=head1 LICENSE Copyright [2020] Washington University in St. Louis Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =head1 CONTACT help@pvactools.org =cut =head1 NAME Frameshift =head1 SYNOPSIS mv Frameshift.pm ~/.vep/Plugins ./vep -i variations.vcf --plugin Frameshift =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a plugin for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) that predicts the effects of a frameshift variant on the protein sequence of a transcript. It provides the predicted mutated protein sequence of a frameshift variant. Note that changes in splicing are not predicted - only the existing translateable (i.e. spliced) sequence is used as a source of translation. Any variants with a splice site consequence type are ignored. If VEP is run in offline mode using the flag --offline, a FASTA file is required. See: https://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/tools/vep/script/vep_cache.html#fasta Sequence may be incomplete without a FASTA file or database connection. This plugin is based on the Downstream plugin by Ensembl. =cut package Frameshift; use strict; use warnings; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepPlugin; use POSIX qw(ceil); use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::BaseVepPlugin); sub version { return '2.3'; } sub feature_types { return ['Transcript']; } sub variant_feature_types { return ['VariationFeature']; } sub get_header_info { return { FrameshiftSequence => "Predicted sequence for frameshift mutations", }; } sub run { my ($self, $tva) = @_; my @ocs = @{$tva->get_all_OverlapConsequences}; if(grep {$_->SO_term eq 'frameshift_variant'} @ocs) { # can't do it for splice sites return {} if grep {$_->SO_term =~ /splice/} @ocs; my $tv = $tva->transcript_variation; my $tr = $tv->transcript; my $cds_seq = defined($tr->{_variation_effect_feature_cache}) ? $tr->{_variation_effect_feature_cache}->{translateable_seq} : $tr->translateable_seq; # get the sequence to translate my ($low_pos, $high_pos) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($tv->cds_start, $tv->cds_end); my $is_insertion = $tv->cds_start > $tv->cds_end ? 1 : 0; my $last_complete_codon = (ceil($low_pos / 3) - 1) * 3; #my $before_var_seq = substr $cds_seq, $last_complete_codon, $low_pos - $last_complete_codon - ($is_insertion ? 0 : 1); my $before_var_seq = substr $cds_seq, 0, $low_pos - ($is_insertion ? 0 : 1); my $after_var_seq = substr $cds_seq, $high_pos - ($is_insertion ? 1 : 0); my $to_translate = $before_var_seq.$tva->feature_seq.$after_var_seq; my $three_prime_utr_seq = $tr->three_prime_utr->seq() if ($tr->three_prime_utr); $to_translate = $to_translate.$three_prime_utr_seq if ($three_prime_utr_seq); $to_translate =~ s/\-//g; # create a bioperl object my $codon_seq = Bio::Seq->new( -seq => $to_translate, -moltype => 'dna', -alphabet => 'dna' ); # get codon table my $codon_table; if(defined($tr->{_variation_effect_feature_cache})) { $codon_table = $tr->{_variation_effect_feature_cache}->{codon_table} || 1; } else { my ($attrib) = @{$tr->slice->get_all_Attributes('codon_table')}; $codon_table = $attrib ? $attrib->value || 1 : 1; } # translate my $new_pep = $codon_seq->translate(undef, undef, undef, $codon_table)->seq(); $new_pep =~ s/\*.*//; # compare lengths my $translation = defined($tr->{_variation_effect_feature_cache}) && defined($tr->{_variation_effect_feature_cache}->{peptide}) ? $tr->{_variation_effect_feature_cache}->{peptide} : $tr->translation->seq; my $new_length = ($tv->translation_start < $tv->translation_end ? $tv->translation_start : $tv->translation_end) + length($new_pep); return { FrameshiftSequence => $new_pep, #ProteinLengthChange => $new_length - length($translation), }; } return {}; } 1;