{ "name": "vehicles-and-mechanisms", "title": "Vehicles and Mechanisms", "description": "

Adds a way to control multiple scene elements (tokens, tiles, walls, and so on) as a single unit, so that they all move and rotate at once. The concept is flexible and can be used for general automation, traps, or other mechanisms with moving parts.

See page at URL below for full usage instructions.

", "author": "grandseiken", "version": "0.4.1", "minimumCoreVersion": "9", "compatibleCoreVersion": "9", "dependencies": [ { "type": "module", "name": "multilevel-tokens" } ], "scripts": ["vehicles.js"], "languages": [ { "lang": "en", "name": "English", "path": "lang/en.json" }, { "lang": "ja", "name": "日本語", "path": "lang/ja.json" } ], "url": "https://github.com/grandseiken/foundryvtt-vehicles-and-mechanisms", "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grandseiken/foundryvtt-vehicles-and-mechanisms/master/module.json", "download": "https://github.com/grandseiken/foundryvtt-vehicles-and-mechanisms/archive/v0.4.1.zip" }