# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/). ## [], 2024-04-10, leisure ### Added - build: add option for sanitizers #2553 (@div72) - build: CMake: Initial Windows support (MSYS2) #2733 (@CyberTailor) ### Changed - build: enforce SSE2 on x86 targets #2746 (@div72) - consensus: Update checkpoint data for mainnet and testnet #2756 (@jamescowens) - gui, util: Enhance verify checkpoints fail handling; use RegistryBookmarks for DB passivation #2758 (@jamescowens) ### Removed ### Fixed - build, depends: fix compilation with XCode 15 #2747 (@div72) - Fix man page installation path for cmake builds #2749 (@theMarix) - consensus, mrc, sidestake: add mrc fees to staker to rewards to be allocated via sidestaking #2753 (@jamescowens) - Fix Systemd unit install location #2754 (@theMarix) - scraper: Corrections to scraper_net after removal of cntPartsRcvd decrement and increment #2755 (@jamescowens) - rpc: fix setban segfault #2757 (@div72) ## [], 2024-03-13, leisure ### Added - net, consensus: Ban nodes and below #2751 (@jamescowens) ### Changed ### Removed ### Fixed - util: Adjust Fraction class addition overload overflow tests #2748 (@jamescowens) ## [], 2024-03-02, leisure, "Miss Piggy" ### Added - contrib: add nix file for compilation environment #2660 (@div72) - gui: Make main Gridcoin window geometry save unique to datadir location #2661 (@jamescowens) - build: Initial CMake support #2676 (@CyberTailor) - util: Add `-shutdownnotify` and `startupnotify` options from upstream #2688 (@barton2526) - gui, staking: Implement facilities for mandatory sidestakes and sidestake GUI #2704 (@jamescowens) - gui, voting: Implement poll result caching and poll stale indicator #2709 (@jamescowens) - gui, projects: Implement greylist state for projects in GUI projects table #2715 (@jamescowens) - gui, poll: Implement poll expiration reminders #2716 (@jamescowens) - serialize: allow variants to be serialized #2729 (@div72) - gui: Implement poll field length limiters in GUI forms #2742 (@jamescowens) ### Changed - consensus, contract, scraper, protocol, project, beacon, rpc: Replace remaining appcache sections with native structures #2639 (@jamescowens) - build: update libsecp256k1 to v0.3.0 #2655 (@div72) - build: Replace $(AT) with .SILENT #2674 (@barton2526) - build: allow system bdb #2675 (@div72) - Resize Header Column with Additional Text #2683 (@PrestackI) - rpc: use RPCErrorCode everywhere #2687 (@Pythonix) - wallet: SecureString to allow null characters #2690 (@barton2526) - random: port some upstream changes #2696 (@div72) - depends: Bump dependencies #2692 (@barton2526) - doc: Update link to Discord server #2693 (@adriaanjoubert) - rpc: Change capitalization, remove whitespace of rpc keys #2711 (@Pythonix) - ci: bump MacOS version to 12 #2713 (@div72) - depends: no-longer nuke libc++abi.so* in native_clang package #2719 (@div72) - doc: update windows `-fstack-clash-protection` doc #2720 (@div72) - Silence `-Wcast-function-type` warning #2721 (@div72) - build: Use newest `config.{guess,sub}` available #2722 (@div72) - refactor: use the try_lock result in TryEnter #2723 (@div72) - Updates for file src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.ts in pt_PT #2726 (@gridcoin-community) - ci: do not silently fail #2727 (@div72) - Properly include Boost Array header #2730 (@theMarix) - build: Update depends zlib to 1.3.1 #2734 (@jamescowens) - util: Enhance Fraction class overflow resistance #2735 (@jamescowens) - refactor: Fix compilation warnings #2737 (@jamescowens) - gui, util: Improve upgrade dialog #2738 (@jamescowens) - util: Improve allocation class #2740 (@jamescowens) - translations: translation updates for Miss Piggy release #2745 (@jamescowens) ### Removed - gui: Disable snapshot GUI action #2700 (@jamescowens) - build, crypto, script: remove most of OpenSSL usage #2705 (@div72) - util: remove WSL 1 workaround in fs #2717 (@div72) ### Fixed - diagnostics: fix missing arg in ETTS warning #2684 (@div72) - misc: fix include guard in netaddress.h #2695 (@div72) - gui: Fix expired pending beacon display #2698 (@jamescowens) - consensus: Fix 20230904 testnet forking issue #2703 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix filter by type in Transaction View #2708 (@jamescowens) - depends: make fontconfig build under clang-16 #2718 (@div72) - diag: fix researcher mode check #2725 (@div72) - gui: Add missing switch cases for ALREADY_IN_MEMPOOL #2728 (@jamescowens) - beacon, registry: Fix beacon history stall #2731 (@jamescowens) - build: Implement comp_double comparison function in certain tests #2741 (@jamescowens) - ci: change Qt path in CMake CI #2743 (@div72) - net: Correct -tor argument handling #2744 (@jamescowens) ## [] 2023-04-23, leisure ### Added none ### Changed none ### Removed none ### Fixed - key, rpc: fix key parsing #2682 (@div72) ## [] 2023-04-21, leisure ### Added none ### Changed none ### Removed none ### Fixed - wallet, rpc: Add missing assignment of fCompressed in dumpprivkey #2680 (@jamescowens) ## [] 2023-04-05, leisure ### Added - install: Enhance windows installer - detect running gridcoinresearch(d).exe and ask to close before continuing #2672 (@jamescowens) - gui: Add one minute QTimer to update beacon age/expiration in tooltip #2671 (@jamescowens) ### Changed none ### Removed none ### Fixed - util: Implement workaround for backupwallet to deal with Boost 1.74 regression on copy_file #2669 (@jamescowens) - banman: use GetPerformanceCounter instead of GetRandBytes #2668 (@div72) ## [] 2023-03-26, leisure, "LaVerne" ### Added - [3/3] key, wallet: HD wallets #2540 (@div72) - ARMv8 SHA2 Intrinsics #2612 (@barton2526) - build: vendor bdb 5.3 #2620 (@div72) - scraper, gui: Add external adapter projects indication #2625 (@jamescowens) - gui: implement INSUFFICIENT_MATURE_FUNDS status for the mrcmodel #2628 (@jamescowens) - gui, accrual: Implement accrual limit warning #2636 (@jamescowens) - rpc: add `getnodeaddresses` #2646 (@Pythonix) - consensus: Add new checkpoints #2651 (@barton2526) ### Changed - voting: Optimize poll locks #2619 (@jamescowens) - util: move threadinterrupt.{cpp,h} to util #2613 (@Pythonix) - gui, voting: Update pool cpids and avw rules #2624 (@jamescowens) - ci: bump python and setup-python action version #2626 (@div72) - gui: Change text from username to name (real name or nickname) #2633 (@jamescowens) - locale: Translation update, phase 1 #2637 (@jamescowens) - gui: Change MRC too soon to submit error to be less confusing #2645 (@jamescowens) - locale: Update translations prior to release (phase 2/2) #2658 (@jamescowens) - gui: Enhance MRC request form to avoid fee boost field confusion #2659 (@jamescowens) ### Removed none ### Fixed - net: Turn net structures into dumb storage classes (backport) #2561 (@Pythonix) - build: Include native_X.mk before X.mk #2609 (@barton2526) - depends: fix OpenSSL for Darwin builds #2610 (@div72) - build: Change actions runner image to Focal, Force Lint to use 22.04, Change cd runner version #2611 (@barton2526) - gui: don't show datadir error msgbox if arg isn't specified #2617 (@div72) - rpc: Repair auditsnapshotaccrual rpc function #2621 (@jamescowens) - gui: Correct updateBeaconIcon() function in bitcoingui.cpp #2622 (@jamescowens) - wallet: Strengthen CWalletTx::RevalidateTransactions #2627 (@jamescowens) - test: Fix Wambiguous-reversed-operator compiler warning, drop boost::assign #2632 (@barton2526) - gui: Fix wallet overview displaying lower-case poll name #2640 (@delta1513) - Fix and optimize ResendWalletTransactions #2642 (@jamescowens) - build(nsis): Write registry keys to HKLM instead of HKCU, Install shortcuts for all users, Fix INSTALLDIR removal bug #2643 (@sitiom) - gui: Fix TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction to properly display self-sidestake #2647 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Fixed the RPC error when running `help voting` while syncing #2649 (@delta1513) - build: Fix compilation with GCC 13 #2653 (@theMarix) - rpc: Formatting - typo correction rpc help for listresearcheraccounts #2654 (@PrestackI) ## [] 2022-11-27, leisure ### Added - net: Add and document network messages in protocol.h (backport) #2533 (@Pythonix) - Define MAX_DIGITS_BTC for magic number in BitcoinUnits::format #2555 (@barton2526) - rpc: Implementation of getmrcinfo #2570 (@jamescowens) - init: Add init error message if -printtoconsole and -daemon specified simultaneously #2571 (@jamescowens) - rpc: getmrcinfo part 2 - add calculated minimum fees and fee boosting and by CPID reporting #2575 (@jamescowens) - fs: fully initialize `_OVERLAPPED` for win32 #2587 (@div72) - util: Diagnose Lib Version #1 #2573 (@MinaFarhan) - util: Implement core diagnostics #2 (@jamescowens) - util: modify Win32LockedPageAllocator to query windows for limit. #2536 (@div72) - gui, voting: Implement information for wallet holder's votes on poll info cards #2605 (@jamescowens) ### Changed - scripted-diff: Drop Darwin version for better maintainability #2557 (@barton2526) - build: Require gcc8 on Ubuntu Bionic to enable C++17 features #2579 (@barton2526) - util: Replace use of locale dependent atoi(…) with locale-independent std::from_chars(…) (C++17) #2564 (@barton2526) - translation: Translation updates #2581 (@jamescowens) - depends: update urls for dmg tools #2583 (@div72) - Use ReadLE64 in uint256::GetUint64 instead of duplicating logic #2586 (@div72) - util: Make Parse{Int,UInt}{32,64} use locale independent std::from_chars(…) (C++17) instead of locale dependent strto{l,ll,ul,ull} #2592 (@barton2526) - build: don't set PORT=no in config.site #2593 (@barton2526) - build: Replace `which` command with `command -v` #2595 (@barton2526) - build: update ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx to serial 14 #2596 (@barton2526) - gui: Changed the unlocked for staking only icons to green #2598 (@delta1513) - gui: Translation updates #2599 (@jamescowens) - build: update CI for linter and actions version #2606 (@jamescowens) - gui: Update translations #2608 (@jamescowens) ### Removed - refactor: remove unused c-string variant of atoi64() #2562 (@barton2526) - refactor: Remove unused CDataStream::rdbuf method #2585 (@div72) ### Fixed - net: Fix some benign races (backport) #2532 (@Pythonix) - rpc: fix invalid parameter error codes for {sign,verify}message RPCs #2556 (@barton2526) - build: Fix x86_64 <-> arm64 cross-compiling for macOS #2560 (@barton2526) - rpc, mrc: Fix field name and initialization of mrc_fees_to_staker #2567 (@jamescowens) - gui: Add missing resizeTableColumns to fix send address book column widths #2569 (@jamescowens) - accrual: rebuild snapshot registry on corruption instead of crashing #2577 (@div72) - doc: Fix link to MurmurHash3.cpp (moved from Google Code to Github) #2584 (@div72) - fix help text for `revokebeacon` command #2591 (@Pythonix) - util: Fix spelling error in gridcoinresearchd.cpp #2590 (@jamescowens) - depends: always use correct ar for win qt build #2588 (@div72) - util: Fix some bugs due to new implementation and change in BOINC dir handling (@jamescowens) - util: Diagnose lib - Implement changes to solve crash on some Boost 1.66 machines #2597 (@jamescowens) - contrib: Check for `patch` command, Check for `wget` command #2594 (@barton2526) - build: Check std::system for -[alert|block|wallet]notify #2582 (@barton2526) - gui: Changed the wording on the tooltip for the address book #2602 (@delta1513) - build: pass win32-dll to LT_INIT() #2601 (@barton2526) - build: minor cleanups to native_clang package #2600 (@barton2526) - util: restore translations to diagnostics #2603 (@jamescowens) - refactor: Fix problems found by valgrind #2607 (@jamescowens) ## [] 2022-08-01, mandatory, "Kermit's Mom" ### Added - test: Add TrimString(...) tests #2447 (@barton2526) - test: Add dead code detection #2449 (@barton2526) - test: Add explicit references to related CVE's in comments #2467 (@barton2526) - test: Add testing of ParseInt/ParseUInt edge cases with leading +/-/0:s #2470 (@barton2526) - consensus, contract, mining, researcher, rpc, staking, gui: Implementation of MRC - baseline functionality #2425 (@jamescowens) - consensus: MRC mandatory implementation code #2471 (@jamescowens) - test: Add upstream sync_tests.cpp #2481 (@barton2526) - net: Countermeasures against eclipse attacks #2454 (@Pythonix) - lint: add script to check for https violations #2491 (@div72) - util: Add flatpath BOINC data directory path resolution for Linux #2499 (@jamescowens) - gui: Add beaconExpired() to researchermodel #2498 (@jamescowens) - consensus: Add missing block nVersion check for v12 blocks in AcceptBlock #2502 (@jamescowens) - gui, util: Add AccrualChangedFromStakeOrMRC core signal #2503 (@jamescowens) - util: Change default -dbcache to 100 MB and also implement -txindexdbcache #2507 (@jamescowens) - rpc, util, consensus: Implement exception handling framework for MRC and fix ValidateMRC to deal with testnet consensus issue #2508 (@jamescowens) - gui: Initial implementation of GUI MRC submission form #2513 (@jamescowens) - build: Port over Bitcoin's translation docs #2439 (@jamescowens) - [2/3] build: integrate libsecp256k1 #2492 (@div72) - gui: New MRC request icon #2526 (@jamescowens) - mandatory, voting: Implement poll type validation in protocol #2522 (@jamescowens) - gui, voting: Implement poll additional fields gui components #2525 (@jamescowens) - gui, researcher: Add GDPR protection display #2527 (@jamescowens) - consensus, rpc: Kermit's mom hardfork (2671700) #2551 (@jamescowens) ### Changed - net: Hard Coded Seed Node Cleanup #2427 (@barton2526) - script: Add More Generated Files to Gitignore #2435 (@RoboticMind) - gui: Update copyright year to 2022 for Gridcoin About dialog box #2443 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Change type field in ListTransactions to lower case #2441 (@jamescowens) - refactor: Replace memset calls with array initialization #2452 (@barton2526) - refactor: Changed some parameters from pass by value to pass by reference #2455 (@Pythonix) - ci, cd: improve caching #2461 (@div72) - contrib: port recent macdeployqtplus changes #2465 (@div72) - test: Test for expected return values when calling functions returning a success code #2464 (@barton2526) - build: Improve error message when pkg-config is not installed #2460 (@barton2526) - test: Bump shellcheck, mypy versions #2463 (@barton2526) - build: Update depends packages (expat, fontconfig, freetype, libXau, libxcb, xcb_proto, xproto) #2466 (@barton2526) - lint: run mypy over contrib/devtools #2475 (@barton2526) - build, lint: Remove x-prefix's from comparisons, Fix some shell script issues the linter complains about, Re-enable boost include checks #2478 (@barton2526) - test: Avoid copies of CTransaction #2479 (@barton2526) - ci: change windows CI to Focal, modify wrap_wine to use wine64 for 64bit binaries #2484 (@barton2526) - build: Qt 5.15.2 #2486 (@barton2526) - net: No longer send local address in addrMe #2459 (@Pythonix) - voting, gui, rpc: Enhance PollResult and AVW calculation to improve pool handling #2489 (@jamescowens) - [1/3] refactor: port some misc changes from upstream #2485 (@div72) - build: Try posix-specific CXX first for mingw32 host, Fix Windows cross-compiling with Qt 5.15 #2494 (@barton2526) - Improve upon scanforunspent rpc #2468 (@iFoggz) - rpc: Change tail_fee and head_fee to display in GRC rather than Halfords in createmrcrequest #2501 (@jamescowens) - scripted-diff: change http to https in copyright text #2504 (@div72) - qt, refactor: Use enum type as switch argument in *TableModel #2496 (@barton2526) - build, qt: bump Qt5 version to 5.15.3 #2510 (@barton2526) - utils: run commands using utf-8 string on Windows #2514 (@barton2526) - prevector: enforce is_trivially_copyable_v #2516 (@div72) - crypto: Unroll the ChaCha20 inner loop for performance #2515 (@div72) - gui: Modify VerifyTCPPort to use the status of CheckOutboundConnectionCount #2506 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix transaction history table column size behavior #2520 (@jamescowens) - log: Use consistent wording in random.cpp log #2538 (@div72) - lint: Use newer versions of our lint packages, remove yq #2541 (@barton2526) - [1/2] validation: move CBlock validation methods to validation.cpp #2539 (@div72) - gui: Implement proportional column resizing for Addressbook with memory #2543 (@jamescowens) - build: remove redundant warning flags #2546 (@barton2526) - qt: Prefix makefile variables with QT_ #2547 (@barton2526) - build: remove build stubs for external leveldb #2550 (@barton2526) - build, refactor: Improve package version usage #2549 (@barton2526) - build: minor boost tidyups #2548 (@barton2526) ### Removed - rpc, util: Remove caching from BlockFinder #2490 (@jamescowens) - test: remove obsolete check sig test #2552 (@div72) ### Fixed - build: fix unoptimized libraries in depends #2428 (@barton2526) - build: don't use deprecated brew package names #2429 (@barton2526) - qt: fix shutdown on MacOS #2440 (@div72) - net: Do not add random inbound peers to addrman #2451 (@barton2526) - util: skip trying to set the locale on NetBSD #2448 (@barton2526) - build: change bundle id #2462 (@div72) - net: Do not propagate obviously poor addresses onto the network #2453 (@Pythonix) - ci: Fix CI build title to reflect that we are building for bionic, not xenial #2469 (@barton2526) - lint: Fix misc typos #2472 (@barton2526) - util: Fix crash when parsing command line with -noincludeconf=0, Properly handle -noincludeconf on command line #2473 (@barton2526) - build: Fix several minor linter errors #2476 (@jamescowens) - tests: Don't access out of bounds array index: array[sizeof(array)] #2480 (@barton2526) - script: Fix and Minify Icon SVG #2488 (@RoboticMind) - gui: Add missing null pointer check for m_beacon #2500 (@jamescowens) - util: Fix BN_zero macro in key.cpp for OpenSSL 3.0 #2497 (@jamescowens) - rpc, contract: Adjust ValidateMRC, CreateMRC, and createmrcrequest to correct provided fee handling #2505 (@jamescowens) - consensus: Move DoS into contract validators to allow variability of DoS based on context and further fixes to ValidateMRC #2512 (@jamescowens) - lockedpool: When possible, use madvise to avoid including sensitive information in core dumps #2509 (@barton2526) - refactor: Fix some minor linter complaints #2517 (@jamescowens) - miner: Miner Logger bug fix #2518 (@iFoggz) - key: properly parse short DER private keys #2519 (@div72) - researcher: Fix ReadClientStateXml() crash on wrong BOINC directory permissions #2524 (@jamescowens) - init: fix daemon forking #2521 (@div72) - scraper: Change open mode from append to truncate for auth file #2528 (@jamescowens) - gui: New mrc contract icon try #2 #2529 (@jamescowens) - gui: Remove white outlines on MRC icon #2530 (@a123b) - voting: Change m_additional_fields serialization #2531 (@jamescowens) - build, qt: Fix `QMAKE_CXXFLAGS` expression for `mingw32` host #2537 (@div72) - logging: fix logging empty thread name #2535 (@div72) - trivial: fix comment in account header guard #2542 (@div72) - build: Restrict check for CRC32C intrinsic to aarch64 #2544 (@barton2526) - build: force CRCCheck in Windows installer #2545 (@barton2526) ## [] 2022-02-27, leisure, "Janice" ### Added - build: add stack-clash and control-flow protection options to hardening flags, don't enable it for Windows #2284 (@barton2526) - build: add upstream compiler warnings #2288 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Create getblockbymintime #2290 (@RoboticMind) - cd: generate release binaries using GitHub actions #2249 (@div72) - util: port upstream span changes #2323 (@div72) - rpc: add additional ban time fields to listbanned #2334 (@barton2526) - test: Add sanity_tests from upstream #2343 (@barton2526) - util, test: Don't allow Base58 decoding of non-Base58 strings. Add Base58 tests. Add whitespace tests. #2345 (@barton2526) - test: Add tests for monetary value formatting and parsing. Clean up includes in rpc_tests #2348 (@barton2526) - rpc: Implement -rpcwait and -rpcwaittimeout #2349 (@jamescowens) - test: Add crypto_tests (@upstream #2372 from barton2526) - test: Add test for GCC bug 90348 #2380 (@barton2526) - build: add python3.10, 3.11 alias to AC_PATH_PROGS call in configure #2386 (@barton2526) - wallet, contract: Implement contract change option #2388 (@jamescowens) - gui: Implement privacy mode #2399 (@jamescowens) - util: Implement -reindex option, improve -loadblock option #2394 (@jamescowens) - gui: Implement Alt-7 for unlock and lock of wallet #2406 (@jamescowens) - gui, voting: Add a one minute timer to check for current poll expiring and update gui #2416 (@jamescowens) - gui: Implement a warning about split CPID/email mismatch condition #2414 (@jamescowens) - util: clean obsolete config keys #2424 (@div72) - net: Implement an upper limit of 950 for max network connections #2426 (@jamescowens) ### Changed - build: libevent 2.1.12-stable #2226 (@barton2526) - build: Bump minimum QT support to 5.9.5, Remove obsolete checks #2251 (@barton2526) - doc: Update to https where possible #2230 (@barton2526) - refactor: Replace fprintf with tfm::format #2262 (@barton2526) - qt: Replace deprecated QSignalMapper by lambda expressions #2261 (@barton2526) - refactor: Use functions guaranteed to be locale independent (ToLower, IsDigit, IsSpace) #2265 (@barton2526) - refactor: Replace std::to_string with locale-independent alternative #2266 (@barton2526) - refactor: small python cleanup #2267 (@barton2526) - refactor: Replace local dependent string functions with non-locale versions in strencodings.h/cpp #2270 (@amescowens) - ci: Update KNOWN_VIOLATIONS list for the linter for functions we don't care are locale-dependent #2271 (@barton2526) - refactor: move block storage functions to src/node/blockstorage #2273 (@div72) - refactor: Replace deprecated Qt::SystemLocale{Short,Long}Date, Fix 'QDateTime is deprecated' warnings #2275 (@barton2526) - rpc: optimize getblockbynumber #2289 (@barton2526) - gui: Update connect statements to conform to Qt 5 standard #2281 (@jamescowens) - depends: Bump ccache and curl #2297 (@barton2526) - ci: only print depends/apt output if the step fails #2287 (@div72) - depends: Update to openSSL 1.1.1l #2302 (@barton2526) - rpc: Don't use floating point in getreceivedbyaddress #2310 (@barton2526) - LibreSSL doesn't define OPENSSL_VERSION, use LIBRESSL_VERSION_TEXT instead #2306 (@barton2526) - build: update m4 #2317 (@div72) - qt: Replace deprecated Qt functions #2316 (@barton2526) - build: set minimum required Boost to 1.60 #2318 (@barton2526) - util: Don't use gmtime() or localtime() #2319 (@barton2526) - build: Update univalue subtree #2335 (@barton2526) - refactor: use include guards instead of #pragma once #2336 (@div72) - refactor: Scraper thread safety and code cleanup #2315 (@jamescowens) - qt: Follow Qt docs when implementing rowCount and columnCount #2333 (@barton2526) - qt: Notificator class refactoring. Notificator always takes 3 args. Remove Growl support. #2352 (@barton2526) - build: pin OpenSSL version for MacOS #2354 (@div72) - build, util: Update leveldb to 1.22 (@upstream Bitcoin #2353 from jamescowens) - test: Update transaction_tests and associated JSON files from upstream #2356 (@barton2526) - test: Update script_p2sh_tests from upstream #2357 (@barton2526) - refactor: port upstream ui_interface changes #2355 (@div72) - contract: parse strings for claim and message types #2359 (@div72) - test: Update sigopcount_tests and transaction_tests from upstream #2361 (@barton2526) - test, refactor: Update script_tests from upstream #2360 (@barton2526) - test: Update util_tests from upstream #2363 (@barton2526) - test: Update script test JSON files from upstream #2364 @barton2526) - refactor: split clientversion from version #2367 (@div72) - random: port upstream random changes #2368 (@div72) - refactor: convert C-style (void) parameter lists to C++ style () #2373 (@barton2526) - build: Disable -fcf-protection for mingw win32 #2377 (@jamescowens) - gui: Add text output and dialog boxes for -help and -version in GUI client #2378 (@jamescowens) - test, refactor: Use FastRandomContext for all tests. Add a header for test_gridcoin #2381 (@barton2526) - depends: avoid system harfbuzz and bz2 #2382 (@barton2526) - doc: Update Windows build instructions #2383 (@barton2526) - refactor: replace QDateTime::fromTime_t with QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch #2387 (@barton2526) - util: Port of Bitcoin upstream base58.h/cpp at a85442f62bf157b07849accd495c55c73535dc73 #2384 (@jamescowens) - test: update base58_encode_decode.json from upstream #2391 (@barton2526) - depends: Port libdmg-hfsplus changes from upstream #2389 (@barton2526) - doc: Port newer build documentation from Bitcoin #2162 (@nathanielcwm) - rpc: Change getmininginfo to getstakinginfo #2393 (@jamescowens) - researcher: Prefer CPID with active beacon for primary CPID #2404 (@scribblemaniac) - contract: separate legacy type parsing #2396 (@div72) - refactor: Pass values by reference #2408 (@Pythonix) - net: only adjust time with data from outbound nodes #2411 (@div72) - rpc: Change call to FormatISO8601DateTime to FormatISO8601DateTimeDashSep in scanforunspent #2413 (@jamescowens) - build: Adjust depends packages to successfully compile on OpenSUSE #2260 (@jamescowens) - gui: Enable masking of cpid in privacy mode #2420 (@jamescowens) - doc: Update license year range to 2022 #2421 (@barton2526) - contrib: install_db4: use local config.guess/sub #2436 (@div72) - gui: update translations #2442 (@div72, @3man001) ### Removed - qt: Remove stray QT4 references #2220 (@barton2526) - util: Remove old boost hacks/workarounds #2231 (@barton2526) - refactor: Remove sprintf and printf #2269 (@jamescowens) - depends: Remove boost::program_options dependency #2277 (@barton2526) - refactor: Drop noop gcc version checks #2278 (@barton2526) - util: Remove unused itostr #2280 (@barton2526) - util: Remove deprecated random number generator functions #2236 (@jamescowens) - depends: cleanup package configure flags #2279 (@barton2526) - rpc: remove 'label' filter for rpc command help #2282 (@barton2526) - wallet: remove unused fNoncriticalErrors variable from CWalletDB::FindWalletTx #2283 (@barton2526) - refactor: Optimize and Cleanup CScript::FindAndDelete #2294 (@barton2526) - wallet: Remove unused AskPassphraseDialog::Decrypt #2299 (@barton2526) - refactor, qt: Drop redundant setEditTriggers(NoEditTriggers) calls, Fix typo in QtInputSupport check #2308 (@barton2526) - release: Remove gitian #2293 (@jamescowens) - util: Update scheduler and remove Boost chrono #2330 (@jamescowens) - qt: remove gridcoinresearch.pro #2332 (@div72) - test: Remove unused function dumpKeyInfo #2347 (@barton2526) - build: remove glibc back compat #2351 (@barton2526) - net: remove SOCKS4 support (@core and GUI #2385 from barton2526) - net: remove obsolete "reply" command #2366 (@div72) - net: Remove I2P support from netbase & Correct HE IPv6 Tunnel Broker #2409 (@Pythonix) - qt: Remove locked coins loop #2410 (@Pythonix) ### Fixed - wallet: Close DB on error, use memory_cleanse #2221 (@barton2526) - build: Clean remnants of QTBUG-34748 fix #2224 (@barton2526) - build: use -isysroot over --sysroot on macOS #2225 (@barton2526) - trivial, rpc: Fix and cleanup listreceivedbyX documentation, General Typos #2227 (@barton2526) - trivial: Unbreak build with Boost 1.72.0 #2228 (@barton2526) - doc: Large collection of typos, grammar fixes, and proper capitalization #2247 (@barton2526) - lint: Fix linter warning, fix typo #2276 (@barton2526) - qt: Do not translate file extensions #2295 (@barton2526) - refactor: Drop redundant QString calls #2296 (@barton2526) - rpc: Print OpenSSL version fix #2298 (@barton2526) - gui: Add back in accidentally deleted condition for UnlockStaking and Unlock cases in AskPassphraseDialog::textChanged() #2305 (@jamescowens) - rpc: ParseHash: Fail when length is not 64 #2313 (@barton2526) - Fix locking on WSL using flock instead of fcntl #2314 (@barton2526) - rpc: Fix breakage in protocol.cpp caused by change atoi to ParseInt #2307 (@jamescowens) - net: Small upstream FIXME #2320 (@barton2526) - refactor: Fix advanced compiler warnings #2292 (@jamescowens) - poll: Fix the possible infinite loop warning on GetChoices() in result.cpp #2322 (@jamescowens) - qt: fix broken research wizard signal #2324 (@div72) - refactor: Fix three minor code scanner findings #2327 (@barton2526) - Fix build with Boost 1.77.0 #2329 (@barton2526) - build: Misc upstream depends fixes #2331 (@barton2526) - wallet: Fix improper indent in encryptWallet #2339 (@jamescowens) - wallet: Bugfix - Fundrawtransaction: don't terminate when keypool is empty #2337 (@barton2526) - depends: Fix build for Apple Silicon #2342 (@div72) - build: fix -fstack-clash-protection spam for Clang #2340 (@div72) - util, test: Don't allow Base32/64-decoding or ParseMoney(…) on strings with embedded NUL characters. Add tests. Add negative test case. #2344 (@barton2526) - test: Repair transaction_tests.cpp (baseline) #2350 (@jamescowens) - scraper: Fix scraper deadlock and make activebeforesb dynamic (not require restart) #2358 (@jamescowens) - scraper: Move lock on cs_mapParts in RecvManifest #2370 (@jamescowens) - build: Make changes to use Gridcoin x.y.z.w client versions #2371 (@jamescowens) - refactor, build: Upstream fixes for the /crypto files. Implement Keccak and SHA3 #2365 (@barton2526) - util: fix FormatVersion #2376 (@div72) - net: initialize nMessageSize to uint32_t max #2390 (@barton2526) - contract: fix double usage of contract change addresses #2395 (@div72) - build: patch qt to explicitly define previously implicit header include #2397 (@div72) - Fix breakage introduced by use of FormatISO8601DateTime #2398 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix bug in recent transaction list #2403 (@jamescowens) - build: Drop macports support #2401 (@barton2526) - util: Check if specified config file cannot be opened #2400 (@barton2526) - net: Fix masking of irrelevant bits in address groups #2412 (@Pythonix) - rpc: accept int block number for getblocksbatch #2415 (@scribblemaniac) - staking, gui: Fixes a missing miner search interval update for no coins corner case #2430 (@jamescowens) - gui: Add uiInterface.BeaconChanged() call after ActivatePending #2438 (@jamescowens) ## [] 2021-08-01, leisure, "Ingrid" ### Added - util, rpc. gui: Changes for snapshotdownload and add feature sync from zero #2093 (@iFoggz) - gui: Implement GUI version of consolidateunspent (coin control part) #2111 (@jamescowens) - gui: Implement consolidateunspent wizard #2125 (@jamescowens) - qt: Add antialiasing to traffic graph widget #2150 (@barton2526) - util: Port of ArgsManager and a significant subset of src/util #2146 (@jamescowens) - doc: add issue templates for bug reports and feature requests #2147 (@Pythonix) - gui, rpc: Implement dynamic stakesplitting control, settings changes via rpc, and dynamic changes to sidestaking via rpc #2164 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Implement getblocksbatch #2205 (@jamescowens) - voting, rpc, gui: Implement demand loading of historical poll by poll id and AVW calculation #2210 (@jamescowens) - gui: Show GUI error dialog if command line parsing fails #2218 (@jamescowens) - gui: Implement close confirmation. #2216 (@denravonska) - build: Use -fstack-reuse=none #2232 (@barton2526) ### Changed - doc: Update build doc #2078 (@iFoggz) - gui: Normalize button and input control appearance #2096 (@cyrossignol) - consensus: Implement GetMinimumRequiredConnectionsForStaking #2097 (@jamescowens) - refactor: move CTransaction to primitives #2006 (@div72) - consensus, refactor, test: Merkle #2094 (@div72) - gui: Update diagnostics #2095 (@jamescowens) - gui: Refresh UI styles and sidebar/statusbar design #2102 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Set standard base Qt style on Windows and macOS #2114 (@cyrossignol) - build, refactor: bump to C++17 #2113 (@div72) - util, rpc, gui: Implement GetMaxInputsForConsolidationTxn() #2119 (@jamescowens) - gui: Refresh overview page design #2117 (@cyrossignol) - depends: change boost mirror #2122 (@div72) - refactor: small cleanup #2123 (@div72) - build: Update depends Qt recipe to version 5.12.10 #2129 (@cyrossignol) - build: Bump Codespell to 2.0.0 #2135 (@barton2526) - gui: Refresh "send coins" page design #2126 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Optimize locks to improve responsiveness #2137 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Refresh "receive payment" page design #2138 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Add empty placeholder to recent transactions list #2140 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Refresh transaction history page design #2143 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Refresh address book page design #2145 (@cyrossignol) - doc: Update http to https where possible #2148 (@barton2526) - depends: Update dependencies #2153 (@barton2526) - depends: Bump python to 3.6 #2159 (@barton2526) - test: Update cppcheck linter to c++17 #2157 (@barton2526) - test: Drop Travis specific workarounds, Mention commit id in error, Fix typos, Update spellcheck ignore words #2158 (@barton2526) - gui: Overhaul the voting UI #2151 (@cyrossignol) - wallet: simplify nTimeSmart calculation #2144 (@div72) - gui: Refresh checkbox and radio button styles #2170 (@cyrossignol) - build: Bump libevent to 2.1.11 #2172 (@barton2526) - build: Update native_mac_alias, Remove Big Sur patch file in qt recipe #2173 (@barton2526) - docs: Misc Grammar #2176 (@barton2526) - build: miniupnpc 2.2.2 #2179 (@barton2526) - rpc: Refresh rainbymagnitude #2163 (@jamescowens) - util: optimize HexStr #2185 (@div72) - refactor: misc style changes #2177 (@div72) - rpc: consolidatemsunspent changes. #2136 (@iFoggz) - refactor: Replace "GlobalStatus" state management #2183 (@cyrossignol) - rpc, util: Remove use of ArgsManager::NETWORK_ONLY for now #2190 (@jamescowens) - doc: Replace hidden service with onion service, Capitalize "Tor" #2193 (@barton2526) - gui: Update Qt Linguist localization files #2192 (@cyrossignol) - script: Shell script cleanups #2195 (@barton2526) - build: set minimum required Boost to 1.58.0 #2194 (@barton2526) - build, util: Prevent execution for Windows versions less than Windows 7 #2203 (@jamescowens) - build: Tweak NSIS Windows installer #2204 (@jamescowens) - build: Add bison in depends #2206 (@iFoggz) - build: macOS toolchain bump #2207 (@div72) - doc: Update build-unix.md #2212 (@springfielddatarecovery) - build: Bump minimum python version to 3.6, Remove python2 references #2219 (@barton2526) - depends: Change openSSL source path to Github #2237 (@barton2526) - doc: Fix typo in bug report template #2243 (@jamescowens) - ci: fold depends output #2244 (@div72) ### Removed - wallet: remove dead hardcoded addnodes #2116 (@sweede-se) - rpc: Remove readconfig #2248 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Remove obsolete comparesnapshotaccrual RPC function #2100 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Remove memorypool RPC Command #2214 (@RoboticMind) - rpc: Remove deprecated RPC commands #2101 (@jamescowens) - Remove CCT from README, add Discord #2134 (@barton2526) - refactor: Remove obsolete pubsub method definitions #2191 (@barton2526) - refactor: Remove msMiningErrorsIncluded & msMiningErrorsExcluded #2215 (@RoboticMind) - qt: Remove obsolete topLevelWidget(), Remove obsolete QRegExpValidator #2198 (@barton2526) - net: Drop support of the insecure miniUPnPc versions #2178 (@barton2526) - log: remove deprecated db log category #2201 (@barton2526) - doc: Remove CCT from README and release process docs #2175 (@barton2526) - build: Remove travis references #2156 (@barton2526) ### Fixed - gui: Fix macOS and designer font sizes #2098 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Have the TrafficGraphWidget respect the selected stylesheet. #2107 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix macOS display inconsistencies #2106 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix RPC console auto-complete background color #2108 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Avoid reloading redundant stylesheets #2109 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix "no active beacon" status #2110 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix dark theme link text color visibility #2115 (@cyrossignol) - scraper, util, qt: Fix several deprecations and warnings #2131 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix duplicate time in GUIUtil::dateTimeStr() #2139 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix debug console traffic graph legend colors #2142 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix nomenclature #2104 (@jamescowens) - doc: Fix Typos #2149 (@barton2526) - doc: Fix "master" branch build status badge in readme #2167 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix Inter font rendering on Windows with FreeType #2169 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix assert on non-existent data directory and GUI datadir chooser corner case issues #2174 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix display artifact in poll loading indicator #2180 (@cyrossignol) - rpc, logging: Minor fixes for sidestake logging #2187 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix fractional scaling for dialog sizes #2189 (@cyrossignol) - doc: Random fixes #2197 (@barton2526) - doc: getbalance should say GRC not "btc" #2199 (@barton2526) - net: Add missing verification of IPv6 address in CNetAddr::GetIn6Addr¦ #2200 (@barton2526) - doc: remove duplicate line from .gitignore #2202 (@Pythonix) - util: Tweak exception handling in MilliTimer class to eliminate compiler warnings #2233 (@jamescowens) - depends: patch missing include in qt #2234 (@div72) - wallet, rpc: Check each input for IsMine() in GetAddressGroupings #2242 (@jamescowens) - util, qt: Fix snapshot download #2246 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix Column Widths in RPC Console. Elide long strings in their center. Indent user agent. #2241 (@barton2526) - qt: Fix crash during download snapshot on macOS #2250 (@jamescowens) - qt: Don't allow to open the debug window during splashscreen & verification state #2245 (@barton2526) - gui: Fix address book selected model record when editing #2253 (@cyrossignol) - researcher: Check wallet status before beacon renewal #2254 (@cyrossignol) - qt: Prevent pasting (no label) as label in consolidation transaction #2255 (@jamescowens) ## [] 2021-04-04, leisure ### Added - doc: Invite users to donate to Gridcoin Foundation #1997 (@smoe) - rpc: Add "getburnreport" RPC function #2049 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Add stats export reminder to beacon wizard auth page #2050 (@cyrossignol) - doc: Add undocumented "-showorphans" GUI option to help text #2058 (@cyrossignol) - beacon: Cull beacon db memory (passivation) #2069 (@jamescowens) - gui: Avoid refreshing GUI researcher status while out-of-sync #2068 (@cyrossignol) - consensus: Reimplement checkpoint-based spam protection #2084 (@cyrossignol) - consensus: Verify hardened checkpoints on start up #2087 (@cyrossignol) ### Changed - test: autogenerate data headers #2030 (@div72) - doc: Change copyright years to 2021 #2042 (@caraka) - gui: Clarify overview page "stake" field #2056 (@cyrossignol) - doc: Update Copyright headers #2059 (@barton2526) - gui: Update Qt Linguist localization files #2063 (@cyrossignol) - build: update dependencies #2064 (@barton2526) - net: Reduce default connection limit back to 125 #2066 (@cyrossignol) - build: openssl patch #2074 (@barton2526) - translation: Translate /src/qt/locale/bitcoin_en.ts in pt_PT #2083 (@DjMVeiga) - log: Adjust logging #2076 (@jamescowens) - gui: Change scraper tab to Inconsolata monospace font #2085 (@jamescowens) - researcher: Change beacon deferment fix to reference nActiveBeforeSB #2092 (@jamescowens) ### Removed - net: Clean up mandatory protocol version transition #2080 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: Remove LessVerbose() function #2089 (@cyrossignol) ### Fixed - build: Fix depends cross-compilation for macOS #2038 (@cyrossignol) - build: Deal with Qt depends .qmake.stash file #2048 (@cyrossignol) - beacon: Fix a subtle error in renewal chain walker #2054 (@jamescowens) - researcher: Fix "malformed CPID" status for some pool projects #2052 (@cyrossignol) - lint: Misc Typos #2060 (@barton2526) - lint: remove identified duplicate includes #2061 (@barton2526) - gui: Fix splash screen block height progress #2057 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix garbage placeholders in some tx notification localizations #2070 (@cyrossignol) - build: Patch libzip to fix mingw compile regression for mingw 9.2+ #2082 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix shutdown response for failed core init #2088 (@cyrossignol) - researcher: Fix deferment of beacon renewal in superblock window #2090 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix typo in beacon status refresh #2091 (@div72) ## [] 2021-03-16, mandatory ### Fixed - consensus, accrual: Fix accrual post hard-fork at 2197000 #2053 (@jamescowens, @div72, @cyrossignol) ## [] 2021-03-14, leisure ### Fixed - beacon, contracts: Fix sync from zero issue due to ApplyContracts problem in #2047 (@jamescowens) ## [] 2021-03-07, leisure ### Added - voting: Add wait warning to voting tab loading message #2039 (@cyrossignol) - rpc: Adds transaction hash and fees paid to consolidateunspent #2040 (@jamescowens) ### Changed - gui, voting: Make some minor adjustments for VotingDialog flow #2041 (@jamescowens) ### Fixed - beacon, util, gui: Fix small error in beacon db for renewals and fix snapshot download functionality #2036 (@jamescowens) ## [] 2021-03-01, mandatory, "Hilda" ### Added - gui: Add RAC column to wizard summary page projects table #1951 (@cyrossignol) - rpc: clean up the superblocks function and add magnitude to getmininginfo #1966 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Add transaction size to RPC output #1971 (@cyrossignol) - voting: Add user-facing support for poll response types #1976 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Port Bitcoin Intro class (implement the ability to choose a data directory via the GUI) #1978 (@jamescowens) - gui: Port Bitcoin MacOS app nap manager #1991 (@jamescowens) - mining, rpc: Implement staking efficiency measure and improve SelectCoinsForStaking and CreateCoinStake #1992 (@jamescowens) - accrual, rpc: Implement auditsnapshotaccruals #2001 (@jamescowens) - docs: add doxygen support #2000 (@div72) - beacon: Specialized beacon storage in LevelDB #2009 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Add a call to dump contracts in binary form #2011 (@div72) - rpc: Add boolean option to report active beacons only in beaconreport #2013 (@jamescowens) - consensus: Set Hilda mainnet hardfork height to 2197000 #2022 (@jamescowens) ### Changed - refactor: [Memory optimization] Block index duplicate PoS state #1945 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: [Memory optimization] Block index superblock and contract flags #1950 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: [Memory optimization] Remove stake modifier checksums #1954 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: [Memory optimization] Block index allocation overhead #1957 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: [Memory optimization] Remove block index subsidy fields #1960 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: [Memory optimization] Separate chain trust from the block index #1961 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: [Memory optimization] Eliminate padding between block index fields #1962 (@cyrossignol) - beacon, gui: Add check for presence of beacon private key to updateBeacon() #1968 (@jamescowens) - util: Enhance ETTS calculation #1973 (@jamescowens) - refactor: Use new clamp in util.h #1975 (@jamescowens) - gui: Redo global status for overview #1983 (@jamescowens) - util: Improvements to MilliTimer class and use in the miner and init #1987 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Move rpc files to directory #1995 (@Pythonix) - rpc: Enhance consolidateunspent and fix fee calculation #1994 (@jamescowens) - contract: Double the lookback scope of contract replay #1998 (@jamescowens) - net: Don't rely on external IP resolvers #2002 (@Tetrix42) - beacon: Change beacon map to pointers #2008 (@jamescowens) - gui: Update bitcoin_sv.ts #2014 (@sweede-se) - util: Update snapshot URLs and add accrual directory #2019 (@jamescowens) - beacon: Tweak BeaconRegistry::Revert #2020 (@jamescowens) - rpc, qt: bump fees @2023 (@div72) ### Removed - researcher: Remove automatic legacy beacon key import #1963 (@cyrossignol) - util: Revert "Close LevelDB after loading the block index" #1969 (@cyrossignol) - ci: Fix python symlink issue & remove travis #1990 (@div72) - ci: remove python workaround #2005 (@div72) ### Fixed - gui: fix mandatory/leisure detection of upgrade check #1959 (@Pythonix) - voting: Fix title in "gettransaction" RPC for legacy poll contracts @1970 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix missing menu items on macOS #1972 (@scribblemaniac) - rpc: Fix answer offset in "votedetails" #1974 (@cyrossignol) - voting: Implement missing try-catch in VotingVoteDialog::vote #1980 (@jamescowens) - scraper: Add check for minimum housekeeping complete in scraper #1977 (@jamescowens) - voting: Fix nonsense vote weights for legacy polls #1988 (@cyrossignol) - voting: Fix incorrect field returned in ResolveMoneySupplyForPoll() #1989 (@cyrossignol) - consensus, accrual: Fix newbie accrual #2004 (@jamescowens) - log: grammar correction #2016 (@nathanielcwm) - wallet: Correct nMinFee fee calculation in CreateTransaction #2021 (@jamescowens) - rpc, miner: Correct GetLastStake #2026 (@jamescowens) - wallet: Fix bug in CreateTransaction causing insufficient fees #2029 (@jamescowens) ## [] 2020-11-01, mandatory, "Gladys" ### Added - rpc: Add out-of-sync status to "getinfo" and "getblockchaininfo" #1925 (@cyrossignol) - gui: add autocomplete to rpc console #1927 (@Pythonix) - consensus: Add checkpoint post block v11 transition #1919 (@cyrossignol) - researcher: Add -forcecpid configuration option #1935 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Adds detection if version is below last mandatory #1939 (@jamescowens) - contract: Reimplement legacy administrative contract validation #1943 (@cyrossignol) - voting: Add poll choices to "gettransaction" RPC contract output #1948 (@cyrossignol) ### Changed - doc: Fix link in build-openbsd.md #1924 (@Pythonix) - voting: Decrease poll duration to 90 days #1936 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: Revert init order to fix rejected net messages @1941 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: port amount.h #1937 (@div72) - refactor: Normalize boost::filesystem to fs namespace #1942 (@cyrossignol) - accrual: Apply accrual for new CPIDs from existing snapshots #1944 (@cyrossignol) - accrual: Reset research account when disconnecting first block #1947 (@cyrossignol) ### Removed - refactor: Clean up transitional code for block version 11 #1933 (@cyrossignol) ### Fixed - Modify depends packages for openSUSE and other Redhat like distributions and fix mingw bdb53 compile #1932 (@jamescowens) - contract: Fix ability to reorganize contracts #1934 (@cyrossignol) - accrual: Fix snapshot accrual for new CPIDs #1931 (@cyrossignol) - rpc: Clean up getblockstats #1938 (@jamescowens) - scraper, rpc: Correct missing mScraperStats initialization in ConvergedScraperStats (@jamescowens) ## [] 2020-10-08, leisure ### Added - trivial: Add and update copyright headers in Gridcoin files #1897 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: port chainparams #1878 (@div72) - gui: Update default font to Inter-Regular and console font to Inconsolata (@opsinphark, @jamescowens) - gui: Add "review beacon verification" button to wizard summary page #1912 (@cyrossignol) - rpc, wallet: Implement liststakes #1909 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Add "getlaststake" RPC function #1913 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Install bold variant of Inter font #1914 (@cyrossignol) ### Changed - refactor: Consolidate Gridcoin-specific code #1894 (@cyrossignol) - script: Setup improvements #1895 (@nathanielcwm) - gui: Diagnostics refresh #1899 (@jamescowens) - superblock: Optimize superblock size calculation #1906 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Adjust stylesheets and scale icons to improve HiDPI side toolbar display #1911 (@jamescowens) - doc: Tell user to disable win32 application support in WSL (for building) #1917 (@nathanielcwm) - rpc: Revise and expand help for beaconconvergence rpc call #1918 (@jamescowens) - scheduler: Increase default update check interval to 5 days #1920 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Prevent multiple dialogs from being open at the same time #1922 (@scribblemaniac) ### Removed - refactor: Clean up remaining legacy timer code #1892 (@cyrossignol) ### Fixed - build: Add --without-brotli option to curl.mk #1902 (@G_UK) - test: Remove fs_tests... file after the fs test #1903 (@div72) - util, gui: Fix shutdown segfault and repair broken overview page staking status #1901 (@jamescowens) - scraper: Fix order of destruction for global scraper objects #1904 (@cyrossignol) - scraper: Fix global object destruction order for MacOS #1905 (@cyrossignol) - util: Decouple out-of-sync state from block acceptance #1921 (@cyrossignol) ## [] 2020-09-20, leisure ### Added - wallet, rpc: Implement backup file management functionality #1735 (@jamescowens) - build: Add support for building with musl and Alpine Linux #1866 (@cyrossignol) - rpc: Display local IP addresses in "getnetworkinfo" output #1884 (@cyrossignol) ### Changed - refactor: Implement std::atomic_bool OutOfSyncByAge #1877 (@jamescowens) - net: Optimize locator construction for "getblocks" messages #1880 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: Combine GetOrphanRoot() and WantedByOrphan() functions #1883 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: Convert beacon and backup timers to scheduled jobs #1885 (@cyrossignol, @jamescowens) - refactor: Rename "neural network project-wide #1886 (@cyrossignol) ### Fixed - collection of post Fern hotfixes (@jamescowens): - Change QDateTime::toSecsSinceEpoch() to QDateTime::toMSecsSinceEpoch() - Change QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch() to QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch() - Ensure boost placeholders are compatible - Fix subtle bug in GetEstimatedStakingFrequency - test, ci: xenial support #1867 (@div72) - lib: Fix compatibility with Boost 1.74 #1869 (@theMarix) - test: Fix tests for _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS #1870 (@cyrossignol) - util: fix Windows API for default data directory with wide characters #1871 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix OP_RETURN filter to avoid hiding transactions with messages #1873 (@cyrossignol) - net: Fix stalled blockchain progression #1876 (@cyrossignol) - superblock: Fix regression for superblock builder optimization #1881 (@cyrossignol) - util: Fix scheduler crash after waking from sleep #1888 (@cyrossignol) ## [] 2020-09-03, mandatory, "Fern" ### Added - Backport newer uint256 types from Bitcoin #1570 (@cyrossignol) - Implement project level rain for rainbymagnitude #1580 (@jamescowens) - Upgrade utilities (Update checker and snapshot downloader/application) #1576 (@iFoggz) - Provide fees collected in the block by the miner #1601 (@iFoggz) - Add support for generating legacy superblocks from scraper stats #1603 (@cyrossignol) - Port of the Bitcoin Logger to Gridcoin #1600 (@jamescowens) - Implement zapwallettxes #1605 (@jamescowens) - Implements a global event filter to suppress help question mark #1609 (@jamescowens) - Add next target difficulty to RPC output #1615 (@cyrossignol) - Add caching for block hashes to CBlock #1624 (@cyrossignol) - Make toolbars and tray icon red for testnet #1637 (@jamescowens) - Add an rpc call convergencereport #1643 (@jamescowens) - Implement newline filter on config file read in #1645 (@jamescowens) - Implement beacon status icon/button #1646 (@jamescowens) - Add gridcointestnet.png #1649 (@caraka) - Add precision to support magnitudes less than 1 #1651 (@cyrossignol) - Replace research accrual calculations with superblock snapshots #1657 (@cyrossignol) - Publish example gridcoinresearch.conf as a md document to the doc directory #1662 (@jamescowens) - Add options checkbox to disable transaction notifications #1666 (@jamescowens) - Add support for self-service beacon deletion #1695 (@cyrossignol) - Add support for type-specific contract fee amounts #1698 (@cyrossignol) - Add verifiedbeaconreport and pendingbeaconreport #1696 (@jamescowens) - Add preliminary testing option for block v11 height on testnet #1706 (@cyrossignol) - Add verified beacons manifest part to superblock validator #1711 (@cyrossignol) - Implement beacon, vote, and superblock display categories/icons in UI transaction model #1717 (@jamescowens) - neuralnet: Add integrity checking to researcher accrual snapshot registry #1727 (@jamescowens) - Add workaround for scrypt assembly on macOS #1740 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Build onboarding/beacon wizard #1739 (@cyrossignol) - doc: Add CONTRIBUTING.md from bitcoin #1723 (@div72) - rpc: Implement inspectaccrualsnapshot and parseaccrualsnapshotfile #1744 (@jamescowens) - scraper: Add disk based state backing for verified beacon list in scraper #1751 (@jamescowens) - Add ability to recover beacon in block version 11+ #1768 (@cyrossignol) - refactor: Add transaction context to contract handlers #1777 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Add context for when BOINC is attached to a pool #1775 (@cyrossignol) - doc: Clarify what to do if PR in multiple categories (for CONTRIBUTING.md) #1798 (@RoboticMind) - qt: Add option to choose not to start the wallet minimized #1804 (@jamescowens) - superblock: Add check for OutOfSyncByAge to SuperblockValidator::Validate #1806 (@jamescowens) - contract: Standardize contract validation and add block context #1808 (@cyrossignol) - add seed.gridcoin.pl to default config #1812 (@wilkart) - gui: Implement sidestake send display #1813 (@jamescowens) - gui: Add pool/investor pages to researcher wizard #1819 (@cyrossignol) - ci: Port lint scripts from Bitcoin #1823 (@div72) - doc: Create basic readme in contrib #1826 (@RoboticMind) - gui: Implement TransactionRecord::Message #1829 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Add private_key_available to beaconstatus #1833 (@a123b) - gui: Validate email address in researcher wizard #1840 (@a123b) - rpc: Add "getrawwallettransaction" RPC function #1842 (@cyrossignol) - consensus: Set block version 11 threshold height for mainnet #1862 (@cyrossignol) ### Changed - Upgrade LevelDB from v1.17 to v1.20 #1562 (@cyrossignol) - Re-enable scrypt optimizations #1450 (@denravonska) - Derive CScript from prevector type (optimization) #1554 (@cyrossignol) - Disable quorum for grandfathered blocks to speed up sync #1568 (@cyrossignol) - Refactor hashBoinc for binary claim contexts #1558 (@cyrossignol) - integrated_scraper_2 branch tracking PR #1559 (@jamescowens) - Upgrade depends - OpenSSL to 1.1.1d #1581 (@jamescowens) - Ubuntu 19.10 fixes #1590 (@denravonska) - Force a re-parse of legacy claims in generated blocks #1592 (@cyrossignol) - Improve the "versionreport" RPC output #1595 (@cyrossignol) - Overhaul the core tally and accrual system #1583 (@cyrossignol) - Overhaul the superblock quorum system #1597 (@cyrossignol) - Add more data to the "superblocks" RPC output #1599 (@cyrossignol) - Update Windows Build doc #1606 (@barton2526) - Change the order of calls in gridcoinresearchd.cpp to optimize rpc shunt path #1610 (@jamescowens) - Change staking tooltip to display frequency #1611 (@jamescowens) - Enhancements to ETTS #1442 (@jamescowens) - Standardize money values as integers #1614 (@cyrossignol) - Clean up and optimize legacy coin age code #1616 (@cyrossignol) - Some scraper cleanups #1620 (@jamescowens) - Reorganize accrual code and fix 6-month cutoff #1630 (@cyrossignol) - Update Copyright years #1633 (@barton2526) - Change team whitelist delimiter to <> for CPID detection #1634 (@cyrossignol) - Change team whitelist separator to <> to accommodate more team names #1632 (@jamescowens) - Change Curl download speed type to support older environments #1640 (@cyrossignol) - Optimize logo SVGs used for tray icons #1638 (@cyrossignol) - Tweak consolidateunspent rpc function #1644 (@jamescowens) - ETTS and staking icon enhancements #1650 (@jamescowens) - Implement new transaction fees for block version 11 #1652 (@jamescowens) - Optimize in-memory storage of superblock data #1653 (@cyrossignol) - Miscellaneous superblock API improvements and housekeeping #1654 (@cyrossignol) - Update openssl to 1.1.1f compatibility #1660 (@jamescowens) - Optimize bdb to avoid synchronous flush of database #1659 (@jamescowens) - Add support for CPID input to "lifetime" RPC function #1668 (@cyrossignol) - Overhaul the contract handling system #1669 (@cyrossignol) - Make the autostart mainnet/testnet aware #1671 (@jamescowens) - Remove slashes from User Agent in peers tab #1674 (@div72) - Refactor contracts for polymorphic binary payloads #1676 (@cyrossignol) - Overhaul the beacon system #1678 (@cyrossignol) - Replace boost::optional with non-owning pointers #1680 (@cyrossignol) - Optimize proof-of-stake validation #1681 (@cyrossignol) - Updated Slack link #1683 (@NeuralMiner) - Update build-unix.md #1686 (@Quezacoatl1) - Replace deprecated QT methods #1693 (@Pythonix) - Made protocol.h more similar to bitcoin #1688 (@Pythonix) - Touch up some details for block version 11 #1697 (@cyrossignol) - More tweaks for block version 11 #1700 (@cyrossignol) - Finish the conversion to the BCLog class based logger #1699 (@jamescowens) - Move claim version transitional code in miner for proper signature #1712 (@cyrossignol) - doc: Update threads in coding.txt #1730 (@div72) - qt: Include QPainterPath in trafficgraphwidget.cpp #1733 (@div72) - doc: Update doc/build-unix.md #1731 (@div72) - gui: Show peers tab on connections icon click #1734 (@div72) - refactor: Change return type of IsMine to isminetype && move wallet files to wallet directory #1722 (@div72) - build: Updates boost to 1.73.0 for depends #1673 (@jamescowens) - doc: Update Unit Test Readme #1743 (@RoboticMind) - wallet: Change Assert To Error Message In kernel.cpp #1748 (@RoboticMind) - scraper: Shorten display representation of verification codes #1754 (@cyrossignol) - log: Change ".B." to Clear Message #1758 (@RoboticMind) - util: Fix braindamage in GetDefaultDataDir() #1737 (@jamescowens) - scraper: Improve scraper processing of beacon verifications #1760 (@jamescowens) - scraper: Add instrumentation to convergencereport #1763 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Improve rpc stress test script #1767 (@tunisiano187) - Generalize enum serialization #1770 (@cyrossignol) - scraper: Improve handling of ETags in http class and tweak verified beacon logic #1776 (@jamescowens) - scraper: Improve ProcessNetworkWideFromProjectStats and other tweaks #1778 (@jamescowens) - researcher: Automate beacon advertisement for renewals only #1781 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Tweak behavior of beacon page in researcher wizard #1784 (@cyrossignol) - Prepare for block version 11 hard-fork on testnet #1787 (@cyrossignol) - scraper: Modify UpdateVerifiedBeaconsFromConsensus #1791 (@jamescowens) - gui: Optimize OverviewPage::updateTransactions() #1794 (@jamescowens) - ci: Adopt ci changes from Bitcoin #1795 (@div72) - consensus: switch snapshot accrual calculation to integer arithmetic #1799 (@cyrossignol) - voting: Overhaul the voting system #1809 (@cyrossignol) - contract: Optimize contract replay after chain reorganization #1815 (@cyrossignol) - contract: Reimplement transaction messages as contracts #1816 (@cyrossignol) - staking: Sign claim contracts with coinstake transaction #1817 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Change research wizard text #1820 (@div72) - net: Update protocol version and clean up net messaging #1824 (@cyrossignol) - rpc, wallet: Corrections to GetAmounts #1825 (@jamescowens) - gui: Tweak some minor researcher wizard details #1830 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Change GetEstimatedStakingFrequency text #1836 (@jamescowens) - scraper: Scraper global statistics cache optimization #1837 (@jamescowens) - doc: Update Vulnerability Response Process #1843 (@RoboticMind) - scraper: Optimization of manifest and parts sharing between ConvergedScraperStatsCache, mapManifest, and mapParts #1851 (@jamescowens) - consensus: Update Checkpoints #1855 (@barton2526) - docs: Update docs to build off master #1856 (@barton2526) - gui: Fix and improve GUI combo box styles #1858 (@cyrossignol) - build: Tweak Gridcoin installer for Fern release #1863 (@jamescowens) ### Removed - Remove old research age checks (rebase #1365) #1572 (@cyrossignol) - Remove PrimaryCPID check from diagnostics dialog #1586 (@cyrossignol) - Remove missed label for PrimaryCPID from diagnostics #1588 (@cyrossignol) - Remove legacy quorum messaging system (@neural network) #1589 (@cyrossignol) - Remove old remnants of legacy smart contract experiments #1594 (@cyrossignol) - Remove block nonce for version 11 #1622 (@cyrossignol) - Delete obsolete contrib/Installer and Upgrader directories #1623 (@jamescowens) - Remove redundant LoadAdminMessages() calls #1625 (@cyrossignol) - Remove some legacy informational RPC commands #1658 (@cyrossignol) - Remove informational magnitude field from binary claims #1661 (@cyrossignol) - Remove fDebug3,4, and net and convert to BCLog::LogFlags #1663 (@jamescowens) - Remove qt5.7.1 depends support build System #1665 (@iFoggz) - Remove unused jQuery library #1679 (@cyrossignol) - Remove unused NetworkTimer() function and global state #1701 (@cyrossignol) - Refactor claim context objects into contracts #1704 (@cyrossignol) - Clean old assets up #1718 (@div72) - Remove legacy "rain" RPC (not by-project rain) #1742 (@cyrossignol) - Temporarily disable voting system on testnet #1769 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Remove legacy GUI transaction description for contracts #1772 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Remove transaction fee setting #1780 (@cyrossignol) - trivial: Cleanup unused legacy functions #1793 (@cyrossignol) - mining, rpc: Remove kernel-diff-best and kernel-diff-sum #1796 (@jamescowens) - refactor: Remove libs subdirectory #1802 (@div72) - scraper: cleanup unused/unnecessary functions #1803 (@jamescowens) - gui: Remove useless "Detach databases at shutdown" #1810 (@jamescowens) - test: Remove testnet condition for standard transactions #1814 (@cyrossignol) - consensus: Remove transitional testnet code #1854 (@cyrossignol) ### Fixed - Fix "Owed" amount in output of "magnitude" RPC method #1569 (@cyrossignol) - Add support for paths with special characters on Windows #1571 (@cyrossignol) - Fix lingering peers.dat temp files and clean up remaining paths #1582 (@cyrossignol) - Fix incorrect beacon length warning in GUI transaction list #1585 (@cyrossignol) - Fix default config file line endings on Windows #1587 (@cyrossignol) - Re-enable Travis builds for MacOS #1591 (@jamescowens) - Correct peer detail info background color #1593 (@jamescowens) - Fix exception in debug3 mode #1598 (@cyrossignol) - Fix deadlock in "getmininginfo" RPC function #1596 (@cyrossignol) - Fix accuracy of statistics in "network" RPC output #1602 (@cyrossignol) - Fix heights for quorum vote weight calculations #1604 (@cyrossignol) - Fix deadlock in log archiver when rename fails #1607 (@cyrossignol) - Fix a spurious segmentation fault during client load on Windows with fast CPUs #1608 (@jamescowens) - Fix lock order debugging and potential deadlocks #1612 (@jamescowens) - Add dependencies #1613 (@Scalextrix) - Fix std namespace pollution #1617 (@denravonska) - Add missing condition for newbie accrual computer #1618 (@cyrossignol) - Track first reward blocks in research accounts #1619 (@cyrossignol) - Fix lingering beacon warning after advertisement #1627 (@cyrossignol) - Fix accrual calculation for new, zero-magnitude CPIDs #1636 (@cyrossignol) - Fix diagnostics, add ETTS test, fix tooltipcolor, add missing lock, and add email=investor check #1647 (@jamescowens) - Fix help message of two RPC methods #1656 (@div72) - Fix legacy accrual for newbie with non-zero past reward #1667 (@cyrossignol) - Fix GUI autostart on Windows for paths with wide characters #1670 (@cyrossignol) - Qualify boost bind placeholders with their full namespace #1672 (@Ponce) - Fix suffix when copying txids #1677 (@div72) - Unnecessary if-statement removed #1685 (@Pythonix) - Fix consolidatemsunspent Help Message #1687 (@Pythonix) - Fix gettransaction help message #1691 (@Pythonix) - Fix GetNewMint To Look for Stakes #1692 (@RoboticMind) - Suppress deprecated copy warnings for Qt with GCC 9+ #1702 (@cyrossignol) - Fix exclusion error on stats processing and misplaced ENDLOCK logging entry #1710 (@jamescowens) - Removed unnecessary comparison #1708 (@Pythonix) - Fixed typo #1707 (@Pythonix) - Fix out-of-bounds exception for peers tab version slashes #1713 (@cyrossignol) - Fix transition for v1 superblocks when reorganizing #1714 (@cyrossignol) - Touch up transition to version 2 transactions #1715 (@cyrossignol) - Avoid mutating transactions in ConnectBlock() #1716 (@cyrossignol) - Skip beacon advertisement when already pending #1726 (@cyrossignol) - Fix Windows cross-compilation in newer environments #1728 (@cyrossignol) - Fix out-of-bounds access in IsMineInner() #1736 (@cyrossignol) - Fix a couple of block version 11 issues #1738 (@cyrossignol) - Fix null pointer dereference in GUI researcher model #1741 (@cyrossignol) - accrual: Reset research accounts when rebuilding accrual snapshots #1745 (@cyrossignol) - scraper: Correct update for verified beacons #1747 (@jamescowens) - accrual: Refactor tally initialization for snapshot rebuild #1749 (@cyrossignol) - rpc: Fix "cpid" field in "beaconconvergence" RPC output #1750 (@cyrossignol) - accrual: Fix snapshot accrual superblock state transitions #1752 (@cyrossignol) - scraper: Correct stale verified beacon logic #1753 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Correct possible divide by zero in getblockstats #1755 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix issues with researcher wizard flow #1756 (@cyrossignol) - wallet: Stop Error When Starting From Zero #1759 (@RoboticMind) - Don't count empty email as explicit investor #1761 (@cyrossignol) - accrual: Fix snapshot accrual superblock state transitions #1764 (@cyrossignol) - rpc: Cleanup Help Message and Fix Typo #1771 (@RoboticMind) - scraper: Fix scraper etag header case sensitivity #1773 (@cyrossignol) - consensus: Use explicit time to check if superblock needed #1774 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix scroll area dark theme styles #1785 (@cyrossignol) - rpc, gui: Fix three divide by zero possibilities #1789 (@jamescowens) - rpc: Fix balance pre-check in "rainbymagnitude" RPC #1792 (@cyrossignol) - accrual: Fix outdated comment and correct grammar #1800 (@RoboticMind) - gui: Fix stuck cursor on labels #1801 (@div72) - beacon: Fix research wizard beacon renewal status #1805 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix translations for port numbers #1818 (@cyrossignol) - util: Create parent directory #1821 (@div72) - mining: Fix coinstake/claim signature order #1828 (@cyrossignol) - voting: Remove double increment in loop #1831 (@cyrossignol) - neuralnet, scraper: Fix compilation with gcc5 and older libcurl #1832 (@a123b) - wallet: Fix smallest coin selection for contracts #1841 (@cyrossignol) - gui: Fix display of polls with no votes yet #1844 (@cyrossignol) - gui: add indentation to diagnostic status bar labels #1849 (@jamescowens) - voting, gui: Fix formatting and alignment of vote shares and percent #1850 (@jamescowens) - wallet, rpc: Fix for self-transactions in listtransactions #1852 (@jamescowens) - accrual: Clear any accrual snapshots when syncing from pre-v11 #1853 (@cyrossignol) - accrual: Fix reset of accrual directory if starting sync below research age height #1857 (@jamescowens) - gui: Fix researcher wizard layout on macOS with native theme #1860 (@cyrossignol) ## [] 2019-10-22, leisure, "Ernestine" ### Added - Add testnet desktop launcher action for Linux #1516 (@caraka) - Shuffle vSideStakeAlloc if necessary to support sidestaking to more than 6 destinations #1532 (@jamescowens) - New Superblock format preparations for Fern #1526, #1542 (@jamescowens, @cyrossignol) - Multisigtools - Consolidate multisig unspent #1529 (@iFoggz) - Scanforunspent #1547 (@iFoggz) - consolidatemsunspent and scanforunspent bug fix #1561 (@iFoggz) - New banning misbehavior handling and Peers Tab on Debug Console #1537 (@jamescowens) - Reimplement getunconfirmedbalance rpc #1548 (@jamescowens) - Add CLI switch to display binary version #1553 (@cyrossignol) ### Changed - Select smallest coins for contracts #1519 (@iFoggz) - Move some functionality from miner to SelectCoinsForStaking + Respect the coin reserve setting + Randomize UTXO order #1525 (@iFoggz) - For voting - if url does not contain http then add it #1531 (@ifoggz) - Backport newer serialization facilities from Bitcoin #1535 (@cyrossignol) - Refactor ThreadSocketHandler2() Inactivity checks #1538 (@iFoggz) - Update outdated checkpoints #1539 (@barton2526) - Change needed to build Gridcoin for OSX using homebrew #1540 (@Git-Jiro) - Optimize scraper traffic for expiring manifests #1542 (@jamescowens) - Move legacy neural vote warnings to debug log level #1560 (@cyrossignol) - Change banlist save interval to 5 minutes #1564 (@jamescowens) - Change default rpcconsole.ui window size to better support new Peers tab #1566 (@jamescowens) ### Removed - Remove deprecated RSA weight and legacy kernel #1507 (@cyrossignol) ### Fixed - Clean up compiler warnings #1521 (@cyrossignol) - Handle missing external CPID in client_state.xml #1530 (@cyrossignol) - Support boost 1.70+ #1533 (@iFoggz) - Fix diagnostics failed to make connection to NTP server #1545 (@Git-Jiro) - Install manpages in correct system location #1546 (@Git-Jiro) - Fix ability to show help and version without a config file #1553 (@cyrossignol) - Refactor QT UI variable names to be more consistent, Fix Difficulty default #1563 (@barton2526) - Fix two regressions in previous UI refactor #1565 (@barton2526) - Fix "Owed" amount in output of "magnitude" RPC method #1569 (@cyrossignol) ## [] 2019-08-20, leisure, "Elizabeth" ### Added - Add freedesktop.org desktop file and icon set #1438 (@a123b) - Add warning in help for blockchain scan for importprivkey #1469 (@jamescowens) - Consolidateunspent rpc function #1472 (@jamescowens) - Scraper 2.0 improvements #1481, #1488, #1509, and #1514 (@jamescowens, @cyrossignol) - explorer mode operation - simplified explainmagnitude output - improved convergence reporting, including scraper information in the tooltip when fDebug3 is set - improved statistics and SB contract core caching based on a bClean flag in the cache global - new SB format and packing for bv11 - new SB contract hashing (native) for bv11 - changes to accommodate new beacon approach - Implement in memory versioning for team file ETags - Implement local dynamic team requirement removal and whitelist #1502 (@cyrossignol) ### Changed - Quiet logging for getmininginfo and scraper INFO logging level #1460 (@jamescowens) - Spelling corrections #1461, #1462 (@caraka) - Update crypto module #1453 (@denravonska) - Update .travis.yml for Bionic #1475 (@jamescowens) - Create CPID classes and clean up CPID code #1477 (@cyrossignol) - Refactor researcher context and CPID harvesting #1480 (@cyrossignol) - Remove boinckey export RPC method and import handler - Notify when wallet locked in advertisebeacon RPC method #1504 (@cyrossignol) - Notify when wallet locked in beaconstatus RPC method #1506 (@cyrossignol) - Change spacer minimum height hint #1511 (@jamescowens) ### Removed - Remove safe mode #1434 (@denravonska) - Remove bitcoin.moc in Makefile.qt.include #1444 (@RoboticMind) - Clean up legacy Proof-of-Work functions #1497 (@cyrossignol) ### Fixed - Constrain walletpassphrase to 10000000 seconds #1459 (@jamescowens) - Straighten out localization in the scraper. #1471 (@jamescowens) - Quick fix for rainbymagnitude #1473 (@jamescowens) - Correct negation error in scraper tooltip for vScrapersNotPublishing #1484 (@jamescowens) - Fix staked block rejection when active researcher #1485 (@cyrossignol) - Add back informational magnitude to generated blocks #1489 (@cyrossignol) - Add back in the in sync check in ScraperGetNeuralContract #1492 (@jamescowens) - Scraper correct team file processing. #1501 (@jamescowens) - Have importwallet file path default to datadir #1508 (@jamescowens) - Scraper add Beacon Map size check to ensure convergence #1515 (@jamescowens) ## [] 2019-05-16, leisure ### Fixed - Adds back the new user wizard inadvertently removed #1464 (@jamescowens). - Repair scraper team filtering #1466 (@jamescowens). ## [] 2019-05-10, leisure, "Denise" ### Added - Replace NeuralNetwork with portable C++ scraper #1387 (@jamescowens, @tomasbrod, @cycy, @TheCharlatan, @denravonska). - Allow compile flags to be used for depends #1423 (@G-UK). - Add stake splitting and side staking info to getmininginfo #1424 (@jamescowens). - Add freedesktop.org desktop file and icon set #1438 (@a123b). ### Changed - Disable Qt for Windows Travis builds #1276 (@TheCharlatan). - Replace use of AppCache PROJECT section with strongly-typed structures #1415 (@cyrossignol). - Change dumpwallet to use appropriate data directory #1416 (@jamescowens). - Optimize ExtractXML() calls by avoiding unnecessary string copies #1419 (@cyrossignol). - Change signature of IsLockTimeWithinMinutes #1422 (@jamescowens). - Restore old poll output for getmininginfo RPC #1437 (@a123b). - Prevent segfault when using rpc savescraperfilemanifest #1439 (@jamescowens). - Improve miner status messages for ineligible staking balances #1447 (@cyrossignol). - Enhance scraper log archiving #1449 (@jamescowens). ### Fixed - Re-enable full GUI 32-bit Windows builds - part of #1387 (@jamescowens). - Re-activate Windows Installer #1409 (@TheCharlatan). - Fix Depends and Travis build issues for ARM #1417 (@jamescowens). - Fix syncupdate icons #1421 (@jamescowens). - Fix potential BOINC crash when reading projects #1426 (@cyrossignol). - Fix freeze when unlocking wallet #1428 (@denravonska). - Fix RPC after high priority alert #1432 (@denravonska). - Fix missing poll in GUI when most recent poll expired #1455 (@cyrossignol). ### Removed - Remove old, rudimentary side staking implementation #1381 (@denravonska). - Remove auto unlock #1402 (@denravonska). - Remove superblock forwarding #1430 (@denravonska). ## [] 2019-04-03, leisure, "Camilla" ### Added - Add `rainbymagnitude` RPC command #1235 (@Foggyx420). - Add stake splitting and side staking #1265 (@jamescowens). - Detect and block Windows shutdown so wallet can exit cleanly #1309 (@jamescowens). - Add message support to sendfrom and sendtoaddress #1400 (@denravonska). ### Changed - Configuration options are now case insensitive #294 (@Foggyx420). - Update command in beaconstatus help message #1312 (@chrstphrchvz). - Improve synchronization speeds: - Refactor superblock pack/unpack #1194 (@denravonska). - Optimize neuralsecurity calculations #1255 (@denravonska). - Reduce hash calculations when checking blocks #1206 (@denravonska). - Make display of private key in beaconstatus OPT-IN only #1275 (@Foggyx420). - Store Beacon keys in Wallet #1088 (@tomasbrod). - Use default colors for pie chart #1333 (@chrstphrchvz). - Show hand cursor when hovering clickable labels #1332 (@chrstphrchvz). - Update README.md #1337 (@Peppernrino). - Fix integer overflow with displayed nonce #1297 (@personthingman2). - Improve application cache performance #1317 (@denravonska). - Improve reorg speeds #1263 (@denravonska). - Update Polish translation #1375 (@michalkania). ## Fixed - Remove expired polls from overview page #1250 (@personthingman2). - Fix plural text on block age #1304 (@scribblemaniac). - Fix researcher staking issue if your chain head was staked by you, #1299 (@denravonska). - Fix incorrect address to grcpool node #1314 (@wilkart). - Do not replace underscores by spaces in Qt Poll URLs #1327 (@tomasbrod). - Fix scraper SSL issues #1330 (@Foggyx420). ### Removed - Remove or merged several RPC commands #1228 (@Foggyx420): - `newburnaddress`, removed. - `burn2`: Removed. - `cpid`: Merged into `projects`. - `mymagnitude`: Merged into `magnitude`. - `rsa`: Removed, use `magnitude`. - `rsaweight`: Removed, use `magnitude`. - `proveownership`: Removed. - `encrypt`: Removed. - Remove obsolete POW fields from RPC responses #1358 (@jamescowens). - Remove obsolete netsoft fields for slight RAM requirement reduction #1336 (@denravonska). - Remove unused attachment functionality #1345 (@denravonska). ## [] 2018-11-30, leisure ### Fixed - Wrong RA scan range causing reward calculation disagreements and forks #1366, (@tomasbrod, @jamescowens, @denravonska). - Fix crashes when voting in polls #1369 (@denravonska). ## [] 2018-10-19, mandatory, "Betsy" ### Added - Linux nodes can now stake superblocks using forwarded contracts, #1060 (@tomasbrod). ### Changed - Replace interest with constant block reward #1160 (@tomasbrod). Fork is set to trigger at block 1420000. - Raise coinstake output count limit to 8 #1261 (@tomasbrod). - Port of Bitcoin hash implementation #1208 (@jamescowens). - Minor changes for the build documentation #1091 (@Lenni). - Allow sendmany to be used without an account specified #1158 (@Foggyx420). ### Fixed - Fix `cpids` and `validcpids` not returning the correct data #1233 (@Foggyx420). - Fix `listsinceblock` not showing mined blocks to change addresses, #501 (@Foggyx420). - Fix crash when raining using a locked wallet #1236 (@Foggyx420). - Fix invalid stake reward/fee calculation (@jamescowens). - Fix divide by zero bug in `getblockstats` RPC #1292 (@Foggyx420). - Bypass historical bad blocks on testnet #1252 (@Quezacoatl1). - Fix MacOS memorybarrier warnings #1193 (@ghost). ### Removed - Remove neuralhash from the getpeerinfo and node stats #1123 (@Foggyx420). - Remove obsolete NN code #1121 (@Foggyx420). - Remove (lower) Mint Limiter #1212 (@tomasbrod). ## [] 2018-09-03, leisure ### Fixed - Fix burned coins incorrectly showing up in wallets #1283 (@jamescowens). - Fix decimal output in RPC commands #1272 (@Foggyx420). - Fix verbose flag in `getrawtransaction` RPC output #1271 (@jamescowens). ## [] 2018-07-18, leisure ### Changed - Balance now includes unconfirmed coins sent by self #1192 (@Foggyx420). ## [] 2018-07-17, leisure, "Annie Sue" ### Added - Support for Qt 5.9 (@thecharlatan) - Compatibility with boost-1.67 (@denravonska) - Calculations to reduce network time offset (@jamescowens) - Feedback for addnode RPC command (@tomasbrod) - Added data acquisition commands (@tomasbrod): - getrecentblocks - exportstats1 - getsupervotes - /var/lib/boinc/ as a valid boinc path on Linux (@rsparlin) - Stress testing script (@Foggyx420) - refhash command also on Linux (@jamescowens) - Documentation for out of source build (@thecharlatan) ### Changed - More accurate time to stake and network weight estimations (@jamescowens) - Compressed image files (@Peppernrino) - Poll (voting) code refactoring (@thecharlatan) - BITCOIN optimize command listunspent (@Foggyx420) - RPC server refactoring (Wladimir J. van der Laan) (@thecharlatan) - Replace json spirit with Univalue JSON library (@thecharlatan) - Change repository URL (@Foggyx420) - Pretty-print rpc output (@denravonska) - Logging for debugging reward computation (@tomasbrod) - Clean-up beacon manipulation (@Foggyx420) ### Fixed - Building errors on Mac related to SVG framework (@thecharlatan) - neural data response - neural network fixes (@Foggyx420) - investor cpid's appearing as zeros in block index (@tomasbrod) - ensure that daemon functionality is correct when built together with gui wallet (@jamescowens) - improve logging, remove empty lines (@jamescowens) (@Foggyx420) (@tomasbrod) (@denravonska) - Windows socket warnings (@thecharlatan) ### Removed - unused components of neural network (@Foggyx420) - GRCRestarter (@Foggyx420) - Galaza (game) (@Foggyx420) - unused images (@barton2526) - unused code (@Foggyx420) (@Pythonix) - unusual activity report (@tomasbrod) - burnamount and recipient from appcache (@tomasbrod) - GUI FAQ (@Lenni) - unusable limit from magnitude command (@Foggyx420) - cgminer support (@Foggyx420) - deprecated menu items (@jamescowens) ## [] 2018-06-02, leisure ### Fixed - Fix voting regression when done from the UI #1133 (@Foggyx420). ## [] 2018-05-25, leisure ### Fixed - Fixes for displaying on high DPI displays #517 (@skcin). - Re-enable unit tests, add unit test to Travis #769 #808 (@thecharlatan). - Fix empty string in sendalert2 (@tomasbrod). ### Added - Neural Report RPC command #1063 (@tomasbrod). - GUI wallet redign with new icons and purple native style (@skcin). ### Changed - Switch to autotools and Depends from Bitcoin #487 (@thecharlatan). - Clean and update docs for new build system, remove outdated #828 (@thecharlatan). - Change estimated time to stake calculations to be more accurate #1084 (@jamescowens). - Move logging to tinyformat #1009 (@thecharlatan). - Improve appcache performance #734 (@denravonska). - Improve block index memory access performance #679 (@denravonska). - NN fixes: clean logging, explain mag single response, move contract to ndata_nresp (@denravonska) - Updated translations: - Turkish #771 (@confuest). - Chinese #1012 (@linnaea). - RPC refactor: Cleaner locks, better error handling, move execute calls to straght rpc calls #1024 (@Foggyx420). - Change locking primitives from Boost to STL #1029 (@Foggyx420). ### Removed - gridcoindiagnostic RPC call (@denravonska). - Galaza #945 (@barton2526). - Assertion in SignSignature #998 (@thecharlatan). - Upgrade menu #1094 (@jamescowens). - Acid test functions #871 (@tomasbrod). - Qt4 support #801 (@denravonska). ## [] 2018-03-15, leisure ### Fixed - Fix wallet being locked while flushing. It now requires a clean shutdown or a backup to migrate the wallet.dat to a different system #1010 (@jamescowens). ### Changed - Automatic backups can now be disabled by using `-walletbackupinterval=0`, #1018 (@denravonska). - Trigger a fix spent coins check on start and after block disconnect #1018 (@denravonska). ## [] 2018-03-05, leisure ### Fixed - Fix sync issues due to beacon age checks #1003 (@denravonska). ## [] 2018-03-03, leisure ### Fixed - Fix issues with NN participation on Windows #986 (@Foggyx420). - Fix stray data in beaconreport RPC #986 (@Foggyx420). - Fix spelling error #989 (@caraka). ## [] 2018-03-01, mandatory ### Fixed - Move context sensitive DPoR block checks to ConnectBlock #922 (@tomasbrod). - Check incoming blocks for malformed DPoR signature #922. - Correct tally height on init #917 (@denravonska). - Prevent staking of a block with a failed signature #948 (@Foggyx420). - Fix UI and RPC slowdown regression #961 (@denravonska). - Fix Debian lint errors #886 #885 #884 #883 (@caraka). - Fix fork issue due to research age calculation inconsistencies #939 (@denravonska). - Fix crashes when tallying #934 (@denravonska). - Revert reorganize of the chain trust becomes less than what it was #957 (@tomasbrod). - Fix sync issues with incorrectly accepted v8 beacons #979 (@tomasbrod). ### Changed - Double check PoS kernel #958 (@tomasbrod). - Don't tally until V9 to speed up syncing #943 (@denravonska). ## [] 2018-02-02 ### Fixed - Beacon validation are now done when accepting blocks, not when receiving, #899 (@denravonska). - Fix crashes due to buffer overflow in encrypt/decrypt #890 (@denravonska). - Rewrite reorganize routine to be more reliable and drop contracts received or issued while on a side chain to help reducing forks #902 (@tomasbrod). ## [] Internal test version used to sort out the forks. ## [] 2018-01-24 ### Fixed - Fix crash when switching to new tally on block 1144120 #868 (@denravonska). - Fix crash when staking while tallying #866 (@denravonska). ## [] 2018-01-20 ### Fixed - Fix RPC resource leak regression. This also reduces RPC overhead, making calls ~25-35% faster #848 (@denravonska). - Fix incorrect return code when forking #832 (@denravonska). ### Removed - Remove upgrader option until rewritten #836 (@Foggyx420). ## [] 2018-01-13 ### Fixed - Fix for UI getting stuck in splash screen (@denravonska). ## [] 2018-01-13 ### Fixed - Properly fix for wallet not daemonizing #822 (@denravonska). ## [] 2018-01-10 ### Fixed - Fix several crashes in diagnostic dialog #816 (@Foggyx420). - Fix client not exiting when running as daemon (@denravonska). - Fix issue with boincstake.dll not updating on dirty installs (@Foggyx420). ### Changed - Update splash screen #685 (acey1). ## [] 2018-01-08 ### Added - Provide Difficulty of best kernel found #766 (@tomasbrod). - Add Travis support for OSX, 665 (@acey1). - Add better command for sending alerts #731 (@tomasbrod). - Add RPC for sending raw contracts #683 (@tomasbrod). - Add portable diagnostic page #631 (@fooforever). ### Fixed - Fixed minor spelling mistakes #742 (@denravonska). - Several tally improvements. There should now be less forking and the wallet should use ~50MB less memory #668 #756 (@denravonska, @tomasbrod) - Data scraper can no longer run concurrently #742 (@denravonska). - Improve superblock validations #730 (@tomasbrod). - Fix potential deadlock #708 (@denravonska). - Prevent duplicate superblocks #534 (@tomasbrod). - Fix issue with application cache clears #577 (@tomasbrod). - Fix bug which caused rewards to be lost when staking the newbie block. Missing rewards will be reimbursed #552 (@Foggyx420). - Fix minor UI typos #661 (@Erkan-Yilmaz). - Fix stake modifier #686 (@tomasbrod). - Improve boost-1.66.0 compatibility #800 (@denravonska). - Fix crash in diagnostics dialog #794 (@Foggyx420). ### Changed - Changed versioning extraction from git. Test builds can no longer be used to stake in production unless explicitly enabled #729 (@tomasbrod). - Don't update network quorum while syncing #728 (@Foggyx420). - Snapshot URL now uses https #727 (@Foggyx420). - Code cleanup (@Foggyx420, @denravonska). - Use more efficient data structure for blocks #679 (@denravonska). - Improve transaction description dialog #676 (@Foggyx420). - Improve beacon handling #604 #645 #649 #684 #701 (@Foggyx420, @tomasbrod). - Optimize double<->string conversions #692 (@denravonska). - Optimize application cache access #506 (@denravonska). - Improve thread handling #656 (@skcin). - Replace `boost::shared_ptr` with `std::shared_ptr`. - Optimize string split function #672 (@denravonska). - Improve sync speeds #650 (@denravonska). - The RPC command `restartclient` is now called `restart`. - Fix voting sorting issues #610 (@MagixInTheAir). - Improve wallet backup #610 (@Foggyx420). - Update seed nodes #783 (@barton2526). - Auto upgrades are now opt-in via the "autoupgrade" flag #796 (@denravonska). - Clean up seed nodes #783 (@barton2526). ### Removed - Remove CSV exporter which used unreliable data #759 (@denravonska). - Remove block download menu options on non-Windows #727 (@Foggyx420). - Removed RPC commands (@Foggyx420, @denravonska): - debugexplainmagnitude - executecode - getsubsidy - list newbieage - list staking - leder - reboot - Remove checkpoint relaying to improve sync speeds #678 (@denravonska). - Remove IRC peer discovery. ## [] 2017-10-09 ### Fixed - Fix problems sending beacons on Windows #684 (@tomasbrod). - Fix clients getting stuck at V8 blocks when syncing #686 (@tomasbrod). ## [] 2017-09-28 ### Added - Add "backupprivatekeys" RPC command #593 (@Foggyx420). - Add more transaction details to the UI #573 (@tomasbrod). - Add Additional logging to diagnose PoR reward loss (@tomasbrod) ### Fixed - Reduce startup time by 15 seconds #626 (@tomasbrod, @Foggyx420). - Prevent email being leaked in CPIDv2 block field #621 (@tomasbrod). - Fixed memory leaks when receiving orphans while in sync #622 (@denravonska). - Unconfirmed balance was not shown in UI #615, (@Foggyx420). - Fix memory leaks when clearing orphans #609, (@MagixInTheAir). - Fix an issue where multiple beacons could be advertised in rapid succession #604 (@Foggyx420). - Stake weight in the UI will no longer include old DPOR weght #602 (@Foggyx420). - Fix stake modifier mismatch which caused nodes to get stuck on first V8 block #581 (@tomasbrod). - Fix beacon auto advertisement issue when done automatically #580 (@Foggyx420). - Fix for loss of PoR rewards due to reorganize #578 (@tomasbrod). - Fix upgrader compile error on Linux #541 (@theMarix). - Fix duplicate poll entries #539 (@denravonska). - Importing private keys will no longer require a restart for the addresses to show up #634 (@Foggyx420). - Fix invalid backup filenames on Windows #569 (@denravonska). ### Changed - Code cleanup (@Foggyx420, @tomasbrod, @denravonska). - Several NN consensus sync improvements #616 (@Foggyx420). - Windows nodes will no longer automatically reboot/shutdown #605 (@denravonska). - Display "No Polls!" in poll window if no polls are running #596 (@MagixInTheAir). - Change poll min search length from 2 to 1 #595 (@MagixInTheAir). - Return the results of "backupwallet" RPC command #593 (@Foggyx420). - Changing the community links #654 (@grctest) ## [] 2017-09-11 ### Fixed - Fix problems forging superblock due to rounding differences #608 (@denravonska). - Fetch data from project servers if missing on scraper #564 (@denravonska). ## [] 2017-08-26 ### Fixed - Fix incorrect V8 height trigger check. Many thanks to @barton2526 for discovering this. - Fix invalid superblock height formatting #532 (@denravonska). - Fix several spelling mistakes, 533 (@Erkan-Yilmaz). ## [] 2017-08-22 ### Added - Added [V8 stake engine](https://github.com/gridcoin/Gridcoin-Research/wiki/Stake-V8) set to start producing V8 blocks at block 1010000. This fixes several security issues, see wiki for details. - Blocks can now carry identification from the "org" argument/configuration option (@tomasbrod). - Add "reorganize" RPC command (@tomasbrod). ### Changed - Berkeley DB V6+ compatibility #451 (@xPh03n1x). - Improved poll loading speeds #497 (@denravonska). - Versions now contain the git hash #500 (@tomasbrod). - Improved security on NeuralNet votes #496 (@Foggyx420). - Improved RPC help. It now supports "execute help" and "list help", #512 (@Foggyx420). - Voting is now integrated in wallet as a tab and cleaned up #416 (@skcin, @JoShoeAh). - Improve low-peer mining ability on testnet (@tomasbrod). - Improve poll error message when low on funds #415 (@Erkan-Yilmaz). - Code cleanup (@denravonska, @tomasbrod, @Foggyx420, @skcin). ### Removed - Remove RPC commands: - DAO #486 (@denravonska). - volatilecode, testnet0917, testboinckey, chainrsa, testcpidv2, testcpid, Windows error report disabling, list betatest, fDebug4/fDebug5 flags (@Foggyx420). - Set magnitude boost to be removed at 2017-Sep-07 00:00:00 UTC ### Fixed - Fixed security issue where superblocks could be injected #526 (@tomasbrod). - Fix poll sorting bug #512 (@skcin) ## [] - 2017-08-14 ### Fixed - Fix a crash when starting up as a new user #488 (@Foggyx420, @denravonska). - Fix an out of memory crash when syncing from 0 #508 (@tomasbrod). ## [] - 2017-08-05 ### Changed - Staking cleanup #301 (@tomasbrod). This also solves several other issues: - UI: - Wallet window can now be made smaller #384 (@skcin). - Interest and Research subsidy visible in getmininginfo (@tomasbrod). - External links now use HTTPS where possible, and the code has been cleaned up #339 (@skcin). - Rearrange menu items to reduce the number of entries. Remove references to broken function #362 (@skcin). - Replace translations which were just question marks with new files from the Bitcoin source tree: Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Greek, Persian, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Georgian, Kirghiz, Serbian, Thai, Ukrainian, Urdu and Chinese. - Don't print the "Bootup" and "Signing block" messages unless fDebug (@tomasbrod). - Print beacons as they are loaded and debug3=true (@tomasbrod). - Show superblock information in getblock (@tomasbrod). - Code cleanup (@skcin). - Update Lithuanian translations #469 (@Rytiss). - Add block size min, max, avg to block stats RPC (@tomasbrod). - Fields on overview page are now selectable. ### Fixed - High CPU usage #349 (@tomasbrod) - Repetitive block signing #295 (@tomasbrod) - Staking creates 1 cent output #311 (@tomasbrod) - Client no longer has to be restarted for a beacon to activate #253 (@Foggyx420). - Fixed a coin age bug which made it hard to stake on testnet (@denravonska) - Fixed reloading of polls in the voting GUI #431 (@skcin) - Fix crash when listing receivedby on addresses with no transactions, #456 (@denravonska). - Fix buffer overflow in TX message unscambling #468 (@tomasbrod). - Splash screen can no longer be dismissed and the UI can no longer be shown until the wallet has fully loaded #353 (@denravonska). ### Removed - Removed newbie boost #332 - Removed obsolete functionality. ## [] - 2017-07-29 ### Changed - Revised Neural Network magnitude calculation to prevent diluted magnitudes. - Cap magnitude to 32766 in NeuralNet to avoid future hash inconsistencies when packing binary superblocks. ### Fixed - Fix binary pack/unpack bug which could cause the contract to get a different hash when unpacked. - Revised Neural Network business logic rule fix inability to stake current superblock. ## [] - 2017-07-25 ### Fixed - Add artificial researcher to contract to push the average magnitude above 70. Without this the superblock is rejected by the wallet. ## [] - 2017-07-24 ### Fixed - Use UTC time instead of local time when determining file mirror filename suffix. ## [] - 2017-07-22 ### Fixed - Fix incorrect handling of 404 errors in NeuralNet. - Fix a bug causing the NeuralNet to skip Rosetta. ## [] - 2017-07-16 ### Changed - Added checkpoint (block 950000). ### Fixed - Fix neural network missing folder error. - Fix speech bug. ## [] - 2017-07-15 ### Changed - Require superblocks to be populated with more than half of the whitelisted projects. - Add subfolders to Neural Network ### Fixed - Fix neural network inability to stake superblocks. ## [] - 2017-07-04 ### Fixed - Fix neural network project gather bug related to timezones. ## [] - 2017-07-03 ### Changed - Neural Network improvements: - Don't download stats data that hasn't changed. - Use gridcoin.us as a stat mirror to reduce BOINC server loads. - Use UTC instead of local time when filtering idle CPIDs. - Only include beacons younger than 6 months when calculating mags. ### Security - Prevent untauthorized poll and vote deletions. ## [] - 2017-06-05 ### Added - Added execute unspentreport (shows proof of unspent coins in wallet). - Add RPC commands for changing debug flags: debug, debugnet, debug2, debug3, debug4, debug5, debug10. #309 (@Foggyx420). - Add support for themes via stylesheets #233 (@skcin). - Add support for OpenSSL 1.1.x #164. - BOINC data dir auto detection #242 (@3ullShark) - Add install (make install) target for UNIX systems. - Add aarch64 support #151 (@datenklause). - Add diagnostic message for if web lookup fails for cpid valid test, #175 (@fooforever). ### Changed - Wallet overview cleanup #233 (@skcin) - The main overview page is now cleaner, more structured and holds more of the recent transactions. - Displayed DPOR weight should now be accurate #233 (@skcin). - Show as many of the recent transactions as we can fit on the overview page. - Translation updates - Portuguese (Miguel Veiga) - Slovak (@tomasbrod) - Swedish (@denravonska) - Afrikaan and Spanish (@philipswift) - French (@PsiPhiTheta) - Russian (@rambinho) - Gridcoinstats is now used as block explorer #308. - Slight RAM usage reduction. - Improve beacon advertise error message #133 (@comprehendreality). - Code cleanup (@Foggyx420, @TheCharlatan). ### Fixed - Fix numerous beacon issues #344 #321 and #334 (@Foggyx420). - Fix incorrect WCG URL #323 (@3ullShark). - Fix alt key shortcut order #326 (@TheCharlatan). - Fix a bug where beacons were stored even though none were generated due to the wallet being locked #264 (@denravonska). ### Removed - Remove empty "wcgtest" RPC command. ### Security - Security enhancement (@tomasbrod) - Upgraded security on voting system - voting proof of balance and proof of magnitude. ## [] - 2017-05-15 ### Added - Implement voting functionality for Linux and OSX (@skcin). - Add man pages to doc folder #135 (@caraka). ### Changed - Windows are now resizable - Replace Windows voting dialog with the new dialog. - Update Gridcoin icon on Windows. - Enable C++11. - Update Hungarian translations (@matthew11). - Update Portuguese translations (Miguel Veiga). - Update icon set by @Peppernrino. - Update icon on OSX #193 (@coagmano). - Lossless compression of resources #227 (@Peppernrino). - Reduced memory usage by around 100MB+. - Improve UI when used with dark themes on Linux #222 (@skcin). ### Fixed - Fix OSX build issues #174 (@coagmano). - Fix occasional crashes when starting on Linux #139. - Fix freeze when clicking on the "Amount" field under Send Coins when using KDE #210. - Possible fix for invalid time check in diagnostic. ### Removed - Remove lots of dead, obsolete code. - Removed unused link dependencies: librt, boost_chrono, boost_date_time, libz and libdl.