# Readme for Chicago95 LibreOffice icon theme

LibreOffice MS Icon Theme

This is a highly experimental icon set for LibreOffice to use that will provide a vintage Microsoft Word 95 look and feel. It is only very loosely related to the official [Chicago95](https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95) project which is a more comprehensive project for the entire desktop experience. Note: This is not a 100% complete icon theme. It will mostly affect toolbar icons which are most often seen. ## Upstream [https://gitlab.com/bgstack15/libreoffice-chicago95-iconset.git](https://gitlab.com/bgstack15/libreoffice-chicago95-iconset.git) is the original location of this package. ## Author bgstack15 on irc.freenode.net or gmail. ## Alternatives Any other icon theme for LibreOffice 6 or higher. Try Colibre, the built-in one. Or [Tango](https://extensions.libreoffice.org/en/extensions/show/tango-icon-theme-for-libreoffice), the original default iconset. Or the nifty [Office2013](https://www.deviantart.com/charliecnr/art/Office-2013-theme-for-LibreOffice-512127527) one. No works have been found for a theme of this exact nature. ## Dependencies * 7za (p7zip) * coreutils ## Building this project The goal is to provide a .oxt file suitable for being a [LibreOffice extension](http://dcjtech.info/topic/creating-libreoffice-extensions/). 7za doesn't make the right kind of zip file, so maybe zip will. But you can also just plop the `images_chicago95.zip` file to `/usr/lib64/libreoffice/share/config/` directly. To assemble the `images_chicago95.zip` file and also the .oxt file, manually inspect and run build.sh. ./build.sh To place the iconset in the public location for a 64-bit Linux distro: sudo cp -p Chicago95-theme/iconsets/images_chicago95.zip /usr/lib64/libreoffice/share/config/ ## Workflow for adding to project * Screenscrapes of original assets when available, which are scarce. Office suites in the 90s just didn't do as much as they do now. * Hand-creating new images when necessary, using the original color palette available as file [iconsets/c95/sources/palette.png](iconsets/c95/sources/palette.png) in this repo. ## Sources MS Office 95 Pro, original disc. Original artwork. ## Improve Only a rudimentary LibreOffice Writer initial screen has full icon support: the two main toolbars, and the "draw" toolbar. Contributions are welcome! Possible future goals include: * Initial screen of LibreOffice Calc looks like an Excel 95 experience * Initial screen of each LibreOffice app looks like its Office 95 equivalent * Each popup/toolbar available from the initial toolbars in Writer are themed correctly * Each popup/toolbar available from the initial toolbars in Calc are themed correctly * A proper .oxt file is built for easy installation, particularly through the application itself in menu Tools -> Extension Manager.... * Transparency is set properly on assets ## References * [https://jrsoftware.org/download.php/tb97.zip](https://jrsoftware.org/download.php/tb97.zip) Some similar icons, but not good enough for Word 95 equivalence. * [/usr/lib64/libreoffice/share/config/images_colibre.zip](file:///usr/lib64/libreoffice/share/config/images_colibre.zip) Colibre icon theme installed with LibreOffice.