//DESCRIPTION:Adds a Menu Scripts to the main InDesign menu and display all scripts of a Folder. //Contact: Gregor Fellenz - http://www.publishingx.de //@targetengine scriptsFolderMenu var px = { projectName: "AddScriptFolderToMenu", version: "2022-06-01-v1.21", scriptMenuFolderName: app.scriptPreferences.scriptsFolder + "/" + "Scripts Menu", // scriptMenuFolderName: "/Users/hp/github/addScriptFolderToMenu/Scripts Menu", scriptMenuName: localize({ en: "Scripts", de: "Skripte" }), position: "window", // table|window ignoreRegex: /^lib|log|.git|.vscode$/, // if this regex matches, the file or folder is ignored // Verwaltung appendLog: true, debug: false } if (app.extractLabel("px:debugID") == "Jp07qcLlW3aDHuCoNpBK_Gregor-") { px.debug = true; } /**************** * Logging Class * @Version: 1.23 * @Date: 2022-05-17 * @Author: Gregor Fellenz, http://www.publishingx.de * Acknowledgments: Library design pattern from Marc Autret https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1111415 * Usage: log = idsLog.getLogger(File("~/Desktop/testLog.txt"), "INFO"); log.warnAlert("Warn message"); */ $.global.hasOwnProperty('idsLog') || (function (HOST, SELF) { HOST[SELF] = SELF; /**************** * PRIVATE */ var INNER = {}; INNER.disableAlerts = false; INNER.logLevel = 0; INNER.SEVERITY = []; INNER.SEVERITY["OFF"] = 4; INNER.SEVERITY["ERROR"] = 3; INNER.SEVERITY["WARN"] = 2; INNER.SEVERITY["INFO"] = 1; INNER.SEVERITY["DEBUG"] = 0; INNER.processMsg = function (msg, object) { if (msg == undefined) { msg = ""; // return ? } if ((msg instanceof Error)) { msg = msg + " Line: " + msg.line + " # " + msg.number + " File: " + msg.fileName; } if (msg.constructor.name != "String") { msg = msg.toString(); } if (object != undefined) { msg += " " + localize({ en: "Object is located at", de: "Objekt befindet sich auf" }) + " [" + INNER.getPageNameFromObject(object) + "]"; } return msg; } INNER.getPageNameFromObject = function (object) { var pagePositionMessage = ""; if (object != null) { try { object = object.getElements()[0]; // Get Object from Superclass like PageItem } catch (e) { return localize({ en: "Could not detect page", de: "Konnte Seite nicht ermitteln" }) + " > " + e.toString(); } if (object.hasOwnProperty("sourceText")) { object = object.sourceText; } // Text if (object.hasOwnProperty("baseline")) { if (object.parentTextFrames.length == 0) { if (object.parent.constructor.name == "XmlStory") { return localize({ en: "XML Content", de: "In der XML Struktur" }); } else { object = object.parentStory.textContainers[object.parentStory.textContainers.length - 1]; pagePositionMessage += localize({ en: "Overset text. Position of the last text frame: ", de: "Im Übersatz. Position des letzten Textrahmens: " }); } } else { object = object.parentTextFrames[0]; } } // Anchored Object if (object.parent.constructor.name == "Character") { if (object.parent.parentTextFrames.length == 0) { object = object.parentStory.textContainers[object.parentStory.textContainers.length - 1]; pagePositionMessage += localize({ en: "Overset text. Position of the last text frame: ", de: "Im Übersatz. Position des letzten Textrahmens: " }); } else { object = object.parent.parentTextFrames[0]; } } while (object != null) { if (object.hasOwnProperty("parentPage")) { if (object.parentPage == null && object.parent instanceof Spread) { pagePositionMessage += localize({ en: "Spread ", de: "Druckbogen " }); return pagePositionMessage + (object.parent.index + 1); } else if (object.parentPage == null) { object = object.parent; continue; } else { return localize({ en: "Page ", de: "Seite " }) + object.parentPage.name; } } var whatIsIt = object.constructor; switch (whatIsIt) { case Page: return pagePositionMessage + localize({ en: "Page ", de: "Seite " }) + object.name; case Character: object = object.parentTextFrames[0]; break; case Footnote: ; // drop through case Cell: object = object.insertionPoints[0].parentTextFrames[0]; break; case Note: object = object.storyOffset.parentTextFrames[0]; break; case XMLElement: if (object.pageItems.length > 0) { object = object.pageItems[0]; } else if (object.insertionPoints[0] != null) { if (object.insertionPoints[0].parentTextFrames.length > 0) { object = object.insertionPoints[0].parentTextFrames[0]; } else { return pagePositionMessage + localize({ en: "Could not detect page", de: "Konnte Seite nicht ermitteln" }); } } break; case Application: return pagePositionMessage + localize({ en: "Could not detect page Application", de: "Konnte Seite nicht ermitteln Application" }); default: object = object.parent; } if (object == null) return pagePositionMessage + localize({ en: "Could not detect page null", de: "Konnte Seite nicht ermitteln null" }); } return pagePositionMessage + object; } else { return pagePositionMessage + localize({ en: "Could not detect page", de: "Konnte Seite nicht ermitteln" }); } } INNER.writeLog = function (msg, severity, file) { var date = new Date(); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; var day = date.getDate(); var hour = date.getHours(); var minute = date.getMinutes(); var second = date.getSeconds(); var dateString = (date.getYear() + 1900) + "-" + ((month < 10) ? "0" : "") + month + "-" + ((day < 10) ? "0" : "") + day + " " + ((hour < 10) ? "0" : "") + hour + ":" + ((minute < 10) ? "0" : "") + minute + ":" + ((second < 10) ? "0" : "") + second; var padString = (severity.length == 4) ? " " : "" msg = msg.replace(/\r|\n/g, '
'); file.encoding = "UTF-8"; file.open("a"); if (INNER.logLevel == 0) { var stack = $.stack.split("\n"); stack = stack[stack.length - 4]; file.writeln(dateString + " [" + severity + "] " + padString + "[" + msg + "] Function: " + stack.substr(0, 100)); } else { file.writeln(dateString + " [" + severity + "] " + padString + "[" + msg + "]"); } file.close(); }; INNER.showAlert = function (title, msg, type) { if (!INNER.disableAlerts) { if (msg.length < 300) { alert(msg, title) } else { INNER.showMessages(title, [msg], type); } } }; INNER.showMessages = function (title, msgArray, type) { if (!INNER.disableAlerts && msgArray.length > 0 && !app.hasOwnProperty("serverHostName")) { var callingScriptVersion = " "; if ($.global.hasOwnProperty("px") && $.global.px.hasOwnProperty("projectName")) { callingScriptVersion += px.projectName; } if ($.global.hasOwnProperty("px") && $.global.px.hasOwnProperty("version")) { callingScriptVersion += " v" + px.version; } for (var i = 0; i < msgArray.length; i++) { if (msgArray[i] == undefined) { msg = ""; // return ? } if (msgArray[i] instanceof Error) { msgArray[i] = msgArray[i] + " -> " + msgArray[i].line } if (msgArray[i].constructor.name != String) { msgArray[i] = msgArray[i].toString(); } } var msg = msgArray.join("\n"); var dialogWin = new Window("dialog", title + callingScriptVersion); dialogWin.etMsg = dialogWin.add("edittext", undefined, msg, { multiline: true, scrolling: true }); dialogWin.etMsg.maximumSize.height = 300; dialogWin.etMsg.minimumSize.width = 500; dialogWin.gControl = dialogWin.add("group"); dialogWin.gControl.preferredSize.width = 500; dialogWin.gControl.alignChildren = ['right', 'center']; dialogWin.gControl.margins = 0; dialogWin.gControl.btSave = null; dialogWin.gControl.btSave = dialogWin.gControl.add("button", undefined, localize({ en: "Save", de: "Speichern" }) + " " + type); dialogWin.gControl.btSave.onClick = function () { var texFile = File.saveDialog(localize({ en: "Save information in text file ", de: "Speichern der Informationen in einer Textdatei" }), INNER.getFileFilter(localize({ en: "Textfile ", de: "Textdatei" }) + ":*.txt")); if (texFile) { if (!texFile.name.match(/\.txt$/)) { texFile = File(texFile.fullName + ".txt"); } texFile.encoding = "UTF-8"; texFile.open("e"); texFile.writeln(msg); texFile.close(); dialogWin.close(); } } var button = dialogWin.gControl.add("button", undefined, "Ok", { name: "ok" }); button.active = true; dialogWin.show(); } }; INNER.confirmMessages = function (title, msgArray, type) { if (app.hasOwnProperty("serverHostName")) { throw Error("Cannot confirm on server!"); } else if (!INNER.disableAlerts && msgArray.length > 0) { var callingScriptVersion = " "; // if ($.global.hasOwnProperty("px") && $.global.px.hasOwnProperty("projectName")) { // callingScriptVersion += px.projectName; // } // if ($.global.hasOwnProperty("px") && $.global.px.hasOwnProperty("version")) { // callingScriptVersion += " v" + px.version; // } var msg = msgArray.join("\n"); var dialogWin = new Window("dialog", title + callingScriptVersion); dialogWin.etMsg = dialogWin.add("edittext", undefined, msg, { multiline: true, scrolling: true }); dialogWin.etMsg.maximumSize.height = 400; dialogWin.etMsg.minimumSize.width = 500; dialogWin.gControl = dialogWin.add("group"); dialogWin.gControl.preferredSize.width = 500; dialogWin.gControl.alignChildren = ['right', 'center']; dialogWin.gControl.margins = 0; dialogWin.gControl.btSave = null; dialogWin.gControl.btSave = dialogWin.gControl.add("button", undefined, localize({ en: "Save", de: "Speichern" }) + " " + type); dialogWin.gControl.btSave.onClick = function () { var texFile = File.saveDialog(localize({ en: "Save information in text file ", de: "Speichern der Informationen in einer Textdatei" }), INNER.getFileFilter(".txt", localize({ en: "Textfile ", de: "Textdatei" }))); if (texFile) { if (!texFile.name.match(/\.txt$/)) { texFile = File(texFile.fullName + ".txt"); } texFile.encoding = "UTF-8"; texFile.open("e"); texFile.writeln(msg); texFile.close(); } } dialogWin.gControl.add("button", undefined, localize({ en: "Cancel", de: "Abbrechen" }), { name: "cancel" }); var button = dialogWin.gControl.add("button", undefined, "Ok", { name: "ok" }); button.active = true; return dialogWin.show(); } }; INNER.confirm = function (message, noAsDefault, title) { return confirm(message, noAsDefault, title); }; INNER.getFileFilter = function (fileFilter) { if (fileFilter == undefined || File.fs == "Windows") { return fileFilter; } else { // Mac var extArray = fileFilter.split(":")[1].split(";"); return function fileFilter(file) { if (file.constructor.name === "Folder") return true; if (file.alias) return true; for (var e = 0; e < extArray.length; e++) { var ext = extArray[e]; ext = ext.replace(/\*/g, ""); if (file.name.slice(ext.length * -1) === ext) return true; } } } }; INNER.msToTime = function (microseconds) { var milliseconds = microseconds / 1000; var ms = parseInt((milliseconds % 1000) / 100) //Get hours from milliseconds var hours = milliseconds / (1000 * 60 * 60); var absoluteHours = Math.floor(hours); var h = absoluteHours > 9 ? absoluteHours : '0' + absoluteHours; //Get remainder from hours and convert to minutes var minutes = (hours - absoluteHours) * 60; var absoluteMinutes = Math.floor(minutes); var m = absoluteMinutes > 9 ? absoluteMinutes : '0' + absoluteMinutes; //Get remainder from minutes and convert to seconds var seconds = (minutes - absoluteMinutes) * 60; var absoluteSeconds = Math.floor(seconds); var s = absoluteSeconds > 9 ? absoluteSeconds : '0' + absoluteSeconds; return h + ':' + m + ':' + s + "." + ms; }; /**************** * API */ /** * Returns a log Object * @logFile {File|String} Path to logfile as File Object or String. * @logLevel {String} Log Threshold "OFF", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG" * @disableAlerts {Boolean} Show alerts */ SELF.getLogger = function (logFile, logLevel, disableAlerts) { if (logFile == undefined) { throw Error("Cannot instantiate Log without Logfile. Please provide a File"); } $.hiresTimer; if (logFile instanceof String) { logFile = File(logFile); } if (!(logFile instanceof File)) { throw Error("Cannot instantiate Log. Please provide a File"); } // Logrotate > 1 MB if (logFile.length > 1000000) { try { var rotateFile = File(logFile.toString().replace(/\.txt$/, "") + "_logrotate.txt"); logFile.copy(rotateFile); logFile.remove(); } catch (e) { throw Error("Could not move the log File! Error: " + e); } } if (logLevel == undefined) { logLevel = "INFO"; } if (disableAlerts == undefined) { disableAlerts = false; } INNER.logLevel = INNER.SEVERITY[logLevel]; INNER.disableAlerts = disableAlerts; var counter = { debug: 0, info: 0, warn: 0, error: 0 } var messages = { all: [], info: [], warn: [], error: [] } return { /** * Writes a debug log message * @message {String} message Message to log. * @object {Object} Log the page name of the given object */ writeln: function (message, object) { message = INNER.processMsg(message, object); if (typeof px != "undefined" && px.hasOwnProperty("debug") && px.debug) { $.writeln(message); } if (INNER.logLevel == 0) { INNER.writeLog(message, "DEBUG", logFile); counter.debug++; } }, /** * Writes a debug log message * @message {String} message Message to log. * @object {Object} Log the page name of the given object */ debug: function (message, object) { message = INNER.processMsg(message, object); if (INNER.logLevel == 0) { INNER.writeLog(message, "DEBUG", logFile); counter.debug++; } }, /** * Writes an info log message * @message {String} message Message to log. * @object {Object} Log the page name of the given object */ info: function (message, object) { message = INNER.processMsg(message, object); if (INNER.logLevel <= 1) { INNER.writeLog(message, "INFO", logFile); counter.info++; messages.info.push(message); messages.all.push("INFO: " + message); } }, /** * Writes an info log message und displays an Alert-Window * @message {String} message Message to log. * @object {Object} Log the page name of the given object */ infoAlert: function (message, object) { message = INNER.processMsg(message, object); if (INNER.logLevel <= 2) { INNER.writeLog(message, "INFO", logFile); counter.info++; messages.info.push(message); messages.all.push("INFO: " + message); INNER.showAlert("[INFO]", message, localize({ en: "informations", de: " der Informationen" })); } }, /** * Writes an info message and adds the message to the warn array useful to add information to the warning messages without incrementing the warn counter. e.g. put information about file name while processing different documents. * @message {String} message Message to log. * @object {Object} Log the page name of the given object */ warnInfo: function (message, object) { message = INNER.processMsg(message, object); if (INNER.logLevel <= 1) { INNER.writeLog(message, "INFO", logFile); counter.info++; messages.info.push(message); messages.all.push("INFO: " + message); } if (INNER.logLevel <= 2) { INNER.writeLog(message, "INFO", logFile); messages.warn.push(message); messages.all.push("INFO: " + message); } }, /** * Writes a warn log message * @message {String} message Message to log. * @object {Object} Log the page name of the given object */ warn: function (message, object) { message = INNER.processMsg(message, object); if (typeof px != "undefined" && px.hasOwnProperty("debug") && px.debug) { $.writeln("WARN: \n" + message); } if (INNER.logLevel <= 2) { INNER.writeLog(message, "WARN", logFile); counter.warn++; messages.warn.push(message); messages.all.push("WARN: " + message); } }, /** * Writes a warn log message und displays an Alert-Window * @message {String} message Message to log. * @object {Object} Log the page name of the given object */ warnAlert: function (message, object) { message = INNER.processMsg(message, object); if (INNER.logLevel <= 2) { INNER.writeLog(message, "WARN", logFile); counter.warn++; messages.warn.push(message); messages.all.push("WARN: " + message); INNER.showAlert("[WARN]", message + "\n\nPrüfen Sie auch das Logfile:\n" + logFile, localize({ en: "warnings", de: "der Warnungen" })); } }, /** * Writes a error log message * @message {String} message Message to log. * @object {Object} Log the page name of the given object */ error: function (message, object) { message = INNER.processMsg(message, object); if (INNER.logLevel <= 3) { INNER.writeLog(message, "ERROR", logFile); counter.error++; messages.error.push(message); messages.all.push("ERROR: " + message); } }, /** * Shows all warnings */ showWarnings: function () { INNER.showMessages("Es gab " + counter.warn + " Warnmeldungen", messages.warn, localize({ en: "warnings", de: "der Warnungen" })); }, /** * Confirm all infos */ confirmInfos: function () { var message = "Die folgenden Probleme sind aufgetreten. Soll das Skript weiter ausgeführt werden?"; INNER.writeLog(message, "INFO", logFile); var res = INNER.confirmMessages(message, messages.info, localize({ en: "warnings", de: "der Warnungen" })); INNER.writeLog("User interaction: " + res, "INFO", logFile); messages.info = []; if (res == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } }, /** * Confirm all warnings */ confirmWarnings: function () { var message = "Die folgenden Probleme sind aufgetreten. Soll das Skript weiter ausgeführt werden?"; INNER.writeLog(message, "INFO", logFile); var res = INNER.confirmMessages(message, messages.warn, localize({ en: "warnings", de: "der Warnungen" })); INNER.writeLog("User interaction: " + res, "INFO", logFile); messages.warn = []; if (res == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } }, /** * Confirm all messages */ confirmMessages: function () { var message = "Die folgenden Probleme sind aufgetreten. Soll das Skript weiter ausgeführt werden?"; INNER.writeLog(message, "INFO", logFile); var res = INNER.confirmMessages(message, messages.all, localize({ en: "warnings", de: "der Warnungen" })); INNER.writeLog("User interaction: " + res, "INFO", logFile); messages.all = []; if (res == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } }, /** * Confirm a warning * @message {String} message Message to log. * @noAsDefault {Boolean} * @title {String} * @object {Object} Log the page name of the given object * */ confirm: function (message, noAsDefault, title, object) { message = INNER.processMsg(message, object); if (title == undefined) { title = ""; } INNER.writeLog("log: " + message, "INFO", logFile); var res = INNER.confirm(message, noAsDefault, title); INNER.writeLog("User interaction: " + res, "INFO", logFile); return res; }, /** * Returns all warnings */ getWarnings: function (separator) { if (!separator) separator = "\n"; return messages.warn.join(separator); }, /** * Shows all messages */ showMessages: function () { INNER.showMessages("Es gab " + (counter.debug + counter.info + counter.warn + counter.error) + " Meldungen", messages.all, localize({ en: "Messages", de: "Meldungen" })); }, /** * Shows all infos */ showInfos: function () { INNER.showMessages("Es gab " + counter.info + " Infos", messages.info, localize({ en: "Informations", de: " Informationen" })); }, /** * Returns all infos */ getInfos: function (separator) { if (!separator) separator = "\n"; return messages.info.join(separator); }, /** * Shows all errors */ showErrors: function () { INNER.showMessages("Es gab " + counter.error + " Fehler", messages.error, localize({ en: "Errors", de: "Fehler" })); }, /** * Returns all errors */ getErrors: function (separator) { if (!separator) separator = "\n"; return messages.error.join(separator); }, getMessages: function (separator) { if (!separator) separator = "\n"; return messages.all.join(separator); }, /** * Returns the counter Object */ getCounters: function () { return counter; }, /** * Set silent Mode * @message {Boolean} true will not show alerts! */ disableAlerts: function (mode) { INNER.disableAlerts = mode; }, /** * Clear Logfile and counters */ clearLog: function () { logFile.open("w"); logFile.write(""); logFile.close(); counter.debug = 0; counter.info = 0; counter.warn = 0; counter.error = 0; messages.info = []; messages.warn = []; messages.error = []; messages.all = []; }, /** * Reset Message and counters - use showWarning before ! */ resetCounterAndMessages: function () { counter.debug = 0; counter.info = 0; counter.warn = 0; counter.error = 0; messages.info = []; messages.warn = []; messages.error = []; messages.all = []; }, /** * Shows the log file in the system editor */ showLog: function () { logFile.execute(); }, /** * Prints elapsed time since and resets Timer */ elapsedTime: function () { var message = "Elapsed time: " + INNER.msToTime($.hiresTimer); INNER.writeLog(message, "INFO", logFile); counter.info++; messages.info.push(message); messages.all.push("INFO: " + message); if (typeof px != "undefined" && px.hasOwnProperty("debug") && px.debug) { $.writeln(message); } }, /** * reset the elapsed Time Timer */ resetTimer: function () { $.hiresTimer; }, /** * Returns elapsed time without writing to log or resetting */ getElapsedTime: function () { return INNER.msToTime($.hiresTimer); }, /** * Returns the current log Folder path */ getLogFolder: function () { return logFile.parent; }, /** * Returns the current log File path */ getLogFile: function () { return logFile; } } }; })($.global, { toString: function () { return 'idsLog'; } }); main(); function main() { initLog(); log.info("addScriptFolderToMenu.jsx mit app.scriptPreferences.version " + app.scriptPreferences.version + " app.version " + app.version); app.addEventListener('beforeQuit', uninstallMenu); uninstallMenu(); // var fcFolder; // var platfrom = File.fs; // // User Files // if(platfrom == "Macintosh") { // fcFolder = File (app.scriptPreferences.scriptsFolder.parent.parent + "/Find-Change Queries/" +folderType); // } else { // fcFolder = Folder(app.scriptPreferences.scriptsFolder.parent.parent + "/Find-Change Queries/" + folderType); // } // // Program Files // if(platfrom == "Macintosh") { // fcFolder = File (Folder.appPackage.parent + "/Presets/Find-Change Queries/" +folderType + "/" + $.locale); // } else { // fcFolder = File (Folder.appPackage + "/Presets/Find-Change Queries/" +folderType + "/" + $.locale); // } installMenu(); } function installMenu() { // User Folder var scriptMenuFolderPath = Folder(px.scriptMenuFolderName); log.info("Expecting Script Menu scripts in [" + px.scriptMenuFolderName + "]"); if (scriptMenuFolderPath.alias) { try { scriptMenuFolderPath = scriptMenuFolderPath.resolve(); log.info("Resolved alias to Script Menu scripts to [" + px.scriptMenuFolderName + "]"); } catch (e) { log.warn(e); log.warn("Could not resolve alias. Check your alias file [" + scriptMenuFolderPath + "]"); return; } } if (scriptMenuFolderPath.exists) { // analyse scripts in scriptfolder var scriptsArray = []; scriptsArray = analyseScriptsFolder(scriptMenuFolderPath, scriptsArray); if (scriptsArray.length == 0) { log.warn("No script files found in folder [" + scriptMenuFolderPath + "]"); return; } // log.info(scriptsArray.toSource()); // Install menu if (px.position == "table") { var refMenuEntry = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.item("$ID/Table"); if (!refMenuEntry.isValid) refMenuEntry = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.item("Tabelle"); if (!refMenuEntry.isValid) refMenuEntry = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus[5]; } if (px.position == "window") { var refMenuEntry = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.item("$ID/Window"); if (!refMenuEntry.isValid) refMenuEntry = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.item("Fenster"); if (!refMenuEntry.isValid) refMenuEntry = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus[7]; } if (!refMenuEntry.isValid) { refMenuEntry = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus[app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.length - 2]; log.warn("could not find the menu entry [Table] put the menu to the next to last position."); } var menuEntry = app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.add(px.scriptMenuName, LocationOptions.AFTER, refMenuEntry); generataMenuEntries(scriptsArray, menuEntry); // Add version and uninstall Information menuEntry.menuSeparators.add(); scriptAction = app.scriptMenuActions.add(localize({ en: "About", de: "Über" }) + " " + px.projectName); scriptAction.eventListeners.add("onInvoke", showInfoAndUninstall); menuEntry.menuItems.add(scriptAction); } else { log.info("Could not find the folder [" + px.scriptMenuFolderName + "]"); } } function analyseScriptsFolder(folder, scriptsArray) { var children = folder.getFiles(); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; if (child.alias) { log.info("Löse Alias auf"); var aliasName = child.name; child = child.resolve(); child.aliasName = aliasName; } if (child.hidden) { log.info("Dropped hidden File or Folder [" + child.name + "]"); continue; } if (child instanceof Folder) { if (child.name.match(px.ignoreRegex)) { log.info("Dropped special Folder [" + child.name + "]"); } else if (!checkForChildren(child)) { log.info("Dropped empty Folder [" + child.name + "]"); } else { log.info("ADD Subfolder [" + child.name + "]"); scriptsArray.push( { name: child.aliasName ? child.aliasName : child.displayName, folder: analyseScriptsFolder(child, []) } ); } } else if (child.name.match(/\.jsx(bin)?$/) || child.name.match(/^(\d\d_)?separator-*.txt$/)) { log.info("ADD Menu Entry [" + child.name + "]"); scriptsArray.push( { name: child.displayName, file: child } ); } else { // $.bp(child.name.match(/press2id/)) log.info("Ignore [" + child.name + "]"); } } scriptsArray.sort(function (a, b) { a = a.name; b = b.name; var sortRegex = /^(\d\d)_/; if (a.match(sortRegex) && b.match(sortRegex)) { // Sort by Number aNumber = a.match(sortRegex)[1] * 1; bNumber = b.match(sortRegex)[1] * 1; return aNumber - bNumber; } else { // Sort by Name var nameA = a.toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase var nameB = b.toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase if (nameA < nameB) { return -1; } if (nameA > nameB) { return 1; } // namen sind gleich return 0; } }) return scriptsArray; } function checkForChildren(child) { var children = child.getFiles(); for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { child = children[i]; if (child instanceof Folder && checkForChildren(child)) { return true; } if (child.toString().match(/\.jsx(bin)?$/)) { return true; } } return false; } function generataMenuEntries(scriptsArray, menuEntry) { for (var i = 0; i < scriptsArray.length; i++) { var entry = scriptsArray[i]; var menuName = decodeURI(entry.name.replace(/^\d\d_/, "").replace(/\.jsx(bin)?$/, "")); if (entry.hasOwnProperty("folder")) { // submenu erstellen log.info("Generate Submenu " + menuName); var subMenu = menuEntry.submenus.add(menuName, LocationOptions.AT_END); generataMenuEntries(entry.folder, subMenu); } else if (entry.hasOwnProperty("file")) { if (entry.name.match(/^(\d\d_)?separator-*.txt$/)) { log.info("Generate Separator"); menuEntry.menuSeparators.add(); } else { log.info("Generate ScriptAction " + menuName); var runcontext = ""; try { entry.file.encoding = "UTF-8" entry.file.open("r"); var firstLine = entry.file.readln(); if (firstLine.match(/^\/\/SCRIPTMENU:(.+)/)) { menuName = firstLine.match(/\/\/SCRIPTMENU:(.+)/)[1]; log.info("SCRIPTMENU Tag wurde ausgewertet: " + menuName); } var secondLine = entry.file.readln(); if (secondLine.match(/^\/\/RUNCONTEXT:(.+)/)) { runcontext = secondLine.match(/\/\/RUNCONTEXT:(.+)/)[1]; runcontext.replace(/\s/g, ""); log.info("RUNCONTEXT Tag wurde ausgewertet: [" + runcontext + "]"); } } catch (e) { entry.file.close(); } var scriptAction = app.scriptMenuActions.add(menuName); scriptAction.eventListeners.add("onInvoke", entry.file); if (runcontext == "DOCUMENT") { scriptAction.eventListeners.add("beforeDisplay", beforeDisplyHanderlActiveDocument); } menuEntry.menuItems.add(scriptAction); } } else { log.warn("Unknown scriptsarray entry [" + entry.toSource() + "]"); } } } // Altes Menü entfernen function uninstallMenu() { var scriptMenuName = px.scriptMenuName; // Remove old menu items try { if (app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.itemByName(scriptMenuName).isValid) { app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.itemByName(scriptMenuName).menuElements.everyItem().remove(); app.menus.item("$ID/Main").submenus.itemByName(scriptMenuName).remove(); log.info("Menu [" + scriptMenuName + "] uninstalled."); } else { log.info("No menu [" + scriptMenuName + "] for uninstall."); } } catch (e) { log.info("Something went wrong during uninstall of menu [" + scriptMenuName + "]\n Error: " + e + "Line: " + e.line); } } function showInfoAndUninstall() { try { var dialogWin = new Window("dialog", px.projectName + " v" + px.version); dialogWin.alignChildren = "left"; dialogWin.gText = dialogWin.add("group"); dialogWin.gText.stMsg = dialogWin.gText.add("statictext", undefined, localize({ en: "This menu shows scripts from " + px.scriptMenuFolderName, de: "Dieses Menü zeigt die Skripte aus dem Ordner " + px.scriptMenuFolderName })); dialogWin.gText.stMsg.maximumSize.height = 300; dialogWin.gText.stMsg.minimumSize.width = 350; dialogWin.gText.btOpenFolderLocation = dialogWin.gText.add("button", undefined, localize({ en: "Show folder", de: "Ordner anzeigen" })); dialogWin.gText.btOpenFolderLocation.onClick = function () { Folder(px.scriptMenuFolderName).execute(); dialogWin.close(0); } dialogWin.gText2 = dialogWin.add("group"); dialogWin.gText2.stMsg2 = dialogWin.gText2.add("statictext", undefined, localize({ en: "by Gregor Fellenz", de: "Von Gregor Fellenz" })); dialogWin.gText2.goToWebsite = dialogWin.gText2.add("button", undefined, "https://www.publishingX.de"); dialogWin.gText2.goToWebsite.onClick = function () { openURL('https://www.publishingX.de'); } dialogWin.gInfo = dialogWin.add("group"); // dialogWin.gInfo.preferredSize.width = 330; // dialogWin.gInfo.alignChildren = ['right', 'center']; // dialogWin.gInfo.margins = 0; dialogWin.gInfo.btShowLog = dialogWin.gInfo.add("button", undefined, localize({ en: "Show Log", de: "Log anzeigen" })); dialogWin.gInfo.btShowLog.onClick = function () { log.showLog(); dialogWin.close(0); } dialogWin.gInfo.btOpenLocation = dialogWin.gInfo.add("button", undefined, localize({ en: "Show startup script", de: "Startskriptdatei anzeigen" })); dialogWin.gInfo.btOpenLocation.onClick = function () { getScriptFolderPath().execute(); dialogWin.close(0); } dialogWin.gInfo.btUpdate = dialogWin.gInfo.add("button", undefined, localize({ en: "Update Menu", de: "Menü aktualisieren" })); dialogWin.gInfo.btUpdate.onClick = function () { dialogWin.close(99); } dialogWin.gInfo.btUninstall = dialogWin.gInfo.add("button", undefined, localize({ en: "Remove Menu", de: "Menü entfernen" })); dialogWin.gInfo.btUninstall.onClick = function () { alert(localize({ en: "If you want to remove the menu permanently, you need to put the script in the folder [" + getScriptFolderPath() + "]", de: "Wenn Sie das Menü dauerhaft entfernen wollen, müssen Sie das Skript im Ordner [" + getScriptFolderPath() + "] löschen!" })); dialogWin.close(100); } dialogWin.gControl = dialogWin.add("group"); // dialogWin.gControl.preferredSize.width = 600; // dialogWin.gControl.alignChildren = ['right', 'center']; dialogWin.gControl.margins = 0; dialogWin.gControl.btLog = dialogWin.gControl.add("button", undefined, localize({ en: "Close", de: "Schließen" }), { name: "ok" }); var res = dialogWin.show(); if (res == 100) { uninstallMenu(); } if (res == 99) { uninstallMenu(); installMenu(); } } catch (e) { log.warn(e.msg + " Zeile:" + e.line); } } // Open URL by Trevor http://creative-scripts.com function openURL(url) { if ($.os[0] === 'M') { // Mac app.doScript('open location "' + url + '"', ScriptLanguage.APPLESCRIPT_LANGUAGE); } else { // Windows app.doScript('CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("' + url + '")', ScriptLanguage.VISUAL_BASIC); } } /* Functions with fine grained tasks */ function beforeDisplyHanderlActiveDocument(event) { var scriptAction = event.parent; if (app.documents.length > 0 && app.layoutWindows.length > 0) { scriptAction.enabled = true; } else { scriptAction.enabled = false; } } /** Init Log File and System */ function initLog() { var scriptFolderPath = getScriptFolderPath(); if (scriptFolderPath.fullName.match(/lib$/)) { scriptFolderPath = scriptFolderPath.parent; } var logFolder = Folder(scriptFolderPath + "/log/"); if (!logFolder.create()) { // Schreibe Log auf den Desktop logFolder = Folder(Folder.desktop + "/indesign-log/"); logFolder.create(); } if (px.appendLog) { var logFile = File(logFolder + "/" + px.projectName + "_log.txt"); } else { var date = new Date(); date = date.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(date.getMonth() + 1, 2) + "-" + pad(date.getDate(), 2) + "_" + pad(date.getHours(), 2) + "-" + pad(date.getMinutes(), 2) + "-" + pad(date.getSeconds(), 2); var logFile = File(logFolder + "/" + date + "_" + px.projectName + "_log.txt"); } if (px.debug) { log = idsLog.getLogger(logFile, "DEBUG", true); log.clearLog(); } else { log = idsLog.getLogger(logFile, "INFO", false); } log.info("Starte " + px.projectName + " v " + px.version + " Debug: " + px.debug + " ScriptPrefVersion: " + app.scriptPreferences.version + " InDesign v " + app.version); return logFile; } /** Pad a numer witth leading zeros */ function pad(number, length, fill) { if (fill == undefined) fill = "0"; var str = '' + number; while (str.length < length) { str = fill + str; } return str; } /** Get Filepath from current script */ function getScriptFolderPath() { var skriptPath; $.level = 2; try { $.level = 0; skriptPath = app.activeScript.parent; } catch (e) { $.level = 2; /* We're running from the ESTK*/ skriptPath = File(e.fileName).parent; } return skriptPath; }