# CHANGELOG ## graphql-mocks ### graphql-mocks@0.10.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### graphql-mocks@0.9.2 #### Add custom scalar support ([#221](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/221)) * (feature) Add support for custom scalars ### graphql-mocks@0.9.0 #### Fix falso middleware handling of abstract types (interfaces and unions) ([#219](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/219)) * (feature) Add a new `interfaceField` highlighter for highlighting interfaces with fields. This is different from the `interfaces` highlighter which returns only the interfaces typenames themselves (for type resolvers). See highlighter documentation for more information. #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 ### graphql-mocks@0.8.4 #### Add debugger wrapper ([#179](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/179)) * (feature) Add a debugger wrapper that adds debuggers before and/or after resolver execution #### Add latency wrapper ([#175](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/175)) * (feature) Added latency wrapper for delaying resolvers with specified latency #### Migrate from lodash to ramda ([#172](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/172)) * (fix) Replace individual `lodash.*` packages with singular `ramda` #### Update READMEs and package documentation ([#170](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/170)) * (feature) Added package README ### graphql-mocks@0.8.3 #### 🚀 Add gqlmocks cli ([#95](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/95)) * (fix) To support graphql version 16 typescript types the result return from a `GraphQLHandler#query` has been updated. It now supports a type argument to specify the result otherwise it defaults to `any` (`handler.query(\`query {}\`)) ### graphql-mocks@0.8.1 #### Add applyMiddlewares to the GraphQLHandler ([#96](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/96)) * (feature) Add `applyMiddlewares` method to `GraphQLHandler` ## graphql-paper ### graphql-paper@0.3.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### graphql-paper@0.2.0 #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 #### feat: add `clear` method to graphql-paper ([#207](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/207)) * (feature) Add `clear` method for purging all documents and resetting history ### graphql-paper@0.1.6 #### Migrate from lodash to ramda ([#172](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/172)) * (fix) Replace individual `lodash.*` packages with singular `ramda` #### Update READMEs and package documentation ([#170](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/170)) * (feature) Added package README ## gqlmocks ### gqlmocks@0.3.2 #### Fix gqlmocks cli dynamic handling of typescript files ([#231](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/231)) * (fix) Fixed typescript support within the cli where `require` is used on a `.ts` file ### gqlmocks@0.3.0 #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Improve cli `serve` command flags ([#215](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/215)) * (fix) Make `serve` command work with either `--handler` or `--schema` flag instead of both being required * (fix) Allow false middleware via `--fake` on serve command to be applied to a handler specified by path #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 #### set cors for cli app ([#211](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/211)) * (fix) Fix CORS-error in the gqlmocks cli #205. ### gqlmocks@0.2.0 #### Fix falso middleware handling of abstract types (interfaces and unions) ([#219](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/219)) * (fix) Fix falso middleware handling around automatic faking with unions and interfaces #### Migrate from faker to falso ([#177](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/177)) * (breaking) Changed `--faker` flag to `--fake` on the `gqlmocks serve` command to avoid confusion with the library being used for faking. ### gqlmocks@0.1.0 #### Add oclif dependency for the cli ([#160](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/160)) * (fix) include `oclif` dependency for buildings #### 🚀 Add gqlmocks cli ([#95](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/95)) * (feature) The initial beta release for the `gqlmocks` cli * (feature) Run a local mocking server via `serve` command * (feature) Create, validate and get info on graphql schemas and handlers ## @graphql-mocks/faker ### DEPRECATED #### Migrate from faker to falso ([#177](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/177)) * (breaking) Deprecating the entire package in favour of `@graphql-mocks/falso`. This replaces faker.js with [falso](https://github.com/ngneat/falso). ### @graphql-mocks/faker@0.3.0 #### 🚀 Add gqlmocks cli ([#95](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/95)) * (breaking) Due to the changes in typescript types for the core `graphql-mocks` package it might be required to bump the version of `graphql-mocks` used with `@graphql-mocks/faker` to accommodate the newer typescript types. ## @graphql-mocks/mirage ### @graphql-mocks/mirage@0.8.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### @graphql-mocks/mirage@0.7.0 #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 ### @graphql-mocks/mirage@0.6.0 #### Migrate from lodash to ramda ([#172](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/172)) * (fix) Replace individual `lodash.*` packages with singular `ramda` #### Update READMEs and package documentation ([#170](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/170)) * (feature) Added package README ### @graphql-mocks/mirage@0.5.0 #### 🚀 Add gqlmocks cli ([#95](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/95)) * (breaking) Due to the changes in typescript types for the core `graphql-mocks` package it might be required to bump the version of `graphql-mocks` used with `@graphql-mocks/mirage` to accommodate the newer typescript types. ## @graphql-mocks/falso ### @graphql-mocks/falso@0.6.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### @graphql-mocks/falso@0.5.0 #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 ### @graphql-mocks/falso@0.4.0 #### Migrate from faker to falso ([#177](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/177)) * (feature) Introducing `@graphql-mocks/falso`, replacing @graphql-mocks/faker, as the package to provide fake data across an entire schema. [Falso](https://github.com/ngneat/falso) benefits from being esmodule-first and being actively developed and supported. ## @graphql-mocks/network-express ### @graphql-mocks/network-express@0.3.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### @graphql-mocks/network-express@0.2.0 #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 ### @graphql-mocks/network-express@0.1.4 #### Update READMEs and package documentation ([#170](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/170)) * (feature) Added package README #### Update READMEs and package documentation ([#170](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/170)) * (feature) Added package README ## @graphql-mocks/network-msw ### @graphql-mocks/network-msw@0.3.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### @graphql-mocks/network-msw@0.2.0 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 ### @graphql-mocks/network-msw@0.1.4 #### Update READMEs and package documentation ([#170](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/170)) * (feature) Added package README ## @graphql-mocks/network-nock ### @graphql-mocks/network-nock@0.5.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### @graphql-mocks/network-nock@0.4.0 #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 ### @graphql-mocks/network-nock@0.3.3 #### Update READMEs and package documentation ([#170](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/170)) * (feature) Added package README ## @graphql-mocks/network-pretender ### @graphql-mocks/network-pretender@0.3.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### @graphql-mocks/network-pretender@0.2.0 #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 ### @graphql-mocks/network-pretender@0.1.0 #### Add pretender network handler (@graphql-mocks/network-pretender) ([#181](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/181)) * (feature) Introducing `@graphql-mocks/network-pretender`, a new browser network handler using pretender.js ## @graphql-mocks/sinon ### @graphql-mocks/sinon@0.4.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### @graphql-mocks/sinon@0.3.0 #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 ### @graphql-mocks/sinon@0.2.3 #### Update READMEs and package documentation ([#170](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/170)) * (feature) Added package README ## @graphql-mocks/network-cypress ### @graphql-mocks/network-cypress@0.3.0 #### Add package.json export maps ([#234](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/234)) * (breaking) Add export map to package.json, existing imports might need to be updated to use nearest index from export map. ### @graphql-mocks/network-cypress@0.2.0 #### Bump to node 16 ([#218](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/218)) * (breaking) Bump from Node 14 to 16 #### Bump node from version 12 to 14 ([#214](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/214)) * (breaking) Change node version minimum to Node 14 ### @graphql-mocks/network-cypress@0.1.0 #### feat: add `@graphql-mocks/network-cypress` package ([#196](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/196)) * (feature) Introducing `@graphql-mocks/network-cypress`, a new network handler for cypress ## @graphql-mocks/network-playwright ### @graphql-mocks/network-playwright@0.1.1 #### Implement network handler for Playwright ([#242](https://github.com/graphql-mocks/graphql-mocks/pull/242)) * (feature) New package for Playwright network handler