version: "3.4" services: netmaker: container_name: netmaker image: gravitl/netmaker:$SERVER_IMAGE_TAG env_file: ./netmaker.env restart: always volumes: - dnsconfig:/root/config/dnsconfig - sqldata:/root/data environment: # config-dependant vars -,,, # The domain/host IP indicating the mq broker address - BROKER_ENDPOINT=wss://broker.${NM_DOMAIN} # For EMQX broker use `BROKER_ENDPOINT=wss://broker.${NM_DOMAIN}/mqtt` # For EMQX broker (uncomment the two lines below) #- BROKER_TYPE=emqx #- EMQX_REST_ENDPOINT=http://mq:18083 # The base domain of netmaker - SERVER_NAME=${NM_DOMAIN} - SERVER_API_CONN_STRING=api.${NM_DOMAIN}:443 # Address of the CoreDNS server. Defaults to SERVER_HOST - COREDNS_ADDR=${SERVER_HOST} # Overrides SERVER_HOST if set. Useful for making HTTP available via different interfaces/networks. - SERVER_HTTP_HOST=api.${NM_DOMAIN} netmaker-ui: container_name: netmaker-ui image: gravitl/netmaker-ui:$UI_IMAGE_TAG env_file: ./netmaker.env environment: # config-dependant vars # URL where UI will send API requests. Change based on SERVER_HOST, SERVER_HTTP_HOST, and API_PORT BACKEND_URL: "https://api.${NM_DOMAIN}" depends_on: - netmaker links: - "netmaker:api" restart: always caddy: image: caddy:2.6.2 container_name: caddy env_file: ./netmaker.env restart: unless-stopped extra_hosts: - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway" volumes: - ./Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile - caddy_data:/data - caddy_conf:/config ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" coredns: #network_mode: host container_name: coredns image: coredns/coredns:1.10.1 command: -conf /root/dnsconfig/Corefile env_file: ./netmaker.env restart: always depends_on: - netmaker volumes: - dnsconfig:/root/dnsconfig mq: container_name: mq image: eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.15-openssl env_file: ./netmaker.env depends_on: - netmaker restart: unless-stopped command: [ "/mosquitto/config/" ] volumes: - ./mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf - ./ - mosquitto_logs:/mosquitto/log - mosquitto_data:/mosquitto/data volumes: caddy_data: { } # runtime data for caddy caddy_conf: { } # configuration file for Caddy sqldata: { } dnsconfig: { } # storage for coredns mosquitto_logs: { } # storage for mqtt logs mosquitto_data: { } # storage for mqtt data