nodes: - address: k8s-master user: gregj role: - controlplane - etcd - address: k8s-worker1 user: gregj role: - worker - address: k8s-worker2 user: gregj role: - worker - address: k8s-worker3 user: gregj role: - worker - address: k8s-worker4 user: gregj role: - worker # If set to true, RKE will not fail when unsupported Docker versions # are found ignore_docker_version: false # Cluster level SSH private key # Used if no ssh information is set for the node ssh_key_path: ~/.ssh/k8s-local # Enable use of SSH agent to use SSH private keys with passphrase # This requires the environment `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` configured pointing #to your SSH agent which has the private key added ssh_agent_auth: true # Set the name of the Kubernetes cluster cluster_name: gortzilla services: authorization: mode: rbac # Add-ons are deployed using kubernetes jobs. RKE will give # up on trying to get the job status after this timeout in seconds.. addon_job_timeout: 30 # Specify network plugin-in (canal, calico, flannel, weave, or none) # GJG remember that Canal is really Flannel+Calico network: plugin: canal # Specify DNS provider (coredns or kube-dns) dns: provider: coredns addons_include: - - -