQueued.label', args: [reportName, queue?.id])\n}\n
\nThen we create XlsExampleReportingService
package org.grails.plugin.queuekit.examples.reports\n\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuekit.ReportsQueue\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuekit.reports.QueuekitBaseReportsService\n\n\nclass XlsExampleReportingService extends QueuekitBaseReportsService {\n\n\n\t\n\tdef tsvService\n\t\n\t/*\n\t * We must define the report type file extension\n\t * default is tsv this being XLS needs to be defined\n\t * \n\t */\n\tString getReportExension() {\n\t\treturn 'xls'\n\t}\n\t\n\t\n\t/**\n \t * This overrides the default priority of the report set by\n \t * QueuekitBaseReportsService\n \t *\n \t * By default it is either as per configuration or if not by default\n \t * LOW priority.\n \t *\n \t * At this point you can parse through your params and decide if in this example\n \t * that the given range fromDate/toDate provided is within a day make report\n \t * HIGHEST\n \t * if within a week HIGH and so on\n \t *\n \t * This priority check takes place if you are using\n \t * standard standardRunnable = false if your report default type is\n \t * EnhancedBlocking\n \t * if disableUserServicePriorityCheck=false and standardRunnable = true\n \t * then it should use the priority method very similar to this in\n \t *\n \t * queuekitUserService. This is the service you are supposed to extend\n \t * and declare as a bean back as queuekitUserService.\n \t *\n \t * Then you can control priority through this service call and a more\n \t * centralised control can be configured/setup.\n \t *\n \t */\n \tPriority getQueuePriority(ReportsQueue queue, Map params) {\n \t\tPriority priority = queue.priority ?: queue.defaultPriority\n \t\tif (params.fromDate && params.toDate) {\n \t\t\tDate toDate = parseDate(params.toDate)\n \t\t\tDate fromDate = parseDate(params.fromDate)\n \t\t\tint difference = toDate && fromDate ? (toDate - fromDate) : null\n \t\t\tif (difference||difference==0) {\n \t\t\t\tif (difference <= 1) {\n \t\t\t\t\t// 1 day everything becomes HIGH priority\n \t\t\t\t\tpriority = Priority.HIGH\n \t\t\t\t} else if (difference >= 1 && difference <= 8) {\n \t\t\t\t\tif (priority == Priority.HIGHEST) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tpriority = Priority.HIGH\n \t\t\t\t\t} else if (priority >= Priority.MEDIUM) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tpriority = priority.value.previous()\n \t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t} else if (difference >= 8 && difference <= 31) {\n \t\t\t\t\tif (priority <= Priority.HIGH) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tpriority = Priority.MEDIUM\n \t\t\t\t\t} else if (priority >= Priority.LOW) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tpriority = priority.next()\n \t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t} else if (difference >= 31 && difference <= 186) {\n \t\t\t\t\tif (priority >= Priority.MEDIUM && priority <= Priority.HIGHEST) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tpriority = priority.next()\n \t\t\t\t\t} else if (priority >= Priority.LOW) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tpriority = priority.previous()\n \t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t} else if (difference >= 186) {\n \t\t\t\t\tif (priority <= Priority.LOWEST) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tpriority = priority.previous()\n \t\t\t\t\t} else if (priority >= Priority.LOW) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tpriority = priority.next()\n \t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t\tlog.debug "priority is now ${priority} was previously ${priority} difference of date : ${difference}"\n \t\t}\n \t\treturn priority\n \t}\n\t\n\t/*\n\t * \n\t * Overriding how QueuekitBaseReportsService names it here\n\t * Take a look at CsvExampleReportingService where a more \n\t * complex example is provided that defines filename based on \n\t * a value within bean - the report was used\n\t * for multiple different reports - each doing something slightly \n\t * different but using same input bean ..\n\t */\n\tString getReportName(ReportsQueue queue,bean) {\n\t\treturn "MyLovelyReport-${queue.id}.${reportExension}"\n\t}\n\n\n \n\tdef runReport(ReportsQueue queue,Map params) {\n\t\tdef queryResults = tsvService.runParams(params)\n\t\trunReport(queue,queryResults,params)\n\t}\n\n\tdef actionInternal(ReportsQueue queue,out,bean, queryResults,Locale locale) {\n\t\tactionReport1Report(out,bean,queryResults)\n\t}\n\n\tprivate void actionReport1Report(out,bean,queryResults) {\n\t\tHSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook()\n\t\tHSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet()\n\t\t//Do your stuff you are doing with out\n\t\tHSSFRow row=sheet.createRow(counter)\n\t\tCell cell1 = row.createCell(i)\n\t\t\tcell1.setCellValue("")\n\t\t\tcell1.setCellStyle(headingStyle)\n\t\t...\n\t\t// finally the above block you had above becomes much simpler\n\t\t// like this:\n\t\t// out is then taken care of by plugin\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twb.write(out)\n\t\t\tout.close()\n\t\t} catch (Exception e) {\n\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\n\t}\n}\n
\nTake a look at\norg.grails.plugin.queuekit.examples.ComplexBindedBean and read through it to understand how to bypass it
\ndef userId = queuekitUserService.currentuser
This is a userService that exists within this plugin, you should override this as per example site and feed in your\nreal user/userId/userLocale/permission values in from your own site.
\nString reportName = 'tsvExample1'
This is really as important as it gets, ensure you use proper class naming convention so no +_&*^!\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd$%^ characters no\nspace etc just normal alphabet as if you were naming a domain class.\nCreate a new service called
\n\n\n${name}ReportingService TsvExample1ReportingService
This service must extend QueuekitBaseReportsService.
\nUnder the grails 3 demo site, spring security got installed a new\nservice called MyUserService which extends QueuekitUserService and overrides the default actions of the plugin to return\nuserId if user is a super user and so forth.
\nThe service then takes over QueuekitUserService the test site's grails-app/init/test.queuekit3/Application.groovy
\nclass Application extends GrailsAutoConfiguration {\n Closure doWithSpring() {\n { ->\n queuekitUserService(test.MyUserService)\n }\n }\n ///....\n
\nIf you are running quartz, create a task probably running daily that calls
\ndef queueReportService\n...\n\nqueueReportService.deleteReportFiles()\n
\nIn your Bootstrap.groovy declare
\n//Inject the service\ndef queuekitExecutorBaseService\n\n//Run this \nqueuekitExecutorBaseService.rescheduleRequeue()\n\n//Also ensure you have enabled in your Config.groovy/application.groovy\nqueuekit.checkQueueOnStart=true\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "queuemail",
"repo": "maven",
"owner": "vahid",
"desc": "Queuemail plugin is a centralised email queueing system configurable for many providers all centrally controlled and limited to either daily limit or failures exceeding failureTolerance limit (in a row). By default all email's passing through are priority driven and configured by overall customService name. Two methods of priority queueing are provided BASIC and ENHANCED (default). Enhanced launches an additional thread for each running task and will attempt to kill any running process considered as stuck (if time taken exceeds killLongRunningTasks configuration period). ",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-queuemail-plugin/issues",
"latestVersion": "1.3",
"updated": "2016-12-07T09:29:32.413Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/grails-queuemail-plugin"
"documentationUrl": null,
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "Queuemail plugin is a centralised email queueing system configurable for many providers all centrally controlled and limited to either daily limit or failures exceeding failureTolerance limit (in a row). By default all email's passing through are priority driven and configured by overall customService name. Two methods of priority queueing are provided BASIC
and ENHANCED (default)
. Enhanced launches an additional thread for each running task and will attempt to kill any running process considered as stuck (if time taken exceeds killLongRunningTasks
configuration period).
Email's that arrive in queue are processed through priority rules, please refer to example configuration, each new service you create can be configured to have a specific priority. Higher ones run in preference of lower ones.
\nConfigure how many active concurrent email threads can run at any one time and how many\ncan wait in the queue to be served. Each email is then bound to the emailService
that you create and within it you define\nthe configNames
and limit
. The configName will then need to be created in your applications Config.groovy/application.groovy\nand essentially contains the SMTP configuration required to connect through and send email's.
The queueing system will use the first provided configuration for every email requested. If this first configName
goes offline or\nwas configured incorrectly it will hit a threshold and plugin will mark configuration as inactive
If an email send attempt fails the sole email is re-attempted until it reaches\nfailuresTolerated
level. Once this happens current configName
is marked as inactive
and the next configName
is attempted to deliver this email.\nAll new email's will now be going through second configName
. The configName
that was made inactive
will automatically re-join active pool after either setPeriod of time or amount of queueId's passing through. Please refer to notes/configuration and specific segment on message exceptions below.
Please check with your SMTP provider to ensure you are not violating any TOC's whilst attempting to keep within their set limits/boundaries and consequently/possibly having to switch accounts/providers.
\ncompile "org.grails.plugins:queuemail:1.3"\n
\ncompile ":queuemail:1.0"\n
\nclass QueueMailExampleService extends QueueMailBaseService {\n\n\tdef configureMail(executor,EmailQueue queue) {\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * Contains a list of configuration names : daily limit for account\n\t\t * So mailConfigExample1 will bind to Config.groovy SMTP configuration\n\t\t * assuming it is google it may have 3000 daily limit \n\t\t * A listing is provided so it can fall over between list elements starting from top\n\t\t * working it's way down and when limit exceeds it will use the next element\n\t\t */\n\t\tdef jobConfigurations = [\n\t\t\t\t'mailConfigExample1': 2,\n\t\t\t\t'mailConfigExample2': 2,\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t]\n sendMail(executor,queue,jobConfigurations,QueueMailExampleService.class)\n\t}\n}\n
\nPlease configure {configName}.fromAddress
as shown below. Please note when this is set the actual from
address you\nprovide will become replyTo
and from will be set as {configName}.fromAddress
. If you do not provide this then\nnothing is changed.
Now with queueMailExample service created, refer to SampleConfig.groovy
add the relevant accounts to the\nconfiguration as shown to match with above names. In the most basic form if you add the following to your\nConfig.groovy or application.groovy
\nqueuemail {\n\n\tmailConfigExample1 {\n\t\thost = "smtp.internal.com"\n\t\tport = 465\n\t\tusername = "USERA@internal.com"\n\t\tpassword = "PASSWORDA"\n\t\tprops = ["mail.debug":"true",\n\t\t\t"mail.smtp.auth":"true",\n\t\t\t"mail.smtp.socketFactory.port":"465",\n\t\t\t"mail.smtp.socketFactory.class":"javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory",\n\t\t\t"mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback":"false"]\n\t}\n\tmailConfigExample1.fromAddress="USERA@internal.com"\n\t\n\tmailConfigExample2 {\t\t\n\t host = "external.smtp.com"\n\t port = 465\n\t username = "USERB@smtp.com"\n\t password = "PASSWORDB"\n\t props = ["mail.debug":"true",\n\t\t\t"mail.smtp.auth":"true",\n\t\t\t"mail.smtp.socketFactory.port":"465",\n\t\t\t"mail.smtp.socketFactory.class":"javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory",\n\t\t\t"mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback":"false"]\n\t}\n\tmailConfigExample2.fromAddress="USERB@smtp.com"\n}\t\n
\nAll the additional smtp configuration required whilst testing gmail (only under grails 3):
\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuemail.enums.QueueTypes\n\nqueuemail {\n\n\t//standardRunnable = true\n\temailPriorities = [\n\t\t\t\t\tdefaultExample:org.grails.plugin.queuemail.enums.Priority.REALLYSLOW\n\t]\n\n\t// This is an override of grails { mail { configuration method allowing many mail senders\n\n\t// The configuration for DefaultExampleMailingService has set this to be 2 email's\n\t// Meaning after 2 it will fall over to 2nd Configuration\n\n\texampleFrom="usera <userA@gmail.com>"\n\texampleTo="userA_ReplyTo <userA@gmail.com>"\n\n\tmailConfigExample1 {\n\t\thost = "smtp.internal.com"\n\t\tport = 587\n\t\tusername = "userA@internal.com"\n\t\tpassword = 'PASSWORD'\n\t\tprops = ["mail.debug":"true",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.user":"userA@internal.com",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.host": "smtp.internal.com",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.port": "587",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.auth": "true",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.starttls.enable":"true",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.EnableSSL.enable":"true",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.socketFactory.class":"javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback":"false",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.socketFactory.port":"465"\n\t\t]\n\t}\n\tmailConfigExample1.fromAddress="USERAAA <userA@internal.com>"\n\n\tmailConfigExample2 {\n\t\thost = "smtp.gmail.com"\n\t\tport =587\n\t\tusername = "userB@gmail.com"\n\t\tpassword = 'PASSWORD'\n\t\tprops = ["mail.debug":"true",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.user":"userB@gmail.com",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.host": "smtp.gmail.com",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.port": "587",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.auth": "true",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.starttls.enable":"true",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.EnableSSL.enable":"true",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.socketFactory.class":"javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback":"false",\n\t\t\t\t "mail.smtp.socketFactory.port":"465"\n\t\t]\n\t}\n\tmailConfigExample2.fromAddress="userBB<userB@gmail.com>"\n\n}\n
\nQueueTestController used to show some of the examples below:
\n\n //BASIC TEXT\n\t\t\tLong userId = queueMailUserService.currentuser\n\t\t\tdef locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request)\n\t\t\tEmail message = new Email(\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom: config.exampleFrom,\n\t\t\t\t\tto: [config.exampleTo],\n\t\t\t\t\tsubject: 'Subject',\n\t\t\t\t\ttext: 'Testing text message being sent via plugin'\n\t\t\t\t\t//html: params\n\t\t\t).save(flush: true)\n\t\t\tdef queue = queueMailApiService.buildEmail('queueMailExample', userId, locale, message)\n\n\n //HTML TEMPLATE\n\t\t\t//This loads in a template and provides model which is the instance list for template\n\t\t\tdef paramsMap = [:]\n\t\t\tparamsMap.view = "/examples/testTemplate"\n\t\t\tparamsMap.model = [var1: "hello", var2: "there"]\n\t\t\t// Or Like this\n\t\t\t//Map paramsMap = [view:"/examples/testTemplate",model:[var1:"hello", var2:"there"]]\n\n\t\t\tEmail message = new Email(\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom: config.exampleFrom,\n\t\t\t\t\tto: [config.exampleTo],\n\t\t\t\t\tsubject: 'Subject',\n\t\t\t\t\thtml: paramsMap\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t\tif (!message.save(flush: true)) {\n\t\t\t\tlog.error message.errors\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tdef queue = queueMailApiService.buildEmail('queueMailExample', userId, locale, message)\n\n\t\t\t//To Many recipients:\n\t\t\tLong userId = queueMailUserService.currentuser\n def locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request)\n List\n Email message = new Email(\n from: config.exampleFrom,\n //EITHER TO CC OR BCC\n to: [config.exampleTo, config.exampleTo, config.exampleTo, config.exampleTo],\n //FOR CC\n //cc:[config.exampleTo, config.exampleTo, config.exampleTo, config.exampleTo],\n //FOR BCC:\n //bcc: [config.exampleTo, config.exampleTo, config.exampleTo, config.exampleTo],\n subject: 'Subject',\n body: "<html>HTML text ${new Date()}</html>"\n )\n /**\n * Above methods will fail to save, if you prefer you can use cleanTo cleanCc or cleanBcc\n * same rules as above you must define one.\n *\n * If this method is used, the bad addresses are silently removed so object will save and\n * only those with a good email address with be emailed (the last 2) in this example\n *\n *\n * if you have port 25 open to make outgoing SMTP connections you could try enabling\n *\n * queuemail.smtpValidation=true\n *\n * This will attempt to check the email address of the recipient from the first MX bound\n * to their email address. If valid then the email address is silently added.\n *\n * This is a pre-delivery confirmation (Experimental)\n */\n\n //message.cleanTo(['aa <aa@aa>','bb','cc','dd <dd@example.com>','ee <ee@example.com>'])\n //message.cleanBcc(['aa <aa@aa>','bb','cc','dd <dd@example.com>','ee <ee@example.com>'])\n //message.cleanCc(['aa <aa@aa>','bb','cc','dd <dd@example.com>','ee <ee@example.com>'])\n if (!message.save(flush:true)) {\n log.error message.errors\n }\n def queue = queueMailApiService.buildEmail(EXAMPLE_SERVICE,userId, locale, message)\n\n
\nYou store an Email
in it's domain class. Then you call buildEmail
buildEmail(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, userId, locale, message)
queueMailExample=maps up to QueueMailExampleMailingService (you create this) \nuserId=current userId\nlocale=current locale/user locale\nmessage=That email above you just saved\n
\nPlease visit above configuration links and read through the comments provided. At the very bottom it covers\nhost failures and how to limit / restrict host failures.
\nFeel free to refer to queuekit plugin which may give more\ninsight into some of the additional values not covered such as binding your application with the plugin.\nThis way each user can only view their own email queue and admin or super users can view all as per default screen.\nThe queuekit plugin discusses queuekitUserService
change that to queueMailUserService
and any reference to how you\noverride it for this plugin.
You could have multiple services that have totally different sets of email configurations to pickup and depending on\nyour scenario then traffic the email to use serviceA or serviceB.
\nThe plugin also provides queueMail/listQueue
controller / action that gives you an overview of how your\nemail's are being processed. It provides detailed information as to each emailService triggered and their underlying\nconfiguration status/health.
1.3 introduced enums.MessageExceptions
and monitor.ServiceConfigs
.\nSMTP providers that trigger an exception depending on exception type can trigger actual provider(itself)\nto become inactive. The most obvious example used is when there is an authentication failure. There is no point\nin giving this provider a 2nd chance to join the pool since it is obviously incorrectly configured.\nAn override feature has been added to the web interface which provides you with option to change a specific configuration limit, active status and MessageException status.\nIf it has failed and you wish to re-activate it - you should remove Message Exception and set active to true.\nThese are dynamic values that are over-written upon application restart.
Please note this is an example tested and working, whilst this covers sendGrid, this theory could be expanded\nover other mail plugin's or mail api's.
\nAdded the plugin to test site:
\n compile 'desirableobjects.grails.plugins:grails-sendgrid:2.0.1'\n
\nConfigured application.yml
\nsendgrid:\n username: 'myUsername'\n password: 'bigSecret'\n
\nA new controller action:
\n def testSendGrid() {\n String myService='myExample'\n Long userId = queueMailUserService.currentuser\n def locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request)\n Email message = new Email(\n from: "userA <userA@myDomain.com>",\n to: ['userB <userB@gmail.com>'],\n subject: 'Subject-------------------------',\n text: 'Testing text message being sent via plugin'\n //html: params\n ).save(flush: true)\n def queue = queueMailApiService.buildEmail(myService, userId, locale, message)\n flash.message = g.message(code: 'queuemail.reportQueued.label', args: ['TestTextEmail', queue?.id])\n render "all done"\n return\n }\n
enhances or modifies the behaviour of sendMail
function\nthat resides in QueueMailBaseService
and is what this service extends from.
My first configured job is 'sendGrid': 2,
. If you look within sendMail
segment below you will notice\nif (sendAccount=='sendGrid') {
.\nWhilst it is within the limitation of 2 jobs it will the if statement and use sendGridService.sendMail
.\nFeel free to add other if statements and expand on the idea to other third party\nemail plugin's or custom mail api's.\nThe final else should be left as it is since it will return only when it hits a job that no longer matches your defined if statements.\nSo in this example 'mailConfigExample2'
will hit the else block after 2 email's was sent via sendGrid
would mark sendGrid
down and return mailConfigExample2
for the next email's.
\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuemail.EmailQueue\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuemail.QueueMailBaseService\nimport org.grails.plugin.queuemail.enums.MessageExceptions\n\nclass MyExampleMailingService extends QueueMailBaseService {\n\n\tdef sendGridService\n\n\tdef configureMail(executor,EmailQueue queue) {\n\t\tdef jobConfigurations = [\n\t\t\t\t'sendGrid': 2,\n\t\t\t\t'mailConfigExample2': 100,\n\t\t\t]\n\n\t\tsendMail(executor,queue,jobConfigurations,MyExampleMailingService.class)\n\t}\n\t\n\t@Override\n def sendMail(executor,queue,jobConfigurations,Class clazz,MessageExceptions currentException=null) {\n \t\tboolean failed=true\n \t\tboolean resend=false\n \t\tString sendAccount\n \t\tString error=''\n \t\tString code\n \t\tList args\n \t\ttry {\n \t\t\tif (jobConfigurations) {\n \t\t\t\tsendAccount = executor.getSenderCount(clazz, jobConfigurations, queue.id,currentException)\n \t\t\t\tif (sendAccount) {\n \t\t\t\t\tif (sendAccount=='sendGrid') {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tprintln "Sending via sendGrid"\n \t\t\t\t\t\ttry {\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\tsendGridService.sendMail {\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom "${queue.email.from}"\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tqueue.email?.to?.each { t ->\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintln "sending to ${t}"\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tto "${t}"\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubject queue.email.subject+"-- from sendgrid"\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbody " from sendGrid"\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t} catch (Exception e) {\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\tprintln "SendGrid had error E: ${e}"\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\tfailed=true\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\tcode='sendgrid.failed'\n \t\t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t\t} else {\n \t\t\t\t\t\tprintln "Returning it back to how plugin was doing things"\n \t\t\t\t\t\tqueueMailService.sendEmail(sendAccount,queue)\n \t\t\t\t\t\tfailed=false\n \t\t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t\t} else {\n \t\t\t\t\tcode = 'queuemail.dailyLimit.label'\n \t\t\t\t\targs = [jobConfigurations]\n \t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t} else {\n \t\t\t\tcode = 'queuemail.noConfig.label'\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t}catch (e) {\n \t\t\tfailed=true\n \t\t\tString currentError = e.getClass().simpleName\n \t\t\tif (MessageExceptions.values().any{it.toString() == currentError}) {\n \t\t\t\tcurrentException=currentError\n \t\t\t\tdef errors = MessageExceptions.verifyStatus(currentException)\n \t\t\t\tif (errors) {\n \t\t\t\t\tresend=errors.resend\n \t\t\t\t}\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t} finally {\n \t\t\tif (failed) {\n \t\t\t\tactionFailed(executor, queue, jobConfigurations, clazz, sendAccount, error, code, args,resend,currentException)\n \t\t\t}\n \t\t}\n \t}\n}\n
"bintrayPackage": {
"name": "rabbitmq",
"repo": "plugins",
"owner": "puneetbehl",
"desc": "The RabbitMQ plugin provides integration with the RabbitMQ Messaging System.",
"labels": [
"licenses": [
"issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-rabbitmq/issues",
"latestVersion": "2.0.0",
"updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.773Z",
"systemIds": [
"vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-rabbitmq"
"documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-rabbitmq/",
"mavenMetadataUrl": null,
"readme": "\nGrails RabbitMQ Plugin
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "rabbitmq-native", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "budjb", "desc": "A messaging plugin for Grails using RabbitMQ.\r\n\r\nThis plugin gives application authors a powerful framework to quickly get a scalable messaging solution running quickly.", "labels": [ "messaging", "rabbitmq" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-rabbitmq-native/issues", "latestVersion": "4.0.0", "updated": "2019-09-18T14:54:18.779Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:rabbitmq-native" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/budjb/grails-rabbitmq-native" }, "documentationUrl": "https://budjb.github.io/grails-rabbitmq-native/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "RabbitMQ Native plugin for Grails
\nTable of Contents generated with DocToc
\nThis plugin is designed to make using the ReCaptcha service within Grails 3 easy. In order to use this plugin, you must have a ReCaptcha account, available from http://www.google.com/recaptcha.
\nAdd the following to your build.gradle
compile "org.grails.plugins:recaptcha:3.2.0"\n
\nAdd the following to your application's application.yml
recaptcha:\n publicKey: "your public key"\n privateKey: "your private key"\n includeScript: true\n includeNoScript: true\n
\nThese configurations can also be placed at environment-specific locations in the configuration:
\nenvironments:\n development:\n recaptcha:\n enabled: false\n production:\n recaptcha:\n enabled: true\n
\nSee the Grails docs for examples of using externalized configuration files. The ReCaptcha config can be externalized as\nthe .groovy
file (easiest), or it can be converted into a Java .properties
The plugin is simple to use. In order to use it, there are four basic steps:
\nThe configuration values are pretty self-explanatory, and match with values used by the ReCaptcha service. You must enter your public and private ReCaptcha keys, or errors will be thrown when trying to display a captcha.
\nIf your server needs to connect through a proxy to the ReCaptcha service, add the following to the ReCaptcha configuration.
\nrecaptcha:\n\tproxy:\n \tserver: "" // IP or hostname of proxy server\n \tport: "" // Proxy server port, defaults to 80\n \tusername: "" // Optional username if proxy requires authentication\n \tpassword: "" // Optional password if proxy requires authentication\n
\nOnly the server
property is required. The port
will default to 80
if not specified. The username
and password
properties need to be specified only when the proxy requires authentication.
Like other configurations, this can be placed at the top-level recaptcha
entry, or it can be specified on a per-environment basis.
If there are issues connecting to Google for verifying the captcha, some of the network timeouts can be changed.
\nrecaptcha:\n timeoutConfig:\n connectTimeout: 10000 // Timeout for making the network connection in millis. Defaults to 10000\n readTimeout: 1000 // Timeout for waiting on the network response in millis. Defaults to 1000\n
and readTimeout
can be specified together or independently of each other.
Like other configurations, this can be placed at the top-level recaptcha
entry, or it can be specified on a per-environment basis.
This tag is a simple utility that will render its contents if the captcha is enabled in the configuration.
This tag is a simple utility that will render its contents if the captcha is disabled in the configuration.
This tag is responsible for generating the correct HTML output to display the captcha. It supports the following attributes:
- Can be one of dark
or light
. Defaults to light
- Can be one of compact
or normal
. Defaults to normal
- Can be any one of the supported ReCaptcha language codes. See the list of supported language codes.tabindex
- Optional tabindex of the widget.type
- Type of captcha to display if the checkbox is not sufficient. Can be one of image
or audio
. Defaults to image
- Optional function to be called when the user submits a successful response.expiredCallback
- Optional function to be called when the successful response has expired.includeScript
- If includeScript
is set to false
at either the global or tag level, the <script>
tag required by ReCaptcha will not be included in the generated HTML. The <recaptcha:script>
tag is also required in this scenario.See the ReCaptcha Client Guide for more details.
This tag will render the required <script>
tag. Combine this with the global or tag-level includeScript=false
setting to allow putting the <script>
tag elsewhere in your markup. This tag also supports the "lang" attribute. This does not work in the <head>
section of the page
This tag is responsible for generating the correct HTML output to support explicit display and usage of the captcha. It supports the following attributes:
- Can be any one of the supported ReCaptcha language codes. See the list of supported language codes.loadCallback
- The JavaScript function to be called when all dependencies have loaded. This function is usually responsible for rendering the captcha.For more information about explicit mode captchas, see the ReCaptcha documentation.
This utility tag will generate the JSON string used as a parameter to the grecaptcha.render()
function. It supports the following attributes:
- Can be one of dark
or light
. Defaults to light
- Can be one of compact
or normal
. Defaults to normal
- Optional tabindex of the widget.type
- Type of captcha to display if the checkbox is not sufficient. Can be one of image
or audio
. Defaults to image
- Optional function to be called when the user submits a successful response.expiredCallback
- Optional function to be called when the successful response has expired.See the ReCaptcha Client Guide for more details.
This tag will render its contents if the previous validation failed.
\nIn your controller, call recaptchaService.verifyAnswer(session, request.getRemoteAddr(), params)
to verify the answer provided by the user. This method will return true or false. Also note that verifyAnswer
will return true
if the plugin has been disabled in the configuration - this means you won't have to change your controller.
Here's a simple example pulled from an account creation application.
\nThis is the most common usage scenario.
\nIn our GSP, we add the code to show the captcha:
\n<recaptcha:ifEnabled>\n <recaptcha:recaptcha theme="dark"/>\n</recaptcha:ifEnabled>\n
\nIn this example, we're using ReCaptcha's dark
theme. Leaving out the theme
attribute will default the captcha to the light
In our GSP, we add code like the following:
\n<script type="text/javascript">\n var onloadCallback = function() {\n grecaptcha.render('html_element', <recaptcha:renderParameters theme="dark" type="audio" tabindex="2"/>);\n };\n</script>\n<g:form action="myAction" method="post">\n <recaptcha:ifEnabled>\n <recaptcha:recaptchaExplicit loadCallback="onloadCallback"/>\n <div id="html_element"></div>\n </recaptcha:ifEnabled>\n <br/>\n <g:submitButton name="submit"/>\n</g:form>\n
\nIn this example, we're using ReCaptcha's dark
theme, with an audio
captcha and a tabindex
of 2.
For more information about explicit mode captchas, see the ReCaptcha documentation.
\nSet the includeScript
value to false
either at the tag level (below), or in the global ReCaptcha settings.
<body>\n <g:form action="validateNormal" method="post" >\n <recaptcha:ifEnabled>\n <recaptcha:recaptcha includeScript="false"/>\n </recaptcha:ifEnabled>\n <br/>\n <g:submitButton name="submit"/>\n </g:form>\n <recaptcha:script/>\n</body>\n
\nThis will cause the <script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?" async="" defer=""></script>
tag to be output separately at the bottom of the document instead of just before the <div>
containing the captcha.
If you want to change the language your captcha uses, set lang = "someLang"
in the <recaptcha:recaptcha>
or <recaptcha:recaptchaExplcit>
See ReCaptcha Language Codes for available languages.
\nHere's an abbreviated controller class that verifies the captcha value when a new user is saved:
\nimport com.megatome.grails.RecaptchaService\nclass UserController {\n\tRecaptchaService recaptchaService\n\n\tdef save = {\n\t\tdef user = new User(params)\n\t\t...other validation...\n\t\tdef recaptchaOK = true\n\t\tif (!recaptchaService.verifyAnswer(session, request.getRemoteAddr(), params)) {\n\t\t\trecaptchaOK = false\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(!user.hasErrors() && recaptchaOK && user.save()) {\n\t\t\trecaptchaService.cleanUp(session)\n\t\t\t...other account creation acivities...\n\t\t\trender(view:'showConfirmation',model:[user:user])\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\trender(view:'create',model:[user:user])\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n
\nYou can look at the test cases in the plugin itself, or you can implement something similar to:
\nprivate void buildAndCheckAnswer(String postText, boolean expectedValid) {\n def stub = new StubFor(Post.class)\n stub.demand.hasProperty(3..3) { true }\n stub.demand.setUrl() {}\n stub.demand.setProxy() {}\n stub.demand.getQueryParams(3..3) { new QueryParams(null) }\n stub.demand.getResponse() { postText == null ? null : new JsonSlurper().parseText(postText) }\n\n stub.use {\n def response = r.checkAnswer("", "response")\n\n assert response == expectedValid\n }\n}\n
\nThe postText
parameter represents the response from the ReCaptcha server. Here are examples of simulating success and failure results:
when:"A successful response message"\ndef answer = """{ "success": true }"""\n\nthen:\nbuildAndCheckAnswer(answer, true)\n\nwhen:"A failure response message"\nanswer = """{ "success": false }"""\n\nthen:\nbuildAndCheckAnswer(answer, false)\n
\nSee the contribution guidelines.
\nFeel free to submit questions through GitHub or to StackOverflow.
\nAlternatively you can contact me directly - cjohnston at megatome dot com
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "recaptcha-spring-security", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "snimavat", "desc": "Recaptcha support for Spring security", "labels": [ "security", "spring-security", "captcha" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/snimavat/recaptcha-spring-security/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.1", "updated": "2017-03-02T10:11:50.103Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:recaptcha-spring-security" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/snimavat/recaptcha-spring-security" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Grails: Using recaptcha with spring security core for brute force defender
\nbased in: Brute Force Defender
\nclone the repository: git clone https://github.com/rpalcolea/recaptcha-spring-security.git
\nEnter to the repository via command line.
\npackage the plugin: grails package-plugin
\nConfigure recaptcha plugin
\nAnd then Add the following lines to your Grails Config.groovy file:
\nbruteforcedefender {\n\ttime = 5\n\tallowedNumberOfAttempts = 3\n}\n
\ntime = minutes mantaining failed attempts allowed\nNumberOfAttempts = number of failed attempts before showing the recaptcha widget.
\nOpen your auth.gsp (/grails-app/views/login/auth.gsp) and add the next line wherever you want to render the recaptcha after the attempts.
\n <g:recaptchaLogin/>\n
\nNote: The plugin depends on spring security authentication events and so it sets grails.plugin.springsecurity.useSecurityEventListener = true
\nThanks to Vinco Orbis and Burt Beckwith
\nThanks to JetBrains for Awesome IntelliJ Idea
\nThe 2.X version of the plugin is compatible only with grails 3.
\nFor integration between Redis and Grails GORM layer, see the Redis GORM plugin.
\nThat plugin was originally called "redis" (the name of this plugin), but it has since been refactored to "redis-gorm" and now relies on this plugin for connectivity.
\nThe best definition of Redis that I've heard is that it is a "collection of data structures exposed over the network".
\nRedis is an insanely fast key/value store, in some ways similar to memcached, but the values it stores aren't just dumb blobs of data. Redis values are data structures like strings, lists, hash maps, sets, and sorted sets. Redis also can act as a lightweight pub/sub or message queueing system.
\nRedis is used in production today by a number of very popular websites including Craigslist, StackOverflow, GitHub, The Guardian, and Digg.
\nIt's commonly lumped in with other NoSQL technologies and is commonly used as a caching layer. It has some similarities to Memcached or Tokyo Tyrant. Because Redis provides network-available data structures, it's very flexible and it's able to solve all kinds of problems. The creator of Redis, Salvatore Sanfilippo, has a nice post on his blog showing how to take advantage of Redis by just adding it to your stack. With the Grails Redis plugin, adding Redis to your grails app is very easy.
\nI've created an introduction to Redis using groovy that shows you how to install redis and use some basic groovy commands. There is also a presentation that I gave at gr8conf 2011.
\nThe official Redis documentation is fantastic and includes a comprensive list of Redis commands, each command web page also has an embedded REPL that lets you test out the command against a live Redis server.
\nJedis is the Java Redis connection library that the Grails Redis plugin uses. It's actively maintained, very fast, and doesn't try to do anything too clever. One of the nice things about it is that it doesn't try to munge around with the Redis command names, but follows them as closely as possible. This means that for almost all commands, the Redis command documentation can also be used to understand how to use the Jedis connection objects. You don't need to worry about translating the Redis documentation into Jedis commands.
\ngrails install-plugin redis\n
\nOut of the box, the plugin expects that Redis is running on localhost:6379
. You can modify this (as well as any other pool config options) by adding a stanza like this to your grails-app/conf/Config.groovy
grails {\n redis {\n poolConfig {\n // jedis pool specific tweaks here, see jedis docs & src\n // ex: testWhileIdle = true\n }\n timeout = 2000 //default in milliseconds\n password = "somepassword" //defaults to no password\n useSSL = false //or true to use SSL\n\n // requires either host & port combo, or a sentinels and masterName combo\n\n // use a single redis server (use only if nore using sentinel cluster)\n port = 6379\n host = "localhost"\n database = 5 // set default database to 5\n\n // use redis-sentinel cluster as opposed to a single redis server (use only if not use host/port)\n sentinels = [ "host1:6379", "host2:6379", "host3:6379" ] // list of sentinel instance host/ports\n masterName = "mymaster" // the name of a master the sentinel cluster is configured to monitor\n }\n\n}\n
\nThe poolConfig section will let you tweak any of the setter values made available by the JedisPoolConfig. It implements the Apache Commons GenericObjectPool.
\nNOTE: Please see Redis Sentinel - Documentation for more info on using redis-sentinel for high availability
\ndef redisService\n
\nThe redisService
bean wraps the pool connection. It has a number of caching/memoization helper functions, template methods, and basic Redis commands, it will be your primary interface to Redis.
The service overrides propertyMissing
and methodMissing
to delegate any missing requests to a Redis connection object. This means that any method that you'd normally call on a Redis connection object can be called directly on redisService
// overrides propertyMissing and methodMissing to delegate to redis\ndef redisService\n\nredisService.foo = "bar"\nassert "bar" == redisService.foo\n\nredisService.sadd("months", "february")\nassert true == redisService.sismember("months", "february")\n
\nIt also provides a template method called withRedis
that takes a closure as a parameter. It passes a Jedis connection object to Redis into the closure. The template method automatically gets an object out of the pool and ensures that it gets returned to the pool after the closure finishes (even if there's an error).
redisService.withRedis { Jedis redis ->\n redis.set("foo", "bar")\n}\n
\nThe advantage to calling withRedis
rather than just calling methods directly on redisService
is that multiple commands will only use a single connection instance, rather than one per command.
Redis also allows you to pipeline commands. Pipelining allows you to quickly send commands to Redis without waiting for a response. When the pipeline is executed, it returns a Result object, which works like a Future
to give you the results of the pipeline. See the Jedis documentation on pipelining for more details. It works pretty much like the withRedis
template does:
redisService.withPipeline { Pipeline pipeline ->\n pipeline.set("foo", "bar")\n}\n
\nRedis has the notion of transactions, but it's not exactly the same as a database transaction. Redis transactions guarantee that all of the commands in the transaction will be executed as an atomic unit. Because Redis is single threaded, you're guaranteed to execute atomically and have a known state throughout the transaction. Redis does not support rolling back modifications that happen during a transaction.
\nThe withTransaction
template method automatically opens and closes the transaction for you. If the closure doesn't throw and exception, it will tell Redis to execute the transaction
redisService.withTransaction { Transaction transaction ->\n transaction.set("foo", "bar")\n}\n
\nMemoization is a write-through caching technique. The plugin gives a number of methods that take a key name, and a closure as parameters. These methods first check Redis to see if the key exists. If it does, it returns the value of the key and does not execute the closure. If it does not exist in Redis, it executes the closure and saves the result in Redis under the key. Subsequent calls will then be served the cached value from Redis rather than recalculating.
\nThis technique is very useful for caching values that are frequently requested but expensive to calculate.
\nAs of version 1.2 you may also use the new memoize annotations. See the Memoization Annotation section for usage and examples.
\nThere are methods for the basic Redis data types:
\nredisService.memoize("user:$userId:helloMessage") {\n // expensive to calculate method that returns a String\n "Hello ${security.currentLoggedInUser().firstName}"\n}\n
\nBy default, the key/value will be cached forever in Redis, you can ensure that the key is refreshed either by deleting the key from Redis, making the key include a date or timestamp, or by using the optional expire
parameter, the value is the number of seconds before Redis should expire the key:
def ONE_HOUR = 3600\nredisService.memoize("user:$userId:helloMessage", [expire: ONE_HOUR]) {\n """\n Hello ${security.currentLoggedInUser().firstName.\n The temperature this hour is ${currentTemperature()}\n """\n}\n
\nYou can memoize a single domain object with redis. It will cache the ID of the domain object returned from the closure and on subsequent cache hits will return a proxy domain object using grails DomainObject.load(cachedId)
String key = "user:42:favorite:author"\nAuthor author = redisService.memoizeDomainObject(Author, key) {\n Author author = ... // expensive method to calculate user 42's favorite author...\n return author\n}\n
\nNow that you have the proxy object for the Author, you can do queries with it without actually having to hydrate the object (and anything it eagerly loads):
\ndef recommendedBooks = Book.findByAuthor(author)\n
\nThe object has the id field populated, but the remaining fields are lazily loaded only if their values are requested, so you can still do:
\nprintln author.name\n
\nTo actually print out the name of the author.
\nYou can also memoize a list of domain object identifiers. It doesn't cache the entire domain object, just the database IDs of the domain objects in a returned list.
\nThis allows you to still grab the freshest objects from the database, but not repeatedly create an expensive list. This could be a big database query that joins a bunch of tables. Or some other process that does additional filtering based on selections the user has made in the UI. Something ephemeral for that session or user, that you don't want to persist, but need to be able to react to.
\ndef key = "user:$id:friends-books-user-does-not-own"\n\nredisService.memoizeDomainList(Book, key, ONE_HOUR) { redis ->\n // expensive process to calculate all friend\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffds books and filter out books\n // that the user already owns, this stores the list of determined Book IDs\n // in Redis, but hydrates the Book objects from the DB\n}\n
\nThere are other memoization methods that the plugin provides, check out the RedisService.groovy and the plugin tests for the exhaustive list.
\n// Redis Hash memoize methods\n\nredisService.memoizeHash("saved-hash") { return [foo: "bar"] }\n\nredisService.memoizeHashField("saved-hash", "foo") { return "bar" }\n\n// Redis List memoize method\nredisService.memoizeList("saved-list") { return ["foo", "bar", "baz"] }\n\n// Redis Set memoize method\nredisService.memoizeSet("saved-set") { return ["foo", "bar", "baz"] as Set }\n\n// Redis Sorted Set memoize method\nredisService.memoizeScore("saved-sorted-set", "set-item") { return score }\n
\nThe plugin also provides a few utility methods such as:
\nredisService.flushDB() // dangerous!!!! should probably only be used for test cleanup\n\n// deletes all keys in the database matching a pattern, this is fairly expensive\n// as it uses the <code>keys</code> operation. If you're doing this a lot and\n// have many keys in redis, you should be aggregating your own set of keys that\n// you'll later want to delete\nredisService.deleteKeysWithPattern("key:pattern:*")\n
\nYou can have direct access to the pool of Redis connection objects by injecting redisPool
into your code. Normally, you won't want to directly work with the pool, and instead interact with the redisService
bean, but you have the option to manually work with the pool if desired.
def redisPool\n
\nThe redis:memoize
TagLib lets you leverage memoization within your GSP files. Wrap it around any expensive to generate text and it will cache it and quickly serve it from Redis.
<redis:memoize key="mykey" expire="3600">\n <!--\n insert expensive to generate GSP content here\n\n taglib body will be executed once, subsequent calls\n will pull from redis till the key expires\n -->\n <div id='header'>\n ... expensive header stuff here that can be cached ...\n </div>\n</redis:memoize>\n
\nIf you are using multiple redis servers in your environment which are NOT clustered and would like to perform discrete operations on them seperately from a single application, you can accomplish that by by adding some configuration to your application.
\nThe configuration block for redis accepts the following connections block parameters.
\ngrails {\n redis {\n poolConfig {\n // pool specific tweaks here\n // for parms see https://github.com/xetorthio/jedis/blob/master/src/main/java/redis/clients/jedis/JedisPoolConfig.java\n // numTestsPerEvictionRun = 4\n }\n\n // requires either host & port combo, or a sentinels and masterName combo\n\n // use a single redis server (use only if nore using sentinel cluster)\n port = 6379\n host = "localhost"\n\n // use redis-sentinel cluster as opposed to a single redis server (use only if not use host/port)\n sentinels = [ "host1:6379", "host2:6379", "host3:6379" ] // list of sentinel instance host/ports\n masterName = "mymaster" // the name of a master the sentinel cluster is configured to monitor\n\n connections {\n cache {\n poolConfig {\n // pool specific tweaks here\n // for parms see https://github.com/xetorthio/jedis/blob/master/src/main/java/redis/clients/jedis/JedisPoolConfig.java\n // numTestsPerEvictionRun = 4\n }\n\n // requires either host & port combo, or a sentinels and masterName combo\n\n // use a single redis server (use only if nore using sentinel cluster)\n port = 6380\n host = "localhost"\n\n // use redis-sentinel cluster as opposed to a single redis server (use only if not use host/port)\n sentinels = [ "host1:6380", "host2:6380", "host3:6380" ] // list of sentinel instance host/ports\n masterName = "cache" // the name of a master the sentinel cluster is configured to monitor\n }\n search {\n poolConfig {\n // pool specific tweaks here\n // for parms see https://github.com/xetorthio/jedis/blob/master/src/main/java/redis/clients/jedis/JedisPoolConfig.java\n // numTestsPerEvictionRun = 4\n }\n\n // requires either host & port combo, or a sentinels and masterName combo\n\n // use a single redis server (use only if nore using sentinel cluster)\n port = 6381\n host = "localhost"\n\n // use redis-sentinel cluster as opposed to a single redis server (use only if not use host/port)\n sentinels = [ "host1:6381", "host2:6381", "host3:6381" ] // list of sentinel instance host/ports\n masterName = "search" // the name of a master the sentinel cluster is configured to monitor\n }\n }\n }\n}\n
\nThe standard config block for the default connection has not changed. The new configuration is under the connections
block. You will need to name your connections ('cache' and 'search' in the above block). The names must be unique.
A new service bean will be wired in addition to the default redisService
bean with the capitalized connection name appended to it. For example the above two connections would create a redisServiceCache
and redisServiceSearch
bean you can reference from your application code. If desired, you can also access the connection-specific redisPool
beans that are created using the same naming convention, in this example they would be redisPoolCache
and redisPoolSearch
In addition to the newly wired beans, you may also choose to continue using the standard redisService
bean and simply refer to the connections by name when invoking targets on the service via redisService.withConnection('cache').withRedis{...}
or redisService.withConnection('search').memoize(key){...}
Note: It is up to you if you prefer using the main redisService
bean and the withConnection
method or if you want to inject the additional service beans. The end result is the same and the withConnection is simply a pass through to the newly created beans.
class FooService {\n\n def redisService\n // custom created beans for each connection, you can use these or just use the `withConnection` method\n // both methods are demonstrated below for example purposes, but you'd like choose one method or the other\n def redisServiceCache\n def redisServiceSearch\n\n def doWork(){\n redisService.withRedis { Jedis redis ->\n redis.set("foo", "bar")\n }\n\n redisService.withConnection('cache').withTransaction { Jedis redis ->\n redis.set("foo", "bar")\n }\n\n redisServiceSearch.withPipeline { Jedis redis ->\n redis.set("foo", "bar")\n }\n\n redisServiceCache.memoize("somecachekey") {Jedis redis ->\n return cacheData\n }\n\n redisService.withConnection('search').memoizeDomainList(Book, "domainkey"){\n return Book.findAllByTitleInList(["book1", "book3"])\n }\n\n redisService.memoizeDomainIdList(Book, "domainkey"){\n return Book.findAllByTitleInList(["book1", "book3"])\n }\n\n redisServiceCache.memoizeDomainObject(Book, "domainkey"){\n return Book.get(book1.id)\n }\n\n redisServiceSearch.memoizeHash("domainkey"){\n return [foo: "bar"]\n }\n }\n}\n
\nIn addition to using the concrete and finite redisService.memoize* methods, as of version 1.2 you may now also annotate a method with an appropriate @Memoize* annotation. This will perform an AST transformation at compile time and wrap the entire body of the method with the corresponding memoization method. The parameters such as key and expire are passed into the annotation and used in the redisService memoize method calls.
\nThe following are available as annotations:
\nAnnotation | Description |
@Memoize | Used to memoize methods that return a \"string\" - redisService.memoize |
@MemoizeObject | Used to memoize methods that return an object - redisService.memoize |
@MemoizeDomainObject | Used to memoize methods that return a domain object - redisService.memoizeDomain |
@MemoizeDomainList | Used to memoize methods that return a domain object list - redisService.memoizeDomainList |
@MemoizeHash | Used to memoize methods that return a hash - redisService.memoizeHash |
@MemoizeHashField | Used to memoize methods that return a hash field - redisService.memoizeHashField |
@MemoizeList | Used to memoize methods that return a list - redisService.memoizeList |
@MemoizeSet | Used to memoize methods that return a set - redisService.memoizeSet |
@MemoizeScore | Used to memoize methods that returns a score from a hash - redisService.memoizeScore |
There are integration usage tests written in spock for services at RedisMemoizeServiceSpec.groovy and for domains at RedisMemoizeDomainSpec.groovy
\nSince the value of the key must be passed in but will also be transformed by AST, we can not use the $
style gstring values in the keys. Instead you will use the #
sign to represent a gstring value such as @Memoize(key = "#{book.title}:#{book.id}")
During the AST tranformation these will be replaced with the $
character and will evaluate correctly during runtime as redisService.memoize("${book.title}:${book.id}"){...}
Anything that is not in the format key='#text'
or key="${text}"
will be treated as a string literal. Meaning that key="text"
would be the same as using the literal string "text"
as the memoize key redisService.memoize("text"){...}
instead of the variable $text
Any variable that you use in the key property of the annotation will need to be in scope for this to work correctly. You will only get a RUNTIME error if you use a variable reference that is out of scope.
\nThis also applies to the expire
You are not required to import the import grails.plugin.redis.RedisService
namespace or declare the service def redisService
on any objects you wish to use this annotation with as the AST transform will detect whether this field is on your object and add it for you. You may certainly have either the import or def statements if you would like, but they are not required if you use the @Memoize* annotations.
The user should be aware that any annotated method will be completely wrapped in the redis service call so any calculations that are contained within will also be wrapped and not executed of the key is in scope and not expired.
\nIf the compile succeeds but runtime fails or throws an exception, make sure the following are valid:\n* Your key OR value is configured correctly.\n* The key uses a #{} for all variables you want referenced.
\nIf the compile does NOT succeed make sure check the stack trace as some validation is done on the AST transform for each annotation type:\n* Required annotation properties are provided.\n* When using expire
it is a valid Integer type variable.\n* When using value
it is a valid closure.\n* When using key
it is a valid String.
The @Memoize annotation is to be used when dealing with objects that are stored in Redis as strings. This annotation takes the following parameters:
\nvalue - A closure in the following format. (key OR value required)\nkey - A unique key for the data cache. (key OR value required)\nexpire - Expire time in seconds. Will default to never so only pass a value like 3600 if you want value to expire.\n
\nYou can either specify a closure OR a key and expire. When using the closure style key @Memoize({"#{text}"})
you may not pass a key or expire to the annotation as the closure will be evaluated directly and used as the key value. This is due to a limitation on how Java deals with closure annotation parameters.
Here is an example of usage:
\n@Memoize({"#{text}"})\ndef getAnnotatedTextUsingClosure(String text, Date date) {\n println 'cache miss getAnnotatedTextUsingClosure'\n return "$text $date"\n}\n\n@Memoize(key = '#{text}')\ndef getAnnotatedTextUsingKey(String text, Date date) {\n println 'cache miss getAnnotatedTextUsingKey'\n return "$text $date"\n}\n\n//expire this extremely fast\n@Memoize(key = '#{text}', expire = '1')\ndef getAnnotatedTextUsingKeyAndExpire(String text, Date date) {\n println 'cache miss getAnnotatedTextUsingKeyAndExpire'\n return "$text $date"\n}\n\n//configurable expire time to live\n@Memoize(key = '#{text}', expire = '#{grailsApplication.config.cache.ttl}')\ndef getAnnotatedTextUsingKeyAndExpire(String text, Date date) {\n println 'cache miss getAnnotatedTextUsingKeyAndExpire'\n return "$text $date"\n}\n\n@Memoize(key = "#{book.title}:#{book.id}")\ndef getAnnotatedBook(Book book) {\n println 'cache miss getAnnotatedBook'\n return book.toString()\n}\n
\nThe @MemoizeObject annotation is to be used when dealing with simple (non-domain) objects that are to have their contents stored in Redis in JSON form. The simple object being returned by the return statement will be converted to JSON, stored in Redis, then converted from JSON back to the object. It is important to ensure that the object class you're using is able to be converted to and from JSON for this annotation to work. This annotation takes the following parameters:
\nkey - A unique key for the data cache. (required)\nexpire - Expire time in seconds. Will default to never so only pass a value like 3600 if you want value to expire.\nclazz - The class of the object to be memoizing. (required)\n
\nHere is an example of usage:
\n@MemoizeObject(key = "#{title}", expire = "#{grailsApplication.config.cache.ttl}", clazz = Book.class)\ndef createObject(String title, Date date) {\n println 'cache miss createObject'\n new Book(title: title, createDate: date)\n}\n
\nThis method is also available from the RedisService
redisService.memoizeObject(Book.class, title, grailsApplication.config.cache.ttl) {\n println 'cache miss createObject'\n new Book(title: title, createDate: date)\n}\n
\nThe @MemoizeDomainObject annotation is to be used when dealing with domain objects that are to have their id's stored in Redis. See the documentation on Domain Object Memoization above for more details. This annotation takes the following parameters:
\nkey - A unique key for the data cache. (required)\nexpire - Expire time in seconds. Will default to never so only pass a value like 3600 if you want value to expire.\nclazz - The class of the object to be memoizing. (required)\n
\nHere is an example of usage:
\n@MemoizeDomainObject(key = "#{title}", clazz = Book.class)\ndef createDomainObject(String title, Date date) {\n println 'cache miss createDomainObject'\n Book.build(title: title, createDate: date)\n}\n
\nThe @MemoizeDomainList annotation is to be used when dealing with lists of domain objects that are to have their id's stored in Redis. See the documentation on Domain List Memoization above for more details. This annotation takes the following parameters:
\nkey - A unique key for the data cache. (required)\nexpire - Expire time in seconds. Will default to never so only pass a value like 3600 if you want value to expire.\nclazz - The class of the object to be memizing. (required)\n
\nHere is an example of usage:
\n@MemoizeDomainList(key = "getDomainListWithKeyClass:#{title}", clazz = Book.class)\ndef getDomainListWithKeyClass(String title, Date date) {\n println 'cache miss getDomainListWithKeyClass'\n Book.findAllByTitle(title)\n}\n
\nThe @MemoizeList annotation is to be used when dealing with list type objects. This annotation takes the following parameters:
\nvalue - A closure in the following format. (key OR value required)\nkey - A unique key for the data cache. (key OR value required)\nexpire - Expire time in seconds. Will default to never so only pass a value like 3600 if you want value to expire.\n
\nYou can either specify a closure OR a key and expire. When using the closure style key @Memoize({"#{text}"})
you may not pass a key or expire to the annotation as the closure will be evaluated directly and used as the key value. This is due to a limitation on how Java deals with closure annotation parameters.
Here is an example of usage:
\n@MemoizeList(key = "#{list[0]}")\ndef getAnnotatedList(List list) {\n println 'cache miss getAnnotatedList'\n return list\n}\n
\nThe @MemoizeScore annotation is to be used when dealing with scores in hashes. This annotation takes the following parameters:
\nkey - A unique key for the data cache. (required)\nexpire - Expire time in seconds. Will default to never so only pass a value like 3600 if you want value to expire.\nmember - The hash property to store. (required)\n
\nHere is an example of usage:
\n@MemoizeScore(key = "#{map.key}", member="foo")\ndef getAnnotatedScore(Map map) {\n println 'cache miss getAnnotatedScore'\n return map.foo\n}\n
\nThe @MemoizeHash annotation is to be used when dealing with maps/hash type objects. This annotation takes the following parameters:
\nvalue - A closure in the following format. (key OR value required)\nkey - A unique key for the data cache. (key OR value required)\nexpire - Expire time in seconds. Will default to never so only pass a value like 3600 (one hour) if you want value to expire.\n
\nYou can either specify a closure OR a key and expire. When using the closure style key @Memoize({"#{text}"})
you may not pass a key or expire to the annotation as the closure will be evaluated directly and used as the key value. This is due to a limitation on how Java deals with closure annotation parameters.
Here is an example of usage:
\n@MemoizeHash(key = "#{map.foo}")\ndef getAnnotatedHash(Map map) {\n println 'cache miss getAnnotatedHash'\n return map\n}\n
\nMost things remain the same except configuration in the application.yml
file will be done not in dsl closure but YAML style.
---\ngrails:\n redis:\n poolConfig:\n maxIdle: 10\n doesnotexist: true\n
\nThe package namespace has changed to grails.plugins.redis
. Note the addition of the s in plugin[s].
@Memoize annotations currently do NOT work with domain objects and classes. We are working to fix this.
\nPreviously the @Memoize annotations would inject the redisService into your classes, due to changes in how beans are wired in grails 3.0.0+ it is recommended that you\ndefine the service in your classes like the following:
\nclass MyService {\n \n RedisService redisService\n \n @Memoize()\n def doFoo(){\n ...\n }\n \n}\n
. Moved bintray location. Breaking Change@Memoize
annotations don't work on domain classes, most everything else works.database
parameter in the config to pick a redis databasememoizeDomainObject
and checking logging level before calling logging method@MemoizeObject
annotation which allows for JSON representation to be stored in redis, moved log level of "optional" redis connections down to info, better handling/transformation of config valuesredisService.memoizeObject
method (#34) with optional [cacheNull: false]
flag (#35)RedisService
is spring injected so that it's easier to mock out for tests by clients. Upgraded to Jedis 2.6.0.This project implements GORM for the Redis Key/Value Database.
\nFor more information see the following links:
\nFor the current development version see the following links:
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "remora", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "neilab", "desc": "Remora is a Grails Image / File Upload Plugin formally based on Selfie plugin. Use Remora to attach files to your domain models, upload to a CDN, validate content, produce thumbnails.", "labels": [ "image", "file", "upload" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/neilabdev/remora/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0.1", "updated": "2016-09-15T14:13:10.459Z", "systemIds": [ "com.neilab.plugins.remora:remora" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/neilabdev/remora" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Remora is a Grails Image / File Upload / Attachment Plugin. It was initially based on the excellent Selfie plugin by bertramlabs, which at the time was limited to grails 2 and implemented using grails column embedding feature to incorporate attachments into the domain model, which was not ideal for my specific project and thus a fork was created to resolve these issues with additional features.
\nYou may use Remora to attach files to your domain models, upload to a CDN, validate content, and produce thumbnails.
\nAdd The Following to your build.gradle
dependencies {\n compile ':remora:1.0.1'\n}\n
\nRemora utilizes karman for dealing with asset storage. Karman is a standardized interface for sending files up to CDN's as well as local file stores. It is also capable of serving local files.\nIn order to upload files, we must first designate a storage provider for these files. This can be done in the remora
static map in each GORM domain with which you have an Attachment,\nor this can be defined in your application.groovy
or 'application.yml'.
\nimport com.neilab.plugins.remora.Attachment\nimport com.neilab.plugins.remora.AttachmentUserType\n\ngrails.gorm.default.mapping = {\n "user-type" type: AttachmentUserType, class: Attachment // useful to only require specifying class type in domain\n}\n\nremora {\n storage {\n bucket = 'uploads'\n providerOptions {\n provider = 'local' // // Switch to s3 if you wish to use s3 and install the karman-aws plugin\n basePath = 'storage'\n baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/image-test/storage'\n }\n\n provider { // corresponds to provider in providerOptions\n local {\n basePath = 'storage'\n baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/image-test/storage'\n }\n\n s3 {\n basePath = 'storage'\n baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/image-test/storage'\n //accessKey = "KEY" //Used for S3 Provider\n //secretKey = "KEY" //Used for S3 Provider\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n
\nThe providerOptions
section will pass straight through to karmans StorageProvider.create()
factory. The provider
specifies the storage provider to use while the other options are specific to each provider.
In the above example we are using the karman local storage provider. This is all well and good, but we also need to be able to serve these files from a URL. Depending on your environment this can get a bit tricky.\nOne option is to use nginx to serve the directory and point the baseUrl
to the appropriate endpoint. Another option is to use the built in endpoint provided by the karman plugin:
\nYou can also configure which bucket or karman storage provider is used on a per domain level as well as per property level basis in your application config. For example the Book
domain class could be configured as follows:
\nremora {\n domain {\n book {\n storage {\n path = 'uploads/:class/:id/:propertyName/' //This configures the storage path of the files being uploaded by domain class name and property name and identifier in GORM\n bucket = 'uploads'\n providerOptions {\n provider = 'local' // Switch to s3 if you wish to use s3 and install the karman-aws plugin\n basePath = 'storage'\n baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/image-test/storage'\n //accessKey = "KEY" //Used for S3 Provider\n //secretKey = "KEY" //Used for S3 Provider\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n \n\n
\nUnlike its worthy predecessor Selfie, the Remora plugin does not use an embedded GORM domain class to provide an elegant DSL for uploading and attaching files to your domains. You merely only need to add the Attachment class as the type for your storage file. Instead of embedding, aforesaid type becomes a single text field column which is serialized to JSON, instead of multiple columns that would be added if it were embedded.
\nExample DSL:
\nimport com.neilab.plugins.remora.Attachment\nimport com.neilab.plugins.remora.AttachmentUserType\n\nclass Book {\n String name\n Integer size\n Attachment photo // only this is require, everything else is optional\n\n static remora = [\n photo: [ // if a key is the name of a property and not reserved (see below), can be used to configure attachments properties\n styles: [\n thumb: [width: 50, height: 50, mode: 'fit'],\n medium: [width: 250, height: 250, mode: 'scale']\n ]\n ],\n \n storage: [ // reserved key which allows overriding application configs for this domain.\n bucket:'book_bucket',\n //:url & :path are interpolated using variables :class,:domainName,:style,:propertyName,:id and :type\n url: "/:id/:type/:style/:propertyName/", \n path: "attachment/:domainName/:propertyName/:id"\n ],\n \n assign: [ // reserved key which allows you to assign the attachment properties to additional model database columns.\n originalFilename:'name', // assigns filename of original attachment to property :name\n fileSize:'size' // assigns size of original attachment to property :size\n ]\n ]\n \n static constraints = {\n photo contentType: [\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdpng\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd,\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdjpg\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd], fileSize:1024*1024 // 1mb\n }\n}\n
\nUploading Files could not be simpler. Simply use a multipart form and upload a file:
\n<g:uploadForm name="upload" url="[action:'upload',controller:'photo']">\n <input type="file" name="photo" /><br/>\n <g:submitButton name="update" value="Update" /><br/>\n</g:uploadForm>\n
\nWhen you bind your params object to your GORM model, the file will automatically be uploaded upon save and processed:
\nclass PhotoController {\n def upload() {\n def photo = new Photo(params)\n if(!photo.save()) {\n println "Error Saving! ${photo.errors.allErrors}"\n }\n redirect view: "index"\n }\n}\n
\nJust execute following from your application directory:
\ngrails install-plugin remote-pagination
If you have used paginate and sortableColumn tag, then you will find its usage very similar to them. The tags needs to reside inside the template, which renders the list of records. Checkout the Sample Application here.
\nWe can provide default max elements to be displayed for all remote-paginate tags via following configuration. However, it defaults to 10.\n\n//In Config.groovy\ngrails.plugins.remotepagination.max=20\n//EnableBootstrap here when using twitter bootstrap, default is set to false.\ngrails.plugins.remotepagination.enableBootstrap=true\n
The remote-pagination plugin currently provides the following tags:
\nCreates next/previous buttons and a breadcrumb trail to allow pagination of results, without a page refresh using ajax calls.
\n\n \n //Example domain class\n class Book {\n String title\n String author\n }\n //Example controller used for all tags:\n class BookController {\n def list = {\n [books: Book.list(params)]\n }\n def filter ={\n render(template:\"listTemplate\" ,model:[ bookInstanceList: Book.list(params )])\n } \n }\n
\n<util:remotePaginate controller=\"book\" action=\"filter\" total=\"${Book.count()}\"\n update=\"listTemplateDivId\" max=\"20\" pageSizes=\"[10, 20, 50,100]\"/>\n<util:remotePaginate controller=\"book\" action=\"filter\" total=\"${Book.count()}\" update=\"listTemplateDivId\"\n max=\"20\" pageSizes=\"[10:'10 Per Page', 20: '20 Per Page', 50:'50 Per Page',100:'100 Per Page']\"/>\n
\n### Description\nAttributes update, action and total are required. \n### Attributes\n* total (required) - The total number of results to paginate \n* action (required) - The name of the action to use in the link\n* update (required) - The id of the div/span which contains the tag to render the template, which displays the list.\n* controller (optional) - The name of the controller to use in the link, if not specified the current controller will be linked \n* id (optional) - The id to use in the link \n* params (optional) - A map containing request parameters \n* prev (optional) - The text to display for the previous link (defaults to \"Previous\" as defined by default.paginate.prev property in I18n messages.properties) \n* next (optional) - The text to display for the next link (defaults to \"Next\" as defined by default.paginate.next property in I18n messages.properties) \n* max (optional) - The number of records displayed per page (defaults to 10). Used ONLY if params.max is empty \n* maxsteps (optional) - The number of steps displayed for pagination (defaults to 10). Used ONLY if params.maxsteps is empty \n* offset (optional) - Used ONLY if params.offset is empty\n* pageSizes(optional) - The list containing different page sizes user can select from(defaults to max attribute or the first value given in the list). Provide Map instead of list to display text other than pageSize in a select box.\n* alwaysShowPageSizes(optional) - A boolean value, either to show pageSizes select box irrespective of total records (defaults to false). Use only when pageSizes list or map is provided.\nRenders a remote sortable column to support sorting in tables , without a page refresh using ajax calls.
\nExamples\n\n<util:remoteSortableColumn property="title" title="Title" update="listTemplateDivId"/>\n<util:remoteSortableColumn property="title" title="Title" style="width: 200px" update="listTemplateDivId"/>\n<util:remoteSortableColumn property="author" defaultOrder="desc" title="author"\ntitleKey="book.author" update="listTemplateDivId"/>\n
Attributes update, action and either title or titleKey are required. When title or titleKey attributes are specified then titleKey takes precedence, resulting in the title caption to be resolved against the message source. In case when the message could not be resolved, the title will be used as title caption.
\nRenders more records lazily on a click of link, appends them to the existing list of records without a page refresh using ajax calls. This tag needs to be inside a template for example "_listTemplate.gsp".\n
Examples\n\n//This tag is supported only if application's grails javascript library is set to 'jQuery'.\n<util:remotePageScroll action="filter" total="${total}" update="listTemplateDivId"/>\n<util:remotePageScroll action="filter" total="${total}" update="listTemplateDivId"\ntitle="Show More Records..." max="5" class="anyCSSClass"/>\n
Attributes update, action and total are required. This should reside in a template, which loop through the records to be displayed iteratively.
\nRenders more records lazily on page scroll, appends them to the existing list of records without a page refresh using ajax calls. This tag needs to be inside a template for example "_listTemplate.gsp".
\nExamples\n\n//This tag is supported only if application's grails javascript library is set to 'jQuery'.\n//We need to include remoteNonStopPageScroll.js file provided by the plugin for this tag to work.\n<g:javascript plugin="remote-pagination" library="remoteNonStopPageScroll"/>
\n<util:remoteNonStopPageScroll action='filter' total="${total}" update="listTemplateDivId" />\n<util:remoteNonStopPageScroll action='filter' controller="book" total="${total}"\nupdate="listTemplateDivId" heightOffset="10" loadingHtml="loadingGifDivId" />\n
Attributes update, action and total are required. This tag should reside in a template for example "_listTemplate.gsp", which loops through the records to be displayed iteratively.
\nIssues and improvements for this plugin are maintained here on Codehaus JIRA.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "remotessh", "repo": "maven", "owner": "vahid", "desc": "Grails RemoteSSH Plugin", "labels": [ "ssh" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/RemoteSSH/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.9", "updated": "2019-04-08T20:09:14.111Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:remotessh" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vahidhedayati/RemoteSSH" }, "documentationUrl": "https://vahidhedayati.github.io/RemoteSSH/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "Grails RemoteSSH Plugin based on Ganymed SSH-2 library
\nDependency Grails 2:
\n\tcompile ":remote-ssh:0.14"\n
\n\nDependency Grails 3 (build.gradle):
\n\tcompile "org.grails.plugins:remotessh:3.0.9"\n
\n\nSSHUtil methods and how to use
\nSshUtilService methods and how to use
\nGroovy Docs for classes within plugin: methods/usage
\nJava Docs for classes within plugin: methods/usage
\nCheck out : jssh
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "rendering", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Grails rendering plugin", "labels": [ "rendering", "image", "pdf" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/rendering/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.3", "updated": "2017-01-26T14:00:59.747Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:rendering" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/gpc/rendering" }, "documentationUrl": "https://gpc.github.io/rendering/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nThis plugin adds PDF, GIF, PNG and JPEG rendering facilities to Grails applications via the XHTML Renderer library.
\nRendering is either done directly via one of the \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdformat\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdRenderingService
services \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = pdfRenderingService.render(template: "/pdfs/report", model: [data: data])\n
\nOr via one of the render\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffdformat\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd()
methods added to controllers \ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd\ufffd
renderPdf(template: "/pdfs/report", model: [report: reportObject], filename: reportObject.name)\n
\nPlease see the User Guide for more information.
\nThe plugin is released under the Apache License 2.0 and is produced under the Grails Plugin Collective.\nHowever, it does LGPL libraries: XhtmlRenderer and iText.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "request-tracelog", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "nobeans", "desc": "Grails request-tracelog plugin", "labels": [ "logging" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/nobeans/grails-request-tracelog/issues", "latestVersion": "1.3.0", "updated": "2017-06-14T07:06:41.756Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:request-tracelog" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/nobeans/grails-request-tracelog" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This is a Grails 3 plugin to get info logs of request.
\nIn build.gradle:
\ndependencies {\n compile "org.grails.plugins:request-tracelog:1.2.0"\n}\n
\nAll you have to do is to install the plugin.\nOnly in the development
environment, three request logs emit as follows:
Before Action\n Request ID: ServletWebRequest: uri=/myapp/sample/index;client=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1;session=FBDC27659D49A5EB8C257F25922DA45B\n Request attributes:\n applicationContextIdFilter.FILTERED: true\n characterEncodingFilter.FILTERED: true\n grailsWebRequestFilter.FILTERED: true\n hiddenHttpMethodFilter.FILTERED: true\n metricFilter.FILTERED: true\n org.grails.ACTION_NAME_ATTRIBUTE: index\n org.grails.CONTROLLER_NAME_ATTRIBUTE: sample\n org.grails.RESPONSE_FORMATS: [MimeType { name=*/*,extension=all,parameters=[q:1.0] }]\n org.grails.WEB_REQUEST: ServletWebRequest: uri=/myapp/sample/index;client=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1;session=FBDC27659D49A5EB8C257F25922DA45B\n org.grails.url.match.info: org.grails.web.mapping.mvc.GrailsControllerUrlMappingInfo@4989bb9a\n org.springframework.web.context.request.async.WebAsyncManager.WEB_ASYNC_MANAGER: org.springframework.web.context.request.async.WebAsyncManager@34ecd5c7\n org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.CONTEXT: org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext@9cd25ff: startup date [Fri Apr 17 17:12:42 JST 2015]; root of context hierarchy\n org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.FLASH_MAP_MANAGER: org.springframework.web.servlet.support.SessionFlashMapManager@57be88bf\n org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.LOCALE_RESOLVER: org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.SessionLocaleResolver@3999a99f\n org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.OUTPUT_FLASH_MAP: [:]\n org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.THEME_RESOLVER: org.springframework.web.servlet.theme.FixedThemeResolver@454ef3ee\n org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.THEME_SOURCE: org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext@9cd25ff: startup date [Fri Apr 17 17:12:42 JST 2015]; root of context hierarchy\n webRequestLoggingFilter.FILTERED: true\n Request parameters:\n action: index\n controller: sample\n Session attributes:\n org.grails.FLASH_SCOPE: [:]\n Cookies:\n JSESSIONID: FBDC27659D49A5EB8C257F25922DA45B (domain=null, path=null, maxAge=-1, secure=false, comment=null)\n\nAfter Action (time: 0.009[sec])\n Request ID: ServletWebRequest: uri=/myapp/sample/index;client=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1;session=FBDC27659D49A5EB8C257F25922DA45B\n Request parameters:\n action: index\n controller: sample\n Session attributes:\n org.grails.FLASH_SCOPE: [:]\n Cookies:\n JSESSIONID: FBDC27659D49A5EB8C257F25922DA45B (domain=null, path=null, maxAge=-1, secure=false, comment=null)\n\nAfter View (time: 0.011[sec])\n Request ID: ServletWebRequest: uri=/myapp/sample/index;client=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1;session=FBDC27659D49A5EB8C257F25922DA45B\n Request parameters:\n action: index\n controller: sample\n Session attributes:\n org.grails.FLASH_SCOPE: [:]\n Cookies:\n JSESSIONID: FBDC27659D49A5EB8C257F25922DA45B (domain=null, path=null, maxAge=-1, secure=false, comment=null)\n
\nYou can configure log settings (e.g. log level) by using the following FQCN of the interceptor.
\nThis is released under the Apache 2.0 License
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "rest-awesome", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "troutbird", "desc": null, "labels": [ "pagination", "rest", "json" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/ejaz-ahmed/grails-rest-awesome-plugin/issues", "latestVersion": "0.2.0", "updated": "2016-03-31T13:31:54.825Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:rest-awesome" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/ejaz-ahmed/grails-rest-awesome-plugin" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This plugin adds pagination support to the default REST response of grails applications.\nI've plan to add search and include/exclude fields in future.
\ncompile 'org.grails.plugins:rest-awesome:0.2.0'\n
\nThis plugin includes a sample application to which can also be referred.
\nIn order to use this plugin, you will have to first register the custom marshaller provided by this plugin.\nIf you have a domain class such as Book as shown below:
\nclass Book {\n String title\n Double price\n\n static constraints = {\n }\n}\n
\nYou have to register two marshallers for this class (one for collection and one for individual item)
\nTo do so, add following lines to your grails/app/conf/spring/resources.groovy file
\nimport demo.Book\nimport org.grails.plugins.restawesome.renderer.ApiCollectionRendererJson\nimport org.grails.plugins.restawesome.renderer.ApiRendererJson\n\nbeans = {\n bookRenderer(ApiRendererJson, Book) {\n label = "book"\n }\n\n bookCollectionRenderer(ApiCollectionRendererJson, Book) {\n label = "books"\n }\n}\n\n
\nlabel is optional. If you provide, it will use the provided label otherwise it has a fallback value which\nis "entity" for individual item and "entities" for collection.
\nAfter registering marshallers, you will have to extend "AwesomeRestfulController" provided by this plugin.
\nOur sample BookController should look like this.
\npackage demo\n\nimport org.grails.plugins.restawesome.AwesomeRestfulController\n\nclass BookController extends AwesomeRestfulController {\n\n static responseFormats = ['json']\n\n BookController(){\n super(Book)\n }\n}\n
\nHere is sample output of curl request to this plugin.
\ncurl http://localhost:8080/book\n{"books":[\n{"class":"demo.Book","id":1,"price":33.2,"title":"Grails in Action"},\n{"class":"demo.Book","id":2,"price":20.2,"title":"Groovy in Action"}],\n"paging":{"totalCount":2,"currentMax":10,"curentOffset":0}}\n
\nYou can also sort this response with any of the attributes of Book class. To sort with price,
\ncurl http://localhost:8080/book?sort=price\n{"books":[\n{"class":"demo.Book","id":2,"price":20.2,"title":"Groovy in Action"},\n{"class":"demo.Book","id":1,"price":33.2,"title":"Grails in Action"}],\n"paging":{"totalCount":2,"currentMax":10,"curentOffset":0}}\n
\nWe can also change the order of sort like "desc" or "asc".
\nSorted by price in descending order:
\ncurl "http://localhost:8080/book?sort=price&order=desc"\n{"books":[\n{"class":"demo.Book","id":1,"price":33.2,"title":"Grails in Action"},\n{"class":"demo.Book","id":2,"price":20.2,"title":"Groovy in Action"}],\n"paging":{"totalCount":2,"currentMax":10,"curentOffset":0}}\n
\nSorted by price in ascending order:
\ncurl "http://localhost:8080/book?sort=price&order=asc"\n{"books":[\n{"class":"demo.Book","id":2,"price":20.2,"title":"Groovy in Action"},\n{"class":"demo.Book","id":1,"price":33.2,"title":"Grails in Action"}],\n"paging":{"totalCount":2,"currentMax":10,"curentOffset":0}}\n
\nSaaSMAX is the growth engine for SaaS companies and their resellers. Our mission is all about recurring SaaS commissions.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "retina-tag", "repo": "grails3-plugins", "owner": "bertramlabs", "desc": "Adds retina resolution image tag support for asset-pipeline.", "labels": [ "image", "retina" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/retina-tag-grails/issues", "latestVersion": "3.0.0", "updated": "2017-11-07T07:34:50.354Z", "systemIds": [ "com.bertramlabs.plugins:retina-tag" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/retina-tag-grails" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The Grails Retina Tag plugin adds retina tag image support to the asset pipeline <asset:image/>
taglib.\nRetinaTag resolves this by extending <asset:image/>
to create a hidpi_src
attribute with the retina image path if it exists.
Add retina tag to your build config
\nplugins {\n\tcompile ':retina-tag:1.1.0'\n}\n
\ndependencies {\n\tcompile 'com.bertramlabs.plugins:retina-tag:3.0.0'\n}\n
\nAdd retina_tag.js
to your application.js file after including jQuery:
//=require retina_tag\n
\nAdd double pixel resolution images in your assets directory with the @2x modifier
\nBe sure to also specify the base dimensions in your image_tag
<asset:image src='logo.png' height=50/>\n
\nAwesome right?
\nRetina tag listens to the global event on document called retina_tag:refresh
. Firing this event will force retina_tag to rescan the dom for images and update their image src if necessary. Useful if loading content dynamically. Note: retina_tag automatically supports turbolinks.
In some cases it becomes necessary to override the data-hidpi-src attribute and skip asset pipeline. A good example of this might be to load a users profile picture which is stored elsewhere.
\n\t<asset:image src="${user.photo.url('medium')}" data-hidpi-src="${user.photo.url('medium_2x')" height="75%" width="75"/>\n
\ngit checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Added some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature
)##License\nThis project is licensed under the APACHE License.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "rx-gorm-rest-client", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "Provides a RxGORM Object Mapping implementation for communication with REST web services", "labels": [ "gorm", "json", "rest", "rxjava" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-rest-client/issues", "latestVersion": "1.1.0.RELEASE", "updated": "2017-03-27T14:02:29.543Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:rx-gorm-rest-client" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-rest-client" }, "documentationUrl": "http://gorm.grails.org/latest/rx/rest-client/manual/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "This project implements RxGORM for REST web services.
\n\nThe snapshot documentation is available here:
\n\n" }, { "comment": "Hard to tell versions to use here. According to https://gorm.grails.org/latest/rx/manual/ it is 7.3.2 but the latest release of this plugin is 6.1.7", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "rx-mongodb", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "GORM - Grails Data Access Framework", "labels": [ "gorm", "mongodb", "rxjava" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-mongodb/issues", "latestVersion": "6.1.7", "updated": "2020-07-06T19:52:37.703Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:rx-mongodb" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/gorm-mongodb" }, "documentationUrl": "https://gorm.grails.org/latest/rx/manual/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\n
This project implements GORM for the MongoDB Document Database.
\nNOTE: This source code here is for version 6.x and above. For prevoius versions' source see the relevant branch on the Grails Data Mapping project.
\nFor more information see the following links:
\nFor the current development version see the following links:
\n\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "rxjava", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "A plugin that integrates Grails with RxJava", "labels": [ "async", "rxjava" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-rxjava/issues", "latestVersion": "1.1.1", "updated": "2017-06-23T14:20:16.572Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:rxjava" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-rxjava" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-rxjava/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "RxJava is a popular library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences.
\nRxJava helps you build reactive applications and an increasing number of libraries take advantage of RxJava as the defacto standard for building Reactive applications.
\nIn GORM 6.0, a new implementation of GORM called RxGORM has been introduced that builds on RxJava helping you building reactive data access logic using the familiar GORM API combined with RxJava.
\nThis plugin helps integrate RxJava with the controller layer of Grails to complete the picture and enable complete end-to-end integration of RxJava with Grails.
\nTo install the plugin declare a dependency in build.gradle
dependencies {\n ...\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:rxjava:{version}'\n}\n
\nWhere {version}
is the version of the plugin.
For further information see the the User guide.
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "rxjava2", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "A plugin that integrates Grails with RxJava", "labels": [ "async", "rxjava2" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-rxjava/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.0", "updated": "2017-06-23T14:30:22.835Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:rxjava2" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-rxjava" }, "documentationUrl": "https://grails-plugins.github.io/grails-rxjava/latest/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "RxJava is a popular library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences.
\nRxJava helps you build reactive applications and an increasing number of libraries take advantage of RxJava as the defacto standard for building Reactive applications.
\nIn GORM 6.0, a new implementation of GORM called RxGORM has been introduced that builds on RxJava helping you building reactive data access logic using the familiar GORM API combined with RxJava.
\nThis plugin helps integrate RxJava with the controller layer of Grails to complete the picture and enable complete end-to-end integration of RxJava with Grails.
\nTo install the plugin declare a dependency in build.gradle
dependencies {\n ...\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:rxjava:{version}'\n}\n
\nWhere {version}
is the version of the plugin.
For further information see the the User guide.
\n" }, { "deprecated": "Duplicate entry of plugin with name 'csv' from the same author. This entry should probably be removed from the registry to avoid confusion.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "sachinverma.plugins:csv", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "sachinverma", "desc": "Grails csv plugin", "labels": [ "csv" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/vsachinv/grails-csv/issues", "latestVersion": "1.0", "updated": "2017-11-15T13:55:57.791Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:csv" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/vsachinv/grails-csv" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "The csv plugin provides utility methods and also support for reading/writing to csv files. It uses opencsv
Add dependency to your build.gradle for Grails 3.x:
\nrepositories {\n ...\n maven { url "http://dl.bintray.com/sachinverma/plugins" }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n compile 'org.grails.plugins:grails-csv:1.0.1'\n}\n
\nFor further info: [https://github.com/vsachinv/grails-csv/wiki/Grails-CSV]
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "sass-asset-pipeline", "repo": "asset-pipeline", "owner": "bertramlabs", "desc": "Provides fast and easy .sass and .scss file support for Transpiling to CSS. This plugin takes advantage of jsass and libsass for maximum performance.", "labels": [ "asset-pipeline", "sass", "css" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline/issues", "latestVersion": "5.0.6", "updated": "2025-02-07T00:48:21.000Z", "systemIds": [ "com.bertramlabs.plugins:sass-asset-pipeline" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/bertramdev/asset-pipeline" }, "documentationUrl": "https://bertramdev.github.io/asset-pipeline/", "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/bertramlabs/plugins/sass-asset-pipeline/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "scaffolding", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "grails", "desc": "The Grails\u00ae framework Scaffolding plugin replicates much of the functionality from Grails 2, but uses the fields plugin instead.", "labels": [ "scaffolding" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/grails/scaffolding/issues", "latestVersion": "5.1.3", "updated": "2024-11-20T12:41:42.000Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:scaffolding" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/grails/scaffolding" }, "documentationUrl": null, "mavenMetadataUrl": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/grails/plugins/scaffolding/maven-metadata.xml", "readme": null }, { "deprecated": "Source repository is archived.", "bintrayPackage": { "name": "schwartz", "repo": "grails-plugins", "owner": "agileorbit", "desc": "Quartz integration", "labels": [ "quartz", "scheduling" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/agileorbit/grails-schwartz/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.0.RC1", "updated": "2019-07-29T21:12:37.343Z", "systemIds": [ "com.agileorbit:schwartz" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/agileorbit/grails-schwartz/" }, "documentationUrl": "https://agileorbit.github.io/grails-schwartz/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nThe Schwartz plugin integrates the Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler with Grails, making it easy to schedule and manage recurring and ad-hoc jobs for asynchronous and synchronous processing.
\nThe plugin is similar at a high level to the Quartz plugin in that it makes it easy to schedule Quartz Jobs and Triggers without having to deal directly with the Quartz API and mindset. But if you are used to working with Quartz directly you can continue to do so with this plugin - it provides convenience classes and Traits to make job scheduling easier, but you have a lot of flexibility in how you perform the various tasks.
\nbuildscript {\n repositories {\n ...\n }\n dependencies {\n classpath "org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:$grailsVersion"\n ...\n classpath 'com.agileorbit:schwartz:1.0.1'\n }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile 'com.agileorbit:schwartz:1.0.1'\n ...\n}\n\n
\n" }, { "bintrayPackage": { "name": "schwartz-monitor", "repo": "plugins", "owner": "symentis", "desc": "Grails Plugin to Monitor Schwartz- or Quartz Plugin Jobs", "labels": [ "quartz", "scheduling" ], "licenses": [ "Apache-2.0" ], "issueTrackerUrl": "https://github.com/symentis/grails-schwartz-monitor/issues", "latestVersion": "2.0.2", "updated": "2019-03-01T11:53:11.524Z", "systemIds": [ "org.grails.plugins:schwartz-monitor" ], "vcsUrl": "https://github.com/symentis/grails-schwartz-monitor" }, "documentationUrl": "https://symentis.github.io/grails-schwartz-monitor/", "mavenMetadataUrl": null, "readme": "\nThis plugin is a fork of the quartz-monitor plugin and supports\nthe Grails Quartz and Grails Schwartz plugins.
\nIt allows you to view and administer all your Quartz job services in the web-ui.
\nThis plugin requires the Grails Quartz\nor Grails Schwartz\nand Asset Pipeline plugins to run.
\nAdd the plugin to your build.gradle dependencies:
\ndependencies {\n ...\n compile "org.grails.plugins:schwartz-monitor:2.0.1"\n}\n
\nOnce you have the schwartz-monitor plugin installed and have created some job services, start your application and access the URL:\nhttp://localhost:8080/yourapp/quartz and you will find a list of all the Quartz job services you have created.
\nTo have the page keep you constantly up to date requires jQuery. It will still work without jQuery,\nbut it won't look as good.
\nThere are various configuration options, all start with quartz.monitor
Allows you to change the sitemesh layout that page will use. Defaults to 'main'.
\nIf this is set to true, then the names of the triggers will be shown in the list - useful if you have multiple triggers for the same job.
\nWill add javascript to the page in order to show a countdown to when the job will fire next, unless this is