import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup outputs = [] def process_message(data): #print(data['text'].lower()) #words that will make calcium-bot respond keywords = ['calcium', 'doot', 'skeltal', 'thank', 'skeletal', 'bone', 'me_irl', 'me irl', 'meirl'] text = data['text'].lower() if any(x in text for x in keywords): #gets a random page from ledootgeneration and then gets the link and title from it r = requests.get("", headers = {'User-agent': 'calcium-bot'}) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') a = soup.findAll("a", { "class" : "title" })[0] link = a.get('href') title = a.string #send the title and link to whatever channel said the keyword outputs.append([data['channel'], "{}\n{}".format(title, link)])