# GraphHopper Documentation ## Getting Started Try out our live demo called [GraphHopper Maps](https://graphhopper.com/maps) [![GraphHopper Maps](https://karussell.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/graphhopper-maps-0-4-preview.png)](https://graphhopper.com/maps) [The Readme](../README.md#features) lists all features or [this list of slides](https://graphhopper.com/public/slides/). See [users of GraphHopper](https://www.graphhopper.com/showcases/) or [Android apps](./android/index.md#apps) and let us know your application! ## Contact For all questions regarding the GraphHopper routing engine please use [our forum](https://discuss.graphhopper.com). For bugs see our contribute section below. --- ## For Users Install the web demo 'GraphHopper Maps' with [this user guide](./web/quickstart.md) on your machine or the [Android demo](https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper/blob/master/README.md#get-started). #### Web The web module provides a web API for other programming languages as well as starts a simple user interface called GraphHopper Maps * [Routing API](./web/api-doc.md): Documentation of the Web API to communicate with any GraphHopper server via http. * [Deployment Guide](./core/deploy.md): Details about deploying GraphHopper * There are official API clients in [Java](https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper/tree/master/client-hc) and [JavaScript](https://github.com/graphhopper/directions-api-js-client). #### Configuration You can configure several aspects either programmatically or just via a [configuration](../config-example.yml). The configuration of routing profiles is documented [here](./core/profiles.md). The elevation configuration is separately documented [here](./core/elevation.md). --- ## For Developers [The quickstart](./core/quickstart-from-source.md) is an introduction for developers. Explains git checkout, IDE setup and commands for setting up a GraphHopper server. Find all changes in previous and current versions in the [changelogs](../core/files/changelog.txt). #### Contribute Read [here](../CONTRIBUTING.md) on how to contribute as a developer and translator. #### Technical Various topics are explained in more detail separately: * [Technical overview](./core/technical.md): Technical details about how GraphHopper its calculations are working. * [Simple routing](./core/routing.md): Tutorial how to integrate GraphHopper in your Java application (or pick any JVM language) * [Create custom weighting](./core/weighting.md): Documentation about how to create a custom weighting class to influence the track calculation. * [Import GTFS](../reader-gtfs): Simple steps to get GTFS import and routing done. * [LocationIndex](./core/location-index.md): Documentation about how to get the location index for getting i.e. the nearest edge. * [Hybrid Mode](./core/landmarks.md): Details about speeding up the route calculation via A* and landmarks. * [Speed Mode](./core/ch.md): Details about speeding up the route calculations via [Contraction Hierarchies](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contraction_hierarchies). * [Low level API](./core/low-level-api.md): Instructions how to use GraphHopper as a Java library. * [Create new FlagEncoder](./core/create-new-flagencoder.md): Documentation to create new routing profiles to influence which ways to favor and how the track-time is calculated. * [Spatial Rules](./core/spatial-rules.md): Instruction on how to use and create new SpatialRules. SpatialRules are used to enforce country-specific routing rules. * [Turn Restrictions](./core/turn-restrictions.md): Details on how to enable and use turn restrictions. * [Isochrone generation in Java](./isochrone/java.md): Instruction on how to create isochrones using the low-level Java API. * [Postgis query script](../core/files/postgis) #### Other links * [Add GraphHopper Maps to your Browser](./web/open-search.md): Instructions how to setup GraphHopper as the standard search enginge in your browser. * [Embed GraphHopper on your website](https://github.com/karussell/graphhopper-embed-form): A small code snippet on how to integrate GraphHopper Maps in your web site like a contact form #### Android * [Android](./android/index.md): Instructions how to setup the demo project for GraphHopper on Android * [Android Studio Setup](./android/android-studio-setup.md) #### iOS Instructions on how to setup the GraphHopper-iOS clone for iOS development are [here](https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper-ios/) including a sample application. #### Windows Documentation about how to get an GraphHopper instance running on windows via cygwin is available [here](./core/windows-setup.md). #### Eclipse Setup in IntelliJ and NetBeans is just via open project. See [this document](./core/eclipse-setup.md) to set up GraphHopper in Eclipse with maven.