{ "name": "into-fey-lands", "title": "Into the Fey Lands (5e)", "description": "Introduce enchanting fey creations into your D&D campaigns.", "version": "11.0.0", "author": "Grimpress", "minimumCoreVersion": "0.8.6", "compatibleCoreVersion": "11", "packs": [ { "name": "fey-lands-archetypes", "label": "Into the Fey Lands - Archetypes", "path": "./packs/archetypes.db", "entity": "Actor", "type": "Item" }, { "name": "fey-lands-ancestries", "label": "Into the Fey Lands - Ancestries", "path": "./packs/ancestries.db", "entity": "Item", "type": "Item" }, { "name": "fey-lands-ancestries-features", "label": "Into the Fey Lands - Ancestries Features", "path": "./packs/ancestriesfeatures.db", "entity": "Item", "type": "Item" }, { "name": "fey-lands-items", "label": "Into the Fey Lands - Items", "path": "./packs/items.db", "entity": "Item", "type": "Item" }, { "name": "fey-lands-scenes", "label": "Into the Fey Lands - Scenes", "path": "./packs/scenes.db", "entity": "Scene", "type": "Scene" }, { "name": "fey-lands-journal-entries", "label": "Into the Fey Lands - Journal Entries", "path": "./packs/journal-entries.db", "entity": "JournalEntry", "type": "JournalEntry" }, { "name": "fey-lands-class-features", "label": "Into the Fey Lands - Class Features", "path": "./packs/class-features.db", "entity": "Item", "type": "Item" }, { "name": "fey-lands-roll-tables", "label": "Into the Fey Lands - Roll Tables", "path": "./packs/roll-tables.db", "entity": "RollTable", "type": "RollTable" }, { "name": "fey-lands-spells", "label": "Into the Fey Lands - Spells", "path": "./packs/spells.db", "entity": "Item", "type": "Item" } ], "relationships": { "systems": [{"id": "dnd5e"}] }, "manifest": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grimpress/modules/main/into-fey-lands/module.json", "release":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grimpress/modules/main/into-fey-lands/module.json", "protected": true }