altair>=4.0.0,<4.2.1 # conflict with jsonschema Click>=7.1.2 colorama>=0.4.3 cryptography>=3.2 importlib-metadata>=1.7.0 # (included in Python 3.8 by default.) Ipython>=7.16.3 ipywidgets>=7.5.1 jinja2>=2.10 jsonpatch>=1.22 jsonschema>=2.5.1 makefun>=1.7.0,<2 marshmallow>=3.7.1,<4.0.0 mistune>=0.8.4 nbformat>=5.0 notebook>=6.4.10 numpy>=1.18.5; python_version <= "3.7" numpy>=1.19.5; python_version == "3.8" or python_version == "3.9" numpy>=1.23.0; python_version >= "3.10" packaging # Note: pip install pandas==1.3.5 locally for pydantic schema validation. pandas>=1.1.0; python_version <= "3.8" pandas>=1.1.3; python_version == "3.9" pandas>=1.3.0; python_version >= "3.10" # patch version updates `typing_extensions` to the needed version pydantic>=1.10.4,<2.0 pyparsing>=2.4 python-dateutil>=2.8.1 pytz>=2021.3 requests>=2.20 ruamel.yaml>=0.16,<0.17.18 # See scipy>=0.19.0 tqdm>=4.59.0 typing-extensions>= # Leverage type annotations from recent Python releases tzlocal>=1.2 urllib3>=1.25.4,<1.27