<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link rel=stylesheet href="css/styles.css"> <script src="js/jquery-3.1.0.min.js"></script> <title> RPI Acacia Philanthropy</title> </head> <body> <img src="Photos/rush_acacia_desert.jpg" class="banner" alt="banner"> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="home.html">Home</a></li> <li><a href="brothers.html">Meet the Brothers</a></li> <li>Philanthropy</li> </ul> </nav> <section class="content"> <h1>Philanthropy</h1> <!--h2 keeps coming out as the same size as h1; not sure why--> <p>Acacia does philanthropy work with a number of different organizations, described below.</p> <h3><a href="http://www.theanimalsupportproject.com/">The Animal Support Project (TASP)</a></h3> <p>“The Animal Support Project (TASP) is based in the Capital Region of NY. TASP performs Crisis Intervention directly with companion animal owners to keep animals living with their families. In extreme cases where no other solution is possible and space is available, we will foster and re-home animals to ensure their best interest. We are the region’s ONLY all-volunteer, all-species companion animal safety net.” --From their website</p> <p>Acacia's work with TASP is not so much directly with the animals, though we have, for example, built kennels for their animals, and recently helped them move to their new location. Be sure to check out our TASP Rush Event, Puppies and Pizza, where you can learn more about what TASP does and what Acacia has done for them.</p> <h3>Moxie's Ice Cream</h3> <!--Moxie's has no website--> <img src="Photos/Philanthropy_Photos/moxies.jpg" alt="Moxie's"> <p>Moxie's is not a philanthropy organization in itself (though they do have good ice cream). Acacia helps them by moving their large wooden playground structures into their garage for the winter (another fraternity brings them back out again in the spring).</p> <h3>AcaciaStock</h3> <img src="Photos/Philanthropy_Photos/acaciastock.jpg" alt="AcaciaStock"> <p>AcaciaStock is an annual music concert hosted at Acacia in the spring term. In the past it has been used to raise money for TASP, or more recently, <a href="https://www.kiva.org/">Kiva.</a> Kiva is a non-profit which allows donors to lend money to those in need, be it entrepreneurs, or families in financial trouble, whether in the US or across the globe.</p> <h3><a href="www.relayforlife.org/">Relay for Life</a></h3> <img src="Photos/Philanthropy_Photos/relay.jpg" alt="Relay"> <p>Relay for Life is an organization which holds walks for honoring cancer survivors and fundraising for cancer research. Acacia, along with many other RPI organizations, has a team at RPI's annual relay event.</p> </section> </body> </html>