module.exports = [async (args) => { const chalk = require('chalk') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const { Octokit } = require('@octokit/rest') const [user, repo, GITHUB_TOKEN, outputFileName, version, since] = args if (args.length === 0 || args.join(' ').includes('--help')) { return console.log(chalk.cyan('This will generate a changelog for you\'r repo on GitHub. To use this command you will need to specify a lot of arguments, as we wanted to make it easy to include this in a GitHub workflow. ' + 'Before you will be able to use this command, you\'ll have to create a PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN on GitHub. Make sure you grant all repo scopes to it. ' + 'If you are not sure how to create one, use this link ' + '\n\nKeep in mind: This token will grant access to your GitHub repos, so make sure you trust the services you give it to. As nautus is open source, you might want to take a look at to see how your token is used.' + '\n\nIf you have your token created you can run this command like this:\nnautus changelog [sinceCommit]\n' + 'Example usage: nautus changelog greencoder001 nautus MYGITHUBTOKEN123 v1.0.0 7599e2d44a18f5c8edef7924ff5945a77be5fc62' + '\nThe last argument is only necessary if you want to create a changelog since a specific commit and not since the last release. You don\'t have to provide it\n\n\nIf you need more info about how to create a GitHub workflow & more take a look at') + '\n\n' + chalk.yellow('If you want to add badges to your changelog, add them in the file ./')) } if (!user) return console.log('Error: Please specify the user(name). For more information run nautus changelog --help')) if (!repo) return console.log('Error: Please specify the repository. For more information run nautus changelog --help')) if (!GITHUB_TOKEN) return console.log('Error: Please specify the Personal Access Token. For more information run nautus changelog --help')) if (!outputFileName) return console.log('Error: Please specify the output file name. For more information run nautus changelog --help')) if (!version) return console.log('Error: Please specify the release tag. Fpr more information run nautus changelog --help')) // Init API const kit = new Octokit({ auth: `${GITHUB_TOKEN}` }) try { const { data: { login } } = await console.log('Successfully loggedin as ' + login + '!')) } catch (err) { if (err.toString().toLowerCase().includes('bad credentials')) { console.log('Error: Bad credentials. Make sure you provided a valid GitHub token!')) } else { console.log('An unexpected error occured. This is probably because bad login data. Feel free to create an issue at our repository on GitHub.')) console.log(err) } return process.exit(1) } try { await{ owner: user, repo }) console.log('Repo was found!')) } catch (err) { if (err.toString().toLowerCase().includes('not found')) { console.log('Error: Repository not found. Make sure that the repository ' + user + '/' + repo + ' exists. And you have access to it through your access token!')) } else { console.log('An unexpected error occured:')) console.log(err) } return process.exit(1) } const kitrepo = await{ owner: user, repo }) const collectedData = { name:, description:, pulls: [], mergedPulls: [] } const tagsUrl = const commitsUrl = `${user}/${repo}/commits` // Get since date let searchInfoSinceDate = null if (since) { // Commit provided try { const commit = new Date((await kit.request('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits/{ref}', { owner: user, repo, ref: since })) searchInfoSinceDate = commit } catch { console.log('Error: Please make sure the commit you provided really exists!')) process.exit(1) } } else { // Search for last release try { const latestRelease = await kit.request('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/latest', { owner: user, repo }) searchInfoSinceDate = new Date( } catch { // No release found, setting date to 1800 searchInfoSinceDate = new Date(-5364665608000) } } console.log('Resolved last release date successfully!')) // Get closed issues since last release const issues = (await kit.request(`GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues?state=closed&per_page=100&page=1&since=${searchInfoSinceDate.toISOString()}`, { owner: user, repo })).data.filter(issue => { if (issue.pull_request) { collectedData.pulls.push({ title: issue.title, url: issue.pull_request.html_url, labels: => }) return false } return true }).map(issue => { return { title: issue.title, url: issue.html_url, labels: => } }) collectedData.issues = issues // Add pull commits for (let i = 0; i < collectedData.pulls.length; i++) { const pull = collectedData.pulls[i] const id = pull.url.split('/').pop() try { const commitsOnPull = (await kit.request('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{id}/commits?per_page=100', { owner: user, repo, id })) => { return { msg: commit.commit.message, url: commit.html_url } }) pull.commits = commitsOnPull } catch { pull.commits = [] } collectedData.pulls[i] = pull } // Get merged pulls for (const pull of collectedData.pulls) { const id = pull.url.split('/').pop() try { await kit.request('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{id}/merge', { owner: user, repo, id }) collectedData.mergedPulls.push(pull) } catch {} } // Filter pulls by not merged collectedData.pulls = collectedData.pulls.filter(pull => !collectedData.mergedPulls.includes(pull)) // Get commits on main since last release const commitsOnMain = (await kit.request('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits?page=1&per_page=100&since=' + searchInfoSinceDate.toISOString(), { owner: user, repo })) => { return { msg: commit.commit.message, url: commit.html_url } }) collectedData.commitsOnMain = commitsOnMain // Filter issues by labels collectedData.issuesFixingBugs = collectedData.issues.filter(e => e.labels.includes('bug')) collectedData.issuesFixingVulnerabilities = collectedData.issues.filter(e => e.labels.includes('vulnerability')) collectedData.issuesAddingFeatures = collectedData.issues.filter(e => e.labels.includes('feature') || e.labels.includes('enhancement')) collectedData.issues = collectedData.issues.filter(e => { return !(e.labels.includes('bug') || e.labels.includes('vulnerability') || e.labels.includes('feature') || e.labels.includes('enhancement')) }) // Filter merged pulls by labels collectedData.mergedPullsFixingBugs = collectedData.mergedPulls.filter(e => e.labels.includes('bug')) collectedData.mergedPullsFixingVulnerabilities = collectedData.mergedPulls.filter(e => e.labels.includes('vulnerability')) collectedData.mergedPullsAddingFeatures = collectedData.mergedPulls.filter(e => e.labels.includes('feature') || e.labels.includes('enhancement')) collectedData.mergedPullsUpdatingDependencies = collectedData.mergedPulls.filter(e => e.labels.includes('dependencies')) collectedData.mergedPullsUpdatingTests = collectedData.mergedPulls.filter(e => e.labels.includes('test') || e.labels.includes('tests')) collectedData.mergedPulls = collectedData.mergedPulls.filter(e => { return !(e.labels.includes('bug') || e.labels.includes('vulnerability') || e.labels.includes('feature') || e.labels.includes('enhancement') || e.labels.includes('dependencies') || e.labels.includes('test') || e.labels.includes('tests')) }) // Collected everything, generating changelog console.log('Done gathering information')) let badges = '' if (fs.existsSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ''))) { badges = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), '')).toString('utf8') } let commitLog = '' if (collectedData.commitsOnMain.length !== 0) { commitLog += '**Main**\n\n' for (const cmt of collectedData.commitsOnMain) { commitLog += `- [${cmt.url.split('/').pop().substring(0, 7)}](${cmt.url}) ${cmt.msg.replace(/\n/g, ' ')}\n` } commitLog += '\n\n' } let prLog = '' for (const pr of collectedData.mergedPulls) { prLog += `- [#${pr.url.split('/').pop()}](${pr.url}) ${pr.title}` if (pr.commits.length !== 0) { commitLog += `**PR #${pr.url.split('/').pop()} - ${pr.title}**\n\n` for (const cmt of pr.commits) { commitLog += `- [${cmt.url.split('/').pop().substring(0, 7)}](${cmt.url}) ${cmt.msg.replace(/\n/g, ' ')}\n` } commitLog += '\n\n' } } let featureLog = '' for (const i of collectedData.issuesAddingFeatures) { featureLog += `- [Issue #${i.url.split('/').pop()}](${i.url}) ${i.title}\n` } for (const i of collectedData.mergedPullsAddingFeatures) { featureLog += `- [PR #${i.url.split('/').pop()}](${i.url}) ${i.title}\n` } let issueLog = '' for (const i of collectedData.issues) { issueLog += `- [#${i.url.split('/').pop()}](${i.url}) ${i.title}\n` } let bugLog = '' for (const i of collectedData.issuesFixingBugs) { bugLog += `- [Issue #${i.url.split('/').pop()}](${i.url}) ${i.title}\n` } for (const i of collectedData.mergedPullsFixingBugs) { bugLog += `- [PR #${i.url.split('/').pop()}](${i.url}) ${i.title}\n` } let vulnerabilityLog = '' for (const i of collectedData.issuesFixingVulnerabilities) { vulnerabilityLog += `- [Issue #${i.url.split('/').pop()}](${i.url}) ${i.title}\n` } for (const i of collectedData.mergedPullsFixingVulnerabilities) { vulnerabilityLog += `- [PR #${i.url.split('/').pop()}](${i.url}) ${i.title}\n` } let depsLog = '' for (const i of collectedData.mergedPullsUpdatingDependencies) { depsLog += `- [PR #${i.url.split('/').pop()}](${i.url}) ${i.title}\n` } let testLog = '' for (const i of collectedData.mergedPullsUpdatingTests) { testLog += `- [PR #${i.url.split('/').pop()}](${i.url}) ${i.title}\n` } let changelog = `# ${version} ${badges}
Commits ${commitLog}
${collectedData.mergedPulls.length > 0 ? `
Merged pull requests ${prLog}
` : ''} ${collectedData.issues.length > 0 ? `
Closed issues ${issueLog}
` : ''} ## Features ${featureLog} ${bugLog !== '' ? `## Fixed bugs ${bugLog} ` : ''} ${vulnerabilityLog !== '' ? `## Fixed vulnerabilities ${vulnerabilityLog} ` : ''} ${depsLog !== '' ? `## Updated dependencies ${depsLog} ` : ''} ${testLog !== '' ? `## Updated tests ${testLog} ` : ''} ` fs.writeFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), outputFileName), changelog) console.log('Successfully generated changelog!')) }, 'changelog [options] [--help]', 'Generates a changelog based on commits, issues and PRs']