* windows/amd64 * linux/amd64 # caddy-security Security App and Plugin for [Caddy v2](https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy). It includes: * Authentication Plugin for implementing Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, SAML Authentication * Authorization Plugin for HTTP request authorization based on JWT/PASETO tokens * Credentials Plugin for managing credentials for various integrations Please show your **appreciation for this work** and :star: :star: :star: Please consider **sponsoring this project** via Github Sponsors! Please ask questions either here or via LinkedIn. I am happy to help you! @greenpau **Documentation**: [docs.authcrunch.com](https://docs.authcrunch.com) **Docker Container**: [authcrunch/authcrunch](https://github.com/authcrunch/authcrunch/pkgs/container/authcrunch) **Configuration Examples**: [here](https://github.com/authcrunch/authcrunch.github.io/tree/main/assets/conf) **Security Policy**: [SECURITY.md](SECURITY.md)