redcapExportMeta <- function(APIKEY, URI='') { if (!require('RCurl')) { stop('RCurl is not installed') } meta_data <- read.csv(text=postForm(uri=URI, token=APIKEY, content='metadata', format='csv', # RCurl options .opts=curlOptions(ssl.verifyhost=2)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings='') subset(meta_data, field_type != 'field_type') } redcapExportArms <- function(APIKEY, URI='') { if (!require('RCurl')) { stop('RCurl is not installed') } read.csv(text=postForm(uri=URI, token=APIKEY, content='arm', format='csv', # RCurl options .opts=curlOptions(ssl.verifyhost=2)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings='') } redcapExportEvents <- function(APIKEY, URI='') { if (!require('RCurl')) { stop('RCurl is not installed') } read.csv(text=postForm(uri=URI, token=APIKEY, content='event', format='csv', # RCurl options .opts=curlOptions(ssl.verifyhost=2)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings='') } redcapExportMappings <- function(APIKEY, URI='') { if (!require('RCurl')) { stop('RCurl is not installed') } read.csv(text=postForm(uri=URI, token=APIKEY, content='formEventMapping', format='csv', # RCurl options .opts=curlOptions(ssl.verifyhost=2)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings='') } redcapExportRecords <- function(APIKEY, URI='', format='csv', type='flat', rawOrLabel='raw', exportCheckboxLabel='false', forms=NULL, fields=NULL, events=NULL) { if (!require('RCurl')) { stop('RCurl is not installed') } read.csv(text=postForm(uri=URI, token=APIKEY, content='record', format=format, type=type, # Redcap API options rawOrLabel=rawOrLabel, exportCheckboxLabel=exportCheckboxLabel, forms=forms, fields=fields, events=events, # RCurl options .opts=curlOptions(ssl.verifyhost=2)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings='') } redcapExport <- function(APIKEY, URI='', labels=TRUE, checkboxLabels=FALSE, forms=NULL, fields=NULL, events=NULL) { if (!require('RCurl')) { stop('RCurl is not installed') } rmq <- function(x) gsub("['\"]", '', x) clean <- function(x) { gsub('[\n]', ' ', x) } # if Hmisc is available, apply labels Hmisc <- require('Hmisc') # Fetch metadata meta_data <- subset(redcapExportMeta(APIKEY, URI), field_type %in% c('text','notes','dropdown','radio','checkbox','calc','slider','yesno','truefalse')) form_field_names <- sprintf('%s_complete', unique(meta_data$form_name)) if (!is.null(forms)) { forms <- intersect(forms, unique(meta_data$form_name)) form_field_names <- sprintf('%s_complete', forms) } if (!is.null(fields)) { form_fields <- subset(meta_data, form_name %in% forms)$field_name # Select all the field (variable) names that are in the forms the user specified. if (!all(fields %in% form_fields)) { specific_fields <- intersect(fields, c(unique(meta_data$field_name), form_field_names)) fields <- union(form_fields, specific_fields) if (!is.null(forms)) { fields <- c(fields, form_field_names) forms <- NULL } form_field_names <- intersect(form_field_names, fields) } } if (length(forms) > 0) { meta_data <- subset(meta_data, meta_data$form_name %in% forms) } else if (length(fields) > 0) { meta_data <- subset(meta_data, meta_data$field_name %in% fields) } # Fetch records data <- redcapExportRecords(APIKEY, URI=URI, # Redcap API options rawOrLabel=c('raw','label')[1 + labels], # real values or codes exportCheckboxLabel=c('false','true')[1 + checkboxLabels], # real values or checked/unchecked forms=paste(forms, collapse=','), fields=paste(fields, collapse=','), events=paste(events, collapse=',')) for (i in seq_len(nrow(meta_data))) { fld <- as.list(meta_data[i,]) choices <- redcapExtractChoices(fld$select_choices_or_calculations) nums <- choices$numbers choices <- choices$labels if (fld$field_type == 'checkbox') { for (j in seq(length(nums))) { checkbox_name <- sprintf('%s___%s', fld$field_name, nums[j]) # advance to next field if not in dataset if (is.null(data[[checkbox_name]])) next if (labels) { if (checkboxLabels) { levels <- choices[j] } else { levels <- c('Unchecked', 'Checked') } data[[checkbox_name]] <- factor(data[[checkbox_name]], levels=levels) } else { data[[checkbox_name]] <- factor(data[[checkbox_name]], levels=c('0','1')) } if (Hmisc) { label(data[[checkbox_name]]) <- sprintf('%s (choice=%s)', clean(fld$field_label), rmq(choices[j])) } } } else { # advance to next field if not in dataset if (is.null(data[[fld$field_name]])) next if (fld$field_type %in% c('radio','dropdown','yesno','truefalse')) { if (labels) { if (fld$field_type == 'yesno') { levels <- c('No','Yes') } else if (fld$field_type == 'truefalse') { levels <- c('False','True') } else { levels <- choices } data[[fld$field_name]] <- factor(data[[fld$field_name]], levels=levels) } else { if (fld$field_type == 'yesno') { levels <- c('0','1') } else if (fld$field_type == 'truefalse') { levels <- c('0','1') } else { levels <- choices } data[[fld$field_name]] <- factor(data[[fld$field_name]], levels=levels) } } else if ((!$text_validation_type_or_show_slider_number) && fld$text_validation_type_or_show_slider_number %in% c('float','int') ) || fld$field_type %in% c('calc') ) { suppressWarnings(data[[fld$field_name]] <- as.numeric(data[[fld$field_name]])) } if (Hmisc) { label(data[[fld$field_name]]) <- fld$field_label } } } for (form_field_name in form_field_names) { data[[form_field_name]] <- factor(data[[form_field_name]], levels=c('Incomplete','Unverified','Complete')) if (Hmisc) { label(data[[form_field_name]]) <- 'Complete?' } } data } redcapExtractChoices <- function(choices) { # extract checkbox choices to identify sub-variables in data choices <- strsplit(choices, ' *[|] *')[[1]] choices <- sub('^[ ]+(.*)$', '\\1', choices) choices <- sub('(.*)[ ]+$', '\\1', choices) nums <- sub('^([^,]+).*$', '\\1', choices) choices <- sub('^[^,]+[, ]+(.*)$', '\\1', choices) list(numbers=nums, labels=choices) }