graphhopper: # OpenStreetMap input file PBF or XML, can be changed via command line -Ddw.graphhopper.datareader.file=some.pbf datareader.file: "" # Local folder used by graphhopper to store its data graph.location: graph-cache ##### Routing Profiles #### # Routing can be done only for profiles listed below. For more information about profiles and custom profiles have a # look into the documentation at docs/core/ or the examples under web/src/test/java/com/graphhopper/application/resources/ # or the CustomWeighting class for the raw details. # # In general a profile consists of the following # - name (required): a unique string identifier for the profile # - vehicle (required): refers to the `graph.vehicles` used for this profile # - weighting (required): the weighting used for this profile like custom # - turn_costs (true/false, default: false): whether or not turn restrictions should be applied for this profile. # # Depending on the above fields there are other properties that can be used, e.g. # - u_turn_costs: 60 (time-penalty for doing a u-turn in seconds (only possible when `turn_costs: true`)). # - custom_model_files: when you specified "weighting: custom" you need to set one or more json files which are searched in # or the working directory that defines the custom_model. If you want an empty model you can # set "custom_model_files: [] # You can also use the `custom_model` field instead and specify your custom model in the profile directly. # # To prevent long running routing queries you should usually enable either speed or hybrid mode for all the given # profiles (see below). Or at least limit the number of `routing.max_visited_nodes`. profiles: - name: car vehicle: car custom_model: distance_influence: 70 # turn_costs: true # u_turn_costs: 60 # - name: bike # # to use the bike vehicle make sure to not ignore cycleways etc., see import.osm.ignored_highways below # vehicle: bike # custom_model_files: [bike.json, bike_elevation.json] # instead of the inbuilt custom models (see ./core/src/main/resources/com/graphhopper/custom_models) # you can specify a folder where to find your own custom model files # custom_models # Speed mode: # Its possible to speed up routing by doing a special graph preparation (Contraction Hierarchies, CH). This requires # more RAM/disk space for holding the prepared graph but also means less memory usage per request. Using the following # list you can define for which of the above routing profiles such preparation shall be performed. Note that to support # profiles with `turn_costs: true` a more elaborate preparation is required (longer preparation time and more memory # usage) and the routing will also be slower than with `turn_costs: false`. profiles_ch: - profile: car # Hybrid mode: # Similar to speed mode, the hybrid mode (Landmarks, LM) also speeds up routing by doing calculating auxiliary data # in advance. Its not as fast as speed mode, but more flexible. # # Advanced usage: It is possible to use the same preparation for multiple profiles which saves memory and preparation # time. To do this use e.g. `preparation_profile: my_other_profile` where `my_other_profile` is the name of another # profile for which an LM profile exists. Important: This only will give correct routing results if the weights # calculated for the profile are equal or larger (for every edge) than those calculated for the profile that was used # for the preparation (`my_other_profile`) profiles_lm: [] #### Vehicles #### # The vehicle defines the base for how the routing of a profile behaves. It can be adjusted with the turn_costs=true # option or, only for the roads vehicle, there is the transportation_mode option: # name=mycustomvehicle,turn_costs=true,transportation_mode=MOTOR_VEHICLE # But you should prefer to configure the turn_costs via the profile configuration. # Other standard vehicles: foot,bike,mtb,racingbike,wheelchair #### Encoded Values #### # Add additional information to every edge. Used for path details (#1548) and custom models (docs/core/ # Default values are: road_class,road_class_link,road_environment,max_speed,road_access # More are: surface,smoothness,max_width,max_height,max_weight,max_weight_except,hgv,max_axle_load,max_length, # hazmat,hazmat_tunnel,hazmat_water,lanes,osm_way_id,toll,track_type,mtb_rating,hike_rating,horse_rating, # country,curvature,average_slope,max_slope # graph.encoded_values: surface,toll,track_type #### Speed, hybrid and flexible mode #### # To make CH preparation faster for multiple profiles you can increase the default threads if you have enough RAM. # Change this setting only if you know what you are doing and if the default worked for you. # 1 # To tune the performance vs. memory usage for the hybrid mode use # prepare.lm.landmarks: 16 # Make landmark preparation parallel if you have enough RAM. Change this only if you know what you are doing and if # the default worked for you. # prepare.lm.threads: 1 #### Elevation #### # To populate your graph with elevation data use SRTM, default is noop (no elevation). Read more about it in docs/core/ # graph.elevation.provider: srtm # default location for cache is /tmp/srtm # graph.elevation.cache_dir: ./srtmprovider/ # If you have a slow disk or plenty of RAM change the default MMAP to: # graph.elevation.dataaccess: RAM_STORE # To enable bilinear interpolation when sampling elevation at points (default uses nearest neighbor): # graph.elevation.interpolate: bilinear # Reduce ascend/descend per edge without changing the maximum slope: # graph.elevation.edge_smoothing: ramer # removes elevation fluctuations up to max_elevation (in meter) and replaces the elevation with a value based on the average slope # graph.elevation.edge_smoothing.ramer.max_elevation: 5 # Using an averaging approach for smoothing will reveal values not affected by outliers and realistic slopes and total altitude values (up and down) # graph.elevation.edge_smoothing: moving_average # window size in meter along a way used for averaging a node's elevation # graph.elevation.edge_smoothing.moving_average.window_size: 150 # To increase elevation profile resolution, use the following two parameters to tune the extra resolution you need # against the additional storage space used for edge geometries. You should enable bilinear interpolation when using # these features (see #1953 for details). # - first, set the distance (in meters) at which elevation samples should be taken on long edges # graph.elevation.long_edge_sampling_distance: 60 # - second, set the elevation tolerance (in meters) to use when simplifying polylines since the default ignores # elevation and will remove the extra points that long edge sampling added # graph.elevation.way_point_max_distance: 10 #### Country-dependent defaults for max speeds #### # This features sets a maximum speed in 'max_speed' encoded value if no maxspeed tag was found. It is country-dependent # and based on several rules. See # To use it uncomment the following, then enable urban density below and add 'country' to graph.encoded_values # max_speed_calculator.enabled: true #### Urban density (built-up areas) #### # This feature allows classifying roads into 'rural', 'residential' and 'city' areas (encoded value 'urban_density') # Use 1 or more threads to enable the feature # graph.urban_density.threads: 8 # Use higher/lower sensitivities if too little/many roads fall into the according categories. # Using smaller radii will speed up the classification, but only change these values if you know what you are doing. # If you do not need the (rather slow) city classification set city_radius to zero. # graph.urban_density.residential_radius: 400 # graph.urban_density.residential_sensitivity: 6000 # graph.urban_density.city_radius: 1500 # graph.urban_density.city_sensitivity: 1000 #### Subnetworks #### # In many cases the road network consists of independent components without any routes going in between. In # the most simple case you can imagine an island without a bridge or ferry connection. The following parameter # allows setting a minimum size (number of edges) for such detached components. This can be used to reduce the number # of cases where a connection between locations might not be found. prepare.min_network_size: 200 prepare.subnetworks.threads: 1 #### Routing #### # You can define the maximum visited nodes when routing. This may result in not found connections if there is no # connection between two points within the given visited nodes. The default is Integer.MAX_VALUE. Useful for flexibility mode # routing.max_visited_nodes: 1000000 # The maximum time in milliseconds after which a routing request will be aborted. This has some routing algorithm # specific caveats, but generally it should allow the prevention of long-running requests. The default is Long.MAX_VALUE # routing.timeout_ms: 300000 # Control how many active landmarks are picked per default, this can improve query performance # routing.lm.active_landmarks: 4 # You can limit the max distance between two consecutive waypoints of flexible routing requests to be less or equal # the given distance in meter. Default is set to 1000km. routing.non_ch.max_waypoint_distance: 1000000 #### Storage #### # Excludes certain types of highways during the OSM import to speed up the process and reduce the size of the graph. # A typical application is excluding 'footway','cycleway','path' and maybe 'pedestrian' and 'track' highways for # motorized vehicles. This leads to a smaller and less dense graph, because there are fewer ways (obviously), # but also because there are fewer crossings between highways (=junctions). # Another typical example is excluding 'motorway', 'trunk' and maybe 'primary' highways for bicycle or pedestrian routing. import.osm.ignored_highways: footway,cycleway,path,pedestrian,steps # typically useful for motorized-only routing # import.osm.ignored_highways: motorway,trunk # typically useful for non-motorized routing # configure the memory access, use RAM_STORE for well equipped servers (default and recommended) graph.dataaccess.default_type: RAM_STORE # will write way names in the preferred language (language code as defined in ISO 639-1 or ISO 639-2): # datareader.preferred_language: en # Sort the graph after import to make requests roughly ~10% faster. Note that this requires significantly more RAM on import. # graph.do_sort: true #### Custom Areas #### # GraphHopper reads GeoJSON polygon files including their properties from this directory and makes them available # to all tag parsers, vehicles and custom models. All GeoJSON Features require to have the "id" property. # Country borders are included automatically (see countries.geojson). # path/to/custom_areas #### Country Rules #### # GraphHopper applies country-specific routing rules during import (not enabled by default). # You need to redo the import for changes to take effect. # country_rules.enabled: true # Dropwizard server configuration server: application_connectors: - type: http port: 8989 # for security reasons bind to localhost bind_host: localhost # increase GET request limit - not necessary if /maps UI is not used or used without custom models max_request_header_size: 50k request_log: appenders: [] admin_connectors: - type: http port: 8990 bind_host: localhost # See logging: appenders: - type: file time_zone: UTC current_log_filename: logs/graphhopper.log log_format: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n" archive: true archived_log_filename_pattern: ./logs/graphhopper-%d.log.gz archived_file_count: 30 never_block: true - type: console time_zone: UTC log_format: "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n" loggers: "com.graphhopper.osm_warnings": level: DEBUG additive: false appenders: - type: file currentLogFilename: logs/osm_warnings.log archive: false logFormat: '[%level] %msg%n'