tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 data_types: tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageIOConfig: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root properties: storage_provider: type: string required: true path: type: string required: true suffix: type: string required: false prefix: type: string required: false tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageProviders: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root properties: minio: type: map entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageMinIOProvider required: false s3: type: map entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageS3Provider required: false onedata: type: map entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageOnedataProvider required: false tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageS3Provider: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root properties: access_key: type: string required: true secret_key: type: string required: true region: type: string required: true tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageOnedataProvider: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root properties: oneprovider_host: type: string required: true token: type: string required: true space: type: string required: true tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageMinIOProvider: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageS3Provider properties: endpoint: type: string required: true verify: type: boolean required: false default: false tosca.datatypes.indigo.AnsibleTask: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: he Tosca AnsibleTask type is a complex TOSCA data Type used when describing a single Ansible task. properties: state: description: the state returned by Ansiible (ok, failed, skipped, ...) type: string output: description: the output (if available) returned by the Ansible task. type: string tosca.datatypes.indigo.CtxtTask: derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root description: The Tosca CtxtTask type is a complex TOSCA data Type used when describing the outputs of the ansible contextualization process. properties: tasks: type: map description: The tasks map contains the tasks made by the ctxt agent entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.indigo.AnsibleTask derived_from: properties: remote_cidr: description: CIDR of the remote allowed IPs. type: string required: no capability_types: tosca.capabilities.indigo.OperatingSystem: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.OperatingSystem properties: gpu_driver: type: boolean required: no cuda_support: type: boolean required: no cuda_min_version: type: string required: no cuDNN_version: type: string required: no image: type: string required: no credential: type: tosca.datatypes.Credential required: no vo: type: string required: no tosca.capabilities.indigo.Scalable: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Scalable properties: min_instances: type: integer default: 1 required: no max_instances: type: integer default: 1 required: no count: type: integer description: the number of resources required: no default: 1 removal_list: type: list description: list of IDs of the resources to be removed required: no entry_schema: type: string tosca.capabilities.indigo.Container: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Container properties: preemtible_instance: type: boolean required: no instance_type: type: string required: no num_gpus: type: integer required: false gpu_vendor: type: string required: false gpu_model: type: string required: false sgx: type: boolean required: no sgx_epc_size: type: scalar-unit.size required: no disk_type: type: string required: no tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Container properties: type: type: string required: true constraints: - valid_values: [ local, torque, slurm, sge, condor, mesos, kubernetes, nomad ] tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Torque: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS properties: type: type: string required: true default: torque constraints: - equal: torque tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Slurm: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS properties: type: type: string required: true default: slurm constraints: - equal: slurm tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.HTCondor: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS properties: type: type: string required: true default: htcondor constraints: - equal: htcondor tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Kubernetes: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS properties: type: type: string required: true default: kubernetes constraints: - equal: kubernetes tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Local: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS properties: type: type: string required: true default: local constraints: - equal: local tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Mesos: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS properties: type: type: string required: true default: mesos constraints: - equal: mesos tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Nomad: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS properties: type: type: string required: true default: nomad constraints: - equal: nomad tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint: derived_from: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint properties: dns_name: description: The optional name to register with DNS type: string required: false additional_dns_names: description: An optional list of DNS names to register to this endpoint type: list entry_schema: type: string required: false private_ip: description: Flag used to specify that this endpoint will require also a private IP although it is a public one. type: boolean required: false default: true ports: type: map description: The optional map of ports the Endpoint supports (if more than one). required: false constraints: - min_length: 1 entry_schema: type: additional_ip: description: The optional additional IP to set to the endpoint type: string required: false attributes: credential: type: list entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.Credential artifact_types: tosca.artifacts.Implementation.YAML: derived_from: tosca.artifacts.Implementation description: YAML Ansible recipe artifact mime_type: text/yaml file_ext: [ yaml, yml ] tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role: derived_from: tosca.artifacts.Root description: Ansible Galaxy role to be deployed in the target node tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.collection: derived_from: tosca.artifacts.Root description: Ansible Galaxy collection to be installed in the target node relationship_types: tosca.relationships.indigo.Manages: derived_from: tosca.relationships.Root tosca.relationships.indigo.AttachesTo: derived_from: tosca.relationships.AttachesTo properties: fs_type: type: string required: false default: node_types: tosca.nodes.indigo.Compute: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Compute attributes: private_address: type: list entry_schema: type: string public_address: type: list entry_schema: type: string ctxt_log: type: string ansible_output: type: map entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.indigo.CtxtTask properties: os_users: type: list description: Users creation entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.indigo.User default: [] required: false tags: type: map description: Map of tags to associate to the Compute instance entry_schema: type: string default: {} required: false instance_name: type: string description: Name to set the cloud instance associated to this Compute default: '' required: false capabilities: scalable: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Scalable os: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.OperatingSystem endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint host: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Container valid_source_types: [tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent] tosca.nodes.ec3.Application: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent capabilities: endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint tosca.nodes.ec3.ElasticCluster: derived_from: tosca.nodes.ec3.Application properties: secret_token: type: string description: Token to access CLUES web interface default: not_very_secret_token required: false powermanager_plugin: type: string description: Plugin that will manage the VMs (indigo_orchestrator or im) default: indigo_orchestrator required: false im_auth: type: string description: IM auth data default: "" required: false config_options: type: list entry_schema: type: map description: CLUES config options default: - { section: 'scheduling', option: 'IDLE_TIME', value: '1800' } - { section: 'scheduling', option: 'RECONSIDER_JOB_TIME', value: '120' } - { section: 'monitoring', option: 'MAX_WAIT_POWERON', value: '3000' } - { section: 'monitoring', option: 'MAX_WAIT_POWEROFF', value: '600' } - { section: 'monitoring', option: 'PERIOD_LIFECYCLE', value: '10' } - { section: 'monitoring', option: 'PERIOD_MONITORING_NODES', value: '2' } - { section: 'client', option: 'CLUES_REQUEST_WAIT_TIMEOUT', value: '3000' } required: false kube_token: type: string description: Kubernetes admoin token default: "" required: false kube_wn_cpus: type: integer description: Kubernetes WNs CPUs default: 2 required: false kube_wn_mem: type: scalar-unit.size description: Kubernetes WNs Memory default: 4 GB required: false artifacts: clues_role: file: grycap.clues type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role im_role: file: type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: create: implementation: inputs: clues_secret_token: { get_property: [ SELF, secret_token ] } clues_queue_system: { get_property: [ SELF, lrms, type ] } max_number_of_nodes: { get_property: [ SELF, wn, max_instances] } clues_powermanager_plugin: { get_property: [ SELF, powermanager_plugin] } auth: { get_property: [ SELF, im_auth] } clues_git_branch: im_rest clues_config_options: { get_property: [ SELF, config_options] } clues_kube_token: { get_property: [ SELF, kube_token] } KUBERNETES_NODE_MEMORY: { get_property: [ SELF, kube_wn_mem ] } KUBERNETES_NODE_SLOTS: { get_property: [ SELF, kube_wn_cpus ] } requirements: - wn: capability: tosca.capabilities.Scalable node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode relationship: tosca.relationships.indigo.Manages - lrms: capability: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: front_end_ip: type: string description: IP of the Front-End node required: true public_front_end_ip: type: string description: Public IP of the Front-End node required: false default: '' capabilities: wn: type: tosca.capabilities.Scalable valid_source_types: [tosca.nodes.indigo.ElasticCluster] requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.Compute relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: wn_ips: type: list entry_schema: type: string description: List of IPs of the WNs required: false default: [] capabilities: lrms: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.Compute relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Local: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd capabilities: lrms: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Local tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode.Kubernetes: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode properties: version: required: no type: string default: "1.18.8" nvidia_support: required: no type: boolean default: false cri_runtime: required: no type: string default: "docker" constraints: - valid_values: [ docker, containerd ] artifacts: kube_role: file: grycap.kubernetes type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: kube_front_end_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, front_end_ip ] } kube_version: { get_property: [ SELF, version ] } kube_nvidia_support: { get_property: [ SELF, nvidia_support ] } kube_cri_runtime: { get_property: [ SELF, cri_runtime ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Kubernetes: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd properties: admin_username: required: no type: string default: kubeuser admin_token: required: no type: string value: some_insecure_token install_kubeapps: required: no type: boolean default: false install_metrics: required: no type: boolean default: true install_nfs_client: required: no type: boolean default: true nfs_client_path: required: no type: string default: '/pv' install_ingress: required: no type: boolean default: true install_dashboard: required: no type: boolean default: true install_yunikorn: required: no type: boolean default: false version: required: no type: string default: "1.18.8" nvidia_support: required: no type: boolean default: false cert_manager: required: no type: boolean default: false cert_user_email: required: no type: string default: "" public_dns_name: required: no type: string default: "" cert_manager_challenge: required: no type: string default: "http01" cert_manager_challenge_dns01_domain: required: no type: string default: "" cert_manager_challenge_dns01_ak: required: no type: string default: "" cert_manager_challenge_dns01_sk: required: no type: string default: "" cert_manager_wildcard_cert_dns_name: required: no type: string default: "" cri_runtime: required: no type: string default: "docker" constraints: - valid_values: [ docker, containerd ] artifacts: kube_role: file: grycap.kubernetes type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role capabilities: lrms: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Kubernetes endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint host: type: tosca.capabilities.Container valid_source_types: [ tosca.nodes.indigo.Helm.Chart ] interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: kube_front_end_ip: { get_attribute: [ HOST, private_address, 0 ] } kube_admin_username: { get_property: [ SELF, admin_username ] } kube_admin_token: { get_property: [ SELF, admin_token ] } kube_install_kubeapps: { get_property: [ SELF, install_kubeapps ] } kube_install_metrics: { get_property: [ SELF, install_metrics ] } kube_install_nfs_client: { get_property: [ SELF, install_nfs_client ] } kube_nfs_path: { get_property: [ SELF, nfs_client_path ] } kube_install_ingress: { get_property: [ SELF, install_ingress ] } kube_version: { get_property: [ SELF, version ] } kube_nvidia_support: { get_property: [ SELF, nvidia_support ] } kube_cert_manager: { get_property: [ SELF, cert_manager ] } kube_cert_user_email: { get_property: [ SELF, cert_user_email ] } kube_public_dns_name: { get_property: [ SELF, public_dns_name ] } kube_cert_manager_challenge: { get_property: [ SELF, cert_manager_challenge ] } kube_cert_manager_challenge_dns01_domain: { get_property: [ SELF, cert_manager_challenge_dns01_domain ] } kube_cert_manager_challenge_dns01_ak: { get_property: [ SELF, cert_manager_challenge_dns01_ak ] } kube_cert_manager_challenge_dns01_sk: { get_property: [ SELF, cert_manager_challenge_dns01_sk ] } kube_cert_manager_wildcard_cert_dns_name: { get_property: [ SELF, cert_manager_wildcard_cert_dns_name ] } kube_cri_runtime: { get_property: [ SELF, cri_runtime ] } kube_install_yunikorn: { get_property: [ SELF, install_yunikorn ] } kube_deploy_dashboard: { get_property: [ SELF, install_dashboard ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode.Slurm: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode properties: nfs: type: boolean description: Install and mount NFS required: false default: true artifacts: slurm_role: file: grycap.slurm type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: slurm_front_end_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, front_end_ip ] } slurm_public_front_end_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, public_front_end_ip ] } slurm_nfs: { get_property: [ SELF, nfs ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Slurm: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd properties: nfs: type: boolean description: Install and mount NFS required: false default: true wn_num: type: integer description: Number of WNs required: false default: -1 artifacts: slurm_role: file: grycap.slurm type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role capabilities: lrms: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Slurm interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: wn_num: { get_property: [ SELF, wn_num ] } wn_ips: { get_property: [ SELF, wn_ips ] } front_end_ip: { get_attribute: [ HOST, private_address, 0 ] } max_number_of_nodes: { get_property: [ wn_node, wn, max_instances] } slurm_nfs: { get_property: [ SELF, nfs ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode.HTCondor: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode properties: nfs: type: boolean description: Install and mount NFS required: false default: true htcondor_password: type: string description: Store HTCondor credentials required: true default: changeme artifacts: posix_collection: file: ansible.posix type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.collection htcondor_role: file: grycap.htcondor type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: htcondor_front_end_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, front_end_ip ] } htcondor_public_front_end_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, public_front_end_ip ] } htcondor_nfs: { get_property: [ SELF, nfs ] } htcondor_password: { get_property: [ SELF, htcondor_password ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.HTCondor: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd properties: nfs: type: boolean description: Install and mount NFS required: false default: true htcondor_password: type: string description: Store HTCondor credentials required: true default: changeme wn_num: type: integer description: Number of WNs required: false default: -1 artifacts: posix_collection: file: ansible.posix type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.collection htcondor_role: file: grycap.htcondor type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role capabilities: lrms: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.HTCondor interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: front_end_ip: { get_attribute: [ HOST, private_address, 0 ] } htcondor_nfs: { get_property: [ SELF, nfs ] } htcondor_password: { get_property: [ SELF, htcondor_password ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.GalaxyPortal: derived_from: tosca.nodes.WebServer properties: admin_email: type: string description: email of the admin user default: required: false admin_password: type: string description: Password of the admin user default: adminpass required: false requirements: - lrms: capability: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn capabilities: endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint artifacts: nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role galaxy_role: file: grycap.galaxy type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: galaxy_admin: { get_property: [ SELF, admin_email ] } galaxy_admin_password: { get_property: [ SELF, admin_password ] } galaxy_lrms: { get_property: [ SELF, lrms, type ] } galaxy_server_name: { get_attribute: [ HOST, private_address, 0 ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.GalaxyWN: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: front_end_ip: type: string description: IP of the Front-End node required: true artifacts: nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role galaxy_role: file: grycap.galaxy type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.Compute relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: galaxy_front_end_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, front_end_ip ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.Pulsar: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: mq_user: type: string description: User name for the message queue required: true mq_password: type: string description: Password for the message queue required: true requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.Compute relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn - lrms: capability: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: pulsar_user: { get_property: [ SELF, mq_user ] } pulsar_password: { get_property: [ SELF, mq_password ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode.Mesos: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode properties: principal: type: string description: Mesos principal required: false default: mesosPrinc secret: type: string description: Mesos Secret required: false default: mesosSecr artifacts: mesos_role: file: grycap.mesos type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: mesos_front_private_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, front_end_ip ] } mesos_principal: { get_property: [ SELF, principal] } mesos_secret: { get_property: [ SELF, secret] } tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Mesos: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd properties: principal: type: string description: Mesos principal required: false default: mesosPrinc secret: type: string description: Mesos Secret required: false default: mesosSecr marathon_username: type: string description: Marathon username required: false default: admin marathon_password: type: string description: Marathon password required: false default: "secret!" chronos_username: type: string description: Chronos username required: false default: admin chronos_password: type: string description: Chronos password required: false default: "secret!" artifacts: mesos_role: file: grycap.mesos type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role marathon_role: file: grycap.marathon type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role chronos_role: file: grycap.chronos type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role capabilities: lrms: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Mesos endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: mesos_principal: { get_property: [ SELF, principal] } mesos_secret: { get_property: [ SELF, secret] } marathon_username: { get_property: [ SELF, marathon_username] } marathon_password: { get_property: [ SELF, marathon_password] } chronos_username: { get_property: [ SELF, chronos_username] } chronos_password: { get_property: [ SELF, chronos_password] } tosca.nodes.indigo.OSCAR: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: minio_secretkey: type: string description: Secret key to access Minio required: false default: minio123 constraints: - min_length: 8 password: type: string description: OSCAR password for basic auth required: false default: oscar123 dns_host: type: string description: DNS hostname for the ingress required: false default: "''" minio_dns_host: type: string description: DNS hostname for the minio ingress required: false default: "''" minio_dns_host_console: type: string description: DNS hostname for the minio console ingress required: false default: "''" cert_manager_issuer: type: string description: Cert-manager issuer to automatically assign TLS certificates required: false default: "letsencrypt-prod" oidc_enable: type: boolean description: Parameter to enable OpenID Connect support required: false default: false yunikorn_enable: type: boolean description: Parameter to enable Apache YuniKorn support required: false default: false oidc_subject: type: string description: OpenID Connect Subject (user identifier) required: false default: "letsencrypt-prod" oidc_groups: type: list entry_schema: type: string description: OpenID group list to grant access in the cluster. required: false default: [] artifacts: minio_role: file: grycap.kubeminio type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role oscar_role: file: grycap.kubeoscar type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role kubefaas_role: file: grycap.kubefaas type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role capabilities: endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint host: type: tosca.capabilities.Container valid_source_types: [ tosca.nodes.aisprint.FaaS.Function] interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: oscar_minio_secretkey: { get_property: [ SELF, minio_secretkey ] } oscar_password: { get_property: [ SELF, password ] } cert_manager_issuer: { get_property: [ SELF, cert_manager_issuer ] } dns_host: { get_property: [ SELF, dns_host ] } minio_dns_host: { get_property: [ SELF, minio_dns_host ] } minio_dns_host_console: { get_property: [ SELF, minio_dns_host_console ] } oidc_enable: { get_property: [ SELF, oidc_enable ] } oidc_subject: { get_property: [ SELF, oidc_subject ] } oidc_groups: { get_property: [ SELF, oidc_groups ] } yunikorn_enable: { get_property: [ SELF, yunikorn_enable ] } requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Kubernetes relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn tosca.nodes.indigo.OphidiaServer: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: io_ips: type: list entry_schema: type: string description: List of IPs of the Ophidia IO nodes required: false default: [] artifacts: ophidia_role: file: OphidiaBigData.ophidia-cluster type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role slurm_role: file: grycap.slurm type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: ophidia_io_ips: { get_property: [ SELF, io_ips ] } ophidia_server_ip: { get_attribute: [ HOST, private_address, 0 ] } ophidia_server_public_ip: { get_attribute: [ HOST, public_address, 0 ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.OphidiaIO: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: server_ip: type: string description: IP of the OphidiaServer node required: true server_public_ip: type: string description: Public IP of the OphidiaServer node required: true artifacts: ophidia_role: file: OphidiaBigData.ophidia-cluster type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role slurm_role: file: grycap.slurm type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: ophidia_server_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, server_ip ] } ophidia_server_public_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, server_public_ip ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.OneProvider: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: contact_email: type: string description: Contact Email required: false default: name: type: string description: Name of the provider required: true subdomain_onezone: type: string description: DNS onezone subdomain required: true registration_token: type: string description: DataHub registration token. Get it from -> Clusters -> (+) Add a new Oneprovider Cluster (One single use) required: true onezone_api_key: type: string description: DataHub API Key. Get it from -> Tokens. required: true oneplanel_emergency_passphrase: type: string description: oneplanel_emergency_passphrase required: true spaces: type: list entry_schema: type: map description: "List of spaces to be added to the provider (Each item with: id, name and size in Bytes)" required: true domain_onezone: type: string description: Set the domain of the OneZone required: false default: # Set EGI DataHub onezone namespace: type: string description: Set the namespace required: false default: production geo_position: type: list description: Longitud and latitude of the geoposition of the provider required: no entry_schema: type: float # constraints: # - max_length: 2 # - min_length: 2 default: [39.46975, -0.37739] version: type: string description: Version/Tag of the docker images of the OneProvider required: false default: "19.02.1" artifacts: nfs_role: file: grycap.nfs,nfs4 type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role capabilities: endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Kubernetes relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: onedata_contact_email: { get_property: [ SELF, contact_email ] } onedata_name: { get_property: [ SELF, name ] } onedata_subdomain_onezone: { get_property: [ SELF, subdomain_onezone ] } onedata_registration_token: { get_property: [ SELF, registration_token ] } onedata_onezone_api_key: { get_property: [ SELF, onezone_api_key ] } oneplanel_emergency_passphrase: { get_property: [ SELF, oneplanel_emergency_passphrase ] } onedata_spaces: { get_property: [ SELF, spaces ] } onedata_domain_onezone: { get_property: [ SELF, domain_onezone ] } onedata_namespace: { get_property: [ SELF, namespace ] } onedata_geo_position: { get_property: [ SELF, geo_position ] } onedata_version: { get_property: [ SELF, version ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.OneDataStorage: derived_from: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage properties: size: # to overwrite BlockStorage size property to set it as not required type: scalar-unit.size required: false oneprovider_host: type: list entry_schema: type: string required: false onezone_endpoint: type: string required: false dataspace: type: list entry_schema: type: string required: false credential: type: tosca.datatypes.Credential required: true tosca.nodes.indigo.HadoopMaster: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent artifacts: hadoop_role: file: grycap.hadoop type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: hadoop_master_ip: { get_attribute: [ HOST, private_address, 0 ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.HadoopSlave: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: master_ip: required: yes type: string artifacts: hadoop_role: file: grycap.hadoop type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: hadoop_master_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, master_ip ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.GlusterFSVolume: derived_from: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage properties: size: # to overwrite BlockStorage size property to set it as not required type: scalar-unit.size required: false wn_ips: type: list entry_schema: type: string description: List of IPs of the GlusteFS nodes (WNs) required: false default: [] fe_ip: type: list entry_schema: type: string description: IP of the GlusteFS nodes (FE) required: false default: [] brick_dir: type: string description: Set the gluster brid dir required: true default: /data brick_name: type: string description: Set the gluster brid name required: false default: brick_name replicas: type: integer description: Numner of replicas required: false default: 2 options: type: map entry_schema: type: string description: A dictionary/hash with options/settings for the volume. required: false default: {} tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Storm: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd properties: version: required: no type: string default: "2.2.0" zk_version: required: no type: string default: "3.6.2" artifacts: storm_role: file: grycap.storm type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: storm_version: { get_property: [ SELF, version ] } zk_version: { get_property: [ SELF, zk_version ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode.Storm: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode properties: num_supervisors: required: no type: integer description: the number of supervisors in this WN default: 1 version: required: no type: string default: "2.2.0" artifacts: storm_role: file: grycap.storm type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: storm_front_end_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, front_end_ip ] } storm_version: { get_property: [ SELF, version ] } num_supervisors: { get_property: [ SELF, num_supervisors ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Nomad: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd artifacts: nomad_role: file: grycap.nomad type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role consul_role: file: grycap.consul type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role capabilities: lrms: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.LRMS.Nomad endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode.Nomad: derived_from: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.WorkerNode artifacts: nomad_role: file: grycap.nomad type: tosca.artifacts.AnsibleGalaxy.role interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: nomad_server_ip: { get_property: [ SELF, front_end_ip ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.Helm.Chart: derived_from: tosca.nodes.ec3.Application properties: chart_url: type: string description: The Helm chat file url required: false default: "" repository_name: type: string description: The Helm repository name required: false default: "" repository_url: type: string description: The Helm repository URL required: false default: "" name: type: string description: The chart name required: true version: type: string description: The chart version required: false default: latest namespace: type: string description: The Helm namespace required: false values: type: map description: A dictionary/hash of values. required: false entry_schema: description: The values to use type: string default: {} values_file: type: string description: Contents of the values file required: false default: "" capabilities: endpoint: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Endpoint requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Kubernetes relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: helm_repo_name: { get_property: [ SELF, repository_name ] } helm_repo_url: { get_property: [ SELF, repository_url ] } helm_app_name: { get_property: [ SELF, name ] } helm_version: { get_property: [ SELF, version ] } helm_values: { get_property: [ SELF, values ] } helm_namespace: { get_property: [ SELF, namespace ] } helm_values_file: { get_property: [ SELF, values_file ] } helm_chart_url: { get_property: [ SELF, chart_url ] } tosca.nodes.ec3.DNSRegistry: derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent properties: record_name: type: string description: The name of the record to add in the domain required: true domain_name: type: string description: Domain name to register the record required: false default: "" dns_service: type: string description: DNS service name to use required: false default: Route53 dns_service_credentials: type: tosca.datatypes.Credential description: Credentials neede to access the DNS service required: false requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Kubernetes relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: record_name: { get_property: [ SELF, record_name ] } domain_name: { get_property: [ SELF, domain_name ] } dns_service: { get_property: [ SELF, dns_service ] } dns_service_credentials: { get_property: [ SELF, dns_service_credentials ] } ip_address: { get_attribute: [ HOST, public_address, 0 ] } derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root properties: host: type: string description: The dns name or IP of the Ansible host required: true credential: type: tosca.datatypes.Credential description: SSH credentials to access Ansible host required: true derived_from: properties: proxy_host: type: string required: false proxy_credential: type: tosca.datatypes.Credential required: false tosca.nodes.indigo.KubernetesObject: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root properties: spec: type: string description: The YAML description of the K8s object required: true requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Kubernetes relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: k8s_spec: { get_property: [ SELF, spec ] } derived_from: properties: dns_name: description: The optional name to register with DNS type: string required: false additional_dns_names: description: An optional list of DNS names to register to this port type: list entry_schema: type: string required: false additional_ip: description: The optional additional IP to set to the endpoint type: string required: false tosca.nodes.aisprint.FaaS.Function: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root attributes: endpoint: type: string credential: type: tosca.datatypes.Credential properties: name: type: string required: true memory: type: string required: true cpu: type: float required: false default: 1.0 enable_gpu: type: boolean required: false default: false enable_sgx: type: boolean required: false default: false exposed: type: map entry_schema: type: string default: {} required: false image: type: string required: true script: type: string required: true alpine: type: boolean required: false default: false env_variables: type: map entry_schema: type: string default: {} required: false input: type: list entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageIOConfig default: [] required: false output: type: list entry_schema: type: tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageIOConfig default: [] required: false storage_providers: type: tosca.datatypes.oscar.StorageProviders required: false image_pull_secrets: type: list entry_schema: type: string default: [] required: false requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn node: tosca.nodes.indigo.OSCAR occurrences: [0, 1] capabilities: scalable: type: tosca.capabilities.indigo.Scalable tosca.nodes.indigo.AnsibleRecipe: derived_from: tosca.nodes.ec3.Application properties: tasks: type: list entry_schema: type: map description: The YAML Ansible task list required: true default: [] interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: ansible_tasks: { get_property: [ SELF, tasks ] } ansible_name: { get_attribute: [ SELF, tosca_name ] } tosca.nodes.indigo.KubernetesSecretRegistry: derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root properties: name: type: string description: Name of the secret required: true namespace: type: string description: Namespace of the secret required: false default: default server: type: string description: Docker Registry FQDN required: true username: type: string description: Docker registry username required: true password: type: string description: Docker registry password required: true email: type: string description: Docker registry email required: false default: "" requirements: - host: capability: tosca.capabilities.Container node: tosca.nodes.indigo.LRMS.FrontEnd.Kubernetes relationship: tosca.relationships.HostedOn interfaces: Standard: configure: implementation: inputs: k8s_secret_name: { get_property: [ SELF, name ] } k8s_secret_namespace: { get_property: [ SELF, namespace ] } k8s_secret_server: { get_property: [ SELF, server ] } k8s_secret_username: { get_property: [ SELF, username ] } k8s_secret_password: { get_property: [ SELF, password ] } k8s_secret_email: { get_property: [ SELF, email ] } policy_types: tosca.policies.indigo.Placement: derived_from: tosca.policies.Placement properties: cloud_id: required: true type: string availability_zone: required: false type: string default: