-----start----- assert(tpt and graphics and event,'VOXELMAN requires The Powder Toy Lua API') local TEXTH = 7 local type = type local jmod = tpt.version.jacob1s_mod~=nil local manager = { versionID = 9, versionString = '0.8a', dir = 'scripts/', sdir = 'lua/', button={ x = 613, y = 120, size = 15, show = true, }, menu = { open = false, tx = false, ty = false, x = false, y = false, w = 300, h = 313, tab = 'local', toph = 12, padding = 5, }, loaded = {}, toRun = {}, online = { server = '' --no, server is not ready yet }, TPTMPSupport = true, loadVerifiedHashes = true, updateCheck = true, } local regenTabUI = true local fileRegex = '[^/\\]+$' local extRegex = '.[^.]+$' local exeName,userOS if platform then userOS = platform.platform() exeName = platform.exeName if type(exeName)=='function' then exeName = exeName() end end local function restart() if userOS=='WIN32' then while true do tpt.throw_error('Please restart game manually') end elseif not(platform) then os.exit() else platform.restart() end end manager.verifiedHashes = {} local updateCheckUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/griffi-gh/voxelman/main/LATEST' local updateDownloadUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/griffi-gh/voxelman/main/autorun.lua' local verifiedHashesUrl = 'https://pastebin.com/raw/ucag570u' local verifiedHashesReqm,updateChkReq if http then if manager.loadVerifiedHashes then verifiedHashesReq = http.get(verifiedHashesUrl) end if manager.updateCheck then updateChkReq = http.get(updateCheckUrl) end end local hash do local CRC32={0x00000000,0x77073096,0xee0e612c,0x990951ba,0x076dc419,0x706af48f,0xe963a535,0x9e6495a3,0x0edb8832,0x79dcb8a4,0xe0d5e91e,0x97d2d988,0x09b64c2b,0x7eb17cbd,0xe7b82d07,0x90bf1d91,0x1db71064,0x6ab020f2,0xf3b97148,0x84be41de,0x1adad47d,0x6ddde4eb,0xf4d4b551,0x83d385c7,0x136c9856,0x646ba8c0,0xfd62f97a,0x8a65c9ec,0x14015c4f,0x63066cd9,0xfa0f3d63,0x8d080df5,0x3b6e20c8,0x4c69105e,0xd56041e4,0xa2677172,0x3c03e4d1,0x4b04d447,0xd20d85fd,0xa50ab56b,0x35b5a8fa,0x42b2986c,0xdbbbc9d6,0xacbcf940,0x32d86ce3,0x45df5c75,0xdcd60dcf,0xabd13d59,0x26d930ac,0x51de003a,0xc8d75180,0xbfd06116,0x21b4f4b5,0x56b3c423,0xcfba9599,0xb8bda50f,0x2802b89e,0x5f058808,0xc60cd9b2,0xb10be924,0x2f6f7c87,0x58684c11,0xc1611dab,0xb6662d3d,0x76dc4190,0x01db7106,0x98d220bc,0xefd5102a,0x71b18589,0x06b6b51f,0x9fbfe4a5,0xe8b8d433,0x7807c9a2,0x0f00f934,0x9609a88e,0xe10e9818,0x7f6a0dbb,0x086d3d2d,0x91646c97,0xe6635c01,0x6b6b51f4,0x1c6c6162,0x856530d8,0xf262004e,0x6c0695ed,0x1b01a57b,0x8208f4c1,0xf50fc457,0x65b0d9c6,0x12b7e950,0x8bbeb8ea,0xfcb9887c,0x62dd1ddf,0x15da2d49,0x8cd37cf3,0xfbd44c65,0x4db26158,0x3ab551ce,0xa3bc0074,0xd4bb30e2,0x4adfa541,0x3dd895d7,0xa4d1c46d,0xd3d6f4fb,0x4369e96a,0x346ed9fc,0xad678846,0xda60b8d0,0x44042d73,0x33031de5,0xaa0a4c5f,0xdd0d7cc9,0x5005713c,0x270241aa,0xbe0b1010,0xc90c2086,0x5768b525,0x206f85b3,0xb966d409,0xce61e49f,0x5edef90e,0x29d9c998,0xb0d09822,0xc7d7a8b4,0x59b33d17,0x2eb40d81,0xb7bd5c3b,0xc0ba6cad,0xedb88320,0x9abfb3b6,0x03b6e20c,0x74b1d29a,0xead54739,0x9dd277af,0x04db2615,0x73dc1683,0xe3630b12,0x94643b84,0x0d6d6a3e,0x7a6a5aa8,0xe40ecf0b,0x9309ff9d,0x0a00ae27,0x7d079eb1,0xf00f9344,0x8708a3d2,0x1e01f268,0x6906c2fe,0xf762575d,0x806567cb,0x196c3671,0x6e6b06e7,0xfed41b76,0x89d32be0,0x10da7a5a,0x67dd4acc,0xf9b9df6f,0x8ebeeff9,0x17b7be43,0x60b08ed5,0xd6d6a3e8,0xa1d1937e,0x38d8c2c4,0x4fdff252,0xd1bb67f1,0xa6bc5767,0x3fb506dd,0x48b2364b,0xd80d2bda,0xaf0a1b4c,0x36034af6,0x41047a60,0xdf60efc3,0xa867df55,0x316e8eef,0x4669be79,0xcb61b38c,0xbc66831a,0x256fd2a0,0x5268e236,0xcc0c7795,0xbb0b4703,0x220216b9,0x5505262f,0xc5ba3bbe,0xb2bd0b28,0x2bb45a92,0x5cb36a04,0xc2d7ffa7,0xb5d0cf31,0x2cd99e8b,0x5bdeae1d,0x9b64c2b0,0xec63f226,0x756aa39c,0x026d930a,0x9c0906a9,0xeb0e363f,0x72076785,0x05005713,0x95bf4a82,0xe2b87a14,0x7bb12bae,0x0cb61b38,0x92d28e9b,0xe5d5be0d,0x7cdcefb7,0x0bdbdf21,0x86d3d2d4,0xf1d4e242,0x68ddb3f8,0x1fda836e,0x81be16cd,0xf6b9265b,0x6fb077e1,0x18b74777,0x88085ae6,0xff0f6a70,0x66063bca,0x11010b5c,0x8f659eff,0xf862ae69,0x616bffd3,0x166ccf45,0xa00ae278,0xd70dd2ee,0x4e048354,0x3903b3c2,0xa7672661,0xd06016f7,0x4969474d,0x3e6e77db,0xaed16a4a,0xd9d65adc,0x40df0b66,0x37d83bf0,0xa9bcae53,0xdebb9ec5,0x47b2cf7f,0x30b5ffe9,0xbdbdf21c,0xcabac28a,0x53b39330,0x24b4a3a6,0xbad03605,0xcdd70693,0x54de5729,0x23d967bf,0xb3667a2e,0xc4614ab8,0x5d681b02,0x2a6f2b94,0xb40bbe37,0xc30c8ea1,0x5a05df1b,0x2d02ef8d} function hash(str) local xor,lshift,rshift,band = bit.bxor,bit.lshift,bit.rshift,bit.band str = tostring(str) local count = string.len(str) local crc = 2 ^ 32 - 1 local i = 1 while count > 0 do local byte = string.byte(str, i) crc = xor(rshift(crc, 8), CRC32[xor(band(crc, 0xFF), byte) + 1]) i = i + 1 count = count - 1 end crc = xor(crc, 0xFFFFFFFF) if crc < 0 then crc = crc + 2 ^ 32 end return crc end end -- local function setchar(str,pos,r) return ("%s%s%s"):format(str:sub(1,pos-1),r,str:sub(pos+1)) end local function wordSplit(t,cc) cc = cc or 25 local n = 0 for i=1,#t do local c = t:sub(i,i) if c==' ' then if n>=cc then t = setchar(t,i,'\n') n = 0 end elseif c=='\n' then n = 0 else n = n+1 end end return t end local function textheight(str) local _,lc = str:gsub('\n','') return lc==0 and TEXTH or (TEXTH+lc*(TEXTH*1.7))+1 --bad ? end local function parts(i,s) return string.gmatch(i..s,'(.-)'..s) end local function varParse(d,sep) local t = {} local spec = { ['n'] = '\n', ['r'] = '\r', ['t'] = '\t', ['\\'] = '\\', ['"'] = '"', } d = d:gsub('\n',''):gsub('\r',''):gsub('\t','') for l in parts(d,sep or ';') do if not(l:sub(1,2)=='//') then local a = parts(l,':')() local b = l:sub(#a+2,#l) assert(not t[a],'err 1') local fv local typ do local tv local i = 1 while true do local c = b:sub(i,i) if typ then if typ=='str' then if c=='"' then fv = tv break elseif c=="\\" then i = i+1 local s = b:sub(i,i) tv = tv..(spec[s] or '\\'..s) else tv = tv..c end elseif typ=='tbl' then if c=="}" then fv = varParse(tv,',') else tv = tv..c end end elseif typ==nil then if c=='"' then typ = 'str' tv = '' elseif c=="{" then typ = 'tbl' tv = '' end end i = i+1 if i>#b then break end end if typ==nil then fv = tonumber(b) if not fv then if b:find('true') then fv = true elseif b:find('false') then fv = false elseif b:find('none') or b:find('uknown') then fv = nil end end end end t[a] = fv end end return t end local function varEncode(t,sep,tab) sep = sep or ';' local f = '' local spec = { ['\n'] = '\\n', ['\r'] = '\\r', ['\t'] = '\\t', ['\\'] = '\\\\', ['"'] = '\\"', } for i,v in pairs(t) do local vt,vs = type(v),nil if vt=='string' then vs = tostring(v) for i,v in pairs(spec) do vs = vs:gsub(i,t) end vs = string.format('"%s"',vs) elseif vt=='number' then vs = tostring(v) elseif vt=='boolean' then vs = (v and 'true' or 'false') elseif vt=='table' then vs = string.format('{\n%s\n}',varEncode(v,',',(tab or 0)+1)) else vs = 'uknown' end f = f..string.format('%s%s: %s%s\n',string.rep('\t',tab or 0),tostring(i),vs,sep) end f = f:sub(1,#f-2) return f end local function c64transfer() if fs.exists('scripts/autorunsettings.txt') then local c = tpt.confirm('Transfer your scripts from Cracker64\'s Manager?',[[ 1) Your downloaded scripts will be converted (it is recommended to re-download them) 2) Your autorun settings will be lost 3) If you want to return to Cracker64's Manager, you will have to redownload the online scripts.]]) if c then for i,v in ipairs(fs.list('scripts')) do if fs.isFile('scripts/'..v) and v:match(extRegex)=='.lua' then fs.move('scripts/'..v,'scripts/lua/'..v) end end if fs.exists('scripts/downloaded/scriptinfo') then local ar = io.open('scripts/downloaded/scriptinfo','rb'):read('*a') for p in parts(ar,'\n') do if #p>=2 then local oinf = varParse(p,',') if oinf.name~='autorun' or oinf.status=="HIDDEN" and oinf.path then local path = 'scripts/'..oinf.path:gsub('\\','/') local chk = io.open(path) if chk then chk:close() local ninf = { description = oinf.description, version = tonumber(oinf.version), name = oinf.name..' (converted)', creator = oinf.author, id = 'converted-'..oinf.name..oinf.ID, converted = true, oid = oinf.ID, run = 'main.lua' } local dir = 'scripts/'..ninf.id fs.makeDirectory(dir) fs.move(path,dir..'/main.lua') local f = io.open(dir..'/info.var','wb') assert(f,'Unable to open info.var file: f'..dir..'/info.var') f:write(varEncode(ninf)) f:close() end end end end end fs.removeFile('scripts/autorunsettings.txt') fs.removeFile('scripts/downloaded/scriptinfo') fs.removeDirectory('scripts/downloaded') end end end local function binImgSize(d) return d:byte(1),d:byte(2) end local function binImgDraw(d,x,y,s) local w,h = binImgSize(d) for py=1,h do for px=1,w do local i = 3+(((px-1)+(py-1)*h)*4) local r,g,b,a = d:byte(i,i+3) local drx,dry = (px*s)+x,(py*s)+y if a>0 then graphics.fillRect(drx,dry,s,s,r,g,b,a) end end end end local scriptMt = { run = function(self,force,noErrNotify) if not(self.running) or force then self.running = true local ok,v,fn local f = self.path..(self.single and '' or self.info.run) fn,v = loadfile(f) if fn then ok,v = pcall(fn) end if not(ok) or not(fn) then manager.pushNotification{ text=string.format("Error: %s",v), backgroundColor = {240,40,40,200}, borderColor = {100,0,0}, life = 400, fadeStart = 15, fade = true, buttons = { { text = 'Copy', action = function() if platform then platform.clipboardCopy(v) manager.pushNotification{ text = 'Copied', fade = true, fadeStart = 30, life = 60, } else tpt.input('Copy text','',v) end end }, { text = 'Dismiss', action = function(v) v.life = 10 v.fadeStart = 10 end } } } end end end } local function epth(p) --add "/" return p..(not(p:sub(#p,#p)=='/') and '/' or '') end local function xpth(p) --remove "/" return p:sub(#p,#p)=='/' and p:sub(1,#p-1) or p end local function loadScriptTmp(p) if fs.isDirectory(p) then p = epth(p) --add "/" if missing local fh = assert(io.open(p..'info.var'),'Missing info.var') local f = fh:read('*a') local ok,info = pcall(varParse,f) fh:close() assert(ok and info,'Invalid info.var') assert(info.run,'Missing variable in info.var') local t = {} info.run = info.run:gsub('/',''):gsub('\\','') if info.icon then info.icon = info.icon:gsub('/',''):gsub('\\','') local file = io.open(p..info.icon,'rb') t.icon = file:read('*a') file:close() end t.info = info t.path = p local runf = io.open(p..info.run,'rb') t.hash = hash(runf:read('*a')..string.format("!%s!%s!",info.creator,info.id)) setmetatable(t,{__index=scriptMt}) runf:close() return t else p = xpth(p) local runf = io.open(p,'rb') local rdat = runf:read('*a') runf:close() return setmetatable( { info = { name = string.match(p,fileRegex), run = string.match(p,fileRegex), id = 'luafile-'..p }, single = true, hash = hash(rdat), path = p, }, { __index=scriptMt } ) end end local function loadScript(...) local s = loadScriptTmp(...) if s then table.insert(manager.loaded,s) return s end end local function loadDirectory(f,allowSingle,allowDir) if allowDir==nil then allowDir=true end if allowSingle==nil then allowSingle=true end f = epth(f or dir) local l = fs.list(f) for i,v in ipairs(l) do local lp = f..v local isValid = ( (allowSingle and fs.isFile(lp) and (v:match(extRegex)=='.lua')) or (allowDir and fs.isDirectory(lp..'/') and fs.exists(lp..'/info.var')) ) --manager.pushNotification{text=lp..' '..(isValid and 'yes' or 'no')} if isValid then loadScript(lp) end end end local function runAll() for i,v in ipairs(manager.loaded) do if manager.toRun[v.info.id] and not(v.running) then v:run() end end end local mouseX,mouseY=0,0 local mouseDown = false local iconHover = false local menuButtons = {} local function UIbutton(x,y,w,h,text,onClick,class) return {type='button',x=x,y=y,w=w,h=h,text=text or 'Button',class=class or 'none',onClick=onClick} end local function UIcheckbox(x,y,s,checked,onClick,class) return {type='checkbox',x=x,y=y,w=s or 12,h=s or 12,on=checked,class=class or 'none',onClick=onClick} end local function UIhitbox(x,y,w,h,upd,onClick,class) return {type='nil',x=x,y=y,w=w,h=h,class=class or 'none',tick = upd,onClick=onClick} end local function UIfind(e) for i,v in ipairs(menuButtons) do if v==e then return i end end return false end local function UIadd(e) if not(UIfind(e)) then table.insert(menuButtons,e) return true else return false end end local function UIrem(e) local i = UIfind(e) if i then table.remove(menuButtons,i) return true end return false end local function UIgetClass(className) local l = { type = 'UIclassType', class = className, items = {} } for i,v in ipairs(menuButtons) do if v.class==className then table.insert(l.items,v) end end return l end local function UImoveClass(class,bx,by) if class.type=='UIclassType' then bx = bx or 0 by = by or 0 if bx==0 and by==0 then return end for i,v in ipairs(class.items) do v.x = v.x+bx v.y = v.y+by end end end local function UIupdateClass(class) if class.type=='UIclassType' then class.items = UIgetClass(class.class).items return class end end local function UIsetClassProp(class,prop,val) if class.type=='UIclassType' then for i,v in ipairs(class.items) do v.prop = val end end end local function UIdeleteClass(class) if class.type=='UIclassType' then for i,v in ipairs(class.items) do UIrem(v) end end end manager.notifications = {} local function clickNotifications(b,u) if b==1 then for i=#manager.notifications,1,-1 do local v = manager.notifications[i] if v.buttons then for i2=#v.buttons,1,-1 do local v2 = v.buttons[i2] if u==true then v2.down = false end if v2.hit then if u then if v2.action then v2.action(v,v2) end else v2.down = true end return true end end end end end end local function copyt4(a) if a then return {a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4]} else return nil end end local function tickNotifications() local x,y = 10,10 local mw,mh = 10,5 local bmw,bms,bh,bhm = 5,10,17,4 --button margin w; button h spacing; button height;button v padding local notspc = 5 for i=#manager.notifications,1,-1 do local v = manager.notifications[i] if fade and not(v.fadeStart) then v.fadeStart=v.life end local fade = math.min(1,(v.fade and v.life/v.fadeStart or 1)) local hasbuttons = (v.buttons and #v.buttons>0) local bgc = copyt4(v.backgroundColor) or {20,20,180,200}--{20,20,20,200} local brc = copyt4(v.borderColor) or {20,20,185,255}--{255,255,255,255} local txc = copyt4(v.textColor) or {255,255,255,255} local bbgc,bbrc,bbhc,bbcc if hasbuttons then bbgc = copyt4(v.buttonBackgroundColor) or {bgc[1],bgc[2],bgc[3],128} bbrc = copyt4(v.buttonBorderColor) or brc bbhc = copyt4(v.buttonHoverColor) or { math.min(255,bbgc[1]*2), math.min(255,bbgc[2]*2), math.min(255,bbgc[3]*2), 255 } bbcc = copyt4(v.buttonHoldColor) or { math.min(255,bbgc[1]*4), math.min(255,bbgc[2]*4), math.min(255,bbgc[3]*4), 255 } bbgc[4] = (bbgc[4] or 255)*fade bbrc[4] = (bbrc[4] or 255)*fade bbhc[4] = (bbhc[4] or 255)*fade bbcc[4] = (bbcc[4] or 255)*fade end bgc[4] = (bgc[4] or 255)*fade brc[4] = (brc[4] or 255)*fade txc[4] = (txc[4] or 255)*fade local buth = (hasbuttons and bh+bhm*2 or 0) local butwt = 0 if hasbuttons then for i2,v2 in ipairs(v.buttons) do butwt = butwt+tpt.textwidth(v2.text)+bmw*2 end butwt = butwt+(#v.buttons*(bms/2))+mw end local w = math.max(butwt,tpt.textwidth(v.text)+mw*2) local h = TEXTH+mh*2+buth graphics.fillRect(x,y,w,h,unpack(bgc)) graphics.drawRect(x,y,w,h,unpack(brc)) graphics.drawText(x+mw,y+mh,v.text,unpack(txc)) if hasbuttons then local bx = bms+x local by = y+mh+TEXTH+bhm*2 for i2,v2 in ipairs(v.buttons) do local t2 = v2.text local bw = tpt.textwidth(t2)+bmw*2 -- bh is static v2.hit = ( not( manager.menu.open and ( mouseX>=manager.menu.x and mouseY>=manager.menu.y and mouseX<=manager.menu.x+manager.menu.w and mouseY<=manager.menu.y+manager.menu.h ) ) and (mouseX>=bx and mouseY>=by and mouseX=0 and v.y>=0 and v.x<=manager.menu.w and v.y<=manager.menu.h and x>=manager.menu.x+v.x and y>=manager.menu.y+v.y and x<=manager.menu.x+v.x+v.w and y<=manager.menu.y+v.y+v.h ) if not(v.hit) then v.down = false end end end --[[local function postTick() event.unregister(event.tick,postTick) event.register(event.tick,postTick) end]] local function getTab(tab) for i,v in ipairs(manager.menu.tabs) do if v.id==tab then return v end end end local function assurl(url,query) local vs = '' if query then vs = vs..'?' for i,v in ipairs(query) do vs = vs..i..'='..v..'&' end vs = vs:sub(1,#vs-1) end return url..vs end local dtasks = {} local function checkAsyncTasks() for i=#dtasks,1,-1 do local v = dtasks[i] local s = v.req:status() local d = false if s=='done' then v.cb(req:finish()) d = true elseif s~='running' then v.cb(false,s) d = true elseif os.time()>math.ceil(v.start+v.timeout) then v.cb(false,timeout) d = true end if d then table.remove(dtasks,i) end end end local function downloadAsync(url,query,timeout,callback) local furl = assurl(url,query) local req = http.get(furl) table.insert(dtasks,{req=req,c=callback,timeout=timeout or 10,start=os.time()}) end local function downloadSync(url,query,timeout) timeout = timeout or 10 local furl = assurl(url,query) local req = http.get(furl) -- local time,sleep = 0,.05 while req:status()=='running' do socket.sleep(sleep) time = time+sleep if time>timeout then return false,'timeout' end end -- local s = req:status() if s=='done' then return req:finish() end return false,s end function manager.online.conntest(s) s = s or manager.online.server local res,code = downloadSync(s..'conntest') return (res=='ok' and code==200),code end do local function ass(id,s) s = s or manager.online.server return s..'scriptInfo',{id=id} end local function proc(res,code) if res and code==200 then local rp = varParse(res) if rp.type=='scriptInfo' then return rp,res end end return false end function manager.online.scriptInfo(id,s) return proc(downloadSync(ass(id,s))) end function manager.online.scriptInfoAsync(id,s,cb) local u,q = ass(st,en,s) downloadAsync(u,q,nil,function(...) cb(proc(...)) end) end end do local function ass(st,en,s) s = s or manager.online.server return s..'scriptList',{['start'] = st,['end'] = en} end local function proc(res,code) if res and code==200 then local t = {} for p in parts(res,';') do table.insert(t,p) end return t end return false,c end function manager.online.scriptList(st,en,s) return proc(downloadSync(ass(st,en,s))) end function manager.online.scriptListAsync(st,en,s,cb) local u,q = ass(st,en,s) downloadAsync(u,q,nil,function(...) cb(proc(...)) end) end end function manager.online.processScriptList(l,s) if l and #l>0 then local nl = {} for i,v in ipairs(l) do nl[i] = manager.online.scriptInfo(v,s) end return nl end return false end function manager.online.downloadScriptFile(id,file,version,s) version = version or 'latest' local res,code = downloadSync(s..'download',{id=id,file=file,version=version}) if res and code==200 then return res end end local function errorScreen(cnx,cny,cnw,cnh,errtxt) graphics.fillRect(cnx,cny,cnw,cnh,0,0,0,100) --darken bg local iconsize = 32 local centerx = cnx+cnw/2 local centery = cny+cnh/2 --math.floor(iconsize*(math.abs(math.sin(os.clock()*2))/2+.5)) fancy --[[for i=1,iconsize do local a = math.floor((1-i/iconsize)*60) graphics.fillCircle( math.floor(centerx), math.floor(centery-iconsize/2)+1, i,i,255,100,100,a ) end]] for i=1,iconsize do local a,b = math.floor(centerx-i/2),math.floor(centerx+i/2) local h = math.floor(centery-iconsize+i) graphics.drawLine(a,h,b,h,255,20,20,220) end local linew = 3 for i=1,linew do local xh = math.floor(centerx-linew/2+i) graphics.drawLine( xh,math.floor(centery-7-linew), xh,math.floor(centery-iconsize+12) ) graphics.drawLine( xh,math.floor(centery-5), xh,math.floor(centery-4-linew) ) end graphics.drawLine( math.floor(centerx-iconsize/2), math.floor(centery), math.floor(centerx), math.floor(centery-iconsize) ) graphics.drawLine( math.floor(centerx), math.floor(centery-iconsize), math.floor(centerx+iconsize/2), math.floor(centery) ) graphics.drawLine( math.floor(centerx+iconsize/2), math.floor(centery), math.floor(centerx-iconsize/2), math.floor(centery) ) graphics.drawText( math.floor(centerx-tpt.textwidth(errtxt)/2), math.floor(centery+TEXTH/2+2), errtxt ) end local function tick() if manager.updateCheck and updateChkReq then local stat = updateChkReq:status() if stat=='done' then local d,c = updateChkReq:finish() if c==200 then local v = tonumber(d) if v>manager.versionID then manager.pushNotification{ text = 'Voxelman update available!', backgroundColor = {250,170,0,200}, borderColor = {250,150,0,200}, buttonHoverColor = {255,180,10,250}, buttonHoldColor = {255,240,80,255}, buttons = { { text = 'Open GitHub page', action = function() platform.openLink("https://github.com/griffi-gh/voxelman/") end }, { text = 'Download update', action = function() local ok local req = http.get(updateDownloadUrl) repeat socket.sleep(.1) until(req:status()~='running') if req:status()=='done' then local d,c = req:finish() if c==200 then fs.copy('autorun.lua','autorun.lua.bak') local a = io.open('autorun.lua','wb') a:write(d) a:close() ok = true end end if ok==true then manager.pushNotification{ text = 'Update installed successfully; Please restart The Powder Toy' } else manager.pushNotification{ text = 'Update failed' } end end }, { text = 'Dismiss', action = function(self) self.fade = true self.fadeStart = 15 self.life = 15 end } } } end end updateChkReq = nil elseif stat=='dead' then updateChkReq = nil end end if manager.loadVerifiedHashes and verifiedHashesReq then local stat = verifiedHashesReq:status() if stat=='done' then local d = verifiedHashesReq:finish() if type(d)=='string' and #d>1 then local l = varParse(d) for i,v in pairs(l) do manager.verifiedHashes[tonumber(v)] = true end manager.pushNotification{ text = 'Verification data received', life = 60, fade = true, fadeStart = 30 } else manager.pushNotification{ text = 'Verification error 0 (Check Internet connection)', backgroundColor = {240,40,40,200}, borderColor = {100,0,0}, life = 200, fade = true, fadeStart = 30 } end verifiedHashesReq = nil elseif stat=='dead' then verifiedHashesReq = nil manager.pushNotification{ text = 'Verification error 1 (Check Internet connection)', backgroundColor = {240,40,40,200}, borderColor = {100,0,0}, life = 200, fade = true, fadeStart = 30 } end end if manager.TPTMPSupport then for i=1,2 do if TPTMP and TPTMP.chatHidden then if mup<16 then mup = mup+1 manager.button.y = manager.button.y-1 end elseif mup>0 then mup = mup-1 manager.button.y = manager.button.y+1 end end end if manager.button.show then local bx,by = manager.button.x,manager.button.y local bs = manager.button.size local c1,c2,c3 --if hovered iconHover = mouseX>bx and mouseY>by and mouseX0 then tickNotifications() end if manager.menu.open then local menu = manager.menu local mx,my,mw,mh = menu.x,menu.y,menu.w,menu.h local toph = menu.toph local tabpad = 4 local tabh,stabh = 14,16 local tabBarH = stabh+tabpad-1 graphics.fillRect(mx,my,mw,mh,0,0,0) --Bg graphics.drawRect(mx,my,mw,toph,255,255,255) --title bar graphics.drawRect(mx,my,mw,mh,255,255,255) --Border local nmx,nmy,nms = mx+4,math.floor(my+TEXTH/2),"VOXELMAN" graphics.drawText(nmx,nmy,nms) --Title text graphics.drawText(nmx+tpt.textwidth(nms)+5,nmy,manager.versionString,128,128,128,250) --version graphics.drawLine(mx,my+toph+tabBarH,mx+mw-1,my+toph+tabBarH) -- tab sep local tab = manager.menu.tab local tabt = getTab(tab) do local tabsp = 6 local x = mx+tabpad local y = my+toph+tabBarH if regenTabUI then UIdeleteClass(UIgetClass'tab') end for i,v in ipairs(manager.menu.tabs) do local s = tab==v.id local w = tpt.textwidth(v.text)+tabsp*2 local h = (s and stabh or tabh) local ay = y-h+1 local hov = mouseX>=x and mouseY>=ay and mouseX>', function() tabt.var.page = tabt.var.page+1 tabt.var.regenCardsUI = true tabt.var.regenNavUI = true end, 'local_navigation' ) if tabt.var.page>=tabt.var.pageCount then r.disabled = true end if tabt.var.page<=1 then l.disabled = true end UIadd(l) UIadd(r) end local cardh = 32 local page,onPage = tabt.var.page,tabt.var.onPage local pagestr = string.format("Page: %s/%s",page,tabt.var.pageCount) --graphics.drawText(mx+mw-toph-tpt.textwidth(pagestr)-4,my+TEXTH/2,pagestr,150,150,150) graphics.drawText(mx+(mw-tpt.textwidth(pagestr))/2,my+mh-14,pagestr,255,255,255) local ofs = (page-1)*onPage for i=1,math.min(onPage,#manager.loaded) do local ai = i+ofs local v = manager.loaded[ai] local av = manager.loaded[i] if v==nil then break end local cx = cnx local cy = cny+(menu.padding+cardh)*(i-1) local cw,ch = cnw, cardh if mouseX>=cx and mouseY>=cy and mouseXcx+trx and mouseY>cy+try and mouseXcx-ro and mouseY>cy-ro and mouseX0 and y>0 and xmanager.menu.x and y>manager.menu.y and x